Weekend BB Ebay Roundup!
Happy Friday, Big Brother Lovers! :) I hope you all have a tremendous weekend. Mine will be! hehe.. I've got my nephew coming to town, my best guy friend's bachelor party and wedding, and other activities there just aren't enough time for during season. ;)
Will I be doing interviews with the HGs? You betcha! I just like to give them all some time to decompress after being in the house... Soon come.
For those of you who've been bidding or just keeping an eye on all the ebay auctions, I have lots of news.
While Joshuah has recently added more items, several of Joshuah's auctions end this evening, so if you're a Josh fan, now is the time to get over there...
Alex's No Bueno Shirt, signed by the whole BB9 cast, as well as many BB alumni, ends Saturday...
Sharon still has several items up, and she's re-listed her dress from the finale and added a phone call into the mix, as well as her USMC sweatshirt. Here's the link for all of Sharon's Ebay Auctions.
Most of the auctions Adam listed last week had to be re-listed. All the updated direct links are within this post, or you could just go to Adam on Ebay, and see for yourself. ;)I just heard from Mick this morning, and Sheila has joined the Ebay frenzy. She's auctioning off quite a lot of very cool stuff, including her BB9 Key, the boots she wore with the Uni, her SheBot sunglasses and the Black Robe we all know so well. ;)
Here are the links for everything - Sheila on Ebay:
- Nail Polish Painting of Sheila by Natalie
- black robe
- Sheila's Big Brother Key
- Boots Worn with the Uni!
- Ellie TShirt
- Ellie Autographed Pic
- SheBot Sunglasses
- HoH Slippers
- Green Comp Bikini
- Red Comp Bikini
- Sheila's Finale Dress
It should be noted that Adam added a 15 minute phone call into the mix, so for those of you who'd like to speak directly with the winner of BB9, here's your chance.
Another interesting (and rather quirky) item is the thong worn by Joshuah and Crazy James...
For Natalie fans, paintings galore...
- Spring Break Shirt
- Nike Sweats
- Natalie's Flower Pics
- Dirty Bird Shirt
- Single Mermaid Painting
- Candy Thong worn by Crazy James and Joshuah
- 2 Mermaid Paintings by Natalie
- Ted Baker Sweats
- 15 Minute Phone Call
These are the frying pans Dick used to wake the BB9 HGs. If you recall, he said during that segment that they were the same pans he'd used during BB8 too. Here's the ad copy:
You are bidding one of the actual pans that Evel Dick used to wake the Big Brother 9 houseguests up for a Veto competition. Please note that this pan is dented and damaged due to Dick relentlessly banging it on various objects.
That's all for now! Have a wonderful weekend!
Hey there!
Does anyone know what happened to the guineas?
I miss Big Brother... :0(
The guineas were auctioned off on Ebay. My friend won them!
LOL- just kidding. I bet Sharon begged to have them.
Thanks for keeping us updated, Carolyn!
Do you still check the tip jar and update the list on the sidebar?
Can't wait to read your interviews! And even more -- Can't wait for BB10 to begin!
Boomer :)
Thanks for asking and for coming!
I do! Did I miss someone??
Of course I had to be one of the votes for "Other" in the poll.
I said "I get to spend another 3 months with Carolyn. Is she turning me straight? (NO! but I <3 her!)
gaytor - awwww!!!
I love e-bay almost as much as I love overstock.com!
As many on here I too can't wait for BB10.
Thanks again Carolyn for keeping us all in the loop.
Does Adam's phone call include an interpreter?
Scott in Miami
Hi,Carolyn!! Hope your weekend is fabulous! Wow, I was bidding on Sheila's key, but now it's up to 500 big ones! I bet she is thrilled!
Hey Carolyn, are you the high bidder on Nat's mermaid paintings? LOL
Miss you, and can't WAIT for BB10 to start!
Mean Queen Christine
jluvs - 500?! wow!! that's gotta be a record for this season...
christine - nope... i did bid on the single one though... just not that high. ;)
scott - lol
n2 - hi honey :)
I was watching some of the interviews with ED and the HG and something on Sheila's caught my attention. ED mentioned he is having some photos taken of him and Sheila for her to sell on Ebay. I ran across some photos of them and James that were really good. It is part of a youtube video from therealdeal2010 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWjTIlF0Mbg).
Dick didn't look annoyed like he does with the other HG. In a few of the photos they even look kinda lovey dovey. Who knows maybe he and Sheila might end up hanging out more and I would love to see the two of them host a comp for the next season.
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