Afternoon with Nekkid James
12:25pm BBT
Adam, Ryan and Natalie are decorating for the Pool Party/Luau. Ryan and Adam are wondering if James will try to ruin the party. Ryan's neck is feeling a lot better. Adam has already put a request in for hard liquor for the party to the DR.
Red Room
James & Sharon are chatting.
12:33pm BBT
Outside, Ryan's lounging on a chaise. Natalie's just run in to grab a towel so she can join him. Adam continues to make ready for the party. Ryan's a little worried about the weather...
Adam: It's a 2:30 go time. 2:45 I'm sayin' everyone's gonna show up.
Ryan: That's the time it says on the invites, right? Who RSVP'd?
Natalie: I think even James is coming.
Ryan: Who invited him?
Adam: I think I may retract the invitation.
Natalie: It's a little chilly.
Adam: It's a great day for a party though...
Ryan: Did you send some invitations to the crew? people in the walls, you're welcome to come.
Adam: I told em... It's kinda exclusive though.
Ryan: Invite Shannon. (sexy voice DR lady) I would love to see her at the party.
Talk turns to game...
Natalie starts in about Sharon being a mole... and tells the boys they're playing it all off very well.
Natalie: I asked Sheila last night if she was still sticking to the plan, and she said yeah.
Ryan: You're sure?
Natalie: I'm not 100% sure, but she's not gonna win. Let's face it.
Adam: As long as Sharon doesn't win.
Natalie: She wont. It's either me or Ry Bread. Sheila did ask me, you're not gonna put me up, right? I said, I only have you or Ryan to choose from. I'm running thin on options here.
Ryan: Put her up.
Natalie: I have to. I'm not putting you up. She's all, well what if Sharon wins the Veto?
Ryan: Did she give you the birthday excuse?
Natalie: Of course.
Ryan: I'm sorry, but that is not game.
Ryan and Natalie lay into Sheila for bringing her kid into the game every day, although he didn't sign up for this...
Talk turns to Natalie's dream about Adam's penis...
Natalie: Somehow it got exposed because you were wrestling with Sheila.
Ryan and Natalie compliment Adam on his decor for the party, telling him he missed his calling. He lets them know he throws parties all the time.
12:50pm BBT
Everyone but James is outside playing with the putting green, chatting about the women's cycles, and making nice.
James walks around the house a little, then gets back into bed.
1:10pm BBT
Everyone but James is outside chatting about their dogs and such, and having a nice time together in the sun.
Inside, James just jumped from his bed, carrying a sack of flour to the kitchen... At the moment, he's poured a considerable amount into a plastic baggie... He goes to grab a towel.. then comes back and puts the baggie in his jacket pocket. James goes into the Storage Room, and we get flames on all 4 feeds at 1:13pm....
Here's the clip:
1:19pm BBT - Feeds are back. All 4 feeds are on the backyard with Sheila, Sharon, Ryan, Natalie and Adam...
1:25pm BBT

Sheila: You need a little trim, babe.
James: I used Ry guys clipper for most of it.
Sheila: You could braid it.
BB: James, please put on your.. microphone.
LOL from all the HGs.
Natalie doesn't move. She says that's what her dream was about.. God was trying to prepare her for James' penis, not Adam's.
Here's the clip:
FLAMES @ 1:28pm BBT
Feeds are back @ 1:30pm BBT
Natalie and James are now on separate Chaise lounges.
James: I got a whole afternoon of nudie time with you today. Hey Sheila, I heard Natalie's gonna play pranks on you all day today. Want me to protect you? I will.
Adam: I gotta go get my camera, Jimmy.
They're talking about the decorations.
Natalie: If James' penis is hard, you can just hang all the leis from there.
Here's another clip:
Adult Content-NSFW
Sheila and Sharon head inside to grab more party favors. They're both giggling about James. Sheila says she's gonna put a party hat (or a lei) on his privates.
1:47pm BBT
James is still nekkid. Everyone's chill about it now. Chatting amicably in the backyard.
1:55pm BBT
Natalie's gone inside with Ryan. She's telling him that James is sexually harassing her, and that Sharon's a mole and has no one and, and, and...
James & Adam talk game.
2:12pm BBT
Natalie's not having it. She's inside talking about sexual harassment, and telling Sheila she wouldn't be laughing if it was happening to her. Sheila points out that it did happen to her on many occasions and tells her that BB will not allow any sexual harassment. Sheila tells Nat to lighten up on that a little, then comforts her too...
Natalie's saying she's going to stay inside all day and not go to the party. Sheila tells her not to isolate herself.
2:23pm BBT
Living Room
Ryan, Adam and James
Ryan & Adam are playing Chess while James looks on, still nekkid.

2:30pm BBT
BB: James, please come to the Diary Room.
Adam and Ryan laugh. James walks nekkid to the DR.
2:30pm BBT
Sheila, Sharon & Natalie
Beauty shop in progress. Sheila's trimming Sharon's hair.
Not enough drama this season!! I'm hoping all the houseguests get liquored up and gang up against Natalie, calling her out for her hypocracy! ...and the BJs :)
HEY Carolyn you do such an awesome job. Don't know how you manage it. Just posted on the morning blog but since you started afternoon while I was typing will my long rant be lost or wii it appear here? can't remember it all so can't retype it.Will try to hit the tip jar after payday Sat.
Oh Carolyn Dear.....please send some Cuban coffee my way! The feeds are extremely boring this morning. Like watching grass grow! Other than Sheila once again talking about how 'tastefully done' her penthouse pics were done...and Adam not even paying attention to her..what is going on? Chatty Natty is at it with the guys they have a fascination with her?
Wow...the lord is now blessing parties with rainbows? And Nat dreams about Balla's penis? Have a stepped into the twilight zone...........
James will probably try and crash the party or at least drink all the alcohol if they have it. He's such a sore loser...his true colors have really been shown the past 2-3 days!!!! I hope the others can see Sheila and Sharon's true colors but they are so blind to everything it probably won't happen. Go Natalie and watch them SQUIRM come running to her trying to kiss her a$$!!!!! I would love to see it!!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW Thank you Carolyn!!! This is a great sight I've said it before but I can't thank you enough!!!!!!
Ok. So, Mick (her son) didnt sign up for this.
So, technically, he should exsit within the walls. Like Amber (OMG.) last year, she uses her kid like a scapegoat of some sort.
I know that if I went on BB with a kid, I wouldnt let the HG's know. The more info they know about your outside life, the more ammo they have.
Only the basics. Stick with telling HGs only the basics. Otherwise, you will get screwed over.
<333333 x1000 your site and all you do Caroyln! (sorry if I spelled your name wrong, Im sick and can hardly see straight)
All this talk Sharon is saying she will win HOH I can't wait for her to not win it at all and then Natalie win it. If Natalie wins HOH she'll put Sheila and Sharon up and Sharon will go because she hasn't won POV at all if my memory serves me right and because Adam will vote to keep Sheila and Ryan Sharon so if the vote goes to Natalie she'd keep Sheila over Sharon.
I think it's funny that people keep posting about James' "true colors" showing the past week. What about Nat's "colors?" The whole time she's been an obsessive, manipulating liar. And hey, there's nothing wrong with each their own. But pointing out one person's "colors" without acknowledging the other players and their qualities is the pot calling the kettle black (by proxy).
Everyone is covering their bases yet Natalie is the only one doing wrong? I'm sorry but the worst ones are Ryan and Sharon with all this talking crap about Natalie yet they have "all angles" covered. Plus when are the HGs going to realize that they are all playing a game and it's not wrong for someone to cover their bases? Agh this has been quite an annoying season because they all find it wrong for someone to talk game. I think BB8 took the whole covering their arse part better than these HGs.
LOL! Rhonda! The Twilight zone indeed!
I need to clear the air. I don't hate Natalie. I save my hatred for those who commit atrocities and not with make-up. I have nothing against the girl. She is playing hard and won't let up.
It's just that I cannot root for someone who uses her personal connection with a spiritual being to call others evil, look down on them, and yet do the same things they do. It's just not right.
But then again I'm a non-denominational theist (You read that right. It's the opposite of atheist.) what do I know? :)
My comment about James' "true colors" goes back to when he was planning on keeping Natalie up all night so she would be tired for HOH! He has finally realized he's not staying and she is the one to beat!!!!! He can't stand the thought he has been outplayed by Natalie of all people!!!! I kinda think Natalie is playing everybody with the dumb card!!!! Only time will tell!!!! Go Natalie!!!!!!!
I have so many thoughts and words to type, but I think I will just settle with, Horray for Carolyn! I have no idea how you deal with people constantly accusing you for being on different HG's sides. I have been waiting impatiently for the day you let your thoughts known, but that won't come to the end most likely! Thanx for all the blogging that you do and I love coming to this site every day!
~ Ryan ~
I think it's awesome that James is putting all the lies on the table before he goes...he has nothing to lose and at least these people will see Natalie for what she really is. Yes, she's playing the game but she just lies so much and then to use the Bible as a weapon. Yuck, she really makes me sick. I am a Christian and if I was in the BB house, sure I would lie(I probably wouldn't give a stranger favors for 3-5 minutes of cuddles I also would not catagorize myself as "good people" and others as devil worshippers or "evil people". I am just so ready for her to go to sequester where Matt will have to run away from her there. She really is creepy staring at his memory wall pic all the time. He needs to go ahead and put in a request for a restraining order now! Ok I'm
I keep reading all these comments about the house being boring without James but really what's he doing right now while everyone is party planning, laying in bed. There just aren't enough people in the house now for there to be constant drama/excitement, at this point is pretty much all redundant. Same convos day after day. I just wish there were more things bb would throw in during the day to make feeds more exciting. More topic things or games, luxury comps. Maybe some small money comps.
James is an immature child, and a sore loser....i wish Ryan would just give one shot to the mouth.
How can anyone not like James?!?! He is hilarious...I could watch his clips all day. From talking to himself, screaming/singing in the mirrors to playing funny jokes that don't attack people's life but are truly hilarious. To me, he seems like the only one with any personality left!
So very sick of Gnat and Ry Bread thinking they are holier than thou.
Those two think they run the house. I can't stand her voice and looking at his huge butt anymore.
Come on Sharon pull through and win HOH and put those two on the block. Can't wait to see Gnat's face when she sees how's she has been portrayed on the show.
Run Matty, I think you'll have a stalker on your hands!
Rhonda - Cuban Coffee for you!
Ryan - Thank you!! Very much.
(sheesh) I'm rooting for Kaysar. ;)
What's with the exclusive invites. So Adam gets to throw a party now cause he's HOH?
And does the HOH get access to the internet? How about the HG's in sequester. Any one know?
I am with you! Natalie is a nightmare. Not at all the Christian she claims but the worst hypocrite of all - her comments about Chelsia in the hot tub last night were downright gross and no doubt once again she will claim she has never bad mouthed anyone... Double eviction this week please and let it be Natalie!
With Ryan's leak from his DR session to the feeds did the whole house hear as well?
anon@122:39 - your comment will appear on the post where you left it. if you'd prefer it to be in the most current post, you can always copy and paste it... ;)
Megan - Thank you. :)
Klintz - thanks very much :)
Mmmmm Kayser - now there was a classy bloke!
there's nothing that says Thank You Carolyn better than hitting the tip jar to the left :)
Guess who is an event planner!!!
I just had the best Idea for a BB Finally FIESTA PARTY!!
Iam going tomake a Nat'A-LIE' Piñata!!!! (Just the head...I can't afford that much slicone to do the body)
OMG!!! I will have tomake several because everyone I know will want to give it a WHACK!
OMG!OMG! I have to go start cutting paper!!!
I may just fed ex one to CBS for the wrap party.
Oh Lord James..... talk about the way to scare a girl. I saw that thing on the After Dark show!
Sombody needs to fly a banner telling James to put Visine in the Vodka tonight so they all get "loose". Sharon doesnt drink so he would be a shoe in to win on Wed as they would all be to exhausted!
Are we going to get a video or a screen-shot of James antagonizing Natalie with his exposed "manhood"??? I don't care to see his "stuff"... I just want to see Nat freaking out about it!!!
Just read your post! YOU ROCK!! I couldn't agree more!!! But my result in Hummergate II with Adam. She is dreaming about his "unit" after all....
Is anyone on here auditioning for BB10? I am. You will know if I make it because I plan on wearing a shirt that says I (heart) Carolyn!
Anyone know what happened with the POV cheating questions that were brought up yesterday?
Carolyn, I tried to use the feeds and it never worked.. so I cancelled it.. sorry.
Good bloggin..I enjoy it.
People forget from day one that it was Natalie who started all the trouble with Amanda. Natalie was the first one to start the rants on all the girls.. Its funny that she denies the things she died with Matty when it was all over the U-tube
Umm Megan....
I SERIOUSLY don't think she is playing....I think she is REALLY that dumb.
So Natalie can strip in Las Vegas and show thousands of people her body but she is making a big deal of seeing James naked? Umm...can you say "hypocrite"?
I'm really glad Big She and Sharon are good sports about Jimmy and his jimmy. It's funny as hell.
But damn, 30 minutes of music which means flames. We'll miss all the fun!
marie i hope for the opposite considering that hey are all hypocrites and i hope that they just shut up and have a great party..doesn't have be about fighting...
i don't think that any body will see s/s's true colors because they all have secret alliances with them..yet they want to bash natalie for trying the same thing..and the worst part is they hate her for can you hate someone for doing what you are doing?
me too vee
Hmmm... wonder what James is going to do with the flour? or did he already do something?
I'm not getting much live feed time because the sick kiddo (nothing major, just a tummy virus) and I can use that excuse on the BBDish comments.
I agree with a lot of people about not bringing too much of your personal self into the BB game.
If perchance I ever made it onto the show I'd never let the other HG's know I have a kid and I'd lie my ass off about my personal life.
It's true though, the more the HG's know about someone the more they'll use it against them regardless of what it is.
Thanks again Carolyn for all your hard work... this show would totally suck without this site!
Hopefully next season we won't have any more holy roller and fake breast squads. I could do without those aspects of the show thank you very much.
Real tits and hooded warriors rule!
sharon won pov with josh
I think it's funny that people keep posting about James' "true colors" showing the past week. What about Nat's "colors?" The whole time she's been an obsessive, manipulating liar. And hey, there's nothing wrong with each their own. But pointing out one person's "colors" without acknowledging the other players and their qualities is the pot calling the kettle black (by proxy).
my response to your response about me....there has been plenty of natalie bashing on this site against her actions...plenty of defense for james..
not safe for work.. that makes me wanna watch it more.. hahah and i did..thankfully the boss is gone. he is really crazy james!!! i love ittt.. if they get booze its gonna be a good partyyy
someone else mentioned it earlier and i havent been able to stop noticing it since...nat never blinks! its so odd and creepy...someone should time it
Ok, at this point, I just want to know what James did with the flour?? :)
a question i have been meaning to ask...why do they give the HGs such small amounts of alcohol? i would think it would be better tv to give them more than a beer or two.
playing funny jokes that don't attack people's life but are truly hilarious.
i must be watching the wronf feeds....he hasn't stopped making fun of nat's personal life..
I am sort of surprised they are letting James do that. Esp then go lay by Nat when you can see she doesnt want it on her.
How long did they let it go on?
- her comments about Chelsia in the hot tub last night were downright gross and no doubt once again she will claim she has never bad mouthed anyone..
chelsia said plenty of stuff about nat and sheila and she too claimed to be christian..she really tore into sheila and natalie yet for some reason she was alright for doing it..
Maybe DR could just give them a couple of ukuleles, they could make their own music and sing. James could do us a little dance and sing "lets all hang out".
Women that make a living in the world of exotic dancing or using sex to manipulate are ruthless.
Dancing on the stage, all they see in the audience are "marks". Natalie is well versed in this industry. Unfortunately, I am sure she found her self on the wrong end of many a "con". She has a perceptive eye when it comes to james and "cons"...Takes one to know one...
i didn't see nat get so mad about it....she just didn't want it in her face...different then stripping...those people wanted to look
James has his secret weapon out! Yeah! TFF!!!
Women that make a living in the world of exotic dancing or using sex to manipulate are ruthless.
takes one to know one...have you talked to many strippers???Because I've known quite a few and they are all genuine people just going to work.
Have you guys seen this clip of sheila yet??
Nat is just upset because James is bigger than
anon @ 1:49
exactly Sharon won something with Josh not by herseld and she always says "I just didn't wanna be in that position. I'm trying to fly under the radar"
Not to worry Nat fans! All of us James followers will have to "button it" after tomorrow (barring divine intervention) but you cannot blame us for enjoying his mischief LOL!
anon 1:35pm, i am trying out for
BB10. You'll know if i get on b/c i won't be the immature 20 or 40 (in shelia's case) something, or the unintelligent, bible thumper (i love you Nat, but enough with the religion crap already), sore loser, annoying ho. in other words, i probably won't make it.
Hey ya never know....expect the unexpected hahahahaha i just crack myself up all day long.
PS Carolyn...YOU ROCK GIRL...Thank you so much for all you do!
Anon & Sexy -
Kindly leave Sheila's son out of your comments and they will be posted.
Thanks for the warning Carolyn... My screen can be viewed by everyone here at the job... LOL
Natalie is such a good spirit not to mention full of charm.
They don't give them too much alcohol because they are afraid of violence. They want all kinds of drama, but no violence. This has been a particularly volitile group.
Lp in NC
I just think James is too funny. kinda cracks me up that he would do that. and of course Gnat had to say " oh i knew you were going to do that". she has such magical powers.
Oh how NAT forgets... wasn't she running around naked in the hot tub the bubble night... barely covering her nips! She is the most ridiculous person to watch on TV! I am soooo over her!
So now Natty is a prude. The mere sight of a penis is sexual harassment? Umm Isn't sexual harassment when someone forces his/her sexual desires on someone not willing? Kind of like in a stalkerish way? Ring any bells?
i just LOVE how bad hes getting to her :)
she talks so much smack about how "God will prevail" and "the dying dog barks the loudest" and on and on and ON (shutup already lol) and hes just laughing and enjoying himself while shes moaning about how much he annoys her...hmm looks like chatty natty might be breaking haha i love it!
LMAO genie!
i was watching a clip of Nat "staking" Matty and whoever made it put the psycho music in the backround...i must say i havent laughed that hard in a long time
Carolyn if i can find the clip im gonna send u the link because it is so worth posting ;)
Natalie: YOU were that one that sexually harassed Matt!!
Waaa Nat Waaa Nat. So it was sexual harrasment that he was next to her naked? What about the pool "party" when everyone was naked???? She seemed pretty ok about it then.
Anonymous 2:03
Very interesting position you take. If you want to understand my input, it is important to differentiate between a "con" and a "stripper". Are all "stripper's" "cons". No, I do not believe that. Are most "strippers" cons, YES. If not, their audience would lie and cheat them blind.
You want to know if I have talked to many strippers? Yes. Let me ask you this, have you studied human behavior?
It is easy to be confused on all of this. Try to focus on separating what people do from who they are. Try to understand we are the combination of our thoughts. (think experience).
My point, if you are interested, is in line with - past behavior is a reliable predictor of future behavior. The more you know about someones past, the more likely you can predict their future actions.
Let' not be so defensive about the fine art of stripping, shall we?
Why is everyone hating on Natalie? I know she's annoying and she does say the dumbest things ever but she is still my favorite and I am rooting for her. I can't believe all of the plotting that Sharon is now pulling out of her sleeve. I want Sharon gone right after James but strategically it makes the most sense for one of the aligned to pull her with them to final 2 in order for them to retain the power in the veto house.
Wow I thought Chelsea was a sore loser James is worse. Poor James is leaving tomorrow and he can't stand losing to Natalie LMAO!
BTW James a male model you could never be lol.
omg how funny would it be if at the finale BB showed the clips of hummergate to natalie? there would be NO MORE denying then!
natalie said to ryan that he keeps trying to touch her with it and asking for her to suck it...ummm very immature james....btw that is sexual harassment...that's why she came in
There's so much Natalie hating going on lately but why? No one is perfect and at least she's playing the game and winning. Unlike Sharon and Sheila who talk crap and that's it, I want to see them win HOH & POV and then they can get Natalie out fair and square, BUT if Natalie wins lets see how long it takes Sheila to crawl back up her Tush! As the James naked thing, I don't care how big you are, unless I'm hot and want to get laid, I don't need to F'ckn see it. He talks about Natalie's Vajayjay being ugly at least she keeps it clothed.
Technically it IS sexual harrassment if he is exposing himself to her and lying down next to her on the chaise she was on unwanted. Also suggesting to her that she s... him off. He has crossed the line and what was supposed to be a cool party is becoming a stressful miserable time. He's not funny anymore just pathetic. NO bod either, like a little kid except for his member. UGLY tats too.
Hello anonymous 2:03.
"have you talked to many strippers???Because I've known quite a few and they are all genuine people just going to work."
Two questions;
1)What is a genuine person?
2) What is the definition of a strippers work?
The tattoo on James butt says "I am God"
So Nat'A-LIE' has been praying to James Butt all this time!!! have to admit it. I called this one on the naked!!
HAHAHA sexual harassment from him being naked?! this is coming from the girl who gave everyone in the house lapdances and let multiple people lick on her chest and whatnot? it wouldnt be sexual harassment if matt was walking around naked.
WHy are they all inside? Dis the party end? Or was there too much beef served for their liking? hehehe
With all of James talk to Sharon why doesn't he tell her how he was tell Ryan during chess that he could get Sheila's vote and he would be the second vote to stay in the house and get rid of Sharon. As much as I hate him, it might be worth a laugh if he stayed to see Sharon's face when Julie says, "by a vote of 2 - 1, sharon you have been evicted fromt he BB house!" I said it would be funny but it's not going to happen get James out this week and Sharon out next week! Then the entire Team of Little B'tches can play in sequester together!
Nat asks Baller what he is saying. Baller says nothing really. She says yeah right I saw his mouth running -what else is he saying. Baller saying nothing new is being said. Nat says he can't wack me with his johnson it's sexual harrassment or asking me to suck it. Ryan says he can't do that to you. Nat says I will talk to the DR - Nat talking to Baller about the water. Ryan and Baller sit down to play chess. Sheila comes in and they tell Sheila that "they" are in the storage room. Sheila says good.
Leave to James to make Natalie look good...Didn't think it was possible, but he somehow managed to degrade himself to a new low, and by comparison, make Natalie become the better person...
I agree, Natalie is only yelling sexual harrassment because she doesn't like James. He did nothing to her. She sure didn't have a problem with him being naked any other time. And wasn't yelling sexual harrassment when she and Chelsia were topless.
She needs to be careful throwing around those kinds of accusations. That is showing her "true colors." That is NOT something you say so loosely.
And notice she didn't start saying anything until after she went inside. She could have told James that it made her uncomfortable, but now she went inside and yelled harassment.
I don't think I would ever want to get to know this "woman" (and I use that term loosely). She seems like (and of course I don't know her) she would be a very coniving and sneaky person in real life. That would do ANYTHING to get what she wants, even if it's not the truth.
Of course just my opinion!
my take on "sexual harassment" is: any unwanted demeaning behavior against someone to humiliate them especially when it is to do so because of their sex more than likely in the workplace. Now if BB pays them it is a job am I right?
first of all...james is hilarious! i love the way he laid down beside nat all naked. that was the funniest thing he's done to her. she's so childish the way she's now trying to say he's sexually harrassing her. the hypocrite needs to grow up. second of all...i have been thinking about the issue of adam telling the pov answers to ryan so he could win. i know the houseguests every season throw the comps from time to time, but wouldn't him giving the answers to another houseguest be considered cheating? i think james should use that. yes, i want james to stay, but if he gave the answers to him and not ryan, it would still be cheating in my eyes. i don't think it should be allowed. i think they should stop doing the pov the way they do it. i think only the hoh and the noms should be the only ones allowed to compete. it would make it more fair in the comps.
James starting trying to get hard. That's pushing it. Nat was actually a good sport, but if he's going to rub up on her she should have a problem. The stripper party was all MUTUAL people.
I'm sure Nat's in for a lot of chaos till James leaves. You people should love it. :) I find it fun, but depends on how far it evolves.
Have we heard him tell her to suck it?? If not, it is hearsay. And we all know how much Natalie likes to take things and twist them around to her advantage. Seriously, she lies just as much as the next person in the house, so until I get actual video or confirmation from a feeder that he said those words, she is just bullshitting to make her seem like an angel again....which she's not. :)
~ Ryan ~
interesting that you would say that about strippers because you have already let it known that you think that they are do not have to study human behavior to talk to people...judging a book by the covers is what many therapists are wrong for...i have watched my brother con so many "people who study human behavior" and lie and cheat his way out of many i have not studied human behavior but as a person that has had many stripper friends and have had experience with human behavior experts would have to say that i do not agree with are entitled to your opinion..i just wanted to clear things up
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dancing on the stage, all they see in the audience are "marks". Natalie is well versed in this industry. Unfortunately, I am sure she found her self on the wrong end of many a "con". She has a perceptive eye when it comes to james and "cons"...Takes one to know one...
1:58 PM
what business doesn't involve cons?? everything that we buy at the store involves being it really costs 2.50 for toothpaste..
Did anyone hear James ask Gnat to do what she said? Did anyonne see him trying to have her touch him? Is what she saying true or just Chatty Natty up to her old tricks again?
lmao i wonder what Bb told James in the DR
ANON 2:41 I couldn't have said it better myself!
1)What is a genuine person?
everybody unfortunately people don't put strippers in that category
2) What is the definition of a strippers work?
go to work get dressed make sure customers go home and pay bills..the rest don't really matter because they don't always like what they's just an easier way to make money then minimum wage at a fast food restraunt
While I can agree that James is going a little over the top here, is this any worse than the strip shows and naked pool party? This show is not all about being proper like you would in a work place, so the sexual harrassment charge is a bit ridiculous. Also, did you see Natalies face after the "suck off" comment. Priceless. I feel sorry because these are the kind of comments she will get from complete strangers when she leaves the BB house.
Hey whats the deal everyone seems to forget all the serects alliances evryone had and the ones still there in the house now lets see the two alliance whichare left is ryan and sharon and adam and shelia natalie knows she odd woman out so she try to keep her boy club alliance alive just good play
James is having to much fun with this! I LOVE it! It would be wonderful is "Ry Ry", "Rye Bread", "Rye Muffin", "The Muffin Man" or whatever other babytalk name Nat wants to come up with for him, actually ends up going tonight because he "cheated" during the POV. I know its a long shot, but, remember, EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED! Personally, i want to see "HOOPS" come out. I can't see her being that "off the chain", but its always the quiet ones who surprise you. If James does leave tonight (which almost seems inevitable) I hope Natalie goes next! I still want to see Sheila gone.. I can't believe someone who has contributed NOTHING as far as game goes is actually still in this game!!! (ok, I am exaggerating, she has been the 'token' crybaby whiner of the season... like a cross between Amber and Jen.. Amber for the crying and constantly bringing up her kid and Jen for complaining about EVERYTHING! Again, i know why she is single...)
Ryan has come a long way in the game, but much like a pendulum, he has swung way to far to one side.. he went from not know jack, to being cocky.
My hopes for the winner goes in order:
1. Sharon
2. Adam
3. Ryan
4. Shelia
5. Natalie
Of course, this is assuming James does get evicted Wednesday. If he doesn't, move his name to the top and slide everyone down one!
Thats just my 2 cents!
Anon 1:53 I meant the pranks he is pulling...They are all talking bad about each other, not just James.
To anon@2:34
Nat will deny it to the death. She did it with Adam and Ryan not 3 Ft. away. They heard it. Ryan and Adam talked to Matt saying why don't you let her. Then he admitted it had happened twice. She then Hummed her way through the next two nites with Ryan and Adam rite there. They know she did it. They're leaving it alone just in case they might have a chance.
Legal lesson of the day:
It is not "technically" sexual harassment. First of all even in the real world nudity is not "sexual harassment." Sexual harassment has do to power relationships where one party is using sex as a means to pressure the other (most often in the workplace). In the real world being naked is "public indecency" (or whatever the law or regs happens to be called in that state or municipality).
If one person touches another it's assault. If it's a sexual touching it's sexual assault. (Battery is a threat where a person reasonably believes there could be an assault). These are crimes dictated by state law.
BB is not the real world, however, and they have signed contracts where they have waved certain rights or protections, giving the producers the authority to make the judgments about appropriate behavior - they have also been notified/warned to expect certain behavior and have agreed to tolerate it. (It's slightly more complicated because certain action are civil wrongs and others are criminal offenses, and the level of criminal offense varies - generally criminal offenses cannot be waived by contract).
Short of assault (which James has not come close to doing) it is entirely up to the producers discretion whether he can continue the behavior.
i can't believe that sheila was saying that no body was there to help putting flour all over her is the same as getting a thingy in your face with a glass of water saying"Suck this!"
she needs to go
Dude James seriously needs to keep his clothes on. I feel so uncomfortable watching this.
Legal revison:
Sorry, reverse that, battery is the touching, assault is the threat. But they are usually connected, and they can be civil or criminal - it's just too complicated for here.
Borrom line, Natalie is out of luck in terms of getting James in trouble, at least so far.
how did Natalie become the better person? By pretending to be a prude about James being nude?? Like someone else said I doubt it if it was Matty she wouldn't be crying sexual harrassment.
Geez I hope James put some sunscreen on his schlong while he was nekkid outside "sexually harassing" Nat or he's gonna be regretting it later tonight. Ouch!
Poor wittle Natalie, I feel so bad for her. NOT! I loved the look on her face ... so prim and proper all of a sudden. Wonder where that came from? Wonder if she had the same look on her face after she got Matt off? Hmmm...
I did catch the exchange between Sharon and James about how BB told him he had to be fully dressed when he leaves ... to be respectful to the Chenbot. Too bad ... I was really looking forward to James exiting the BB house with only Chelsia's red robe and his tighty whities.
That would have made the entire season worth while and then some, but you gotta respect the Chenbot and CBS.
ANON 2:41 You are so right!
James wasn't doing anything wrong. Funny how everyone ELSE was laughing about it. He's just trying to have some fun on his last day in the house. Chill people chill.
Nat's going to complain about anything if it doesnt go the way she wants it. But remember....she's the positive one in the house :)
Go Sharon!!!
I heard a rumor in the chat room that James may not being going home. The girl claimed her uncle works for CBS and that its gonna be another twist. It just so happened to be when James was going home. Do you know anything...
If CBS keeps James tomorrow I will be done with CBS forever. That is total BS. The other HG's didn't get that special treatment why should he? I pray that is just a rumor.
And notice she didn't start saying anything until after she went inside. She could have told James that it made her uncomfortable, but now she went inside and yelled harassment.
she actually did tell him to stay away from her with it and then he put it in a glass of water walked up to her and was going to dump ALL of it on her but she got up before...
i agree seven
My heroes are and not in any particular order...
a) James for being true to himself
b) Carolyn for putting in long hours and putting up with a LOT for her troubles
c) Jane... for being Jane! You tell em!! Can I sue Natalie for mental anguish? I didn't sign any contracts. But wait... I'm in this voluntarily...I'm oh so SOL! :)
whoop whoop I'm a blogger!
Carolyn I think it odd that so many folks think you pick and choose the comments you agree with. Do you also fix the poll daddy results? They seem to show James as a fave and Chatty Natty at the bottom of those lists. The no blink and "I swallow" comment only increase the creep factor. I will say this seems to be a sexually charged season.RosaritoE
For Anon at 3:42.....actually Ryan and Sharon got special treatment. They were each kicked out and brought back.........I realize that this would be James second save if that happened....but he is not the only one with nine lives
When you start off a show by giving bj's the second night on national telivision and then doing a strip tease and letting people lick off of your breasts, and then squirtingthe lactating breasts, you seem like the little girl who cried wolf!
Thanks genie, I think you are swell too!
I say class action suit against Natalie for mental anguish. We can claim she hipnotized us with her religion so we couln't look away.
See? This is why I love James. He spices up the house. He tells the funniest jokes & is really, at the core, a decent guy. Last night watching him with Sharon and then other times when he has spoken with Adam and Ryan I have seen sides of him that I really like. He's a spunky, fun kid and I would love to see him go all the way with the money. I think it was Sex Slavetoy who said it would be cool if Ryan was evicted tomorrow for cheating at POV therefore saving James. That would be so awesome and a dream come true for me but somehow I doubt it. Still, at the end of the day I believe that James played the best game. And to the two "anonymous" people who are going on and on about the stripper issue, get over it. You're taking something personal that shouldn't be.
And Natalie...even though I do agree that no one should have to look at a naked person if they do not want to, it is a little hard to take you seriously when we have you on camera during your striptease...sitting on Adams face..with just your little undies on....really! And I don't recall Adam asking you to do just climbed up there!
I actually hope that is true, and James can stay. Would it be fair, I guess not, but it would be good T.V. I really want to see James get Nat put up and evicted.
Does Ryan's arm tattoo say "quick"?!? How ironic if it does..
Hey anonymous 2:53. I realize you haven't studied human behavior, that was clear. My question was rhetorical.
Genuine means free of forgery or counterfeit; it does not mean "we're all genuine people" your answer.
Your experience with strippers is naive. When I asked you what a stripper did for work, you said they "went to work and paid bills and it is better than minimal wage"...Geeshh...I can't believe I'm wasting my time with this. Let me help you here...
What would a stripper do for work? They would do a striptease or exotic dance (sometimes called an ecdysiast), which means "strips off clothing to arouse sexual desire by displaying the naked body in motion." And what is the going wage?, what ever they can get, correct?
The definition of a con artist is not the same as a stripper. You have on two occasions made that statement and have put it off on someone else. The author that refered to stripping, and cons was careful to differentiate between the two.
Perhaps your experience has taught you that strippers and cons have a lot in common.
I see James is in his blowjob position. Is it just me or does anyone get a flashback of a certain video when they see Jamesw put his arms over and around the back of his head and stretch out
My new favorite HG is James' schlong. It should get a matching pink mohawk. In fact, I am hoping that if/when James leaves, he can leave the Schlong behind. I think Natalie could form a nice undercover alliance with it.
Will James be auctioning a date with the Schlong on Ebay when he is out? Just prop it up in its own chair. I bet it has great stories.
Afternoon, missed all the excitement! Nat is complaining about James being naked? Come on, I would rather see him than see her fake boobies....guess that makes me perverted. Oh well, cheap thrills for the old broad here!!
James did say to Natalie touch it and suck it. I am sure there is a clip of it on one of the blogs. I saw it live. Now that is going beyond. Natalie even said I wouldn't touch you esp after being with smelly crouch. James then said does your crouch smell and Natalie said no. I didn't see James saying Chelsea's didn't smell lol. James is disgusting but I already knew that.
People want to talk about strip teasing why is porn any better???????
And yes it was brought into the show. Of course James denied it. Natalie never denied her strip teasing. She was smart enough to know when you go on a reality show your life is an open book. James once again was the ignorant fool he is and didn't think his porn would be all over the net.
It's countdown to a miracle
Will BB play fair and deny Ryan his POV win? Will James pull an Evel Dick and stay in the house. Right now I'm stroking my Rat from the BB8 set and expecting the unexpected. Is this the tequila talking?
i realize Ryan and Sharon got another chance. I just think it would be bad if he came back a second time. You don't see that happen much. I don't see or understand why CBS would do that. Yes he is great entertainment but it's getting down to the end of the show. How long can they drag it on by keeping people in the house? :)
Isnt it strange that Natalie openly talks about how she gives good h##d and swallows and "needs the protein" but then when James talks about it...all of the sudden its sexual harassment. Give me a break!
James is comfortable naked. It is what it is.
He is not being naked to turn others on. I think he is the type of person who spends lots of time in the nude outside the BB House just becuase he is comfortable in his own skin.
Natalie strips downs and shows off her body and sits on Adam's face to turn people on.
They both get naked for different reasons. Neither of them wrong for it.
I do disagree with Natalie's sexual harassment claim. Her previous behaviour in the house would lead someone to believe that she is an individual comfortable with nudity and enjoy the humour of James' behaviour instead of critisizing it.
Have some fun and enjoy it.
I agree with DebinNY.I heard all that too.Still haven't found it to prove it though.
Why are people arguing about strippers and what they mean,etc...
Hi there, I just got say thankyou for your blog. because I have been watching bb from season one. never miss any of it.But I cannot understand all of u out there that think Nat is all right with what she say's and does. I have stopped watching my feeds. as well as the cbs episodes. My only information is now this blog. I just cannot watch anymore of Nat. Get her out please so I can begin to enjoy bb again. Thats bad when u have a faithfull viewer stop watching. That is because she is just sickning. I feel for her family and friends I really do. I would not nor could u pay me enough to admit that I even know the girl. Wow she needs help. Do they not do mental test on these ppl.first.
ewwwwwwwwwwww thankgoodness James is gone tomorrow. As soon as he went out in the yard this aft I turned my feeds off, had a feeling he was going to sling his winkie lol, what a twit.
Little Jimmy can ask anyone he pleases to touch it and suck it, as long as he's not the boss of them. Yeah America, freedom of speech. Touch it and suck it, yahoo, touch it and suck it, all of you! (my new song).
Oooohhhh. A date with james' schlong. I'd totally bid, and I wouldn't even mind if the rest of him came along. (Wait, that dosn't sound right. oops).
Uh, Deb. Natalie BRAGGED about stripping, about haning off the pole and how everyone would drop what they are doing to watch her in all her glory. She didn't deny it bc she seems quite proud of it.
Clearly what James is doing is in jest, but I would guess Natalie is a little senssitive about men pulling out their penii near her bc of all those champagne room lap hances she probably rocked. Consider the source.
What do you mean "it was brought into the show"? James' porn adventures? When? How? By whom?
I suspect James isn't one bit ashamed of anything he has done in his life. He probably just doesn't want the others to be spooked and evict him.
I just love how Pinky's antics get everyone on this blog site so riled up! Though it does make for a lot of editing for Carolyn (thanks C!) He knows he's probably heading to sequester house and is having fun - considering how the house has been against him for weeks he deserves to have a little fun.
Not at all surprised how indignant Nat is playing after lil'pinky put in an appearance. Now if she was getting a peep show of lil'matty she'd be singing ... oops I mean humming a different tune.
btw - isn't all the talk about Sheila and Nat's past adult entertainment experience similar to all the previous talk about Jame's work history? Just think all the HG's should be treated the same.
Off to watch Hell's Kitchen woo hoo lol. Have a great night bloggers and Carolyn and thankyou for all that you do. See you all tomorrow and I will be praying for a miracle that Sheila gets HOH.
Hey Serial Dater
Love the British flourish in your spelling. But it would be "criticise". Jolly well then and cheer-i-o,
What do you mean "it was brought into the show"? James' porn adventures? When? How? By whom?
Chelsea Josh Sharon and Natalie said that they bet that he did porn with the size of it.Chelsea said that she didn't think that james would do that..he did not confirm nor deny it
James is immature and plain gross.
Not to mention sitting naked on the chairs? Hello Purell and anything else!
He is the emotional equal to a baby.
He cries when he doesn't get his way,he is fascinated with his bodily functions and his humor is cruel and without actual humor.
Sunburn-actually it appeared that James rubbed lotion on his peen right there with everyone.
In fact he asked Sharon to rub it on for him.
He was flicking someone with water with his peen.
James went up to Natalie and attempted to touch her. That was when she said "Don't,that is sexual harassment."
He was flicking someone with water with his peen.
James went up to Natalie and attempted to touch her. That was when she said "Don't,that is sexual harassment."
it was Natalie
Correct Amber. James flicked the water on Natalie from his penis that was dipped in water. He is as disgusting as a lowlife can get.
I find the penal water flicking of Nat amusing. I mean, if she can go around shooting milk out of her funbags, it seems very "eye for an eye", as Jesus might say.
Hell, i I were walkign around with that gargantuan accessory between my legs and i was sitting in that nuthouse with those tweakers for two months, I might be twisting my schlong into fun shapes like rabbits and dachshunds like some kind of clown at a kiddie party.
I miss the Schlong. I may have to regoogle "Crazy James Porn".
I find the penal water flicking of Nat amusing. I mean, if she can go around shooting milk out of her funbags, it seems very "eye for an eye", as Jesus might say.
Hell, i I were walkign around with that gargantuan accessory between my legs and i was sitting in that nuthouse with those tweakers for two months, I might be twisting my schlong into fun shapes like rabbits and dachshunds like some kind of clown at a kiddie party.
I miss the Schlong. I may have to regoogle "Crazy James Porn".
i love how people are so incredibly quick to throw those stones. i mean if you are a natalie fan, shouldn't you follow her religious beliefs. and if you are religious, you know the reference i am making. secondly, i am not sure anyone on this forum would show up to amazingly if they were put on this show. i still find it so 1800s that nudity makes people so squemish. I mean grow up, half of us have one set of body parts, and the other half have another set of body parts.
Sheila needs to quit complaining that her son "Nick didn't sign up for this." No he didn't. He's a minor. SHE SIGNED THE PAPERS FOR HIM. SHE IS THE ONE TO BLAME.
James Naked Is So So Funny,I Can`t Stop Laughing:)I Guess That`s Why They Call Him `CRAZY` James.FYI:::On Youtube He Is In Video`s Called`PINK BUS`,acting just as CRAZY.
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