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Big Brother 9 Auctions, BB9 Furniture
The Most STUNNING BB Alumni Pics You'll Ever See... by TheRealDeal
Adam on Ebay, Sheila on Ebay, Joshuah on eBay, Sharon on EBay
Natalie on EBay, Matty on EBay, Alex on Ebay, Amanda on Ebay
BB9Dish Quickie Poll Results, Awesome Pics from the Feeds!, BB9Dish Mugs, T-Shirts, Etc., , Big Brother DVDs,
Howie & Jerzeechik's All-Star Ebay Stuff, Cool BB9 T-Shirts & More, Big Brother 8 Stuff on Ebay
Big Brother All-Stars- Download it at iTunes

BB9Dish - Ya Gotta Have it!

The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!!
At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C

Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!


Saturday, May 31, 2008

It's a Very Sheila Weekend

Good Evening, Big Brother lovers! Just checking in on a Saturday night to say hello and let you know we'll have more interviews coming your way very soon. :)

Also, BB9 Sheila Kennedy will be on with Schree & Baby tonight on BlogTalkRadio. You can call in and talk to Sheila live at (347)326-9149. Sheila will be there answering your questions live from 8-10pm BBT.

Click the pic to get to the show. ;)

Also, Sheila has listed a bunch more stuff on ebay, or rather a friend has for her... in addition to the FAB signed pics with Evel Dick. Here's the link for all the new goodies: Oodles of Sheila Memorabilia. Check it out. In addition to the auctions for clothing Sheila wore in the house, there is a 15 minute phone call up for grabs.

Have a terrific rest of the weekend!

Oh! If you haven't checked out the auctions for the personalized autographed pics of Sheila & Evel Dick, photographed by The Real Deal, here's the link for those: Simply Gorgeous!

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Signed 8x10 Evel Dick & Sheila Kennedy Photographed by TheRealDeal

In addition to all the other Big Brother 9 auctions that are currently running, a little birdie whispered in my ear about a very special trio of auctions that just went up today.

If you're a TRD fan, an Evel Dick fan and/or a Sheila fan, this set of auctions is so cool.. well, it's The Real Deal.

There are three auctions and each one features a different autographed 8x10 print of Evel Dick from Big Brother 8 & Sheila Kennedy from Big Brother 9 taken from The Real Deal's photo shoots with them. Should you be the lucky winner, your photo will be signed by both big brother contestants and personalized to you with your name on it.

The photos are STUNNING... as always. The auction is being run by TRD himself, on behalf of Sheila, and shipping is free. What more could a girl ask for?

Here are the links you need to check em all out:

My bid's already in. Good luck. :P If you'd like to view them all at once, here's the link for that: All of the Auctions

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Interview with BB9 Winner Adam Jasinski
a BB9Dish Exclusive

Typically, I don't start doing interviews until many months after the HGs have gotten out of the Big Brother house, but this year is anything but typical! With BB9 and BB10 happening right on top of each other, there just isn't time to give anyone too much rest, so let the interview process begin.

It seemed fitting that our first BBDish post show interview should be with the winner of Big Brother 9, Adam Jasinski, aka Baller... my fellow cuban coffee lover. Adam's been busy as all get out, but he still made time for the dishfolk. ;) Adam, when you do make it back to South Florida, just say the word, and I'll take you to the best Cuban Coffee joint in town!

Incidentally, if you'd like to contact Adam directly, you can get to him via his myspace page... and if you're looking to own a piece of him, check out his newly listed ebay auctions. And now, the interview...

BBDish-Carolyn: Hi Adam. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me today, and congratulations on winning Big Brother 9! You had quite the journey in there. You went from being one half of the most likely to be the first evicted couple, to an overwhelming victory...

BB9-Adam: Anything for you Carolyn! and thanks. Yeah it was rough in there for a while. I had to sweat it out under Sheila's rainy cloud, but I eventually turned it around and made the best of it.

BBDish-Carolyn: How much did the couples twist dictate your initial under the radar game play?

BB9-Adam: You know, I knew I was going to try to be quiet, at least for the first couple of weeks. I know my mouth can get me in trouble sometimes. So that was part of my plan from the door, couples or not. But Sheila made it much easier on me, because she would draw all the heat, and I tried to play it off as "poor quiet Adam" as long as I could.

BBDish-Carolyn: What have you been up to since you got out of the house? You mentioned earlier that you've been doing a lot of traveling... where to and with who? Anyone we know?

BB9-Adam: Everything has been crazy since I left the house. I flew right home to Jersey and caught up with my family and all my boys. I think that's what I missed the most. I've been doing a little traveling. I went to Seattle with Matty for an interview and I just went to Vegas with Matty this Memorial Day weekend. I have some other trips lined up as well, like visiting Ryan, getting back to Florida eventually, etc...

BBDish-Carolyn: Are you keeping in touch with any of your BB9 housemates?

BB9-Adam: I talk to Matty almost every day. Ryan and I still talk a lot, Natty, even Chelsia calls me every now and then.

BBDish-Carolyn: What surprised you most upon getting out of the isolation chamber of the Big Brother house? Politically, personally, game-wise...

BB9-Adam: Jay-Z getting married I guess.... And of course the GAS PRICES...

BBDish-Carolyn: I'd like to get the big rumor out of the way... What's the deal on the orgy? Any idea what spawned the rumor? There had to have been something said to get so many former (and trusted) HGs to write about it...

BB9-Adam: I assume this rumor was formed like most rumors are started, someone looking to rain on the parade because they aren't the center of attention. The orgy never happened as it seems... I not even sure how my name got brought into it to begin with. Everyone is grown ups and what ever happened between Matt and Natty is all good, but I was not in the room when the so called orgy went down. I don't like to focus on the negative, so I'll turn all that energy into something positive instead. Like Matty said in our Seattle interview, this orgy may have never happened, but we are always open to any babies who would like to start one with us... LOL

BBDish-Carolyn: Issue #2 ;) During the finale, in your elation, you stated you'd be donating 100k to the Autism Foundation... Since finding out about the retard brouhaha, I'm certain this has changed. Were you surprised by all the fallout from the "retards" comment? Have you found a new foundation to support?

BB9-Adam: I was extremely surprised by the fallout. My boy Deebo kind of clued me in when I got out as to how bad it had gotten. Also finding out I was fired was a big disappointment. I meant what I said about donating the money though, I'll donate, but just not to the foundation that fired me. I felt like I was trying to do something positive for them, and yes I made a mistake, but to completely turn their backs on me seemed a little unfair. So now I looking to possibly start my own charity or maybe work in conjunction with another charity. I haven't quite figured it out yet. Most people don't understand that this stuff doesn't happen overnight. It is going to take some time to establish a relationship with an organization that is trust worthy and credible as well as doing something I feel is special...

BBDish-Carolyn:Were you even still employed by the Autism Foundation when you went into the house? I seem to remember you saying at some point that you hadn't actually worked there in a while... Consequently, in the fallout of the retard comment, it looked to me like they were doing a big PR move in the very public firing of you... Can you please get into that a bit?

BB9-Adam: Carolyn, I had left the foundation about a week and a half before entering the BB House. How can I work and start planning fundraisers and charity events when I am possibly leaving for MONTHS? So yes I took a leave of absence from the foundation in order to go on the show.

BBDish-Carolyn: To the victor go the spoils... We know about your philanthropic plans, but what are you planning to do for yourself with the 500k? Any special new toys you wouldn't have otherwise treated yourself to?

BB9-Adam: To be honest I haven't gotten myself anything special yet, and I probably won't. There's no reason to blow the money on a new car when I could make something positive out of it. Would I like a new BMW 650, and a keytar? Of course. But it's not the smart move right now. I might open a bar/restaurant... But we will see...

BBDish-Carolyn: At final four, it seemed very clear to me that the only chance any of the other HGs had to play for the win (and not second place), was to get rid of you... Were you keenly aware of this as well? What was your thinking that week?

BB9-Adam: I was aware that my game play, winning comps and revealing more of my hand than I wanted to definitely made me a threat. At the same time, I kinda of played the entire game thinking I might be the next to go. I guess that's what happens when you think for sure that you are going home the first week, which I might have been doing. Every week after that I thought could be my last week, which made throwing comps dangerous moves, but it all worked out in the end.

BBDish-Carolyn: How much of a factor was the run-through with the final endurance comp wave machine in your decision to push for Sharon's ouster? Did it truly matter, or was it just a very convenient addition to your original agenda? IE., Was it your plan to take Sheila to final 3 all along?

BB9-Adam: It was a great addition to add to the last minute push for Sheila... I was going to take her all along. I had to!

BBDish-Carolyn: Speaking of Sheila, in the final days, did you ask anyone in the DR if there was any kind of bonus attached to making it to the final 2 with your original partner?

BB9-Adam: NO... I never thought... I should have...

BBDish Carolyn: Given the opportunity, would you come back and do it all over again in an All-Stars 2 scenario?

BB9-Adam: Absolutely. I'd have to switch up my game a little though. I couldn't play under the radar as much I did the first time around. As long as Big She's not there, I'm in. Just Kidding..

BBDish-Carolyn: Thank you so much for making the time to do this, Adam. I really appreciate it!


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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Real Deal's on a Roll!

Chelsia's the woman of the day. Not only did TRD write a super new blog about her, she's also the guest on BlogTalkRadio tonight with Schree and Baby! The show's from 8-10pm BBT, and you can call in and talk with Chelsia at (347)326-9149.

Behind The Lens - Chelsia Hart - by The Real Deal

Chelsia Hart was one of my favorites from Season 9. So it would be only natural that I would want to add her to my ever growing portfolio. I contacted her immediately after the finale and she was excited to do a photo shoot.

Chelsia was one of those girls in the house that you either LOVED or hated. I loved this girl. Yeah, she did go a little loony at the end there. And yeah, Natalie was another favorite of mine, so I was a little confused there for a second. But I got over it. It's just a game, and sometimes your favorites clash.

I started a series of YouTube videos called...

Please Click Here to read the rest.

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Calling All Dr. Delicious Fans!

Do you long for the days of Dr. Will? Are you jonesing for Big Brother? Do you need a creative outlet? Well, the Official Dr. Delicious Fansite is proud to present their first contest, and the winner's gonna get a Chilltown baseball jersey signed by Dr. Will. Pretty cool. :)

Here are all the details from them:

Are you constantly humming some random tune to yourself?

Do you feel yourself crying out for a creative outlet on a day-to-day basis?

More importantly, do you find yourself completely and utterly obsessed with Dr. Delicious?

Well, have we got the answer for you. The Official Dr. Delicious Fansite is proud to present our first contest ever.

We are looking for any form of creative tribute for Will.

(Here are some ideas to get you started):
-A Youtube video
-Love poetry
-A graphic (Pictures, layouts, etc)...

In order to enter, you must join our new forum..


Submit your entries THERE!!!
Remember, be creative!
We'd love to see entries of all kinds, "but don't let it get too weird".

1)You must be a member of The Official Dr. Delicious Fansite to enter.
2)All entries MUST be entered by June 20, 2008.
3)All entries must be submitted in one of the premade category threads (Pictures, videos, nonvisual art). Any entries NOT submitted to the correct thread will not be eligible and will be deleted.

Whoever demonstrates the most creativity and skill in their tribute for Dr D. will win their very own official CHILLTOWN baseball jersey signed by DR. WILL himself.

The winner will be determined by the Dr. Delicious Fansite team and by honorary judge, Carolyn from BB9Dish.

Come on, admit it. It doesn't get much better than that.


Please remember to submit your entries to them over at http://groups.myspace.com/willkirbycontest... not me. ;) I'm just helping them get the word out...

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What do TheRealDeal, James, Adam, Natalie, Kaysar and ChillTown have in Common?

They're all featured within this post!

Happy Tuesday, Big Brother lovers! I hope you had a fun and meaningful Memorial Day holiday. We've got news!

First off, TRD has made his first post over on TheRealDeal's BBDishin', so be sure to check it out... Well, that is if you'd like to know all about his lunch with Sheila and Chelsia... ;)

Next up, Schree and Baby are interviewing Crazy James live tonight from 8-10pm BBT on their Radio Show! Click James' pic to get there...

Here's the info from them:

    Come and find out what he has been up to and what his thoughts are about being in the BIG BROTHER house!!!

    If you want to call in and talk to Crazy James, the call in number is 347-326-9149!

    He will be taking calls and answering your questions!! HOLLA
Please check out their archives at www.blogtalkradio.com/schreeandbaby or click here to listen to Crazy James Live!

On the EBay front, after many requests for it, Adam has listed the University of Miami Hat he wore so frequently while in the house, as well as his HoH Slippers, a Phone Call with Adam and a couple of other items.

Here's the link to see all of Adam's auctions.

Next up... Natalie's 4 listed EBay Auction are ending tonight. Here's the link you need to take a peak and make a bid: BB9 Natalie on Ebay. She may list more, but as far as her current auctions go, they all end tonight.

Last but certainly not least, someone has listed a tremendous lot of Autographed Big Brother Alumni pics that includes Chilltown, Janelle, Kaysar and Howie, as well as Diane Henry and Karen O'Neill Ganci from BB5.

If autographs are your thing, you know how rare it is to find Dr Will and Boogie.

Kaysar's pic is signed "to my #1 fan." Is that you? ;)

Here's part of the ad copy:

This is a Super Rare Autograph Lot and you most likely won't find one like it again! They are all hand-signed by the specified houseguests. Feel free to message the seller (not me) with any questions you have, or if you would like a better scan of any of these autographs.

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