BB9 PoV Comp Spoiler & Follow-up Videos
Feeds are back @ 5:03pm BBT
Natalie: Sorry Joshuah.. I tried...
In the storage room... Natalie tells Sharon she's gonna have to put her up as the replacement...
James has won the PoV...

5:05pm BBT
Josh is debating eating now... since there's no point... James tells him to wait till Sunday...
In the Storage Room, Natalie tells Sharon she's sorry, but she's gonna have to put her up as the pawn again...
Here's a clip from the first 3 minutes after the feeds came back on... following James...
5:18pm BBT
Post Veto Chatter with the House Guests
5:31pm BBT
James' Victory Dance
5:35pm BBT
Josh is up in HoH with Natalie telling her to put up Sharon: she's a much bigger physical threat... Natalie gets to break the tie... Natalie says, I just gotta know if you stay, you'll.. Josh says he'll make a deal with her. Natalie says if he can get 2 votes, she will break the tie and he'll stay.
Spark up the feeds, folks... It's gonna be quite a night.
5:35pm BBT
5:41pm BBT
Frilly Room
Ryan and Josh
Josh: Ok, I just talked to Natalie, and she said she'll put up Sharon, and if I can get 2 votes, she'll keep me.
Ryan: Done, dude. I want you to stay.
5:43pm BBT
Ryan and Adam
Ryan gently broaches the subject. Adam is non-committal... Ryan is cool about it.. "We have til Sunday."
5:45pm BBT
Ryan and Natalie
Natalie tells Ryan she's putting Sharon up as the replacement, but she thinks it's best they get rid of Joshuah, because Josh and James will stick together, but Josh isn't a physical threat... Natalie seeks Ryan's guidance. Ryan tries to brings her to the other side, keeping Joshuah.
Here's the clip:
5:45pm BBT
DOn't do that to me, just about gave me a heart attack.
That was so wrong. My heart leapt into my throat when I saw "POV Comp Spoiler" and then I scrolled down and... nothin'.
Girl you just about killed me!
hi first time here just a question that has been comming to mind. has any notice that nat and adam have the same eye look once in awhile (BUG EYE)something deep down tells me that they might be related???
thanks for reading
gosh that scared me!
god i hope james wins it ugh im going to cry if he doesnt :/
I really hope James can win it!
LOL my heart was starting to beat real fast. That's funny....whew! Ok good! I am really hopin for James to win. He's played an awesome game....calling people out and making them crazy! :) Wait till they see how this has all played out and what happened behind their backs! I also like Ryan...but he isnt playing the game as well. And if someone could please beg CBS to not get people like Natalie or Shelia again! Ugh! They make ya want to turn off your TV and run!
Love what you do Carolyn thanks!!!
how long do veto comps typically take?
well now i know what a panic attack feels i saw the title and nearly had a stroke :)
thanks for keepin on top of things girl!!
can't they just finish pov? :D i'm in europe, it's 12.30 am and i want to sleep dammit xD am i normal? i don't think so :DD
I almost died!
Go! James Go! I hope he wins his POV even if it means that Josh may have to go.
Hey BB Lovers. This is my first time so please dont hate me for my thoughts I just really wanted to share them with REAL BB
I cant believe how much of a Baby James is being. I mean come on is he kidding? he was freaking out Nat and Ryan for taking his only friend away from him. Oh Cry Baby Cry. Get over it. THis is a GAME...Your friends have to leave sometime, and if you really loved her and wanted her to stay then you would have saved her or atleast gave her one vote.
When he was freaking out on Sheila even tho I loved every min of it, isnt that the Pot calling the kettle black? Come on like you NEVER gave your word to someone in the house and then did the opposite? Umm can anyone say Matty?
Im sick of hearing him say every move he did was the Biggest play in Big Brother History. Nothing he did was the Biggest move in BB history. Everything was Predictable. Not only did we all know that he was going to do it but everyone in the house did. I think that the Biggest move of the season was Ryan putting him up and not back dorring matty. That was the best just the look on his face, almost as good as dustin's last season when he was evicted.
I hope Nat wins...bye bye James
OMG... my feeds just reloaded so the music stopped and I almost died thinking feeds were back...
Dang it, i am so nervse. I hope anyone but James wins.
babe plz tell us the winner
Hey BB Lovers.
I cant believe how much of a Baby James is being. I mean come on is he kidding? he was freaking out Nat and Ryan for taking his only friend away from him. Oh Cry Baby Cry. Get over it. THis is a GAME...Your friends have to leave sometime, and if you really loved her and wanted her to stay then you would have saved her or atleast gave her one vote.
When he was freaking out on Sheila even tho I loved every min of it, isnt that the Pot calling the kettle black? Come on like you NEVER gave your word to someone in the house and then did the opposite? Umm can anyone say Matty?
Im sick of hearing him say every move he did was the Biggest play in Big Brother History. Nothing he did was the Biggest move in BB history. Everything was Predictable. Not only did we all know that he was going to do it but everyone in the house did. I think that the Biggest move of the season was Ryan putting him up and not back dorring matty. That was the best just the look on his face, almost as good as dustin's last season when he was evicted.
But dont hate me for my thoughts. I just really wanted to get that
Come on james my man! I am gonna be heart broken if he cant win it! If he does the whole house is gonna flip flop to his side!
i want to see james go so bad!
i mean SO BAD!!
I think they are just trying to make us all nuts! (its working)
right on sammi!
Come on James! You can do it!
Yes I am always cheering the under dog.
oops....i panicked a little over here. i may need to clean that up before anybody slips.
Haaa, thank you for reminding me of Dustin's eviction! It's like Christmas all over again.
Sammie B..I agree with you 100%!
I need to know who won the POV I can not take it anymore!! I need to know now dammit.
Someone please send for the white coats to take me away...I have lost my mind watching the trivia!
Go James Go!!!
If any of the other yahoos win I will be totally disappointed! James is actually playing the game - all the rest are just trying to float to the end. He has actually had to work hard for every one of his wins - they just sit around and talk. If Sharon were thinking she would take James off the block and then Nat would have to put Sheila up and maybe, just maybe, Josh could stay if he could turn everyone against Sheila.
i think james' biggest mistake is that he played for "vengance" instead of aligning with strong players or targeting them, it was all about getting the three that didnt vote him back in, or the ones who nominated him, so many times i see them vote people out who they dont "like" i think its a dumb strategy. chances are, if you dont like them nobody else does either and they will target them.
duh, vengence is not going to get him anywhere but back on his bike and ridin outta here.
anon 4.21
That is uncalled for... You calling James' mom an alcoholic. Do you enjoy attacking family members? That makes you no better than any of the HGs and you don't have the House as an excuse.
A question for those of you who HATE James so much...
How do you think your favorite would do in this game without anybody else to trust/turn to and vent. Sure he has Josh... to a small degree. But James' knows he's an island. I personally think all the rest would lose it as much or more... can't even imagine the needy ones... SheNat on their own. They would DOR no doubt.
I really think this game will get super boring if James leaves. He is the only one playing and winning when it counts. I think he is completely misunderstood and I wouldn't be surprised if he is in the jury and on the finale tells them he will show them just how important the money is to him and says he will not vote and give up his entire stipend(sp?)
thanks, tella - gone.
I want James to win so badly, I think he has been treated so bad in this game by the whole house. How would you feel if you were in a house full of stranger and they were all treating you the way they are treating James? Nat needs to go, she is a stripper one day and a holy roller the next. Make up your mind dear dumb girl what you want to be and stick with it. Acting is her profession for sure, acting like she didn't get with Matty. Come on all of America saw you with the head action.
Anybody but James win the POV Please!!! Everytime I see him I think of his porno. I think Chelsia got what she deserved when she hooked up with a gay porno makin fool. Her parents are probably cringen at the thought of him coming home for Mothers day. What a treat... get in line... passin out smelling salt to her family..
the! - ok sweetheart, as soon as it's known. ;)
No way would Sharon take James off the block. She could take Josh off and then Sheila would go up and James only hope would be for them to turn on Shelia which is unlikely because it is a numbers game in the house right now. Go Josh!
I call FOUL, FOUL, FOUL. Girl, you know how to make a heart stop. I saw the heading, crossed my fingers (for James), gritted my teeth, and opened the post. You're straight up COLD. :) p.s. Sorry for the Caps, but you deserve 'em. ;p
no he wasnt being a cry baby cause natalie and ryan took away his only friend in the house he is being like this because shelia is putting everything on him that chelsia said when she walked out the door and everything she said about shelia when she was in the house and james had nothing to do with it plus shes making him look bad along with ryan saying that it was james who told josh that natalie was mad cause somebody said he was making fun of her family pictures when it was ryan who told josh and it was shelia who told natalie that josh said that and he didnt at all.
James is the only one along with josh who is playing the game well sharon was but now that she is trying to get into this girl alliance shes just putting a huge target on her back. the rest are floaters and since when is it ok to tell people where you voted i thought last year and the years before that you werent allowed to say the way you voted..
James wasn't being treated any worse than he has treated everyone else. He came back into the house and he hated everyone. He tried to get everyone back for voting him out and then he acted like he was king. How quick things change when you get thrown from your throne. He is getting what he deserves by treating other the way he did.
OMG I was so excited to know who won!! That was just WRONG!
Just a thought..I was looking through James's Myspace today and he says in his Blogs that he was also a stripper..the only difference between him and Nat is that she told the house the truth James has said nothing about his stripping days and porno movies..Can't wait till Chelsia hears about that..I don't feel sorry for him at all he is getting what he deserves. He also said in his Myspace that he likes to be alone so he should be happy all alone on his Island
So what type of POV do you think it is since it is taking so long?
Go James Go!!
At this point, I am just hoping we can drag this out til I get home from work in a little bit. I should be leaving any moment. I can't wait to spark up the feeds when I get home. Go James!
- XBertMan33
since they told nat and Sheila to change out of their white shirts I believe something to do with liquids.
anonymous @ 4:54
smelling salts........too funny!
i agree with you. i guess some don't remember everything james has done. short memories. i don't like him one bit .... but will admit he's a great competitor.
and please.....all alone in the house. they are all alone and playing for $500,000. they all lie their asses off. it's called bb.
anonymous @ 4:54
smelling salts........too funny!
i agree with you. i guess some don't remember everything james has done. short memories. i don't like him one bit .... but will admit he's a great competitor.
and please.....all alone in the house. they are all alone and playing for $500,000. they all lie their a*sses off. it's called bb.
anonymous @ 4:54
smelling salts........too funny!
i agree with you. i guess some don't remember everything james has done. short memories. i don't like him one bit .... but will admit he's a great competitor.
and please.....all alone in the house. they are all alone and playing for $500,000. they all lie... it's called bb.
James won the Veto.
James WINS !!!
OK, I have just a little bone to pick here:
People, leave the gay porn thing alone already! Chelsia found out about it and still likes him. She is the only person who should really CARE about that and she is fine with it. If you look at his MySpace, you will find many friends of his who say they were surprised but they still support him. I am sure his family supports him as well in the fact that he did what he had to do for money. Therefore, drop the damn topic already! He is poor/homeless. I'm sure he is not proud of it, but he had to do it for money. At one point in all of our lives, I am sure all of us have done something that we didn't necessarily want to do.
I just find it ridiculous that when people get into a rant about his gameplay or his personality IN THE GAME, somehow the gay porn thing just seems to come out of nowhere! Leave it alone! If he is happy with his decisions and can live with it, then let it be. In all fairness, as long as HE is OK with it, then WE all can be too!
~ Ryan ~
P.S. - Don't scare us like that Carolyn!
Hell yeah! you go James
The POV medal is hanging around James' picture, yet no one is talking to James. James is breaking down in the spa room. Does he put himself through this agains next week or the week after depending on if he wins HOH or does he leave it the same and let them evict him now?
yay! james won! YESSSSS
yay!!!! go james! he so deserves to win!!!
James is the best!
Best news I've gotten all day!
Go James!
Yay James!
I can't believe how much he has won...this is fantastic...
Well, this sucks.......
If the kid ends up winning this season, as much as I do NOT like him, he HAS earned it.
JAMES won! dammit.
WOW!! I can not believe he pulled it off, GO JAMES!!
Halle Flippin Luhah!!! Go James! Sorry for all the homophobe haters out there, but James is the only one playing the game. He is this seasons Dick/Danielle. I true social mastermind. I hope its him and Adam in the final 2. Now I can drive home in peace.
- XBertMan33
gross if James won...he is cocky
James is a machine! Like Janelle!
James did win POV. That guy has 9 lives.
Yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay, James. Give ShEVILa a little bit of her own medicine. Lordy, lordy, lordy. We think we've seen ShEVILa play the victim up to this point. Oh, just wait.
OMG! I am so excited. Way to go James. Thank you so much for the coverage it really helps me get thru the week.
I so didn't want him to win! I was so praying Josh would get this one!
I posted to soon. Josh was ready to just eat a cheeseburger thinking he was going home and James said to wait till Sunday. Part of me wonders if James will put himself through this again. I have this strange feeling that he might just leave things the same and be evicted.
I can't believe James won POV AGAIN?!?!?!?!?!?!? Wow, he sure knows how to hang on doesn't he! I was really hoping anyone but him won but I have to give that boy credit...he's gotten everything he needed when he needed it.
god that kid just wont go away............. the only way to get rid of him is backdooring him, he's too good at POV's...
if they can't figure him out then he deserves to win, as much as I don't want him to.
the comeback kid!
OMG! Nooooooooooooooooo, you're kidding right??
James won...he's like the little cockroach that won't die, LOL! I really did want someone else to win because I want Josh to stay, but I am happy that James won. Hopefully him and Sharon can stay together and win this thing! Come on James & Sharon F2!
~ Ryan ~
I'm sooooooooo glad James won!!
You just made my day.. Yay James...
James has won the PoV...
I would definitely vote out Sharon now.instead of Josh.she's way more dangerous; plus everyone likes if she makes it to final 2...whereas final 2 vs. Josh..Hopefully Adam & Ryan will realize this and additional factor of shocking Natalie & Sheila (plus Sharon is more dangerous in the competitions)
I seriously think the show is rigged to keep that ding-dong James in the game... ugh! So disappointing!
Now if James can win HOH everyone will be kissing his butt--Sheila will be first in line I'm sure.
YEA JAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is awesome!! Rooting for him all the way to the end. He's amazing!!!!!
That is hysterical - you go, James!
This is so obviously rigged
per the gay porn thing.. it's outrageous, spontaneous, awkward and harmless.. all the things we love about james anyway.
YES !!!!!! BB has redeemed himself!
I love James for winning to day and making BB a little more interesting - even though I will be SAD to see Josh go :(
Are they talking about the competition? I wonder what it was. This is the best news of the week! Makes me excited about life.
I don't know about you guys, but I am really excited! James has won! Now what? LoL
geeze they can;t get rid of the kid!
Carolyn what exactly was it that Julie said about how the veto will work this week?
Keep doing what you do!
Now, J/J/S (and maybe R) have two days to convince gNat to put up Shelia....lets hope....or maybe its time to kick it gNat style and PRAY TO JESUS to let to "GOOD" people win...and by good, I mean J/J/S
Oh my gosh! I am SO happy right now; i can't even believe it.
but it seems that he will just have to keep doing this week after week
GO JAMES!!!!!!!!!
In ya face, "good" people!
*Doin the happy dance*
How ya like him now? hmmmm??
i'm done D-U-N gloating for James now.
nat your gift to matt for his birthday just got lost in the oh how classic.
oh i so have to see the comp. this is just priceless.
this is my one and only post but it has to be said
Why do you people like James so much? He is the Big Brother Anti-christ. He's mean, rude, and ungodly. I'm with Matty, never trust the kid with a pink mohawk.
Well said Ry!
WoooooooooooHoooooy! Go James Go! Come on Nat put Shelia up. You know you want to!
yes!!!! james won! im sad that josh has to go. hopefully they get sharon or sheila out. and then james wins the HOH! omgggg! that would be great. take nat out!
WooHoo!!! Now I can watch for at least 2 more weeks!!!
WHOOOHOOOOOO so glad James won to keep the "good" people scurrying! Love it! He is THE player!
James is ridiculous... He just wont give up.... I love it.... Just like Danielle in BB8... He deserves this more then anyone. He has won the most competitions. As of yesterday I wanted him to go home, now I want him to win!! Go figure....
love it!love it!love it! go James !!
Anon @ 4:58 - Everyone in the house knows that James was a stripper.
I don't understand why some people say that only James is playing the game. I think they are ALL playing the game, just some better than others...
Some lie, some don't tell all they plan to do, some talk about others behind their backs and some don't...but what makes you say they are just not playing vs they are playing their own way?
I knew that the only way they were going to be able to get rid of James was to backdoor him. Now they are screwed. He's there another week and is able to get HoH.. Not smart Natalie.
Excellent. So now Natalie needs to take Shiela up on her offer, put her on the block and then everyone needs to surprise Shiela by voting her hiney out!! That would make my entire week next week.
win, win. If Josh goes home that'd be awesome! His first week on the block-gone.
I don't know though, with Ryan and Adam both in cohoots with Josh and him having toned his sh*t down...he might stay or Sebastian might stay. :) Sharon is dumb, she should have set up her game with the "other side" when she had the chance. Now she might be in danger.
Just changed my marry, shag, cliff choices.
I'll marry James, and shag him too. Just try and stop me. He'd probably find it exciting to get thrown from a cliff, so him for that too.
I can't WAIT to see how this went down! C'mon "goodies" lets see the sucking up when James wins HoH too! Wooooo!!!!! GO JAMES!
Hey Carolyn: Was the comp tailored for James? Thanks!
YES!!!! Way to go James!!
I love it!Love it!Love it Go James!
This time James needs to win the next HoH and really trash the minds of "Team Christ."
It doesn't matter who leaves either. Get rid of Droopey Drawers Ryan, or gNatty, or Adam. Sheila will never win anything.
Joshy is probably a goner this week. If so, then he needs to call out Ryan on his way out the door. Tell one and all about his secret alliance before he sees Julie. Create more dissent in that group so Sharon and James have a better chance.
It sounds like Gnat will be putting Sheila up in place of James. Maybe Josh will get to stay! Weird, but I was psyched that James won...but will be sad if Josh goes home. The house is gonna be sooo boringgggg.
I guess God was busy with other stuff this afternoon. Couldn't help out Nat!
Yeah, I am a little sick of people judging James for his past. He seems like a good person and Chelsia may have thrown some tantrums but she was probably going nuts in that house. I think everyone would go nuts under that pressure. Natalie is a twit! She is obsessed with a guy who wants nothing to do with her. Guess Matty isn't getting his b-day! I don't think James is gonna leave he probably told Josh to wait till Sunday to see if Nat puts up Sheila. Get rid of her Crazy butt! Hope James and Josh can stick it out. Good luck guys and I love watching, especially now that James won again!WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!
dbtrbl -- I have to wonder if he won't use the veto on Josh and make a deal with Nat to put Sheila up so he can go head to head against her. If he leaves fine, but if not he will know he has some support in the house. If he doesn't have any support then I can see him thinking it is better to just leave...but I don't have feeds so can't see what is being said and done right now -- so it's just a guess based mostly on what I've read and my gut.
WTG James .... Let the games begin!
Who is sobbing?
Ryan and Baller are already talking about saving Josh! Maybe Sharon or Shedevil will go home first! WOOT!
I'm so glad James won!!! :-) Go James Go!!
I don't get Natalie??? She was talking about a girls alliance so why doesn't she put up Adam or Ryan and eliminate one of the boys?? Nows her chance...They won't hesitate to get rid of her.
If she does put up Sharon I sure hope Josh goes home.
Poor James..he's wandering around the kitchen like a lost soul, with nobody talking to him. I'm happy for him that he won, but still feel bad that he has no one to celebrate with.
Has anyone else noticed Natalie munching on the Easter candy. She takes a bite out of it or off of it then she tosses it back in the basket. OMG thats just wrong
There IS a BB god!!!
James has to win this game. He by far deserves it. Being on the block for like, 5 times, getting off (now 4)? That is just.. honorable.
I was not digging James almost the entire season...but I was actually happy to see that he won POV. I think it's going to revive things. Watching him & Josh talk yesterday was DE-PRESS-ING!
The hell with gNat's number 7 and 8.
Sheila just told James he's all about number nine. He's used up 4 lives, and has five weeks left. This is BB9.
Oh, and the Walrus was Paul. ;)
Carolyn: More clips! More clips! lol I don't have the feeds! Pleeeeeaaaassseeee!
Go James! You're the man. You've earned your spot in this game. The gay porn thing shouldn't factor into anyone's opinion of the man and his gameplay. That's his outside life. We're talking about a game where you're required to lie, cheat and steal. James is a man on a mission. I give him so much credit for his strength. Like it's been said, he's an island right now and the fact that he's still going strong and winning his third veto in a row just goes to show how strong he is. I applaud him and anyone who is a fan of the very essence of BB should join me. Rock on, James. Rock on.
(Man, I hope Joshuah can work some magic to get Sharon renominated and evicted. She's nice but boring. Joshuah is so much more interesting.)
hopefully nat puts up sheila and she goes home.! her HOH would be a disgrace cause she evicted someone from her own alliance. lol! wow!
Aw, man...just when I thought they were finally going to get rid of James. Now we will have another week of listening him to tell people he "really means it" this time when he makes a deal and he really can be trusted not to back stab them, again.
I'm sure Matt will appreciate Nat's birthday gift even though it won't be James. I wonder if Josh will believe Matt when Matt denies any relationship with Sheila outside the house.
well from the sound of it, it looks like if Sharon goes up as the renom, she may be the one to go home. It looked like Ryan and Adam are talking and saying that they want Josh to stay.
Is Sheila finally bweing guite for once. Bet she is regreting what she said last night
YEAH for James! I am so happy that he was able to get past everything that happened over the last 24 hours and still win! Maybe it will shut Sheila up for the night... though I doubt it!
GO James GO James!!!
This made my weekend, I planned to tune out for the rest of the season if the blog said anyone else won POV. I'm very dedicated and didn't want to give up this season, so I'll be tuning back in to do my JAMES WON dance on Sunday. GO JAMES!!
This should make for another interesting week!
Holy crap I can't believe that James won. I really wanted to see Pinky go home. I am so DUN with him. His cry baby act last night was pathetic and his rant was way over the top. I can't stand Sheila either though, but hate to see Joshy go. Best scenario would have been double eviction with James out first then followed by Sheila. Can you imagine what poor Matt would have had to put up with though? He would have had to dig an escape tunnel. In fact I would have liked to see cameras there in that scenario. Sheila and James would really kill each other. Oh well we can still hope.Maybe James won't use his pov. He'll still be an island and even worse if Josh left. Maybe he'll man up and leave the nominations and try to campaign and let the chips fall. I bet he'd have one hell of an exit speech too. If J and S both left I think we could have some real gameplay without all the trashing. My fingers are crossed that James still goes. We need Josh to stay he's tooooo.. funny ! The show will be nothing without him, and James is just a pig.
How does anyone know if the comp was tailored towards James? We haven't even seen it!
What can't James lobby for SHeila to be put up! I sure hope Nat will do that - SHeila doesn't have her back at all - she will only look out for herself.
STFU?! He did it!! Thats INSANE!!!! lol
Carolyn, is this a double eviction week? (in terms of past seasons?)
I'm THRILLED James won POV..
It makes the house so much more fun to watch.. the Evil Dick of BB9 is James cuz Everyone hates him but he keeps coming back to bite them in the ass.. WTG James..
I Love it !!!!
OK...I'm SOOOO excited for James!!! It's the WHOLE freakin house against him & he STILL came out on top! They are judging him based on his looks & there is a wise saying "Don't judge a book by its cover." I hope he wins this game. He's playing the game very well. GO JAMES!!!
Crap! Whats it going to take to get rid of this cockroach. How can you feel sorry for him. He created the James Island himself. When he was in charge he was the biggest jacka**, and thought they had the win in the bag. Now the tides have turned and we are suppose to feel sorry for him? His side was only loyal when they were winning. Otherwise, Josh was making deals to save his own a**, and Sharon, well thats about all I know of her. He created the island, now live on it. I don't think his side has a very good game plan. Nobody stuck together. So forgive me if I don't jump on the pity wagon for him. Its a game, Isn't that what he told everybody.
Sorry for ranting, but I had to get that off my chest. He is driving me crazy by his mixed messages.
Carolyn: Thank you thank you thank you!! You are the bestest! You always do such a great job with the updates!
That will really suck if they put up Sharon and people screw her when she thinks shes just being a pawn. I don't want to see Josh go but definitely not Sharon more. I can't believe that James is staying. Boy will he gloat and be unbearable now. His complainig about other people playing GAME was ridiculous, he's the only one who could plot with some one else? He swore his vengeance he plotted with J/C/S and tried leveraging the others so he had no reason to bitch. He also isolated himself long before Chelsia left hiding in bed all the time and threatening people. He's full of it. Maybe though he feels he's had enough and won't use his POV. Fat chsnce though he'll probablt be really impossible now. What happened to the fun drinking games of the past BBs and the pranks this has just sunk to new lows its just not fun to watch. Its like driving past a car wreck. Chelsia even ruined Easter. Maybe April fools day will lighten things up...
Now that we got that nonesense out of the way, let's get back to important business.
How come Ryan is wearing a belt and his freaking underpants are still showing?!
Why do they keep saying "wait till Sunday" Do they vote on Sunday??? Is the live show really live???
Whether you like the person or not it's how the "GAME" is played people! Noone is "playing" a better game than James & Natalie at the moment...
Geez, I remember last year all I ever saw on blogs was how everyone "HATED" Evel Dick & some Danielle and how they should kicked out (esp. Dick for the things he did to Jen, etc.) but they "OUTPLAYED" everyone.
The person that is going to win this game should be the person that outplayed, outlasted, outwitted & outsmarted every other person in the house. It should not be based on a "Personality" contest. If that was the case...NONE of them deserve to win
(just watch the live feeds or STAD).
I'm glad James won but I really don't want Josh to go :( Why does Natalie not get it through her head that at some point she has to turn on her side! Perfect opportunity to get Sheila out, if they are strong put one of their own up & test the waters.
I hate James. And this game is obviosly rigged beyond rigging. The dude gets evicted, gets back in the house, gets put up numerous times and continuously wins POV. Even if someone tries to backdoor him- he would get out of that as well.
Unfreaking real.
Why do so many people love his slimeball little nasty ass? I don't understand!
Wow!! Great job James.
Can't help it, folks, I am really feeling for James right now. Watching wander aimlessly through the kitchen, into the sauna room, back into the kitchen -- with not one single person acknowledging his presence.
He hasn't done anything to these people that would come even close to what Evel Dick did last season, but Evel Dick didn't get the silent treatment James has endured and continues to endure.
It truly wouldn't surprise me if James ends up telling these people that yes, he won PoV and he earned the right to stay, but he is going to leave on his terms and not deal with the isolation they have sentenced him to.
I don't care if you're a James supporter or not, a James hater or not, if you are at all sentient(sp?) you have to admit the man has played a pretty good game, hasn't lied any more than Natalie or Sheila (actually not nearly as much), did not have anything to do with Chelsia's rant (other than trying to encourage her to calm down a little bit), has not made the lives of the other HGs miserable like Evel Dick -- hasn't done anything to be treated like this. Even his rant on Sheila is between those two, not every other person in the house. Who among you could handle the kind of treatment ShEVILa has been pouring on James?
"A mile in one man's shoes . . . " comes to mind. Worth consideration before making a blanket decision that James is "no good" and deserves what he gets?
i didn't want to like james, but now i do.
i'm really happy that he won!
This was step one. Now AGP needs to send a sniper dressed as god into the house to dispose of Natalie and Sheila, and I'll consider tuning in. And for the scandalized "OMG! Natalie is soooo nice!" masses, I'm only being a little sarcastic--these two are terminally annoying, and I can't abide having Fractured Bible Tales shoved down my throat any longer. Here's hoping that the casting director is learning some big lessons this season.
No birthday present for Matt. I don't know, if Nastalie sends him Sharon I don't think he will be displeased.
Natalie has consistently claimed she lies to James because he lied to her about Matty being safe. But that is the only reason she has lied. (When she lied about being upset with the way Matty was treating her and told Josh she wouldn't say anything to anybody about his attempts to get rid of Matty so she wouldn't be hurt anymore, she claims that was "acting," not lying.)
Now she tells Josh if he can get two votes she will break the tie by sending Sharon home. However, when Ryan goes up to the HoH room, she tells Ryan that she feels they need to get rid of Josh because he and James will stick together.
Pray tell, what is her excuse going to be for lying to Josh? Josh has not lied to her. She has "acted" with Josh, but he hasn't done that to her. So what could she possibly use as an excuse this time?
Can't wait for her "Christian" excuse for this one.
I knew Ryan and Natalie would turn against the original group. They are already troughing two of their own under the bus. I knew it would happen soon just not this soon. They are losing their friendly votes in the jury. Them turning against Adam and Sheila will cause the two of them to turn to the other side to vote for a final winner
Really the simple thing to do for Natalie is say "well Sheila, you said last night to put you up so I'm going to make good on your offer". Easy enough & Sheila has no reason to be mad since she offered!
I'm team James all the way now. Truly this kid deserves to win it.
Anon @ 6:05--
Matt wouldn't be displeased with a ripe melon with a hole cut in it. That was his problem to begin with.
no No NO! I want SHIELA to be put on the block with Josha and Shiela to be voted out. C'mon HG think about this!
Beorn - "Fractured Bible Tales." OMG, that is sooooooo appropriate; "fractured," like so many things that come out of Natalie's mouth. Brilliant.
To: Ron in CO
I am with you 100% about James
all i have to say HAHAHAHAHA to all the james haters...HAHA!!!!
GO JAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if he can win HOH he is set..nat will be matty's bday present..haha.. I LOVE IT!!!!
Can someone please explain to me WHY its OK to profile people because of what they do or did outside the big brother house. I really don't think that James' stripping/gay porn, Nat's abortions/stripping, Shelia's penthouse life style, Josh's sexuality, has anything to do with this game. Those house guests who shares their personal life should know the risks.
I hope I'm not the only who feels this way.
Also congrats to James for winning the POV against all odds this week
Ron @ 6:07--
What? Wait, that makes sense. So if I like Natalie, there's only one thing to do....
Uh, James did gay porn!!!
Natalie would be stupid to evict Sharon, should the votes come to a tie. She should be aware that all of the remaining guys (Ryan, Adam, Josh and James) are on good terms with each other. If Sharon leaves the house, the 4 guys will team up to make the final 4.
Since we heard Natalie say earlier that she's teaming up with Adam and Ryan, she's going to have to win all the POV's and HOH's to stay in the game. Adam and Ryan will turn on her if Sharon goes!
4 Words:
I hope James goes right to the end!
Why does everyone have to say he did GAY porn?? He did porn. Porn, and WHO CARES! Im sure his family knows and thats all that matters.
Oh..and GO JAMES!!
Great takes by Ron in Co!
Natty has been telling lies the whole game, and claiming she doesn't lie. She keeps omitting the hinky vote lie when she and Matty told James that Matt voted for him to come back into the house. How come that never comes up?
James need to target Natty and Ryan if he wins the next HoH. One of them has to go next week.
Im confused by the comments. I had to work, just got home and all these comments are saying it was a joke James won POV? Did or did he not? Can someone tell me?
Evil Dick had reasons last season, James doesn't.
Ron in CO -- You said it all!
Go James!
I really like James. I know he did the gay porn thing.. yeah yeah I'm over that. I do feel bad for Chelsia though he should have been up front and told her!
I think James is the only one playing this game for himself! I don't think he cares to have relationships with the other house guests. I wouldn't either, not when half a million bucks is on the line. You do what you have to do to win. PLAY THE GAME! If he makes it to the end he deserves to win it.
He gets to stay in the house Nat because GOD is on he side, and not yours. An James is a better player overall.
I also agree 100% with you Ron in CO. Nat is just a gaint hypocrite.
I was soooooo glad to come home from work to find that James has won POV. OMG! But I hope they don't send Josh home. They should put Shelia up and vote her out! I'm so tired of hearing her mouth!
For clarification in my previous post....First of all, someone "obviously" read between the lines (happens so often and things get blurred).
What I am saying is...BB cannot be playing WIHTOUT lying, cheating, backstabbing and the constant change of sides for a numbers stake. That's quite apparent from past seasons. Alliances is THIS particular season seem to be at an exteme in my honest opionion and therefore all their OWN downfall.
It's obvious NOONE can keep a secret, there is too much double-talking and jumping ship/playing both sides...therfore it leads to obvious targets. Targets get singled out. Straight up.
Now take for instance, Sharon & Ryan recently have been laying low and have been under the rador recentl....However they are MAJOR threats when it comes to the final votes. Right now, all they can see with their blindsiders on is getting the Evil out. The smarter thing to do is get rid of the bigger targets first...the ones they WOULDN'T want to be in the final 2 with....then it's all "gravy" from there. The jury has to choose.
Love or Leave ''s Big Brother & it's all a GAME! (We all the machine that drives the engine!)
I love some of these comments where when it doesn't go the way you want, automatically it's rigged. Can you seriously just not admit that James is a hell of a player and deserves to be there. And voting him back in was all of the HGs decision!!!!
Mari @ 5:56 - Why don't you tell us how you really feel? Wow. Has James done something to you, personally? I can't think of any other reason for such vehement hatred.
To all those who say Nat lies and does stupid things? I'm sorry, James is by far the biggest liar and scumbag on the show. The way he even treated the girl he 'loved' was bad, I felt sorry for Chelsia (until she started becoming an evil and ugly person). Also, every time something doesn't go his way he gets on this high horse and starts telling people he is the only one with his word or crying about being on the block.. wah wah wah! Wasn't he the one who made fun of Matt for crying? I'm sorry what do you do every time you're on the block?
He throws temper tantrums every time and it makes him look childish. Or when he begs for the other HG's to give him a week off because he has been on the block twice this game. Like they're going to say "oh ok you're right, you shouldn't be up twice in 1 month" but wasn't he the one who sent Matt home on his birthday? lol. I'm not saying he shouldn't have sent Matt home, but can you say hypocrite?
Plus, Josh and James have no right making fun of Natalie and her abortions. Aren't they both gay? I'm not against gays or abortions but people in either category really don't have any room to talk. Also, making fun of her mentally ill parents? So low. How bad of a person are you when you start to do that? I'm not a fan of Natalie but when they start to knock her on those issues it gets under my skin.
go james!
i CANNOT wait until the day that both natalie AND shelia are outta that house!
go james, josh, and sharon!
Hey everyone (:
I stumbled upon this site and I'm glad I did! I can't stand the wait from episode to episode, so you're doing a splendid job keeping us all updated!!
I'm SO glad James won POV! All he has to do is get HOH next week and hopefully put Shelia and Nat up.. that would be a great week to watch!!
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