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The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!! At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C
Big Brother 9 is On! Let the mind games begin!!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
The BB World According to Allison
I find myself drawn to Allison and her theories. She is very clever, she knows the game and she's been paying great attention to details.
Allison: Each quote in the house is representative of one of the couples in the house. Nobody understands that while we're sitting here, all this stuff is going on.. Things are being done in the house that no one notices. For example, the couch outside changes. The first day it was all green. Another day 1/2 one color, 1/2 another. This one, don't tell Adam, don't tell anybody... The picture on the wall near the fireplace, you know how it's like a lake with a boat.. Have you noticed it anywhere else? Sheila: Yeah.. outside... Allison: In the boat... there was the first day a person in the boat, and now there is not...
***Does this missing person connect to the missing houseguest who still remains a mystery - even to his close friends?
Listen to Allison on the video. She has noticed absolutely everything about the house.
Matt's trying to nap & feeding Natalie a load of bull...
As soon as Natalie leaves, Matt mugs for the camera.. again:
5:25pm BBT Natalie's lying in bed with James, whispering with him and Josh, getting mad as hell, and I don't think she's gonna take it anymore. Sheila and Allison are talking in the bathroom about the possibility of one of the HGs being a plant. Spark up the feeds, folks, the Big Brother 9 Houseguests are coming to life.
Saturday in the Big Brother House has been pretty chill. All the houseguests have been taking advantage of the Southern California sun and warmth, mixing in game talk with sunbathing most of the day.
At the moment, 4pm BBT, the HGs are on exterior lockdown, and it's getting chilly. They've got the fire going. And at 4:25, the lockdown is over. Let the scheming recommence!
A little while ago on the live feeds, we had some female bonding in the hammock. Natalie confided to Amanda about her feelings for Matt, but lied about how much actual contact they've had.
Amanda continues to tell anyone who will listen that Alex's behavior in the bedroom has been wholly inappropriate. Here's the clip.
At present, Matt & Natalie are not planning to use the Veto to remove either of the nominated teams. Here's another look at how the votes are breaking down, courtesy of the lovely and talented DocRocket. Those in favor of keeping Team PJ (Parker & Jen) are in yellow. Those voting to keep Team AR (Allison & Ryan) are in orange.
**Asterisks denote the HGs who actually have a vote.
The score remains 3:1 in favor of keeping Allison and Ryan.
Sheila's been up for quite a while now, sunning herself in the back yard. Just a few minutes ago at 11:35am BBT, the feeds went to flames then came back with conscious house guests.
At the moment, all feeds are on the sunbathing beauties. Perve cam is in full effect - but trained on the guys for a change.
The boys are discussing the game, but at the moment, all I'm deafened by Alex's lips.
Snap out of it, Carolyn!
OK... Matt & Alex conversation.
Matt: I'm not changin' it. I'm gonna leave it just the way it is. I'd like to help Parker and everything, but I can only carry him so much. Alex: Mm Hmm Matt: I let him win the first one. He had a chance to win PoV yesterday. I'm sorry I was 800 rotations ahead of him. You know what I mean? It's not like he doesn't compete. Ya know. Alex: Mmm. Hmm. Matt: He had a chance. I'm still tweaked he didn't tell us about that stuff from the get-go. That right there makes me question.. cuz he's so quick to jump at people, but yet, when he does something it's alright. Alex: That's what I hate... "I'm not gonna lie. I have a crush on her." Well why didn't you just tell me that? Matt: I told him that! SO why didn't you just tell the kid? "I can't tell him, I don't wanna tell him" Alex: I didn't come in the house lookin' to fall in love. Matt: Yeah, same here. Alex: I came here to win 500,000 dollars. So don't mess up my game.
***Yay, Alex! Welcome back!
OK, Matt finally fessed up to Alex about Parker, and both of them seem to be getting their minds back on track.
Good Morning & Happy Saturday, Big Brother Lovers!
As I'm assembling the Overnight Report, I can't help but ask myself if many of these HGs ever actually watched Big Brother? I know they have, but have they learned nothing from the mistakes of HGs gone by?
Alex, Amanda and Parker are allowing the twist and their emotions to severely impede their gameplay. I know Alex is truly a student of the game, and I hope he gets his head back in it. Amanda's trying to play all the angles, but she's too caught up in Parker and her paranoia about Alex.
While I'm definitely enjoying the role reversal for the paparazzo, in terms of him being stalked by cameras everywhere, I enjoy Parker, and I'm hoping he can figure out how to make it all work, or he's toast. Then again, according to Joshuah, Parker's already a goner.
Matt and Natalie are susceptible here too, for opposite reasons - she's head over heels, and his primary strategy is to make his way to the 500k on the lips of any willing female HG.
On the flip side, Allison and Joshuah have their game faces on and are geared up for the long haul. Chelsia and James are also keeping level heads. Sharon? Well, I think she's just happy to be back in the house, and doing her best to stay that way. As for Sheila and Adam, their stock has risen considerably since the premiere.
On the latest evening of As the BB House Turns, our leading lothario, Matt, found out that Allison is hard to get - even for just a kiss. Good on ya, Allison!
Parker is working on Matt to use the veto, and Matt's assuring him that the votes to keep him and Jen are solid, or so he believes. Matt's hesitation to use the veto stems from a belief that doing so will likely see him put on the block in the next week.
Parker and Amanda spent much of the evening together and dodging Alex. They're both really blowing it in terms of strategy, and it's beginning to dawn on Parker, but not quite enough. In the following clip, Parker and Amanda talk about the Alex situation with Chelsia.
The new house guests haven't played it yet, but we had so much fun with it last season, I can't wait any longer, and I think we've gotten to know them well enough over the last few days to play again.
Of the remaining 14 Big Brother 9 house guests, Who Would You:
Marry, but never have sex with?
Shag once?
Throw from a cliff?
Please choose 1 HG for each question, and leave your responses here in the comment section.
Matt & Natalie are voting for Parker to stay, but as it stands right now, Friday evening, that's it.
According to Joshuah, who's been doing an awful lot of talking this afternoon, Parker and Jen are about to be completely blindsided. Here's the count, according to Joshuah:
Votes to Evict Parker and Jen:
Joshuah & Sharon
James & Chelsia
Sheila & Adam
Votes to Evict Ryan and Allison:
Matt & Natalie
Remember, 3 couples will not be voting: Both sets of Nominees and the HoH. The HoH vote only in the case of a tie.
Joshuah's reasoning is sound, too:
He's got harsh negative feelings toward Amanda, which I don't understand, but removing Parker from the equation diminishes Amanda's power in the house.
Removing Parker also lessons the volatility - Parker keeps calling people out and yelling at them.
Removing Jen evens the playing field for everyone, in terms of the Jen-Ryan relationship that pre-existed BB.
The 1st Live Eviction of the season doesn't actually happen until Wednesday night. That's like 7 years away in Big Brother time. Everything will likely flip-flop 12 times before then, but this is how it looks right this minute.
And as of 7pm BBT, James just broke Joshuah's rule number 1: Don't tell Ryan.
Here's a clip, graciously provided by Quirkydude, of Joshuah's talk with Sharon earlier. This is part one of 5. You can click on Quirkydude to see the rest.
Our favorite Big Brother Chop Star is on a roll. Here's C=Venus' take on Matt and Natalie's activities last night: "Hummertime." Click the pic to visit C=Venus' site.
If C=Venus is new to you, chances are excellent you've seen her work before - remember the Donatos Chop that was so popular they even used it at the wrap party for BB8? Hers.
2:40pm BBT Matt is making his way through the women of the BB house. He's trying to anyhow. In the following clip, he makes some moves on Allison, telling her he hopes they can have some snuggle time later. Allison replies she was hoping for that, but that Natalie will be jealous.
Allison: She told me that after the show, you two are going to be dating. Matt: There's no f'ing way that's happening.
2:45pm BBT Matt Tells Parker all about Natalie last night, and they bounce around the idea of Matt using Allison as a promise to take her off the block.
Parker: Was she under the covers? Matt: Yeah, she was. I wasn't. Dude, I had a grin on like this, buddy. Parker: That's funny. Do you think she'd be down now? Allison? Matt: It's something to try... Well if I don't use PoV... I can't say that! That's so bad.
15 minutes later, at 3pm BBT, Allison tells Sheila and Ryan.
Allison: 5 minutes ago, Matt told me 'get your votes in order,' then he tried to make out with me in the bathroom.
Allison is growing on me. Matt... not so much right now.
12:55pm BBT - Still Waiting While we wait for Veto News...
For the Big Brother Memorabilia collectors out there, and I know there are a lot of you, take a look at this Signed T-Shirt from the BB9 premiere at Kail's place in Rainbow. The winner of the t-shirt will also receive authenticating photos of all the former Houseguests signing the shirt.
The shirt is signed by BB Alumni from S6, S7 and S8 - Howie, James, Daniele, Kail, Jennifer "I promise you're safe, Kaysar" Vasquez, Mike and Zach.
Check it out while we're waiting for the live feeds to come back from the Veto Comp. We're here, we're bloggin', and we'll be posting the Veto Competition Spoiler as soon as we're sure who won the 1st Big Brother 9: 'Til Death Do They Part Golden Power of Veto Competition.
Goodness that's a mouthful. Try saying that 3 times fast.
The feeds came back on at 10:20am with all the house guests buzzing about the Veto Comp. They're on an interior lockdown, and the smokers are getting restless. The HGs have no idea when the Veto Comp will actually start.
Ryan: (in bed) "I need this, dude."
Amanda, Alex, Parker and Jen are in the Spa talking about how they're going to win.
Natalie is studying the memory wall, and Matt was just talking to Alex a moment ago about being nervous. They're in it. Further confirmed by someone just asking Natalie if she was ready to compete. Random "pulling name out of the bag" selection confirmed as well.
It's official. Participating in the Power of Veto Competition will be:
HoH - Amanda & Alex
Nominees - Jen & Parker
Nominees - Ryan & Allison
Random Selection - Matt & Natalie
The Host is Joshuah.
We're got a new Quickie Poll about the Veto Comp on the right sidebar, right above the bb9dish widget - which you should also add. ;) Make your selection, please. :)
BB: Good Morning Houseguests. It's time to get up for the day. Please report to the Head of Household bedroom.
(grumble, grumble)
Some Guy: Report?
Alex: That's b.s.
Cut to the fireplace.
Hmmm... I think I smell a Pre-Veto Comp HoH Lockdown. Anyone?
9am BBT - The Feeds are back. The HGs are brushing their teeth and getting ready to go upstairs for HoH Lockdown.
BB Female Voice: Hey Guys. I really need you to head up to HoH right now. There's a bathroom up there. You can brush your teeth. It'll only be about 5 minutes that you'll be up there.
Most are up there now... couple of stragglers... and we cut to the fire again for a moment, then up to HoH where all are now locked down... and back to flames.
9:10am Flames and lockdown are over, and the HGs are making coffee and breakfast, and wondering about the comp. BB told them it would begin soon. They're thinking it'll be a food comp, but no one's really sure. I'm betting on Veto.
9:42am BBT The HGs have been given shoes for the comp, so they're now thinking it'll be physical.
10:10am BBT The feeds cut to flames just a moment ago, and if they stay that way for more than 15 minutes, I'll assume we have a comp afoot... or at least pre-Veto-comp Magic Ping Pong Ball Type Choosing Ceremony. We could get another glimpse of them if that's the case.
10:20am BBT Feeds are back. Allison: I am ready. I am so ready. I've been ready for this my whole BB life.
Sharon, Josh and James believe there's another couple.
Enjoy! I'll be publishing comments after say 10:30 am Eastern... I was up till after 5am getting this together.
Lights out, night vision cameras on. Amanda and Alex made their first attempt at lights out at 10pm BBT.
They got interrupted by Parker shortly after this began, then Matt, then both had separate DR sessions to attend to. While Alex was off doing his DR session, and Amanda was alone with Parker and Matt, she told them she'd spoken to Alex and told him she wasn't interested, couldn't be interested in someone who'd called her a b-tch. Matt offered to leave, so Amanda and Parker could have some alone time, and they both said no, they had to keep it on the down low, an that nothing would happen before they left the house.
Once Amanda left and went to do her DR session, I was curious to see how much of that got back to Alex, and not a word did.
Still, I can't decide who Amanda's being honest with, if any. It's quite possible she's playing every last one of them. I'd like to believe her alone time with Alex is genuine. I'd like to.
I'd like to believe Amanda's leading Matt and Parker to believe she and Alex are not and never will be a couple purely as a tactical move, to keep herself and Alex out of the Power Couple Crosshairs of every other HG.
Time will tell.
After the interruptions of Matt, Parker and the DR sessions, it was lights out again for Amanda and Alex. Tell me they don't look extremely comfortable & playful together...
Rub My Tushie: Meanwhile, downstairs, around midnight Matt's working on getting the bj he mentioned crassly to everyone upstairs. He's giving his partner, Natalie, a massage:
Not 5 minutes later, Matt and Nat are in bed, and they look like they're passed out:
We're not fooled. 5 minutes later, they're making out, and he says "that's all you get." Nat wants more, and huffs away. Here's the clip:
United we Hate: OK... while the massage and hanky panky are going on, James, Joshuah and Sharon are dishing and slamming on all the other house guests, and Joshuah is hating on Amanda in particular - something fierce. They all believe there is another secret couple in the house.
Sharon let slip that when she and Jacob got the boot, they were sequestered together for 3 days, until she got brought back in. She's actually let that slip a couple times today, and that brings up a whole 'nother list of possibilities:
Every week, 1/2 a couple comes back?
Production sequestered Sharon & Jacob purely because of the crunched time frame between the Premiere and the 1st eviction, and it was just a fortunate coincidence?
Time will tell. What Was I Thinkin'? At 12:48am BBT, Matt reconsidered his earlier rebuff, pulled Natalie back close to him, and away we go.
Matt: Was that good? Nat: Yes, that was very good. I almost forgot what it was like. Matt: It's 2am. Come on. no one can see us.
Alex & Amanda: Houseguests, please... to the living room. You have to come right now. Sorry.
***lmao - The BB Powers that be obviously waited for the kiss to happen... they probably wanted to do Power of Veto rules and announcements 90 minutes ago. Too funny. If you missed the kiss, it's right below this post.
Alex: OK. BB9 Golden Veto Rules. Once again the PoV will shake things up in the BB House... This year, 8 people will compete in the competition: the HoH couple, both nominated couples, and a couple the HoH will choose by a random draw...
Because you're playing the game as couples...
Back a couple minutes later with everyone in the Living Room. It's gonna be a long night on the live feeds, and a very fun one.
Our old friend and BB chopper extraordinaire is back at it again this season, and these are her first offerings. Here's her take on the Ryan-Jen situation, as well as her initial impression of Sheila. Enjoy! Please click the pics to enlarge them, and take the new quickie poll - it's on the right sidebar. ;)
Parker: I know you're campaigning against me. Allison: Do you really think I'm gonna try to save you over me? Parker: You're running your mouth and it needs to stop. Allison: You have absolutely no right telling me how to play my game. Parker: you're trying to pull people that you think don't have your back. You're an idiot. Allison: I'm an idiot now? Parker: You're an idiot and a liar.
She leaves.
They continue a few minutes later... We've got the clip:
Parker's got a curious strategy here: intimidation and insults pre-Veto comp. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but it's his game - not mine. I like him. I just don't get the point of this tactic.
Parker heads up to HoH to Amanda to sweet-talk her a little and get his spin in first.
3:10pm BBT Amanda's gone back inside, and she is throwing Alex under the bus - big time. Amanda's telling Jen and Parker that Alex doesn't want to take them off the block. All he wants is for Ryan or Jen to go home, and he really doesn't care which one it is.
Big Brother 9 Key to How the HGs are Leaning on the Nominations
Is your head spinning? Our wonderful friend DocRocket put together a visual guide to keeping up with who's favoring who. Of course, we're still pre-Veto Comp, so all this could certainly change - like everything else in Big Brother - but so far, here's what's what in the Big Brother 9 house.
The HGs are free to move about the house, plot and scheme in secret and carry on as usual. ;) On a lighter note, James almost had a full frontal moment in the sauna a second ago...
12:30pm BBT
It's light chatter at the moment. The HGs are enjoying the jacuzzi and chatting about Parker's paparazzi life. Here are some pics:
Alex, Chelsia and James are lounging on the chaise. And the game talk has recommenced.
Alex: So you're cool with what I did? Chelsia: Absolutely. James: You need to know. Matty and Parker have an Alliance. Alex: Oh Of course...
12:52pm BBT Josh is in the kitchen with Allison, also talking game.
The HGs are on exterior lockdown. It's chilly. Limited game talk for the moment, since they're all together.
They're playing pool, relaxing together on the big couch and catching some extra z's on the chaise.
Joshuah's on the hammock with Sharon, and he just made mention of "The Power 6." The game talk begins... He's getting her up to speed on everything, and they're talking about everyone.
Sheila's dishing with Allison on the double chaise.
...and the hottie boys have started doing lunges together across the backyard.
Exterior Lockdown ends, and the HGs move into an interior Lockdown.
As they enter the house, they are treated to The Memory Wall, finally in place.
We'll have more pics of the memory wall very soon.
Make sure to check our screencaps blog. Here's the link: DishCaps
Show's over now... You can catch the replay on CBS video.
Daniele is on House Calls right now. Call in to 323-227-1000 & ask about Neil! Or email to
They just said they don't want to do any spoilers on House Calls, but we're hoping, and they're encouraging everyone to get the feeds. Daniele just got the feeds for the first time... "I wanna know what's going on!"
DishDudeDoug Made it through the phone lines. Here's What happened:
"I got on House Calls, and when I said I wanted to ask Gretchen and Daniele to give an update on the status of Neil's participation with the show and what occurred last night, the producer I guess it was, said they were not in a position to discuss it at this time...
9:20am BBT Kitchen Sheila, James and Joshuah are in the kitchen talking game and making breakfast. James is making breakfast for Chelsia and Sheila for Adam. She feels awful about how she treated him at first.
Adam's Bed Sheila made a special Valentine's breakfast in bed for Adam, and she's just brought it in to him and apologized for being such a b-tch... very sweet. Hugs and kisses all around. He calls her a sweetheart and digs in.
9:30am BBT Feeds cut to Guinea Pigs. BB is likely waking the HGs.
9:33am BBT They're Upppp!
Spark up the feeds, folks! ;) The HGs are talking game before they've even had coffee.
And don't forget about House Calls!! Dani's co-hosting right now. Hopefully we'll get some more info about Neil's departure...
Good Morning! Morning being a relative term to when you actually wake up. When I left the HGs last night, the massages had just begun, and we've got them all on video for you. If this is your first time on the blog since a reasonable hour last night, your first read has to be: Sharon is Back & Neil is Gone!
Who's the best Massage Therapist in the Big Brother 9 House? We have a few options to choose from since last night. Please have a look at these while I get coherent and figure out if anything else important happened after 4am Eastern.
Oh, and xx2000xx caught Jen & Ryan doing the nasty in the potty... young love... so romantic. Ick.
James does Natalie
I'm not at all impressed with his foot/leg technique, but he looks like he knows his way around a back.
Parker Massages Amanda
Loving his technique. Me too, Parker. Me too! He says it's his first time giving a massage - the man has excellent instincts.
Parker: I know that as long as Jen's my partner, I'm screwed. Sharon: I hate fake people... you know it's gonna come out.
Amanda Massages Parker
Amanda's distracted, but massages like she's gotten plenty in her lifetime. Sharon's on the sidelines and comments that Josh and Neil had just had their first kiss yesterday.
UPDATE: When Jacob and Sharon were evicted, they were sequestered for 3 days, and when Neil mysteriously disappeared, Joshuah was allowed to choose which one he wanted for his partner. He chose Sharon.
We've spoken to people close to Neil and they assure us that both he and his family members are all doing just fine.
Neil was not released due to health reasons. It was his choice to go.
8:55pm BBT
What is going on here??? Sharon is back?? We'll let you know as soon as we figure it out. Neil is gone?? -
Finally, at 10:45pm BBT, Joshuah and Chelsia let us in more than anyone in the past 2 hours of wondering. The HGs don't know. Not for certain. They're speculating it's a family issue with Neil, and saying they'll be praying for him.
Natalie, Amanda and Sharon are up in the HoH bathroom talking about "the girls have to stick together." I'm not sure how that's going to work with the couples... They also want to speak to Joshuah to see where his head is at.
Apparently, Neil was in the DR for hours this afternoon. I hope he's ok. I hope his family's ok.
Joshuah just said he gave Sharon the power to come back.
Sharon's basically flitting about the house now, making it clear to everyone what exactly happened with Jacob the other night, making every attempt to ingratiate herself with them, and bury Jen.
Still hoping to hear what the heck happened to Neil.
Here's the first new clip of Sharon:
I feel bad for Neil:
Josh is in tears over the whole thing. I don't think he even got to say goodbye. Neil had to leave immediately, and Joshuah was given the option to choose which of the evicted HGs he wanted to bring back to have as his partner. He chose Sharon, and 2 seconds later, in she walked. She was waiting right outside the door.
In this next clip, Sharon, Natalie & Amanda are talking in bathroom, and we get confirmation that Joshuah and Sharon are to be partners.
Here's a clip of the HGs comforting Joshuah:
After this, Sharon and Joshuah have some alone time. He's pulled it together a little, and he is demanding her complete loyalty, going so far as to let her know she owes him for even being back in the house. She swears her loyalty. Sharon's got a serious vendetta against Jen, and wants her gone. Here's the clips:
All bb9dish clips are graciously provided by ReporterX under the name of bb9dish on youtube.
5.6 million hits!
Un-Real! I still feel like the little blog that could...
Thanks so much for making this the best season ever on the dish! :)
I'll be checking in periodically to moderate comments, and after a couple weeks,
we can look forward to some interviews with some of the final 9 HGs. Of course, if there's big news before then, I'll be posting that too. :)
Happy Spring!!