A BB9Dish Exclusive Interview with
Big Brother 9 Alex Coladonato's Best Friend Johnny
This morning, I had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Big Brother 9 Houseguest Alex Coladonato's best friend, Johnny, and boy did he dish on absolutely everything! Enjoy!
If you would like to link directly to this interview, here's the url:
http://bb9dish.blogspot.com/2008/02/bb9dish-exclusive-interview-with-big.htmlCarolyn: First off, I have to say thank you for doing this. And at 9:30am on a Saturday morning. Now that's devotion. How long have you and Alex known each other?
John: Wow, it's got to be over 7 years now.
Carolyn: 7 years... That would make it just before 9-11. Ouch. You've been through some rough times with Alex.
John: I actually met Alex about a week or 2 after 9-11. It was something I think made me see how great of a person Alex is right off the bat. How he handled the situation and how he was trying to be strong for everyone else around him.
Carolyn: I can't even imagine.
John: My uncle worked for the same company as his father, and my uncle did not go into work that day. He lost every one of his friends... its a weird connection when you think about it.
Carolyn: Thank goodness your uncle didn't go in. Your family must have felt so blessed... Did you meet because of the business you now have together?
John: Well we don't have a business together. I used to work with him at his company E-squared Productions (e2dj.com). But no, we met our freshman year of college at St. John's University. Recently I became Alex's manager to try and help do 2 things. One of which is expand his production company to other parts of the USA. His time on Big Brother will surely help that. And also to explore other opportunities for him after the show because he is very talented. I can tell all the young girls out there hoping to have a Super Sweet 16... theres no one better in the world than Alex to take care of every aspect of your affair.
Carolyn: I read in Alex's bio that he didn't really develop a relationship with his dad till his teen years. To lose him so soon after is just so tragic... and all the more touching that he's dedicating so much to him now.
John: That's actually not true at all. I was shocked when I saw CBS put that. Alex's dad was always in his life... his parents were just divorced.
Carolyn: Oooh.. hm. I wonder why they did that. How irresponsible.
John: I'm glad I can clear that up for your readers though.
Carolyn: Me too! Are you guys both fans of the show?
John: Oh yes. Big fans. It's really funny how this all happened...
Carolyn: Tell! Tell!
John: I consider myself (very humble of course) to be the best player to never play this game.
Carolyn: hehe! I'd be careful with a statement like that. In reality world, that generally means first player out the door - or off the island.
John: haha. I know it inside out... I understand that we all play this game everyday. Whether it be at work to try and get ahead... at home ... with your significant other. Big Brother is just society under a microscope.
Carolyn: I like you analogy. For the unfamiliar, I tend to describe it as "Survivor in a Box."
John: I tried out for season 6 of the show. Had a great interview, they loved me. Obviously, I didn't make it on. I realized back then that they cared more about your look and appeal than what you had to bring to the table.Carolyn: Still you persevered.
John: So this summer I tried real hard to get Alex to come to the season 9 auditions.
Carolyn: aha
John: He really was tentative, didn't want to leave his business. But I tried to explain this could help him more than anything and open up new doors. I promised him they would love him.
Carolyn: what's not to love?
John: Well we go to the audition in Brooklyn NY, in this tiny tiny bar. The casting people come in and immediately tell Alex to skip the line and interview first. He hated me, because I'm always right, but ever since then he went from "ehhh" to "I really want this." So to answer your questions... Yes, we're both die hard fans of the show.
Carolyn: Wow.. very cool. So, did you ever think of auditioning again after season 6... From the sound of it, you had America's Player written all over you.
John: Yes, I wanted to audition every year. Just so happened that season 9 was the right time to do it again. I plan on auditioning for season 10 too, but I doubt I have a chance now with Alex on the show. haha.
Carolyn: Mmm.. Yeah.. You're probably right about that.
John: I did train Alex in the art of Johnny's game plan though. Hopefully he follows it.
Carolyn: And what, pray tell, is the Art of Johnny's game play - so we know what to look out for.
John: Well the twist this year could interfere with it.Carolyn: Big time.
John: But the plan was this. He was going to grab one person. Someone no one expected him to pair with. According to Alex it was going to be a guy from Boston because of the whole NY/Boston rivalry. (Expect him to try and align with Mat) Then each of them would grab one other person. This would essentially be the 4. But Alex and his person and Boston and his person would then split apart. Each grab 2 other people and pretend to each of their groups that they are the final 4. I call this the tree branch effect.
Carolyn: Oooh. Very clever.
John: So Alex could then sit at the top and decide which way to go every week. First getting rid of the people not involved, obviously. And then dangling from side to side... knowing that the only person hes true to is Boston.
Carolyn: It sounds great. I wonder how long it would actually work, before he got Nick'ed... busted for playing all sides.
John: Well technically he wouldn't be Nick because look at someone like Matt's personality... He's going to draw all the negative attention. It's both of their scheme, but Alex is much less out there.
Carolyn: Gotcha. I'll definitely be on the lookout for a Matt/Alex Alliance. We all will.
John: Yea so will I.
Carolyn: hehe... you're gonna be watching the feeds from a Mr. Miyagi point of view...
John: I'm probably going to get fired from my job because for the next 3 months my life is going to be Big Brother.
Carolyn: We can all relate to that.
John: Alex joked that I'm going to have to buy a new television because I'll be screaming at him the whole time, "what the hell are you doing Alex"?!
Carolyn: Tell me you're not planning to only watch on tv! omg.. It's only 10% of the show.
John: Oh no... but the TV is the biggest target to throw something at. haha. I will have the live feeds.
Carolyn: ok. lol. Just making sure. I have trouble imagining anyone who's really into Big Brother only watching the tv show.
John: It's not possible.
Carolyn: Agreed. 100%.Carolyn: OK.. Ya know how every season, each house guest fills a role? The slut, the bitch, the hunk, the dweeb, the cook, etc., etc. What's Alex's role?
John: To be honest, he may fill all of them at one point or another.
Carolyn: Excellent. A chameleon
John: He's definitely going to be working the Showmance angle a lot. But he loves to cook, he loves to entertain... He will be evil at some points, trust me.
Carolyn: I love a good showmance...
John: The last thing I said to him before he left was, "This is only a game. Don't let emotion interfere with what you have to do,"
Carolyn: But do you think he'll be able to keep his heart out of the equation? It's a long season, and every day feels like a year.
John: Well, Alex has such a huge heart. I'm hoping he can avoid that, but you never know. He has to stay focused, otherwise he could end up falling for someone.
Carolyn: In terms of relationships on fast forward, the Big Brother House feels like Summer Camp for Grown ups... It's such an intense amount of time together.
John: Agree 100%, but thats going to help him too.
Carolyn: How so?
John: His biggest strength is his likability factor. People just want to like him. And in that intense environment, it's going to happen... maybe even the first week.
Carolyn: I predict women fighting over him. But maybe not with the whole soul mates twist element. We'll see.
John: Well Carolyn... I think his soulmate could end up hurting his game... I have a feeling its Jen. And we all know by now Jen and Ryan are together.
Carolyn: True. Does Alex have an ex in the house too?
John: No, he doesn't. We feared there would be one. But looks like she didn't cut the mustard. lol.
Carolyn: Phew.
John: Alex is 100% alone in the house.
Carolyn: Good to know. He's a free man... apart from the twist. Still, the whole Jen/Ryan thing... it doesn't seem terribly fair to the guests who came in solo. We'll just have to wait and see how it plays out. I can't believe they'd give the two of them such an advantage without throwing in something to gum up the works a bit. It's too early to even speculate, really... we have to wait till we know how the pairings are going to work. They've said they can be evicted together, but they've also said it will be a full season. The numbers don't add up. Time will tell.
John: My theory is that CBS is leaving the option open to make it a short season if the ratings aren't good. But assuming they are great, the couples twist will end after week 2 leaving 12 in the house, the same as last year after week 2.
Carolyn: Interesting theory on the ratings option out, but real just opened the 3 month deal for the feeds, and I can't see them doing that if a full season wasn't guaranteed. But the rest of it makes great sense.
John: Ya, I think it will be a full season.
Carolyn: Johnny - I think we've covered a ton of ground here, especially for a 1st interview that's happening before the show even starts. Is there anything else about Alex you'd like to add? Anything you feel we all must know?
John: Well I just want everyone to know that Alex is a great person, and I'm not just saying that because I'm his friend. America will fall in love with him, his personality, and his blunt honesty. Let's help him out during the America's choice votes.
Carolyn: Let's hope there is some version of that this season! Not America's Player, obviously, but some interactivity. It was fun to participate.
John: I also want to take this time to thank an up and coming clothing line that's coming out.
Carolyn: Oh.. please do.
John: Alex bought some shirts from them before he left for the show and they are really, really cool. You will see him wearing them on the show and I'll be sure to point them out when he does. They are now expanding to online sales so when the site is up it will be www.TackyGarb.com
Carolyn: hehehe. I love the name!
John: Please, all big brother fans, once it's up, support a great group of people who have been Big Brother supporters.
Carolyn: With Pleasure.
Carolyn: Once the site goes active, you'll find the link in the left sidebar of the blog under the heading "Want Alex's Tshirts?"
- ***Dear BB9Dish Readers, I just checked, and it's not active as of February 9th 2008. I'll pop the link on the sidebar when it is.
Carolyn: Sweet.
Carolyn: Thanks so much for talking with me this morning, Johnny. We've learned a ton about Alex!! And it's all because of you.
John: Thank you for being professional, Carolyn. I'm sure we will talk again many times during the season. And I'll be sure to send some other close members of Alex's family and friends your way as well.
Carolyn: (sigh) I still can't believe they said he'd had no relationship with his dad...
John: yep
Carolyn: Anyway... Thank you! Have a gorgeous weekend, Johnny. Go spend some time with the friends and family you'll be ignoring for the next 3 months.
John: haha. Thanks again. Have a great weekend as well.
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