Ryan & Adam: Flipped Again
8:15pm BBT
Ryan & Adam
They've flipped. They now plan on voting Joshuah out of the house.
Stated Goal: Weaken James
Good luck with that, boys. You'll need it.
The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!!
At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C
8:15pm BBT
Ryan & Adam
They've flipped. They now plan on voting Joshuah out of the house.
Stated Goal: Weaken James
Good luck with that, boys. You'll need it.
5pm BBT
Lockdown is over.
All the HGs re-enter the house, scope it out, and notice no immediate changes. All are very much on guard...
5:01pm BBT
Josh, Sharon
(then joined by Adam & James)
Joshuah heads back out to the Jacuzzi to talk with Sharon. They're talking about jury votes. Adam comes out, and the game talk stops. Josh starts talking about the pranks... he's worried for more, so they're bound to come to him.
Adam: We're at the mercy of the walls and the P.A. system.
Joshuah: Yeah.
Adam's worried about more pranks tonight too. James believes BB will be messing with their sleep tonight. Sharon thinks it's something America chose for them to do. They get buzzed by a helicopter and Natalie comes out for a second to see what they're yelling about.
Sharon heads inside.
5:10pm BBT
Sharon & Natalie
Natalie's telling her that Ryan's almost on the page with keeping her... He just needs a little more convincing that he's safe if Sharon wins HoH... Natalie's going to get Ryan and Adam up to HoH, and talk more with them.
Sheila joins the conversation. She offers to go up as the pawn again. Natalie flat out refuses her.
Sharon: James is just scared, because if Josh leaves, he has no one. Here's what I don't get: if they are so scared about me sticking with James, why aren't they 10x more scared of James with Joshuah?!
4:09pm BBT
BB just scared the bajeezus out of Josh with a ghostly reflection in the mirror. They tried the same with Natalie earlier, but she blew them off and told them she'd seen too many seasons of BB for them to scare her with that one.
Here's the clip:
Meeting in the Ladies Room
Be there real soon...
12:41pm BBT
Sharon, Sheila and Natalie
Game talk..
Sharon tells the women about her conversation with Adam and Ryan. They discuss the men's tactics in the game... all save Saint Matty are completely horrible - especially James.
10:09am BBT
The Feeds just went to flames... Wakey Wakey, houseguests! ;)
While we wait, a word... There have been quite a few comments lately comparing this season's HGs unfavorably to The Real World... I'd like to take the opportunity to point out that without The Real World and Exec Producer Mary Ellis Bunim, may she rest in peace, there would be no Big Brother, no Survivor, no nothin'! Real World started it all... Give props where they are due. The Real World gave birth to the genre.
Good Morning, Big Brother Lovers! Happy Saturday. :)
Friday evening, just before 6pm BBT, a new alliance was born between Ryan, Josh, Natalie and James. The plan was to keep Joshuah, with Ryan and James' votes, and Natalie's tie breaking vote. Adam and Sheila were to be left out of the mix completely.
At this point, Sheila was too occupied consoling the crying Sharon to be suspicious of anything going on. Sharon, of course, was not crying for herself. She was crying at the notion of losing Joshuah, which was the forgone conclusion.
Joshuah played his role to perfection - I'm leaving, nothing I can do about it, gonna go out with class, etc...
Shortly before 8:30pm, Adam told Joshuah he'd be willing to keep him. Joshuah went to Natalie with the information (doh!), letting her know it was turning out perfectly, and she might not even have to get her hands dirty with a tie breaker vote.
At 8:34pm, Natalie confirmed with Adam and Ryan, while still not letting Adam in on the original scheme, and Ryan further reinforced the clean hands for Natalie concept: James, Ryan and Adam make 3 votes to evict Sharon - no tie breaker necessary.
Everything neat and tidy and wrapped in a pretty little bow.
But wait... This is Big Brother. Lest you forget. Expect the unexpected... and all that.
The alliance, or agreement, or deal that was struck just before 6pm existed slightly over 4 hours. Natalie blew it to smithereens at 10:14pm BBT.
Natalie Flips & Tells Sharon Everything
10:14pm BBT
HoH Room
Natalie & Sharon
Natalie tells Sharon that Josh came to her and said that she and James were hooked up and would work together till the end.
5:56pm BBT
A New Alliance is Born?
Natalie, James, Ryan
Sheila's out. Baller's questionable. James, Josh, Natalie, Ryan.
After James leaves, Natalie and Ryan agree to leave Adam and Sheila out of the mix.
Feeds are back @ 5:03pm BBT
Natalie: Sorry Joshuah.. I tried...
In the storage room... Natalie tells Sharon she's gonna have to put her up as the replacement...
12 Noon BBT
Sheila's got Sharon in tears... The conversation began forever ago. Sharon began crying shortly after noon.
Sheila: I bawled when I heard Josh read the letter he got from home. For the first time, I saw Josh as a little boy, how fragile he really is.
Sharon starts crying.
Sheila: Josh walks around like a frikkin shell. No emotion. Just a shell. Why are you crying?
Sharon: Because I know what you're saying about him is true. I can't take him to the end... I just can't, and that makes me sad... I really care about him.
Sheila: I get it. I'm a mother. I understand about caring deeply for people in this game. And that's ok, to care deeply...
Sharon: What's hard for me is when I'm stuck in a situation of having to take care of a person.. I take that responsibility seriously. I care about them deeply. The thing is, I live by a certain code. I'm very faithful. I'm just stressed, because I feel like this PoV is riding on me to save Josh.I feel like it's my job to save Josh.
Sharon starts crying more...
Sharon: Why do i feel so responsible?
Sheila: I've told Josh that you're the only one who has his back. James doesn't have his back... just you.
Here's the clip:
9:20am BBT
The Feeds cut to Trivia. Wake up time in the Big Brother house?
9:38am BBT
Feeds are back. HGs are up and about, doing their morning routines.
That was long for a wake up!
Sharon's Showering, Sheila's making coffee, Josh and Ryan are in the bathroom...
Ryan: It must not be anything too elaborate out there.
Sheila comes in to the bathroom, and Ryan asks her how she's doing. She says "no more nice Sheila, I don't give a sh*t anymore. Gonna play this game and try to stay alive. It's all I've ever tried to do is be nice to people, and say nice things, and it didn't work for me."
Still in the bathroom... Sheila & Sharon are showering.
Ryan: Know what it is, Sheil, it's time for Kimberly to start playing this game. Bring her on out.
Sheila: You're absolutely right.
Sharon encourages her as well.
Sheila: Being nice did not work for me at all. I'm 45, been around the block... They can play their own game, I'll play mine.
Sharon: Sounds like a plan to me, girl.
Sheila: I know after this eviction, people are gonna come after me, and y'know what, i told Natalie to put me up as the replacement. Save everyone the pain. Done.
Sharon: You wanna go home?
Sheila: No! I'm just tired of it. All I've done is try to be honest with people... and on top of it, I am almost like road kill over here.
Sharon: Oh, stop it. You're fine.
Sheila: It doesn't pay to be nice in this game. It really doesn't. I try to find the good in everyone. That's all I've ever done. When people see the show, they'll see. I have no reason to talk sh*t about people. I really don't. I want everybody to win. That's the problem. There's only gonna be 2 winners in this game.
9:52am BBT
Sharon: What happened last night?
Sheila: James got up in my face, called me a f'in c word...
Sharon: Oh my God.
Sheila: I had a dream that my ex saw and that he was gonna kick James' frikkin' ass. Everyone says that I talk smack.. I don't. I just tell people the truth... I'm done. I told Natalie to put me up if one of the boys comes down. I begged her. I'm done kissing people's asses... I'm not an ass kisser, never have been, will not start today. I'm just being honest. That's all... I heard all the sh*t talked about me in the back room.
Sharon: Who was talking sh*t?
Sheila: Everybody.
Sharon: Just know I never talked sh*t on you.
Sheila: Oh, I know..
Good Morning, Big Brother Lovers! Happy Friday and Happy Power of Veto Comp Day... on the Live Feeds. Not that we'll see the PoV comp, but that it'll be happening, and we'll know the results as soon as the feeds come back on and the HGs let us know what's up.
Last night at 11:35pm BBT, after Sheila intentionally goaded James for quite a while (check last night's posts, if you want proof), James exploded all over Sheila... Please have a look at this clip, which sets up the rest of the overnight report:
Sheila does her best to get to James.. They argue..
Adam, Josh, Sharon, and Natalie in the hot tub trying to guess what the next POV competition will be.
Natalie Denies It Again...
In front of the guys who were in the room while she was doing it the last few times.
The Players:
6pm BBT
James & Natalie
Natalie sneaks off for a quick meeting with James... Turn it way up. They're whispering.
Natalie: They would take Joshuah down, so I wanted to give you a chance to save yourself.
James: If I don't win, I go home.
Here's the clip, captured by QuirkyDude:
4:35pm BBT
BB: Houseguests, this is a lockdown. Please go outside and close the sliding glass door.
Joshuah is dressed up and ready to be nominated.
Adam, Sharon, Ryan, James, Joshuah... are all outside.
BB: Sheila... Sheila....
Sheila comes out.
Ryan: This is it?
Adam: This is it?
Sheila: Yeah.
Natalie's absent from the lockdown. The nomination ceremony will begin shortly.
Sheila (to Sharon): We want Joshuah to stay. We can't have...
TRIVIA at 4:38pm BBT
1:51pm BBT
Nominations are Today just flashed on the TV Screen in the living room.
The HGs are all talking slop, pickles, protein shakes and carb counts at the moment. Josh and Sheila would now like to be called Sebastian and Kimberly after 9pm in the evening. The HGs continue bemoaning their coming week of slop...
James: I'm gonna laugh my ass off if the PoV is how much would you give up to win it.
Josh notices the nomination screen and announces it to everyone.
2pm BBT
Josh & Natalie
Josh is worried that James is right, and the Veto Comp will be how much will you give up. Natalie says she will win, no matter what.
Natalie: I will win. You will stay.
Josh hugs Natalie.
2:06pm BBT
Adam & Josh
Josh works Adam for his vote, and Adam promises to keep Josh, no matter what, even if he's up against Sharon. They discuss the 5 step process:
Hey everyone. BB9 Alex Coladonato has joined the eBay fray, and proceeds from his sales will be going to his father's 9-11 foundation.
Here's what Alex had to say in his blog: