6 Days Til Big Brother 9
Hard to believe, but there's only 6 days till the first ever winter edition of Big Brother 9. Woohoo!The new house looks stunning - I'm particularly attracted to the spa room:
- A brand new feature to the house this year, the Spa comes complete with a massage table, two-person sauna and lounge of its own, for heating up sore muscles after a big competition, relaxing with friends, or plotting your next strategic move.

The swimming pool, and whole sections of the yard, are heated this year. And a cozy outdoor fire pit makes a great centerpiece for backyard gatherings, complete with a spectacular 40 foot wide, lake view.
With the surprise release of the new houseguest pics early Tuesday evening, the BB segment on the Early Show Wednesday morning, and the CBS BB site going live sometime in between, research, speculation and just general excitement around the show has gone into overdrive.
The speculative points of interest:
The house pics show only 14 chairs at the dining table and 14 frames on the memory wall.
- Does this mean there will be a rapid fire double elimination?
- Or is this simply a case of CBS publicity photos being taken before they decided to add 2 more houseguests?
- Or is it something else entirely?
Allison Grodner very clearly said the BB9 soul mate pairs would not have known each other prior to entering the house.
- That leaves us no choice but to believe Jen & Ryan, the couple we discovered, will be partnered with different people.
- If this is the case, it seems logical there may be others in the house who know each other, but will not be partnered together.
- Yes, we're researching it, and as soon as we have absolute confirmation, we'll publish our discoveries.
- Personally, I'd recommend any time between now and the 10th. (I've already gottem.)
- That way you have time to set them up and deal with any issues you may have, before you miss a minute!
- It's typically a completely painless process, but better safe than sorry.
- Who knows. Coulda just been a rumor. We'll have to wait and see.
7 girls, 9 guys. I would assume impossible for the couple to be paired up.
anon - there're 2 gay guys. ;)
Morning Carolyn! Can you believe it's almost here! With Survivor tonight it's just around the corner.
So excited! :<)
Morning Gail :)
I know, right!? And I'm beyond psyched for Survivor tonight too!
I really hope this survivor season is better than last. I really didn't get into the show last season due to the people. That and this will help kill time while we wait for the Hamsters to start playing.
ditto, cambik
So are you going to be blogging on Big brother and Survivor? That seams like a lot of work. Especially since Big Brother is 24/7.
Oh Carolyn - you did get into one Survivor! (big crush)
Mr. Muscles!!!!
haha I thought the massage room was a bed room!! Did it use to be the gym?Cuz I dont see the gym,Im sure if its still there they just didnt show it in the pics,would they lock it like in bb6?idk!!!!
gail - true, true. :)
cambik - lol. you're tellin me! survivor's easy though. one hour a week.
amy - i'm wondering too.
Hmmm wonder if the 45 yr old is the transvestite..LOL
Carolyn - I think the lake view is the painted walls around the compound. Surely they cant open up the walls.
Oh, and I hate to judge someone by their looks, but the bikini barista really bugs me. Who would get fake boobs that big???? Sorry it just makes me think she is fake all over. Then again, the first of last bb...I wanted Jessica out ASAP because her voice was like fingernails on a chalk board. But she ended up being my favorite and I don't even notice her voice anymore.
ohh i can't wait! :]
i too think they used the gym for the massage room. you can see one of exercise machines out in the yard.
carolyn, i have a little something for you. should i send it to your bb9dish myspace?
jessie - the 45 yr old is a mother and a former penthouse centerfold. :)
i4git - i had the same initial reaction to the "bikini barista"... actually, my gut reaction upon seeing her pic & title was "oh, is that what they're calling it nowadays?" but i agree... ya can't jusge a book by it's cover. ;)
anaface - oooohh.. a surprise. yes please! via myspace.
If you looked at the pictures it looks as thought the Stationary Bike was in the Back yard. So there may not be a gym.
Hiya Carolyn, thank you so much for keeping us updated. The house looks awesome woo hoo but I will be sitting on the sidelines this season and keeping up in your blog. I went bonkers last season between the feeds freezing and taking too long to come up. LOL I have to keep up with LOST and Prison Break heheheee. Kinda dissappointed there's only one older person in the house this season. Have a great day.
I know Carolyn, there is just something about her build that bugs me, her shoulders, arms and that neck...
You guys see way more than me! I guess I'm just interested in the HG communications or lack there of!! I didn't even notice the stationary bike! Duh!
jeannie - wow - i've never had any of those problems with the feeds.
:( i hope you change your mind! ya can't reaalllly stay away, can ya?
jessie - lol.. well, i can direct you to her penthouse pics if you really want confirmation.
gail - for the record, i can't see the stationary bike either, and i've been lookin!
Hi Carolyn! Couldn't resist commenting on the new digs. At first glance I wasn't too keen on it, but, after closely looking at the pics, I've changed my mind. That's my prerogative...right Carolyn lol? I should feel right at home in this place as it looks like many Northern Ontario cottages/cabins I've been in. I'm kinda' digging the retro feel what with the wrap-around-couch and lava lamps. Gotta' love the obligatory mounted moose head and fish on the walls. Am I seeing things, or was that a hamster cage in one of the rooms? Interesting. For some reason I'm feeling the need to crack open a Molson's and cook up some back bacon. Can't get anymore cabin-like than that, eh? As always, thanks for doing this Carolyn. Try to drop by the chatroom...we miss you!
LOL, no thanks, I'll take your word for it!!
second picture in the cbs site you can see it. but it's not really a stationary bike. it's more like a step machine thingy.
Thanks Carolyn!
I'm really not losing my mind? I guess I'm so overwhelmed by all the information, I can't see straight! ;>)
Hey Carolyn! I just saw on TMZ that Parker is a photographer for TMZ. I wonder if they allowed him to take his camera!
TMZ says they didn't know he was a HG! hahaha - they were scooped!
cambik - thanks I've finally found the bike/stepper!
The leaves on the bath floor are really an outstanding idea!
The house is really interesting this year!
higgie!! i promise i'll pop in. i miss you guys too!
anaface - thanks :)
gail - lol.
RAllen!! Hi Honey! Welcome home! :)
Re: Breaking up pre-existing couples.
Ah, CBS, you're so cute! The way you do that pushing us all a little way down the road to the total destruction of society. Are you just trying to keep up with Fox, you scamps?
Re: Transperson.
1.) I really think this was just a rumor.
2.) Being the know-it-all I am, I believe a primer is required here.
Transvestites are individuals, almost exclusively heterosexually identified, who achieve a sense of personal satisfaction (often sexual) in donning the garb (undergarments or outerwear) of the opposite sex. Typically they are men in that women face far fewer prohibitions from wearing clothing associated with men.
A sub-category in here (for the outside world) which isn't really included in real terms are "drag queens," entertainers, generally gay men, who put on extreme hyper-feminized costume and persona for entertainment purposes. Make no mistake, this is costume. One that may help amplify part of one's personality, but no more so than any other one which speaks to the wearer.
Transsexuals (and while this may make some people go cross-eyed, I'm lumping about four categories into this one) are individuals who feel they were born in the body of the wrong sex. Some have sexual reassignment surgery. Some do not. (People who are sexually attracted to members of their own biological sex are often refused surgery.) This is a very difficult life and is terribly misunderstood by the masses.
"Tranny" is, depending on who you ask, is either a term of endearment or a derogatory term. Often it's a dis to the "drag queen" entertainer sort or a reference to the lower-caste transsexuals (usually pre-op) who are in the sex trade business.
And that's Cliffie's symposium for the day.
Cliff - our professor of life!
That was quite interesting and entertaining!
Joshuah seems like a pretty boy.. maybe he is the tranny! He says he likes both men and women! The Amanda chick looks she is going to bug me! Don't know why.. just a gut reaction! The Bikini girl says she is also religious... she should be interesting! I am bettting that James will be one of the first out!
I looked at Neil's myspace briefly yesterday. OMG!! His pics were unbelievable! He and his friends dressing in weird costumes. Maybe he is 'the one.'
WOW I just watched the videos on the BB page for CBS....COCKY is all I have to say for this cast!
Q: do a poll or two.. I'm interested in seeing who likes who already and who everyone dislikes, just based on pictures, CBS profiles and Myspaces... :) I know I have a couple.
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