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Big Brother 9 Auctions, BB9 Furniture
The Most STUNNING BB Alumni Pics You'll Ever See... by TheRealDeal
Adam on Ebay, Sheila on Ebay, Joshuah on eBay, Sharon on EBay
Natalie on EBay, Matty on EBay, Alex on Ebay, Amanda on Ebay
BB9Dish Quickie Poll Results, Awesome Pics from the Feeds!, BB9Dish Mugs, T-Shirts, Etc., , Big Brother DVDs,
Howie & Jerzeechik's All-Star Ebay Stuff, Cool BB9 T-Shirts & More, Big Brother 8 Stuff on Ebay
Big Brother All-Stars- Download it at iTunes

BB9Dish - Ya Gotta Have it!

The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!!
At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C

Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Win a Date with BB6/7 Howie to Johnny Fairplay's Wedding


The opening bid is now significantly lower...

I got a little note from Howie last night. The subject line was "Wedding on Ebay."

I thought, Oh my goodness! Howie and Sonia are getting married! How sweet! Good for them!

I opened the message, and my heart dropped just a little...

Still, it's quite the interesting little auction for the ultimate reality tv fan...

Between Big Brother, Survivor and America's Next Top Model, the guest list at the wedding should be a Reality TV lovers dream event.

Here's the Ad Copy:

"Accompany Big Brother Howie as his guest at the Johnny Fairplay/Michelle Deighton Wedding on Saturday June 14, 2008. Have fun and mingle with a lot of Stars, Reality Stars and numerous other interesting people.

It is in Virginia. The winning bidder will get more info about where it is. The winning bidder will also be responsible for their own airfare/or travel expense and hotel accommodations. Everything at the wedding will be taken care of.

Don't miss this amazing opportunity to spend the night with Big Brother All-Star Howie Gordon and all of the other stars that will be there!"

Check it out!!

No matter your opinion about the groom, and everyone has one, this event is sure to be lively!

To bid on the auction, click here: Win a Date with Howie to Johnny Fairplay's Wedding.

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Weekend BB Ebay Roundup!

Happy Friday, Big Brother Lovers! :) I hope you all have a tremendous weekend. Mine will be! hehe.. I've got my nephew coming to town, my best guy friend's bachelor party and wedding, and other activities there just aren't enough time for during season. ;)

Will I be doing interviews with the HGs? You betcha! I just like to give them all some time to decompress after being in the house... Soon come.

For those of you who've been bidding or just keeping an eye on all the ebay auctions, I have lots of news.

While Joshuah has recently added more items, several of Joshuah's auctions end this evening, so if you're a Josh fan, now is the time to get over there...

Alex's No Bueno Shirt, signed by the whole BB9 cast, as well as many BB alumni, ends Saturday...

Sharon still has several items up, and she's re-listed her dress from the finale and added a phone call into the mix, as well as her USMC sweatshirt. Here's the link for all of Sharon's Ebay Auctions.

Most of the auctions Adam listed last week had to be re-listed. All the updated direct links are within this post, or you could just go to Adam on Ebay, and see for yourself. ;)

I just heard from Mick this morning, and Sheila has joined the Ebay frenzy. She's auctioning off quite a lot of very cool stuff, including her BB9 Key, the boots she wore with the Uni, her SheBot sunglasses and the Black Robe we all know so well. ;)

Here are the links for everything - Sheila on Ebay:

***Sheila added several more items Friday afternoon, so you're best off going to the Sheila on Ebay link, to make sure you don't miss anything.

Here are all the new links for Adam's Ebay Auctions:

It should be noted that Adam added a 15 minute phone call into the mix, so for those of you who'd like to speak directly with the winner of BB9, here's your chance.

Another interesting (and rather quirky) item is the thong worn by Joshuah and Crazy James...

For Natalie fans, paintings galore...

Last but not least, the BB Prop Department keeps adding new items too! There are dozens of choices from them, but for Evel Dick fans, these frying pans will definitely hold the most interest.

These are the frying pans Dick used to wake the BB9 HGs. If you recall, he said during that segment that they were the same pans he'd used during BB8 too. Here's the ad copy:

    You are bidding one of the actual pans that Evel Dick used to wake the Big Brother 9 houseguests up for a Veto competition. Please note that this pan is dented and damaged due to Dick relentlessly banging it on various objects.

That's all for now! Have a wonderful weekend!

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Monday, May 12, 2008

BB9 HG Radio Interviews Galore

Happy Monday, BB Lovers!

Lest you think all the HGs are doing is ebay, they're also making time with the BB loving ladies of radio, Shree and Baby.

Amanda will be back on with Shree and Baby tonight, Monday the 12th! Then... on Thursday the 15th, Chelsia will be on!! The following week, the 21st is Sharon and Josh and either the 20th or the 23 will be James!!!

Please check out Shree & Baby's archives at:

www.blogtalkradio. com/schreeandbaby
& Come listen Live!

Shree & Baby come on LIVE from 8pm to 10pm PST and if you want to call them and chat with Amanda tonight, the number is: 347-326-9149

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