The Pranks Continue - BB Got Josh BAD
4:09pm BBT
BB just scared the bajeezus out of Josh with a ghostly reflection in the mirror. They tried the same with Natalie earlier, but she blew them off and told them she'd seen too many seasons of BB for them to scare her with that one.
Here's the clip:
The only way BB could have gotten him worse would have been a ghostly hologram of Allison. hehe.
And again...

And again.. Josh scares easy. He's going to be too much of a target for BB to resist.
4:33pm BBT
BB: Houseguests, this is a lockdown. Please go outside, and close the sliding glass door...
All the Houseguests are worrying about what BB might have in store for them next... They think there may be people in the house when they let them back in.
PRICELESS!!!! hehehheeee!!!!
josh's reaction was priceless!!
The houseguest better start realizing this could be the HOH competition... or for a competition.
that was hilarious! i'm still giggling!!!
poor joshy, bb got him good!
ROFLMAO!!! He's such a girl. How funny!
...And then when he grabs James "Don't leave me!" BAAAWWWAAAAHHHH!!!
Go BB! :)
OMG!!!! That has to be the funniest clip yet!!!!I laughed so hard my stomach hurts!!!!
Hey, they just realized there are people on the other side of the wall! Who'da thought?
OMG, I almost peed myself, that was SO FUNNY. I replayed that part 12 times! LOLOLOL
btw-they would have gotten the same reaction out of me!
the look on Josh's face is priceless. He will be scared for the rest of the night.
I am laughing so hard aits hard to type. THat was the funniest thing BB has ever Done!!!!!!!! I think Joshy pissed himself!!!!!
omg that was too funny. Sheila needs to lighten up and relax a little bit.
That was hilarious thanks for posting the clip.
Speaking of what's allowed, Sheila, is she allowed to say her ex is going to beat James after the rap party?
Okay, ...I almost fell out of my chair cause I was laughing so hard
OMG. Carolyn, thank you, thank you, thank you. I have not laughed so hard in I don't know how long. Josh's reaction was absolutely priceless. I had to play it three times. I'm still laughing so hard I can hardly type.
I got here originally to let you all know something I just saw about Natalie. What a great surprise this video was. The HGs (and the camera crew) will be talking about that for quite awhile.
Anyway, I was just watching a program on MTv called "True Life," and this particular episode was from 2006 and was about three different young people who had moved to Las Vegas to try and make a living.
One of the three was a young lady who wanted to be a model/review girl. She was having lots of turn-downs, so she applied at Hooters Casino.
After a couple months of being a Hooters girl, she entered one of Hooters' yearly pageants. Several times while the camera crew was behind the scenes in the area where the girls were getting ready, guess who I saw? Yep, Natalie. Same hairdo, breasts already enlarged, etc., etc.
Although Natalie admitted in one of her discussions with God (right after Josh had congratulated her on her 'real' job with the Seattle Sea Hawks cheerleaders) that even though she wasn't really a SSH cheerleader, it was just too much fun pretending to tell the truth just yet.
I haven't heard her (or read an update) tell anybody she wasn't telling the truth, but she was tellling the truth about being a Hooters girl.
Okay. That's all. I have to end this and watch Josh at least one more time.
I just watched it like 5 more times. What I think is so funny is that he imediately calls for Baller. Like Adam is the one going to save him from the evil mirror monster!
OMG - I haven't laughed this hard at the feeds in AGES. LOVE IT. Josh is so freaked out... His jumping at his own reflection in the mirror after the first one was the icing on the cake...
oh...that just made my day. his reaction was truly priceless.
Oh, and Jane--It's probably not that much of a coincidence. I bet lots of people start thinking of ball gags whenever Sheila is around. Can you imagine how many times they must have crossed the mind of her poor family?
This is a perfect set-up to blame BB for the mattress switch! Way to go BB!!!
Finally some fun in the house. Last night was very entertaining and your updates and clips have me LMAO. :-)))
I hope they keep Josh for the entertainment factor. He is such a drama queen. Love it.
Carolyn...thanks for such a great blog. I have never posted before, but the Josh prank was just toooooooo funny!!!! Can't wait to see some more BB pranks. All game talk gets so old after a bit, this at least is breaking up the same old Sheila!
Thanks again for keeping us so up to date on the BB houseguests, you are the best!!
when adam screamed right after josh screamed in the second video i screamed so friggin loud cause i was expecting a scream from josh but not from im crying from laughing so hard
did anyone catch the part when they tried scaring nat?i probably missed it when i was out..
that was great I laughed sooo hard
HAHAHA that was great!!!
That was hilarious..ROTFFL
Being the prank lover that I am, I would to see BB do something BIG!! The look on Josh's face would be worht a mint!
Carolyn, if you ever decide to make a "favorite clips" section, this should ABSOLUTELY go in there! You know, cause you always have spare time! ;D jk. This has got to be one of the greatest clips yet! I remember when they brought Cappy/Eric back and did that...I was more prone to throw up in my mouth vs. laughing when I saw him though!
Just a reminder, you are amazing! I also have a question...IF [fingers crossed!] you continue this blog next year, would the website be the same or just updated to BB10Dish?? Just curious b/c I already have this one saved in my favorites and want to make sure I'm prepped for next year! :D
That's hilarious! I really wish I could see the video [darn dial up!]. I'm hoping they'll do some more on BBAD tonight ;)
Ok that was too funny!! I just had to watch that one more then a couple times!
Thanks for my evening laugh!
I love it.. that is almost as good as his face would be if he gets evicted this week. I love that BB is playing
Josh getting spooked is priceless!!!!
That was awesome. I love Josh.. I hope the pranks continue.
Josh and Adam both screaming and jumping is priceless.
That was hilarious Carolyn, I laughed so hard. Josh scared me when he screamed, lol
Was the one with Nat seeing someone in the mirror caught on video?
BB did this before, I think BB6, does anyone remember that? Someone got scared so bad, can't recall who it was though
Thanks for the laugh
omgosh i just started crying. The first time in the bathroom was the best!
OMG - I laughed so hard at Josh's reaction that I almost did #1 and #2 right here by the computer! Priceless!!!
I am crying I am laughing so hard - especially the bathroom! Thanks.
Just watched that about 50gazillion times.
That just brightened up dark times in the BB house!!
Thanks for posting, that was just.. they HAVE to put that in the show tomorrow night.
That was hysterical.
hahahaha heeeheeeheeee=)
My favorite videos on AFV are the ones where people get scared. This was fantastic. I must of played 6 or 8 times. Josh loves to check himself out in the mirror. Now he will be scared to. Poor baby. That was priceless. I hope BB does more to some of the other HG's.
Absolutely loved Joshies reaction!!!
I playing the 1st one (bathroom) about three times... laughing harder and harder with each play!
That would certainly get me once, but since Josh is the certified drama queen in the house they can keep doing it to him and he'd scream over and over.
Love it!
To whoever asked earlier:
"Who is Kenny?"
The guys weren't saying Kenny they were saying "Kimmy is pissed". They were referring to Shiela as Sheila calls alter ego Kimberly.
I laughing so hard I am crying
this one was to funny. Josh is such a charater. I almost feel sorry for him. Thanks for the laugh BB
that is the funniest - best thing - laugh out loud - pee a little in my pants funny. Damn! I think I watched it like 6 times. I need to remember to watch this whenever I need a jolt of laughture!
oh my gosh, that is so freaking funny! josh is fer suree the funniest in the BB9 house! gotta love it. :)
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