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Let the mind games begin!!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
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Thursday, January 24, 2008
Interview with Big Brother 8's Daniele Donato
Happy Friday, everyone! I promised some fun surprises in the run up to Big Brother 9, and I meant it. ;) Today brings the first treat: Daniele Donato from Big Brother 8 was kind enough to sit down with bb9dish and give us a terrific interview. Enjoy!
If you'd like to link to this interview, the direct url is:
http://bb9dish.blogspot.com/2008/01/interview-with-big-brother-8s-daniele.htmlCAROLYN: Congratulations on making it to the final 2. From my end, I always perceived it as a win for both of you, rather than a 1st place, 2nd place. How have you been enjoying the spoils of victory?
- DANIELE: THANK YOU!! You know I love that I'm finally getting to travel and do things.. money doesn't equal happiness, but it sure makes things easier. Not having to worry every month if I'm going to have enough for rent is wonderful.
- DANIELE: My life is a whirlwind of changes. I feel as though it is still changing daily. Sometimes I miss what it feels like to be on solid ground. But you take it and run with it. The only constant is change, right? Plus, change isn't always bad... I'm making the most of it and enjoying it. :]
- DANIELE: I think it's just silly. I don't consider myself as famous. I had my first experience with fans screaming and crying, saying how they were so happy to meet me..
- Them: "You don't understand!!"
Me: "I really don't understand."
- DANIELE: I certainly feel that it has brought us together. The biggest thing I take from the house is life lessons. I cannot even tell you how much I have learned from this experience. I have definitely grown as person. On this topic, I finally realized that you may not have the story book family, but that doesn't mean you don't need your family.
- DANIELE: Well, you live.. you learn. I regret the way I handled the situation, period. But, I can say it has made me a different person, and I've learned from it.
CAROLYN: Do you feel like you've gotten closure now - on both ends?
- DANIELE: It's hard to just move on from a person whom you shared such strong feelings for.. as for romantic feelings, this is the first time I have been single in a very long time. It is hard adjusting to that, but I am not looking to date anyone right now. I am enjoying discovering who I am and growing as an individual.
CAROLYN: Now that you've had a few months outside the house to reflect, what specifically would you go back and change, if you could?
- DANIELE: I would change a few things, but... I can neither confirm nor deny any of them.
CAROLYN: The Incest Charge... Dustin, Dustin, Dustin. Care to comment? Have you ever called him on it? Has he ever apologized to you for his despicable accusations?
- DANIELE: I have not talked to Dustin since the show.
- DANIELE: I saw her at the Reality awards in October, but I didn't talk to her.

- DANIELE: The only person I talk to is Kail. I love her and her family to death. We talk alllll the time. As for people being different, I think most of them are, good or bad. This is why, if I have not communicated with a houseguest outside of the house, I do not have an opinion of them. Everyone gets all these opinions of houseguests from the show, but I've met so many past houseguests who people may have a bad misconception of, whom I just love.
- DANIELE: It really does. Not to say some people don't enter the house already a bit nutty...but I think that's the basic idea. You know, people say, "Oh, so it's like you're in jail?" and I say "No, it's like you're in a mental institution."

- DANIELE: Haha! I say I didn't make friends in the house, because I spent too much time making friends in the Diary Room. I made a lot of good friends out of those guys. As for past houseguests... Kaysar and I hangout, I talk to Marcellus, James, Will (season 5), Diane and that's pretty much it.. so far.

- DANIELE: I enjoyed my time with Nick, as well as the competitions... I really miss them. When my dad and I were on the block together were always great weeks, it brought us together.
- DANIELE: Least favorite? Not being able to talk to my friends and family. It gets lonely and super boring. Soooo boring it drives you crazy. I also hated the fact that you couldn't just get some privacy..if there weren't people next to you, it was a camera you can hear zooming in on you.
- DANIELE: PLAY THE GAME. Coat your heart in cement... you're there to play a game.
- DANIELE: You know, it took them six years to do the first all stars, if it takes six years again.. I will be 27, and it will just depend where I'm at in my life.. I will definitely consider it, but who knows if they will even have another one and who knows if I would even be asked..
- DANIELE: Thanks for everything. <3
Labels: interviews
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The Big Brother 9 Feeds are Live
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a test pattern! Hehe. It's not much to look at, but it's definitely progress in the right direction. ;) The Big Brother 9 feeds are officially live, complete with a soundtrack provided by Sirius Satellite radio tuned to Classical 86... as of this posting.
We'll keep an eye out for any changes... be they flames, papa smurf's never ending colonoscopy, fishies, or something new. Any suggestions?
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
An Open Letter to Big Brother 9 Finalists
Before you all get sequestered, which should be in about a week to 10 days, please take a moment to hear our requests and suggestions. There are a few here, and there will likely be many more in the comment section of this post.
Please consider this our plea for an end to nightly beer pong, silly dates for the Showtime audience and references to Chilltown membership. Kindly resist the urge to compare yourself to Dr. Will, Janelle, Dick, or any other past winner or amazing player. Let us be the ones to do that. ;)
Excessive nose picking grosses us out.
Gentlemen: WASH YOUR HANDS... every single time.
Ladies: this should go without saying.
Gentlemen: If you're wondering if we can tell what you're doing under the covers while it's dark, the answer is yes, we can. We can see because of the night vision cameras, and we can hear it too.
If you're so inclined, a nice little shout out for bb9dish from the jacuzzi would be much appreciated. Even if it's not from the jacuzzi... :)
Have the forethought to get a net savvy close friend or family member to run your myspace or facebook account. The fans will want to add you, and frankly, you never know when having a fan base ready to dial on your behalf might come in handy. Add us, while you're at it, so we can put you up on the top friends. Here's the link for myspace: dishchicks-myspace;) ; and here's the link for facebook: dishchicks-facebook.
OK, now I open the forum to all of our wonderful bloggers here at bb9dish. What would you like to see the HGs do and not do? Let us (and them) know in the comments section.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Big Brother 9's Tranny Secret Exposed?
This really ought to be over on the rumors site, but since we're at the time of pre-season where we're all starving for information, and I'm not in the mood to make everyone go over to the rumors site, it's goin' here. Could be complete and utter b.s. Could be a practical joke to see how far and how fast a rumor can spread...
I'd like to think this one may actually have some merit. In terms of the social experiment we call Big Brother, this could bring it to another level entirely.
SurvivorSucks poster Alabamacandace wrote it. Aldav broke it on the internet earlier today, and I was gonna let it stay there, but now I'm getting google alerts about it on lots of other sites, so I feel remiss in not filling you all in here too. Besides, it's an excellent opportunity to alert you all to the fact that the king of all things BB has changed his addy from aldav to dogdave.com. And without further ado, here's what he discovered:
- The woman by the name of Alabamacandace wrote:
Alright, so I went to the open call in Atlanta and while I did not get a call back, I can share a tidbit that makes me think this secret thing may have some validity.
In my group of 5, there was a girl, a blonde model from Atlanta and she mentioned something like “I am dating 2 guys - one knows and the other doesn’t know” after she said this one of the casting people stopped her and said “don’t tell the rest of what the other guy doesn’t know in front of everyone else”. After we were all dismissed, she was asked too stay behind.
There was a gay guy in my group who I walked out with and I wondered aloud what was up with her and what was the big secret. The gay guy told me she was a tranny - a friend of his knew her and he told her to come to the open call.
She mentioned she had never seen the show, knew nothing about it all, and just because of her “secret” I am 99% positive she got a call back and would not be surprised to see her on the show. She was really pretty but I HATE HATE HATE that another know nothing about the game may be getting on because she has some sort of overexaggerated “secret”.
Even though I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to blow her spot up - I won’t mention her name - (but) when we know they are sequestered I will post it.
Again, she may not be on - but they made a big deal of her not spilling her “secret” in front of the rest of us and y’all KNOW a beautiful blonde tranny from the South who grew up on a farm and knows nothing about BB is the kind of stuff these dumb casting idiots drool over.
They did ask all of us if we had something interesting to tell them about ourselves “that no one knows about.”
So, having been through the casting and hearing other people’s stories - I am inclined to believe there is something to this.
There ya have it. Talk amongst yourselves. ;) Topic: Do CBS, Endemol and AGP have the collective cojones to put a transsexual on Big Brother? Please get thee to the comments section and let us know your thoughts.