This post will be updated & added to throughout the morning.
- Scroll down for Nomination Talk Between Chelsia, James & Joshuah.
- Goodbye Bro-mance
- Trivia since 11:38am - Possible Food Comp in Play.
- Still Trivia @ 12:50pm BBT
*Do the New Quickie Poll on the right!
8:33am BBT
The feeds cut to flames and returned 3 minutes later with some groggy HGs doing their morning bathroom routine, as well as some still in bed.
Chelsia's aleady come down from the HoH to the main bathroom, and is talking with Ryan and Sheila about last night. Ryan's telling her about how James was completely passed out on the massage table. They're also discussing how BB told them there'll be a comp today. They think it's food, but all BB told them was there's a comp and to get a good night's sleep.
BB: The Bedroom Lights must remain on during the day.
And so it begins. Nominations and a comp today.
8:40am BBT
Joshua enters the bathroom.
Joshuah: He was completely passed out.
Chelsia: Yeah I came down at 4:30. I woke up and I was like, where the F is James?
Chelsia: The lady came on when we woke up this morning around 5 and told us, "I just want to tell you guys it's gonna be an early morning. We told the other houseguests earlier." I'm all, 'you can say it... when we were passed out.'
Alex: I think it's gonna be a food comp.
Joshuah: Did they not tell you anything.
Chelsia: Nothin'.
Alex: They came on the speakers last night, and they were like, can you guys go check on James? We tried to move him, and he was just dead weight. Dead weight...
HoH Bedroom
8:45am BBT
Talking about how messed up they got last night.
James: Are they all pissed?
Chelsia: Um, I don't know. They're not acting pissed, but when I came down they were like, oh, ok, HoH doesn't know what's sh*t. Just go get drunk now.
James: Aw F them. Alex knows he's goin' on the block.
Chelsia: Just.. be careful.
9am Bathroom
Sharon, Allison, Sheila and Natalie
Still getting ready and talking about the comp to come. They're all pretty sure it's gonna be a messy one. Also discussing the lack of cold water for 3 days, and they have decent attitudes about it - "it's like camping," but they wish they'd forgone the hot food instead, and they feel as though they were tricked.
BB: Attention Houseguests. There are fresh batteries in the Storage Room.

Everyone's preparing breakfast, drinking coffee from bowls. James is feeling extremely hung-over. The HGs asked about their Margarita party, and the DR told them "not for a few days."
After James passing out last night, I'm glad someone's exercising a little good judgment.
9:20am BBT
BB: James, please go to the Diary Room.
Alex: OK, now that you're sober. Can we talk?
Matt: How they gonna make me go to the diary room when I first wake up?
Alex: They did the same thing to me. Asked me 1 question.
Talk moves back to speculating about the upcoming comp.
Back in the bathroom, Matt gives Chelsia a hug from behind, smells her hair and tells her it smells like puke.

9:37am BBT
Dining Room
Matt: You're lucky.. we were gonna shave you're mohawk last night.
James: You shoulda' f'in done it.
Matt: We felt bad though. You were like comatose.
James: I woulda like, plucked my eyebrows.
Matt: We were gonna do something. We were gonna getcha good. Mustache mondays... draw a dick on your face...
The move on to talking about the scale, and how every time they step on it, it says something different.
James and Chelsia
James: You think we should make an alliance now? Someone that wont be on the block with us? I dont know because next week its going to be 2 couples voting.
Chelsia: Someone that wouldn't be on the block with us would be Amanda and Alex or Matty and Natty. and I don't want to make an alliance with either one of them I dont trust them one bit.
James: I was drunk. So I didn't wanna tell him I was putting him up, or even thinking about it, so I think I said, yeah, I might put up Sharon or whatever, and he went to Joshuah and said that I was putting him up.
Chelsia: This is a no talking game.
James: I was drunk. But then at the same time, Adam was talking about , "yeah, y'know, you could backdoor Matty" or what not, and that makes me wonder if he went to Matty and said that's what we were doing.
Chelsia: Don't Tell Anybody What We're Doing. I'm not even telling Joshuah.
James: ...like we're setting people up against each other. Ya know.
Chelsia: We have to tell everybody that we made out.
James: I didn't say anything.
Chelsia: Yes you did.
James: I didn't like it anyways.. you're breath smelled like cigarettes. I can't believe you smoked last night. Oh dude.. you know they're gonna throw that in there too.
Chelsia: What?
James: Just the covers over your body.. They're gonna extend it.. Someone'll come in here and open the condom pack. You're F'd.
10:40am BBT
Josh comes up to HoH... Implicates Adam and Sheila, trying to get them nominated.
James: We got played... Well, it made sense.. I thought Sheila was a man-hater cuz of the way she treated Adam...
Joshuah: I mean, you say you trust them...
James: I don't know if I do.
Joshuah: Well, here's what happened yesterday when you weren't around.. Alex, Nat and Adam all had a talk in the backyard and Adam was telling him that Sheila was the one.. that he was voting to keep Parker... I was listening... He's trying to keep votes so if it goes to the jury, people vote for him, or if it goes to singles, he's gonna look like Sheila was the crazy one... He's definitely playing both sides. He's definitely telling people that Sheila wanted Jen and Parker gone. And ya know in the Diary Room, "We vote to Evict?" He wouldn't even say it. he made Sheila say it. That's why she came out cryin'... He's definitely worried that if it gets down to the final 2, it's all crazy Sheila. Like I saw him talking to Matty and Alex, and I was like, Woah - what's goin' on. I think it's the same thing they've been pulling since day one... "You're weak. We can protect you." In reality, they're the ones that're weak, cuz they're losing their numbers. I think you're right. I think Adam's smarter than we think.
James: I have to have operation condor go into effect.
Joshuah: I know. They are coming after you. If they get HoH.
James: It's ours. It's done.
Joshuah: Especially after y'all won HoH this week. You're now, huge red flag next week. If I win, of course you know you're not going up. The ideal master plan would be: Amanda's out this week, I win HoH, y'all have my vote to get out you know who, and I put up Allison vs Matt. Or Sheila v Matt. Matt and Alli gotta go after this week. Don't you agree>
Chelsia: Yeah, they're too strong.
Josh: They're very strong. And it was lucky...
Chelsia: And he's f'in sketchy...
Josh: Poor Natalie... She has no pull in that relationship.
Chelsia: The second we got HoH, everyone.. really nice.. even baller.
James leaves.
Chelsia: Ugh... The F'in dyke thing...
Chelsia is still really bothered by it.

11am BBT
Josh, Chelsia, James
They've moved on to discussing how to go about the nominations. They sound like they're leaning toward putting up Matt/Nat vs. Amanda/Alex.
That way one of them goes home for sure, and if Matt's up against Alex, it'll make Matt fight that much harder for Veto, and then he'll take himself off, leaving Amanda and Alex on the block and next out.
James: Goodbye Bro-mance.
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