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Big Brother 9 Auctions, BB9 Furniture
The Most STUNNING BB Alumni Pics You'll Ever See... by TheRealDeal
Adam on Ebay, Sheila on Ebay, Joshuah on eBay, Sharon on EBay
Natalie on EBay, Matty on EBay, Alex on Ebay, Amanda on Ebay
BB9Dish Quickie Poll Results, Awesome Pics from the Feeds!, BB9Dish Mugs, T-Shirts, Etc., , Big Brother DVDs,
Howie & Jerzeechik's All-Star Ebay Stuff, Cool BB9 T-Shirts & More, Big Brother 8 Stuff on Ebay
Big Brother All-Stars- Download it at iTunes

BB9Dish - Ya Gotta Have it!

The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!!
At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C

Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!


Saturday, February 02, 2008

But First - Chenbot Video Montage

Sunday Funnies. Yeah, ok, it's only late Saturday night, but most of you wont see this till Sunday morning. So Sunday Funnies it is! Inspired by Matt & sleuthed by Beth, the clever folks at tvgasm put this clip together - it's a montage of all of Julie's "but first's" for the Big Brother 8 Season. Enjoy. :)

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BB9 Houseguests to Be Announced February 6th on CBS

Julie Chen will reveal the Big Brother 9 houseguests on the Early Show on CBS this coming Wednesday, February 6th between the hours of 7:00am-9:00am. Set your TiVo!

We fully expect the official CBS Big Brother Site to go live shortly thereafter.

The only other absolute facts regarding Big Brother at this time are the following:

  • Big Brother 9 will welcome 14, no 16, Houseguests into the newly decked out BB9 House.
  • BB9 will premiere February 12th at 9pm.
  • The Live Feeds will be available.
  • BBAD will be on Showtime Too again this season.
  • Janelle will have an expanded role, as compared to BB8.
  • More house related details will be released on Monday, February 4th.
  • BB9Dish will be here blogging it all.

That's really it. Everything else is speculation.

The more plausible theories include:
  • Janelle will host a special segment about BB Showmances.
  • Dirty Little Secrets is the theme.
Thankfully, the suspense will end soon, and then we can all get on with loving them, hating them, loving them again, blogging about them, ignoring our friends and loved ones, having a fabulous diversion in the middle of winter, not sleeping, obsessing over the live feeds, Overnight Reports, and everything else that is Big Brother!

I can't wait! :)

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Friday, February 01, 2008

Quickie Poll

Happy Friday, Big Brother lovers! We're on the cusp of actually having credible information, and I am thrilled! The BB9 houseguests & pictures of the house will be revealed next week, and we'll be on it as soon as it happens!

Thought you'd enjoy a little quickie poll to kick off the weekend: What would you most like to see improved or changed for Big Brother 9? You'll notice there's an "other" option. Feel free to type in your own option there. Here ya go:

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Thursday, January 31, 2008

The First Spoiler of the Big Brother 9 Season

RealityBBQ, giants in the Big Brother world, may well have posted the first real spoiler of the season.

A bit of background first: Last weekend, 8 reporters spent 12 hours inside the Big Brother House, living a week of BB HG life in a day, complete with comps and slop.

    ***I really couldn't have been much greener with envy about this.
All of them were sworn to secrecy until the 4th - after Julie's big reveal, I suppose. If the following information is true and correct, could it be that one of them, or perhaps someone in production, just couldn't keep quiet any longer?

Here's the scoop from RealityBBQ:
    The extras are in the house right now getting everything working and ready for February 12th, but we can give you an inside view of what the house looks like!

    The house is extremely colourful - so colourful that it might take us time to get used to.

    The living room and kitchen are decorated like a winter cabin “on crack” - logs and stones, like the wallpaper on the third level during BB8 - to match the winter season. They even have that basementesque white birch mural paper up in the Diary Room! Ick. The living room also sports a circular couch for the big happy HG family.

And CBS has released another promo video! Bonus points for anyone who can tell me what the ^&*% Grounced means.

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12 Days to Go till Big Brother 9

Only 12 more days to go! Let the countdown continue! :)

CBS put together this montage of the Best Big Brother 8 Crying Moments and posted it to youtube yesterday. Take a moment. Enjoy. Embrace. Relive the magic. ;) hehe.

OK, I just have to share this. I just got a call from a friend who's a former pro football player and current massage therapist. He wants to trade me massages for computer lessons. uhhh... lemme think long and hard on that one! SCORE!!! Touchdown, Carolyn!

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Big Brother Fans, Kynt and Vyxsin, are Moving

OK, this has absolutely nothing to do with Big Brother, but I was so taken with Kynt & Vyxsin while they were on Amazing Race, and even moreso when I found out they were fans of Big Brother & bb9dish, so I just had to post this.

As it turns out, Kynt and Vyxsin are having a little moving sale. They're cleaning out their closets of all kinds of clothing, accessories, memorabilia and more.

They'll be posting a series of auctions to help clear out things they don't need, and to raise some funds for their move!

The first item they are offering is this exclusive Vyxsin poster! It was created by renowned fantasy artist Larry Elmore, who is well known for his artwork for Dungeons and Dragons, This piece features "3 sides" of Vyxsin!

Vyxsin will also autograph and personalize your poster! If you wish, Kynt will sign it as well (only upon request).

They are offering 100 Posters via this Ebay Listing.


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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Exclusive Interview with BB8's Zach

13 days left to the premiere of Big Brother 9!! We thought we'd take the opportunity to catch up with Zach from BB8's Final 3 while we still can. Give it a read and get up to speed with Zach's take on all things BB8 - including the accusations of cheating, Sweets, the integrity of the game, dolphincrash, and much more! Incidentally, Zach has a few auctions up on ebay right now, if you wanna check em out. Here's the link: Zach's ebay auctions.

If you'd like to link to this interview, the direct url to this interview is:

Carolyn: Zach, you made it as far as anyone can without actually winning. Now that you've had a few months outside the house to reflect, what specifically would you go back and change, to take it that final step, if you could?

    Zach: I wouldn't have changed anything to be honest. I was dealt a hand of two people in my alliance that couldn't keep their mouth's shut, i.e., Kail and Nick. lol. Since that, I had to play a different game and lay low, something I didn't anticipate at all, but that was the hand I was dealt. I think I played perfectly, in that by not playing when I was vulnerable, was the right play.

    Once I got on the block, that was the turning point when I had to step it up. The final six or so... After that I was on my own, as usual, but so was everyone else. The two things I thought about were: it would have been nice to trust the shady and sheisty car sales man ERIC lol, but i couldn't, and never could, and I knew that. I also would have loved to have squashed the differences of Jameka and myself. We could have had a great sleeper alliance.

    Danielle was feeding hate comments to Jameka that I said, and Eric was feeding hate comments to me of Jameka. I should have seen that ages ago in the game, but it didn't effect me too much.

    So as far as I am concerned, I played a great game. I did very well, and I got to the end. Who in the world knew there would be OPINION questions in the FINAL ROUND of a 3 month game that decided who would win 500K?! I find it extremely unprofessional and awful in a game play setting. Where was the creative team of CBS on that one? LOL...

Carolyn: I always wondered, at final 4, when you were praying with Jameka, and bonding with her on a spiritual level, was that real, or was that purely strategy - to get her vote in a final 2 situation?
    Zach: To be honest, I knew she would vote for me in the end, if i was up against either of those two. The Bonding was VERY REAL... I resented God in my life for many of the obstacles in my path, but she helped me see that the obstacles were a way of God letting me know which path to take. So for Jameka, she will always be special to me. She helped me resolve the differences I had with God, and helped me achieve clarity on so many issues I never had answers to, and here they were there all along :)

Carolyn: We heard you (and others) mention "Sweets" quite a lot during the season. Were you able to rekindle that romance once you got out of the house? Or have you moved on to a new woman in your life?
    Zach: Still sorting through the damage... all relationships have their rollercoasters, only time will tell. I'm very business focused and very selfish right now for time. I'm consumed with my dream to succeed. I call it financial vehicles. And right now I have a lot of vehicles to work with. So my emotional life is in stride, but since the show, Sweets and I have come to certain understandings that may provide a great future forward, unknown as of now.

Carolyn: Shortly after season 8 ended, I recall seeing accusations of cheating on your myspace page, as well as Jen's. Do you still believe this to be true? If so, please explain.
    Zach: I have no idea if it occurred to be honest, if it did, that's pretty shady. I had daatsus as a fan from jokers or whereever show me, and it bugged me a bit. but I would like to think the competitions were fair. I have no idea, I played a fair game. I guess that is a Karma thing for who ever at the gates of heaven... lol...

Carolyn: Did you ever broach the subject with Allison Grodner?
    Zach: No, I never approached Allison Grodner... I respect her for the job she has and the pressure she must maintain to try to keep things together. I think there were a LOT of things that should have been less intrusive, but I think the show was a learning experience for Allison as well as all of us. It's hard to bite your tongue on certain issues. Mind you, we are in a game environment and anyone can always object & leave. But I think the integrity of Big Brother was without a doubt compromised, and the mentality of BB8 will NEVER be tolerated again. That's my take.

Carolyn: Can you be a bit more specific?
    Zach: Umm... I think Dick's behavior to Jen and other house guests were grounds for dismissal or a penalty nomination. Jen went thru much damage, and if I wasn't in a game setting, I would have stepped up on her defense and took his head off.

    I think the DR (Diary Room) asks questions that you have to be evasive on and make sure to stay on track in the game setting. But overall the DR does a good job. I thought it was ridiculous that Dick and Dani got more DR sessions and air time than all other 12 house guests combined. lol. But human error is a part of a game. Nobody is perfect and the BB8 production staff performed quite well. There is a lot more going on than people realize, and they deserve due credit, that production crew works extremely hard.

Carolyn: How long did it take you to re-adjust to life outside the Big Brother house?
    Zach: For me about 2 months. I was inside that house for 76 days... so a little more than 2 and 1/2 months was like WHOA!!! lol. But for me, it was great to see my close friends, and family, go to the beach, exhale a lot, expand my mind, get back in the swing of things, uncover unlocked doors, open new ones, and meet intelligent and inspiring people along the way. Being cooped up really expanded my mental strength: toughened me up a lot on how to handle many situations.

    Physically, showed me that I can do anything, after being on that bunny hop for 9 hours, and I could have honestly gone on for many hours more. I was in a zone... But for me, the big thing was the people, the supporters and the intelligence that encompassed that. Everyone I have met along the way outside the house has been extremely receptive and helpful. My dreams of underwater photography and a surf label are taking form, and I work about 14 hr days around the clock to get as much accomplished as possible. Ever listen to the song "Wear Sunscreen" by Baz Luhrman? If not, download it or find it and listen to it at least once a day. It changes my life everyday.

Carolyn: So, what's going on in your life now?
    Zach: Right now, I have been full steam ahead on www.dolphincrash.com. Getting ready for the MAGIC show in Vegas, along with my marketing team "Driven". I am doing a cameo in Orange County, Ca this week, A BIG FASHION show at Mike Malin's aka Boogie's Les Deux on the 21st of Feb. Mike Dutz will be in my show, along with other models.

    I will be doing the LA Boat Show, another fashion show at the Santa Monica Pier June 1st and 2nd. I will be doing the LA Grand Prix in long beach ca in april, along with the AVP Vollyball tour in manhattan beach in May/June, Huntington Beach ProAm surf tour in June, a tennis celebrity benefit in San Fran in march, a golf benefit in Palm Desert in late march, and end with a regatta in the Caribbean in August. We're trying to get the dolphincrash symbol on one of the sails.

    I am doing everything and am everywhere, there is no DULL moment for me nowadays. So between doing all these events, traveling, and getting the product into stores, that is my life, not to mention nursing a ankle surgery over the holiday, so I'm doing my best.

    I will have swimwear available in late march on the website and in stores, and will debut the bikini and boardshort line at Les Deux.

    I encourage any supporters to get on the website www.dolphincrash.com and pick up an item, and just since you, Carolyn, have been so nice to letting me be a part of your spot, use bb9dish in the coupon's area on the checkout of my site to recieve 10% off the entire order at dolphincrash.com: Offer expires 3/19/08.

    Oh yeah. I'm still trying to make Kail's event in Rainbow in a few weeks, also. :)

Carolyn: Has your life changed since being on the show, as a result of "fame"?
    Zach: I'm just a normal guy, and I approach anyone who approaches me with open arms. I have received some great dinners from local places in Tallahassee, like Po Boys and Barnacle Bills... Done some really fun charity events, and made some extra money in places I never thought, but I'm grateful for everything and the love of my fan base and my family.

Carolyn: How's DolphinCrash coming along? Which stores can we buy the shirts in?
    Zach: Dolphincrash.com and Dolphincrash is full steam. As of now, there are a few stores in Tallahassee and Southern California, but MAGIC is the big show in Vegas to get things rolling.
    I'm trying hard to get the bikini's and board shorts ready, so thats my focus for the moment. Experimenting with different micro fabrics, nylons, spandex, elastics, etc. - that's the fun part.

    Hopefully whoever reads this might have a few ideas for stores in their areas, if so send me some ideas to dolphincrash@gmail.com. I have sold Artwork to restaurants, businesses, law offices, tanning salons, hari salons, private homes, and galleries. So the art is going, but I would love to get the art out in your area for sure, so if there are any people into really nice high resolution aquatic and sunset images, hand mounted on wood with a laquer finish, then you have found the right stuff. Plus these images are HUGE in size.

    So between the processing of the art and the clothing getting made, I'm slammed. I have a myspace at www.myspace.com/dolphincrash or a bb8 fansite at www.myspace.com/zackbb8 You can still buy all the dolphincrash gear online at dolphincrash.com.

Carolyn: And don't forget to enter bb9dish at checkout to get your discount! :)

Carolyn: Who do you maintain relationships with from your cast?
    Zach: I tried to keep in touch with Nick and Jen, though they are distant, but were all very busy so I can understand that. I talk with Jessica, Mike, and Dustin, actually. And I hang out with Mike often. I have no idea where Jen and Nick are, but I'm sure they will get back with me when they have time. Who knows? lol. As for Kail, I will be seeing her, hopefully, at her event in Rainbow. I'm trying to fit it into my schedule. :)

Carolyn: What was your favorite part about being on Big Brother?
    Zach: Being the bunny for laughs, and without a doubt, making fun of Dick on that (final endurance comp) Bunny Hop and winning that was awesome... to kick his ass on that, not to mention, that was for laughs too. Dick, where ever you are, and for Howie "I've got spider man tattoos on my back." LOL

Carolyn: (scratches head) And your least favorite part?
    Zach: Dumping the funk for 24 hours ARGH!!!

Carolyn: Biggest regret?
    Zach: Trusting Nick in the game, and not trusting what Jen said.

Carolyn: What words of advice would you like to give to the new crew of houseguests?
    Zach: Bite your tongue on issues that don't concern you, and be extremely adaptive. Be able to adjust to any situation and pick your battles. The game is like chess, you have to know when to take pieces and when to let pieces get taken. Its all about the end-game, it's not a week to week thing. Think long term. :)

Carolyn: Inevitably, there will be a BB-AllStars 2. As of this moment, Would you do it again?
    Zach: As of any moment, I would greatly appreciate a shot in Big Brother All-Stars 2. I loved the show, to be honest. It was a great gaming experience. If there is voting for it, vote me into that BB allstars house. I would love to be challenged more than ever in an environment that not only I have been in, but all others have as well. It's a whole new ball of wax.

    I thought BB8 was the ultimate gaming experience. All-Stars obviously would be the ultimate ultimate experience. Granted I was the only one to hand it to DICK twice in both HOH Comps. Getting lucky on one question to win 500k won't happen again. LOL. But yes, I would definitely do BB All-Stars, and to be perfectly honest, if Dick did it, I might even team up with him. lol. Granted, his strategy would NEVER work again. BUT Again I would love it...


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2 Weeks Till Big Brother 9

Can you feel it?

Only 2 more weeks to go! Amazing how our surprise gift of a winter Big Brother 9 season has become just as anticipated, if not moreso, as our regular summer guilty pleasure.

While Julie's appearance on Letterman last night didn't give us anything in the way of new information, we are expecting the houseguests and the new digs to be revealed on the 4th, and we'll post all the info we can find as soon as it's available.

We've also got a couple more interviews up our sleeves. ;) For now though, we hope you enjoyed the interviews from BB8's Jessica and Daniele. If you haven't had a chance to read them yet, just scroll down a little.

2 weeks to go! Can you stand it?!

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Monday, January 28, 2008

Julie Chen on David Letterman

As I write, Jessica Alba's chatting with Dave about her Baby to Be, and I'm waiting for Julie Chen. This should be filed under the heading, "You know you're addicted to Big Brother when...."

For me, I've actually already started having Big Brother related dreams. A couple nights ago, I dreamed the CBS BB9 site had gone live, and I woke up in a rush to blog about it. A couple nights before that, I dreamed the cast had been announced. I don't expect either of those things to actually happen before February 4th - once the chosen few get put into sequester, but we'll be here blogging plenty before that anyhow!

In the meantime, take a moment to add us on the social network of your choice, and we'll let you know whenever we post something significant. :)

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Still waiting... I'll add to this post when Julie comes out. Dave's done with Jessica now, so it can't be much longer.

Mmmmm... Sorry to tell you, but Julie really said nothing of any particular relevance. More of a primer for the BB un-initiated.

Big sigh.

Here's the clip, captured by spamgirl from realitybbq.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Exclusive Interview with BB8's Jessica Hughbanks

Happy Monday! It's hard to believe, but there are only 15 more days till Big Brother 9. Julie Chen's on Letterman tonight, and the rumors are going into overdrive. It's been widely reported that Janelle will be getting into the act this season, with an increased role in BB9, but no one has any details. We're digging to find out just what that role is, and we'll report on it when we get some confirmation. Hopefully later today...

After an unprecedented 6 interviews with Jessica Hughbanks' mother Marie last season, we thought it was high time we interviewed Jessica herself! We caught up with Big Brother 8's Jessica over the weekend, and found out she's gotta be the busiest girl in Kansas.

If you'd like to link to this interview, the direct url is:

Carolyn: What's going on in your life now, Jessica?

Jessica: I just started back at WSU – Go SHOX! This is my senior year, so the classes are a little more intense for me. I can’t wait to graduate in Dec 2008, and my degree is in Communications.

Carolyn: I've noticed a few posts from you about a radio show...
Jess: Yeah! I am working partime/interning at 96.3FM radio station here in Wichita, and I absolutely love my job. We stream on the internet, so if you want to listen in sometime, I'm on Monday through Friday from 4-7PM.

Carolyn: Are you still dancing and cheering too?
Jess: I am on the Wichita Thunder Dance Team’s promotion team, and I'm on on the Wichita Wild’s Arena Football Dance/Cheer team. I am also a BUD Girl, a ring girl for MMA (HAVIC Prize Fighting Promotions), and will be working with the Models of Poker Tour.

Carolyn: Gracious, Jess. Your life seems like a whirlwind of activity.

Jess: My life was super busy with interviews and appearances for a few months after BB8, but once I got back in school, dancing, and working I feel like my life is back to normal.

Carolyn: I guess normal's a relative term. How do you blend your normal with the fame that comes along with being a Big Brother alum?

Jess: I do not consider myself "famous," although I am definitely recognized a lot more often now when I go out.

Carolyn: Last season on bb8dish, we really got to know your whole family. Your mom is the best! Can you give us a little update on your brother Dean? Is he home for good?

Jess: Dean has 2 more years on his enlistment, and he is currently stationed in 29 Palms, CA, and unfortunately his unit is scheduled for deployment to Afghanistan in April. I would really like to thank everyone for their prayers, the outpouring of love and support that was shown for Dean, Tucker, and all our troops!!

Carolyn: Speaking of love... At the end of the summer, you and Eric made a very public declaration of love to each other... all the more touching, because neither of you knew the other was doing it. Are you still an item? If so, how are you managing the long distance?

Jess: Eric and I still talk every single day. We have seen each other several times since BB8 ended, and we still have as much fun together as we did on the show. We are taking our relationship slow, because living in different parts of the country just makes it hard to really get too serious.

Carolyn: Hindsight being 20/20, what would you have done differently to get yourself further in Big Brother 8?

Jess: I would have voted Dick or Dani out earlier in the game to break up their alliance. In my opinion, allowing them to stay in the house together was everyone’s biggest mistake. I also would not have nominated Zach & would have tried to build a better relationship with him.

Carolyn: America's Player: You looked like you took it extremely well, all things considered. Can you please describe for us your initial reactions?

Jess: I was quite surprised when Julie made the announcement about America’s player, and Eric being it. It was A LOT to take in, and my head was spinning; basically I was just trying to figure out how the twist affected me in the game.

Carolyn: Who do you keep in touch with from your cast?
Jess: I stay in touch with Eric, Jen, and Zach the most. I have met up with Dustin & Jameka too.
Carolyn: Who's the most different outside the house?
Jess: For me, Jen is the most different – I never really trusted her in the house, so I did not get to know her very well, but now that I do know her, I love her.

Carolyn: Have you met a lot of your fellow BB Alumni?
Jess: I met Howie, Marcellus, Marvin, James, Kaysar, Erica and Chicken George, and they were all very nice to me. Unfortunately, I haven't yet had a chance to meet up with anyone else from previous seasons, but I hope to someday.

Carolyn: What was your favorite part about being on Big Brother?
Jess: My favorite part was the physical competitions – I love competing, and wish there had been more physical and endurance competitions.
Carolyn: Us too. Especially the endurance comps. As a live feed watcher, those are the BEST!

Carolyn: What was you least favorite part?
Jess: The boredom in the house was my least favorite part of being on the show.

Carolyn: What advice would you like to give to the new crew of houseguests who'll soon be sequestered for Big Brother 9?

Jess: Just be yourself. Don’t try to put on an act for the cameras. Think of some good games you can play to kill time – there is so much down time, with nothing to do! And most of all, FOLLOW YOUR OWN INSTINCTS!

Carolyn: Fast forward a few years to BB All-Stars 2. You get the call... what do you say?

Jess: Absolutely! I love the game & would love to try my luck again.


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Big Brother 9 Live Feeds

You hear me mention the live feeds all the time, and some of you probably wonder what I'm going on about, so I decided to put together a small collection of some of the comments we've gotten from Live Feed viewers. Don't take my word for it, take theirs. ;)

"This is our first year with the live feeds. Watching the feeds has changed the way we view the Big Brother show on CBS. Clearly, there are two different shows - the live feeds (reality) and the CBS version. I cannot imagine any true fan of the show not having the live feeds."

Marie Hughbanks
Jessica from BB8's Mom

Watch Big Brother 9 Replay 24/7 on SuperPass

"I heard Jessica say on the feeds that the producers tried to get her to say mean things about Carol in her goodbye, in case Carol got evicted. Jessica said that there was no reason for that. But they didn't wanna show the nice side of Jessica, instead they chose to edit the clips in such a way that made Jessica look like the villain. .... I'm not sure why the producers made it look like Carol was innocent, when the truth was all over the feeds."
Josh, close friend of Jessica from BB8

"So much DRAMA!!! As soon as it come on I thought of you... I hope that Neil's family is ok and he left for a juicy no-no and it is going to bring even more drama to the house!!! So far this is Great!!! TV only people need to get the feeds ASAP!!!"

"I dont know what i did without the feeds for 6 weeks... even YouTube isn't as good as actually having the feeds!!!"

"I finally have a weekday out of the the office to watch the feeds...but you better believe I'll still be on BB8 dish all day!"
Doc Rocket

"I never got the feeds right from the beginning last time and BB8 was the first time trying the feeds for me. This time I am in early and won't miss a day!"
by David B.

Watch Big Brother 9 Replay 24/7 on SuperPass

"Thank you very much for the advice. I have actually decided to say whatever and go for the live feeds! I am going to do the 14 days here for the first two weeks and make the decision to carry on from there or not. I will make sure to read up here and on the blogs, since I can't be in front of the monitor 24/7, heheh. Only 46 more hours till BB9!"

"OK, i did something I thought i'd never do---i signed up for the live feeds! .... oh yeah! Of course the live feeds aren't on yet, but there's TONS of other stuff on here that I never realized were part of this deal. *happy*"

Baker: Still no BBAD!! Anyone with the live feeds know whats going on?
Carolyn: Why yes :P we do. hehehe.

"The tv-only are so behind. I mean they could fill the hour with all of the ED and Dani explosions of late. Not to mention the comps, the Diary Room sessions, and the pre-nominations campaigning from Zach etc. So much!"

"This has got to be the best live feed so far... Jess painting AmErica's Player into a pink latex bikini top."

"I have to agree - my favorite time on the live feeds was my fellow chatters ! Most of us have continued to talk/email over the last year and are getting together again this year! My favorite live feed time was the Rock n Roll show by Janelle, Will, and the twerp. That was so funny, I woke up my husband laughing!!"

"When I think of live feeds I always remember Nakomis's breakdown...
but my favorite was always having a camera on Kaysar..."

"I've been watching BB since season 1 and I never wanted any houseguest to win as much as I did Janelle, so I would say my favorite memories of the live feeds were when the feeds would come back on and Janelle had won POV."

Watch Big Brother 9 Replay 24/7 on SuperPass

"Big Brother 9 YEAR OF THE PORN STARS! LOL ! How's that 4 ratings!"

"This season is HOT! You know I got the live feeds, I'm too much of a voyeur not to, and I'm loving every second of it."
Feb 15, 2008

"Got to watch the live feeds last night and WOW! Some crazy stuff, I must say."
Feb. 2008


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