Big Brother 9 Finale Live Show Spoiler
& BBDish Prize Winners
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Here we go!!
Julie: It was 81 days ago when 16 men and women walked into the Big Brother House. Now, only 2 remain. Who will win the 1/2 million dollars?
Recap VO Guy... the entire season in 5 minutes or less, minus any reference to the debacle of an America's Choice vote...
And that's over with. back to the studio. Host away, Mrs. Moonves.
We'll be voting for our favorite juror... on
Here's the link:
And on to the jury talking with each other... then Sheila walks in and the jury learns it's Ryan and Adam for Final 2. Sheila tells the jury that Adam threw the final comp so Ryan would get her blood on his hands. The jury seems to be leaning towards Ryan in this edit.
Jury Q n A...
Matt: Whatta you gonna do with the money, Balla?
Adam: Charity and business start up money.
Matt: Same question to Ryan.
Ryan: Help mom... Something nice for Jen and myself... and definitely put something towards charity... Just the best I can do with it.
Joshuah: That was the worst answer ever.
Sharon: Ryan, what was the point of feeding me all that bull?
Ryan: I fought for you all week, and it was a very last second thing. I was not gunning to get you out... I wanted you to stay.
Chelsia: Why should I give you 500k when you're gonna spend it on someone who called you out on national tv as a "hatred person."
Ryan says he loves her...
Josh QnA, James QnA... Natalie QnA... Sheila QnA...
Ryan & Adam do their speeches...
Incidentally, everyone is having issues with the voting on CBS... I believe it is actually working. It's just not showing results.
The jury is about to cast their votes. The votes are concealed from the tv audience. The jurors are allowed to make a closing statement to either of the HGs.
Matt votes first, and tells the boys they're taking him to Vegas.
Natalie - I love you both. Going with my gut.
Joshuah - I'm going to vote for the person that played hard in every comp and has a backbone.
Sharon - Decision based on who I felt was the most loyal in the game.
Sheila - After the round-table, this is a very easy decision to make, and I hope that honesty, loyalty and trust have something to do with this.
James - "I hope you party away this money."
Chelsia - I hope you guys hold to your end of the deal.. what you said at the round -table.
The votes are now locked...
Next up, the first 6 evictees reunite with the Jury.
And Julie sounds like she's about to run a tape with all of Matt's bragging about the ahem.. activities. Oops. No. Maybe not. The TV Only audience was never informed of all that anyway... Why start now?
She goes to Jen, who says she still doesn't like Allison, because of things she said. Allison, however, takes the high road.
Julie busts Adam in front of Ryan for whispering to Natalie that he voted for her. She also shows Adam the tape of Joshuah's DR, with him talking about crying on cue being very easy for him.
Julie's about to reveal the Votes to Win...
Matt - Adam
Natalie - Adam
Joshuah - Ryan
Sharon - Adam
Sheila - Adam!
It's Ovah!!
For the Record... James & Chelsia also voted for Adam.
Adam is the Winner
of Big Brother 9!!
Natalie - Adam
Joshuah - Ryan
Sharon - Adam
Sheila - Adam!
It's Ovah!!
For the Record... James & Chelsia also voted for Adam.
Adam is the Winner
of Big Brother 9!!
Julie: Who is America's favorite juror? Find out when we come back! (from commercial)
Sheila came in 2nd. America's favorite juror: James!
Adam just made a very public declaration: $100,000 to an Autism Foundation.
Last on the agenda for tonight... We have some BBDish Prizes that need to be awarded... On the night we passed 5 million hits here on the blog, I said I was having a blogger appreciation prize giveaway of the winner's choice of mug.
Well, 5 million hits (now closer to 6 million) certainly warrants more than 1... so I decided to go with 5. Everyone who emailed that day got a message from me yesterday - well over 2000 of you...
All the winners were notified by email earlier today... 3 have responded and had their mugs sent already. 2 I'm still waiting on. Check your email!
Easier if I just say the names, huh?
The names of the winners are:

I am ready to go, really BIG show!
Cannot wait... then we can begin the countdown to a better show in 11 weeks!
Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God, Hoy my God, Oh my God.....!!
~ Ryan ~
ince the feeds have been dead the last few days, I discovered Zuma on REAL and now I'm addicted to that!!!
I'll be back after the show y'all!!
Happy watching!!!
I'm knocking back those mojitos wayyy too quickly! Hic!
Julie looks so awkward high fiving people.
Extra ugly outfit Julie!!! Nooooo.
Happy watching everyone!!!
Hope we get to see a lot of the hgs all reacting to each other. I guess they've all been warned like children: no slapping, kicking, spitting, or biting.
Genie....take it slow on those mojitos, send some my way!!! ;)
Howdy everybody! Ready to see which scumbucket goes home a rich scumbucket tonight?
I'm glad y'all are here, because otherwise I'd be in bed right
Whoop Whoop!!
Hello to all my furriends!
So excited for the finale...jury Q & A, who will win, will anyone propose?
Let's get this party started.
Thx for being the hostess with the mostest Carolyn!
oh, i just figured out that I had to change blogs...hi everyone again!
Americas favourite jury member 25K
Beorn!!!!! Hugs, so glad to see you!! Well, there should be some good words against each other at least.
Forgot about Chelsea and Ryan getting into it.
Who is the favorite juror?
OMG!!! we can vote for the jurors!!
OMG OMG OMG YAY Favorite Juror!!
~ Ryan ~
Matty to win favorite Juror.
Who else sees Janelle?! She's wearing yellow on the left side. Sorta on the corner of the TV thats next to Julie.
I'm voting for James and Sheila!
Despite Ryan's behavior, I think Adam is definitely gonna be the top tonight. Anybody else?
I really don't like Chelsia
I can't believe it!! it's here. Thank you so much Carolyn for this blog. It has been an amazing ride with you and I will absolutely be here for BB10!!
See people, Barack was right. People are bitter! lol
OOOOoooo! Sheila is more bitter than I thought she was. And for once Joshua was the voice of reason asking her if she was going to vote with her emotions.
Sharon looks pissed too. I hope they show Hoops for us.
Wow, is Sheila bitter!!!
my vote won't go through
my votes aren't working at - anyone else having this problem?!?!
Oh Gad Amber is there...wonder how her modeling career is going?
~ Ryan ~
Ew. And I just saw Amber.
I wonder who won the Dick/Janelle date thing.
anyone having problems with like Joshuah?
Please tell me that wasn't Whaaaamber in the audience a few rows below Janelle...
Just saw Waaamber. Bad flashbacks to last season. She was worse than anyone this season.
Give Pinkie the 25K
Ok when I click the vote button nothing happens...anyone else having this issue?
I swear I just saw Amber BB8 in the audience. Maybe I have joined the delusional.
umm the vote button on cbs.dom isnt working for me! :(
*passes a mojito to Rhonda*
hiya Noni!!
Hiya Beorn!!
Hellooo my dishy buddies!!
I am voting for big Sheila because she kept the Showtime after dark interesting. I havent watched it since she left...if the vote button works
I don't know what I'm more excited about:
Live Finale
Getting to vote for juror
Carolyn back!
Just posted the direct link on the blog
I can't vote on cbs, anyone else having that problem!?
VOTE NATALIE for the $25,000
Why won't my vote go through?
Random question, but is the cbs voting lagging for anyone else or is it just me? I realize the traffic there is high, but just wondering if anyone else is feeling it.
~ Ryan ~
Yeah Genie, workin on my 2nd Mohito here too. Dulls the pain of seeing these two going homw with the money after their behavior the last week.
Shiela is so bitter. Is anyone else having trouble voting on CBS?? I hionestly don't really care who wins, i'm just happy it's two people from my favorite alliance.
I'm not getting any kind of confirmation for my jury vote--is this how it works? Nothings happening when I click vote...just wondering if anyone else is having problems.
It won't let me vote! I keep selecting my choice and hitting the vote button, but it won't accept it. What's up with that?!
not letting me put my vote through...anybody else experiencing problems with favorite juror vote?!?
Look on the lower left of your screen after you vote... It should say "Done"
NOT within the website...
So from the looks of it
Matt + Nat - Adam
James - Adam
Sharon - Adam
Sheila, Josh, Chelsia - Ryan
voting is not working on!!!
the vote button is not working. i tried to send a feedback note to cbs, but i don't know if they'll get that.
Doesn't do anything when i click on the vote button. Boooo
Julie needs a brand new stylist. Her current one sucks a**
I am hitting the button to vote, and it will not let me! Help!!
yeah - still not working.
cbs won't let me vote!!!! It won't go through
Yes, I am unable to vote after selecting a winner.
Well, I just tried to vote for my fave juror, & it would do anything when I clicked vote!! Ugh!!!.....
i cant believe the show is over! im voting for james as the best juror! and i love both ryan and adam. they were both the underdogs in the beginning. i dont care who wins. i like them both. sheila just pissed me off again. when she was in the house i was rooting for her but now her bitter attitude turned me off again.
About the button not working
(just my opinion)
I clicked and it did work but it stayed waiting on reply from the poll company....
so I hope my vote went into them OK but could care less if I got the response back (as long as they got my vote)
Just in case I am going to keep voting
So effin' excited. Kind OT, but my girls are banned from BB by their dad(I support him in that). BUT, this season, somehow, they watched. Those of you will kids know how it is. You try to get dinner, baths, showers and homework out of the way before BB hits your time zone.
I get home at 5:30. Dudes, that's a lot to do in 1.5 hrs. *Shrugs* So, the girls were in the bath at 6:45. I thought, "Hells yeah! I get to watch this one by myself. Saweet!"
Umm, no. The heard it starting. I happened to walk in on them in the tub and they were like, "Mommy, please, PLEASE can we watch the finale??!!" Who am I to block? LOL. So, here we sit. Together. Me with wine and BB and them with pizza and BB. Life is gooood. ;)
Carolyn, the east coast feeds link isn't working... do you know one that does?
Love that the jurors laughed at Ryan and "charity". He should never have brought up Jen.
Now I'm waiting for Hoops.
are you supposed to get a confirmation or anything when you vote for your favorite juror? i'm not sure if i voted or not...
go james! and baller is totally taking home the big money.
Ry-bread is stammering a little bit. I dunno if I would call that Hoops coming out.
I can't vote for Nat over 6 times and it wont let me. I think Cbs has this rigged for James.
just a a quick question?? Will you leave your blog with comments that have been posted up so the HG'S can read what people have said about them during this season of BB9??
Thanks for the fantastic job that you have done and looking forward to BB10
Chelsia gave him the finger!
Chelsia: What is a "hatred" person? She appears even more bitter than when she was voted out. Is that a "hatred person?"
mano y mano. LMAO. Adam looks ready to cry. Ooo Joshua playing the power role.
anyone else having trouble with the Favorite juror poll at CBS? It doesn't appear to work at all in IE and in Firefox the bottom of the screen says it is transferring poll daddy data, but I get no indication whether the vote is accepted or not. Suggestions?
so glad this season is almost over! *ha*
OMG! I cannot believe how these people are talking to Ryan & Adam! Josh is BITTER & just told Adam not to yell @ the TV?? What the heck was Chelsia JUST doing? Screaming her question to Ryan. Pahleeze.
God I swear Josh is the type of person that makes it hard for the rest of us gays! Seriously, he is just a bitter queen.
Ryan looks like he wants to puke!
Can anyone vote?
I cant vote either :( I wanna give James my vote
i click vote, and nothing happens..
anyone else having this problem? =(
Yeah voting doesn't work for me either, you're not the only one... nothing happens when I click vote... not even the "done" that Carolyn mentioned.
wow..the jury is VERYY bitter..
can anyone vote? it wont let me!
I am loving Adam's response to Sheila. However, Sheila is giving herself way too much credit. They did carry her all the way to final 3. I think she really believes she played well.
No I cannot's not working & I have been picking James.
I am so annoyed!!!! I keep trying to vote but when i click on the -vote- button, nothing happens! I was sooo excited!!!.......And now sooo deflated. =( I am hating on cbs right now. Maybe the vote button only works when you vote for who they want??? j.k.
Go Adam!!!!!!
Corey, I agree with you. But sometimes he can be SO nice and sincere but then become such a negative stereotype.
My vote won't go through either
You crack me up. I'm glad you're here. Gawd, I this show is like heroin...I've never tried that stuff but it's as addicting me thinks. Had to add the drug reference ;)
Hey - can anyone get the vote for the Jury to be accepted -
AAAAGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! It won't let me vote!!! I thought it was the mojitos but looks like everyone is having the same problem.
these people are sooo bitter. booo hooo! get over it.
If that was me in the hot seat I'd be bright red and sweating bullets! I feel for them, even though I am laughing at the drama.
The voting button works--it just provides no feedback when it does so.
If you're in Firefox or IE, the only notification you'll have is the status bar at the bottom of the browser, lower left corner. Safari won't provide any feedback using its default settings.
WOW!! I still really hate Chelsia, i can't stand her. My Matt is looking good though.
live votes next!
I am guessing that only the folks on the east coast will get to choose the juror winner since it wont be shown on the west coast for another hour and a half.
I thought maybe we would see a Sheila and Natalie catfight when she walked in.
Whoever let James wear that pink shirt with those horrible blue pants? Must be Julie Chen's stylist???
OMG! Chelsia=Hunter's Point
NYers KNOW where I'm referencing. LOLOL!
Sheila, looks awesome. Very tastefully done.'s sweater perhaps?
i hope james wins the juror prize, he's the only one who really deserves it.
this show just reinforces that i dont really like any of these people all that much
Definitely Sheila and Joshuah for Ryan.
Geeze. Chelsia is one bitter ugly person.
Yup, Ryan's definitely gonna be the bottom. Break out that Crisco, Ry-Bread!
I can't vote either!!!
re the link to vote - if you copy it, then open a new window and paste it in - it works (or it did for me).
Now they have put a direct link to that polls page, still not "posting" the vote.
I smell a RIG!
Poll is now working
How juvenile it has been so far through the introduction of the jury. The live feed cams, the Q n A(both jury and F2) I doubt either one will have any of the money left in 5 years.
Yeah, wth hell is going on? I try to press vote but nothing is happening :( I'm trying to vote for Sharon BTW
I just wanna say thanks sooooooo much for your blog. I think it's the best one out there and it definitely helped get me through my very first season of Big Brother. You'll always have me as a reader!
hey everyone - delete your cookies & clear your temp internet files & the voting will work!
Can't vote either. This must have been a last minute thing. The are uing a free service Polldaddy, not doing it themselves. That system probably can't handle the traffic. they'll probably fake it based on ratings, etc.
well hopefully james wins the $25,000 because cbs has it rigged and wont let me vote.
Sheila still doesn't get it -- I can't believe she's so angry at Adam because he didn't win HOH to take her. How clueless and bitter can one person be?
And I thought Chelsia was angry in the game. Seems she is just a very angry person in life -- that's sad!
Is anyone as happy as I am to see tthe end of Big Brother 9. All of these people were and are horrible. None of them are likeable. I said it from day 1 that this has got to be the worst cast of houseguest that Big Brother has had.
Shelia looks good tonight.
wow... hoops was so scary.... umm not much :)
BTW they changed the jury vote button on too me to the poling page with no results on it
I finally got through. God, these guys are really mad!!
It looks like it is working now. I was able to vote. Hope it goes thru.
Here we go! Jury's voting!
My nerbes. My nerbes!!
A hooker is missing her dress tonight..........yikes Natalie!
Ha They took the polldaddy off and did it on thier own. it works now.
I couldn't even click the button before, i would click my choice then couldn't click the button and it said done before i even clicked my choice
The vote now goes to a "welcome to cbs" page. Sharon "the vote goes to who I think was the most loyal in the game." Whaaaaat?
Meema, gotcha re Chelsia. What a piece of work! Mean girl!
Sheila just has no clue she made it because she is weak and could be evicted whenever anyone wanted.
Anyone changing their original vote on winner?
Go James!!!! America's juror!!!
The poll site is under a strain, but it's been working ALL ALONG. It just doesn't provide feedback that most people are noticing or able to see.
Yeah! I was finally able to vote!! I voted for James. I really don't like any1 else except Adam. =) I can't see the show yet cause Im on the west coast but I am so irritated by how sour grapes theyre all being! They all act like they were so innocent in the game. Puhleeez! Dont they realize that sum1 had to be @ the F2? I guess they all think only THEY deserve it? Thats why it's called a GAME! So disappointed in the power trippin too. They are all A~holes!!!
I have to put anonymous cuz Im not smart enough to get a name! =( .......Jenna (btw)
oh man... I have a sick feeling Jen, I mean Ryan will win.
Voting is working now people!
~ Ryan ~
the voting works if you get a page that says "welcome to CBS!" If you haven't gotten that when you vote clear your cache. delete cookies, etc.
I can't call it. The only absolutes I think are:
Josh = Ryan
Chelsia = Adam
Nat = Adam
Sharon = Ryan
Everyone else is fair game. so excited.
josh sheila and chelsia turned me off! i dont like them! they're sooo bitter!!! yuck! i think ryan won. VOTE FOR JAMES!
Based on those statements, I'd say:
Josh, Matt and Sheila voted for Ryan
Natalie and Chelsia voted for Adam
I'm on the fence about Sharon. Probably Ryan.
James statement didn't tell us anything but I think he'd vote for Adam
Although I love James, I voted for Sheila as fave juror. I want her to get a chance for her son. I'm a sap!
James said it better than anyone. Party this money away. I love it!! He is the only one I like.
for a split second i thought julie was going to call out nat on hummergate!
ha ha - I like the lady with the poster in the audience that says 'marry me James'
i'm thinking the big she voted for ryan....
I wish this was more than an hour. Two hours would be great.
Did they use the original vote box from last season? Why were they focusing on the wheel so much? Are they going to let the other players vote???
I am voting for Matt, he is the only level headed one there!! Oh and all I did was refresh and now I am having no trouble!
Carolyn, you and the rest of the BB9 Dish team are awesome and deserve your own award! Here is to BB 10! BTW, have I stated how much I don't like Josh?
The Vote button FInally worked..hope it counted....comeon Shie-Bot...
I voted for James!!
I call a HUGE scrap between Allison and Jen at the wrap party. Yeowza!
These finale shows really need to be 2 hour shows so that they can show more of the shocking stuff to the houseguests.... and to us :)
Still lovin it though.
I really don't like any of these people....Bring on Big Brother 10.
Natalie is going to be so hurt once she finds out what Matt said about her.
Vote for Shelia remember she is a single mother, and her son didn't sign up for this.
wow! i'm amazed how bitter sheila, josh, and chelsia were! i know we heard the boys talking about that, but MAN!
i wonder if everyone will think James is such a great guy when they find out about his forays into adult entertainment...
Adam could have sold Edsels back in the day, or the Brooklyn Bridge. He's tryin to have such a smooth patter but I have a problem believing a word he says, as I think do the other hgs.
Voted for James and Sheila...though I feel sorry for Matt, as I'm sure his condom purchases really add up (assuming he bothers to use them).
I followed the suggestion of clearing my cookies and the temp internet files and still no acknowledgement. The Done in the lower left corner is there on every website visited once it loads, even on this blog page if you notice. Once the Done disappears and the bar progresses across the bottome middle is it done.
Here we go!!!
~ Ryan ~
Who'd you vote for in the jury?
wow....6 to 1???
Yay! Scumbucket #2 won!
Vote for Carolyn for the best Big Brother site!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HE should have never taken him to the finals........WOW!
Wow, I was so hoping for Ryan because he is much hotter than Adam!
And Sheila was the decising vote!!
I'm teary!
Wow, I was sure Sheila voted for Ryan. WTG BALLA!!!!
Yes Adam Won, good because Ryan didn't deserve it. Go Adam.
Adam yes! now i want james for the 25K!
Who will be America's favorite juror?
~ Ryan ~
Sheila tricked us!
Gotta love it. Sharon got her payback to Ryan there.
Adam!! Happy dance. Donating $100,000 to charity is awesomeness at its best.
Go Joisy boy!
I want to know who James and Chelsia voted for. Will they let us know?
Scumbucket #1 was scumbucketier, so I guess this is the best outcome. Charles Manson got the money instead of Pol Pot. I'm so relieved.
BALLA!!!!!!!!!! That's my boyy right there. =]
Another season wrapped up.
Hey Bama Lover! :)
I really want to know who James and Chelsia voted for, just out of curiosity. Think they'll tell us?
wow! i didn't think a. was going to get it. glad he did, though, considering all.
YEAHHH, go Adam. SO happy he just won. After hearing Jen talk again i'm glad she won't get to spend any of Ryan's winnings.
I am happy with this outcome, hopefully Matt or Nat will win the 25K and NOT james.
james porn jobs are an OLD story . . .
I said it a week ago, You never take someone that could garner at least 3 votes to the finals.
Ryan made his worse play on the final decision in choosing Adam for the finals.
They were two equal going into the finals and Ryan would have won the money if Shelia was standing besides him.....
Ryan made his worse move of the game allowing Adam to stand besides him.
anon. at 5:49
just because james was in the adult entertainment industry doesnt make him a bad guy. i dont think there opinions on him will change and they shouldnt.
I don't understand what doing adult entertainment has to do with being a good person or not.
Anon @ 5:49...IMHO people won't judge James on his past, only people with blinders on. He really is a good kid!!
I fully agree...Ryan much hotter.
Love how James just danced past Chelsia when he won favorite juror. LMAO! James deserves better than her.
Mikeinbama...I fully agree with you as well. I said Ryan needs to take someone other than Adam to finals...he did it himself
I'm so sad that Shelia didn't win the favorite juror!
Big Shelia was the star of the show!
YAHOO!!!!! For Adam!!
I so can't wait to see the show!!!
Anybody else hear Sharon's shrilly screams at the end of the broadcast, lol?
~ Ryan ~
YEAH!!!! I am SO.... excited Adam won it!!!
Wow, Im surprised She-bot voted for him. Anyhoo, I am happy for my lil dirt bag Adam!!!! Yeahhhh.......
P.S. Is it really that big of a deal that James did porn? The only person who should care is maybe Chelsia. I really dont believe it makes him a bad person. I know not every1 will share my view & not to say I wouldnt be tripped out if I found out 1 of my frenz was doin porn....but if they still are good people, who give a crap! I know all of my frenz arent perfect! Are yours? Are you? Nah... I doubt it.
Congrats Big Balla!!! And to Carolyn, I found your sight during BB8 & have been here ever since. It is my fave place to see whats goin on! Luv ya, Jenna
i will miss u carolyn. see u july 13th.
Did anyone else notice, when Julie read James' name as favourite juror... Chelsia tried to hug him & he totally brushed her off, to jump into Adam's arms? Guess the showmance is over already.
No surprise at all. Ryan played both sides as much as Natalie, but didnt get his payback till the jury vote.
Ohmy, Just woke up, and speed reading, again many thanks to the ladies, and goodness please, remember the tip jar for BB10, these ladies are putting together a great party!!
Thanks to all who post and visit the all are the greatest online family for this retired US Army Soldier to visit and read daily...Beau in Seattle.
I wish they'd have a show all about the after-party and follow ups... like what happens with Sharon and what's his face!
Nobody I liked won...
but I am HAPPY James got voted favorite Juror. So much for Team Christ and audience support!!!
JAMES... we'll see you again!
Sheila came so close TWICE!!!! Cripes she'll be bawling for a year about being this close to any kind of cashola!
Natalie gets....NOTHING!
Matt gets...NOTHING!
This is what I'm taking away from this season. It really, really warms my cockles that these two will be going back to serving cleavage and coffee, and crawling around on roofs, respectively.
At least there is some justice in the universe!
Does a little happy dance!!! James won it!! James won it!! James won it!!
I really worry about Nat not realizing the youtube vids of her under the covers with Matt. She obviously doesn't know or get it. What a shock that will be for her.
It was so good to see Alex again,he is adorable!
Oh well, Still feel the poll was rigged (SHEILA 2nd?!?!?)
Just like the GP's
Oh well...
Wonder how long till Adam finds out he lost his job
Well good for Adam! Obviously he played the better game so good for him :)
Carolyn, Will they have a reunion show? Or will they show the wrap party on the feeds?
Thanks Carolyn
for the 100th time! C U soon. I am off to bed now... it's 3 AM in Stockholm.
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