Interview with Big Brother 8's Daniele Donato
Happy Friday, everyone! I promised some fun surprises in the run up to Big Brother 9, and I meant it. ;) Today brings the first treat: Daniele Donato from Big Brother 8 was kind enough to sit down with bb9dish and give us a terrific interview. Enjoy!
If you'd like to link to this interview, the direct url is: Congratulations on making it to the final 2. From my end, I always perceived it as a win for both of you, rather than a 1st place, 2nd place. How have you been enjoying the spoils of victory?
- DANIELE: THANK YOU!! You know I love that I'm finally getting to travel and do things.. money doesn't equal happiness, but it sure makes things easier. Not having to worry every month if I'm going to have enough for rent is wonderful.
- DANIELE: My life is a whirlwind of changes. I feel as though it is still changing daily. Sometimes I miss what it feels like to be on solid ground. But you take it and run with it. The only constant is change, right? Plus, change isn't always bad... I'm making the most of it and enjoying it. :]
- DANIELE: I think it's just silly. I don't consider myself as famous. I had my first experience with fans screaming and crying, saying how they were so happy to meet me..
- Them: "You don't understand!!"
Me: "I really don't understand."
- DANIELE: I certainly feel that it has brought us together. The biggest thing I take from the house is life lessons. I cannot even tell you how much I have learned from this experience. I have definitely grown as person. On this topic, I finally realized that you may not have the story book family, but that doesn't mean you don't need your family.
- DANIELE: Well, you live.. you learn. I regret the way I handled the situation, period. But, I can say it has made me a different person, and I've learned from it.
CAROLYN: Do you feel like you've gotten closure now - on both ends?
- DANIELE: It's hard to just move on from a person whom you shared such strong feelings for.. as for romantic feelings, this is the first time I have been single in a very long time. It is hard adjusting to that, but I am not looking to date anyone right now. I am enjoying discovering who I am and growing as an individual.
CAROLYN: Now that you've had a few months outside the house to reflect, what specifically would you go back and change, if you could?
- DANIELE: I would change a few things, but... I can neither confirm nor deny any of them.
CAROLYN: The Incest Charge... Dustin, Dustin, Dustin. Care to comment? Have you ever called him on it? Has he ever apologized to you for his despicable accusations?
- DANIELE: I have not talked to Dustin since the show.
- DANIELE: I saw her at the Reality awards in October, but I didn't talk to her.

- DANIELE: The only person I talk to is Kail. I love her and her family to death. We talk alllll the time. As for people being different, I think most of them are, good or bad. This is why, if I have not communicated with a houseguest outside of the house, I do not have an opinion of them. Everyone gets all these opinions of houseguests from the show, but I've met so many past houseguests who people may have a bad misconception of, whom I just love.
- DANIELE: It really does. Not to say some people don't enter the house already a bit nutty...but I think that's the basic idea. You know, people say, "Oh, so it's like you're in jail?" and I say "No, it's like you're in a mental institution."

- DANIELE: Haha! I say I didn't make friends in the house, because I spent too much time making friends in the Diary Room. I made a lot of good friends out of those guys. As for past houseguests... Kaysar and I hangout, I talk to Marcellus, James, Will (season 5), Diane and that's pretty much it.. so far.

- DANIELE: I enjoyed my time with Nick, as well as the competitions... I really miss them. When my dad and I were on the block together were always great weeks, it brought us together.
- DANIELE: Least favorite? Not being able to talk to my friends and family. It gets lonely and super boring. Soooo boring it drives you crazy. I also hated the fact that you couldn't just get some privacy..if there weren't people next to you, it was a camera you can hear zooming in on you.
- DANIELE: PLAY THE GAME. Coat your heart in cement... you're there to play a game.
- DANIELE: You know, it took them six years to do the first all stars, if it takes six years again.. I will be 27, and it will just depend where I'm at in my life.. I will definitely consider it, but who knows if they will even have another one and who knows if I would even be asked..
- DANIELE: Thanks for everything. <3
Labels: interviews
Great interview Carolyn! You're the best. Awesome suprise :)
Thanks :)
Daniele was really a doll about the whole thing.
That was aweseome to hear from her! Even though in the beginning she drove me nuts with her whining... in the end I REALLY enjoyed her on the show! I enjoyed watching her relationship with her dad... you could see the love! Thanks Carolyn... I look forward to what other surprised you have in store for us!
BTW- the picture of Danielle with a guy... when she was talking about Nick... who was that!?!?1
that's James from the Diary Room... :)
Funny about friends in the Diary room... you could always tell that Dani and her Dad were close with all of the crew.
Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH CAROLYN! What a great interview after she's had time to think about the experience....
Can't wait for #9!!!
Good to hear she's doing well!
Excellent interview! I have been wondering how Dani was doing-thank you=)
great interview... there is so much more to Dani than what everyone saw on TV.. If any of you have read her livejournal.. she is really a indepth person!
Great interview...THANK YOU !!!
thanks that was great !!!! great questions and dani was upfront loved it thanks for doing this !!!cant wait to get started with bb9 !!!!
You totally hit all the topics myself and I'm sure Everyone was wondering about. Thanks again for the great job you do! Looking forward to our next season together. =o)
Hey, Caroline. I've read a number of interviews and I have to say that yours was right up there at top. You asked some very good questions. Good job!
thanks very much, ladies :)
i feel like i'm getting the hang of it now.
the learning curve each season is terrific.
Loved this interview! This may be a stupid question but what happened with Nick?? I have not really followed any of the HG's since the show so I was not aware they broke it off.
Great interview Carolyn. I really enjoyed reading it. As you know Dani & Dick were my favorite hgs last year.
Thanks Carolyn! You do such great work to keep us BB fantics entertained and in the know. :-)
I have to comment that the pic with Dani and Kaysar is just sooooo HOT! Kaysar is looking FINE as per usual! YUMMY! LOL
Great interview with Dani, she's so sweet!
To answer gennie below -- that guy with the glasses in the other pic is a BB staff person, not sure who but I know he worked there (probably diary room person or PA), that pic is from the wrap party.
thanks :)
i'm very glad you enjoyed it.
Great interview! Danielle seems so mature for a 21 yr old. I can tell she grew so much while in the BB house.
Great interview! So nice to see what they are up to these days.
xo Stephanie
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