The Veto Comp is On - SPOILER!!
4:34am BBT FEED ARE BACK!!! Sounds like it was a morph of sorts, with the HGs as guinea pigs?!? Waiting.... .. Waiting for 100% confirmation... Natalie's saying "I picked the wrong damn puzzle.. I focused on the heads.
Sheila: You did great, Adam.
Adam: I'm so proud of myself! I was so stressed.
PoV Winner Clip
Everything Below this point was before the feeds came back...
Still Trivia
Over 4 hours in!!
Goodness gracious!
While we're waiting, check this out:
Win a Date to the Big Brother 9 Finale With Evel Dick
100% of the proceeds are being donated to charity, and airfare, accommodations, limo, dinner with Dick and accompanying him to the Finale are included! Not to mention a very cool guitar for the winner of the auction!
Our friend Lessa from BigBrotherCraze has these interviews up for you to check out too:Alex and Jen.
Also from Lessa, for those James fans who can't get enough: Think Pink!
And a really cute PoV Video made by TrishyDoll:
Who will win the Veto Comp? Only time will tell. We'll be here to let you know... Shortly before the comp started, our friend Joshua saw this leak to the feeds and sent it in to bb9dish. A whole bunch of crew members and what would appear to be part of the set for the comp. Did you see this?
I had the feeling it would be a morph all day long yesterday, and this pic makes me think so even more... If that's the case, this PoV is Natalie's for the taking.

Carolyn, did you get my pic I posted on the other topic?
And, boy did the polls change overnight or what? I swear it USE TO BE like yesterday Nat to win POV, but also Nat had the most to get evicted.
Every other blog I go to everyone is rooting for Sharon/Shiela/Adumb... Lol fans of this blog have jumped to TC.
I have to say I think the BB Producers, if this competition IS a Morph-o-matic, have rigged the game for Natalie. This week, final 5 HOH was endurance... it's NEVER endurance for final 5, and the morph-o-matic POV is ALWAYS final 6 not final 5.
if you watch BB Afterdark U got a little glimps (like split second) of outside. I rewinded (DVR) and saw a bunch of people standing and one sitting on a large brownish couch with pillows. It was in the U shape like inside the BB living room. The guy sitting was messing with a remote. So I'm curious to see the COMP!!!!
Well thet have to do something.
James then Natalie.
Nothing will be going on then. Talk about boring.
Hah, Carolyn, I am Joshua... darnit thats my email i use for school, didn't realize it was on my email for school. yeah, I haven't been watching feeds much cause this season just sucks, I've been reading your updates though!
haha I was just about to send you that picture when I refreshed your site and you already posted it! You are G, Double O, D GOOD! lol.
I keep reading people say Natalie always had Shiela's back bla blah blah Shiela is backstabbing Natalie. Well, IMO, she isn't. Natalie has made it clear to the boys she wants Shiela gone next week! Natalie has deals with everyone and backstabbed Shiela first!
THanks Pyke :)
AZJULES - We're just lucky to have friends like Josh :) and we KNOW IT!
Well, its 2:50 BBT maybe sheila fell asleep during the comp and busted another tooth! Wondering how long trivia will last... its getting old
That is the scene I saw too. I froze it, but still couldn't figure much out from it. Can't figure out how it would play into an endurance challenge though.
LOL, I'm like "Who's Josh?" Then I realize that's me. Wow, do I need to go to sleep!
Carolyn, send me some of your Cuban coffee please! I don't wanna drive to work (Starbucks) and get my own. LOL!
lol, pyke... ya know what's funny? i'm drinking from a pyke's place mug as we speak... you work at my personal mecca. ;)
sending cuban your way stat!~!
sherry - not gonna be endurance.
sexy - g'morning :)
That is scary! No one is suppose to be in the Big Brother house but the HGs...they just ruined the illusion
A very early Good Morning Carolyn.. (and all.)
Sorry you didn't get that much needed rest, but I've been sitting here since midnight GCT and listening to tivia for 2 hours and 51 minutes now. Actually I consider that a blessing. Anytime I am on the feeds and can get 3 hours of silence from Gnat I am grateful.
Is this one geared for her? I don't know. All her mermaids look just like her. Her pics of St. Matt and Ryan were only distinguishable by the heavier facial hair on Ryan. I pointed that out weeks ago.
I think this is a crap shoot as all morphomatics are if this indeed what they are doing. It's all in how fast you can guess and hit the buzzer if I recall how it's played.
So.. Carolyn. Tank up on the Cuban. It's going to be a long day. The one break is that it will be a short "Overnight" since we are now at 3 hours of trivia.
Can't wait to see who had the veto around their neck, but if it's Gnat, I may have to make my own and hang myself with it.
Til I think of something else to babble about....
Carolyn, but you're not drinking Pike's Place Roast? That coffee is good! Almost as good as Casi Celio (or however you spell it... sounds like Casa SEEello)
Cuban coffee, where do you get it from?
But yeah, I like Pike's Place Roast! Nice blend that goes good with all my breakfastes!
Gawd, I wish they'd hurry up. It really hurts to hold an anticipatory smirk this long.
"I keep reading people say Natalie always had Shiela's back bla blah blah Shiela is backstabbing Natalie. Well, IMO, she isn't." I agree with you on that pyke. Nat has played the game hard, and the other houseguests are starting to see her little lies/deals with everyone. In my opinion this is a crucial week to bump her out of the game. If she doesn't leave this week, and wins HoH next week she WILL be in the final 3. They just have no confidence when it comes to beating her in endurance comps.
mindy - we get pics of crew pretty often... no biggie. just think of them as the elves that make everything happen. ;)
gaytor - good morning dear! :) now about that cable guy... lol.. he was big and beautiful and dark and lovely and his name was, i kid you not, Romeo.
gaytor, morph-o-matic competition's aren't crapshoots. Look at Jani, she had skill in that competition and studied for it.
Pyke - Nope, not drinking pike's place roast... cafe Bustelo is on tap here. ;)
Beorn!! Good Morning :)
Ahh, we don't get that coffee where we are at... does Starbucks carry that coffee?
I'd try Pike's Place Roast when you can, buy a small cup, make sure it was just brewed (coffee will be brewed every thirty minutes at Starbucks now... ugh... but better coffee!)
Honestly, I am surprised the houseguest dummies aren't realizing they did Natalie's dirty work in getting James out. He would have been loyal to them ahd they given him a shot... Nat kept saying "We can't trust James! He lied to ME" (ONCE!!!!!) And for that ONE move of putting MATT on the block cause Matt lied to James, James gets screwed!
Look at it from his point of view: James SAVED Shiela... she stil turned on him; saved Ryan... he still turned on him... saved Adumb; he still turned on him. It really is sad.
Good morning, Carolyn!! And Gaytor!! And everyone!
I've been sitting here thinking we've missed a very important scene. Before all this PoV stuff, wasn't Sheila supposed to find Natalie praying alone out in the yard, and then have Natalie tell her that before the cock crows, she will deny Natalie three times? Or am I getting my stories mixed up?
Well, Sexy Slavetoy, I don't know about Sheila falling asleep, but I am about to fall out and I don't want to chip a tooth. So, keep the faith BB9'ers! I wll have to give it up for today. See ya' after it's over!
Thanks Carolyn!
what is a morph o matic competition consist of?
Beorn, is this a caseof the early bird gets the 'worm' ? :p~
Carolyn you made my day. I need to get some DSL service out here. My Java is totally screwed up, and I don't mean the coffee since I don't drink it, except that great Community Coffee with Chickory. DSL service guys are usally pretty hot. and willing and able to make sure you are satisfied and serviced... err... I mean your service is working. :o
Pyke, you are right about Janie but she was exceptional at everything she did. She very much had an eye for detail and proved it often. Smart girl that Janelle, and still love her dearly. The only TRUE All-Star. But these people? I still call crap shoot. Of course I will forget I said this if Gnat wins. ;)
pyke - bustelo is cuban.. not made by sbux... we don't have one here on the island yet - we have a location, but they're darn slow about opening it... hopefully by summer, and i'll blog from there! lol. (true though)
beorn - lol!
sherry - thanks ! we'll be here!
random person chastising me for sleeping while i could- :P
It was scary! As i was on my laptop reading the new posts, the live feeds on my desk top went silent.. I was like BOOYA! Its back!.. i looked up to my tv (i have Media Center computer hooked up to my 42" LCS tv) only to see it times out! LOL. I did watch house calls while i waited and ED gave James the nod. And a caller asked about seeing ED and James in BB Allstars 2! THAT would be AWESOME! Interesting to see if they would team up and run the house batty or go after each other!
Carolyn, I would say G'moringing to you, but i haven't gone to bed yet. And i won't until I know the winner!
OMG... I am so tired, but I have been waiting this long and really want to know BEFORE I go to bed.
Be done already!!! Please. ;-)
And I pray to the God of all Gods that is a result I want because American Idol last night was a travesty...
Tella!! Good morning sunshine :)
I couldnt agree with you more!!
I just dont understand how they didnt realize they were cleaning up for Gnat...ugh, its so sad...
ahhhhh BB is killing me! I want to sleepppp lol
sexy - that's the spirit ;)
Hi Gabriella :)
I'm a lucky-lucky girl...
Thanks to ReporterX's promise to wake me, I actually got 5 hours of sleep!
Woke up to the sounds of the trivia music at 2am BBT/5am Eastern...
I've been up all night too..with ya guys and gals..
Stamping my feet like a 2 year old about now LOL
Gaytor--LOL...I can only speak for myself at the moment. While some might consider a cold glass of Low Sodium V-8 the equivalent of getting the worm (and not in a good way), I'm kinda enjoying it. ;-)
Good Morning, Carolyn!
Geez, your dedication is amazing lol (as im passing out in front of my computer bc i havent yet gone to sleep and i refuse to until the results haha)
I really hope this was worth the wait..the sun is rising here in new york and i would hate to waste a whole day sleeping just to have to deal with Gnat for another week lol
p.s.-off BB-Tella wasnt AI last night disgusting? Im so bummed he went home, but you know what? it happened to Daughtry last yr, and Constantine too...Michael Johns will be huge, hes awesome ;)
re AI - I've missed the whole season, save for the 1st 2 torturous episodes of tone deaf rejects...
Awww thank you Carolyn..would not do it for anyone else on the planet babes!!
hi Carolyn,
I have to say that James will definately vote for Sheila if she is in the final two just for the mere fact of sending Gnat packing!!! (That is, of course, if she doesn't win POV)
Go anyone but Gnat!
Good Morning (night for me) Carolyn and all...
I have been spending my time with HouseCalls too... ED and Gretchen are actually funny together... especially since she hated him last year. ;-)
I can't believe all of you on the east coast being up this early... but then again, I am usually a night owl - but this is getting silly. Have to get up at a decent hour. I think I will go to bed with the monitors and sound on low...
See you later, alligator. <3
PS. ReporterX
You really look like the other icon.
Carolyn, what island do you live on? i always thought you lived in California or Washington...
Tella - btw.. thanks so much for that article the other day...
Wendy in TX - Good Morning :)
LOL tella
Sorry for the doublepost Carolyn... but I just looked at the polls AGAIN and its all changed now. Like, mostly everyone wants Nat out now and Sharon to win POV. Thirty minutes ago it was the other way around. I am confused.
Pyke - Key Biscayne... it's a little island off miami, 6 miles into the atlantic, but not connected to the other keys.
i went to USC (film) in L.A. and grew up half out there..
pyke - i just made new polls again.. it was glaringly obvious the others had been hacked.
Awww Come ON, BB. I had planned to have a life today. So much for plans.
Today is the start of the French Quarter Festival and I had planned to get there early and pinch some tails and suck some heads. (NO, I am not being nasty, that's the way you eat boiled crawfish and I love 'em. YUMMY!)
Hi, my name is GaYToR and I am a BB Addict. I'm in it for the long-haul.
Juice and cookies anyone?
Oh, Carolyn, I am studying film too! Was film school worth it? I am doing an internship this summer and possibly getting a job after it and I think I should focus on the job and try to make connections and get experience rather then focus on college, then transfer to New York or LA (I am in texas) to get a film degree that's recognized.
Should I finish school first? or is it really about the experience and connections you make?
Ahh, you're in hurricane central. My mom does the CAT storms over there...
gaytor :) thanks, but i'm still on coffee - no where near ready for food yet.
Gaytor, I LOVE crawfish! Boiled especially! Has some two nights ago while staring at the stars... how romantic... I just needed a girl or guy by my side.
raising my hand for juice and cookies..
Hi, my name is ReporterX and I am a BB Addict. I'm in it for the long-haul too..LOL
Pyke - School! But honestly, it doesn't matter if you get a film degree... get film and tv work experience.
and yes, i'm definitely in hurricane central... though hopefully not this year!
why am i scared/paranoid to find out who wins? gah... and i cant sleep either.
Hi Imogen!! :)
It's a big one, that's why! lol. We're here with ya!
Why did you reset the polls? You didn't like that Natalie was winning them all and people want her to stay so you thought you'd try again?
Carolyn, I'll pray it bypasses your island... but I sorta want hurricanes... business has been DOWN and we need money.
So, does this plan sound good:
Get experience in the field... gain connections... make sure I want to do it before wasting 100K on film degree (I am almost done with CORE classes) and then going back to college to get degree in Film. Or, if I have enough experience and connections I don't need a film degree, i get a backup degree.
Or should I go to college while internship... the reason I don't want to finish college in film right now is cause Texas isn't recognized for film degrees, I wanna move to LA or Cali to finish it. So I figure i should start working in it...
Gosh none of you guys have gone to bed yet. You are really die hards.
It is 6.37am here and I am already awake after 6 hours of sleep. =)
anon - i don't care who's winning. i care that they're accurate... and they were obviously hacked.
Thanks Gaytor, some juice would be nice. :-) And if this goes on much longer, I make need some of that crystal meth that Natalie is speculated to have used.
Hi ReporterX!
Isn't that the way they greet in all the Anon meetings?
I just looked and all I have is Cactus Juice. Will that do? It definitely has a kick to it, especially if you are already too cocktailed to care anymore. And it doesn't make me sick like to-kill-ya does.
Cookies... I'll whip up a batch of rum balls. Might as well get drunk on the foods for this BB Anon.
How DARE my dog want breakfast at this hour! Doesn't he know if I leave my chair the feeds will come back up? I won't even release the keyboard long enough for Danny to check his email. I made him go back to bed.
Pyke - Don't stress about where or even which degree.. just get your education... ;) The rest will follow.
Nancy - Good Morning! :)
Didn't Natalie predict that the veto would end around 5am? haha. Witchy woman, i like it.
Do you think they might not turn the feeds back on until everyone is in bed? (Just to kill us with the wondering?)
That really would not be funny!
You're better than I am, Carolyn. I got one childish message to moderate at my (inactive) blog site last night, and that was it--no more anonymous posts allowed.
The Internet is such a wonderful tool for bringing people together and for sharing different points of view; it's a real shame that that also means abusive and accusatory jerks can hide behind anonymity sometimes.
Wendy - Good lord, i hope not! lol.
Good morning.
It is going to be a nice and rainy day here.
I love thunderstorms.
But they really need to pick up the pace. Some of us have to go to work soon.
Cactus Juice and Rum Balls!! LOL..
I'm awake now! yeee haaa!!
Good morning, Nancy :) Yumm.. Nothing like a nice storm... I love watching them blow in over the ocean...
God I hope it is the morphomatic. that would be Natalie's only hope. I want Team Christ to stay together on more week.....
bah.. real player is now updating on me. so annoying. but hopefully it'll all be over soon and i can sleep....
OK, small rant here.
Natalie said she had a premonition that veto comp was tonight. Yet, the DR told her not to drink, she came out saying DR told her not to drink and she thinks since they told her that there might be some type of competition tonight. Then when it was announced that POV is tonight, she said "I had a premonition! It came true!" Just like EVERYTHING else... I think the DR tips her off and then she says she came up with it. Just like when ED came back, she said DR asked her about ED, then she guessed he was coming back. Then she said she had a dream he was coming back and it was God giving her a sign.
How come the banner is not filled in yet?? Just wondering?? =)
BEORN! You did NOT just go there!
Yes you did and I am PMSL'ing about it. Not a lot has been said about that but it's been pretty obvious to me. Or maybe I read it and forgot, then thought I had an original idea. That's what the stuff can do to you. I had my days... DECADES ago!
Your dedication is awesome and so appreciated from Brooklyn, NY!
Any idea who won YET?
This Jewish girl loves herself some Natalie!
I agree... I think Johns will have a great career. I have downloaded every performance of his from itunes... and Dave C and Carly. I guess I like the more rocker types. But more than that...Johns seemed so genuine and nice. It's an amazing springboard for those with real talents to make the Final 12 on AI. Unlike BB where you have to be different and a stand out to get anything after completion.
YW... re. article. Obviously you need rest in between blogging.
Now... I am going to bed. It's so hard to leave the screen...
Dana - Good Morning, my fellow tribeswoman. :) hehe.
Here in Ohio we do not get to see the ocean much. =)
So I do not think I have ever witnessed a storm blowing over it.
Sounds pretty.
Pyke, sorry I missed the crawfish comment earlier. I tend to get lost in here a lot. Ask Carolyn how many times I think my posts get lost.
MM Crawfish by moonligh... but in Texas? Where are you going to school? As for the guy next to me making it better, well that would be Danny, and after 27 years of watching him eat, well, it just wouldn't be romantic as the head juice dribbles down his chin and onto his t-shirt.
COME ON BB! Almost 4 hours. Is it going to take one hour per player to "get 'er done"?
Darn! This sucks.. i even created a GMail account, set it up, logged back into here using it and there is STILL no winner.. well, there might eb a winner . just no feeds! It will be 100 times worse if the feeds come back and they are all in bed asleep!
SO the DR tipped off Natalie that the comp would be going until dawn? I guess then? Just saying, it's funny.
Thanks for the shout out Carolyn!
Are the feeds still on flames? I refuse to get ready for work until I know who won!
Perhaps her alter ego would be more appropriately named NaTina?
Wow what the heck is taking SO long! Its 7am eastern time here (Im from Canada), and I have not yet slept. Its been 4 hours now and still going...this is insane! How much longer will this be???
LOL @ tella. I do the same thing. I just can't walk away without a few more refreshes when I say I am going to bed.
Welcome to BB Addicts Anon all.
Here Tella, have some Catcus Juice.
The "HG's" are standing behind the couch watching what the guy on the couch is doing with the supposed screen. The others do not watch what the others are doing in morp bc out of who has the same amount of right answers it comes down to who did it fastest correct? The guy on the couch has no HG lanyard around his neck and there appears to be someone sitting to the right. Hope this is new. Of course they could still have to go behind something to do it so could still be the morph. Ok so maybe I'm reaching lol bc I reallyyyyyyyy do not want Natalie to win lol
i cant believe we're still on trivia...this is insanity!!
Goooood morning everyone!
I wake up to excitement on the DISH!
*Passes around coffees, energy drinks and juice*
You are all troupers I say! I had to go to bed! But here I logged in first thing and see POV under way. I'm pumped and ready to see Project Evict Natalie of Arc come to fruition!
wheeeeeeeeeen will it be OVER? *headdesk* I'm TIRED dammit.
I mean -Morning, Carolyn! Toss some Cuban Coffee my way, will ya? At this point my alarm is gonna go off in 3 hours....
Is it possible that there's been an earthquake in L.A. that no one knows about yet, or maybe even a nuclear war and everyone else is dead except all of us sitting here endlessly commenting and clicking the refresh button? Could someone conveniently seating near a window just take a peek out to double-check things?
Morning Lessa! :) Morning, Genie!
Lessa - I wanna come to Alaska!
Come on up! But bring a coat - we're having a late season cold snap. We were just looking like Spring had finally sprung - then we got a foot of snow and it's currently just 15 degrees. I was all hopeful for a nice easy breakup and early spring! But no....
sigh. All of that and Natalie is in the house and James is gone. WHY CANT I EVER GET MY WAY?! (grin)
PS - been by to see the lil goodies lately? (grin)
PS - if the feeds come back on and they're all sleeping, I'ma be UPSET.
I checked..(window nearby) world's still out there...
I've decided so this must be true. Know This!
This night is BB's trick on us. They have given the houseguests live feeds to our houses and they are all up watching as we sit and stare at trivia for over 4 hours now.
lessa - please gimme the link for that interview you mentioned... i wanna add it (the link) to the blog. meant to ask you yesterday...
You kill me Beorn! Nevertheless I checked out the window and all I see is buckets of water coming down! Maybe it's the Second Flooding! Get your boats ready!
My fingertips are tingling in anticipation.
Pyke - LMAO - but i can't publish it... i'll get pummeled
LMFAO gaytor!! (HG's with live feeds in our houses)
Boy would they get an eye full about now LOL
Good Morning, Carolyn! I can't believe you have been up all night! Thanks for all you do! xox
Carolyn, I don't have Cuban coffee, but I make a mean cup of Tim Horton's (Timmies) in a bodem (spelling highly suspect)! *Slides a mug Carolyn's way!*
I know, I know... I thought I would give you a good laugh. :)
My mom is up now... I should have gone to bed and just woken up early... gesh. I hate how we can't watch competitions... in the other countries we can!
Megan - hehe - i haven't. i actually snuck 5 hours of sleep in. ;)
Genie - thank you!
Lessa - sending traffic your way... ;)
Lordy I hope they don't have houseguests watching us! Sheila'd be trying to crawl through the screen and do my dishes...
Nope, not even a clean kitchen is worth that. *L*
Good morning Carolyn & BB bloggers whew!! after staying up till 4:30the other night watching Sheila enjoy her HOH I had an early night last night and woke up to find they are doing the POV woweeeeeeeeeeee I sure hope Nat doesn't get it.
Fantastic! Thank you! All traffic is appreciated. I do stare at your hit counter with envy. Know THAT!
(Yes, Lessa has crossed into the less then rational Sheila impressions. Send help. And Caffeine.)
If it is Morphing, why has it taken 4 hours? I know competitions can be long. And I expect them to be. But I was thinking it would have finished at the 3 Hour mark.
RepX and Genie--
Whew. Close call, but I'm glad to know we're all safe. Safe to sit here and what's actually happening, since we know it's not a nuclear conflagration.
Maybe it's some kind of network crossover experiment, and Ty Pennington and the rest of the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition crew suddenly showed up and sent all the HGs to Disney or something. It'd definitely be worth it to stay up to see the reveal of the "special room" that Ty spends all week working on for Natalie. I'd be especially interested to see if he could find bedclothes with a graphic crucifix pattern for her. And maybe there'd be a special floor-length mirror she could look into to see how she'd look with stigmata.
Gawd, I really need to go to
Does a morph really take this long? It seems sorta unfair--that the person who went first has the advantage of not being so tired. I would think the person who goes last would be really tired.
LOL Leesa the mental image you just gave me...I'll never get to sleep when this over LOL
(Sheila crawling through a monitor)
*Passes Lessa a mog of strong coffee* Great site btw! I bookmarked it and will be back!
I sigh. I have to be getting ready for work soon, and I have to tear myself away from the Dish!
I weep.
Oh but wait! I can check in at work!
I will be ordering the feeds for the whole season of BB10, and I will be ordering them from here! Guaran-frikken-teed! hehe
Beorn... if you're still awake, you're welcome from last night! I just ready your thank you posts.
hank you all for being so fun/funny this morning..its helping keep these eyeballs open..
I just gotta know who wins this!
reporterx - Sorry! I'll probably have nightmares too. "Yew know wut? Yew know wut? Look at me. Look at me. I will do yer dishes. Yew don't owe me thanks, but ya kinda dew. Know that. But I can flip your kitchen like THAT. HELLLLLLLLOOOOOO!"
....yeah. this better end soon. *LOL*
feeds are back!!!!
ADAM WON!!!! Natalie is GONE!!!
Good Morning All!!! Missing the party, eh? Wow, long comp...and here I was just was lost in my own little world till I came out to take dog out and check feed. Guess time to load up on the coffee and settle in for awhile.
I'm glad, Genie. Still awake here, but I'm getting ready to cut my losses and head to bed.
Besides, Carolyn keeps blocking all my best posts about lamp shades made from Natalie's skin, fava beans, and nice Chiantis. It's just not fair.
BALLER WON! Praise Jesus, I can go to BED!!
No I have to stay up and listen a bit and read others comments but unless I come up with something spectactularly clever, this is it for me until my next sleep period is over.
Good night / Good Morning All!
I am doing my happy dance as I wander off. Here's to hoping that plans do NOT change this week.
Off to my swamp I go. Hi ho hi ho.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am a tenacious bugger, and I have been waiting for this moment since last night. I have one thing to say:
Anonymous said...
Come on Natalie, we're pulling for you. You can win this POV...If not for yourself, for Beorn...
What a fantastic disruption to the to the plans of Natalie haters - both inside the house and outside...
Go Natalie!
7:59 PM
Dream on.
I think I just broke my refresh button!
Beorn, Ty would need a lot longer on Nat's makeover! Oh wait. He just makes over the outside. Nevermind then.
Maybe the house went up in flames and they had to relocate them all to sequester with Sheila winning BB9 as she is the current HOH.
Yeah, ok I really do need to get ready for work. Have a great day and see you all later!
Lose Nat. Lose Nat. Louse Nat. (not a typo hehe)
Yay! Adam won!
Read your interviews Lessa.
thanks :)
Not only can I sleep now? But I can sleep HAPPY! WHOOHOOOOO!
BYE BYE NASTY NATALIE!!!! *happydances*
And thanks Genie! For the coffee and the visit! *grin*
Sleep well everyone
Thanks to you all for another fun round of BB9Dish time. As always, extra-special thanks to you, Carolyn!!!
And now, I have GOT to try to get some sleep before noon.
Take care everyone!!
AHHHHHH buh byeee nasty natalie!
it was worth the insomnia LOL wooohoooo ;)
Carolyn, you need to take a long nap today. Thanks for all you do.
Go Adam and Shiela.
Cant wait to see the Face of the Jury when Nat walks in to the House.
excuse my ignorance, but was is a morph comp?
Psst - Carolyn - thanks for the links! The think pink one doesn't work though, least for me. *L*
And now, after I come down from the high of knowing they're ALL PLAYING NATALIE and she's gonna be GOOOOOOOOOOONE.... I'm off to bed!
Happy days are here again! *dances*
Hey could this be a fast forward week? We should see pov comp sun. Will we see votes too? OOOOH I love BB;)
I'm done with bb9. I feel so bad for Nat. I hope Sheila finds out that Adam wants to take Ryan to F2. It's official... I HATE Sheila.
I woke @4:33 BBT and my first thought was POV. I AM AN ADDICT I could not stay up after BBAD. You are awesome Carolyn. So much for your early nite. the Balla. A happy surprise before my morning beverage. Sounds like everyone else is layin it down.
How did you know it would be a morph? or was that dbltrbl? Anyway this makes for a good start to the day This house of love is going to be a crackup
yayayay go adam!!!! byebye nattie!! =]
finally that girl is a gonner (well i can only hope)
that video by trishy was great! too cute!!!
you know what would be awesome?
if they had a luxury comp today or tomorrow, one of the ones like "how much would you give for...", giving natalie a chance to grab the veto from adam!!!
i stil have hope.. haha
I am SO thrilled to see Natalie go up and go home. Hopefully.
LOVE the Eye of the
Tiger video by Trishydoll...So creative and fun.
Love that Adam won!!!!...Nat is going home...woo hooo!!!!!!!
Now I am going to catch some zzz's while the houseguest sleep. I am so pumped up about Nat losing...hope I can calm down enough to sleep...Sweet dreams fellow bloggers!!!
It is a LONG way to Wednesday folks. GO NATALIE GO!
Come on people, do you really want to see two floaters make it to final 4? Sharon and Sheila? A-noying!
With fresh memories of Sheila and Sharon whining their way to the final four, the summer season will be loaded with losers "um hm'ing" thier way through the game.
If Natalie goes I will root for Baller, but if those other two girls make it to final two - yuck.
Im so cunfused. I went to bed last night when Carolyn said she was calling it a night. Drats, I missed it all!
Carolyn is ther someting wrong with the poll daddy? others mentioned it and when I tried to re-vote ont the top two it let me on the lower ones it said my vote was already counted. Could this account for the odd poll numbers?
woo hoooooooooooooooo bye bye Natalie.
Awesome! I actually turned in early last night and woke up to such a wonderful surprise!!! I am so happy that Adam won!!!
I do think it's funny that everyone says this is made for Natalie -- she walks around saying she is memorizing numbers, but she walks around saying a lot of things. Adam has proven that he is good at counting as well, and his family said he has somewhat of a photographic memory. Of course he would be good at this -- he just doesn't advertise it, like other own-horn-tooters! (ie: "I called it" Ugh. Wouldn't that be G-d who called it??)
Pyke, Groan. James DID NOT "save" Ryan or She-Bot FOR the sake of saving them. James just wanted Matt out & had been wanting him out for quite a while. Period. Nowhere to anybody in his alliance did he say he wanted to save those two nor in any of the DR sessions I was ALL about getting rid of Matt. Now as for Adam, refresh my memory on that for that may be correct...when & how AND was if FOR the sake of Adam or was it b/c he wanted someone else out much more.
I agree Nat & her "premonitions" are bull. It's actually (I can't believe I'm going to say this about her w/ her brains but i's true) deductive reasoning when she's right but she isn't always right though.
Looks like w/ Adam Ants Pants winning fits into the loophole I found in the ORIGINAL deal Nat had w/ She-bot.
Genie, Try "Control R". :)
Don't these idiots realize that if they leave Sharon in the game and she makes it to final two she will get the votes from the jury??? If one of them is against Natalie in Final 2 they will probably win over her. I swear the Jury will give it to anyone of of Sheila/Adam/or Ryan over Natalie, but against Sharon none of them will win.
i caught that glimpse of the production team outside setting up the pov comp. i'm not surprised all the production staff is all male because the way they look through those cameras when they're looking at the girls makes it obvious. they are such voyeurs. *rolls eyes* lol... especially when they were watching nat shave her legs. i'm sure they're all sick of her now. ha! i'm so glad adam won pov. buh bye nat! lol
I am so mad!I want Nat to stay!I still have hope though!
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