Endurance Comp
6pm BBT
The feeds haven't come back on just yet. Give them a few minutes.
At the very end of the broadcast, Sharon was telling the others she hurt her back yesterday, and she's already feeling it now.
The Entirety of the Endurance Comp will be covered within this post.
If you haven't gotten the live feeds yet, now is an excellent time to try out the 2 week free trial. Endurance Comps are the BEST!!!6:05pm BBT
Feeds are back! Sharon is already OUT!!!!
Sheila's still in it... Everyone else is still in..
Sharon: This is all back. If you're not good with your ack or your feet, you're screwed. I shoulda known better.
Adam: Who wants their own bath?
Sheila: I need a picture of my son. i really do.
Sharon: You've got it girl. You've got the "due to win" factor.
6:07pm BBT
Natalie: This isn't a game for claustrophobic people...
Ryan: Well, Natalie, you don't have to worry about getting sick on this one.
Adam: No pukin here.
Sharon is pissed with herself.
Chatter... Everyone but Sharon's still in it.
6:10pm BBT
Natalie: Just chillin. Chillin in a glass box.
Adam: Sheila's hanging in there strong. Keep the blood flowin'
Natalie repeats.
Sharon: They come up with the craziest stuff.
Sheila: Is it ok if I take off my jacket and drop it?
Adam and Ryan say it's fine. Sheila wants an ok from MikeO.
Adam: I guess it's not a double eviction.
Natalie: No elbow.
Sheila: Oh, is that what they just said?
FLAMES, briefly.
6:16pm BBT
Adam: Big Sheila's got this one dude.
Sharon: I think so too.
Natalie: Was it scary falling, Sharon?
Sharon: A little bit. I was afraid I was gonna hit my head.
Sheila: How long we been up here?
Sharon: 20 minutes.
Sheila: That sucks. It feels longer.
Ryan: I've done more enjoyable things with my time.
Natalie: Oh this is so nice you guys. No ones walking on eggshells anymore.
Ryan: It's a house full of love.
Natalie: It really is a house of love now.
6:19pm BBT
Ryan is struggling. Sheila's chilling. Natalie's talking.
Sheila: Ry-Bread. You're good with me. You took me down. You're good with me.
Ryan: You're my girl, Sheila.
Sheila: I just want photos. Frikkin hang up here all frikkin night. I need this. I need to win this. I'll stay up here all night. I'm the only one who hasn't won Hoh. I need this for my boy. I'm doing this for you, Mick. I love you.
6:22pm BBT
Ryan: What're we lookin at, MikeO?
All the Hgs are happy and surprised Mike o is back. Flames, briefly.
Natalie: Not safe.
Sheila: What do you mean, not safe?
Natalie: I'm not safe if I drop. I can feel it.
Sharon: my ass is never safe. I'm always screwed.
Sheila: I'm not safe either, babe, so ditto.
Natalie: Oh Sheila. You're safe.
Sheila: I'm not makin any deals, that's for sure. If I fall, I fall.
Here's a clip:
6:25pm BBT
Ryan: I feel like it's getting easier.. my leg's getting stretched. I need this workout anyway.

Sheila: I need this. I'm the only one who hasn't seen her family.
Adam: And guaranteed safety.
Sheila: And guaranteed safety. I need this.
Ryan: Glad I got my nic patch.
Control Booth has no love for Nat. Haven't seen a close up of her yet.
6:33pm BBT
Sharon is cheering everyone from the sidelines.
Ryan: This is my 1st (solo) endurance.
Sheila: I need to get comfortable.
Talk turns to James.
Natalie: I'm glad James left like a man, though.
Ryan: Sharon, did you at least make it through the live show?
Sharon did, just barely.
Sharon: I knew I wasn't gonna outlast Natalie, so what's the point of hurting my body even more before PoV?
Ryan starts singing, "Shook me all night long" and we get flames, briefly.
Back at 6:35pm BBT
Ryan: I'm getting a good stretch workout up here.
Sheila: I need to win this.
Sharon's talking to Sheila about which pics she thinks might be in her hypothetical HoH room.
Natalie: This is easier than the disco ball. Way easier.
Sheila: I don't know. Beating Natalie might be tough.
6:42pm BBT
Ryan, Sheila and Natalie are still hanging in there.
Adam: I'm proud a you boil.. (ryan)
Natalie: 240 pounds!
Talk turns back to James...
Adam: Hi Sheila. :) I know it's boring, but ya gotta do it.
Natalie tells him to entertain them. Sheila says, please don't.
Adam does a nice couple of jumps, legs akimbo, on the sidelines.
Sharon: Baller, you can't sit still!
Natalie: He can't. He's ADHD.
Adam tells Sharon they should get their swimming suit on and go in the jacuzzi. Natalie tells them they're locked outside with them..
6:50pm BBT
Ryan: How's your foot doing, Sheila?
Sheila's doing ok, but she has a foot issue she forgot to list for BB.
Sheila: I'm doing this for Alex, so I have to win.
Adam: Oh, that's it. You all better just drop.
Sheila: I love you, Alex. Don't lettem all get to you, babe. They're just jealous.

7pm BBT
Natalie: You guys are the last boys in the house. WoohOoo! We're all warriors in this house!
Adam: The bible buddies.
Ryan: The bible buddies in the house.
Adam: We're gonna get a new table.
Natalie: It's a 4 top. The Mini, the mini, the mini, the mini...
Sheila: OK, Natalie. We got it!
Adam: Epic Battle.
Natalie: James woulda loved this one. He's gonna watch it on tv.
Adam: He was tryin to work it last night... saying Natalie's gonna win it if it's endurance.
Natalie: God speaks to me.
Adam: What's he sayin now, Nat?
Natalie: He's sayin, "stick your ass in that box!"
7:04pm BBT
Adam starts talking about the party yesterday.
Nat: That's crazy I got a question from a viewer in NY.
Ryan: What was the question?
Natalie repeats it and her answer...
Adam: What's up fellllaaaassss?!
Natalie: Baller, you're not supposed to be talking to those people!
Sharon starts talking about how her dad always says, "thanks much," and it drives her nuts. Also, someone named a camp after her dad...
7:07pm BBT - Flames.
7:08pm BBT
The HGs are talking about military ranks. Sharon's mom doesn't want her dad to go into the reserves. 28 years was enough.
Adam: This is very S&Mish
Natalie: It is. Why? DO you see my box? My butt crack is showin. It's definitely showin now.
Sharon: It's close, but not showing.
Natalie adjusts.
Sharon: Well, don't pull it down.
Natalie: It itches me.
Adam moves under Natalie, and says hello.
Natalie: Hi Baller. That's quite the angle you've got down there.
Ryan: Sharon. What happened to you, babes?
Sharon: A whole lotta James.
Ryan: The James curse lives.
They all think James' time in the house is now over. He's not coming back again. Sheila asks for a time. Natalie says, judging by the sun, she'd guess 7-7:15.
Sheila again reiterates how much she wants to see pics of Mick.
7:16pm BBT
Talk has turned to Chelsia and the chocolate bunny.
Sheila: Can I get a time here, people?
Natalie: When I saw this, I thought they were gonna fill it with water.
Sheila: had they, I woulda dropped out. I would''ve given it to you.
Sheila tells them about her heel spur. It's operable, but she's not interested.
Ryan says Dr. Will will fix it for her after the show. Adam and Sheila let Ryan know Dr Will is a dermatologist...
Natalie: Well, my butt-crack's definitely showing now.
Adam sings Peanut Butter Jelly time, and we get brief flames.
Adam: Roooode Hard!
Sharon: His facial expressions crack me up.
Natalie: He's the best scarer, for sure.
Ryan: What happened to your pants there sweetie?
Natalie: it's ok. my skin's good.
7:21pm BBT
Sheila: ya know when Julie asked me if I felt old or young, I'm feelin really frikkin old right now.
They talk about the pranks. Sheila didn't like the flour. She wishes they'd shown the fake PoV tonight. That was her favorite prank... made her feel like family.
7:27pm BBT
Ryan: You're doin great up here, babe.
Sheila: I got 20 years on you guys.
Natalie: Ya sure do!
Sheila: Thanks, Nat.
Natalie: I didn't mean it like that.. I mean good for you hanging in...
Adam: Who would like to insure their safety for 2 more weeks.
Sharon: Obviously not me.
Adam: You mad at James?
Sharon: He didn't know... I'm not gonna be mad at someone for an accident.
Adam goes back to supporting the others...
Adam: Sheila got the hips in motion! Love it.
Natalie: It's always about getting comfy.

7:30pm BBT
Still not one single close up shot of Natalie... Kinda bizarre.
7:33pm BBT - TRIVIA...
7:35pm BBT - Feeds are back. It's getting dark in L.A....
7:42pm BBT
Sheila and Natalie are chatting about the Boat Room and Hide and Seek...
Sheila, Natalie and Ryan are all still in it to win it.
Adam: James tried to stir the pot up big time before he left.
Natalie: Big time...
A plane flies overhead.
Natalie: Think the people in the plane can see us?
Adam: Of course. There goes chatty.
Natalie: I gotta question from a lady in NY.
Ryan: What do you think they're gonna feed us for dinner?
Sharon wants Mountain Dew. Natalie wants pineapple pizza.
Adam: And of course the wino would like some Chardonay...
Sharon waxes poetic about Mountain Dew.
Adam: Natty's changing position up there.
Natalie: Ya got to keep comfortable. Keep the limbs feeling good.
Ryan: I could go for a swim right now.
Sharon: Fun-tastic
Natalie: Fun-tastic and Won-doo-ful
Sharon: Sheila, you're my hero, girl.
Adam: You're so hot.
Sheila: 46 in 2 days. We'll see how hot I am. If I can last.
Sharon tells a blond joke... Ryan asks Adam for a joke. Adam says he doesn't have any.
7:52pm BBT
Sharon and Adam step off to the side so Adam can have a smoke... Sharon says she knew she was screwed as soon as she came outside and saw the set up. She also tells Adam that she thinks the 2 of them are going up, no matter who wins... that they're sitting ducks.
7:54pm BBT
Adam and Sharon have returned to their watching bench.
Adam: I like the competitive nature of this house.
Ryan: I could sure go for a burger.
Comp Time has now passed the 2 hour mark.
Sheila, Natalie and Ryan are hanging tough.
7:55pm BBT - TRIVIA
7:57pm BBT - Feeds are back
Sharon: No matter what happens, I'm glad we're all here together.
Natalie: Me too! It's a nice group.
Ryan: How you doin there, SHeila?
Sheila: I'm hanging in.. I don't expect anyone to give it to me. I'm gonna give it my all... WOah! I almost fell. not good.
Ryan: You look sexy up there, Sheila.
Sheila: Really?
Ryan's got blisters from the comp already... and they've already popped.
***Holy cow! 24,000 hits in the past hour?! Hi everyone! :)
Brief Trivia, then we return to...
8:02pm BBT
Ryan: Doin' good... SO you ladies like th corner huh? I don't like the corner much.
Sheila: Maybe cuz we're shorter...
Ryan: Yeah, I'm too tall.
Sheila: Ya just gotta move around a bit, til you get comfortable.
8:06pm BBT
Adam and Sharon head inside. They tell the others they'll be right back. They go into the storage room and happily discover they are fully set up.
Ryan and Sheila chat on the rigging...
8:08pm BBT
Adam reports back to the others that the SR is fully stocked.
Ryan: Sweet. Maybe that means we have a luxury comp tomorrow.
Natalie: More smoke!!!! Awesome!!! Yes, that's awesome. I love your special FX Mike O. yessss!! That's awesome.
Adam: Here comes the smoke.
Natalie: Here comes the smoke.
8:16pm BBT
Natalie: Sharon said that you (Adam) said that you were gonna put me up.
Denials from everyone.. then a retraction from Nat.
Sheila: I'm holding out because I wanna win. I want pictures of my son.
Natalie: We're all sticking to the plan, no matter what.
Ryan: They made the sides, cause they needed the sides. We didn't need it. James was like, your loyalties thin. You're gonna see what happens next week.
Sheila: Looks like they got to some of us.
Ryan: He didn't get to me. I'll argue with that dude all day.
They talk about who said what to James. Sheila says she never lied to him. She told him flat out she didn't vote him back in, because she wanted Alex to come back.
8:21pm BBT - TRIVIA
***Wondering when BB is going to make it harder on them... Harder than a little smoke...
8:24pm BBT
Natalie slams Chelsia for a bit.
Talk turns to the PoV, and how nobody wants to drop because they'll have to go up against Natalie in it.
Sheila's tush hurts. Her feet too.
Ryan's really hungry.
BB took the grill back... or at least it's not there now.
8:29pm BBT
Sharon comes back outside.
Natalie: Hi Sharon!!!! We're still hangin' tough.
Sheila: Hangin'
Baller starts singing... TRIVIA. :P Briefly.
Ryan: Did Mike O exit the bldg? You still with us, Mike O?
MORE TRIVIA at the mention of his name.
Feeds are back at 8:31pm BBT
Sheila's smiling. Ryan and Adam start singing again!!
Sheila's talking about the sty in her eye... from makeup and crying.
Sheila: I never thought I was gonna cry this much.
Ryan: It's a very emotional game.
Sheila: It is... Ow. My butt. My butt...

VOICE: Hey Adam.
Adam: What's up?
VOICE: Hey, you gotta go to the Diary Room.
TRIVIA @ 8:37pm BBT
***Yippee!! Likely new rules for the comp...
8:38pm BBT
While Adam's in the DR and Sharon's inside...
Natalie is offering to give it to Sheila...
Natalie: You deserve it, Sheila.
Sheila: It'll be those 2, not you.
Ryan: Seriously, you're gonna put them up?
Sheila: I have to.
Natalie: So you pretend you slip, then I will.
Ryan sees Adam's already out of the DR.
Natalie: As long as me n Ry-Bread don't go up.
Sheila: I already told him I have to.
Natalie: What happens if Sharon wins PoV?
Sheila: She wont.
Natalie: This is the deal, if Sharon saves herself on the block against Adam, and you had to put up me or Ryan, you'd have to vote Adam out.
Ryan: Is that fair?
Sheila: Yeah.
Natalie: That's worst case scenario, if Sharon wins.
Adam comes back out...
Ryan: What's going on in the DR?
Adam: Nothin. Cigarettes and Nic patches don't mix.
Ryan says he's gonna fall...
Sheila: Don't fall.
Ryan: I'll stay if I can.
Sheila: I wanna see photos of my son.
Adam: you done, Quick?
Ryan: Ahh not yet.
Putting on a show now...
Sheila: I promise you I wont put you up, Ry. I need this. I need to see my son. I really do.
Sheila's making pain noises.
8:45pm BBT RYAN "falls" off. He's out.
Natalie & Sheila remain.
Natalie: How're your legs, Ry Bread?
Ryan: I can't feel em.
Natalie: Dammit! Why does this game have to be so difficult?! Dammit Jim.
Sharon: Just give it to her. She wants to see those pics so bad.
Natalie: Yeah, but then I'm in danger.
Sharon: I'm in danger every week.
Natalie: What do I Do??!?! Dammit. This sucks!
Sheila: I haven't won anything, Natalie. I need this. I can go a little bit longer.
Sharon tries to appeal to her Christian ethic. Natalie doesn't bite.
Natalie: What would Jesus do?
Sharon: He'd give it to her. But you gotta do what's best for you, Natalie.
Natalie: Lemme just think for like 5 minutes. I need to ponder my options.
Sheila: I need a time guys.
Sharon: 3 hours.
Natalie: If I drop, there's a positive. If I stay, I play in the HoH next week, and next week is a very crucial week in time.
Sheila: I just want it for the photos Natalie.
Sharon: Hold on, Sheila. HOld on.
Sheila: I could go another half hour.
Natalie: I'm weighing my options.. trying to minimize my risks. Oh Dear G-d in heaven.. Answer me. what do I do?? Baller, will you be mad at me?
Adam: You gotta do what you gotta do, babe.
Sheila: I just want it for th letter, babe. I didn't even wanna see James walk out the door cause he reminds me of my son. I need this. I really do. I've been in this game for 2 months with no family.
Natalie: It's like, the nice part of me wants to give it to you, but Naughty Natalia doesn't want to drop. i don't want people to be mad at me.
Sharon: They're not gonna be mad at you, doing something nice for someone else. That's being a true Christian.
Sheila: If you give it to me, maybe I wont feel like I earned it or deserved it. You gotta do what feels right to you. We have been hanging up here for 3 hours. I could do another hour, because that's how much I wanna see my son right now.
Natalie yells to Ryan, "How do you feel now that you're down?"
Natalie: There's some positives here and there's some negatives.
Sharon: That's in every game.
Natalie: I don't wanna do like a Marcellas move.
Natalie's hemming and hawing... Not sure if she's putting on a show for Sharon and Adam, or if she's legitimately having all these thoughts.
Natalie: You know, America, I could hang here all night if I wanted to! This is a tough decision for me, but I gotta do what's right for me, and my good nature feels bad that Sheila hasn't seen her family... I know how she feels because I went up against James, and he was greedy!
Sheila: Hey! I'm not him.
Natalie: I know... I don't wanna be him. The good person in me wants to drop. So.. G'Bye!
Natalie Drops!
Sheila cracked her tooth on the drop...
Hugs all around for Sheila!!
Sharon cant fall!!!!
Natalie was looking pretty comfy up there.
DANG IT! I want Sharon to win this one! I'm liking her, and it'd be the most interesting to the game.... Ugh!
Come on Sharon!!!!!!!
Oh puhleez. Looks like Sharon is planning to throw yet another comp. She deserves to go this week.
What was the smoke for?
hurry darn feeds hurry! I can't wait to see Natalie win :D
Poor Sharon! Does anyone know what she did to hurt her back?
Unfortunately, I think the bible stripper is going to win this competition. Too bad she'll be making the final 4...
Obviously, Ryan can't last long since he's so heavy.
Sheila is in pretty good shape for her age, but I doubt she'll outlast everyone.
oh Sharon, why must you be injured at a time like this?
Definitely don't think this one will be lasting long. Hopefully it at least makes it to BBAD.
I don't think Ryan could have asked for a worse endurance comp.
Is Sharon already out? Yay!!!
I thought maybe it was to make the houseguests sweaty (the smoke). I'd like to see Ryan or Sharon win but they looked like they were struggling the most.
Ahhh Sharon...
Loved the show tonight, it was great. We finally got to see sequester and it looks good.
Matt will be getting his ultimate b-day present ... James.
I'm totally bummed to hear that Sharon hurt her back yesterday and now that the live feeds are back it's obviously cost her the HoH.
Hopefully Sheila can pull through on this one.
excuses already huh Sharon? so much for your confidence when you told James "I can beat Natalie in endurance hands down"......making an excuse already in case you can't? Too funny. Drop Sharon, tired of your beeeeee beeeeeeee, neeee neeee shrills...
LOL Sharon is already out! Its so funny because she talked so much smack and was so confident that she was going to win. Shes the first one out!! How funny. Its all in the bag for Natalie now!!
Looks like this comp was made for Nat dang it, hold on Sharon & Sheila.
Come on Natalie... Stay comfy.... Everyone is trying to get her out.. She NEEDS to win HOH.... I can't wait to see next weeks episode when they show James going to sequester. Can't wait to see their reactions when he gets there... I love it...
I want Sheila to win!!! come on Sheila! Go girl!!
So did Sharon really hurt her back or was it just an excuse for her to throw this HOH?
That was pathetic!!!!! I think Natalie's got this one easy. Damn that p***es me off!!!! That's what happens when you get all the strong players out.
I can't believe Sharon gave it up already!!!! Crap!! Come on Sheila!!
i have a feeling Natalie will win it! Did you see how comfy she looked in that box?!?
I'm not sure if Sharon threw it. If she did I'd be disappointed... then again, I wouldn't want to win this HOH cause I wanna play for final 4 HOH.
Tks for that link to the Live Feed, Carolyn!
Question: How did Sharon hurt her back yesterday? I don't remember seeing or reading anything about that.... unless it's all about strategy to psych the others out.. Hmmmm.
Here's hoping!! lol
James went out with class as I knew he would. Please GET NATALIE OUT OF THERE - after seeing Matty not handle the other arrivals well at all and then say I will vote for Natalie so she can buy me something - YUK!!!! I hope she goes out 3rd and gets nothing. Everyone else in there deserves to win over her - especially after we saw all her lies on the show! Get her out of there please !!!!!
Come on Shiela! I want her to win this one just so that she take out Natalie. How embarassed she would feel if Shiela of all people took her out..wow, I hope this dream becomes reality!
Come on Shiela you gotta win something already!
omg, sharon was the only one who could've beaten Natalie!!! she's gonna be the winner!! I'm actually really happy lol :D
After what I've read in the overnight - I shudder to think of what you have to read that you don't publish.
It's a real test of endurance for you Carolyn. You are a truly honorable yet still funny gal.
It's gonna be fun fun fun tonite
Sheila has a good chance on this one. She said she has strong legs. the bad part is she also has said she's afraid of heights--at least they aren't too high up
Just a reminder everyone: God will judge those rooting for Natalie very, very harshly. Do you really want to face the consequences of siding against God? Think carefully!
Sharon is not only a mole, she is a weasel. She can't win anything.
Come on Shiela! I hope she wins this one just to take out Natalie!How embarrassed she would be if Sheila of all people took her out..wow, that would be great!
Now come on Shiela! You gotta win something already!
i'm disappointed that sharon is already out. i now hope sheila wins.
Doesn't look like Ryan can hold his own weight... Come on Shiela, show'em what a 45 year old can do! Maybe she'll surprise a few of us out here in America... er umm... maybe? lol
Shoot!! Sharon is out. Now I'm hoping that Shelia makes it. At least if Shelia won Sharon would have a fighting chance
oooh my gosh, why did she fall? Sharon nooo
oh Sharon...now you're gonna have to win POV or you're out this week...
well, c'mon Sheila! Hell, I'll even root for Ryan this time!
It's not fair! Nata-LIE has flotation devices to help her!
i cannot believe Sharon is out already she better win pov or she is gone too.
now I want whoever will put up Natalie to win HOH
I hope Sharon is BSing about her back. If not Natalie looks mighty determined (boo hoo!!!!!)
We know Ryan is going soon since he's basically good for nothing.
Sheila, if you have it in you NOW IS THE TIME!!!
Oh no!! Guess I was wrong about Sharon trying to pysch them out...
In that case.. GO SHEILA!!
damn it sharon!
i really didn't like sheila but now i kinda feel like if james wanted her to succeed then maybe that's who i should want. natalie is totally going to win the endurance though. eff.
Sharon went out quick. Is she again on game and not wanting HOH? Not wanting to alienate any of the remaining HG's. I think she knows whoever would be put up with her would get voted out and she would be safe. And she would again not piss anyone off by putting them on the block.
This is why you cant get mad at Ryan or Nat they go for it you HAVE to win HOH and Team Pink just can not get it dunnn.
NO SHARON FELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
crap. well then....i guess im rooting for...man this is hard...umm..well NOT nataLIE so im gonna have to go with shelia. wow i never thought id say that but GO SHELIA!!!
Sharon is lame. All talk, she was saying she had in the bag this whole week. Army brat, marine she needs to stop tossing those terms around.
I guess she's banking on the veto.
C'mon Big She! You are the only one who has a shot to get out NataLIE!
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. WTF Sharon????? Play the game for once!!!
agggggh i cant believe sharons out already!! =( =(
Oh I love it!!!!!!!!! GO NATALIE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am sure Sharon hurt herself. I don't think she would have thrown this comp, considering her ass is TOAST. Let's see...who do we have left to cheer for...LET'S GO SHEILA!! I am surprised that there have not been deal makings alredy with Sharon out.
~ Ryan ~
GO SHEILA....i just dont want natalie to win.....natalie is the real "mole" in the house and she deserved to go home along time ago.....hey did anyone else think she looked like miss piggy tonight....i swear when i say her Diary room visit her hair make up and all reminded me of miss piggy! lol lol lol
Ugh...I can't take another Natalie HOH. Her winning this week is going to undo all second-guessing that James worked to create this past week.
Will they let Sheila win??? Maybe. It's in Nat's best interest to win this though.
Come on Sheila, YOU CAN DO THIS!!
boo...Im going to cry in a corner now. :(
James could have moved into that thing and lived in it for the remainder of the show.
Sharon's full of crap.
I'm hoping for a sniper to take out Nat.
Go Big Shel. She has the muscles, but I don't think she has the will. Prove me wrong Shebot.
When Sharon stared with her hands on the chains only I was screaming at the TV. Thank GOD she.... OH CHIT. Just saw that she is already gone. What happened?
Carolyn, did the cable man ease all those tense muscles so you are ready to... no pun intended... well maybe a little pun... go all night? :D
Now as we watch, I want to finish up with thanking everyone for the kind words about Oscar and all our dogs are beautiful. I'm breaking into song here... "Everything is beautiful... in its on way..."
If I ever win the Powerball I am going to by a huge farm and take in every dog that needs a home, hire as many as it takes to care for every one of them. YES, I would be the crazy man with a hundred dogs if I could afford it and have the space, even now, and like Leona Helmsley, I would leave my entire estate to my farm and dogs. *oh and I don't know if the SOB was ever prosecuted. I couldn't find out his name. If I had, he wouldn't have lived to see a trial, but I have a feeling it didn't happen because after Katrina so many court records were lost.
Back to game. (If Carolyn has allowed to let this post go on.) DAMN Sharon falling off so fast. Now my only hope is Sheila, and it really is time for a miracle, so I contiue to have hope.
Maybe even Ryan but I don't trust him any more than I can throw him and I have a bad back. I hope his woorking with Sharon isn't a fake-out.
Til I have another postable thought...
Wouldn't it be delicious if Sheila won? Sharon dropped. I think next is Ryan. Sheila and Natalie wil be left. Natalie won't bother with a deal because she will be sure Sheila is no competition. Then she will get a cramp and fall on her butt. Leaving Sheila to win HOH!
A girl can dream :)
The feeds aren't giving us a close up of Natalie. Do you think it's because her makeup has already started to run? Are they afraid of the similarity to the Joker from Batman will scare away the viewers?
I don't think Ryan will last with his hurt neck. So this is probably between Shelia & Nat
When are the stones coming? That has to be the metaphor.
how did sharon hurt her back? i must have missed that!
Ok now I want Sheila to win this comp! Someone besides Nat! I will be surprise if Ryan lasts that long.
And there it is....Sharon is OUT!
Poor Matt...even though he deserves it I hate that he will be in sequester with those four but hey...karma!
Sheila from your own mouth right back at ya...HEAR THIS...KNOW THIS..BOO FRICKEN HOO !!! You cry when James leave as if you like him..please..DER! You spent every oppurtunity to bash James and then you cry? Go home...your shirt tails are being taken away!
Is it a metraphorical message from BB, alluding to the saying "Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house." :)
Sheila just needs to remember nats comment about stating if Sheila wins over her then she deserves to go home.
I don't know, I think they should just let Sheila win, I mean, they've all been HoH, she's got a birthday, her son's got one, they all would probably but up Sharon and Natalie or something along those lines, just let Sheila win this one. Wouldn't it be the CHRISTIAN thing to do?????? :-/
I just got home and instead of rushing to the Tivo, I came here first.
Just read everyone's comments on the live show.
Sharon's out already? Wow, she's even dumber than I thought. Maybe the bed springs on that pullout bed she's always sitting on finally ate through to her spine.
I read about the bad edit on nataLIE and honestly, I'm not surprised now that I know it's a *hanging* endurance comp. Uh, you know--the kind nataLIE did really well in a few weeks ago with all that stripper pole practice.
CBS knows they lost the season, so now they manufacture drama for the upcoming week by putting the religious zealot in the HOH spot to wreak vengeance. They were setting up next week's CBS show story with the edit.
What else were they gonna do? Make it something Sharon, Sheila or Ryan could do easily?--they'd have a really boring show if that happened.
They went with the best storyline!
I dunno, I'm not turning the feeds on during the comp. Maybe nataLIE will drop and I'll be pleasantly surprised, but I don't want to watch her win.
Never thought I'd say this, but...
Natalie is my least favorite person EVER. But she will probably win.
It's gonna be Ryan down next for sure.... He's too big to fit in that box and too heavy to keep himself up.
Why no camera on Nat?
Go Sheila!!!!
Is it just me or do the camera guys seems to be avoiding shots of Nat.
i don't wgnat to win...grrr....
i swear if Nat wins, i am going to scream.
i want natalie to win just cause everyone is hating on her...i personally dislike natalie for certain things...but i dislike the rest of the houseguests just as much...i hope adam wins just cause hes the only one whos actually playing with his head instead of his emotions.
come on sheilA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There goes Sharon.....the wimp. She needs to go, she's been flying under the radar long enough.
If Natalie wins this game it's proof there is no God.
anyone else notice that you can;t see Nat on the feeds? what gives?
But seriously...Shelia/Kimberly better win this damn thing.
And did Sharon throw this? Seriously? Or is all her talk about her hidden strength just TALK????
And do my ears deceive me?? JAMES is how she hurt her back?? OMG I hope she is scamming and using the "evil James" card to try to fit in better with TC. Otherwise....
A House of Love
I can hardly wait
Did anyone else notice matt did not look to happy when they were bashing Nat. Maybe he does like her.
i hope Sheila or Ryan wins and sends Natalie to Matt... i really want to see their reaction in the sequester house when she walks in.
I think matt wants her to win because he knows he would not have to spend another week with her under the same roof.
I really hope Natalie wins ... she needs this! She will shake the game up. Sheila doesn't deserve to win, she is coasting in the game on the back of others!
Just checked your video. Seems weird that Ryan is bigger than the box.
It's like they have to hang inside the sauna.
Except Ryan doesn't have to hang, just prop himself up.
Sheila: I'm not makin any deals, that's for sure. If I fall, I fall.
This statement MAY just seal her fate. ::knocks on wood that it doesn't:: I am so happy she is trying for her soon and pictures. Geez.....whoever thought we would be cheering for the Sheila, the single Mother who wants to see pictures of her son? GO BIG SHE!
~ Ryan ~
You can bet Sheila & Ryan are wishing they had saved James right about now! He could have outlasted Natalie. Ha, they just mentioned how long he'd last. Isn't it weird that they're not showing Natalie on any of the feeds? I want to see what's going on with her.
Ok im cheering for Sheila this time. I think she can do it! She can evict Nat n her ego rite to her Matty in sequester! Come on Sheila you can do it!!!!!!!!!
HAHA!!!! LMAO! I'm loving this comp, I never thought I'd see myself rooting for sheila to win a comp, but I would love for her to win this one and "flip the house." I love that Sharon got out so early, and she definitely threw it, pretty stupid move cause at this point in the game, no one is safe! I want Natalie gone next, I used to be a nat fan, but not anymore, I'm all about Adam and Ryan now, so I hope sheila wins and gets rid of nat next.
How did Sharon hurt her back? Or did she just make it up so she wouldnt have to win HOH?
and now that James is gone, Im rooting for sheila even if she does remind me of my mother lol.
Now a member of TEAM SHEBOT!
Come on Sheila!! Get it Dunnn!!
jane-LOL @ your 6:26 comment. So true my dear.
Nat said James has weak legs. Yea he is constantly on a bike and he has weak legs.
I'd LOVE to see Ryan win, but I don't think he will. So, I have to cheer on Shelia....who would have thunk it?
Holy crap I'm rooting for Sheila!?!?!?
Who would have thunk it?
Why will they not show Natalie? I want to see if she is scrirming. I am sick of her suppiour attitude.
Very very true. I can't stand another week of her being HOH.
There isn't a Team Pink anymore, get over it.
Interesting Natalie is wearing PINK. Just saying...
Rickman LMAO!! She's Meeeeeeelting
Now who had the mantra hat?? Hang tight Shelia...Hang tight Shelia...Hang tight Shelia...ohm
Now someone else send negative thoughts to the others --- your feet are slipping... you can't hold on ...
Lovin or hating Natalie her winning HOH would make the week the most unpredictable. It would be very hard to guess whether she stays with the bros or gals. or mix it up with the other hgs its entirely preedictable. Natalie in HOH would really no matter who yoou're rooting for keep the week from being boring. Best scenario is sheila gone this week. Time to break up TC and send her out I am looking forfard to fun this week with pity party James gone. I would love to be a fly on the wall when James arrives at sequester poor Matty is really going to be abused. But He'll have a big smile when James is delivered to him. GOTTA love it!HOPE we get more clips of sequester don't look forward to it if Natty goes. Would really be nasty and backbiting can do without J/J/C vengeance. So much for relaxation there and it wouldn't be fair to Matt. It was nice of him to root for Natty but I'd like to smack him for the remark about her buying him something nice. Please CBS I wish we had feeds of sequester that would rock. GO NATTY !
Hmmm no love for Nat in the control booth? I'm guessing they feel the same way about her as we do. That or she prob looks pretty damn scary with all that makeup running down her face..*shiver*
Sharon has again, shown the world her true colors. Talk about all talk. She is pathetic.
Sheila, I'd love to see her pull it off, but not a chance. She just does not have the strength, mental or physical.
This was set up for Natalie. Just like Dirty Dick was cBS's choice last year, Natalie is their choice this year.
The events, the competitions, the editing, all for her. Her profile is one that people love to hate.
Watch her walk though the rest of the HGs...she knows she's got this...
So, Sharon pulls a Joshua. Wonder what's up with that? How does one hurt their back laying out in the sun?
I'm thinking Natalie will win this one.
Was it just me, or did Matt actually seem like he misses Natalie? He kind of had a look
Come on NAT!!! she has to win this one to stay in the game. I really want to see her at the final 2.
Carolyn, I love your blog and I think you are awsome, but it is becoming very hard for you to hide your feelings about Natalie. I guess everyone has very different opions about these people.
Keep up the good work. Go NAT.
Sheila, use your voice and put Natalie to sleep, so she'll slip and fall.
I think it's a foregone conclusion that with Sharon losing, Natalie has this all wrapped up, unfortunately.
Maybe the POV will involve something Natalie isn't good at, like common sense. Maybe they'll have a vocab test and spelling bee?
Looks like a long night.
Prediction. Sharon, Ryan, Nat , Shelia
Go NATALIE Go !!! :D:D:D xoxo
I hope Natalie falls on her boobs. They give me a black eye every time I watch the show. And I can't believe I'm saying this but....Go sheila?!?!
Looking back at a previous comment, and I have to say, "Sorry for the spelling. I have three kids bouncing around me not wanting to go to bed."
But now. GO BIG SHE. I want her to see her pictures so bad. I am a mom, and the few times I have been away from my kids, I am usually calling the first day.
Oh my gosh, Sharon, what a weak phony one you are proving yourself to be.
Bye, bye, bye...Leave
Oh yeah, by the way, I hurt my back the other day. That's right, I hurt my back. Did I mention that. Yeah, too bad it is a physical competition that involves your back.
Get her out of this game, a.s.a.p...
Well first of all, Did anyone see when NataLIE was telling Ryan about Sharon saying outside that "its going to be us girls at the end" when in actuality, it was Nat herself saying these things, but my point here is that she was flat out lying to Ryan WHILE HOLDING THE BIBLE IN HER HANDS!!! Now, how low is this girl really!?! I remember her telling someone a few weeks ago that "you can't ask God for things loke winning POV or HOH" and thats all that she does. Never once when she was HOH did she pick up her bible! AS FOR MATTY IN THE SEQUESTER HOUSE Quote " I want Natalie to win because I know she would probabley buy me something really nice" UGH, how low can you go. Matt & Nat really do deserve each other! I can't wait until Natalie see' bb9 on tape and see how bad she really is! She really does need to find god now for her own salvation after bb9 ends. I never thought I'd say this ither, but lets go Sheila, if not, you know Ryan won't get Natalie out of the house, he doesn't have the balls to do anything without natalie. He is going to look really bad after the show also because he is soooo whipped by nat. Think about what he could have done if he kept James! Those 2 could have controled the entire house, but ryan was to scared to go against Natalie, how sad is he! He doesn't deserve to win. I hope that Adam and/or sharon/shelia are in the final 2.......
Carolyn, THANK YOU for the play by play!
I'm so dissapointed Sharon is out. I was rooting for her. And now, in these circumstances... I'm pulling for Shelia. Good lord, I never thought I'd say that.
The disgust I feel for Natalie surprises me. She's just some chick on a reality show, and I actually hate her. I don't think I've ever hated anyone on TV, except maybe blowhard right wing political shock jocks. What's the deal?
OMG if Sheila wins we'll never stop hearing about her winning for her son ,her birthday, how a 45 yr old single mother could beat the younger ones, what a hard life she has had. Just kill me now. She's already started it in the box. SHE WILL BE UNBEARABLE! GET rid of her PULEZE win Nat. The guys won't have the B###s to do it. F4 A/R/N/Sharon ,
What in the world is the matter with Sharon? Doesn't she realize she needed to stay in there to win HOH? What a stupid fool. SO much for Ryan and Adam depending on her, but what do they care.. they figure if Nat wins they will be safe. If SHaron goes home next week she deserves it after this move.These people in this house!!! Gheese!I don;t believe I am gonna say this but GO Sheila!!! Hang in there girl win it! Beat the Brat Nat!!
If it's a house of "love" and Natalie is full of faith, why doesn't she drop, secure in the knowledge that her loved ones will keep her safe? Cue harmonica...
Natalie you idiot, you are not ADHD, a person has ADHD...
Come on Sheila - make a deal (you do not have to keep it -all bets are off at this point) Make 'em give you HOH so you can see your son. just get that silly twit Nat out of there!!!!!!!
Carolyn is faster than the Feeds my friends!
i never thought i would say this...i want sheila to win this one. she's gotta get nat out of there. put up ryan and nat!!
Thank you Carolyn you are the best!! Keep up the great job!!
aka xteluvsbb
Awh!! Did you hear that??? Sheila just said "this is for you Alex, I love you!" Awh. Of the 5 left, my attitude has been changing about Sheila. I'm liking her more and more all the time.
anyone but natalie needs to win this
i really want sheila to win so she can get a chance to see pictures of her family. i would actually fall for her if i were nat. obviously nat doesn't feel confident because she's tried to align herself with everyone and she's spread herself thin *pun not intended* lol
**starts singing**
Go Sheila!! It's your Birthday!! Ya gotta win it!!
Hmmm... I can't believe I'm rooting for Sheila of all people! She's annoying, and I'm sick of hearing 'You know what?' and 'Ya think?' and 'I'm a 45 year old woman....', and so on and so on and...
Oh well, gotta root for someone I guess! :)
Why does Sheila love Alex so much?
Thanks Starstone. you know I was just joking before, but we're an hour into this comp and they have not shown a single close shot of Natalie. Crap, maybe I was right.
We seem to have a concensus. We have suddenly come to love Shegorilla. Even me, even Jane. Once again Jane and I have brains that are twins or cousins.
Anyone think Ryan can hang? I wonder if he is still on pain killers. Wouldn't that give him an unfair advantage? Hmmm. He certainly doesn't seem to be in pain or distress, other than the sweating like the P-I-G Hog he is.
WOW. Typing while listening. Gnat is working Shegorilla. And being pretty bitchy. Who knew that sweet little Christian girl could be so mean?
Carolyn, I am with you here for the night and even after if it ends before 10 AM and I think it will. Although.... if Gnat wins HoH I have a feeling I won't be able to take the feeds.
Love it that she is getting almost no, if any, camera time on this comp. It makes it much easier to watch. Just wish I could mute her mic and leave the rest on.
ABSOLUTELY LOVED Joshuah's entrance to the Sequester House and playing the DVD, pausing to point out Gnat's whorish clothing from last week. It was mentioned here by many. We must be thinking the same as the "devil worshipers and evil doers" as Gnat called them the other night.
Buttcrack? Gnat? Is it showing? PMSL! I think she really was hoping it would be. Just for St. Matt.
Oh and PMSL again how Matt greeted Chelsia and tried to get her into his bedroom. Vengence is mine will sayeth the Gnat.
God, Josh/Chelsia are so hateful.. See, everyone said they weren't like this in real life and that it was just part of the game. The game is over for them and they are still being sooo mean to Natalie. Like I've said before, Natalie is not my favorite player, actually far from it, but she does not deserve what they give her. Calling her white trash and all the other names is just pathetic. Joshua is showing his true colors and I'm hoping that everyone of his family members is watching. His father already called him a monster and thats when he thought he was just being a jerk for game purposes. Seems to me HE's the white trash. Jealous much? I feel bad for Matt.
James is gone Yes! the snakes are out now if they get Sharon out Nat will prove God is on her side. I want Shelia to win this one she actually really trying unlike Sharon. If Nat wins that will be fine with me but they (jury) wont vote for her and that's good I don't want her to give Matt anything..he is a hottie though.
I am back on live feeds. just signed up for the 2 week trial.
Yanno if the worse thing you can say about a person is that she is annoyingly repetitive and loves her son enough to protect him, then let it rip. GO SHEILA GIVE EM SOME KIMBERLY!!!
hang in there, she!!!!
is anyone else getting the feeling that Shiela is trying to guilt Ryan and Natalie into dropping and giving her hoh so she could get a letter from her son on her birthday? WHy can't she just stop depending on others to hand her things and actually win something for herself.
Sharon just sucks. She can not win this game. SHe has done nothing but wisper in everyones ears and talk smack.
I'm torn...
On the one hand, if Sheila falls, I can afford to become utterly disinterested and thereby get some work done.
On the other, if either Ryan or Natalie wins, I'll be forced to get my voodoo dolls out and spend long hours on the arduous ritual to insure that they both develop advanced pancreatic cancer. Which would be annoying, because I really do need to get work done.
Oh, well, I guess it's outta my hands. --shrug--
Oh my, Sheila is growing on me, I didn't think I would be hoping she wins ... Goo Shebot!
I found myself saying Are you Kiddin me? noooooo i did not say that....
Jane!!! Hey, could Sharon have thrown it so she could get HOH next week? Just a thought.
I got it!!!!!!!
Instead of Team Crap(whoops) and Team Pink let's start a new group. The Anyone But NataLIE group. We'll call ourselves the ABN's!!!!
Who's with me???? lol
Jane- I feel ya. I try to tell myself, this is only TV. But I feel myself caring wayyyyy more than I should.
Nat's getting a little cocky isn't she. I guess we are gonna see what Sheila is made of tonight. She has been saying throughout the game she has been holding back.Tonight she will give her all!! Go Sheila Go
Who is mikeO, and go shelia go!!! you have this girl!
when did sharon hurt her back?
I agree, someone needs to make Nat a deal. It doesn't matter if they keep it.
Also, Sharon,A,S and R need to stop giving Nat clues that she's in danger!!
I am so sad that james is gone. now what will i do without my usually james videos. Uggghhhhh I miss him already.
LOL! I'm doing this for Alex! Love it! I'm really going for Sheila now, she really has started to grow on me! Never thought I'd say that.
anon @ 6:56 Sheila always said Alex was the only hot guy in the house. i think, if i remember right...but old age seeps in sometimes and i forget!
Jane @ 6:48--
Me too. Not surprising, since I generally agree with everything you say. But it's true. And I've grown to feel the same way about Ryan as well.
It's certainly not because I *like* anyone else so much--it's that I've got a strong gut feeling--call it primal--that the very existence of these two people is wrong. Honestly, I've seen child molesters interviewed that I felt less strongly about that either Natalie or Ryan.
Love that there are no feeds on Natty! you can just barely hear her whine in the background...
****sending thoughts of dropping to Nat******wanting her knocked off her high horse*****hmmmmmmmmmm
wow go sheila! im starting to like her more each week. i dont like natalie. i hope she doesnt win. sharon is pissing me off. i think she threw the comp. she knows once you become HOH the target is thrown on your back the following week. she's tryin to be under the radar. she sucks.
All those medals Sharon's daddy wears, and she acts like a weakling! I'm so upset, I wanted her to beat Natalie so bad!! Seriously, how impressive were his medals......wow!
Someone please make her shut up!!
Cara to control room, Cara to control room-Please turn the mic off of NataLIE.
Thank you very much.
Anon @ 6:56pm, Sheila loves Alex because she thought he was the hottest guy in the house and had a major crush on him, and she thought he got a bad deal by being paired up with Amanda and didn't really get a fair chance to play the game. Those are her exact words. Which I happen to agree with on all counts, LOL!
I think Sharon is being smart--She can now play for next HOH. The target will now be Nat. If Nat wins this than she can't play next HOH and she will be gone than. I want Nat and Ryan out. Ryan has hung on to Nat's skirt tails long enough.
Cindy said...
Was it just me, or did Matt actually seem like he misses Natalie? He kind of had a look
6:42 PM
He doesn't miss her. He's just now realizing what she looks like on camera--her outfits, makeup, etc. What Josh was screaming about is hitting home with him--THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS HE HOOKED UP WITH SOMEONE LIKE HER.
Nice of him to say he wanted her to win so she'd buy him something. What a class act he is. What a tool.
This endurance comp is ridiculous, btw. We get it BB--but nataLIE is no ED. It's not going to work and her storyline is horrific. Like what I imagine her makeup looks like right about now.
OMG! If I hear Nat say one more time that God speaks to her! I really hope she drops and then we'll see what she says God says then.
Psst...Natalie. It's God. Please stop refering to me as your inner voice. It's losing me my street cred. The voice you're hearing is your batsh*t alterego you wingnut.
Maybe Sharon has a point about letting go, although common--enough with that already. How many comps have you thrown?
If you don't want to win HOH, don't start talking about your "eye of the tiger" for it 5 days ahead of time.
POV is what really counts this week. Then again, it counts every week and she doesn't seem to ever win one.
She seems so dense she'd probably throw that too.
Who is Alex? Her son is Mick
Who's Alex, her son is names Mick
Who's Alex, her son is names Mick
Alex is HOT! It's just that simple
Hate to admit it but I am rootin for Nataliue she has overcome everything in BB and is still hanging in there. She has exhibited the most game all along she really has been consistantly the strongest player. IF I had to be her I WOuld have hit the panic button long ago. Even with all her negative traits she's been one hell of a player, def. outplayed Pinky ( who I liked until he turned into _______(fill in the blank with what ever you like)I think thats the real reason he hates her. She did nothing that he didn't or wouldn't do. I can't blame her for a lot because obviously she has reaaly had to deal with a lot in her life and could be in a much worse place. Rock on Natty girl
I am glad they are not showing NataLIER now if they would just shut off her mic it would be fricken zen
God I hope Natalie loses her grip and the chain wraps around her neck and snaps it like a twig. She is just so vile. Truly an embarrassment to all womankind.
Better yet, the hand of God show himself by sending down a bolt of lightening and zapping that little twit - all that would be left would be a charred thong and the smell of burned silicon. OMG, did I just say that??? You betch'a!
Go Shelia, Go Shelia. It's your birthday!
Did you see all those medals Sharon's dad was wearing!!!
ARghhhh can't believe Sharon has already dropped!
The last shot of Natalie looks like she has her knees locked, not good. And she's already started with her cocky I've already won attitude. I'm rooting for Sheila.
Go Sheila!!!!!!
I wish Sharon would run into the kitchen and collect all the rotten fruit and veggies from the compost bin and start nailing those two faced freaks hanging up there. Now that would really liven up the feeds!
Already, without Pinky this game is no fun. A house full of love - gimme a break -GAG-
Gina in Tulsa
Sheila, Sheila, Sheila........I am cheering for you!! And no, I am not a cheerleader....or maybe I am. Hmmm!
Does anyone know how Sharon hurt her back? she made a reference of too much James. If she's really hurt that sux, if she threw it as much as I would rather see Sheila out Sharon should deserve to go then.
Okay at this point i cannot stand to listen to these people anymore. They really cannot get past chelsea. Hello, wasn't that 2 weeks ago? Get over it. I'm going to put it on mute & just watch to see if someone falls. Irritating!
FALL SHEILA FALL!!!!!!! Omg I hope she doesn't win!!!
Sharon dropped. = [
I never thought I'd be saying this but...go Sheila?
Sharon's family looked really nice and wholesome, just like she does. hehe
Maybe Sharon thought it was a bad week to win HOH, since you can't win the next week.
I love Natalie's annoy em til they fall strategy!!!!! Give em heck.
Go Natalie!
I really think Sharon threw this one so she can play in final HOH. Probably a smart move for her.
beorn - I can't stand Ryan, but if he just disappears off the face of the earth I'll be satisfied. On the other hand, I want Natalie to suffer.
If anyone would have told me I would be rooting for Sheila ... it's all unfathomable.
Why am I still here? Why, god, why?
Maybe CA is due for an earthquake right under Nat's box only?? This is a really boring endurance. How about some water or something? This just isn't right....come on Sheila!
how do you like natalie? she is a liar. goo sheilaa!
GOOOO NAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for Natalie to win and put up Sheila and sharon!!! Take out all of them! I love it tonight to see Matt's reactions to Josh and Chelsia!! I HOPE next week they show James going in!!!!!!!! Matt will give Nat the money I know he really is rooting for her just like all of us!!!!!!!!! I think Nat and one of the boys at the end!!! :) HANG ON NAT!!!!!!!!!
I think we know why Natalie is not being shown on camera now - she is apparently stripping in the box, not that she generally wears more clothes than a stripper anyway. Just my opinion, but I really am tired of hearing her voice and hope Sheila wins and sends her packing.
BB really needs to start throwing water on them, or make them hang on with just one arm or something, this is ridiculous, none of them are gonna drop like this.
Esco said...
God, Josh/Chelsia are so hateful.. His father already called him a monster and thats when he thought he was just being a jerk for game purposes.
Josh's dad did not call him a monster. Watch the tape again.
His Mom said "watching him, I sometimes think 'who is this monster? And then I think it must be his stradegy.'
I don't think there are any of them playing in their normal personality. They are all stressed.
Let go
let go
let go
let go
rhonda - Who knows, but I think Sharon threw it to stay off the radar. That girl weighs three pounds soaking wet and never complains about any aches and pains. I can't imagine she couldn't make it more than 15 min, plus she did that extra deluxe protesting thing again.
So... here are the words I never thought would come out of mu mouth:
Go Shiela!
And onto other news, I don't think Sharon threw this competition... then again, I also didn't want her to win it and wanted Shiela because I want Sharon to win Final 4 HOH so I can have some relief knowing she is in final 3 PROBABLY Final 2 then. Hope you make it through this week Sharon and Shiela! Who else? Adumb? I guess so.
Natalie may be a liar but so are all of theem!!! They all lie to each other, make deals with everyone so why is Natlie the only liar?
anon @7:26 yes, Matt will give Nat the money if she gets there...why? because he wants her to BUY him something!!! come on, he is a tool! Ryan is ????
Come on Sheila...sending strength to Sheila....she needs it (and earplugs so she doesn't have to listen to Nat's whine)
ALL of those rooting for Sheila I am so tempted to join you.Gotta give her credit for still hangin in there,Never thought she or Ryan would still be there ibn an endurance. Thought it would be Sharon and Nat down to the wire. Natty is using her endurance comp strategy-never shutting up. Did work to her adsvantage last time, but everyone is being a lot nicer now. TGJ is gone. I can't get into Sheila winning HOH. ALL week Yack,my son, yack, 45yr old single mother, yack, yack, Natalie this and That. Adam THIS and that, yack, yack,yack, frikkin, ya think, my son, 46 yr old, deserve so much more, need so much more. I have a migraine already. DROP already!The week will suck otherwise. She'll blackmail Baller to keep him in line and lie to everyone elso ( they ALL lie)
go Nat!!! I have been on her side the whole season. Win it girl. Get em all out. haha lmao Samantha
feel the love, she-bot!!! we are hoping and praying for you....y.o.u.!
People talk about Nat being a liar and hypocrite and they hate her for that... Remember Dr. Will? He was the absolute WORST for lying and conniving and manipulating and, and, and..... Love the players, hate the game folks. GET over it!
I am tired of the Nat haters on this site. She's a liar like the rest of them (as if Ryan or Sheila haven't lied at all) and has a good heart overall. So she's had a crappy life and is trying to make the best of it. Does that make her a bad person? NO. Give her a friggin break!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really thought that Josh and Chelisa would be different in Sequester. I thought maybe all that nasty trash talk was just "Game" but I guess they are just like Matt said "thats just who they are" its not game....Obviously they had no game... RIP Team Pink... LOL
Go Natalie!!!!! :)
Jane @ 7:24--
For me, I think the cause is Natalie's religion-as-weapon lifestyle--the same thing you posted about earlier.
With Ryan, it's his exceedingly shallow personality combined with his definitely tendency to use his body for intimidation when he's outsmarted. I really, really, reallllllllly hate men who do that--who make conscious decisions to use physical power to threaten and harm, rather than help, people. I weigh 310, and I'm a pretty solid guy. Combine that with a bald head and a big septum ring, and I've had to get used to folks assuming that I'm a bouncer or some kind of thug instead of a grad student. Still, I enjoy proving those expectations wrong. I believe that Ryan enjoys the thought of being able to physically intimidate, and I think he does it automatically (witness his "arms away from side" posture when he came back into the kitchen to scream at James last night--it would have been chest-to-chest if not for where he was) and I find that as disgusting as Natalie's use of religion.
Big Difference DR WILL (best player ever) told everybody that he was going to lie to their faces NataLIER thinks she is not lying
Why are they not showing Nat?? I remember earlier she said they wouldn't show it if she peed on herself, did she do that already??
Mellissa T you're so right Sheila has played the guilt game since day one, with her pity me over being paired with Adam.I can't believe Adam Has been loyal to her( or using her?) Until now,her only game has been talk people to death, so glad to see her get caught in her lies late last night then pretend she forgotwhat she said Ryan and Nat had her cold.That should have been televised. This is the first time I have seen Sheila be competitive but My ears hurt at the thought of her HOH.Spare us please!Even Natalie is preferable. At least Nat would make it an interesting week, Sheila's wouyld be unbearable.
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