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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Tuesday Show Review

Just opening the post now so everyone can comment and blog while the Tuesday show is airing. I'll be adding my 2 cents as the show progresses.

I'm very curious to see this Veto Comp. Should anyone's head explode on the feeds during the broadcast, please make mention of it in the comments. ;)

It's starting! Who will win the PoV, and will it be used to save Sharon or Sheila? Well, we all know the answer, but the journey's what we're interested in.

Hm. I can't say I'm too impressed with the lead up to the PoV so far. I can't say I'm shocked that all of Adam's mentions of DR intervention were left on the cutting room floor, but I am disappointed, since that was his entire defense to his alliance. Hm.

Bitter edit on the God Squad. Homey edit on the outsiders.

Finally - PoV Comp. I'm having a Janie stole my dolly flashback....

They showed it! They showed Adam giving Ryan the answer. Kudos, Ms. Grodner. OK... it's just another thrown comp, like many before it. Ethical? No. New to BB? Not even a little.

OK.. after the PoV, the only real point of interest left for me was the closing announcement. No mention was made of a double eviction week. None. It would be rare and kinda stupid to not promote that to the tv audience, since it means a ratings bump, so I sincerely doubt it'll be happening tomorrow...

All in all, feh. Better than the Sunday show, but nowhere near last Tuesday... Thus far, last Tuesday's was the best BB for TV episode of the season.

OK.. back to the live feeds I go!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Everyone seen the video of sheila on youtube from user joycollector titled sheila kennedy in a movie called ELLIE from 1984 that is some funny shit. lmao and fell down

5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

me too cool luv u C

6:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


ryan: chelsia is right, he is spineless.

6:08 PM  
Blogger Beorn said...

So. I'm back. (And thanks, Carolyn!) ((And for the paranoid among us, that almost certainly does NOT mean what you almost certainly think it means, so be nice to our wonderful host and leave it alone.))

Things that haven't changed while I've been gone:

James is still the best gamer left in the house, and the most interesting. If he leaves, it's not a sign that his game is flawed, but possibly a sign that the producers' game is. That ignorant jack*sses can win without trying simply points to the fact that there's a tremendous amount of chance involved in the game--with the competitions introducing even more.

Natalie is still the most disgusting, disturbing, unlikable, spiritually ugly, staggeringly hypocritical, craven creature to make it to television in a long, long time. And yeah--she's STILL lucky that her behavior hasn't led to a physical assault. Deal with the truth, people. I'll happily give you my E-mail address so you can mouth off to me one-on-one--poor Carolyn has enough on her plate without people whining about me. OR you could just deal with the fact that the majority of people watching the show would stand and cheer if Natalie spontaneously combusted while praying out loud for the nearest camera.

Ryan is still dumber than a rock. And STILL the most boring straight man on earth. The boy can only get smarter on all those pain meds--and I'm sure inebriation is his natural state, anyway.

What's new since I left:

I'm halfway wishing I wasn't gay, because if I wasn't I could apparently fulfill some of those fantasies that were bandied about last night. Any producers up for "Bear Eye for the Straight Guy" just lemme know. ;-)

6:09 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

yayyyyy!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you're back, honey.

6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really wish they would cut down on the recaps and show us some sequester!! They better show us some when James goes in!! For real!!

6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't stand Sheila whining about being on the block. Last week she said "boohoo James has been on the block three weeks, get over it" or something similar, and she was on it for 30 seconds (and as a pawn!) and freaked out.

I honestly couldn't tell you who I hate more, Natalie or Sheila.

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwwww... if ryan and adam were smart theyd keep james, eliminate sharon making it 3 on 2 boys vs. girls.. ryan is screwed if its a physical comp hes neck is all screwed and adam cant play so james would be able to take on natalie win hoh but up her and sheila then the boys would be able to stomp the girls for pov.. boom natalies out...

but no... they are mezmerized by natalies big "investments" if you know what im saying ;]

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous at 6:12 -

I agree! once James leaves, I'd much rather watch him and everyone in sequester than these boring idiots that are left!

6:19 PM  
Blogger Sucker4aFairytale said...

ps im heather and i finally reset my password... so lazy lazy

but i agree they spend like 30 min now on recaps its quite frustrating especially since with the help of the dishchicks we KNOW that some good stuff has happend in the house

but i want to see sequester and see how chelsia and matt and mr. joshy are doing.

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of the hypocricy expressed here is mind-boggling. Puts Nat to shame!

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone say B*O*R*I*N*G!

What the H#&% CBS. Watching this is painful. Come on CBS gets some nerve and call the cheaters out. Have a do over of the POV only this time make it an endurance challenge leaving Twidly DEE & D
umb out. Let's have something good to watch.
With James and Sharon gone CBS might as well cut BB9 short as they will have no viewers.

This blogger hopes that the corporate sponsors are reading and pull their support during the BB9 air time.

6:25 PM  
Blogger KBaker said...

I cannot believe that looooong James & Sharon bit. who cares?

6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But I think the boys know they can not beat James in the end. They can beat Natalie. So James has to go. Then really Sharon. Because Sharon will win.

6:26 PM  
Blogger ~*~melissa~*~ said...

Hi Beorn, Big Yipeeee!

Missed ya.

Completely agree with your post!

I loved the Sharon & James bonding in bed scene. Very sweet & tender moment. I tell ya I love James more and more everyday.

6:27 PM  
Blogger ~*~melissa~*~ said...

It's the Rat/Doll comp....


6:28 PM  
Blogger Beorn said...

I totally sympathize with Sheila about the cleaning. With Adam and Ryan and James in that house, can you IMAGINE what the rim of that toilet bowl looks like? Just cleaning that pube-crusted film once should provide an excuse for half of her whining.

6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If sheila doesnt know how many days she has been there maybe she has old timers disease

6:30 PM  
Blogger ~*~melissa~*~ said...

Ok, so the person eliminated each round, depends on how everyone answers, so I don't think it was right for them to share/give answers.

6:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ anonymous @ 5:59:

LOL! I just saw the "Ellie" clip, as well as Sheila's "part" in "National Lampoon European Vacation"! Some actress!

Seriously though, she was quite beautiful and her voice was a lot less annoying back then.

@ ~imogen, did ryan really call someone else "spineless"? That's irony for you right there.


6:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a girl I usually root for the girls but in this case I can't Sheila-too whiney
Sharon-too dull (Jacob,Jacob,Jacob)
Nat-Toomuch to list here

6:34 PM  
Blogger RedRhonda said...

Wake me up when it is over!! My god have they trashed the coverage!! And the feeds are boring now too, unless you want to watch Nat read to herself! Please, let's get this party started!!!

6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 more comment about the 2 Sheila Kennedy youtube clips:

did anyone else notice the presence of pigs in both of them?



6:36 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

Not much to say about this episode. Painfully boring! How many hours long is this stupid comp?

6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, that pov comp took me back to elementary school - legends of the hidden temple much? I would have prefered an obstacle course to this though

6:39 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

Didn't Adam give Ryan the answer when he was already at the slab with his rocks? I thought that's what I saw - so it didn't matter. Or was that editing?

6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell? CBS just showed what we bloggers have been talking about since the veto comp. Ryan and Adam were conspiring. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that still cheating?

6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before this evening's posting gets started, I'd like to ask a favor of all the posters who use "anonymous."

Could you check "Name/URL" and then type in some "name" (alias) that you want to use, in the "Name" line (above URL)?

I have been trying to follow this afternoon's discussion about stripping, cons, work, etc.

Anonymous said this, then another anonymous said that, and then yet another anonymous said such and such, and then another anonymous said . . .

Get my point? I'm so confused as to who is saying what. I really don't know how anyone outside of you, the individual posters involved in the dialogue, can keep track of who you are discussing things with.

You don't have to have a Google/Blogger account and you don't have to have a URL. So, for all intents and purposes, you are not giving away any personal information. But, it sure would make it easier for those of us trying to following your back-and-forth conversations to make some sense of it.

Thank you.

6:40 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

Oh Beorn, why are all the good ones gay? No really, why? Shi-at.

6:41 PM  
Blogger lori b said...

why won't my commments post?

6:41 PM  
Blogger Cara said...

I can't believe that CBS let them cheat? Real nice guys. So now who's the "evil" side??? I know they prob can't do anything about it but why show it on the show???
BTW loved seeing Shedog freak out when I heard the words"I would never act like that if I was on the block" come out of her mouth today. Yeck

6:42 PM  
Blogger Lulu (aka Stefanie) said...

I can't believe Sheila's reaction when Ryan won the POV...please get her out of the house, someone!!!
PS - I am a James fan, and can admit I didn't see any real impropriety in the POV...he didn't win, period. I wish he could stay, but I am glad he has been himself throughout the game...no hiding behind other players or the bible...hold your head up high James!

6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sent a comment to the ask a houseguest a question asking why it was ok for Adam and Ryan to cheat. I even told them that I will no longer watch if James leaves because of their unfairness.

6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only bright thing about tonight's show is seeing that know it all air head Nat-A-Lie say that this her type of game for the Veto comp because she knows numbers so well.

So happy to see her go down in flames first! Perhaps it knocked her down a peg in her own sick mind! But I doubt it.

6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the heck does Sheila think everyone owes her something. She's soooo over dramatic over every little thing that happens to her. She's such a baby! honestly just stup up sheila!!!

6:44 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss the good old days when we saw Ryan cave like a house of cards when he and Jen were sure to go. He didn't even try to campaign to stay. He is there by BB changing the rules midstream and not by any fight or game plan. He sucked as HOH when he was twisted around faster than a weather vane in a hurricane. No original thought or logical game play. And now he pompously struts around like some big macho man super hero.. He is still a dolt, and is where he is because he has just sucked up to the HOH's. He is showing his true A-hole side now. I sure hope a double eviction takes that dumb oaf out of there and he can take Natalie with him too. And the toilet with his girlfriend for a shag? Only the best for his girlfriend! He would be the type to use an airplane bathroom and that is nothing to brag about anymore.

Wait til Natalie gets out and watches the show again to see what a fool she has made of herself all season. Don't think many church groups will be calling her to run their singles ministry either!

I think James should taunt them in front of each other on who will they will target next to get rid of. Watch them all squirm.

James is the best player. He is a thinker and I am with him.. I would hate to be stuck in that house with those people. I hope by some fluke.. he still goes all the way. We can only hope and expect the unexpected!

6:45 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

I am underwhelmed. Like. Totally.

6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope no one ever uses me for a POND.


6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG...Gnat is just too much! Get her outta there!

I am trying to figure out what will happen now that they actually showed Adam giving Ryan the right answer. By all rights they should have a 2nd veto comp or WHOEVER gets voted out (assuming its James) they HE GETS to now pick a HG of his choice to be evicted in his place!!!


6:45 PM  
Blogger seVen said...

Are the producers editors of this show James groupies. I wish they showed James saying he'd want Adam to win if they were the final 2. or any kind of kudos directed at Adam for not putting him on the block. F*cking Sharon is getting more air time and she does NOTHING!

And the Veto didn't matter one bit on James losing.

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't really think Ryan and Adam cheated. All Adam did was help Ryan win so he didn't have blood on his hands and have a jury vote. If there was a rule that you could not talk while searching it would have been said. No rule=no cheat.

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh- and a BIG kudos for beorn saying just what I feel exactly about Natalie. I couldn't have written that better myself!

Thank you!! and thank you Carolyn- Terrific job as always,

6:47 PM  
Blogger Divr said...

Ryan was doing alright by himself all along. And how do we know who told who the answer. Besides Ryan came up with a plan prior to the last question.
And right up to the end James is throwing Sharon under the bus.
They should all know that by now, it is every person for themselves. It is the only way it can be. There are no alliances that are that strong. Even James and Sharon dont have each other's backs.

6:48 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

Still no mention of double eviction tomorrow. Wouldn't they have at least mentioned it yet?

6:50 PM  
Blogger Pyke said...

SO... Adumb DID cheat and give Ryan the answers, and then tried to give James the wrong answer. That was LOW of him.

Adumb, I am no rooting for anymore.

Ryawn is an idiot, he could easily make a deal with James now, and then take out Shiela. Ryan would have James, have Sharon... James is going after Natalie, Sharon is going after Nataie... Ryan would have everyone...

I just realized Ryan's decision ruined him the game. He would have been PERFECT if he didn't use the veto and sent home Shiela. Wow...

6:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its not cheating if the "good" side does it just TRICKERY cant you folks keep up

6:51 PM  
Blogger Cara said...

Totally noticed the no blinking thing w/Nat in her DR sessions tonight. lol She also talks like she's 5 in there.

6:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never knew you could leave your name like this... Cool

6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Ron in Co
I'm clueless with the internet

6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree why would CBS show that they were cheating if they didn't plan on doing anything about it?

Come on CBS we're ready for the unexpected. Let's have the Veto comp over (minus Adam & Ryan) and make it endurance. Hopefully after Gnat has drank water all day long!

6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHY was my Post just edited???????
I cited a perfectly reasonable thought of why might work with the eviction process and the cheating??

An entire paragraph was just cut out of the middle of my post and I'd like to know why. I didn't break any of your rules Carolyn.


6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Still no mention of double eviction tomorrow. Wouldn't they have at least mentioned it yet?"

Yeah, I have a feeling it's just not going to happen.

Sucks knowing that pretty much the only good player left in the game will be voted off tomorrow, the only two I can stand are Sharon and Adam, so I guess I want them to be the final two. :-/

Hopefully we get to see sequester tomorrow.

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

James is not throwing Sharon under the bus...what are his options? He either campaigns to save himself or he goes home. She should and is doing the same thing.

7:00 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

kitty - i have no idea what you're talking about... i didn't touch your post... apart from clicking "publish"

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There might not be a double eviction this season because we had jacob leave immidiately so that was like a fast forward itself

7:01 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

It seems to me that even BB production has given up on BB9. Their motto for the rest of this season should be "Expected the same ole" Blah!

7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to reach into the tv screen and knock some sense into Ryan.Adam not putting up James was a cowardly move?!Wow.But I'm glad Ryan gave credit to James for being an amazing player...& just a lil question, why do the HGs call Ryan "Rye Bread?"

7:04 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Kitty (unpub by request)

No worries. ;) Blog on.

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was just so ridiculous when Sheila went nuts that Adam put her up.Wow, I would really like to see her reaction when she gets evicted.

7:05 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

James campaigning to Team Crisco is like using sign language with the GPs. I'm afraid his fate is sealed. Besides, I like James too much to wish him any more time with these (umm ok I'll be nice) people.

7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG Carolyn, a "janie stole my dolly" flashback! ROFLMAO! I am still laughing! Too frikkin funny (and so true)!

you rock my world...........

7:07 PM  
Blogger seVen said...

Allison Grodner said...
Its not cheating if the "good" side does it just TRICKERY cant you folks keep up
What the hell show are you watching? James is Pink Jesus and CBS is his cross!

7:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan and Adam just agreed on who would win the comp. Don't think that is cheating, like it wasn't cheating when James made a deal to have Nat drop during the endurance competition

7:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously is there any hope for James?

7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First time commenter
But I love this website for all the BB9dish!

Im really sick of sheila thinking she can skate through this game with adam holding her hand. Like she takes it SOOOO personal when she got put on the block. like get over it. she hasnt won anything and its not like adam owes her anything. im just tired of sheila complaining when she was on the block. like its going to happen again and again untill she is kicked from the house!

well thankyou for letting me rant. she was just getting on my nerves.

oh another question. does anyone have a picture of sheilas son? i'd like to see what he looks like so when they talk about him i can put the name to a face.

Love the site!

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

surprised that they would show adam and ryan talking, but don't think anything will be done about that. as far as i know it would only be a redo if it was an HOH comp. can't remember which season it was but an HOH comp was done twice because of a malfunction. unfortunately the house guest who won the first time didn't win the second time and was really mad about not ending up with HOH.

7:11 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Welcome, Brianna :)

7:12 PM  
Blogger Cara said...

Is it just be or has Ryan gained a few since the begining? I really used to like him but his attitude these last few weeks has really gone down the crapper. He acts like he's so big and tough now. He wouldn't have won that comp if it wasnt' for Adam.

7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


is allison grodner here?!?

7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't Natalie look like Minnie Mouse tonight?

Also Sheila reacted that way because it's all an act for the other HG between her and Adam.

7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hadn't realized Ryans last name is Quick--- I heard him called "Quick" .I thought it was due to Jens remarks after sex in the toilet.

7:13 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

patti - of course. why else would the couches match the blog? ;)

lol... KIDDING!

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have been watching the feeds...shehag is telling adam that SHE is the biggest threat...cbs wants great TV so they will keep her and adam together as the last couple standing..oh PUUUUUUULEZZZZE,...her % likeable on several posts are at 4%...if cbs lets her go 2 the final 2 i will hurl!!!!

7:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw two different times that Adam gave answers on the broadcast tonight. If we saw two, could there have been more? Also when he gave the first answer, everyone but Nat was in the game still. Isnt that cutting out Sheila and Sharon as well as James? I feel it was cheating. If it was only at the end with the two boys, it wouldnt have mattered, but according to what I saw, It was done early in the comp.

7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know it's just desperation, but I wish Jimmy would stop telling Ryan "they" voted him out (meaning his alliance) when the truth is, they voted ALLISON out and wanted Ryebread to stay. They happily jumped at the opportunity to vote him back in, obviously just wanting Allison out.

Ry is such a woos. Or is it wuss. whatevah!!..........:)

7:18 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

Tonights show left me feeling kind of blah. Stupid me almost thought that Ryan wouldn't use the veto then I had a reality check ...

der der der

What can I say except that it goes to show you how badly I want James to stay.

Who knows what will happen, but we'll find out tomorrow night.


7:20 PM  
Blogger Good Times said...

So Adam doesn't put up Natalie and puts James on the block because he doesn't want the alliance to get mad at him? OMG!!!! What a weiner.

7:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beorn, Ron in CO, ~imo, hank...Where ya been all day!?! I feel like I have been battling all day with trying to defend James as a good player! My head hurts...lol. Here's to Sharon winning HoH tomorrow!

"And Hoops shall come down from the HoH room and tear thy asses newly. None a 'good person' shall be saved from Her fury. And at the end of the day, whilst Hoops licks the blood off her fingers, Natalie shall pray to the deer head and ask...well no one cares what she'll ask cause it's Natalie." Ah-men :)

~ Ryan ~

7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last Tuesday's episode had to have been the best 1 by far this season. James made that episode sooo funny and dramatic. I had to watch it a couple of time's over. His DR sessions are sooo funny!

7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Team Crisco ... I love it!! With Natty's recent weight gain, it's totally appropriate! ;)

I wasn't surprised that Ryan used the Veto ... Natty told him to. Him and Adam just seem to do whatever she wants them to. I had some hope for Adam when he DIDN'T initially put up James, but that was short lived.

Oh and welcome back Beorn, you cutie. ;)

7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out shebots greatest moments on youtube titled "crazy bitch" from TrishyDoll79 be warned though foul langauge abounds.

7:24 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

Re speculation about the endurance comp: I think the rest of the season will be an endurance comp... for the viewers... BB is trying to test how much lip smacking hypocrisy and inane double standard we can endure...

On another note: My GOD Carolyn! I figured in the month I have been coming to the blog (my luniversary with the dish tonight!)that you were awesome. I revise that! The blog... the couches! Genius! :)

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm a first-timer here, but wanted carolyn to know that out of all the sites to get BB9 updates, BB9Dish is by far the best, the most truthful and always the most up to date on the happenings inside the house...keep up the good work. And to everyone else, thanks for ya'll comments. it's been intersting to see how others view the houseguests.

7:25 PM  
Blogger RedRhonda said...

So quiet in here tonight Carolyn...come on, James still has a chance, I have some faith. Nat is rubbing some nerves....At least James is keeping it a little lively at times.

7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Afer tonite's show all I can say is I dont want Sheila to win. I think she expects to go the finale and win by a landslide. She doesnt make anything roght, shes not even a floater. UGH
I dislike nat, but id prefer nat to win over sheila.


7:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you really want to know the twist here goes . If Adam and Sheila go to the final three they automatically compete as one against whomever is left and that is why we are not doing a fast forward this season. Stay Tuned and pretend you dont know the twist.

7:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kitty @ 6:57

Don't know if this is maybe the case, but I have to go back and proof-read what I have typed before I click on "Publish."

It's not Carolyn's fault. It's something I'm doing -- But I have noticed moooooore than once that paragraphs and/or sentences have been somehow deleted from what I have typed.

After having seen several of my posts appearing to make no sense because of deleted portions, I started proofing before I "clicked" and found the problem was on my end, not Carolyn's.

I can get rather long-winded (long-typed?) but have never encountered editing from Carolyn. The only instance I have encountered deleted comments was last night in a response I made to what I considered an unfair post -- but it is my understanding that about 75 of us got deleted in order to keep the original comment from creating an "incident."

This is a wonderful site, with no rules outside of those concerning common courtesy. I hope you'll find it an enjoyable experience. You definitely will not be called names or be made to feel like you are a waste of space and air. Those types of posts aren't allowed. Thank God. (The one on James' butt, not Natalie's God.)

7:31 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

ispyutwo Thanks very much :) and welcome!!

genie hehehe - happy luniversary! ;) just for the record, the blog background came 1st. been the same since bb7.

Ryan Ahhhh-men.

Rhonda I'm debating having an early night... If it's an endurance comp tomorrow, which I'm believing it will be, I need to rest up.

7:32 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Genie - All night builds are not at all uncommon.

7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

James may keep it lively but his mean tricks like dumping flour in someones face are WAY out of line. As far as the cheating rumor goes give me a break its no different than 2 players making a deal on the disco balls now is it. And also Jimmy boy has no one to blame for being alone since the people he chose as allies have shown no ability to win HOH if they had then they would have targeted Nat Ryan and Adam so to act like hes entitled to stay in the house is comical to stay you or your alliance has to ACTUALLY win HOH which they have been unable to do

7:35 PM  
Blogger Pyke said...

Patti, James isn't only referring to that time, but also the time when Ryan was on the block against Matt and his WHOLE alliance voted him out. Ever since, including Ryan, it's been about revenge for Mattie! (Ryan wants revenge too... what a freaking fool, he'd be gone if it weren't for James!)

7:37 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

Cheers Cheers from Montreal! :) I refuse to call them the other self-proclaimed title! Team Crisco it is!

Carolyn! Thanks for the info (feed/blog newbie here, up to a month ago I only watched the shows... BOY what I was missing!)Now I know you're genius cuz They copy You! hehe

Also, I'm gonna get sappy. So many wonderful bloggers here! I don't agree with all of you, but I love reading your comments!

7:40 PM  
Blogger piper said...

I love James but I do want him to leave tomorrow. Not because he doesn't deserve to be there or to win the half million--he does. I just want him to have peace. I want him to go to sequester and have a great time, not worry, and to reconnect with Chelsia.

People are just too cruel to each other (in the game and in the real world).

Thank you Carolyn. You are a blessing.

7:40 PM  
Blogger Good Times said...

As much as I want James to stay, I don't think it's gonna happen unless BB decides to sound off that siren tomorrow night. That won't happen either. Ryan and Adam are too stupid to figure out that they need James to stay in the game to get Nat out of the house. The ones that are left in the house won't be able to pull it off. The best thing to happen is for Sharon to win and get Nat out. If any of them win it then it's bye bye Sharon and she is gone and the house will be left with the worse losers in BB history and I for one won't watch once Sharon leaves. I won't be able to watch one of those idiots win the 500 thou.Oh how I dread tomorrow night. James is the best player this season and he is getting the raw deal. this sucks big time!

7:42 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Piper Thanks very much :)

7:42 PM  
Blogger Sapient said...

I hate that James is going to go. I don't know that I'll watch after that. Except for the part where they start eating their own. So maybe I'll take a week off if Sharon doesn't win HoH.

7:43 PM  
Blogger RedRhonda said...

Carolyn..looks like it will be endurance. And also looks very quiet in the house (Nat snoozing, boys feeding faces!)

Guess it is time to walk Puppy, though it is butt-cold out there!! Okay, send some sun out here!! It is not suppose to be snowing in April!!!Sorry, driveling on...long, cold, boring day.

7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a idea for the cheaters, how about penalty noms for adam and rayn and if it ends in tie as we know it will america breaks the tie!!!!

7:47 PM  
Blogger ReporterX said...

I kinda liked tonights show it showed the HG's a little closer to how we live feeds viewers see them..edits were fair..

7:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can you all say James is the best player for 4 weeks he know she has to win HOH to survive and cant get it dun so whos fault is that. You may dislike Nat Ryan Shiela And Adam but as a group they have won 4 HOH in a row thats pretty damn impressive

7:51 PM  
Blogger Beorn said...

Melissa, Cheers from Montreal, and anonymous(es)--

Such warm, kind comments. Thanks!!!!!

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Didnt you see what Allison Grodner wrote in the comments? Not cheating. lol
They didnt cheat. Either way James was going up.

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone else see Sheila and Natalie and think about Maggie and Ivette? Seriously. They're two girls who honestly think that they're in the right and will most likely be in total shock when they realize that the show is edited to make James look like the poor, struggler because America (rightfully so) loves him and hates them.

Sadly, I see a very similar result to this season as in season six. The favorites leave and it comes down to girls who are just plain despicable. I could even make an Allison and Jun comparison here too since Natalie love to give out the BJs.

Adam and Ryan are being incredibly stupid right now. If James goes Natalie and Sheila will pull in Sharon and evict the two guys one by one. The sad part is that those two aren't looking into the future so they're actually doing the dirty work for the girls.

Adam can't play in HoH this week. Ryan is physically broken down. If the contest is physical in any way, shape or form one of the girls will easily win. Sharon might go on the block but whichever guy accompanies her will go home since the girls control the votes (1-1 with the female HoH breaking the tie.)

If the two dudes had any brains they would have never let James get on the block. They'd save him and work with him and Sharon to get rid of at least Sheila or Natalie before going back to making James the target. They'd have at least one week of safety since James would rather target Natalie before either of the guys.

I guess I just have this horrible feeling of dread that the final three will be Sheila, Natalie and a random houseguest that won't even win one of the first two parts of the final HoH so I'll have to sit around for a week not giving a crap while the jury has to decide between Natalie or Sheila which is the smaller pile of feces. :(

8:06 PM  
Blogger Sapient said...

dun? Come on, you don't have to act as dumb as Natalie.

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

James' luck has ran out. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out.
Lost POV so its time for him to go. Game over for James!

8:13 PM  
Blogger Beorn said...


"technicolor hurl"---LMAO

Don't get me wrong; my sympathy for what Sheila faces while trying to clean the house in no way takes away from my fervent belief that we should look into trading her for some poor hostage in Iraq. As an added bonus, she'd probably b**ch shrilly, loudly, and long enough take a few extremists down--a one-woman sonic bunker buster.

8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, so was that really Allison Grodner?? And what do we think about what she said about Adam and Sheila?

9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kudos from Ron in CO, why thank you. And yes, I know who you are talking about, lol.

Beorn @ 8:44 ~ Oh my Jesus. I quit smoking last year, but I all of a sudden went into a smoker's fit of laughter/coughing when I read that post. Sheila is a one woman sonic bunker buster...HYSTERICAL!

Let's go Sharon!

~ Ryan ~

9:07 PM  
Blogger ǝuoʎuɐzǝɥʇ said...

I'm behind on all of the posts and comments....had other pressing matters over the last three days.

Just wanted to say real quick that I thought the flour was funny. However, you have to consider this before you get all mean on me: My sisters once dumped a 5 pound bag of flour on me while I was in the shower. With shampoo in my hair.

It's a funny prank. All of the guys were pranking Sheila around that time, not just James.

9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Random, I realize, but is Natty getting pudgy?

9:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ron in co said....

Thank God. (The one on James' butt, not Natalie's God.)

HAHAHAH i love it!

9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't see that at all. ryan had the right answer, Ballers was wrong? What did I miss? And did it really matter since they were the last two? Did I miss the veto ceremony? I must've snoozed on that ...
Y'all can say what you want, but Ryan is playing a pretty good game. Stay low and win when it counts. How can you say he's spineless? What did he do that made him spineless? He's just a good guy!

6:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon @ 6:25 -- Doubt seriously that CBS or sponsors are going to cancel because you said you won't watch. There are many, many of us who will still enjoy the game and see the humor in all of the remaining HG's and they know that. Besides, James is making sure he can't get much air time with his "new clothes", so what else are they going to show?

6:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not cheating, it's called game play. I am not positive, but don't believe there's a rule about not ganging up during comps. It was actually smart for Adam and Ryan to do that. It's a game!

6:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon @ 6:39 PM, Kitty, Pyke, crisi & etc
They didn't "cheat". This is what happened b/c I have it recorded:
Q #1= Didn't trade/check answers. (Nat out...funny that she was the 1st to go since I think that besides James she is the one that wanted it the most.)
Q #2= {Jane you're right} Ryan had ALREADY put his knees down w/ his answer THEN Adam arrives w/ his # & says he thinks it's 30 something BUT it wasn't it was 44 & Ryan ALREADY had the correct answer. (She out.)
Q #3= Didn't trade/check answers. I figure the reason Ryan knew that answer was b/c his partner ALSO got sick the same date not just Amanda. JAMES was WAY off. (James OUT) (From here on EVEN IF "cheating" was going on it didn't matter for James b/c he was already O-U-T.)
Q #4= Didn't trade/check answers. (Sharon out.)
Q #5 (Last Q)= BEFORE the Q was asked Ryan said to Adam: "I'll take it if you don't want it; Let's give the same answer & then I'll kneel down 1st." And Adam said: "Okay." (Obviously, this would be b/c Adam was spineless AGAIN & didn't want to get POV b/c then his choices would've been to leave nom's the same & be on the outs w/ more ppl than just James for the rest of the game AND in final 2 votes if up against Sharon/James b/c he'd lose the votes of Ryan, She, Nat & most likely Mattie if it's Adam vs Sharon [@ least 3 but maybe 4 votes total] & would lose OR he'd have to use it & put up one from his alliance & then once again he'd be on the outs w/ more ppl than just James & lose in the final votes [which I think is what would happen anyway just b/c of the nom's he did this time BUT he'd have better odds this way than not] OR he'd have to use it & put up James & risk J's "wrath" until eviction dy...as I said SPINELSS...I guarantee you that BEFORE the POV comp he had already thought about all the scenarios about if he won & had no intentions of winning it if James was already out...but I bet he was hoping James wouldn't notice the "deal".) BUT AS IT HAPPENED after the Q was read Ryan got up 1st (Adam could've let that be on purpose) & got the answer & near the back of the search area he crossed paths w/ Adam & Adam ASKED what answer he had (35) & then he choose 1 # lower (34) (which IS technically a break of the deal but close enough). Now I don't know if he ALSO had come up w/ the correct answer on his own & was just dbl checking what he wanted to do or if he really didn't know.

What happened w/ Ryan & Adam is NO DIFFERENT than the James/Nat disco ball "deal" EXCEPT if Adam had reneged completely it would have to have been DURING the comp & obvious. Nor is it much different than when Sharon threw that same comp b/c she didn't want the weight of being HoH & was hoping James would win it. BTW, I think the DUMBEST move in BB9 was when Mattie THREW the POV comp b/c of the DB deal & the 2nd worst in BB history (after Marcellis [sp?] being the #1 worst move).

If HGs can make deals during group HoH comps (when there are no divider walls) then they can during POV comps & it's done all the time...funny how when ppl get the idea that this screwed James (when it actually didn't b/c he was already out) ALL OF A SUDDEN there are SOME ppl (James lovers) that complain.

When there are comps that HGs aren't allowed to "conspire" in then the comp is individually played...HG by HG so ea one doesn't know what the others are doing & the others are unable to help or there are divider walls or told specifically they can't AND NONE of those things were in play during the latest POV.

IOW, the short answer to if James was "cheated" out of the POV is: N-O.

Sorry Heather but the chance to have a #'s advantage for the boys was gone when they voted out Josh instead of Sharon...plus Sharon isn't playing the "girls alliance" anymore IF she can help it. And I can't blame Ryan for not trusting James after he broke the D.B. comp promise (AND yes James DID say DURING that comp that not back-dooring was part of the deal...I have it recorded.) One should be careful when breaking promises/deals ESPECIALLY when made IN FRONT of ALL the HGs.

patti @ 7:18 PM, EXACTLY! And almost the same was w/ Sharon except it was via "Power Cpl"...Sharon wasn't kicked out so much as it was really Jacob being the target. James is the ONLY HG to be evicted as an INDIVIDUAL & not via cpl that got the "2nd chance".

Anon @ 7:51 PM, EXACTLY!

BTW, I know what Ryan's last name is & it's not just "Quick" that's a nickname which is a shortened version of his actual name...I found out what it was when his Grandfather died.

BTW/FYI: Dun is ACTUALLY a real word BUT not w/ the definition that Nat is using (but I do think she's playing off Larry T.C.G. doing the "getter dun").
Dun= v. tr. dunned, dun-ning, duns 1. To importune (a debtor) for payment: a dunning letter.
n. 1. One that duns. 2. An importunate demand for payment. [Origin unknown]
I got this definition via a computer word game.

Finally (sorry for the long post this time), I have ALWAYS had a problem w/ the re-caps especially when the "voice" recaps things THEN either Julie AGAIN repeats the same or when Julie isn't there but the same thing the "voice" said is just re-shown AGAIN (in part or in full) after opening credits.

JT (This is where I have been putting my name but I also did as asked starting w/ this post.)

10:52 AM  

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