The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!!
At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C
Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!
Pre Finale Party

7pm Eastern.. One hour to go til the BB9 Finale!! 60 minutes started on time!! WooHoo!
I hope everyone came ready with their food and drink of choice...
What would a party on bb9dish be without a smashing new BB Chop from C=Venus & some QnA for the bloggers?? I've gotta few...
First up, What would you do if a half a million dollars (minus taxes) suddenly fell in your lap?
Second, Who for the win and by a what to what vote?
Third, which HGs from season 9 do you predict we'll see hosting comps for season 10?
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1st...whatever I wanted..
2nd...Baller for the win 5-2
3rd...I think Balla, James and maybe Sheila since she lives there would be brought back...
Less than an hour left to go...
Well they put 60 minutes on then went to the color bars for at least a minute.
I think Adam will win, He was nicer to everyone in the house.
Hmm. Id buy the nearest starbucks, then get a new computer.
Ryan 5-4
Chelsea and James for one, if not them then Joshua.
(god forbid its natty!!)
Loving this site Carolyn and will be eagerly awaiting July for the BB10!
(o and of course, I have 3 cans of Diet Coke and popcorn with me)
Very excited to be here. Never blogged here before...waiting for last night! Wanting Ryan to win, but think Ryan will get the votes.
What would I do with the money....
Pay off my debts, do something nice for my family. Make nice donations to my favorite charities since I'm so involved with so many. Save the rest.
I think Adam will win 5-2
HG's to host, James and Matty or Natty
Final vote 4-3...hopefully in favor of Ry-bread but I have a sinking feeling that Adam's "I voted for you to Natty" and his bond with Sheila will pust him past a tie.
Number 1 ~ If half a million fell in my lap, I off my student loans, both of my brother's student loans, pay off all of my parent's credit card/loan debt. The money left over after up and let interest accrue on it until I find something else to do with it. Invest maybe....I dunno.
Number 2 ~ As much flak as Adam has gotten, he will bank the half mil. I am seeing a 5 - 2 vote with Matty and Natty giving Ryan a vote.
Number 3 ~ I definitely see James coming back. Most likely Joshuah too. Chelsia is a possibility. Oh and probably Alex since CBS feels guilty that the HG's didn't vote him back in, lol!
~ Ryan ~
With a half million dollars I would probably donate 1/4 save 1/4 and spend the other half on fun things.
I think Adam is going to win, probably 4-2. I am rooting for Ryan tho!
James will definitely be back hosting comps. Maybe Adam too.
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1. I would buy a car, and then invest so i could by more.
2. Baller 6-1
3. James will, Baller might, and nat just cuz she's sexy.
1st - pay off debt, take a vacation, buy bigger house
2nd - Adam to win 5-2 (although I'd vote for Ryan)
3rd - Natalie probably has already insisted on hosting a comp.
I got a pitcher of mojitos and some plantain chips and I'm good to go!
If I won half a mil (no taxes are taken off for lottery winnings in Canada!).. I would pay off my house and my debts, I would give some money to my friends, and to Carolyn! and then it's a European Vacation for this chicka!
(OH how I wish... sigh!)
I predict Adam will win 5-2
I think Alex, James, and Josh would probably host BB10. They would never pick Adam because he would need English subtitles.
klintz :) thanks!!
NewBill - Welcome!!
I, for lack of another alternative, would like to see Adam win. He is not quite as offensive to me as Ryan. What I would do if I did receive a half million (less taxes) would be to buy some land, with room for a horse and other animals, and build a nice country home. (Fortunately, here in OK, that would be plenty of money to do just that). BB
1. hmm, i'm not really sure. a nice car and a laptop maybe.
2. Adam
3. Alex hopefully, or maybe adam.
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1- Therapy. To decompress from a summer of BB.
2- This is how I think the votes will go:
Sheila- A
Josh- A
Sharon- A
James- A
Chels- A
Adam wins 6-1
3- I think James, Adam, or Alex will make BB10 cameos.
1st. Pay off all my bills, then go to the beach.
2. Adam wins 5 - 2
3. I think Alex had the best commentary attitude. The others sounded very robotic.
1st - An Aston Martin
2nd - Ryan wins 5-2
James and Shiela vote for Adam
3rd - Baller and James
3. think we'll definitely see james back hosting competitions next season (ooooooh next seasoN! i can't wait! :)
Helloooooooooo everybody! Oh how exciting! I have goobers and wine, all ready for the party!!
Let's see...
1st Q - Get a car and win a heart.
2nd Q - Adam should win, But I have a feeling the house will give it to Ryan for "game play".
3rd Q - I see Adam and Natalie coming back to host in season 10.
1. Helping children with Down's & other birth defects. Buy my Daughter & Son in law a house. College funds for my grandchildren when I have them.
2.baller to win 4-3
Votes for Balla... James, Matty, Natalie, Sheila.
3. I say Alex is he the most loved this season.
First, I'd buy a house-I'm tired of paying rent.
Second, Balla is winning by a vote of 5-2
Third, Matty, Natalie, and Balla
1/2 a mill - i cannot wrap my mind around that much money but I guess I would do some traveling (Australia is my one place I want to see b4 I die)
I am feeling a 4-3 vote in favor of Ryan...I would prefer Adam but my womens intuition is kickin hard right now
And I think they will prob bring in Balla for some gig on BB10. He has a crazy fun personality.
Hi all!
Am waiting nervously hoping adam wins. Can't stand ryan, don't know why.
With that amount of free money, would buy a second home in warmer climate like S Fla. Live in NY and spent March in Key Largo; really can deal with that winter weather.
I think Ryan will win 4 to 3, unfortunately.
I think BB will try to get James to host because he was the most interesting. He may not do it except for BIG bucks, though.
if a half a million dollars landed in my lap, i would buy myself a personal trainer, a tanning bed, pay off my parents loans, buy a few nice things for myself and my family, and then save the rest and hope it grows and grows!First up, What would you do if a half a million dollars (minus taxes) suddenly fell in your lap?
i think james will vote for adam since he gave him a chance, chelsia will vote for adam because ryan put her up, joshua will vote for adam just because, and sharon will probably vote for ryan because of their 'secret alliance'. natalie will probably vote for adam because he plans to do "good stuff" with the money, matt will vote for ryan because they were closer (i think), and shelia will vote for adam because they were partners..
i personally though, want ryan to win.. from being nominated the first week,to being sent out, then revived when allison went .. he did pretty good for having allison as his partner the first half, and then he won the competitions when he needed them the most .. pluus, maybe he'll use the money and propose to jen.. tonite! live! hahah , i love this stufff
annd for the HG's hosting next season.. amanda "BUENO" .. she reminds me a bit of janelle? (my all time favourite) maybe alex, since he was obviously americas favourite.. josh because he's entertaining.. maybe sharon and something to do with the beebies?
What would I do with half a million bucks? Hmm
First, I'd buy myself a new car, a Hybrid one. I would get my son he braces he needs without having to worry how I was going to pay for it, wow that would be a load off. I'd go shopping for new clothes, I haven't done that for myself in so long!! I know my son would want a PS3 and new clothes too. I desperately need a new pair of shoes. My son wants to get rid of the bunk bed and get a regular bed. Oh and I would have to get tons of plants for my garden!!! How fun that would be!
1. buy a treat! buy a house for us, buy a house for my Mom & Sister, put it in an IRA to grow more money, give $$ for Alzheimer's care & other charities of choice, help my friend who is having triplets, buy little treats for people I love for no reason.
2. I think Baller with the win. 4-3? or 5-2? Undecided on if I believe that Sheila really won't vote for him.
3. The winner of BB9 (Adam or Ryan), James if he's in town, Alex since he got voted back but didn't get to come back...
Hi Carolyn! Thanks to you and the dish for all you have done to make this season enjoyable! Answers: 1) Two chicks!! ("Office Space") 2)Ryan wins 5-2 3) Amanda(unfortunatly) Thanks again,you ROCK, See ya for BB10
1. i would pay for college and maybe a car
2. i hope ryan wins...he did all the dirty work and should be rewarded..i'm guessing it will 4-3
3.james and natalie will probaly come back
Adam should be happy with either win. He lost his job right so even 50K will be a huge help for him!
i love all your commenting rules
i know that's kinda weird but true
amylu said
I'm so excited I can't wait to see what happens!
1st build a house
2nd adam to win 6-1
3rd I think it would be Nat just because no one would want that but would watch anyway to see what she might say that is not smart.
I don't feel that Ryan had any "game play," all he really did was threaten Adam, a lot. BB
1. I would definately would be buying my dads farm back for him that he lost when his parents past away, there goes 200,000 of it. The rest, pay of all my debts and my parents debts, then bank the rest and live life normally.
2. Baller for the win 4-3
3. James for sure hosting, and maybe Chelsia with him if things work out with them, but James. OR maybe Matty and Natty!
1- Pay off bills and help out family.
2- Adam 5-2
3- James with a sidekick of Evil Dick
Hey ilissa,
I can't believe there is another Goober Gobbler on the block. Goobers are my movie must haves.
don't want to sound obnoxious but since I've never blogged i just keep hitting refresh to see new comments or is there a "trick" to this? : )
Hail Hail... the gang's (almost) all here! :)
To answer your questions. Living in Montreal, we dont get deducted taxes on winnings so I would end up with all half million...LOL! Definitely give to charity and then go to an nice Tropical Island to THINK about what I will do with the rest of the money.
Adam will win 4-3
Definitely James will be back! He left a "mark" on BB9. Being evicted, brought back into the house, winning HOH, and lets not talk about all the POV's.
Hate to be consistint (spelling) but on the feeds, they dont ever just show a blank house do they???
What would I do with a half a mill? After I recovered from my heart attack I would pay off all bills including my substantial financial aid bill. I would not use my degree to my advantage...
I would pay for the remainder of my parents' house. As soon as I graduate I would travel around the world hitting a few places in Europe like Greece and Italy, bop off to China, see my sis in Africa, end up in New Zealand. Who knows where i would end up for the remaining days? Basically I would be greedy for awhile and have fun in warm, tropical locales. Then I would use the remainder to go back to school again and set up a private counseling practice.
I agree with whoever said Ryan doesn't have a real game play. His game was to be a bully...and most of the house doesn't seem to have a clue in their mind about anything which is why I'm afraid they 'll give it to Ryan. I'm rooting for Balla though and who knows, the house may surprise us all with a few braincells afterall!
Thank you so much for putting so much of your time and effort into this website! I check it numerous times a day throughout the season, and it's just as much a part of the season experience as the showtime afterdark episodes & housecalls. Any true fan should be checking your site frequently! Thank you for all you do for us!
I'm more inclined to root for Ryan to win, just because Adam is so darn annoying with his spastic comments and rants. But, I think Adam will win. 5 to 2 votes
Votes for Adam:
Matt, James, Natalie, Sharon & Shiela
Votes for Ryan:
Chelsia, Josh
(hope I'm wrong! LOL)
Hiiiiiiiiii everyone!
I missed you all! hehe
I have a couple of questions.
1. WHat do you think Ryan or Adam would do with the 500k?
2. Who do you think is gonna get into an argument at the wrap party and why?
3. Who do you think will "hook" up? (expected or unexpected)
At least 60 minutes is on, that means that Big Brother won't be too late. BB
OK, I got the Steaks on the grill, salad chilling in fridge, baked potatoes in oven, and TWO bottles of vino for everyone.
A half of million, won't get me far unless I invested some. Like build and run a GAS station in Orlando. But my dream is to buy an RV and travel to all the NASCAR races. With gas prices these days, ($3.55 in Orlando) it's only wise to invest in one.
I am hoping Adam will win. He still tells us he will give some to the disabled and that is A OK with me since my sister is physically and mentally disabled.
I was thinking Adam had the win hands down until after the Q&A. Now it sounds like the HGs are leaning towards Ryan?? Either way I think the votes will end up 4-3.
Figures that Hoops finally came out when we couldn't see.
I think they'll bring James back next season to host a pov comp.
Thanks for an awesome season, sorry I only found you 1/2 way through season 9!
Curious what we can expect tonight during the hour?
Also, will we see anything exciting on the feeds between now and midnight?
Thanks again!
Hi Everyone....Lets Party!
can anyone tell me why BB would not let the boys have smokes???
NewBill - ReFresh.. :) F5 works wonders... hehe .. so we've learned this season.
Julissa - Mmmm.. New Zealand...
First up, What would you do if a half a million dollars (minus taxes) suddenly fell in your lap?
definitely money for the kids education, a really needed and deserved around the world vaca, a few charitable donations, and invest whatever was left!
Second, Who for the win and by a what to what vote?Adam for the win! originally i thought it was gonna be close, but i think Adam 5 Ryan 2.
Third, which HGs from season 9 do you predict we'll see hosting comps for season 10? Balla,Joshie, and Nat
First: Pay off all my bills, including my mortgage, update and fix up my house, buy (no finance) a decent hybrid vehicle and then spend a little for the fun of it. Put the rest towards my sons education, buy my family some seriously nice gifts and the rest I'd put in the bank.
Second: According to Adam 5-2, but personally I see the entire jury voting for Adam so personally I'm gonna have to say 6-0 for Adam. Now watch Ryan win. LOL
Third: Definitely Adam, he's a natural! I think he even mentioned hosting a game show or something like that. He'd be great at it. I could see Sheila returning, but only if they paid her to.
Ry-bread had gameplay, he was just plagued by Natty. He constantly had to choose his core alliance over his secret alliances to his own detriment.
can anyone tell me why BB would not let the boys have smokes???
Anon re Smokes - Agreed it's kinda silly, but they're told repeatedly before they enter the house that smokes will not be replenished and they should bring enough to last.
1) get myself and the parents financially clear. find a cause or person in dire need...and give anonymously. if anything left, schedule some spontanaiety!
2) adam 4-3 or 5-2.
3) sooo many colorful hg to host...maybe gnat, adam, sheila, josh, james?
I don't really see Ryan as a bully. Dr. Will and Mike Boogy were more bully-ish than Ryan. I think Ryan had very good game play. Ryan's the Alpha dog...Adam is like the little dog saying "yeah boss...what ever you say boss..." : )
I hope to see Ryan win!
1. I would pay off all my debts, I would buy a house, and ask my girlfriend to marry me. I would start the family I've been waiting for.
2. Ryan wins 4-3.
3. I think James, Ryan, Adam, and maybe Sheila or Alex (since he won America's Choice.).
1. Pay off house and do some major renovations, then sell it (when the market is right) and buy a house/condo in the French Quarter. Make a healthy donation to AMFAR and local similar organizations.
2. 7-0 for the Guineas
3. I hate to even think about it; I cringe at the thought, but Gnat.
Did anyone notice the Big Brother alumni on Desperate Housewives last week?
We would put it toward our commercial building mortgage so the rental income would soon be free $$$ each month, then have some fun!!
I think Baller will come back to host next season, as he's a REAL character!
I want to see Ryan win, but I am thinking that the jury will vote for Adam on game play. If they vote for Ryan it will be based on "nice-ness". But then again I think they started to see Adam as a "snake in the grass" with the footage of Sharon getting voted out, which could've hurt him in the end.... who knows, but we're soon to find out and I can't wait!!!!
Genie -
If Ryan wins he will splurge on frivilous things for he, his family (probably) and Jen. If Adam wins I think he will donate some to autistic children and then maybe go a little (haha) crazy.
Fight(s) at the wrap party: Josh and possibly all the girls (again) and maybe Nat and Chelsia will have words (or a moment of prayer)
And hookups: I think James aint gettin no more when Chelsia sees his past (no judgements here just a statement) and I dont think anyone else besides Jen and Ryan.
***Goobers are ok but nonpariels (snocaps) rule*** (lol)
I think they don't give smokes because probably production is wary of providing something that can kill :) If you watch some of the european BBs, they smoke IN the house!
Re: Smokes
Assume they could be held liable if they gave contestants smokes?
Oh the society we live in.
Pssst - Refresh the blog... Just added a Fab new C=Venus Final 2 chop to this post!!
I think Adam would use at least a small portion for good. Ryan, on the other hand, will just spend it on Jen and himself..... not bad, just don't want him to prosper. BB
Did anyone see the ad for BB10 at the end of AD last night? It seemed as if they might be bringing back past house guest. Maybe a Fans/Fav type thing like Survivor?
What do you all think?
Happy Finale Day!!!
That is an awesome C=Venus chop and I am beginning to think she is on the BB premises because how did she get that pic of the boys (lol)
Whoppers! The rare squishy ones...
Gas stations make very slim margins on the gas itself. Plus the oil co's get their cut before you do.
They make much more on markup of items bought inside. I can count on one hand the number of times I've gone inside during the past year.
Hello Carolyn and BBlovers, got my popcorn, skittles and root beer ready for tonight, I am hoping Adam wins for the same reason that he was nicer to everyone in the house. Woweeeeee if I won the big money, well if we had our own BigBrother here in Canada we wouldn't have taxes taken off like our lotteries which would be an added bonus. First off I would donate to the 2 hospitals that took such good care of me and my son 12 years ago after we were in a train wreck then I would take my son on a trip back home to Scotland woo hoo its nice to dream.
1... pay off my house, take a vacation, and then have a baby :o )
2. thinking (and hoping) adam 5-2
3. kinda feelin the james/ eveldick combo... or sheila just for convience sake....
C=Venus ~ If you are reading this, you have done a great justice on these HG's with your chops this year. Loved em' all!
Ryan had no gameplay, WHAT? BLASPHEMY! I demand a recount! Seriously, talking about things doesn't really qualify as gameplay. I could SAY how great how much I want to do BB 11, but if I don't applu for it, then it don't mean jack squat. :)
~ Ryan ~
C=Venus, hilarious as always. Again I wish I had your talent.
Absolutely love Adam's powder blue nerd pants. I hate to admit it but I had a Leisure Suit in that same color when I was in High School. No smartass comments about my age please. I'll :~( ... I'm saving my tears tonight for our final good-byes for the season.
What will the vote be? 5-2 in favor of Adam winning.
I still think Ryan should have used the POV on Sharon, had her evict Adam, and therfore his allience in the Jury house would have voted him the winner by a vote of 4-3. Oh well, his loss not mine. He didnt use his brian all season long, so why would he use it know.
Who will be brought back?
James will, 100%. I can also guess that who ever wins tonight will NOT be brought back to host a comp, neither one played a very good game.
Ahhh Whoppers....memories :)
Genie & Jonathan... Agreed... & Smokes never make it past production accounting. NEVER.
Unless they're on a blind receipt. :P
Who will win?
I have to say Adam 5-2.
If I won the half million, I party with half and give the other half to Carolyn, of course ;O).
And hosting? Either none of them, or James.
I forgot the 3rd one.
I think James and Alex will come back as hosts (if Alex doesn't come back to be in the house) I will cringe if Natbat comes to host. Amanada maybe, Sheila would be ok as a host I suppose.
1st- after taxes, now it's $250 k,
so, pay off my house and car, go on a trip to Belize and invest the rest
2nd- Baller 5-2, although the only real game player was James and he deserves the moola
3rd- James, Adam, Natalie
and please God, let Julie be wearing a good outfit for once tonight!
Carolyn- I found your site last season, and cannot live without it now. Not to beat a dead horse, but you REALLY do GR888888888 job!
Thank you!!!
Sour Patch Kids and a Jumbo size I'm hungry.
~ Ryan ~
1) Buy a car for myself, redo my master bath, build a real laundry room, but the bulk of the rest of the money would have to go into a retirement fund. (Boring -- I realize, but yeah, that's what I'd do ).
2) Adam for the win, and I also agree it will be 5-2.
3) I think James, Natalie, Sheila and possibly Josh might would come back to host comps.
If you were a player, would you prefer a close final vote or a blowout?
I think as bad as it sounds, I'd prefer the blowout. I'd be able to go to sleep knowing there was absolutely nothing I could do to change the results.
Judi @ 4:36 PM
UGH! All I can say about that is does AG have an original thought in her head? That just would not work in an environmet such as the BB House. at least not IMNSHO. I'm sick of All-HasBeens shows, and that would be basically the same thing.
Now back to the party. I say we get Carolyn to do a pole dance for us as we wait this next 18 minutes. I have dollar bills ;p~
That is the most hilarious picture of them!!!!! ROFL
James - I would prefer a vote in my favor (LOL)
1. I would buy a house for my kids and I and prepay a bunch of bills!
2. While I would love to see Ryan win, it will probably be Adam 4-3
3. James, Joshua, Natalie
who fm bb on desperate housewives?
Hey! I'm finally here after eating out at the local Mexican restaurant...
1) I'd pay off the house and second mortgage loan and put the rest in a retirement fund so I won't starve in my old age! (I'm closer tho that than I care to be!...)
2) I think Adam will win. Can't predict by what, though.
3) Guest stars next season will be the winner of this season and maybe Sheila since she is close and finished in third place. I can't think of anyone else that anyone would want to see again. There were a lot of forget-able people this year. That sounds like more of an insult than it is meant to be!!.....
On to the finale!
Hey Carolyn , just checking in. Present with pizza ordered and a Mojito. Wanted to be here with everyone. Hi to You, Gaytor, Jane, Genie, Pyke, Biskit,Mikein Bama,RoninCo, Reporterx, and everyone else.
If I had 500,000 would pay all debts,home repairs, new car(current one is on last legs, but want very fuel efficient hate buying gas at current prices). Most important would treat family to a reunion together away at a resort somewhere for a week. Haven't ALL been together in years, too many workaholics. Some north some south, and me in the middle. try to get my childrens books published.
Win? I find it excrutiatingly painful to have to pick either one of these two oafs after their behavior this last week. So I'll take the guineas 7-0
Love C=Venus' latest chop, as I do all her work!
Shouldn't Adam's hand be in his pants though? hehe
oh my gosh I forgot about Josh, now he would be a great host!
Greeting Big Brother Pilgrims!!!
Sorry I'm late for the party... had to get naked first I see!!!
1. Would send my son to whatever film school he wanted for however long he wanted.
2. Adam 4-3, don't know why but sounds good
3. Would love for James to come back and host and Adam... they always make me laugh out loud!!!
Judy S in New Jersey
Hello Carolyn and BB Lovers Everywhere!
I am ready with my Starbucks and chocholate :)
I don't care who wins I just love a party!! woohoo
I'm so excited I put 6-0 for Adam, who did I forget? Oh... must have been Matty or Gnatty!
I say 7-0 Adam, but it's a tough call till I see and hear the jury.
I'd love it if Adam won, but my pick never does. Hopefully tonight my luck will change.
c omputer, big house, strabucks
Adam 5-2
Oh Carolyn, what was the finale count on your site for hits?
Just curious.
Hey Carolyn , just checking in. Present with pizza ordered and a Mojito. Wanted to be here with everyone. Hi to You, Gaytor, Jane, Genie, Pyke, Biskit,Mikein Bama,RoninCo, Reporterx, and everyone else.
If I had 500,000 would pay all debts,home repairs, new car(current one is on last legs, but want very fuel efficient hate buying gas at current prices). Most important would treat family to a reunion together away at a resort somewhere for a week. Haven't ALL been together in years, too many workaholics. Some north some south, and me in the middle. try to get my childrens books published.
Win? I find it excrutiatingly painful to have to pick either one of these two oafs after their behavior this last week. So I'll take the guineas 7-0
I'm now passing out barf bags... NO! Not for Carolyn's pole dance. :O
I think we will need them as some (GNATTY) are introduced as they come out to sit in the jury chairs. Also for when the votes are counted, no matter who wins. ...And tissues so we can cry along with Sheila.
Anyone got an onion so our tears can be as fake as Sheila's?
10 minutes left till the show
Being an Ohio gal, I hope that Ryan wins.
I suspect that it will be Adam though, we'll see very soon
Thanks Carolyn for keeping me updated while I save for a newer car.
At the moment...
I haven't seen tears that fake since Omarosa on The Apprentice.
Can't wait to see the clips from sequester when Sheila blasted Ryan and Adam woo hoo priceless.
FYI - There will be a bb9 finale live show spoiler post at the top of the blog.... :)
I think almost 5 mill of those hits were me :)
my favorite c=venus was the spoof on "oh brother, where art thou". i was giggling the next day at that one. could just hear someone yelling "houseguest killer!".
I can't keep up with the show and the blog, so I'll see yall after the show!! (and during commercial breaks, im sure :-D)
5 Million Cheers for Carolyn!!!
whoop whoop hooray!
My most hated part of the Sunday show...having to endure Andy Rooney's rants. (sighs)
Carolyn & fellow dishers!!! Hey all, so great to see some 'faces' I know!
Anyway, I would pay off debt..donate to animal shelters...invest.
Adam hopefully wins 5-2 *fingers crossed*
Think James will definitely be brought back and probably Adam.
1. Buy a new computer. Then do a bunch of stuff with the money.
2. 4-3 in favor of Adam
3. If it's going to be a couples comp, then Jen and Ryan. If not, James.
C=Venus chop looks like Steve Martin and Dan Akroyd doing their Wild and Crazy czech guys bit on SNL.
Would think it really funny to see James and Gnat host a comp together. Also maybe Josh he can be really funny. NOOOOO Sheila, have had enough of her whining.
Oh no! Just finished all my coffee.
Ok 3 min to go here woohoo!! Ok I have always wanted to own a bar maybe has to do with sports. Definitely I would want live bands on the weekends. Pay off student loans. Buy a car..I like my house and the neighborhood so I would remodel.
I do believe Adam will won the majority of the votes. I like to know if Sheila will still keep to her word about staying friends with Adam the way he talked about her after she was out of the house.
I do believe Eddy from season one was on housewives last week. Guest star as man in wheelchair.
EW! Julie's outfit is uglier than usual!!! LMAO
I just wanted to express again how much I love this site and the work you put into it.
1)Pay off debt, take a vacation, go on a major shopping spree
2)Adam will win 5-2 although I don't think either of them deserve to win
3)James definitely...I don't care to see any of the rest of them back
Carolyn, thanks again for all of your hard work this season. I can't wait until next season. I am really hoping for some better houseguests this season.
That recap just reminded me how much I didn't like a lot of the houseguests. Alison, Chelsia and Jen.
Wow favorite juror!!! Thoughts?
Kim in Ok
what the hell!! I can't get my vote to go through...
OOHHHH QnA comin up!!!!!!!!!!!!
Has anyone tried to vote for "fav jury member" It must be getting slammed, it takes forever. BB
I hope Sheila wins for fav juror, she got to the final three plus she had 10 grand taken away from her so I feel she really deserves it. I'm not just saying this because she was my fav houseguest lol.
Mine went through
Yeah Adam.... you'll need the money since you probably lost your job!
late on this but with five children one of which has hearing problems and another with heart problems i would pay off my mortgage and van and put money into savings to draw interest for their college or other important things for them
I voted for James and it went through.........if no one else was able to get through, maybe it was me that gave him the money?
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