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Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Big Brother 9 Lockdown

10:40am BBT

The HGs are on exterior lockdown. It's chilly. Limited game talk for the moment, since they're all together.

They're playing pool, relaxing together on the big couch and catching some extra z's on the chaise.

Joshuah's on the hammock with Sharon, and he just made mention of "The Power 6." The game talk begins... He's getting her up to speed on everything, and they're talking about everyone.

Sheila's dishing with Allison on the double chaise.

...and the hottie boys have started doing lunges together across the backyard.

Exterior Lockdown ends, and the HGs move into an interior Lockdown.

As they enter the house, they are treated to The Memory Wall, finally in place.

We'll have more pics of the memory wall very soon.

Make sure to check our screencaps blog. Here's the link: DishCaps

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Blogger David B. said...

Lockdowns over.

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone please tell my Niel left? And how Sharon ended up back in the house?

2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read on another site that Amanda is Janelle's sister... does anyone know if this is true or not? They seem like they could be related, even look alike... but I wasn't sure if this was legit or not.

2:57 PM  

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