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Big Brother 9 Auctions, BB9 Furniture
The Most STUNNING BB Alumni Pics You'll Ever See... by TheRealDeal
Adam on Ebay, Sheila on Ebay, Joshuah on eBay, Sharon on EBay
Natalie on EBay, Matty on EBay, Alex on Ebay, Amanda on Ebay
BB9Dish Quickie Poll Results, Awesome Pics from the Feeds!, BB9Dish Mugs, T-Shirts, Etc., , Big Brother DVDs,
Howie & Jerzeechik's All-Star Ebay Stuff, Cool BB9 T-Shirts & More, Big Brother 8 Stuff on Ebay
Big Brother All-Stars- Download it at iTunes

BB9Dish - Ya Gotta Have it!

The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!!
At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C

Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!


Friday, May 02, 2008

Big Brother 9 Gag Reel

Good Morning, Big Brother Lovers! I just found these bootleg clips of the gag reel from the BB9 wrap party up on youtube... They're so funny - I just had to share.

Gag Reel, Part 1

Gag Reel, Part 2

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Thursday, May 01, 2008

BB9 Memorabilia on eBay

Good evening, Big Brother fans! I hope you're having a wonderful week. I'm darn near human again. ;)


Ebay Sellers are coming out of the woodwork. Seems everyone who was at the wrap party grabbed something to sell... I'll be updating this post with new links as they appear.

Check these out:

BB1 Chicken George's Yearly Wrap Party Booty -
BB9 Signed T-Shirt & Autographed Pics
This tshirt was hand painted by Chicken George, and it is autographed by the entire cast of Big Brother 9, except for Allison (who was not at the wrap party) & Neil (who just plain vanished). In addition to the BB9 HGs, the shirt is autographed by Evel Dick (BB8 winner), Janelle (BB6/All Stars), and Chicken George. This one of a kind item is a must for Big Brother collectors & fans.

Authentic BB9 PoV Comp Prop Episode 31!

Crazy James Autographed PoV Game Piece

Official Big Brother 9 Vegas Comp Dice Ring CBS RARE

Big Brother 8's Zach is selling a bunch of stuff he grabbed from the BB9 wrap party on eBay...

For BB memorabilia collectors, there are some interesting, if not odd, offerings.

First up, Zach got all the BB9 HGs to sign a Dolphin Crash T-Shirt... Here's the link: Signed T-Shirt

For Zach fans, the big ticket item will be the wrist bands Zach wore in the Final Endurance Comp of his season... Here's the link: Zach's Wristbands

Zach's also selling some props from a veto comp and a bathroom sign (?!?)... Okie dokie...

To see all of Zach's listings, which include oodles of non-BB related stuff, please click on this: Zach on EBay. If you're all about the BB stuff, go straight to page 2 of his offerings. ;)

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

C=Venus Strikes Again

Good Morning, Big Brother lovers. :) I can't think of a better way to cap off finale week on bb9dish this season than with one more amazing chop from C=Venus!

I'll be back in a couple weeks with interviews of some of the final 9... after they've had a little time to decompress from their stay in the asylum...

C=Venus actually made 2 new chops for the finale, but the 2nd one is a bit too wide for the blog. Please click the pic (or the following link) to visit C=Venus' site and check out The Final Curtain. When you get there, choose Big Brother 9, then just click the "Next" button located on the upper right side of the pic. FYI, C=Venus also has a shop on cafepress where many of her chops from the season are available for purchase on t-shirts, mugs, etc..

And now, without further ado, Big Balla...

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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Big Brother 9 Finale Live Show Spoiler
& BBDish Prize Winners

    A note: Because there are so many comments on this post, in order to see all of them, you must use the navigation tools just above the first comment... you'll see "Newer" and "Newest" or "Older" and "Oldest."

    Click on those to see more comments.

Here we go!!

Julie: It was 81 days ago when 16 men and women walked into the Big Brother House. Now, only 2 remain. Who will win the 1/2 million dollars?

Recap VO Guy... the entire season in 5 minutes or less, minus any reference to the debacle of an America's Choice vote...

And that's over with. back to the studio. Host away, Mrs. Moonves.

We'll be voting for our favorite juror... on cbs.com.

Here's the link:

VOTE for Your Favorite Juror NOW

And on to the jury talking with each other... then Sheila walks in and the jury learns it's Ryan and Adam for Final 2. Sheila tells the jury that Adam threw the final comp so Ryan would get her blood on his hands. The jury seems to be leaning towards Ryan in this edit.

Jury Q n A...
Matt: Whatta you gonna do with the money, Balla?
Adam: Charity and business start up money.
Matt: Same question to Ryan.
Ryan: Help mom... Something nice for Jen and myself... and definitely put something towards charity... Just the best I can do with it.
Joshuah: That was the worst answer ever.
Sharon: Ryan, what was the point of feeding me all that bull?
Ryan: I fought for you all week, and it was a very last second thing. I was not gunning to get you out... I wanted you to stay.
Chelsia: Why should I give you 500k when you're gonna spend it on someone who called you out on national tv as a "hatred person."
Ryan says he loves her...

Josh QnA, James QnA... Natalie QnA... Sheila QnA...

Ryan & Adam do their speeches...

Incidentally, everyone is having issues with the voting on CBS... I believe it is actually working. It's just not showing results.

The jury is about to cast their votes. The votes are concealed from the tv audience. The jurors are allowed to make a closing statement to either of the HGs.

Matt votes first, and tells the boys they're taking him to Vegas.
Natalie - I love you both. Going with my gut.
Joshuah - I'm going to vote for the person that played hard in every comp and has a backbone.
Sharon - Decision based on who I felt was the most loyal in the game.
Sheila - After the round-table, this is a very easy decision to make, and I hope that honesty, loyalty and trust have something to do with this.
James - "I hope you party away this money."
Chelsia - I hope you guys hold to your end of the deal.. what you said at the round -table.

The votes are now locked...

Next up, the first 6 evictees reunite with the Jury.

And Julie sounds like she's about to run a tape with all of Matt's bragging about the ahem.. activities. Oops. No. Maybe not. The TV Only audience was never informed of all that anyway... Why start now?

She goes to Jen, who says she still doesn't like Allison, because of things she said. Allison, however, takes the high road.

Julie busts Adam in front of Ryan for whispering to Natalie that he voted for her. She also shows Adam the tape of Joshuah's DR, with him talking about crying on cue being very easy for him.

Julie's about to reveal the Votes to Win...

Matt - Adam
Natalie - Adam
Joshuah - Ryan
Sharon - Adam
Sheila - Adam!

It's Ovah!!

For the Record... James & Chelsia also voted for Adam.

Adam is the Winner
of Big Brother 9!!

Julie: Who is America's favorite juror? Find out when we come back! (from commercial)

Sheila came in 2nd. America's favorite juror: James!

Adam just made a very public declaration: $100,000 to an Autism Foundation.

Last on the agenda for tonight... We have some BBDish Prizes that need to be awarded... On the night we passed 5 million hits here on the blog, I said I was having a blogger appreciation prize giveaway of the winner's choice of mug.

Well, 5 million hits (now closer to 6 million) certainly warrants more than 1... so I decided to go with 5. Everyone who emailed that day got a message from me yesterday - well over 2000 of you...

All the winners were notified by email earlier today... 3 have responded and had their mugs sent already. 2 I'm still waiting on. Check your email!

Easier if I just say the names, huh?

The names of the winners are:


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Pre Finale Party

7pm Eastern.. One hour to go til the BB9 Finale!! 60 minutes started on time!! WooHoo!

I hope everyone came ready with their food and drink of choice...

What would a party on bb9dish be without a smashing new BB Chop from C=Venus & some QnA for the bloggers?? I've gotta few...

First up, What would you do if a half a million dollars (minus taxes) suddenly fell in your lap?

Second, Who for the win and by a what to what vote?

Third, which HGs from season 9 do you predict we'll see hosting comps for season 10?


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Happy Finale Day!!

Oh my goodness... Can you even believe it's here? The season that wasn't even supposed to happen is about to come to a close. Big Brother 9 is (I have to) D-U-triple-N tonight.

Since we've spent the entire season together, it's only fitting we end it together.

The pre-finale-party starts at 7pm eastern, 4pm BBT. BYOB.. or coffee.. or whatever. ;)

We can hang till 8pm eastern, then I'll open a new post for the Finale Live Show Spoiler...

Then we can have our own wrap party, here on bb9dish...

See ya at 7!

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