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BB9Dish - Ya Gotta Have it!

The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!!
At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C

Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!


Saturday, February 09, 2008

A BB9Dish Exclusive Interview with
Big Brother 9 Alex Coladonato's Best Friend Johnny

This morning, I had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Big Brother 9 Houseguest Alex Coladonato's best friend, Johnny, and boy did he dish on absolutely everything! Enjoy!

If you would like to link directly to this interview, here's the url:

Carolyn: First off, I have to say thank you for doing this. And at 9:30am on a Saturday morning. Now that's devotion. How long have you and Alex known each other?
John: Wow, it's got to be over 7 years now.

Carolyn: 7 years... That would make it just before 9-11. Ouch. You've been through some rough times with Alex.

John: I actually met Alex about a week or 2 after 9-11. It was something I think made me see how great of a person Alex is right off the bat. How he handled the situation and how he was trying to be strong for everyone else around him.

Carolyn: I can't even imagine.
John: My uncle worked for the same company as his father, and my uncle did not go into work that day. He lost every one of his friends... its a weird connection when you think about it.

Carolyn: Thank goodness your uncle didn't go in. Your family must have felt so blessed... Did you meet because of the business you now have together?
John: Well we don't have a business together. I used to work with him at his company E-squared Productions (e2dj.com). But no, we met our freshman year of college at St. John's University. Recently I became Alex's manager to try and help do 2 things. One of which is expand his production company to other parts of the USA. His time on Big Brother will surely help that. And also to explore other opportunities for him after the show because he is very talented. I can tell all the young girls out there hoping to have a Super Sweet 16... theres no one better in the world than Alex to take care of every aspect of your affair.

Carolyn: I read in Alex's bio that he didn't really develop a relationship with his dad till his teen years. To lose him so soon after is just so tragic... and all the more touching that he's dedicating so much to him now.
John: That's actually not true at all. I was shocked when I saw CBS put that. Alex's dad was always in his life... his parents were just divorced.

Carolyn: Oooh.. hm. I wonder why they did that. How irresponsible.
John: I'm glad I can clear that up for your readers though.

Carolyn: Me too! Are you guys both fans of the show?
John: Oh yes. Big fans. It's really funny how this all happened...

Carolyn: Tell! Tell!
John: I consider myself (very humble of course) to be the best player to never play this game.

Carolyn: hehe! I'd be careful with a statement like that. In reality world, that generally means first player out the door - or off the island.
John: haha. I know it inside out... I understand that we all play this game everyday. Whether it be at work to try and get ahead... at home ... with your significant other. Big Brother is just society under a microscope.

Carolyn: I like you analogy. For the unfamiliar, I tend to describe it as "Survivor in a Box."
John: I tried out for season 6 of the show. Had a great interview, they loved me. Obviously, I didn't make it on. I realized back then that they cared more about your look and appeal than what you had to bring to the table.

Carolyn: Still you persevered.
John: So this summer I tried real hard to get Alex to come to the season 9 auditions.

Carolyn: aha
John: He really was tentative, didn't want to leave his business. But I tried to explain this could help him more than anything and open up new doors. I promised him they would love him.

Carolyn: what's not to love?
John: Well we go to the audition in Brooklyn NY, in this tiny tiny bar. The casting people come in and immediately tell Alex to skip the line and interview first. He hated me, because I'm always right, but ever since then he went from "ehhh" to "I really want this." So to answer your questions... Yes, we're both die hard fans of the show.

Carolyn: Wow.. very cool. So, did you ever think of auditioning again after season 6... From the sound of it, you had America's Player written all over you.
John: Yes, I wanted to audition every year. Just so happened that season 9 was the right time to do it again. I plan on auditioning for season 10 too, but I doubt I have a chance now with Alex on the show. haha.

Carolyn: Mmm.. Yeah.. You're probably right about that.
John: I did train Alex in the art of Johnny's game plan though. Hopefully he follows it.

Carolyn: And what, pray tell, is the Art of Johnny's game play - so we know what to look out for.
John: Well the twist this year could interfere with it.

Carolyn: Big time.
John: But the plan was this. He was going to grab one person. Someone no one expected him to pair with. According to Alex it was going to be a guy from Boston because of the whole NY/Boston rivalry. (Expect him to try and align with Mat) Then each of them would grab one other person. This would essentially be the 4. But Alex and his person and Boston and his person would then split apart. Each grab 2 other people and pretend to each of their groups that they are the final 4. I call this the tree branch effect.

Carolyn: Oooh. Very clever.
John: So Alex could then sit at the top and decide which way to go every week. First getting rid of the people not involved, obviously. And then dangling from side to side... knowing that the only person hes true to is Boston.

Carolyn: It sounds great. I wonder how long it would actually work, before he got Nick'ed... busted for playing all sides.
John: Well technically he wouldn't be Nick because look at someone like Matt's personality... He's going to draw all the negative attention. It's both of their scheme, but Alex is much less out there.

Carolyn: Gotcha. I'll definitely be on the lookout for a Matt/Alex Alliance. We all will.
John: Yea so will I.

Carolyn: hehe... you're gonna be watching the feeds from a Mr. Miyagi point of view...
John: I'm probably going to get fired from my job because for the next 3 months my life is going to be Big Brother.

Carolyn: We can all relate to that.
John: Alex joked that I'm going to have to buy a new television because I'll be screaming at him the whole time, "what the hell are you doing Alex"?!

Carolyn: Tell me you're not planning to only watch on tv! omg.. It's only 10% of the show.
John: Oh no... but the TV is the biggest target to throw something at. haha. I will have the live feeds.

Carolyn: ok. lol. Just making sure. I have trouble imagining anyone who's really into Big Brother only watching the tv show.
John: It's not possible.
Carolyn: Agreed. 100%.

Carolyn: OK.. Ya know how every season, each house guest fills a role? The slut, the bitch, the hunk, the dweeb, the cook, etc., etc. What's Alex's role?
John: To be honest, he may fill all of them at one point or another.

Carolyn: Excellent. A chameleon
John: He's definitely going to be working the Showmance angle a lot. But he loves to cook, he loves to entertain... He will be evil at some points, trust me.

Carolyn: I love a good showmance...
John: The last thing I said to him before he left was, "This is only a game. Don't let emotion interfere with what you have to do,"

Carolyn: But do you think he'll be able to keep his heart out of the equation? It's a long season, and every day feels like a year.
John: Well, Alex has such a huge heart. I'm hoping he can avoid that, but you never know. He has to stay focused, otherwise he could end up falling for someone.

Carolyn: In terms of relationships on fast forward, the Big Brother House feels like Summer Camp for Grown ups... It's such an intense amount of time together.
John: Agree 100%, but thats going to help him too.

Carolyn: How so?
John: His biggest strength is his likability factor. People just want to like him. And in that intense environment, it's going to happen... maybe even the first week.

Carolyn: I predict women fighting over him. But maybe not with the whole soul mates twist element. We'll see.
John: Well Carolyn... I think his soulmate could end up hurting his game... I have a feeling its Jen. And we all know by now Jen and Ryan are together.

Carolyn: True. Does Alex have an ex in the house too?
John: No, he doesn't. We feared there would be one. But looks like she didn't cut the mustard. lol.
Carolyn: Phew.
John: Alex is 100% alone in the house.

Carolyn: Good to know. He's a free man... apart from the twist. Still, the whole Jen/Ryan thing... it doesn't seem terribly fair to the guests who came in solo. We'll just have to wait and see how it plays out. I can't believe they'd give the two of them such an advantage without throwing in something to gum up the works a bit. It's too early to even speculate, really... we have to wait till we know how the pairings are going to work. They've said they can be evicted together, but they've also said it will be a full season. The numbers don't add up. Time will tell.
John: My theory is that CBS is leaving the option open to make it a short season if the ratings aren't good. But assuming they are great, the couples twist will end after week 2 leaving 12 in the house, the same as last year after week 2.

Carolyn: Interesting theory on the ratings option out, but real just opened the 3 month deal for the feeds, and I can't see them doing that if a full season wasn't guaranteed. But the rest of it makes great sense.
John: Ya, I think it will be a full season.

Carolyn: Johnny - I think we've covered a ton of ground here, especially for a 1st interview that's happening before the show even starts. Is there anything else about Alex you'd like to add? Anything you feel we all must know?
John: Well I just want everyone to know that Alex is a great person, and I'm not just saying that because I'm his friend. America will fall in love with him, his personality, and his blunt honesty. Let's help him out during the America's choice votes.

Carolyn: Let's hope there is some version of that this season! Not America's Player, obviously, but some interactivity. It was fun to participate.

John: I also want to take this time to thank an up and coming clothing line that's coming out.
Carolyn: Oh.. please do.
John: Alex bought some shirts from them before he left for the show and they are really, really cool. You will see him wearing them on the show and I'll be sure to point them out when he does. They are now expanding to online sales so when the site is up it will be www.TackyGarb.com

Carolyn: hehehe. I love the name!
John: Please, all big brother fans, once it's up, support a great group of people who have been Big Brother supporters.
Carolyn: With Pleasure.
Carolyn: Once the site goes active, you'll find the link in the left sidebar of the blog under the heading "Want Alex's Tshirts?"

    ***Dear BB9Dish Readers, I just checked, and it's not active as of February 9th 2008. I'll pop the link on the sidebar when it is.
John: Awesome... I'll let you know when they go live.
Carolyn: Sweet.

Carolyn: Thanks so much for talking with me this morning, Johnny. We've learned a ton about Alex!! And it's all because of you.
John: Thank you for being professional, Carolyn. I'm sure we will talk again many times during the season. And I'll be sure to send some other close members of Alex's family and friends your way as well.

Carolyn: (sigh) I still can't believe they said he'd had no relationship with his dad...
John: yep

Carolyn: Anyway... Thank you! Have a gorgeous weekend, Johnny. Go spend some time with the friends and family you'll be ignoring for the next 3 months.
John: haha. Thanks again. Have a great weekend as well.


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Happy Saturday, Big Brother Lovers!

In the spirit of BBHeaven Susan's Grand Prize winning bb9dish fan art, I have a deliciously dishy treat in the works for you for later tonight.

Serious Scoop. Serious Dish. Before they're out of the bottle. ;)

We had so many wonderful entries for the fan art contest, I really couldn't pick just one, so you'll be seeing more of them in the days to come.

In the meantime, please enjoy the interview with Big Brother 9 Joshuah Welch's sister, right below here, and enjoy your last weekend in the sun... or snow... or with your family and friends!

We're so close!

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Friday, February 08, 2008

Interview with BB9 Joshuah's Sister
A BB9Dish Exclusive

I held a little poll here yesterday to see who people were naturally drawn to, based on their bios and videos, and Joshuah was the overwhelming favorite, so I wanted to make my first family interview of the Big Brother 9 season with a member of Joshuah's family - his little sister. It only seems right. :)

As much as everyone else is drawn to Joshuah, it's pretty safe to say, she's his biggest fan. She talks about him like I talk about my brother Jimmy: "He's a genius!"

If you would like to link directly to this interview, here's the url:

Carolyn: Are you a fan of Big Brother?
Joshuah's Sister Kealee: I have only seen a few episodes, because of my crazy schedule - in the past. I am just now getting into the shows. And now that my brother is on it, My whole family will be watching Big Brother, and my whole hometown community of Port Neches Groves.

: I love it. A full hometown cheering section. Are you planning on getting the Live Feeds so you can keep a close eye on what's happening in the house?
Kealee: We all already have the live feeds for the bb9 season.

Carolyn: What do you see as Joshuah's strengths going into the game?
Kealee: He is a genius! He is so head strong and a leadership pro. He will be great with the gossip too!

Carolyn: What's Joshuah like?
Kealee: If you know my brother... you know he has so much fun, lives life to the fullest, and is such a celebrity to everyone that meets him. He is a wonderful brother, and best of all, friend. No matter what happens this season, I love him, and I will always be his biggest fan forever.

Carolyn: What do you think of the twist?
Kealee: I like the twist, because I support my bro 100%. I can't imagine having to hide who you are while growing up in such critical ages. Especially in our hometown, where being gay is not yet accepted, and it might not ever be.

Carolyn: That had to be rough. And yet, having grown up there, you're a shining beacon of support and acceptance.
Kealee: I am glad that he is out, and now America will see him and support him!

Carolyn: To your knowledge, does Joshuah already know any of the other house guests?
Kealee: I looked at the guests, and I do not think he knows any of them. Some of them are from places I know he has never been.

Carolyn: Well, there goes one of my theories! hehe. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this interview!
Kealee: I am so excited, and my family all supports Joshuah. We love him so much! Thanks, and anything you need, just call...


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Big Brother 9 House Guest Interviews Video

I hope you all have a terrific last weekend with your friends and families... Before you ignore them all for the next 3 months. If you have a some time, and you'd like to get to know the Big Brother 9 Houseguests a bit better, check out this 30 minute video from cbs2. It's a really good tool to get acquainted with just who these new HGs are.

Houseguest Interviews on cbs2.com

I'm guessing the full video was not really meant for public consumption, but rather for media outlets, because there are sound breaks here and there, as well as moments of black screen, but the video does continue.



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The 3 Month Special on the
Big Brother Live Feeds is Back!!

Yippee! We asked and real listened! The discounted 3 month feeds are back for Big Brother 9!

Big Brother 24/7 - the way it was meant to be.

In order to take advantage of the 3 month deal, you must click the specific link for it. The other links will not have 3 months as an option.

Big Brother 9 - 3 Month Special! - 2 weeks Free & If you continue your membership past the 14-day trial you will be charged $39.99 every three months.

Big Brother 9 Monthly
- If you continue your membership past the 14-day trial you will be charged $14.99 every month.

A savings of $5 on the 3 month deal for the truly devoted. ;) Thank you for supporting bb9dish and using these links to get your live feeds.

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The Rumors Blog is Now Active!

Heads up everyone. Our Rumors blog is now active, and sure to get moreso over the next couple days as the rumors flow more freely.

For now, the latest rumor suggests another Couple...

Here's the link: TheRumors

Check it out and add it to your bookmarks.

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Big Brother 9 Spoiler - The HGs are In...

I'm on the live feeds right now, and they're still broadcasting the NASA channel. I keep hoping for either an audio or video oopsie that shows us the HGs in action! It'll happen.

Meanwhile, the folks at RealityBBQ have been working overtime. They have a pretty amazing source and posted this spoiler this morning. This is a must read!

    The HGs are in. Allison and Sheila formed a quick bond.

    Then the guys entered. Sharon found out that her ex-boyfriend is...
Click here to read the rest: RealityBBQ

Then come leave your wild speculations back here in the comments section. ;)

Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait!!

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This article comes from the NYPost, with additional commentaries "***" by DishChickCarolyn.

'BIG Brother" will turn up the heat this season to encourage its contestants to wear little or no clothing.

    ***Can't say I'm surprised. Not even a little. Would it even *be* Big Brother otherwise??
Executive producer Allison Grodner told TV Guide that the house where the show is taped is usually air-conditioned, but won't be any longer.
    ***It's winter in L.A. Of course there's no A/C.
"It's going to get quite hot inside. I think you're going to see a lot more people taking off their clothes," she said.
    ***Ahem... On behalf of the fans, can we make specific requests as to who, please?
Meanwhile, CBS officials say that the show's contestants will be matched up in some fashion with their "soulmates," who "may prove to be their true love or their worst nightmare."
    ***Sounds like some marriages...
The pairs will be forced to "strategize, plot and scheme together as a couple for a chance at the prize," CBS officials said.
    ***But for how long? Since they are doing a full season, either that'll be short lived, or the eviction schedule will have to be altered from the norm - every 2 weeks?? We'll have to wait and see.

"These 'lovebirds' will live together as a couple, meaning they will sleep in the same bed, hold Head of Household as a couple, be nominated for eviction as a pair, and if the time comes, say their good-byes together upon eviction."
    ***Or is it that their nominated as a pair, but only one gets evicted?? So many questions!

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Thursday, February 07, 2008

Big Brother 9 Quickie Poll
First Impressions

We've all had over 24 hours to peruse the new houseguests pics and bios and maybe even watch some of the video footage of them. We know you've got some strong opinions, and we'd love to hear em. The first 2 we'd like here in the comments section. The third question is for email only, and the winning answers will go into a drawing for an end of season prize... Can you guess the third question?

  1. Who are you thinking you're gonna love?
  2. Who are you thinking you're gonna hate?

  3. Again, your answers to the first two questions go into the comments section here on the blog.

  4. Blind Pick on the Winner(s) - Email your answer to question #3 to dishchicks@yahoo.com

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Big Brother Live Feeds - Astronauts & Paparazzi

Big Brother 9 Astronauts? The best endurance comp ever? No... just the latest camera test. :) Those are real astronauts, folks.

I keep hoping for a glitch where they actually show the house and the new HGs, and it's pretty inevitable that it'll happen, but it's always a bit like that DeNiro movie. Only instead of "You talkin' to me?!" it's "You scopin' the feeds?!"

We sure are!

Bring it on.

A bit of funny news, tmz learned today their photog Parker will be on Big Brother:

-- Who Knew?! Posted Feb 7th 2008 9:21AM by TMZ Staff Here's one story TMZ didn't know about first -- one of our photographers is on the upcoming edition of "Big Brother." CBS just unveiled their latest cast, and our guy Parker is one of the wannabe fame-seeking housemates on the reality show. We had no clue! TMZ does know he's going to do really well, because, for Parker, living under the watchful eye of cameras 24/7 -- is just another day on Robertson Blvd.!

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6 Days Til Big Brother 9

Hard to believe, but there's only 6 days till the first ever winter edition of Big Brother 9. Woohoo!

The new house looks stunning - I'm particularly attracted to the spa room:

    A brand new feature to the house this year, the Spa comes complete with a massage table, two-person sauna and lounge of its own, for heating up sore muscles after a big competition, relaxing with friends, or plotting your next strategic move.
I'm guessing the spa was inspired by the cool temps... and the desire to maximize limited clothing opportunities... and ratings. Now if they'd bring in a massage therapist, maybe I'd even audition.

Also interesting are all the spot set up for 2 or smallish groups - the canoe-dle in the backyard, loveseats galore and even the intimate dining table in the HoH Room.

The swimming pool, and whole sections of the yard, are heated this year. And a cozy outdoor fire pit makes a great centerpiece for backyard gatherings, complete with a spectacular 40 foot wide, lake view.

Pardon?? Lake view? Now you've go my attention. How's that gonna work, in terms of security? Can't wait to actually see it.

With the surprise release of the new houseguest pics early Tuesday evening, the BB segment on the Early Show Wednesday morning, and the CBS BB site going live sometime in between, research, speculation and just general excitement around the show has gone into overdrive.

The speculative points of interest:

The house pics show only 14 chairs at the dining table and 14 frames on the memory wall.
  • Does this mean there will be a rapid fire double elimination?
  • Or is this simply a case of CBS publicity photos being taken before they decided to add 2 more houseguests?
  • Or is it something else entirely?

Allison Grodner very clearly said the BB9 soul mate pairs would not have known each other prior to entering the house.
  • That leaves us no choice but to believe Jen & Ryan, the couple we discovered, will be partnered with different people.
  • If this is the case, it seems logical there may be others in the house who know each other, but will not be partnered together.
  • Yes, we're researching it, and as soon as we have absolute confirmation, we'll publish our discoveries.
When's the best time to click through and sign up for the feeds?
  • Personally, I'd recommend any time between now and the 10th. (I've already gottem.)
  • That way you have time to set them up and deal with any issues you may have, before you miss a minute!
  • It's typically a completely painless process, but better safe than sorry.
What the heck happened to the transvestite?
  • Who knows. Coulda just been a rumor. We'll have to wait and see.
6 More Days!! Anyone for a happy dance?

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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

VIDEO - CBS Early Show Big Brother Segment

For those of you at work who can't watch the video, graciously provided by JT1972 here's the gist on the twist:

    Julie: It wouldn't be BB without a Big Twist - each HG filled out a love match profile as part of their application.
    Alison Grodner: 16 singles living in a house suddenly discover that their "perfect match" is sitting right next to them. Your life in the house depends on this other person. You're gonna sleep in the same bed together, compete together, hold the HoH together, get nominated together and ultimately get evicted together.


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CBS Big Brother Site Is Live

Good Morning! As I sit here watching the Early Show on CBS waiting for the Big Brother segment, I'm happily perusing the CBS Big Brother Site, which went live overnight. It's got bios on everyone, house pics and more to come very soon. Time to read up on all the HGs.

Also, check out this sneak peek at the house guests promo video from the fine folks at CBS:

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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Big Brother 9 - Couple Number 1 - Found!

With many thanks to our friend Crystal, we bring you couple number 1: Ryan & Jen. Both hail from Columbus, Ohio, and both appear to be pretty cozy together. Soulmates, perhaps?

With the reveal of more twist information on the Early Show this morning, one must wonder if this is an extra little twist... Current couple is split apart and matched with their perfect match soulmates.

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Big Brother 9 Cast Revealed

Then again, thanks to TV Guide, we don't have to wait till tomorrow! Here are the Houseguests for Big Brother 9!! Have a look, and when you're ready, check the left sidebar for their myspace pages. The new HG myspaces are just below the Digg button.

Adam Big Brother 9Adam, 29, public relations manager
from Del Ray Beach, Florida

BB9 JacobJacob, 23, electrician
from Dallas, Georgia

BB9 ChelsiaChelsia, 21, college student
from Cedar Falls, Iowa

BB9 Amanda Big Brother 9Amanda, 23, paralegal from Fridley, Minnesota

BB9 Allison Big Brother 9Allison, 28, pharmaceutical sales representative
from Boston, Massachusetts

BB9 Alex Big Brother 9Alex, 24, DJ company owner from Staten Island, New York

Natalie, 28, bikini barista
from Salem, Oregon

Matt, 23, roofing foreman
from Charleston, Massachusetts

Joshuah, 25, advertising media buyer
from Dallas, Texas

Jen, 26, bartender from Columbus, Ohio

James, 21, originally from Sarasota, Florida,
currently biking around the world

Sheila, 45, former model from Reseda, California

Sharon, 23, realtor from Olathe, Kansas

Ryan, 27, college student from Columbus, Ohio

Parker, 26, Paparazzo from Northridge, CA

Neil, 29, realtor from Los Angeles, California

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Julie Chen to Reveal the Houseguests on the Early Show Wednesday Morning

***BB9Dish will Have Cast Pics Posted Tonight!

In addition to all the little tidbits we were treated to all day today, tomorrow morning the Big Brother 9 Houseguests will be revealed on the Early Show on CBS. They haven't specified an exact time, but we'll be tuned in between 7am - 9am... the duration of the program. ;)

And we'll have pics allll over the blog as soon as they're made available from the fine folks at CBS.

We know announcing the Early Show Cast Reveal is about as redundant as telling most of you when Christmas is, but we do it just in case someone hasn't had time to keep up to date on the moment to moment happenings around Big Brother...

If this is your first time on bb9dish today, make sure to check out the posts below for video of the twist announcement and pics of the house.

Thanks for dropping in. It's going to be an amazing season. :)

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Big Brother 9 Twist Revealed

The excitement for Big Brother 9 is building, and CBS is letting out more info!

Here's the very latest:

"The Big Brother Houseguests are Moving in. We've matched each of them with a soul mate. They'll compete together, and if they're not careful, be evicted together."

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VIDEO - The First Look Inside the Big Brother 9 House

Seems the log cabin rumors were true. And check out that sunburst extension to the kitchen counter! I love it! The room where the Veto Ceremony is held looks really cozy and homey, too. And I'm digging the red fireplace. From what I'm seeing, everything looks like it's designed to give a feeling of warmth.

TheInsiderOnline's reporter, Cheryl Woodcock, was one of the 12 reporters selected to be an HG for 12 hours in what is being referred to as BB 8.5. Below is the first video that's been released of the inside of the house!

    "Big Brother 9 gets underway Tuesday, Feb. 12th, on CBS, but we have a sneak peek at what it's really like to live in the hot-wired house. Our own CHERYL WOODCOCK spent 12 hours inside the bubble competing with other journalists for head of household, power of veto and more. Watch the video to see what happens! Here's the link to the clip: Video Inside the BB House

Could we be any more psyched??

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Monday, February 04, 2008

Big Brother 8.5 - The Tale of One Reporter who Gained Access to the Big Brother 9 House

Last week we learned that a group of reporters got to spend a day inside the Big Brother House. I had the opportunity to speak with Mark Yawitz of RealityWanted.com today, and this first report about the experience appears here on bb9dish with his blessing. More of Mark's insights and experiences in the BB 9 House will be revealed in the evening on the 6th.


    Last month, a selected group of reporters got the reality television opportunity of a lifetime when CBS invited them to spend a day in the life of a Big Brother contestant. CBS Mobile's Amber Valdez, TV Guide's Kimberly Caldwell, Fox Reality's Mark Long, and our very own Mark Yawitz of RealityWanted.com were some of the lucky people invited to participate. The group spent one day in the shoes of a Big Brother contestant and got a first look at the season 9 house. Some areas of the house were off limits, so that it could remain a surprise when the new season premieres on February 12th.
      ***Hmmm. Some areas remained hidden, eh? That certainly peaks this dishchick's curiosity.

    Mark, Amber, Kimberly, Mark, and others arrived early in the morning where they were greeted by CBS and Big Brother execs. They then had to turn over all of their personal effects from wallets to keys to cell phones. Microphones were handed out and the group was sent into the house to play Big Brother in fast forward. Immediately, alliances were formed as nobody wanted to be the first and only member of Big Brother 8.5 to be voted out. The houseguests competed in a Head of Household competition, nominations, a Power of Veto competition, and an eviction ceremony.

    This week, RealityWanted will spill all the details of what went on in the Big Brother house. Learn more about the Big Brother 8.5 houseguests which included Cheryl Woodcock from The Insider, a comedy writer from The Craig Ferguson show, and local news personalities. Find out which houseguest got in trouble for climbing the walls of the Big Brother house - literally. Who was rumored to have a showmance? What emergency caused a small panic amongst the house guests? Who were the members of the "peanut butter alliance" and were they able to stick together and not get voted out? All these answers and more are coming up on Reality Wanted this week. Don't miss it!

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Sunday, February 03, 2008

An Interview With Dick Donato,
Winner of Big Brother 8
aka Dick Donato Does the DishChicks

So I come home from South Beach last night right around midnight, quickly check my messages, and my already terrific night gets that much better: Dick's ready to play with the DishChicks. ;)

It only seems fitting. After all, how many times does a girl have to proclaim "I love Dick" before she gets a little action? Not too many. ;)

What's Dick up to now? Well, he's shooting a pilot for a late night talk show called The Dick at Nite Show. We've got our fingers crossed his show gets picked up! Of course, we'll let you know the moment we hear anything. Then again, you can always check out his myspace page. He's quite good about updating the blog.

Without further ado, here's the interview! Hold onto your hats, folks, it's gonna be a bumpy ride. If you thought you'd heard Dick's last rant on the live feeds last summer, you are sorely mistaken.

If you'd like to link directly to this interview, here's the addy:

If you've already read this interview, and you need more, check out this one from Reality BBQ, but not at work!! There are naughty pics! Here's the link: RealityBBQ Interview with Dick

: First things first - long overdue but extremely heartfelt congratulations on your wins: Big Brother & re-establishing your relationship with your daughter. You proved again and again throughout the season that the latter was of much more importance to you, and for that and so many other reasons, you have my utmost respect and admiration.

Dick: Thank you very much. It was very odd to me that because of the fact that everyone saw how hard I worked on our relationship, and how America saw it changing, and how well we worked together in the game, how even though they knew it was hard and painful...

We both have gotten thousands of messages telling us both what an inspiration we have been to these people watching. How watching the show, watching us, inspired them to contact their estranged Fathers, Sons, Mothers, Grandparents, etc...

So many stories, it really is amazing.... One of the most unbelievable & unexpected byproducts of this season. (...and the fact that people everywhere aren't giving me the finger and telling me to die, lol.)

Carolyn: How have you been enjoying the spoils of war? Any particular indulgences the 500k has afforded you?

Dick: I bought Daniele a new car - she wanted an Eclipse... I paid off my '03 Z06 Corvette... I took Daniele to London, Dublin and Kilkenny, Ireland. My Grandmother was born in Kilkenny.

I actually have just received my Irish Citizenship a week ago. And it was funny over in Europe (not the value of the dollar, it was a joke, but not funny...) When they would hear from my friends or when fans approached us over there, they assume it is like Big Brother UK, that we are these huge celebrities. They went way out of their way to take care of us, and took care of a lot of my bar tabs as well.

But I haven't gone and bought that one extravagant thing for myself that everyone seems to assume you did...

I will be buying another Harley or Custom Chopper soon though.

Carolyn: Some of my favorite moments on the feeds last season were "The Dick at Night Show." Thank you for doing that! What inspired the idea?

Dick: I have always been a fan of the show. I have bought the feeds, at least 3-4 times. Watching someone pacing around in the backyard or stressing and thinking, or trying to work out strategies... I list all that sh*t, because you never knew, you got to watch them and others for hours on end pacing or thinking... And that was some boring sh*t to watch.

I always swore to myself that if I ever got in, and if there was a spot where I couldn't be overheard... I wanted everyone watching to know exactly what was going on inside my head and my heart, to let the people watching in on my strategy, my alliances, my thoughts on the other HG's...

Basically everything....

And because Daniele was in there.... Well they got the first hand account from my perspective of what was going on in our relationship, as a special added bonus.

Carolyn: There's been a lot of talk about you & Daniele knowing one another would be in the house prior to the game. Care to comment on that?

Dick: Yes, I would. I have actually read sh*t from writers on websites, like CowboyBetty192 or some cowpoke name she wrote under for Buddy TV. This dumb b-tch said she had so much proof that the thing with our relationship was a lie...

Would you like to tell me how you know about things in my life better than I do? I hate tw*ts like her that state their opinions as fact.

She also said she was a friend of mine and that we used to IM all the time...


She said that Daniele had dinner with Allison Grodner before she went in the house....


She said their was proof that me and Daniele were in regular communication even as we went into the house.


I have talked about how it all played out from the day I walked out of the house, so all you people that write for an internet site or a dot com or blogs and the rest of the crew that was part of the reading, writing and retards short bus...


I was a finalist in Season's 5 & 6.
Daniele was brought in at the end of the audition process in SEASON 6 to be my secret partner.
A few months after we didn't make it on Season 6, she stopped speaking to me.

Fast forward to the open casting call for SEASON 8.
The hours for the auditions were something like 10-3pm.
I went at like 2:30 pm so there wouldn't be the big lines that there always are early...
Daniele went later to the open casting call to avoid me.

I happened to show up while she was still there. She actually was trying to hide behind her then boyfriend, Kris. I didn't see them, but she saw me and scurried off to the restroom.

I walked up and signed in, said hi to all the casting people I saw, since I had been through 3 months of auditions, TWICE before, they all knew me, and we were chit chatting.

Tedd mentioned that Daniele was there, and I made a comment.
He asked if we came together, I said no, and then told him the story that she hadn't spoken to me for almost the amount of time it had been since I saw them last.

In my initial audition, they asked me about it.

I am not an idiot, I have seen the show...
So, when I left I wished Daniele good luck. Those were the first actual words spoken between us in 2 years.

There were always messages from me to her on her myspace, email, voice-mail, carrier pigeon, whatever... But the only responses I got from her were 2, just 2 messages on myspace.

I would write these very long heartfelt letters to her, and I never knew if she actually read them or just deleted them. So I wrote her a note one day just asking if she read what I wrote or not.

The first note from her was a reply to that simple note I wrote. And her answer....
"I read everything you write."
That was it.
I tried using that as a opening to communication, nope... She didn't write me back.

When I went to Ireland a couple years ago, I bought Daniele her birthday presents. I would leave whatever for her at my mom's house, and my mom would get it to her. I was frustrated and pissed at this silent treatment that is never ending with her, and I sent her a note saying that she won't talk to me, but she has no problem taking gifts, etc...

Well, I got a response alright. She wrote me a letter that basically outlined everything she hated about me, and how I had screwed up her life in a thousand ways, and what she thought of me....

The birthday gifts were given back to my mom a few days later.

I found out from Daniele, they asked her a lot about what was up with our relationship during the audition process.

When I was driving home from the casting call, I text messaged Dani.
I wrote... "You better be ready to play this entire thing out on national tv."

There was another tip for me later. My mom was complaining that she couldn't get ahold of Dani, because she used all her minutes on her phone. That was the week of the finals sequester. So, I figured she was gabbing away in the hotel room you can't leave for 10 days and ran out of minutes.

So, I had an idea, or I kind of figured she would be in the house, but I never had confirmation at all.

Let me tell you.....
I wrote a note to Dani, I think it was the week we were told we were on the show. The note I wrote her was so cryptic - saying sh-t like sometimes there are things in life that would be better worked on together, but I referred to my mom's health to kind of cover the real underlying message...

I was afraid that if I wrote her a note saying anything directly about the show that she would take it to the producers and have me booted out of the finals. The letter was so f-cking cryptic that she had no idea what the hell I was talking about.

Again.... F*CK YOU!!

Carolyn: (would like to state parenthetically & for the record that she is not a part of the aforementioned group)

Carolyn: Having auditioned 3 times prior to being cast, at least part of the formula seems to be perseverance. Are there any other tips you can impart to those auditioning for BB10?

Dick: It was twice prior, Season 5 & 6. It was 3 years because of All Stars season 7.
Carolyn: Ooh.. ok.

Dick: I was asked this nonstop during the audition process for Season 9. I tell everyone: it took me 3 f*cking years to get on. You should ask Zach or Mike, because it only took them like a month.

My Advice (for auditioning):
Don't hold back. Be yourself, don't fake, lie or try to bullsh-t or be someone you are not. Have things to talk about. I don't have the problem of not ever having sh-t to talk about, but a lot of people do. Think of some funny stories of sh-t in your life, and you might have an opening to tell it.

I was who I am. I didn't talk to them like they were my bosses or held the key to me getting on or not. I spoke with them all like I would by buddies. Even when the execs were asking me sh-t. I would tell smelly pussy stories. I walked into an elevator with Allison and Robyn, when I was in sequester in the finals, I think in season 5, and as soon as the elevator doors closed, I ripped huge fart and started laughing. They knew me like my friends know me.

Carolyn: (lmao imagining the scene in the elevator) Dick, After the season was over, both Zach & Jen posted pics & videos on their myspace pages suggesting supposed "proof" that you cheated during the final comp. It felt pretty sour grapes from this angle. Care to comment at all on the allegations?

Dick: Why yes, I would like to comment....

First off, look at which two you are talking about. Samurai Sword Brain and the (uni) Tard (hey, Julie called her the tard, I just want to make sure everyone understands that Julie called her a tard.) They are about as quick as a constipated old woman crossing the street in a walker with a club foot. I mean, Howie brags how he can use the Jedi mind trick on them both without fail, and we all know that Howie isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Jen was the one who would win comps on a cheat, not me.

Zach should be more involved in the church, since he had Jameka to thank for bringing him back to having a very special relationship with God. I think he confuses that "special" relationship with God, to the one he had while he was an altar boy and that "special" relationship he had with the priest.

Carolyn: Oh my.

Dick: What was said was that I only really answered the first question, then being one ahead, just copied Zach's answers the rest of the time. How could I copy Zach? Well, it was almost like the magic bullet in the JFK assassination.

They said I would look into a 1" x 1" mirror square that was about 20 feet away, and I could see what he answered.

First off, copying anything that Zach did would have been like copying from the kid next to you in algebra, but the kid next to you always wore a helmet, had a big piss stain in the front of his pants and could never remember to zip up.

Secondly, if you watched the feeds, you would have seen me wearing glasses at the end to read some instructions on some of the goofball things they gave us for entertainment.

Third, there were so many conspiracy theories this season. The message board people are too funny and really need to get some hobbies.

According to them, it was also me who put the blue ball in Jameka's tube, disqualifying her from the PoV. Yet, it was me, not Jameka that demanded to speak to one of the Executive Producer's about how the f*ck that got in there.

I thought it was Zach, to be honest, but I didn't see anything. They saw me pick up my barbed wire necklace and said I stuck the blue ball in my pocket. It was my chain, you dumbasses.

To be honest, I was really upset with myself for missing a couple of those questions, especially the Jen question. I did that a few times in there though. When something seemed too obvious, you start questioning and talking yourself out of the obvious one. I should have gotten the Jessica question as well. The answers to both questions were "ME!" Jen felt she was the best competitor, and Jess respected her game over Eric's.

But I am so happy it ended up the way it did. If I had beaten Zach by 3 questions, it wouldn't haunt him as it will losing half a million dollars by one question.

So, whenever he thinks of last summer, he has to think, 1 question = Zach $500,000, and more than enough money for him to invest in his inventions... Like the giant toothbrush he invented so people with gigantic teeth that look like broken piano keys in their mouths, can brush more conveniently. Maybe he would have even invented a way to keep the unitard from disappearing into Jen's vagina when she wears it with no underwear around the kids she nanny's. I am tellin' ya, if that was camel toe, the camel must have belonged to Paul Bunyon.

No, I never thought to copy Zach. I am not like that. I would never copy someone that is that socially inept when the questions were about knowing the people in our little society... Seriously, give me a f*cking break.

But I was being totally honest when I said I am glad he can think about losing the show, the money, all of it... by one question.

Which brings up another point about the majority of the people that were in the cast. They would have preferred to give the money to that walking dildo with ears, who's biggest move in the game was running naked in the backyard and showing the world he has a cock the size of a thimble.

Daniele and I had to actually play the game. Our strategy wasn't as brilliant as Zach's strategy of having his lips surgically attached to the reining HoH's ass while he is promising them to vote how they want him to, all the while massaging their balls the entire time.

Can ANYONE tell me what Jen's strategy was, please? The only reason she was on the show as much as she was, was because of me ripping her apart. She should be kissing my ass and thanking me. If it weren't for the fights we had, her big claim to fame on the show would be what? Crying over her picture showing all of the world how vein and self centered she is? Maybe it would be showing off every crevice and fold of her vagina, between the unitard with no underwear and sitting legs spread showing the Showtime audience that she actually did keep the kids bicycles in there and not the garage at Vanna's house.

Carolyn: There's a pretty fierce anti-Dick sentiment in some circles, and the stated basis for it is your antics - rants, ice-tea, etc - while in the house. I always saw it as game play, and I'm curious to know if you consulted the folks in the DR or the rule book everyone's so fond of before you'd pull a new stunt... to make sure you were within the acceptable rules of the game?

Dick: I talked to them in the diary room sometimes, asked to speak with the EP (executive producer). Remember too... I have run clubs for years and dealing with drunken a--holes was not much different in a lot of respects. No matter how I feel about the f-ckstick I am tossing out of the bar, or how in my face he got... I knew I would end up writing an incident report about it later, maybe even end up in court. So, I never lost my cool. I was always all about pushing them as far as I could. Hell, if Jameka or Dustin would have hit me.... who cares? One less to have to evict.

Carolyn: Masterminding Dustin out of the house has to be the best play ever made in the game - and the sweetest moment of the season for me - he made me ill. Sitting there next to Dustin in the hot seat, how confident (or nervous) were you?

Dick: You can never be completely confident when you are on the block. We have all seen this game, and Dustin actually experienced that drop in your stomach when your worst fear smacks you in the back of the head like a baseball bat.

I was pretty solid with Eric's vote, but remember...
Pre-meltdown Jen had to vote to evict Dustin as well. So, I would say about 80-85% sure.

The funniest thing to me that day was they announced to the house on eviction day, that the house would be getting Chinese food for dinner that night....
And from the bathroom, you hear Dustin screech out...
Under my breath I was laughing my balls off.

I only wish that Dustin would have given that speech he told the rest of them he was going to say when he got his last plea to stay in the house... Something like he was doing the house a favor, that by volunteering to go up against me, he would be doing the house a courtesy flush getting rid of me. I really wish he had done that, then again.... would it have added to the most classic footage of the literal jaw dropping eviction in the shows history?

Carolyn: What's your favorite moment of the season?
Dick: Favorite moment? There are a few...

  • Evicting Zach and winning, dubbing it "The Season of the Donatos."
  • Jen's meltdown...
  • Winning the Shot for Shot Veto Competition on the very last croquet shot. I needed a 4 to tie, and to hit the pole for a 5 to win, and out of the 9 previous shots, I only hit it once.... I nailed it and won the PoV that changed the game. I couldn't let Daniele down. I had to do it, and for once, I didn't choke. lol....
  • My relationship with Dani, but that wasn't a moment... it was the entire time.

Carolyn: Most shocking?
Dick: After the show, finding out I was the most popular houseguest and not the most hated. (sorry Amber)

Carolyn: And your least favorite moment?
Dick: Watching the entire house of stupidity turn against both Dani and I. When we were being honest, outing Eric, laying all the sh*t out for them and they f*ck us and think it was such a smart, clever thing to do.... idiots.

If you noticed on the show, for the most part they didn't say jack sh*t until Jessica won the HoH that week. Little did they know that was the start of my most favorite of all the weeks I spent in the house: Hell Week.
Carolyn: What are your winning tips for the new houseguests who are about to go into sequester in a couple days?
Dick: Stop saying that if we had been in the same season, we would have been allies, buddies, BFF's. I was told that every houseguest going on the show said that as the answer to the "How would you have dealt with Evel Dick," question.

And what is lame... So many people said they would use my strategy this season. But if you watched the feeds you know that I put hours and hours into my strategies week by week. Talking it out on the Dick at Nite Show, to the candy bars Dani and I used during hell week when we figured out a way to get Eric out the following week if I was voted out that week.

People that say or even think that the entirety of my strategy was to call people out and f*ck with their heads, are way over simplifying things. One jack off reporter from the San Diego Union Tribune said my strategy was to just yell and berate everyone in the house.

It was a bit more complex than that....

Targeting the right people at the right time. Setting people up - like when I told Amber that Eric was holding her big secret for the right time to use on her... Well, I was doing the same with his statement. So, even though it wasn't me going off on Eric, it was because of me.

Breaking up alliance after alliance, breaking up the pairs. Leaving people out on an island with nobody to help them.

Both Eric and Zach have stated that if it wasn't a fast forward week that Daniele would be gone, that they would have made a deal.

Listen sh*theads.... Had that week not been a fast forward, I would have looked at every single scenario, would have seen that was a possibility, and would have put Eric and Zach against each other on the block. If you remember, I basically owned Jameka at that point, and if she would have broken her word with me after promising on the cross of Jesus....

Also, Zach and Eric hated each other. They never spoke and even after the fact Zach, the master(bating)strategist, kept saying that if only Eric wasn't such a weasel, and how he couldn't trust him, how he would miss munching Jess' panties since she left....blah, blah, blah.

Carolyn: Assuming there will be a BB All-Stars 2, would you do it all again?
Dick: You are assuming a lot. Who knows? It took 7 years for the first one, and you know as well as I do, there were quite a few people on All-Stars that had no business being an all-star. I mean ....seriously.

So many were fan favorites, but they had no business on that show. I mean, don't get me wrong, and I have said this to him personally.... but how in the f*ck does Kaysar, who was voted out 3 times in 2 seasons get on, and Lisa, who won her season, doesn't get on? Lame.

But as with everything in life, it all comes down to money, and ratings = money. Kaysar has a huge fan base. Well he is awful cute.

Carolyn: Yes, he is. :-p

Dick: If anyone sees Lisa from Season 3, tell her I want to take her to a nice dinner and tell her how vocal I was about her getting screwed on all stars. Plus, she is a hot piece of ass.


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Big Brother 9 will have 16 Houseguests

The BB9 bodycount's been upped from 14 to 16 houseguests. The original commercials claimed 14, and this new one has added 2 more.

Rumors are raging as to the why, but since we'll be learning plenty within the next 48 - 72 hours, we're gonna sit tight.

Here's the clip, provided by RealityBBQ.

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Advice from BB Alumni to the New BB9 HGs

Calling all 16 Big Brother 9 Houseguests! BB9Dish has got your back. We spoke with a few Big Brother Alumni on your behalf, and before the 16 of you go off into sequester, they would like to offer you some words of wisdom... advice to prolong your stay in the Big Brother House, if you will.

Take heed! ;) And have fun. We'll be bloggin'.


  • Target the right people at the right time. Set people up - like when I told Amber that Eric was holding her big secret for the right time to use on her... Well, I was doing the same with his statement. So, even though it wasn't me going off on Eric, it was because of me.
  • Break up alliance after alliance, break up the pairs. Leave people out on an island with nobody to help them.

  • Don't hook up with anyone!
  • Take a shower in your swim suit, they're watching you!
  • Don't trust anyone, they cast evilness.
  • Take all your cutest outfits. After all, you're on TV.
  • Only take care about yourself, cuz nobody else will.
  • Bring self tanner, cuz it is winter
  • Don't worry about your story line, cuz the writers are on strike.
  • Just be yourself. Don’t try to put on an act for the cameras.
  • Think of some good games you can play to kill time –there is so much down time, with nothing to do!
  • And most of all, FOLLOW YOUR OWN INSTINCTS!
  • I'd say take the moment and let it sink in.
  • Think about what you would look back 10 years from now and remember and say about your time on the show.....
  • 10 years......
  • Then do what comes natural.
  • Relax.
  • Most importantly, listen to the Producers as much as you can. They are shaping the game, and if you want to get far, you must pay attention to the details, and go with the flow, as opposed to trying to go against the current.
  • Have fun with the experience and good luck!

  • Coat your heart in cement... you're there to play a game.

  • hmmmm advice...Well, I would say for this season because of the twist...the best advice I would give is to be "flexible in your game strategy."
  • Whatever ideas they had going in the house, they are going to have to throw out the window.
  • Go with the flow and think fast on their feet, since now they are playing with a partner.

  • Remember it is just a game.
  • Have fun! But try and win the loot!
  • Figure out which players are there to win, and which ones are there for fame/attention. (some people are both).
  • You should make an alliance with a serious player(s). I think the camera addicts harder to predict....
  • Enjoy the season
  • Bite your tongue on issues that don't concern you.
  • Be extremely adaptive.
  • Be able to adjust to any situation and pick your battles.


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