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Big Brother 9 Auctions, BB9 Furniture
The Most STUNNING BB Alumni Pics You'll Ever See... by TheRealDeal
Adam on Ebay, Sheila on Ebay, Joshuah on eBay, Sharon on EBay
Natalie on EBay, Matty on EBay, Alex on Ebay, Amanda on Ebay
BB9Dish Quickie Poll Results, Awesome Pics from the Feeds!, BB9Dish Mugs, T-Shirts, Etc., , Big Brother DVDs,
Howie & Jerzeechik's All-Star Ebay Stuff, Cool BB9 T-Shirts & More, Big Brother 8 Stuff on Ebay
Big Brother All-Stars- Download it at iTunes

BB9Dish - Ya Gotta Have it!

The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!!
At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C

Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Big Brother & Pain at the Pump

Hi Everyone :) I hope you're having a stellar weekend! The Big Brother 9 Ebay Frenzy picked up even more in the past 24 hours, with the prop department listing over 100 items from the house - like the chess board, and all the love quotes and tons of other stuff. They will ship these items, unlike the larger furniture pieces...

Ok, this has zero to to with Big Brother, but since we're all feeling the crunch... I filled my gas tank yesterday, and as usual, it made me want to scream... Gas is now OVER $4 in my neighborhood...

Instead of screaming, I tried to think of how I could make it hurt a little less... for me.. and for everyone else...

And I went on a little hunt for online retailers I trust that are offering great deals... like free shipping and big discounts...

Sound Good?

Here are just a few I found... If you have special requests, let me know, and I'll do my best to source out whatever it is you're looking for. I may even start a new blog dedicated exclusively to this topic...

Save Your Gas $$
Shop On Line!

Free Shipping on orders of $25.00 or more! New Customers Only. See site for details.

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Office Depot:
Save 30% - 50% on Select Clearance Items While Supplies Last!

Top Ten Deals of the Week! & Free Shipping this weekend!

Clearance Shopping at
Overstock.com Last Chance to Save!

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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Happy Survivor Night, BB Lovers!
James Clips & More Ebay - Adam's In!

Good Afternoon, Big Brother lovers! Happy Thursday! I miss you guys!

Well, for those of us that missed James' Live Chat last night - myself included - scootie668 has come to the rescue. She got it all and uploaded it to youtube. I've gotten through 4 of the 7 so far, and #2, featured below, answers the burning question of the season... as well as some other surprising information.

For those of you who've been wondering what happened to Natalie, well, I found her! She's set up a brand new myspace page for herself, and here it is: http://www.myspace.com/nattybb9. Incidentally, I've been working on the site for next season quite a bit, and if you go there and scroll down a little on the left sidebar, you'll find quite an extensive list of BB alumni on myspace.

On the BB9 Ebay front, BB9 Winner, Adam Jasinski, has joined the auction happy HGs and listed several items within the past hour. Here's the link to view all of Adam's Auctions.

There are tshirts, sweatpants, and several of Natalie's paintings - 3 mermaids and several flowers...

Crazy James said during his interview that he'll definitely be listing stuff on ebay too.

BB9 Alex Coladonato has just listed his autographed "I Love New Yawk" tshirt that he wore on the show. The starting bid is only 99 cents! Now we're talkin'! Or... is that tawkin'? ;)

BB8Zach re-listed the Dolphin Crash t-shirt that he had signed by everyone at the wrap party.

Matty has recently added a 15 minute phone call to his list of offerings.

Sharon's Pocahontas bathing suit is quite the hot item. Kinda funny considering how much people complained about it all season. Go figure. In addition to the bikini, Sharon added several new items to her listings today.

Last but not least, I spoke with Joshuah's sister Kealee this morning, and she said she'd be adding more auctions for Joshuah tonight.

And now, without further ado, Video #2 of 7 of the James Live Chat from last night...

To view the rest of the James interview, please check out scootie668 on youtube.

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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

BB9 James Live Video Chat
& EBay Update - Sharon, Matt, Joshuah & More Alex


Happy Wednesday, Big Brother lovers! :) I hope you're having a wonderful week.

As you can see by the nifty graphic on the left, James will be on the live feeds tonight at 6pm BBT taking all your questions!

I don't know who the host for the James chat will be... Evel Dick would make the most sense to me, but I haven't seen anything from him or them as of yet that indicates he'll be there...

Come to think of it, calling them the live feeds right now is a misnomer... they're the live feeds replay, interviews and bb9 video vault. I just turned em on for the first time in a week, and as of 7:05am BBT, all the HGs are sleeping. ;)

The Big Brother 9 Auctions keep rolling in.

Alex Coladonato has re-entered the fray with the No Bueno t-shirt he wore to the wrap party. It's signed by the whole cast, minus Alison & Neil, neither of whom were there... Here's the ad copy:

Hey Everyone. This is the shirt that I wore to the Big Brother 9 Wrap party on April 30th in California. The front of the shirt is signed by the entire Big Brother 9 cast besides Alison and Neil, sorry but they were not at the Wrap party. The back of the shirt is signed by Evil Dick, Daniele, Amber, Kail and Zach of Season 8. Marcellos and Janelle from all-stars , and Bunky from Season 2 and House calls. Good Luck to all the Bidders. Winner will also be receiving a signed Autograph by Me, lol, Alex Coladonato.

Drumroll please... Sharon has joined the EBay frenzy. In her first 2 offerings, Sharon is auctioning off her "Pocahontas Bikini" - the skin colored one... as well as the dress she wore for the finale.

Matty has added quite a few new auctions to his offerings, including his BB9 House Key. In Matt's myspace blog, he's saying that the proceeds from all of his auctions are going to the "fly Nat to Boston fund."

Joshuah's still on the board with 2 auctions.

Is anyone else struck by the irony of Natalie's absence from the eBay fray thus far? ;) ...Since she caught the most hell about ebay all season long...

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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Joshuah Joins the EBay Fray

With the help of his sister Kealee, BB9 Joshuah Welch joined the ebay fray last night with a couple of interesting items for his fans.

First up, his beloved UT stuffed doll... Here's the ad copy: "Joshuah is parting with the UT Doll and the Fantastic Chelsia Thong! It is an authentic Bevo UT Doll autographed (on the back) by Joshuah, with Chelsia Hart's panties tied to it!"

USC fans (like me) may have other uses for this one. The UT doll. Not the thong. ;)

Next up, the magical Gloves & Goggles of Super Joshy! You know the ones...

It's a Bird, It's a Plane...

Here's the link if you'd like to keep an eye on all of Joshuah's auctions: Joshuah on Ebay

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Monday, May 05, 2008

Own a Piece of the BB9 House
Or BB9 Matt's Stuff, including Natalie's BDay Card

Good Morning, Big Brother lovers. Happy Monday!

Over the weekend, the ebay frenzy continued, and BB9 Matt listed his Big Brother Bag. It's autographed, and it can be yours for a pretty reasonable price... so far. Here's the ad copy:

This bag was used by Matty entering the house and also used exiting the house holding his personal belongings. This is a 100% authentic and original autographed bag signed by Matty McDonald. Matty and personal belongings in bag are not included.

Click the pics or the links to view and bid on the auctions.

In addition to Matt's BB Bag, he also listed a couple of the paintings Natalie made while in the house: the portrait of Matt and the Birthday Card, signed by all the HGs that were left in the house at the time....

Speaking of Matty and Natty, I've been getting a lot of emails, messages and comments about the alleged group activities that are said to have taken place between a few of the HGs... Reports are circulating widely, but they're all 3rd party accounts. Here's what Matty had to say about it on his myspace blog:

    as i sit here reading this nonsense on 50 million websites about an alleged orgy at the Hilton hotel i just LAUGH!!! who starts this type of sh*t? that's crazy! no such incident took place.. there was no group sex nor was there an incident with a corona bottle haha.... that sh*t would be funny if it were true though... i may have been america's playa, but jeeeeeez... c'mon now... if anyone has this alleged video SHOW ME!! all these haters talkin nonsense bout me n natalie... i think its funny.. i just feel bad because she is gettin a bad rep from this.... so.... leave natalie alone ok... she's a sweet girl... enough of this nonsense.... like i said nothin like that happened nor will it.... unless its like 5 girls on me... holla

The Big Brother Prop Department has also gotten in on the ebay action. So far they've listed 14 items, including the round couch from the bathroom, much of the HoH furniture and all of the Boat Room furnishings, including the cursed bed!

Frankly, the prices on the Big Brother set pieces they've listed so far are pretty prohibitive and only available for pickup, but they've promised to list more, so keep an eye out for smaller, more affordable items.

In season's past, the Big Brother Prop Department has listed hundreds of items from the house... all the way down to the dishes. This year, they've also set up their own store on ebay: Big Brother: 'Til Death Do You Part.

To keep an eye on all things Big Brother 9 related, all the time, just click here: Big Brother 9 Auctions.

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