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Friday, February 22, 2008

Comic Relief

12:40am BBT

It's been a heck of a day and night in the Big Brother 9 house. Absolutely non-stop since 9am BBT... For me, it's been non-stop since 9am eastern, when I began the overnight report.

It's now 12:30am BBT. James & Chelsia are upstairs in HoH chatting. Matty was sleeping alone, because Natalie's got a fever and he doesn't want to catch it, but he just got up, and he's sitting in the dining room staring into space and having a drink. Ryan and Allison had a pre-sleep chat about Sheila's self-centered behavior, and they're now sleeping. Amanda and Alex have been AWOL for over an hour now.

I thought it would be nice to end the posting for Friday (although it's technically Saturday) with a little comic relief from a little earlier this evening:

Matt giving Adam advice on how to "work his partner."

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Blogger Cliff O'Neill said...

Does Natalie have a throat infection?

8:47 AM  
Blogger Daniel said...

LMAO .. Cliff we always can count on you for a laugh 8-)

3:28 PM  

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