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At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C

Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Checking in

Hi Everyone. Just checking in to let you know I will be doing the Live Show Spoiler tonight, as always... right here at the top of the blog. The HGs believe there's going to be an endurance comp tonight. I tend to agree with them, and I'm resting up before hand, just in case they're right.

See you back here a few minutes before the Live Show starts on the east coast... Then after, on the live feeds. :)

In the meantime, a couple of clips from this afternoon, featuring tonight's nominated houseguests:

2:11pm BBT - Goofing Around

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Blogger Rick Remixx said...

thanks for all you do ..
tonights the night
bye james go ryan

2:38 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

Thank goodness ... I was starting to worry! The last you wrote was something about the cable guy.

Glad to know you're back and that you'll be here tonight.

BB wouldn't be the same without the lovely Carolyn and BBDish!!!


2:39 PM  
Blogger Rick Remixx said...

tonights the night..
bye james go ryan !!!!
thanks for all you do BB9DISH

2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you for everything that you do. i cant imagine getting my updates from anywhere else :]

tonights going to suck tho :[ im going to miss james!! he should have won!! i love you james!!

2:50 PM  
Blogger Alice said...

I've had my nap this afternoon and am ready to be glued to the TV and computer. I also already have the coffee pot ready if needed for an all nighter. I am also setting up another computer just to keep your sight up without it being slowed down by the live feeds. So Carolyn, I will be here with you babe as long as it takes. Ready, willing, and able.

2:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the updates..Hey Carolyn, how long have you been a BB Fan and what is your Fav season????

Team Shelia

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was also starting to worry, n2realitytv... LOL!!

ME <~ is a bbdish blog addict ... ahh!!

See ya tonight Carolyn! :)

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to tonites live show.Not that I want James gone. It looks to be lively,everybody-HGs & bloggers- seems stirred up thanks to James. It still hasn't gotten weird enuf 4 me although the lactating projectile came very close.

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mahalos for your presence!! hoping for a twist to keep james!

3:07 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Wendy@3:06pm - Me too...
but if I publish that, i'll get an earache...

Back to napping i go. ;)

3:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn, thanks for all that you do!! Thanks to you, I am addicted to this site! I possible alone pushed the counter over the 1 million mark!LOL


3:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was watching last night on AD and one thing came to mind after watching James with Sheila and Adam. How different would the game have been if they would have teamed up with different people. Like, what if James would have originally hooked up with Adam or Ryan? Josh with Nat? Oh well you get the point. It just shows that this is really a game. The people we are seeing are not necessarily those kind of people out of the BB house. How would Adam have acted if he was teamed up with Josh. Was Chelsia the way she was because of the hostile personalities around her? I just saw last night how the person you are is dictacted by who you hang around with.
Could have been a whole different game but with all the same players.

I know I got a little deep here, Sorry.

3:14 PM  
Blogger Sexy Slavetoy said...

Ok.. just a quick poll..
If Natalie makes it to the final 2, does anyone else think Matt's question to her will be "Are you an NFL Cheerleader?" And that is the question... What will be Natalie's Response?

3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for all of your hard work. I appreciate your dedication...you put a lot into this blog and it shows! That's why you're NUMERO UNO, baby...yaay, Team Carolyn!

Tonight is gonna be wild and I'm Photoshop ready, lol.

xoxo :)

3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if they will show footage of the people in the sequester house tonight. I like seeing their reactions once someone is evicted.

3:25 PM  
Blogger Natvtxn said...

Wow Carolyn...you are one popular woman!!! KUDOS to you and by the way, thanks ahead for all the editing you are about to do. You are so faithful to US!!

But...DANG!...I couldn't believe how much people got so caught up on you Overnight Report. Holy Cow...what is wrong with these sanctimonious people?!? They are reacting the exact same way like last year...when Evil Dick was winning!

And for the record...whatever "so and so" who has "something" up their crawl...Carolyn posted the exact words and video clips that took place last night. With all that is Holy,...how dare you accuse her of being wrong!! You should be flayed!

Sorry you have to hear from such people, Carolyn...but it obviously takes all kinds. I'm just proud of you and how you ignored it. Yeah, we should do the same...but we like to defend you.

Agree totally with you about the last two shows. Didn't even bother with last nite's. Just read your updates. (Thanks!) So, hopefully, tonite MIGHT be somewhat interesting...although I with the whole thing would be over and BB10 would start in about two months...so we all can finish our studies, work, holidays, etc...

One aspect I did get a glimpse of last nite, when I thot I would at least try to attempt to watch...was OUR TEAM CHRIST LEADER, NataLIE, once again, representin' Christians around the world with her comment..."But I just can't forgive him." (talking about James, after her fake hug up in HOH)

I think what perturbs us the most...is HYPOCRISY. NatLIE emenates that every moment of everyday. Yeah, there are always hypocrites in the game...but to use your religion as your "armor" is a great falsehood. At least Shelia admits that she lies herself and gets crazy. That's what makes her likeable. The same with James, although he takes "crazy" overboard. But it keeps you watching, huh?

Enjoy your afternoon, Carolyn!!

3:25 PM  
Blogger Good Times said...

The night I have dreaded, I hate to watch James walk out the door and Nat's smirk look when he does. I don't want him to go I want him to stay.....:(

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


thanks for not posting then - and get some rest before the show starts.


3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to BB9 without the childish, boorish condensending Jimmie. What a chump he's turned out to be. And, to think I was once a fan of his.

Hey, I give Natalie credit. She latches on to something and doesn't let go. Quite frankly, her loyalty, however mis-guided it might be, is admirable.

3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come someone tell me where to go when this season ends for the BBdish addiction? I have fallen and I can't reach the off button on my computer! hee hee

3:36 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

Does anyone have the link to the east coast feeds??


3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Carolyn, I love you to death and adore you! Thank you again 4 all your hard work..it's a big day..I am going to put in my 2 cents! Im happy to see James leaving at least I hope that darn siren doesnt go off it will drive me insane! hehe! But he has just irritated me with his game play this week..I just think his whole gameplay this week made for great tv but he truly did look like a sore loser and a hypocrite..I thought it strange that he thinks ryan owes him when he came back into the game saying no one owes anyone anything..etc..and he said he was playing the game for himself..hey so is everybody else! and cmon who doesnt remember him doing all that to get Matt out..cmon! anywhoos...xoxo should be exciting tonight! xo :) Bree

4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm almost afraid to ask, but am quite curious as to why Ryan is so far ahead in the polls on who people want to win HOH tonight? He has really bothered me the last couple of days, especially last night. I would really love Sharon to win just to mess up all their mapped out plans. I'm even starting to surprise myself and wish Sheila would win.

4:03 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

carolyn - you rock!! you have really made this season so much more fun for me! wish i had found your site before this year though!!

that being said - i will miss james soooo much. he was definitely my favorite houseguest. the only way i will be happy now is if natalie is the next to get kicked out the door. i would love to see a final three of adam, sheila, sharon. ryan is useless and small minded. he needs to follow nat to sequester.
i don't really care who makes final two as long as it does not include ryan or natalie.

farewell james - you be hugely missed!!

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey DBL I hope you make enough coffee :))



4:13 PM  
Blogger RayRayFad said...

Go anyone BUT NataLIE!

4:19 PM  
Blogger Tella @TellaKG said...

Another Wednesday and another eviction. I will be sad to see James go... he has had some real genuine moments with certain HGs this week. He is an insightful young man with a crazy spirit and good heart. I think he has a weak spot for Sheila, since he most likely will have to vote for one of the TC sheep. Having lost his father and lived with a single mom is one thing he can relate to.

I hope there is a quick eviction, HoH comp, nom and PoV, 2nd eviction and then an edurance comp. That would be fun. But BB prods probably switched things around being that tonight is a BIG AMERICAN IDOL EVENT. Maybe next week?

Go Sharon... GO. Get that NataLIE out of the game already. I am ashamed of being a woman since she is one (isn't that what some people do re. other groups of people?) :-)

Also, anybody in the house who bought that NataLIE was/is a cheerleader after seeing her leg kicks... gotta be high on something.

4:19 PM  
Blogger Tella @TellaKG said...


I would really love Sharon to win just to mess up all their mapped out plans. I'm even starting to surprise myself and wish Sheila would win.


4:21 PM  
Blogger Cara said...

Go ABN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol actually Go Sharon!! I'm too afraid of who Shedog would put up if she won.

4:21 PM  
Blogger Alice said...

Hey Debinny, I have an full pot. Even have a few candy bars for energy.

4:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ron in Co --

If you are out there somewhere, know that I miss and value your opinions and contributions to this site.

4:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CBS has already said they are done with the siren for the season so don't plan on it for tonight. I keep reading people hoping for it to go off tonight and it's not gonna happen. They already told the HG that it's done.

That said, I am terribly sad to see James leave. He's my favorite HG and I believe that he played the smartest game of all the HGs. I wanted him to win. I hope AGP has some sort of twist that will keep him but I doubt it. I was hoping last night he would get someone to side with him, then convince Sheila to vote for him and then he would be safe but alas, he really angered both Nat and Ry so that chance was shot. Oh well, he played a good game. Farewell friend!

4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really rooting for Ryan to win. He hasn't played a perfect game, and he's lied. But, he's aligned himself with some loyal people(Adam), people who take some flak(Nat) and people who will forget that he's lied(Sheila!). Go Ryan!!

PS. I think James is such a fighter. I don't really respect his game as he's very manipulative and often forgets that he isn't a saint, but I think he's played a good game for the hand he's been dealt. If he stays tonight, then he deserves to win something!

4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK Sharon, enough messing up in competitions. You've got to start winning!

4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't said it before, but I appreciate you so much Carolyn! It takes a lot of energy and time to report to us the going ons in the hamster house! :) I think you've done a great job showing all the house guests in a reasonable light.

...Maybe you need to start posting a "Carolyn's Opinion" section. I would love to see who you favor and why.(with all the bias and favoritism you can muster!) We get to see everyone else's in the comments for crying out loud. Why not our lovely host? It's your freaking blog to begin with! :)

Cheers to you! And thanks super much!!

4:33 PM  
Blogger RedRhonda said...

Carolyn, hope you rested up. I am ready...got the east coast feed (yes, it is cheating!) Come on Sharon, win the HOH so we can see some excitement in the house! Let's knock Natty off her pedistal (sp).

Let's all hope the posters tonight will be kind to our goddess, Carolyn! She rules!! BTW, your overnight report was right on, IMHO.

****setting up seat, computer, drink, pup-pup & snacks! waiting in anticipation for something great to happen on BB tonight*****

4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shew DebInNY I went to eat dinner and came back to think you were a James fan lol. You had me worried for a second. Go NATALIE!!!!!

4:43 PM  
Blogger Cara said...

some people-
I 2nd that!!!!!

4:44 PM  
Blogger Alice said...

I am really curious how Sheila would handle a physical comp since she has not been on slop. She talks about being a runner, so I wonder if there isn't something that needs skill, just endurance, would her physical side come out? I have also heard Sharon say several times that she could have won that one. If she could have won why didn't she? How long will she be able to fly under the radar?

4:44 PM  
Blogger piper said...

I love James but I want him to go tonight for his own sanity. Have a 2-3 week vacation in the sequester house with Chelsia, Josh and Matt. I even think that the 4 of them will get along great in the new environment. No competitions, no fighting for the money and no worries from the selfish minds of the ones still in the house.

Money is not everything James; plus, you will do well on your own.

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For all you James haters - The nights not over yet!
Expect the unexpected!

Go Sharon! Please clean house!

Thanks Carolyn for watching for us and keeping us updated. It's going to get harder to watch with James gone!

4:47 PM  
Blogger Divr said...

Sexy Slavetoy

Natalie had made a comment about it in one of her prayers to God. She said she was sorry for the lie but she was having so much fun with it.
This had been early on, not long after the lie surfaced.

4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am frikken impressed with big-Shelia!! and have even tried her Salmon recipe YUM-OH!!, checked out her "boyfriends" band, go girlfriend. Has anyone else noticed the "Shelia-isms"? the "kids" have definetly bonded with her and look up to her as a "MOM" not sure if she can continue to skate by....probably not. Sharon is looking pretty good right not as being in the final 2. Can't decide if it will be Adam or Ryan, but thinking Adam. I like them both.

4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you Carolyn!! love your site and wonder if you ever sleep?

4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks DBL You're a sweetie!

The Real DebinNY

4:57 PM  
Blogger piper said...

OMG! Watching the show right now and I so dislike Natalie!!

She makes me want to get violent (and I'm not a violent person). Errrrrrrrrrr

5:14 PM  

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