Sheila's Surprise Birthday Party
2.29pm BBT
Adam & Ryan Find Birthday Decorations In Storage
A cake, ice cream, streamers, and presents...
Here is the clip:
2.33pm BBT
Adam, Ryan, & Natalie - Decorate For Sheila's Surprise Party
Sharon is distracting Sheila in the HOH bathroom..
Here is the clip:
2:45pm BBT
Sheila's Birthday Party
Sheila gets a letter from home, a cross pendant from her sister, a coffee mug with photos of family on it, lotions, and more..
Here is the clip:
2.59pm BBT
Sheila's Birthday Party...cont..
Here is the clip:
3:06pm BBT
Sheila's Birthday Party...cont..
Here is the clip:
*Carolyn will be back later to publish comments...
Happy Birthday, Big She!
I'm calling my sister right now *sniff*
Um... has anyone else noticed how fixated Ryan has become with photos of "20 something" Sheila?
Sheila was so happy with her surprise, I cried along with her when she read the letter she got for her birthday. As a single mom of a teen son myself, I cannot imagine being away from him this long since I have never been away that long from him either. It was nice of BB to do that for her and see everyone have fun now that the tension is out of the house and at sequester lol. However, tomorrow all that could change after the VETO ceremony heheheheee!!!! Have a great night everyone.
Thanks ReporterX, Carolyn'scohort in crime... the clips are great. I pulled a semil Carolyn and was off most of the day.
Carolyn, I know you must be enjoying your day. 12 hours away from the computer and the feeds and still going. Aren't you in withdrawl yet? I know I was. :p~
Hope EVERYONE is having a Happy Sheila's Birthday. And many returns of the day. LMCAO
(the "C" can stand for cute, Cajun, or both. I like to think cute first. :D )
*Does Happy Dance* Boys just talked about plans for next week: make sure Sharon doesn't win HOH or POV. HEHE! She is staying as of now!
Thanks Carolyn, you do a great job with this website!! I can't get thru my day without logging onto it every few hours.
i'm watching big brother after dark and the scroll at the bottom mentions something about a planned sit down after the nominations, does anyone know hwat that's all about.
Carolyn I hope your enjoying your day off, you deserve it for such a great job you have been doing!!!
Carolyn, miss you today. I hope you had a good day off.
I hate that Sharon has become the color of her bathing suit and appears to be naked whenever she sports it. Or more like a Barbie doll (you know, sanz nips and box/crack) Not cute. Contrast suit please
Thanks :) I enjoyed the heck out of it! :)
I'm posting a bunch of clips from the afternoon now...
Why can't they sing happy birthday?
They can't sing Happy Birthday because it is a copyrighted song and they would have to pay ASCAP royalties on it. (Even in movies where it is sung if you watch the credits thatey have to designate the copyright and songwriters name).
You would think something like that would be public domain by now.
I hope Sheila had a good birthday. She's not my favorite houseguest by any means, but she deserves a good party after the 2 months she's been there and dealt with so much.
On to game talk, I am SOOOOOOOO glad Natalie is getting the boot this week. I can't wait to see James, Josh, and Chelsia nail her to the ground with pranks at sequester.
Anyways, thank you so much for this website, it's truly been amazing getting me through the days BB isn't on TV.
Well it's 2:30 here and I gotta get some sleep. Night guys.
Happy Birthday but I hope she changes her mind about Natalie. This show is going to get very boring without her. Sheila can't depend on useless and boring Sharon so she needs to rework her strategy.
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