Win A Date with Evel Dick Donato
& Accompany Him to the BB9 Finale
As of 1:00pm BBT, the HGs are still sleeping... so check this out! Click the link or either of the pics to go to the auction. :)
The lucky winner of this one of a kind auction is going to be the recipient of an amazing night out in Los Angeles. All proceeds of this auction will go to Rock Against Diabetes 2008, to help fund the huge online concert event, and help R.A.D. meet it's initiatives to deliver an amazing worldwide interactive nutritional tool to diabetics world wide.
Do not bid unless you intend on following through in the auction!
According to this auction, the date of the BB9 Finale is Sunday, April 27th.
For the record, CBS has not released the date yet, so this may or may not be accurate... It should be in that neighborhood , though.
Win a Date to the Big Brother 9 Finale With Evel Dick
The winner of this auction will receive all of the following:
1) Return air travel to Los Angeles*
2) One night hotel accommodation in LA**
3) Limo service from the Airport to hotel
4) Dinner with Evel Dick at the restaurant of his choice
5) Limo with Evel Dick to the Big Brother 9 Show Finale

That photo really makes Evel Dick look like Michael Richards aka Kramer from Seinfeld ... I always wondered what he was up to after the show ended, I never suspected it was BB. At least he's kept the 'n' word under control.
Hi Carolyn!! :) Just wanted to know the last show is on 4/27/ does that mean double eviction this week?? that would be 2 out on Wed 4/16... then 3 left for the week of wed the 23rd... and then the Sunday the 27th is the last show?? My frist year watching just wanted to know what you think?? Thanks so much love your site!!
I'm afraid of ED.. I would rather go to the finale alone :)
Wow! if the finale is on the 27th there MUST be an double eviction coming up!!
I noticed this question posted under veto spoiler and I also would like to know what a morph comp is. I feel silly asking but I don't know where else to find the answer to this question.
Thank you in advance!
Great Job Carolyn! I really hope NataLIAR goes. I was rewatching some of the disgusting things she has done the first few weeks in the house and how she seems to have forgotten all that. I am no big James and Chelsia fans, but I do have more respect for them than NataLIAR because at least they own up to what they do or don't do and who they are as individual people. They don't pretend to be something they aren't. That whole "milk" thing with her was weird/disgusting and unbelievable (she is producing milk after being pregnant 4 years ago???) in and of itself, but then to "share" it with everyone else in the house? Oy Vey! I hope she does see a doctor for a number of reason, that which being only one of them.
Thanks all and especially Carolyn,
from a "Connectigorian" lol
Marie I'm with you... I'm afriad of ED too!
Why didn't I notice that before, Evel Dick and Michael Richards separated at birth. That is too funny. Now I'm really scared of him.
Gross. They would have to pay ME to go to dinner with that creep.
oh my gosh.. the man is giving of his time to raise thousands for charity and no one can find anything nice to say... i'm saddened.
(and I'm referring to the slew of super rude comments that aren't being published)
ok.. re the Morph Comp...
A morph comp is a pretty standard veto comp near the end of the season every year.
Typically in a morph comp, all that studying of the memory wall gets rewarded... as the HGs are challenged to correctly identify some or all of the other HGs based upon fragments of their faces as they morph from one to another...
This time, it seems the guinea pigs were involved too...
Re April 27th
I just spoke with a couple of my contacts at CBS and They are NOT able to confirm that date...
As soon as I know for certain, I'll be shouting it from the rooftops.
What we Do know for certain, and CBS will confirm, is that the final Tuesday Broadcast will be Tuesday, April 22nd.
What a great prize and how cool that the money is going to charity. Dare we say "not-so-evel Dick"?
If I had some vacation time and money I would love a Date with ED, how incredibly crazy fun would that be!!!
That guitar is awesome!!
Carolyn! Thanks so much for the info for my post about the dates!! I will be checking this site like 1000 more times a day then I do already LOL... You are the best!! Thanks again!! I hope for a double eviction this week!! :)
I kind of really hated ED in the Big Brother game but you could see through his interaction with Danielle that he truly has a big heart. He could be doing so many other things with his money.
Way to go ED!!
I think ED is a persona more than anything-I bet this guy is as down to earth as they come.
I would so be there in L.A. on a date with ED if I could top the bid of the 2 grand that is up there now.
I so wish I had money - I'd be all over a date with ED - to show him what a REAL FATASS look like, because omg the fat comments of him and others make me want to stab people.
Course, I also adore ED, as do my daughters, and they'd be SUPER JEALOUS and that would make it TOTALLY worth it for him to have pictures dating a fat chick for a night and a good cause. And I do adore him, for the most part. He makes me laugh.
....I need more sleep. *LMAO* Morning Carolyn!
OMG, if I only had the money, I would LOVE to win this auction and go on a date with Evel Dick. Hopefully the hubby would understand...then again knowing him, he would be the one going on the date!!
I'd go to the finals with Evil Dick! It'd be a great way to actually get to meet everyone and I wouldn't be surprised if the winner even gets a shout out from Julie and/or the HG. Besides, I bet he's hella fun at a party!
Evel Dick!! Woohoo!! I'd love to meet him...Wish I had the funds!
What a great thing to do..I'm sure whoever wins will have a wonderful time!! And the money goes to charity..great great!!
Thanks ED
and the guitar!! thats friggin awesome!!
the winner gets a guitar?? Did I read that correctly?
So a full with Evel Dick..and a guitar!
Thats amazing!!
Evel Dick ROCKS!!
Hello, Carolyn, I just wanted to say that I would LOVE to be able to bid on ED's auction! Would go in a heartbeat if I had the money! That is a terrific charity! Shame on those who are talking smack about it, think of the good, people!!!! Do I dare ask if you are bidding, lovely Carolyn ;-)
jluvs - too rich for my blood. besides which... i'll be here blogging ;)
It's funny CBS won't confirm the finale date. I've posted a couple times here (although the info changed since CBS canceled that stupid "Secrets of the Stars") that "The Unit" takes over the Tuesday BB slot on 29th and "Price is Right" takes on the Wednesday BB slot the next night.
I don't expect a double eviction. On 4/16 there are 4 HGs left and on 4/23 the final 3 will be known. I expect a special Friday edition at 9 pm on the 4/25 for airing the 3-part final HOH and then Sunday the 27th should be the finale.
You are absolutely right! I think it's wonderful that ED is donating his time to a worthy cause and all people can do is make fun of him. Love him or not it's more than most of us are doing.
I apologize for comparing him earlier to Michael Richards.
Love love love your blog!
Just for the record, Carolyn (and others) -- I would gladly donate money to the charity, but would NOT want to go on a date with Dick. To me, that would be torture, not a reward.
Do you have information on how we can donate money, all on our own?
During last years bb season,i did hate evel dick,not only for his rude and wicked comments towards all of the house( no contestants signed up for be humiliated and put down,that was over the top)
but that the final was also sort of spoiled for me,as there was no more mystery.. who was gonna win.. whoopee.. i think dick or his daughter., like big deal... oh well.. its the players own fault for not getting them out before they realized how they were working together.. just like the all stars the season before and mike boogie.. in the end everyone was so suspicious of will that they forgot about his evil twin boogie.. so such as life.. the "designated Evel player each year usually ends up in the final. i guess cause everyone wants to take the most hated person to the end. HUH?
but with all of his charity.. this isint the only one ive seen of dicks giving nature either.. he does seem to be more of a stand up guy and not the evel one in real life. no one could be that abusive and still get guest appearances.
or maybe hes trying to clean up his image by all of this charity stuff?
like danielle did on the all stars?
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