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Big Brother 9 Auctions, BB9 Furniture
The Most STUNNING BB Alumni Pics You'll Ever See... by TheRealDeal
Adam on Ebay, Sheila on Ebay, Joshuah on eBay, Sharon on EBay
Natalie on EBay, Matty on EBay, Alex on Ebay, Amanda on Ebay
BB9Dish Quickie Poll Results, Awesome Pics from the Feeds!, BB9Dish Mugs, T-Shirts, Etc., , Big Brother DVDs,
Howie & Jerzeechik's All-Star Ebay Stuff, Cool BB9 T-Shirts & More, Big Brother 8 Stuff on Ebay
Big Brother All-Stars- Download it at iTunes

BB9Dish - Ya Gotta Have it!

The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!!
At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C

Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Showtime's A Go for Big Brother 9

BBAD's a Go! Here's the official word from the fine folks at CBS. ;)

Showtime Greenlights a Second Installment of Big Brother

Big Brother: After Dark, an exclusive live three hour feed of the first winter edition of the CBS hit reality series BIG BROTHER starting Tuesday, February 12th at 12:00 AM ET/PT on SHO2

LOS ANGELES, CA – (January 8, 2008) – CBS and Showtime will once again partner to bring viewers Big Brother: After Dark, an exclusive, live televised look inside the BIG BROTHER house after the network prime-time cameras have been turned off. Big Brother: After Dark will feature a live television feed from the "Big Brother" house for three hours (12:00–3:00 AM, ET/PT), seven days a week, on the cable network's SHO2 multiplex channel beginning Tuesday, February 12th at 12:00 AM ET/PT. The announcement was made today by Robert Greenblatt, President of Entertainment, Showtime Networks Inc.

“Big Brother: After Dark was a big success for us at bringing an audience to very late night time periods on SHO2. This began as an experiment with our friends at Endemol and CBS, and I'm happy that it worked so well for all of us,” said Greenblatt. “I'm amazed at how much curiosity there is about what goes on in the Big Brother house after the lights are out, but what better place to present that than on SHOWTIME where we have a lot of on-air real estate in the wee hours of the morning.”

The first winter edition of BIG BROTHER will premiere on CBS Tuesday, February 12th and air every Tuesday at 9:00 PM ET/PT, Wednesday at 8:00 PM ET/PT and Sunday at 8:00 PM ET/PT. The series follows the relationships and conflicts of players who live together in a house outfitted with dozens of cameras and microphones recording their every move 24 hours a day. One by one, the houseguests will vote each other out of the house. At the end of three months, the last remaining houseguest will receive the grand prize.

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Monday, January 07, 2008

What Would You Miss Most Being inside the Big Brother House?

I'm feeling as giddy as a school girl. Evel Dick just left us a comment on our myspace. When I first saw it, I about keeled over. Then I tried to get myself to maintain my cool... didn't really work, cuz here I am blogging about it. hehe. I'm such a freakin' goofball.

Just feels good.

I hope you're all enjoying the start of the new year.

The rumors around bb9 have been on overdrive in the past few days, but until we can get confirmation on any of em, that's all they are, rumors, and they wont be getting spread here... Maybe over on our rumors site. The link's in the left sidebar, but be advised that nothing has been added there since last season. Of course that hasn't stopped some other sites from copying those old rumors and re-spreading em... lol. So silly.

Rumors and the main blog (you're on it) don't go together. Just the facts, Ma'am. Just the facts.

So, as I've been working on the behind the scenes stuff the past couple weeks, I've been wondering what you would miss most being inside the BB house for 12 weeks starting February 12th... Apart from the obvious, family & friends, what would it be?

For me, I'd miss the best weather South Florida has to offer... and then get plunked home as soon as it got brutally hot. I'd miss knowing which candidates were looking to be the nominees, but I wouldn't miss all the negative campaigning that's sure to go into overdrive during winter bb. I'd miss the freedom to go and do... anything and everything. I'd miss my morning (and evening) bike rides around the perimeter of the island, and my daily dose of ocean and other beauty...

And you????

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