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The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!! At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C
Big Brother 9 is On! Let the mind games begin!!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Hangin up in HoH & Cake Smash
10:06pm BBT All HGs HoH ROom
The HGs are all hanging out up in HoH, having a good time... Enjoy the clips. :) And turn up the volume... sorry bout that.
I'm sure most of you already know about or saw the following clips, but I'm playing catch up here after my day off, and I thought these were particularly good. I'll be adding more shortly. Please check back. :)
3:39pm BBT Dining Table Ryan, Sheila & Adam Ryan & Adam Confirm They're on Board with the Plan to Evict Natalie Sheila: I just want her to know that she got sent home for running her mouth and trying to scheme against us. Ryan: Yup. Sheila: I've heard it for a week now. Ryan: We're good.
Adam and Ryan say that Natalie contradicts herself with everything she says.
Ryan: There's so surprise tomorrow. Natalie knows she's going up... We're just playin' like she's got out votes. Don't worry about us. We're solid.
Sheila: If she stays it's gonna make our lives hell in here. Adam: Hell! Ryan: She's not stayin', Sheila.
3:39pm BBT
CUT TO: 4:22pm BBT Red Room Ryan & Adam Thus Sayeth the Veto Holder Ryan and Adam are planning to use bible verses at the veto ceremony to tell Nat whats shes done...
Adam: And I feel, Natalie, by the word of the Lord, you should not be in this house. I'm gonna find the right scripture...
Adam quotes some...
Ryan: Here's what we need to do tomorrow, we need to find a bunch of verses tomorrow, start up the meeting... bust out verses... and say, you're probably wondering why we're quoting these verses to you. Let us explain. Adam: Yes. Yes, Yes, Yes!
4:22pm BBT
CUT TO: 4:41pm BBT RED ROOM Ryan & Adam Bible Buddies on a Mission
Ryan and Adam are looking for the perfect bible quotes to accompany Natalie's nomination & departure. Natalie comes in and offers Adam her bible, since it's so much easier to read.
Adam: Yes! Yes! "The lying tongue..." Prepare to verse, Nat. I love Psalms and Proverbs. Do you love Psalms and Proverbs, Natalie? Natalie: Yes. yes, I do.
Natalie gets called to the DR.
Adam cracks up.
Ryan: I like this one. "Let her days be few, and let another take her office." Adam: Right. Line 16... "When she is tried, let her be found guilty, and let her prayers condemn her."
Natalie comes in and joins the boys, not knowing what they're up to. She tells them she was talking with Sharon outside, and Sharon knows she's going home, and she's totally at peace with it. They continue with the quotes they plan to use on her. Unknowingly, Natalie supplies them with an excellent quote to the effect of "if you love God, but hate mankind, you're living in darkness.
This continues on the clip..
4:41pm BBT
CUT TO: 5:05pm BBT RED ROOM Sheila, Sharon, Ryan & Adam Talking Smack about Natalie
2.29pm BBT Adam & Ryan Find Birthday Decorations In Storage A cake, ice cream, streamers, and presents... Here is the clip:
2.33pm BBT Outside Adam, Ryan, & Natalie - Decorate For Sheila's Surprise Party Sharon is distracting Sheila in the HOH bathroom.. Here is the clip:
2:45pm BBT Sheila's Birthday Party Sheila gets a letter from home, a cross pendant from her sister, a coffee mug with photos of family on it, lotions, and more.. Here is the clip:
2.59pm BBT Sheila's Birthday Party...cont.. Here is the clip:
3:06pm BBT Sheila's Birthday Party...cont.. Here is the clip:
*Carolyn will be back later to publish comments...
Good morning! Happy Saturday! Happy 46th Birthday to Sheila!
After going through the clips from last night, it seems there may be a little trouble brewing in Sheila's HoH paradise... and on the eve of her 46th Birthday.
The boys never said definitively that they'd be going against her, but they did say that their goal for now was to just keep things on an even keel until after the Veto Ceremony on Sunday, and then they would begin weighing their options as to who would be most beneficial for them to keep.
For now, they just want to keep Sheila appeased, so Ryan doesn't go on the block.
Here are a couple of clips from the events late night Friday...
In this first clip, the boys tease Sheila a bit, but then they let her off the hook somewhat, and tell her they're still on board to vote Natalie out of the house. Sheila is very concerned about having to break a tie and would really rather not be placed in that position, much like Natalie during her HoH.
TrishyDoll 11:45pm BBT - We Will Vote Her Out Sheila, Ryan & Adam
Later on, during the boys' private time in the kitchen and during their pillow talk in bed, they put forth the idea that nothing is written in stone, and they'd be wise to just keep a low profile until after the Veto Ceremony. If you'd like to see the clips, Quirkydude has tons posted.
OK.. I'm off to go enjoy my Saturday. In honor of Sheila's birthday (and my personal sanity and longevity), I think Sushi and some pampering is in order, although not in that order. ;)
The houseguests were given alcohol around 8:30pm, and it's loosening their tongues enough for a nice round of Topic Cards, led by the dulcet tones of Adam. Here's a clip:
BB9Dish friend and regular contributor, Jane, just had a splendid idea...
In light of Sheila's 46th birthday tomorrow, we need to plan for her BB birthday.
Oh my goodness, what should I bring? Nothing, you aren't invited, it's a TV show, and you aren't on it. But the houseguests are invited. What would they bring?
The rules are simple, what would each of the houseguests from the BB9 Season bring Sheila for her birthday?
In the order of your choice...
Here's an example...
Alex: Himself, for her personal enjoyment. Sharon: The promise of 500k in her immediate future... Adam: Breakfast in bed and full access...
6pm BBT - Kinda... We have flames.. Flames, glorious flames...
6:06pm BBT Feeds are back and fully functional.
Phew. ;)
Nat's parked up in HoH, listening to music and plotting her next move. Adam's on James' Bed, thinking with the aid of running the back of his thumb over his teeth. Sharon's on the BBDish bed, reading.
CUT TO: 6:30pm BBT KITCHEN Ryan & Sheila What started as a conversation about Natalie's need to leave has quickly become Ryan casting doubt upon Adam to Sheila... Ryan's suggesting Adam is secretly aligned with Natalie, and offers the proof that they always talk about future business plans.
Natalie comes down from the HoH room and joins them in the kitchen. The conversation immediately turns to everyone's favorite non-topic: James.
Finally! The feeds cut to trivia just now.... A minute later, someone in the control room remembered to flip back to flames. BB is very likely waking the HGs from their post PoV Comp sleep in.
1:45pm BBT
Feeds are back! The HGs are up and groaning about it. Adam's already in his swim trunks. Ryan's getting breakfast together for himself. Sheila's on her way down from HoH. Ryan's making the coffee.
Sheila: What time is it? Ryan: 1:30, quarter to 2. Sheila: Oh my God, they let us sleep in.
Sheila says she woke up when BB called Adam over the speaker. Nat's up now too. She says she heard Adam and Ryan up chatting last night.. and when they called Adam to the DR.
Nat's voice is hoarse from yelling yesterday, but she says she doesn't remember yelling much.
Sheila and Natalie go into the Storage Room to change their batteries. Natalie makes note of the missing beer Adam drank last night.
BB: Houseguests. This is a lockdown. Please go outside and close the sliding glass door.
Sharon's up and saying 'lemme pee first!'
Ryan and Sheila are chatting in the kitchen. Ryan's neck is killing him. He tells Sheila he'd like to take her up on her offer of using her pillow.
Adam's already outside on the couch. Natalie goes out to join him.
Sharon's grabbing some food to take outside with her...
1:55pm BBT Everyone's out. Natalie and Adam are doing their morning routine. Adam: Happy almost your birthday!! Sheila: I know. Tomorrow's my birthday. I couldn't be celebrating with any better people. Everyone's positive.. happy.. no negative nancies... Stop with the pranks people. Ryan: We're gonna have to get you with at least 1 prank.
Ryan and Adam step away from the group to have a smoke... They speak very quietly about Natty being 'up Sheila's butt' and how they need to watch out for that.
Natalie's out of frame.... I think she's on the hammock.
Sheila and Sharon take the opportunity to talk game. Sharon takes the opportunity to let Sheila know how much her stock is going to rise in the jury house for taking Natalie out.
2pm BBT Talk has turned to chatter about Kanye West. Sheila's a fan... and she believes the doctor that did Kanye's mother's surgery (she died) should never be allowed to practice again.
2:07pm BBT Ryan's wanting to have a swim. Adam's wondering what else BB has in store for them. Sharon brings up Sheila's birthday - that they'll do something for that. Ryan thinks they gave Daniele a camera for her birthday last year. Sheila says Mike Boogie got sushi, and she'd much prefer that to a camera. Ryan and Sheila are both hoping for Sake too, but Sheila says it gets you wasted, so she doubts BB will give it to them.
Sheila is super sweet to Sharon about not drinking, saying she's not going to pressure her to drink on her birthday, and that she respects her choice of not being a drinker. Chatter about alcohol ensues... Sheila supports Sharon's choice 100%.
Ryan says that Jen drinks to the point of blacking out... She's gone to meetings for it... It worries him. Apparently, where he lives, you get a yellow plate if you have a couple of DUIs...
Sheila says it's one of those addictions that will totally take your life away, and not only do you risk your own life, you risk the lives of people around you. Sheila says she's very lucky, no one in her family has addiction issues. Ryan says his dad's a big drinker.
Talk turns to acceptable addictions and the excuses that are made for them... "He's a hard worker" being an example...
5:18pm BBT Talk turns to the comp... Sheila says it was a lot of fun. We'll have a clip coming for your shortly.
PoV Talk & Nat Out Plan Still Intact
Adam jumps in the pool. Ryan stays chatting with Sharon & Sheila... talk turns to game and how happy everyone will be to see Natalie walk into the sequester house.
2:30pm BBT Sharon and Ryan continue talking about Natalie on the couch, while Sheila covers their conversation by talking over them and loudly to Natalie and Adam in the pool.
Talk turns momentarily to chatter about the beginning of the game and how many people there were... then immediately back to getting Natalie out.
Adam thinks the Lockdown has something to do with Sheila's birthday, and that for filming purposes, BB will have the party for her today. She hopes not.
2:34pm BBT Sheila & Sharon
2:36pm BBT Ryan's joined Adam and Natalie over by the pool. Sharon and Sheila continue talking about Natalie. Sheila's feeling the power... "She can talk about me all she wants. I backdoored her ass. Let her go talk about it in the sequester house."
They talk about the viewer question about religion, and Sharon says the reason the question was then posed to her was they were hoping for a real answer.
2:43pm BBT Natalie's whispering to Ryan in the pool about Sheila and Sharon being too close.. and talking about her like she's not even there.
2:48pm BBT Chatter... The HGs are desperate for coffee.
2:52pm BBT Adam says his Veto Speech is "gonna be gangsta." Ryan: You said that last time. Adam: Ok, I swam. What's next on the list? Sheila: You could peel me some grapes. Adam: That was for not going on the block. Sheila: Oh.. there were stipulations? What happened to, "You'll be my goddess. I'll massage you. I'll serve you..." Adam: The block changed all that. Sheila: Babe, I'm happy for you. Adam: Know that? Sheila: Know that.
2:56pm BBT BB: Houseguests. The lockdown is over... You are now free to move about the house. Adam: Birthday. Adam: Birthday.
They go inside.
Sheila: Aww.. no birthday.
Ryan wants Sheila to get a big cake and jump out of it with pasties on... Someone mentions how about if Alex jumps out of the cake for you?
Sheila heads into the kitchen to fix her coffee. She says something to Natalie, and Nat ignores her completely. Sheila brushes it off, doesn't say a word about it.
Natalie's sitting at the counter eating. She looks to be thinking about her next move.
Ryan comes into the kitchen. He and Sheila start talking about dinner plans... He's game for whatever she wants. Natalie sits silently eating.
3:03pm BBT
Natalie's outside laying on the hammock, and the rest of the HGs are inside and taking the opportunity to slam her 6 ways to Sunday... They are hating on her big time.
Ryan: She's officially out of Team Christ. She's Judas.
3:14pm BBT Sharon goes out to try and get info out of Natalie at Sheila's request. Ryan and Adam stay with Sheila, and the plot thickens: Sharon cannot with HoH or PoV next week. She's next.
The boys promise Sheila they will vote Natalie out 2-0.
3:25pm BBT Adam and Ryan are playing chess... a little chatter about James. Natalie and Sharon are outside tanning in silence. Sharon made an effort at conversation and was rebuffed.
3:33pm BBT Ryan gets called to the DR. Adam sticks his head outside. Natalie says hi. He heads back in to go to the bathroom. Natalie goes in as well.. hangs out in the bathroom waiting for him to emerge.
Adam comes out of the rest room. Sheila heads out of the HoH and calls out to Adam, asking about her laundry and how that works. Adam fills her in, then heads back outside while Natalie's using the bathroom.
Adam: I'm off the block! Sharon: See, that wasn't so bad. Adam: I was pumped and focused. It's all meant to happen for a reason, right? Sharon: yep. That's what I preach.. all the time. Adam: Today's what? April 11th? Sharon: Yep. Adam: Dammmm.. we have 21 days left.. max... then our contract's up.
Sharon starts pushing the "take me to the end and guarantee yourself a first place win" agenda...
3:36pm BBT - Adam & Sharon
3:41pm BBT Sheila comes outside and joins them. A bit of light chatter, then Adam goes inside. Without missing a beat, Sharon gets a few digs in about Natalie going to make herself up for America...
Sheila: What'd she say? Sharon: Nothing. She wouldn't talk to me. Sheila: Whatever. I'm not gonna isolate you just because you're on the block. Sharon calls Natalie out on good Christian behavior. Sheila launches into more of an attack... Sharon: She is the biggest hypocrite ever. Sheila: You remind me of my sister. She's a good Christian, and she never has to mention it to anyone. They know it by her actions. Sharon: Exactly.
Sheila's still angry about the clip BB showed with the flour dump.. and Natalie laughing about it.
3:43pm BBT - Sheila & Sharon
3:51pm BBT - Cont'd.
4:12pm BBT Feeds are back. Sharon & Sheila just flipped onto their stomachs. Sheila had an oops and lost her top in the process. They're still talking game..
Win A Date with Evel Dick Donato & Accompany Him to the BB9 Finale
As of 1:00pm BBT, the HGs are still sleeping... so check this out! Click the link or either of the pics to go to the auction. :)
The lucky winner of this one of a kind auction is going to be the recipient of an amazing night out in Los Angeles. All proceeds of this auction will go to Rock Against Diabetes 2008, to help fund the huge online concert event, and help R.A.D. meet it's initiatives to deliver an amazing worldwide interactive nutritional tool to diabetics world wide.
Do not bid unless you intend on following through in the auction!
According to this auction, the date of the BB9 Finale is Sunday, April 27th.
For the record, CBS has not released the date yet, so this may or may not be accurate... It should be in that neighborhood , though.
The winner of this auction will receive all of the following: 1) Return air travel to Los Angeles* 2) One night hotel accommodation in LA** 3) Limo service from the Airport to hotel 4) Dinner with Evel Dick at the restaurant of his choice 5) Limo with Evel Dick to the Big Brother 9 Show Finale
As a bonus, Minarik Guitars, one of the amazing sponsors will be giving the winner of this fantastic auction a brand new Cherry Burst Inferno guitar. This is a cool piece of work, and a wonderful gift making this package more mind blowing.
10:50am BBT Adam and Ryan just spontaneously started chatting. It began as sleep talking and has grown into a full fledged conversation.
The lights are still off, and breathing can be heard from the other sleeping HGs.
Adam and Ryan are joking around about Adam leaving the noms the same, or taking Sharon off the block, because she's a nice lady...
Now Ryan's moving on to Shannon, the sexy voice DR lady.. He's kidding around saying he left her a video message saying it's over with Jen, he's in love with her voice, even though he's never seen her...
11:00am BBT Adam and Ryan have stopped chatting for the moment, and may sleep a little longer... Everyone else is still out cold. BB: Adam, please go to the Diary Room ***That was rude, pre-wake-up call, while the other HGs are still sleeping. Adam goes.
11:06am BBT Adam returns to the frilly room and gets back into bed. The lights are still out. Ryan: What else did I miss? Adam: Nothin. I love walkin in there. They're like, What it is, Baller?
Talk stops. Yawning is heard.
11:10am BBT Adam and Ryan are talking again, but they're grumbling to a point where I can't make out enough of their words to actually string them into sentences. It sounds like they're talking about a luxury comp, and Ryan doesn't think they're going to have one... and then they stop talking completely.
11:30pm BBT Ryan has resumed snoring. Sharon's out cold.
Good Morning, Big Brother Lovers! Happy Friday! While some of you were sleeping, the PoV Comp was happening, and after over 4 hours, the feeds came back on to reveal Adam as the winner.
Adam completely rocked the morph comp, coming in around 3 minutes 20 seconds. Sharon was next best, coming in around 4 minutes. Surprisingly, Natalie tanked it, coming in at 12 minutes. I really thought Natalie would kill in the morph. It'll be interesting to see if Natalie works that loss to her advantage over the next couple days... a la, 'see, I'm not such a threat after all.'
Expect the unexpected.
What follows are the clips and conversations from after... Please check out the PoV Spoiler post. Lots of good info there, too...
2 minutes in to this first clip, Natalie begs the boys for her safety. For a closer angle on the scene, please continue with the second clip, which begins just after the begging part...
4:50am BBT KITCHEN Natalie, Ryan & Adam Natalie Begs for Her Life in the Game Natalie: (little girl voice) Pleeeease boys... Ryan: We love you Natty. Adam: We love you Chatty. Natalie: (little girl voice) Ok, Good. You're not going to, right? You promise?? I wasn't gonna vote you out. I was gonna vote Sharon out. Pleeease. We'll stick to the plans, guys, right? I wanna see the mini. We have to stick to the plan. We have to be our family.... Please don't send me to the sequester house guys. Adam: I'm gonna f'in bury HoH. Just tellin' you guys right now. We'll split em, and let Sheila get the blood on her hands. Natalie: (back to normal voice) Hell no. Sheila's in cohoots with frikkin' Sharon! Adam: You'll work it out. Natalie: Oh, don't do that to me. Ryan: We're just messin' with you, Natty.
The conversation continues on the first 2 clips below...
CUT TO: 4:52am BBT HOH ROOM Sheila & Sharon Reveling in Natalie's Demise Sharon: Ryan will not. Ryan will not. He's said many comments to me. He does not trust her. Sheila: And does he trust you? Sharon: Yeah... more than he does her.. Sheila: Adam's smart.. Let her think she's ok. Sharon: Oh yeah. She can't campaign. Sheila: She's done. I have your back. Trust me on this one. Do you know how long I've been taking this from her. Think about how many times this girl has made fun of me. Always telling me how stupid... Do you know how many times I've been in tears because of things she's said? Guess what? Sharon: Karma... She's gonna ream me a new ass.. Sheila: Why? Sharon: Cuz I'm the one who talked her down.
Sheila and Sharon talk about how miserable Natalie will be in sequester. They agree this is the only way to get her out. Sharon says the next one will be mental.
CUT TO: 4:56am BBT HOH ROOM Sharon & Sheila - Ryan Enters Sharon:...She said, "if I ever lose to Sheila, I deserve to go home." Sheila: That's what she said. Well, ya kinda did. Ya kinda did. Ryan: Ya get what you ask for sometimes. Sheila: She was gonna get rid of you or Adam this week. She was up here saying, "if Sharon wins, you have to put Ryan up.. I'm the only one who can protect you." Ryan: She's talking down there about how she's gonna come after you next week.
Talk turns to sequester...
Sheila: That whole house can't stand her. People are gonna be happy you did this. Ryan: She's all, I'm not gonna campaign. I'm just gonna lay back and let Sharon think she has it.
Ryan says Natalie called her the usual names. Sharon giggles.
Sheila: Let her.
Sheila makes her case a little more, and Ryan tells her there's no need.
Ryan: If you want her gone, she's gone. You put her up, she's goin' home. Sheila: This is good. She's all, I know you owe Ryan, but I dropped too, so you owe me too... This was the best case scenario that could have happened. The best.
CUT TO: 5:20am BBT Frilly Room Ryan & Adam Both of the remaining men are completely pumped up and running on pure adrenaline. Adam's stoked he only had to spend about 4 hours on the block, uncertain of his future. They're talking about the comp and being in the final 4... 3 minutes later, the boys are fading. Ryan gets under the covers and Adam heads to the Storage Room to grab his sheets, which some BB staffer has left there for him, since he and Sharon were doing laundry when the long pre-PoV lockdown started.
5:35am BBT Ryan: I wonder how James woulda' done on that. Adam: Jamesy? Ryan: I guarantee he wouldn't have beaten 3:20. BB: Ryan, please re-attach your microphone. Adam: Did you see that pink haired guinea pig? (laughing) Ryan: The one of Parker too. I was thinking Natalie would have rocked it. Adam: Because of that other PoV.. with the puzzle.
Adam has some water, finishes making his bed, cuts out the light...
Adam: Hopefully they wake us up with some nice luxury comp. Ryan: This is crazy. 5:30 in the morning, and I'm not even tired.
Silence for a couple minutes... then the boys resume talking a little. Ryan: Not gonna take long to pass out. Adam: No? I'm pumped still. Ryan: I bet you are.
Adam says he has to figure out his speech for Sunday for his girl... Not sure if he's talking about Natalie or the sexy voice lady in the DR they always pine over.
5:45am BBT Adam & Ryan cont'd. Pillow Talk Ryan asks him how he worked the comp. Adam describes his methodology... He placed them all out, starting in the top right.
Ryan: Did you remember them all? Adam: I placed the grid out, 3-3-3, and then I started with the faces. I matched Parkers afro with the guinea pigs. I was trying to move pics with the remote, and it wasn't working, and I said what the f*, and they told me to point it lower. That's why I thought I lost... That would have given someone more time to get it right.
Ryan says he put cotton balls in his ears so he wouldn't hear anyone else and get distracted. Adam laughs.
Adam: Natty, dude, She got 12 minutes. Sharon had 4 minutes, by comparison. Ryan: Very impressive. Adam: Hey, we're both not goin' up , dude. Ryan: I hope so. Adam: I think so. It's greeaaat!
5:52am BBT Quiet and/or Sleeping HGs on all 4 feeds... Sheila's on 1 & 3, and the boys are on 2 & 4.
CUT TO: 5:58am BBT Adam gets up to blow his nose in the bathroom and encounters Sharon who's just come out of the DR. They talk briefly. Sharon's happy to have her clean sheets now..
Adam returns to the Frilly Room and Ryan asks if he just went to "jerk one." Adam tells him no, just blowing his nose.
Adam: It's 9 o clock on the east coast. Ryan: They gotta big crew working out there. Adam: Mike O sounded sniffly. Ryan: He's still up from the night before. Adam: Like us. Straight through... I should go pound a beer and pass out. You want one? Ryan: No, bro, I'm ok.
Adam goes to the Storage Room and grabs a beer.. drinks it in there. Sharon's making her bed. Natalie's lying in bed in the boat room...
6:04am BBT Adam returns to bed, telling Ryan he drank it there in the SR. Adam: I deserved it. Sharon's now finished making her bed, and climbs under the covers.
This concludes the Overnight/Early Morning Report. I can't imagine BB waking the HGs any time before 11am BBT, but I'll start checking in on them around 10:30am BBT, just in case.
4:34am BBT FEED ARE BACK!!! Sounds like it was a morph of sorts, with the HGs as guinea pigs?!? Waiting.... .. Waiting for 100% confirmation... Natalie's saying "I picked the wrong damn puzzle.. I focused on the heads.
Sheila: You did great, Adam. Adam: I'm so proud of myself! I was so stressed.
~*~ Everything Below this point was before the feeds came back...
At 12:16am BBT, the Feeds Went to FLAMES. 4 minutes later at 12:20am BBT, all feeds went to TRIVIA...
4:31am BBT Still Trivia Over 4 hours in!! Goodness gracious!
While we're waiting, check this out: Win a Date to the Big Brother 9 Finale With Evel Dick 100% of the proceeds are being donated to charity, and airfare, accommodations, limo, dinner with Dick and accompanying him to the Finale are included! Not to mention a very cool guitar for the winner of the auction!
Our friend Lessa from BigBrotherCraze has these interviews up for you to check out too:Alex and Jen.
Also from Lessa, for those James fans who can't get enough: Think Pink!
And a really cute PoV Video made by TrishyDoll:
Who will win the Veto Comp? Only time will tell. We'll be here to let you know... Shortly before the comp started, our friend Joshua saw this leak to the feeds and sent it in to bb9dish. A whole bunch of crew members and what would appear to be part of the set for the comp. Did you see this?
I had the feeling it would be a morph all day long yesterday, and this pic makes me think so even more... If that's the case, this PoV is Natalie's for the taking.
8:08pm BBT KITCHEN Sheila, Adam & Natalie Natalie just came out of the Diary Room and said, they told me I shouldn't drink anything tonight... This fuels the speculation of a comp tonight... Luxury or PoV? Or is the DR just messing with Nat?
2 minutes later, Ryan comes in and they share the news with him. Nat thinks it's PoV.
In the Red Room with Ryan a few minutes later, Sharon said "the people" (DR) made it sound like it was something fun and not to stress about it, so she's thinking it's a luxury comp.
Sheila was called to the DR around 8:12pm BBT, and she's still in there as of 8:30pm BBT... Adam remarks that "Sheila could come outta there with the paper and boom!"
CUT TO: 9:18pm BBT
The PoV Comp is tonight. BB just had it up on the screen for the HGs, and they are more pumped than ever.
Sheila is telling Ryan how important it is for him to win this one, so she can put Natalie up as the ReNom.
In case there was an ounce of doubt left in anyone's mind about what the goals of the week are, just take a look at these 3 clips. The 1st two are Sheila and Adam alone.
In the first clip, Sheila makes it very plain to Adam how much Natalie is actually gunning for him:
7:06pm BBT
In the second clip, Adam puts his stamp on everything: "That b*itch is done."
7:17pm BBT
In this 3rd clip, Sharon joins Adam and Sheila. Hoops is coming out. Sheila's getting a kick out of Natalie having been called out on the religion thing by a fan... Sharon's still steamed about the whole mole thing.
The following 2 clips strongly suggest Team Christ is completely done, and for the moment, Natalie is 100% on the outs. Please give them a viewing and let us know your thoughts.
The Live Feeds went to Flames at 4:11pm BBT. The Nomination Ceremony is under way. From all of the discussions last night and today, Sheila is expected to nominate Adam and Sharon this evening. Anything else would be quite surprising...
Still, the Nomination Spoiler will be posted here when the feeds come back on. :)
By the way, if you're wondering what happened to your comment during the Endurance comp last night, chances are excellent it was published, but blogger decided there were too many for one page, so they divvied it into 3 pages of comments, which are accessible with a click near the comment box... just to the left of it.
5:05pm BBT The Feeds are Back. No histrionics. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say the noms were as expected: Sharon & Adam.
Sharon's joking around about her giving the same speech every week. A few minutes later, Sheila apologizes to Adam. Yup, it's official.
Here's a clip:
Here's another clip:
The clip begins with Sheila & Natalie. Natalie's saying the worst case scenario is if Sharon wins the PoV. Right on cue, Sharon comes to the HoH door, much to Natalie's dismay. Sheila welcomes her in, saying it's a girls only party - no men allowed.
5 minutes before the Nomination Ceremony began, Sheila, Adam, Ryan and Natalie were gathered at the Sunburst Table as Team Christ.
Sheila wanted to let them all know that this is not easy, and to please not give her a hard time about her choices... Mostly, this meeting was pure construct for Natalie's benefit.
12:03pm BBT Adam joins Ryan and Sharon outside. They fill him in. Everyone's on the same page for getting Natalie out this week.
Here's a clip:
12:10pm BBT Living Rm Adam & Sheila Adam complains to Sheila about putting him up. She says it's the only way to do this... to make Natalie not fight so hard for PoV.
Sheila goes outside and complains to Ryan and Sharon about Adam's whining.
CUT TO: 12:20pm BBT All the HGs are outside enjoying the sun and chatting...
12:21pm BBT BB: Houseguests. This is a lockdown. Please go inside and close the sliding glass doors.
The HGs speculate they could have a luxury comp. They ask BB how long the lockdown will be and get no response. Sheila says she should probably go up and get ready for noms anyway... Natalie says she's gonna wait. There are at least 4 hours before noms, and the HGs think this'll be a quick lockdown.
CUT TO: 12:34pm BBT Sheila's talking about Penthouse. Natalie says she would like to pose for Playboy.
CUT TO: 1:23pm BBT Backyard Sheila, Adam, Sharon, Ryan Everyone's on board for 'backdooring' Natalie Adam still feels badly about his going up...
Adam: You think the best thing to do is not put her up>? Sheila: Absolutely. That's my deal. I'm minimizing my risk. Adam: I just feel like I'm getting screwed on this... I think it'd be good for her to go up... no backdooring. Sheila: Ya know what, Adam, there's not a whole lot of options here. Sharon's ok with going up. She's not whining about it.
Sheila and Sharon are trying to get Adam to understand that Natalie will not fight as hard for PoV if she doesn't think she's in immediate danger... Further, Sheila will not put Ryan up because he took her down last week.
Watch the clip:
1:23pm BBT
CUT TO: 2:09pm BBT Backyard Everyone
Adam notices there's smoke coming from the propane tank underneath the fireplace and alerts the other HGs to it, as well as BB... Natalie: Attention BB, the propane tank might explode under the fire place. There is smoke..
We get Flames.
Here's the clip:
CUT TO: 2:17pm BBT Feeds are back. HGs are all inside and the elephant door is shut tight, indicating an interior lockdown.
Sheila comes out of the DR, and the other HGs tell her there's a fire outside. She's shocked. She and Ryan head up to the HoH Room, and she says..
Sheila: Yeah, I been cryin'. I'm a big friggin crybaby. Ryan: Cuz it's hard for you to put people up?
FLAMES, briefly
Sheila: Here's what I need from you. Adam's going up with Sharon. If you win PoV, I need you to remove Adam. Natalie's our biggest threat. Ryan: I know. I know... Sheila: Sharon's not my threat...
Ryan promises he will take Adam off if he wins PoV, so Sheila can put Natalie up. Ryan tells Sheila that Natalie's been trying to cover her ass with everyone, and he knows it.
Ryan: Me, you and Adam, final 3, and whatever happens there, happens there. I promise you. Sheila: But if you win this PoV, I need you to use it on Adam. Ryan: I promise you, I will.
Both agree that Natalie is a huge threat, and had the not made the deal last night, she'd still be hanging in the glass box.
Ryan: Anyone but Natalie wins the PoV, we're good. This cannot get around. Sheila: This is what I want. Ryan: This is what I want too, but I just didn't know if you felt close to her... Sheila: Are you kidding me? Do you know what that girl's said about me?
Ryan says he's 100% on the same page as Sheila, and he's committed to getting Natalie out this week.
Ryan leaves HoH and goes back down to the living room...
CUT TO: 2:30pm BBT Adam & Ryan Living Room Ryan fills Adam in a little... but whispers too low for me to hear it, what with Adam's moving the chess piece in very close proximity to his mic.
CUT TO: 2:51pm BBT Adam & Sheila HOH Bathroom Game Talk
CUT TO: 2:59pm BBT Adam & Sheila, cont'd. Sheila Remembers Natalie's Smack Talk
CUT TO: 3:10pm BBT HOH BATHROOM Natalie & Sheila Natalie Checks in with Sheila to Make sure She's Not Going up.
Natalie: I'm not goin up, am I? Sheila: Nooooo!!! I was just talking to Ry, cause i was feelin bad. I was cryin in the DR. I said, Adam, I was cryin'. I feel bad, but I don't have any other choice. This is really stressing me out. This is hard. Natalie: I know. I've been there. Sheila: It's stressful. Adam's giving me sh*t outside. I'm like, well ya did it to me! Natalie: Exactly! I reassured Adam, as long as you win the PoV, you're fine. Even if you don't, we'll leave it the same, and you'll still be fine! Sheila: He's just worried. He's scared. Natalie: I was just making sure I wasn't getting thrown under the bus. Sheila: Oh, no no.
The HGs are still sleeping, but Gretchen and Dick are wide awake and about to start today's Housecalls in just a few minutes.
They're on set, and they're both wearing Pink Mohawk wigs.
Click the pic to get to Housecalls...
The number to call in is right on the pic too.
9:58am BBT - The feeds have gone to flames. BB is probably waking the houseguests...
10:15am BBT Feeds are back. Ryan and Sheila are up.
10:17am BBT Sheila's in the kitchen having some yogurt. Sharon's laying in bed with her eyes open, and the lights in her room are still off. Natalie's still sleeping. No sign of Adam yet.
10:21am BBT Sheila goes back up to HoH and begins unpacking and putting her things into the drawers up there. The pink HoH robe becomes her.
10:23am BBT Ryan's in the kitchen, waiting on the brewing coffee and checking himself out in the mirror. Sheila's still up in HoH, organizing her world for the week.
10:26am BBT Ryan's fixing himself a bagel. Sheila takes a break from organizing to look very lovingly at Mick. The expression turns from love to determination in a heartbeat.
10:31am BBT Sheila comes down to the Kitchen and chats with Ryan. They both figure there wont be a comp today, since BB hasn't gotten on the others to get out of bed yet. Ryan points out that they've never had a comp the day after a very physical HoH.
Ryan and Sheila are laughing at themselves for their aches and pains.
Sheila exits the kitchen and passes through the red room. Sharon, still lying there in the dark, says, "Hello, Sheila." Sheila responds, "good morning."
Sheila heads back to the kitchen to rejoin Ryan. Chatter ensues... Ryan says he really misses Jen. Sheila says Mick's what keeps her going...
10:37am BBT Kitchen Ryan & Sheila Still chatting about aches and pains. Sheila has no leg pain. Ryan's pain is centered there. They're complimenting each other's stamina and strength.
BB: (makes another attempt) Good morning, houseguests. It's time to get up for the day.
Ryan and Sheila talk about Bagels, which Ryan calls baggels.
BB: The bedroom lights must remain on during the day.
Sharon comes out and joins Sheila & Ryan.
BB: Natalie.
Sharon had a dream about the Endurance comp... a nightmare that Sheila hadn't won it. The HGs notice the grill is back, and they're happy it seems they have it for the season.
Sharon leaves and Ryan gets down to business with Sheila. She lets him know that he's safe, and Nat is the target.
10:43am BBT Kitchen - Ryan and Sheila are chatting. She's teasing him a little about burning the bagels. Blue Rm - Natalie's groaning in bed about not wanting to get up. She sounds really sleepy.
10:44am BBT Natalie rolls over then, sits up and has a big stretch. She gets out of bed, and passes through the frilly room, saying to Adam, "Why do they make us wake up, baller? James always got to sleep in."
In the kitchen, Sheila is asking about the camera in the HoH Shower. It makes her uncomfortable. Ryan assures her the inside the shower cam is only there for when people decide to do the nasty in there. She should feel secure.
Natalie & Sharon join Ryan and Sheila in the kitchen. Natalie's glad there's no comp today, because "my lower back is jacked!"
The HGs are having an ant problem in the kitchen.
10:50am BBT Adam has joined the living.
10:58am BBT Sheila's in the kitchen. Everyone else is gathered around the sunburst table chatting.
CUT TO: 11:05am BBT Adam has stepped outside for a smoke. Sheila, Ryan, Natalie and Sharon are chatting around the sunburst table. They're all trying to "see" the hidden image on the Golden Grahams cereal box.
11:08am BBT Sheila & Natalie are still chatting. Natalie's helping Sheila to see the hidden image.
Sharon goes to strip her bed in preparation for doing laundry. Adam does the same. They both head back outside. Sharon loads the machine with their sheets.
11:11am BBT Eureka, Sheila sees it. Adam comes in and gives it a try. Only in the BB house would 5 adults maintain such interest in a cereal box.
Sharon goes back to her room, organizing more stuff.
Sheila, Adam and Natalie are chatting around the sunburst table. Adam says, "11:11 - make a wish." Adam's telling a Matt story... Ryan rejoins the group. Classic Matty: "Did you guys ever tell a girl, 'I wanna taste you?' " Ryan asks Nat if Matty ever said that to her. She says no.
11:17am BBT Natalie says she's against Matt now that she's heard all the things he said about her...
11:19am BB All 5 HGs are in the kitchen area. Chatter. Ryan wants to go stare at Sheila's promo shot some more... Sheila says that's not even one of the best photos. She thinks she looked best at 18.
Sharon's all bikini'd up and heading outside to get some sun. Everyone else is still inside. Ryan says he's just about ready to go outside too, though.
More aches and pains from the comp talk.
11:23am BBT Sheila, Ryan, Natalie & Adam start talking about the movie, The Passion of the Christ... They move on to Pay it Forward...
11:34am BBT Chat turns to BB9 Allison... then Natalie brings up her nightmare about Adam's penis. After a couple minutes, Ryan brings the conversation to final 4 and congratulates Sheila for her definite position there.
11:37am BBT The boys are both outside. Sharon's just been called to the DR. Sheila and Natalie remain inside, but both are planning on going out and getting some sun.
CUT TO: 11:40am BBT Pool Table Ryan & Adam Adam: Are you sure Sheila's down with this plan? Ryan: I brought it up to her. I think she's with it. Adam: Ya never know with big Sheil. Ryan: I'm just whatever.. whatever she wants to do.
CUT TO: 11:48am BBT Bathroom Adam goes in to pee. Whispering, Ryan assures Natalie they're good, and as an added bonus, they can all play HoH next week.
CUT TO: 11:52am BBT Backyard Ryan & Sharon Sharon: So I was thinking last night, best case scenario, Natalie goes home this week. I win HoH next week. Ryan: You or I.
Sharon tells Ryan, she's basically his only chance of winning at final 2. If he brings anyone else, he gets 2nd. In the event Natalie does win PoV, this is Sharon's only hope to stay in the house - somehow convincing Ryan to evict Adam.
Adam joins them outside. Game talk continues. Everyone's on the same page about getting Natalie out this week.
Good Morning (again!), BB Lovers! Happy Sheila Week! Today in the Big Brother 9 house, Sheila will make her nominations. The HGs also think there may be a food or a luxury comp today. We'll see.
At this juncture, the most likely noms are Sharon and Adam, but Sheila's - and everyone else's - target for eviction this week is the biggest perceived physical threat remaining in the BB9 house: Natalie.
Here's the backup...
11:34pm BBT HOH Room Natalie, Sheila, Adam & Sharon
4 minutes into the following clip, Natalie is called to the DR. About a minute after she goes, the truth comes out.
Sharon: Well, I'm glad I got to like, keep pressing. 'Cause I was worried she wasn't gonna do it. Sheila: Yeah, I loved what you said to her. I really appreciated that. Sharon: That's why I kept going and going and going. Sheila: You really stepped up to the plate on that. Sharon: And 'people' (meaning DR) asked about that. They were like, 'was there an ulterior motive?' Yes! Sheila: Of course, of course. Sharon: (unintelligible) Sheila: But you know what, I wouldn't have given it up to her. I'll be really honest with you, I was tired. My butt and my back.. But I would've stayed up there.
They have a giggle about her tooth... Sheila says that whole thing was so her - win HoH, break a tooth.
Sharon: Well, that's why I kept pressing. Adam: I felt bad. i wasn't gonna be like, Yeah, Natalie drop, so we can get you outta the house. Sheila: But you know what, everyone gets to play for PoV. That's the bottom line. Ultimately, whoever wins the PoV has got the power to change the situation. This is what's gonna happen, right here. Ryan and Natalie know one of them's gonna have to go up - they know that.
Adam and Sheila tell Sharon to be very careful about what she says to Natalie this week.
Adam: I couldn't tell her to drop then scumbag her and vote her out. I knew she was gonna drop anyway...
In the next clip, the conversation continues. They all agree there was no deal made with Natalie about the ReNom, only the initial nomination. In Sheila's ideal world, Ryan will win the PoV and use it to bring Adam off the block, then she can renom Natalie, saying that Ryan saved her with the PoV last week, so she can't nominate him.
Adam's thing is, and they all agree, they do not want to be up against Natalie in a final endurance comp.
C=Venus has been chopping overtime this week. Below we have her 2 goodbye chops to James, and if you click the "Warning" pic and go to her site, you'll see her response to Natalie's sexual harassment charge in chop form... It's a little too racy to post here.
The feeds haven't come back on just yet. Give them a few minutes.
At the very end of the broadcast, Sharon was telling the others she hurt her back yesterday, and she's already feeling it now.
The Entirety of the Endurance Comp will be covered within this post.
If you haven't gotten the live feeds yet, now is an excellent time to try out the 2 week free trial. Endurance Comps are the BEST!!!
6:05pm BBT
Feeds are back! Sharon is already OUT!!!!
Sheila's still in it... Everyone else is still in.. Sharon: This is all back. If you're not good with your ack or your feet, you're screwed. I shoulda known better. Adam: Who wants their own bath? Sheila: I need a picture of my son. i really do. Sharon: You've got it girl. You've got the "due to win" factor.
6:07pm BBT Natalie: This isn't a game for claustrophobic people... Ryan: Well, Natalie, you don't have to worry about getting sick on this one. Adam: No pukin here.
Sharon is pissed with herself.
Chatter... Everyone but Sharon's still in it.
6:10pm BBT Natalie: Just chillin. Chillin in a glass box. Adam: Sheila's hanging in there strong. Keep the blood flowin' Natalie repeats. Sharon: They come up with the craziest stuff. Sheila: Is it ok if I take off my jacket and drop it? Adam and Ryan say it's fine. Sheila wants an ok from MikeO.
Adam: I guess it's not a double eviction. Natalie: No elbow. Sheila: Oh, is that what they just said?
FLAMES, briefly. 6:16pm BBT
Adam: Big Sheila's got this one dude. Sharon: I think so too. Natalie: Was it scary falling, Sharon? Sharon: A little bit. I was afraid I was gonna hit my head. Sheila: How long we been up here? Sharon: 20 minutes. Sheila: That sucks. It feels longer. Ryan: I've done more enjoyable things with my time. Natalie: Oh this is so nice you guys. No ones walking on eggshells anymore. Ryan: It's a house full of love. Natalie: It really is a house of love now.
6:19pm BBT Ryan is struggling. Sheila's chilling. Natalie's talking.
Sheila: Ry-Bread. You're good with me. You took me down. You're good with me. Ryan: You're my girl, Sheila. Sheila: I just want photos. Frikkin hang up here all frikkin night. I need this. I need to win this. I'll stay up here all night. I'm the only one who hasn't won Hoh. I need this for my boy. I'm doing this for you, Mick. I love you.
6:22pm BBT Ryan: What're we lookin at, MikeO?
All the Hgs are happy and surprised Mike o is back. Flames, briefly. Natalie: Not safe. Sheila: What do you mean, not safe? Natalie: I'm not safe if I drop. I can feel it. Sharon: my ass is never safe. I'm always screwed. Sheila: I'm not safe either, babe, so ditto. Natalie: Oh Sheila. You're safe. Sheila: I'm not makin any deals, that's for sure. If I fall, I fall.
Here's a clip:
6:24pm BBT - Quad Cam
6:25pm BBT Ryan: I feel like it's getting easier.. my leg's getting stretched. I need this workout anyway.
6:29pm BBT
Sheila: I need this. I'm the only one who hasn't seen her family. Adam: And guaranteed safety. Sheila: And guaranteed safety. I need this. Ryan: Glad I got my nic patch.
Control Booth has no love for Nat. Haven't seen a close up of her yet.
6:33pm BBT Sharon is cheering everyone from the sidelines. Ryan: This is my 1st (solo) endurance. Sheila: I need to get comfortable.
Talk turns to James.
Natalie: I'm glad James left like a man, though. Ryan: Sharon, did you at least make it through the live show? Sharon did, just barely. Sharon: I knew I wasn't gonna outlast Natalie, so what's the point of hurting my body even more before PoV?
Ryan starts singing, "Shook me all night long" and we get flames, briefly.
Back at 6:35pm BBT
Ryan: I'm getting a good stretch workout up here. Sheila: I need to win this.
Sharon's talking to Sheila about which pics she thinks might be in her hypothetical HoH room.
Natalie: This is easier than the disco ball. Way easier. Sheila: I don't know. Beating Natalie might be tough.
6:42pm BBT Ryan, Sheila and Natalie are still hanging in there. Adam: I'm proud a you boil.. (ryan) Natalie: 240 pounds!
Talk turns back to James...
Adam: Hi Sheila. :) I know it's boring, but ya gotta do it.
Natalie tells him to entertain them. Sheila says, please don't. Adam does a nice couple of jumps, legs akimbo, on the sidelines. Sharon: Baller, you can't sit still! Natalie: He can't. He's ADHD.
Adam tells Sharon they should get their swimming suit on and go in the jacuzzi. Natalie tells them they're locked outside with them..
6:50pm BBT Ryan: How's your foot doing, Sheila? Sheila's doing ok, but she has a foot issue she forgot to list for BB. Sheila: I'm doing this for Alex, so I have to win. Adam: Oh, that's it. You all better just drop. Sheila: I love you, Alex. Don't lettem all get to you, babe. They're just jealous.
CUT TO: 7pm BBT Natalie: You guys are the last boys in the house. WoohOoo! We're all warriors in this house! Adam: The bible buddies. Ryan: The bible buddies in the house. Adam: We're gonna get a new table. Natalie: It's a 4 top. The Mini, the mini, the mini, the mini... Sheila: OK, Natalie. We got it! Adam: Epic Battle. Natalie: James woulda loved this one. He's gonna watch it on tv. Adam: He was tryin to work it last night... saying Natalie's gonna win it if it's endurance. Natalie: God speaks to me. Adam: What's he sayin now, Nat? Natalie: He's sayin, "stick your ass in that box!"
7:04pm BBT Adam starts talking about the party yesterday. Nat: That's crazy I got a question from a viewer in NY. Ryan: What was the question? Natalie repeats it and her answer... Adam: What's up fellllaaaassss?! Natalie: Baller, you're not supposed to be talking to those people!
Sharon starts talking about how her dad always says, "thanks much," and it drives her nuts. Also, someone named a camp after her dad...
7:07pm BBT - Flames. 7:08pm BBT The HGs are talking about military ranks. Sharon's mom doesn't want her dad to go into the reserves. 28 years was enough.
Adam: This is very S&Mish Natalie: It is. Why? DO you see my box? My butt crack is showin. It's definitely showin now. Sharon: It's close, but not showing. Natalie adjusts. Sharon: Well, don't pull it down. Natalie: It itches me.
Adam moves under Natalie, and says hello.
Natalie: Hi Baller. That's quite the angle you've got down there.
Ryan: Sharon. What happened to you, babes? Sharon: A whole lotta James. Ryan: The James curse lives.
They all think James' time in the house is now over. He's not coming back again. Sheila asks for a time. Natalie says, judging by the sun, she'd guess 7-7:15.
Sheila again reiterates how much she wants to see pics of Mick.
7:16pm BBT Talk has turned to Chelsia and the chocolate bunny. Sheila: Can I get a time here, people? Natalie: When I saw this, I thought they were gonna fill it with water. Sheila: had they, I woulda dropped out. I would''ve given it to you.
Sheila tells them about her heel spur. It's operable, but she's not interested.
Ryan says Dr. Will will fix it for her after the show. Adam and Sheila let Ryan know Dr Will is a dermatologist...
Natalie: Well, my butt-crack's definitely showing now. Adam sings Peanut Butter Jelly time, and we get brief flames. Adam: Roooode Hard! Sharon: His facial expressions crack me up. Natalie: He's the best scarer, for sure. Ryan: What happened to your pants there sweetie? Natalie: it's ok. my skin's good.
7:21pm BBT Sheila: ya know when Julie asked me if I felt old or young, I'm feelin really frikkin old right now.
They talk about the pranks. Sheila didn't like the flour. She wishes they'd shown the fake PoV tonight. That was her favorite prank... made her feel like family.
7:27pm BBT Ryan: You're doin great up here, babe. Sheila: I got 20 years on you guys. Natalie: Ya sure do! Sheila: Thanks, Nat. Natalie: I didn't mean it like that.. I mean good for you hanging in...
Adam: Who would like to insure their safety for 2 more weeks. Sharon: Obviously not me. Adam: You mad at James? Sharon: He didn't know... I'm not gonna be mad at someone for an accident.
Adam goes back to supporting the others...
Adam: Sheila got the hips in motion! Love it. Natalie: It's always about getting comfy.
7:30pm BBT Still not one single close up shot of Natalie... Kinda bizarre.
7:33pm BBT - TRIVIA... 7:35pm BBT - Feeds are back. It's getting dark in L.A....
7:42pm BBT Sheila and Natalie are chatting about the Boat Room and Hide and Seek...
Sheila, Natalie and Ryan are all still in it to win it.
Adam: James tried to stir the pot up big time before he left. Natalie: Big time...
A plane flies overhead.
Natalie: Think the people in the plane can see us? Adam: Of course. There goes chatty. Natalie: I gotta question from a lady in NY. Ryan: What do you think they're gonna feed us for dinner?
Adam: And of course the wino would like some Chardonay...
Sharon waxes poetic about Mountain Dew.
Adam: Natty's changing position up there. Natalie: Ya got to keep comfortable. Keep the limbs feeling good. Ryan: I could go for a swim right now. Sharon: Fun-tastic Natalie: Fun-tastic and Won-doo-ful
Sharon: Sheila, you're my hero, girl. Adam: You're so hot. Sheila: 46 in 2 days. We'll see how hot I am. If I can last.
Sharon tells a blond joke... Ryan asks Adam for a joke. Adam says he doesn't have any.
7:52pm BBT Sharon and Adam step off to the side so Adam can have a smoke... Sharon says she knew she was screwed as soon as she came outside and saw the set up. She also tells Adam that she thinks the 2 of them are going up, no matter who wins... that they're sitting ducks.
7:54pm BBT Adam and Sharon have returned to their watching bench. Adam: I like the competitive nature of this house. Ryan: I could sure go for a burger.
Comp Time has now passed the 2 hour mark. Sheila, Natalie and Ryan are hanging tough.
7:55pm BBT - TRIVIA 7:57pm BBT - Feeds are back Sharon: No matter what happens, I'm glad we're all here together. Natalie: Me too! It's a nice group. Ryan: How you doin there, SHeila? Sheila: I'm hanging in.. I don't expect anyone to give it to me. I'm gonna give it my all... WOah! I almost fell. not good. Ryan: You look sexy up there, Sheila. Sheila: Really?
Ryan's got blisters from the comp already... and they've already popped.
***Holy cow! 24,000 hits in the past hour?! Hi everyone! :)
Brief Trivia, then we return to... 8:02pm BBT Ryan: Doin' good... SO you ladies like th corner huh? I don't like the corner much. Sheila: Maybe cuz we're shorter... Ryan: Yeah, I'm too tall. Sheila: Ya just gotta move around a bit, til you get comfortable.
8:06pm BBT Adam and Sharon head inside. They tell the others they'll be right back. They go into the storage room and happily discover they are fully set up.
Ryan and Sheila chat on the rigging...
8:08pm BBT Adam reports back to the others that the SR is fully stocked. Ryan: Sweet. Maybe that means we have a luxury comp tomorrow. Natalie: More smoke!!!! Awesome!!! Yes, that's awesome. I love your special FX Mike O. yessss!! That's awesome. Adam: Here comes the smoke. Natalie: Here comes the smoke.
CUT TO: 8:16pm BBT Natalie: Sharon said that you (Adam) said that you were gonna put me up. Denials from everyone.. then a retraction from Nat. Sheila: I'm holding out because I wanna win. I want pictures of my son. Natalie: We're all sticking to the plan, no matter what. Ryan: They made the sides, cause they needed the sides. We didn't need it. James was like, your loyalties thin. You're gonna see what happens next week. Sheila: Looks like they got to some of us. Ryan: He didn't get to me. I'll argue with that dude all day.
They talk about who said what to James. Sheila says she never lied to him. She told him flat out she didn't vote him back in, because she wanted Alex to come back.
8:21pm BBT - TRIVIA ***Wondering when BB is going to make it harder on them... Harder than a little smoke...
8:24pm BBT Natalie slams Chelsia for a bit. Talk turns to the PoV, and how nobody wants to drop because they'll have to go up against Natalie in it. Sheila's tush hurts. Her feet too. Ryan's really hungry. BB took the grill back... or at least it's not there now.
8:29pm BBT Sharon comes back outside. Natalie: Hi Sharon!!!! We're still hangin' tough. Sheila: Hangin'
Baller starts singing... TRIVIA. :P Briefly.
Ryan: Did Mike O exit the bldg? You still with us, Mike O?
MORE TRIVIA at the mention of his name.
Feeds are back at 8:31pm BBT Sheila's smiling. Ryan and Adam start singing again!! Sheila's talking about the sty in her eye... from makeup and crying. Sheila: I never thought I was gonna cry this much. Ryan: It's a very emotional game. Sheila: It is... Ow. My butt. My butt...
8:35pm BBT
VOICE: Hey Adam. Adam: What's up? VOICE: Hey, you gotta go to the Diary Room.
TRIVIA @ 8:37pm BBT
***Yippee!! Likely new rules for the comp...
8:38pm BBT While Adam's in the DR and Sharon's inside... Natalie is offering to give it to Sheila... MAJOR DEALING GOING ON Natalie: You deserve it, Sheila. Sheila: It'll be those 2, not you. Ryan: Seriously, you're gonna put them up? Sheila: I have to. Natalie: So you pretend you slip, then I will.
Ryan sees Adam's already out of the DR.
Natalie: As long as me n Ry-Bread don't go up. Sheila: I already told him I have to. Natalie: What happens if Sharon wins PoV? Sheila: She wont. Natalie: This is the deal, if Sharon saves herself on the block against Adam, and you had to put up me or Ryan, you'd have to vote Adam out. Ryan: Is that fair? Sheila: Yeah. Natalie: That's worst case scenario, if Sharon wins.
Adam comes back out...
Ryan: What's going on in the DR? Adam: Nothin. Cigarettes and Nic patches don't mix.
Ryan says he's gonna fall... Sheila: Don't fall. Ryan: I'll stay if I can. Sheila: I wanna see photos of my son. Adam: you done, Quick? Ryan: Ahh not yet.
Putting on a show now...
Sheila: I promise you I wont put you up, Ry. I need this. I need to see my son. I really do. Sheila's making pain noises. 8:45pm BBT RYAN "falls" off. He's out.
Ryan's Out
Natalie & Sheila remain.
Natalie: How're your legs, Ry Bread? Ryan: I can't feel em.
Natalie: Dammit! Why does this game have to be so difficult?! Dammit Jim. Sharon: Just give it to her. She wants to see those pics so bad. Natalie: Yeah, but then I'm in danger. Sharon: I'm in danger every week. Natalie: What do I Do??!?! Dammit. This sucks! Sheila: I haven't won anything, Natalie. I need this. I can go a little bit longer. Sharon tries to appeal to her Christian ethic. Natalie doesn't bite. Natalie: What would Jesus do? Sharon: He'd give it to her. But you gotta do what's best for you, Natalie. Natalie: Lemme just think for like 5 minutes. I need to ponder my options. Sheila: I need a time guys. Sharon: 3 hours. Natalie: If I drop, there's a positive. If I stay, I play in the HoH next week, and next week is a very crucial week in time. Sheila: I just want it for the photos Natalie. Sharon: Hold on, Sheila. HOld on. Sheila: I could go another half hour. Natalie: I'm weighing my options.. trying to minimize my risks. Oh Dear G-d in heaven.. Answer me. what do I do?? Baller, will you be mad at me? Adam: You gotta do what you gotta do, babe. Sheila: I just want it for th letter, babe. I didn't even wanna see James walk out the door cause he reminds me of my son. I need this. I really do. I've been in this game for 2 months with no family. Natalie: It's like, the nice part of me wants to give it to you, but Naughty Natalia doesn't want to drop. i don't want people to be mad at me. Sharon: They're not gonna be mad at you, doing something nice for someone else. That's being a true Christian.
Sheila: If you give it to me, maybe I wont feel like I earned it or deserved it. You gotta do what feels right to you. We have been hanging up here for 3 hours. I could do another hour, because that's how much I wanna see my son right now.
Natalie yells to Ryan, "How do you feel now that you're down?"
Natalie: There's some positives here and there's some negatives. Sharon: That's in every game. Natalie: I don't wanna do like a Marcellas move.
Natalie's hemming and hawing... Not sure if she's putting on a show for Sharon and Adam, or if she's legitimately having all these thoughts.
Natalie: You know, America, I could hang here all night if I wanted to! This is a tough decision for me, but I gotta do what's right for me, and my good nature feels bad that Sheila hasn't seen her family... I know how she feels because I went up against James, and he was greedy! Sheila: Hey! I'm not him. Natalie: I know... I don't wanna be him. The good person in me wants to drop. So.. G'Bye!
Natalie Drops!
Sheila is the New HoH!!
Sheila cracked her tooth on the drop... Hugs all around for Sheila!!
5.6 million hits!
Un-Real! I still feel like the little blog that could...
Thanks so much for making this the best season ever on the dish! :)
I'll be checking in periodically to moderate comments, and after a couple weeks,
we can look forward to some interviews with some of the final 9 HGs. Of course, if there's big news before then, I'll be posting that too. :)
Happy Spring!!