The HGs Think Tomorrow's HoH is Endurance
5:25pm BBT
The Feeds came back from 20 minutes of flames at 5:20pm BBT, and all the HGs are talking about how it's going to be a physical HoH, and most likely endurance.
I hope they're right! I *love* endurance comps! For anyone new to Big Brother or the feeds, yes, Endurance Comps are shown on the live feeds. To me, there's nothing better. :)
In the blue room, Sheila and Natalie are thinking it'll be endurance. Sheila says she's game as long as it's not hanging.
Outside, Ryan and Adam are also thinking it's going to be endurance, and they're saying how angry James must be. They believe he would've campaigned even harder had he known. Adam says that no matter what, they know Sharon's going up.
Adam asks Ryan if he wants to smoke a cigarette before they get locked down.
Sheila and Natalie are whispering about everyone else. Natalie says she'll be getting rid of Sharon if she wins HoH, and she says how they will all take the high road.
Cut To:
5:45pm BBT
Natalie's talking about how this time, she's fully prepared to pee on herself. She'd rather do that than be dehydrated again, and she's quite certain the cameras would never show her doing that.
***10 minutes till the Tuesday Show starts on the East Coast.
Sharon, just win HOH and then GAME ON!!
ugh... natalie
I've had enough of Natalie. Sharon has got to win HOH and send that phony to sequester. Hell, as long as Natalie doesn't win HOH, I don't care who gets it.
I agree, the most excitement will be if Sharon wins HOH.
Can you imagine the damage she will do to her lip? She'll chew it into a bloody mess.
I just hope Natalie does not win. She is in her element as HOH. I guess we can take pleasure in Adam, Ryan and Sheila tripping all over themselves to tell her how wonderful she is and how mistreated she was by James...
i'm sure they wouldn't show her peeing on herself, just like there's no way anyone except her and matt know about hummergate
ugh i have had it with natalie!
sharon needs to win HoH!
GO NATALIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come on Sheila show them what ya got. I'm pullin for ya girl!
So do you think it will be a double eviction and then an endurance for the second HOH of the evening? If so, can the first HOH of the night play in the second HOH or are they SOL?
did anyone else notice james saying that now that he is not going to win he will have to go around on his f-in bike? i can't stand this guy, and hope all his supporters see he isnt the philanthropist he seems.
this jewish girl likes herself some natalie. go team christ!
I just can't with Natty, I just can't.
i just wish that james could stay in the game somehow.....come on BB, they (Ryan and Adam) cheated!!! Do something about it!!!!
Sharon, you MUST win HOH. stay strong!!
Go Nattttt!!
I want Natalie to win, put Sharon and Sheila up on the block and send either one of them pack'n. Those two B*tches need go! Call Natalie whatever you want but at least she has won comps in the past and Sharon/Sheila are worried because she is a strong player! Dumb boys if they don't stick by her til the end.
Go Natalie. She is playing the best game.
Big brother cheats itself so what goes around comes around.
And I was wondering. I wonder if the Dr wants bible tumpers on the show. It seems strange they seem to always get them.
I think I've lost my mind - I'm actually rooting for Shebot to win HOH. Please don't stone me.
Go Natalie! Go Natalie! You can do it!
GO SHARON! Thought I'd give some variety to the cheers. :)
They make Sheila look funny,comical like. Editing on Sheila was great!
not cheating Adam didnt even know the answer.
I'm with some of ya's, let's go SHARON!! Win it and then send that hypocritical, homophobic, "special", holier-than-thou "Christian" out on her ass!
~ Ryan ~
P.S. You gotta admit. If Sharon wins, this house is going to go into a freakin tizzy over the next 7 days! Because I like her and the eating of one's own alliance, I am hoping for Sharon to pull through with the win!
Go Natalie! Go Natalie! Go Natalie! Hope'in and pray'en for ya!
GO NATALIE!!!! I know you can do this comp!!!!!
Good Luck going out to Natalie!!!!
I hope Sharon or Sheila wins HOH. Natalie has to go! I hate her. She runs around that house half naked, starved for attention, and playing everyone in the house. She really does believe she has already won the game. I cant wait to see her face when she finds out she been busted on all her lies between everyone and put up on the block.
TO: Anon at 7:05
Adam knew the answer, I saw and heard him tell ryan the answer was 35.
Adam then took the wrong number (34) and gave as his answer.
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