Big Brother 9 Live Show Spoiler
Good Evening, Big Brother Lovers! Welcome to the Live Show Spoiler.
In the event the HoH Comp is endurance and lasts longer than the CBS broadcast, I will open a new post immediately following the broadcast, aptly titled Endurance Comp.
The Live Show has begun! The Weekly Recap is in progress...
Good Evening from Julie Chen. "It's day 63, and this week has been all about the man with the target on his back: James." More recapping from Julie... then "James may have lost the PoV, but his battle is far from over..."
Natalie DR: If I'm up against anyone left in this house, I know I'll have the votes to win.
Sharon DR: If I get to the final 2, I think I'll have the votes to win.
James DR: I'll be the one to take down the Natalie beast.
James picking on Natalie segment. "Why'd you stop working out when Matt left?"
Natalie: If I win next week, I'm gonna be pissed at the people who are laughing and egging him on.
James correctly predicts her every reaction.
Natalie threatens Adam. Ryan and Adam say they can't trust her. They realize they can't beat her in an endurance.
Ryan: Gotta knock the bitches out.
Sheila DR: Natalie's full of crap. She can talk up the girl power, but she wants to go to the end with one of those boys.
Natalie telling Adam that Sharon said he was the biggest threat and she wanted to get rid of him. Then Natalie telling Ryan that Sharon wants the girls to stick together...
Sheila DR: I need to let Adam know that Natalie is coming after him.
Then Sheila tells Adam that Natalie wants him out, and is pushing the women's alliance... and "Whatever Natalie says to you, you can't trust."
Adam DR: Who do I believe? Who's who? What's What?
Cut to James trying to work on Ryan...
Commercial... Back - Checking in with the HGs
Very exuberant greeting.
A question from one of the viewers for Natalie - What does religion have to do with the game?
Adam flirts more with Julie... very cute.
Sheila - practical jokes tape.
James, why is Sheila always the target?
James: Sheila's a great sport. I think she's the only one who could handle it.
Sheila says the jokes make her feel younger, then Julie gives her the opportunity to say hi to Mick. :)
Sharon family segment... tears... lovely family.
Julie: Coming up.. we're going to see the jury house... but first, the pros and cons of keeping James from Natalie, Ryan and Sheila
Sequester segment.. really nice...
Moments away from the live vote...
Sharon & James make their cases to the other HGs...
Natalie Votes to Evict James
Ryan votes to evict James
with 2 votes, it's official...
Sheila votes to Evict James
By a vote of
from the BB house
James with Julie... then goodbye messages...
Coming up next, the hoh comp. They showed the HGs outside, and it looks like some serious structural rigging... Dare I say the E word? ;)
Each of them is in a glass box.
The floor is about to be removed.
The last person standing, is the new HoH
They're holding on by chains and bars...
They can use their legs as well...
Apparently sitting on the bars is ok for the moment too.
Ryan's having difficulty before we cut to commercial.
Back from commercial, Julie notices Ryan's sweating already.
Sheila says it's stinky.
Julie: Well houseguests, settle in for a long night. This is an endurance comp..
The HoH Comp is Endurance and Will be
Covered in it's entirety on a post
titled "Endurance Comp"
which will begin as soon as the Live Show is Over
Nine minutes and counting. Can you tell I've already gotten into the coffee and chocolate?
As unlikely as it is.. I still have a little tiny bit of hope that James has some how managed to turn the house upside down and vote out Sharon instead!! Just a wee-bit of hope! :)
GEAUX JAMES sequester.
I kind of agreed with the idea of somebody anonymous a couple of posts ago, that the powers that be maybe know that James is probably a ratings getter and so maybe just maybe they'll pull some viewer-gets-to-vote strings to keep him in the game. maybe. maybe.
Adam is such a softy. He tries to act like a tough guy, but he is ruled by his heart. I wonder if he has the hootspa to get to the end?
Bye bye James
TEAM PINK here! If james goes I'm not watching! Ryan is racist and if wins one dime to take home to that two faced g.f. of his I'll puke!
Anyone notice that CBS does not have Neils pic in the intro to the show
Ok had to go get a gmail account so I could post with you all and not be anon!!!
I admit that I am powerless over BB9 and my life has become unmanageable!!!
I dont believe Sexy Slavetoy would read my response in an earlier thread, so here it is.
Natalie had already made a comment about the lie regards the cheerleader claim in one of her prayers to God, She said she was sorry for the lie. but she was having so much fun with it.
That was early on, Not long after the lie had been made.
I want him to go but it is weird there hasn't been a real America's choice this year so far.
I just can't take how hypocritical Natalie and Sheila so often are.
And I'm crossing my fingers that James can somehow pull through...but I've pretty much given up hope :(
Natalie can't handle the pressure of the truth.
All the talk between the girls and they haven't shown Sheila talking hardly any. What a fake scene. Sheila was opening her mouth just as much as Natalie.
OK OK I got a gmail account so I can communicate with you all!!! been here for weeks not knowing how!!
Hope it works.
Step one: I admit I am powerless over BB9, and my life has become unmanagable!!!
LOL :)
Love this edit of NataLIE! LOL!!!
how fabulous is the editing.
they are finally making natalie look like the lying snake she is!!
Natalie disgusts me...period.
Sheila once again making a statement about someone else and not realizing it also applies to her. Claiming Natalie only tells people what they want to hear. Sheila, I believe that describes you as well.
OH, this is going to become so comical as the rest of the season plays out.
OMG-- I love the edit this week! They are showing NataLIE for exactly what she is. EXCELLENT so far.
Whoa! I just (finally) read all the comments from the overnight report and I have a few things to say:
Carolyn, You are an amazing person to withstand the criticism you have taken today. I have *never* felt like you were biased for or against any HG. You have given an accurate report. If I were in your position I would require that people leave a name when posting (even if it's a fake name, at least we could follow the comments!) and I would choose to not publish comments that are personally degrading. You don't deserve to be torn down for your hard work, dedication and public service. WE LOVE YOU CAROLYN!!
To Jane: I too am totally in love with James for all the same reasons you are and last night I realized that Sheila is actually starting to grow on me a little. I never thought that would happen but it has. Strange!
Happy live show everyone!!
Let's all try to play nice.
Natalie is the one saying she will go after Adam, but she is saying it is Sharon. Sheila is telling the truth, Natalie is the one working the house to turn things toward her side.
First post here!
I would give anything to have BB throw up a major twist to keep James in this week. It would just send Natalie into a tail spin if something happened to mess up her plans.
Well y'all, Natalie's made my decision for me: As soon as I can, I'm going to Salem for some coffee and a photo op...
OMG!!!!! You...You're that woman! You....OMG, ma'am, could you take a picture of her and me? This is the lady who lied about giving all those bj's to that guy in Boston. She's like a human Hoover! Take the picture!!
Why? Only because I can't contaminate Natalie's house with Ebola virus, which is what I think she really deserves.
I think I have come to the conclusion that Natalie is the biggest liar in the whole house probably this whole season. I think she does it when she doesn't even need to, so here's hoping James' comments all week have planted seeds and it ALL comes back to bite the big gNat in the butt next week! Go Sharon, don't throw it! Go Sheila even! Last resort, Go Ryan - just NOT gNatalie!
I hope so Julie. It does not look that way as of now. I know one thing I can't stand Nat, I am ashamed that she is a Scorpio like myself. James is a scorpio too and I love him so I guess that balances it out. Their making it look like James is making headway which we saw on the live feeds that he was not. My hope is dwindling, I think James is really going home :-(
OOh my goodness, this is sooo exciting!! If James somehow stays I will freak out. That would be awesome game play!!
Lovin it, lovin it, lovin it
loving tonights show..LOVE IT!
TY TY TY TY TY for showing the Natalie we see on the live feeds..
Maybe they will re-do the POV as Adam helped Ryan win.
Love Love Love the Edit on NataLIE this week!!!!!
yah Carolyn! Does that mean you got my post about the live show? I was SO happy I found that since weahter has cancelled the show here.
You rock Carolyn!!!!
Kim in OK
Natalie is a loony and it her time to go!
Hmmm... Nice edit work on Natalie. BB seems to have a clear picture of her. :)
***quit laughing at are just egging James on!!!****
Sorry, couldn't control myself! She was threatening them, like she rules the roost!! Where does she get off? Please, someone knock her down a peg!!
***going back to my corner with my dog***
"Kinda religious...."
She's a freaking joke!!
Go Sharon!
@my_2_girls: I'm all for twists but if they did that, they might as well give him the 500K. One second chance is enough.
OK all of you BBDish fans of Big Brother... let's thank 'our mighty' Carolyn by donating in the tip jar a cup of Joe's worth (if nothing else) to make she gets her Cuban coffee to keep us informed with all the remaining idiots in the house. It's only through her that I find out what NataLIE says... simply can't with that one anymore.
PS.I am amazed that the women on this blog rule as far as giving/tipping.
Love Shebots tan lines on her neck! Love love love the edit of Natalie tonight, thank goodness the t.v. only folks get to see it like we do!
Huge James fan here posting for the first time from London UK at nearly 1.30am. I should be in bed but this fabulous site just keeps drawing me in to find out what's happening to the pink haired pixie who has completely got me hooked on BBUS for the first time.
Thanks for a fantastic service Carolyn, I don't know what I'd do without you xxx
I guess cbs didnt wanna show ry-toast spitting on national TV while talking with julie.
OH, I can't believe Sharon didn't answer Julie honestly. She should have really told NataLIE what she thought!!!
I did love the piece about her family though.
OMG. Nat is too dense to even understand why the question of religion came her way. That girl must have a hole in her head... lacking brain substance.
Team Christ, my a**.
YaY sequester!!!
YEAHHH the sequester house tonight!!!!!! whooo hooo! i can't wait!
Very interesting that they spent time digging away at Natalie's Christian Act.
Maybe I can hope that the casting directors have gotten the message that they need to screen people for freak cultish "Christian" ignorance. I sure couldn't swallow anymore of it without vomiting.
...and Yay! The Jury House! Finally!
yay!!! we get to see the sequester house!!!! can't wait for that segment!
"because i don't know if i can beat natalie physically or mentally"
listen Shiela, you can't beat ANYONE physically or mentally!! haha
I do hope James has turned the votes around. I would loved to have him stay. He is the Evil Dick of the season.
OMG!!!!! You...You're that woman! You....OMG, ma'am, could you take a picture of her and me? This is the lady who lied about giving all those bj's to that guy in Boston. She's like a human Hoover! Take the picture!!
LMAO!!! I need to drive north and check out Oregon too.
LMAO- That would be amazing!!!!
It's official. Beorn is my hero.
Beorn~ Let me know when you head to Salem, I'll join ya.
Sound like fun to me!
As usual, Love your comment!! A smile to brighten this sad day.
kim in OK - yup
meant to post it before.. thanks fo rth ereminder
Happy Birthday Matt...
Spending it with the people you really like. ;-/
Poor least we know his vote won't be changed from the Bros & Hos alliance.
Chelsia: Natalie is a "Bible Banging B*tch"
...and this is why we love Chelsia.
I want Natalie to go to the Jury House with Chelsia and Josh because they don't have as much to lose any more. da-da-da-duuuuuuuummmmm
Carolyn, thanks so much for the link to the East Coast Feeds!!
LOL I can't wait till they see James enter the sequester house.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. This sucks!
Welcome to 'our home away from home'. I will be joining you for the finale of this game... across the Atlantic. Are you watching the show online?
Poor Matt. He will be in that house with three people that he doesn't like. Even though he won't be by himself, he will still basically be by himself.
Ok James is gone. What a shock lol but still kinda sucks
Really, really sad to see James go. I hope he achieved his objective and they all turn on eachother this week. We need some excitement now that he's gone! Hope we see him in the next All Stars!!!
One other thought. Matt better get someone else in his room before Natalie goes to the jury house or she will get in his bed and not get out.
Shocking, NataLIE talked like she was 5 in the live voting. Ugh why does she do that?
The sequester segment was amazing!!! I miss Josh :(
James' speech epitomizes everything I love about him. You're a winner James, money or not!
Carolyn....they are reading the blogs! They questioned Nat's religion! How funny was that!
It's official, BB9 is officially over for me. I appreciate everything that you do Carolyn and bb9dish, keep up the good work. I'm going to go and cry now.
they didn't show the big fight between james and ryan!! boooo
Oh darn, looks like he is going this time. Shoot! Well, he sure gave it a great effort. If Alex had done 1/3 of that, he would have stayed for sure.
I was nice go see Matt and Josh, Chelsea still seemed a bit pissed though. Chelsea will be unhappy and happy to see James.
Come on HOH! You have to flip this house! Nat has to go on the block or is this just my prayer!!
YES! FINALLY! Peace out biatch! I'm sooo happy James is finally gone and no chance of coming back in a pretty box with a bow on it! LMAO!!!!
Lol, it's so funny how Sheila says that being in the big brother household is one of the hardest things she ever had to do, like she was drafted to the army or something...
i love him!!
ill be a team pink fan foreverr.
chelsia and josh are going to be so mad to see him. he should have won.
natalie better be the next one out!!!
Wow Ryan and Natalie's goodbye speeches... Classy! May they follow him to sequester :)
James is a class act for how he left the house!
The house officially lost it's entertainment factor tonight. :(
Looks Like Endurance................YES!!!!!!!!!!
YAY!!! Looks like an endurance comp! Carolyn it just may be that long night we've been hoping for!!!!
****passing around 'cup of joe's' to all to toast James, pray for victory for your favorite HG (Sharon)*****
Now, while you at it, hit the tip jar for Carolyn. She really loves the Cuban coffee!!!!
Nothing but love for my man James!
I almsot puked when I heard Matt say he wants NataLIE, cult leader of Team Crisco, to win, that is until he said the reason was b/c he would benefit from that, then I laughed my a$$ off!!
Carolyn, I am mentally sending you a granda mocha with whip cream. Yummy and full of caffeine. Ready for endurance.
Guess the miracle I was praying for didn't happen. I'll miss James in the house. I'll be cheering for Sharon now.
Oh well I just have to remember that I wanted Dick and Dani to win last season and they did. Hopefully next season someone will win that I want. Now I am rooting for Sharon, Adam then Sheila. Please don't let Nat or Ryan win.
Ryan will be out first!!!
I really ended up liking James (and that after Alex and Amanda were my initial favorites). James will be back for AS2... that is as sure as ED being back. Two of a kind.
Enjoy sequester! We'll have another F2, I am afraid, like BB4, BB6. Make me want to vomit!
UGH! It's Natalie's freaking game.
LMFAO!!!!!!!!! Ry bread is toast!
lmfao@ we'll see in 5 minutes...
Endurance Comp...Ryan is screwed...boys are up for eviction if Natty doesn't win.
My prediction is Sharon/Natalie. Sharon winner.
LOL @ Ryan and this competition! He should just go ahead and drop. GOOOO Sharon!
Ryan is so wishing he would have kept James! He is going to be the first one off.
Looks like the Good People here are gonna take a summer road trip to Oregon. ;-)
I am putting it out there. Sharon HOH! Clean the house of Team Crisco.
What a joke that comp is.. How can they make every physical comp about how long you can hang in the air? Didn't we see this once already? So boring. Let me guess, 2 hours in they will cover the glass in water.. Or maybe spin them. Weee..
Honestly, make something a little more about willpower and a little less about carrying your body weight. Last year's endurance was epic because it was about who wanted it the most.
Oh boy, I see Ryan lasting about 5 minutes! LMAO! This is totally sharon and nat's thing, maybe even sheila! LOL! Ok, maybe not, but at this point I actually want her to win something!
You rock Carolyn!!!!
You called it! :-)
Go Sharon! Since James is gone I am routing for Sharon now!
I bet Ryan doesn't last long.
GOOOOO Sharon!!!
I loved that they showed Sharon's family, I just happen to live near Olathe.
I feel sick to my stomach. I have this horrible feeling gNat (or love the nataLIE spelling someone used) will hang on forever. Probably longer than disco ball. I'm just not sure Sharon will hang on til forever. Please Sharon don't let go!
Water is coming next........Come on Sharon or Sheila!!!!!
There goes Sharon, throwin the comp again! She said right at the end she was going already cause she "hurt her back" yesterday
This is going to be one interesting night!
Carolyn, I absolutely appreciate the time and effort that you have put into this blog site. This is my very first year reading the blogs and I also registered for the live feeds through your links as well. Keep up with your excellent work!
Oh no, Sharon said she is about to loose it.
I believe Natalie will take this, unless Sharon just said she wouldn't make it as strategy. Predictable... If NataLIE wins there goes Sharon and Adam on the block.
I signed up for the 24/7 feeds, I can not get online, does anyone have any tips. Error. Service Unavailable.
bye james
Wow, Shiela's starting to grow on me. It might have been that goodbye message to almost brought me to tears. I mean, yeah she talks non stop sometimes, but she's actually pretty good.Get Natalie OUTTA THERE!I hate the fact that Matt is gonna have a huge grin on his face when James walks in...My hatered for Matt just increased when he said that he wants Natalie to win so she can buy him something. I really don't like Natalie, but I hope she whoops his ass after this game is over.
You'll be missed James.Good Luck! :)
Wooooo Hoooooo!! Bye Bye James you snake!!
He hates Natalie and Ryan for who they stand for as a person??? Dr. Phil would say...."Do you have a mirror boa? Are you just completely unaware of your own accountability or just plain stupid?" lol
Kharma left him with dogma!
Go Natalie!
HAHA YES JAMES IT OUT!!! bout frikkin time!!!
NatLIE is just on repeat tonight.. does she have an original thought.
Sharon is in this to win ... and when she does, she's gonna kick some nasty Natty booty outta da house!!! time to get rid of dat big'o fake boobied B-otch! ROTFLMAO!!!!!
Until then, time to get out da Fabreeze cuz it stinks in da house.
We love you James!
Go rile up the sequester house and drive Matty NUTs!!!! Most importantly though, if Natalie makes it to the the final 2 (heavens forbid) that you engineer her defeat. She's the beast! Mark of the devil, the whore of babylon, team anti-christ ... yadda yadda yadda ... I swear, earlier today on the feeds when she was suntanning I saw 666 on the side of her head.
we love u james! you will be missed :(
big-she better win this one!!
I will tell you all what. The best strategy at this point is to TAKE NAT WITH YOU to the final two because NOBODY in the jury is gonna vote for her to win a half-million besides Matt. Crazy James, I miss you already and I am sooo proud of you for going out with some CLASS!XXXXXXXX
Yes, for a long time Natalie managed to have good edits that didn't reveal to America what a simple-minded, lying, conniving person she is and how gullible she is re: "Matty". I hate that name, BTW. He is "Matt". Matty sound a bit endearing, something that douchebag definitely isn't. I had already figured he'd try to weasel some of the money if Nat wins, and she just might if the rest of the house continues to believe her duplicity.
This is my first post, Carolyn, and I want to thank you for your dedication and concise recaps and continuous updating. Now I can skip through much of the show every week because I know the truth without the favorable editing to the HG du jour. And, incidentally, if BB9 invents some way to bring James back it will be a complete travesty and render BB9 much less of a "reality show.
I loved the show tonight! I thought it was nice to see Sharon's family talk about her. I especially loved seeing the Jury House. Maybe Matt really does like Natalie? I feel bad for him though being there with Chelsia and Josh and now James. Send him someone he can hang with this week. I can't wait to see everyone's reaction when James shows up! The Hate Mongers Alliance is together again.
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