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Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Waiting on Some Comp

At 12:48pm BBT, the feeds went to flames. 5 minutes later, we got trivia, so something's up. The HGs have been waiting on a comp for hours, though they don't know what kind...

Good luck to everyone trying out for BB10 this week! I hope you make it, and I hope you can stay sane inside that house! FYI - Allison Grodner will be on House Calls tomorrow...

2:16pm BBT Feeds Are Back!

A couple of questions while we wait...

Question #1: What twists would you like to see in BB10?
Question #2: In your opinion, what is the most overused phrase in Big Brother? The one you could happily go the rest of your lifetime without hearing again...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet it is the "clothing" free for all!!

1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think it's possible that it's the POV and whoever doesn't win gets nominated? I mean, doesn't it basically work out that no matter who Ryan nominates if they win the POV then they'll take themselves off the block and the third person gets nominated anyways?

1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn, hi well we wait I have a question for u.. I have the feeds and do I need to call and end it after the show is over or will it just stop??? thanks!

1:15 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

I have a game.

What twist(s) would you like to see in BB10?

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ended my subscription just because of this. There is no real GOOD stuff to watch! Thanks for keeping us posted :)

1:18 PM  
Blogger Christine said...

Take a much deserved break!! A walk on the beach, a nice bike ride or perhaps a NAP??

I am excited and happy to sit back and see how this all plays out.... this season has been one of the MOST enjoyable with all the back and forth and vote switching and shennanigans. Thanks Carolyn for keeping it all straight and up to date for everyone

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Caro> Did Julie say there are 2 weeks left in her opening comments last night? If that is the case wouldn't that put the date at April 30th for the finale? Anyone else pick that up

1:21 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Dani - You definitely have to call if you'd like to cancel.

Christine - thanks.. I wish I could! But what if the feeds come back on with a comp?

Genie - you're a rock star! Your question is now on the post.

1:23 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

anon@1:21 She did, but check your listings... the last air date for BB is april 27th... ;)

1:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to see another America's Player on season 10 but maybe leave out the things that would make it obvious, like the pranks! I loved it in season 8!!! Or what if they did a season like survivor is this one, fans and favs!!!

1:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, put some kind of clues and an immunity "idol" in the house for s10!!! LOL!!!

1:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also think this season has been one of the most enjoyable! I'm glad too because I had e-mailed CBS (as well as posting here) right after the BB8 finale that they should do a "winter edition." I was thrilled that they agreed :)

I think that they need to crank up the next season though with not only more twists, but more suspenseful twists as well!

1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im trying out tomorrow in boston, i hope theres not a long line, but im sure there will be! hopefully ill make it on bb10! wish me luckkk!!! :-)

1:27 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

Whoop whoop! Thanks Carolyn!

BB10 twist: I would like viewer votes. Add an extra vote to evict based on what the viewers want. That will make the HGs mind their pees and ques!

1:27 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

What I've always wanted to do is revise the POV rules when there are more than 6 people and not everyone gets to play. I would revise this in two ways. 1) the HOH and each nominated person could each choose a person to play, and then 2) If someone uses the veto and removed themselves or an ally from the block, the HOH should have to replace them with someone else who actually got to play for POV. This would cause more strategizing. For example, when the HOH was deciding who to choose to play, would they pick someone who would keep their nominations the same or someone who they would want to use as a replacement nominee? Would the nominated people choose a person who would remove them, or an HOH ally hoping that they could win, remove themselves, and force the HOH to nominate an ally? I really hate when people get backdoored and they haven't had a chance to defend themselves against it, and this would be a good way to end that.

1:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have house guest face the greatest fears in the house kinda fear factor style. If a house guest makes there a test of there greatest fear they winn POV or something

1:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I second the viewer vote!!

1:28 PM  
Blogger nWjoe said...

Genie-- The twist I would most like to see would be that the HGs would all be "normal, regular" people. A wide variety of ages and ethnicities, not the cookie-cutter casts we've been getting where they have to each fit into a "type". Oh yeah, and nobody with acting/modeling aspiratons. Real people...what a twist that would be. I know I'm dreaming, but come on, the TV ratings coundn't be worse than this season.

1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nWjoe, Here here real people not this tight body chicks with no brains give me a girl in the house that does not wear a bikini

1:32 PM  
Blogger Ilissa said...

hahaha, giving the viewers a say in eviction would really mess the HGs up! Talk about stress!

1:32 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

Amen nWjoe! I agree! (oops didn't mean to make a biblical reference! haha)

1:33 PM  
Blogger Ilissa said...

P.S. I'd like to see them have a dog. Or a cat. A real pet would be nice.I'm pretty sure the guinea pigs lost all their fans last night!

1:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Celtics & Anon trying out tomorrow in Boston!

1:35 PM  
Blogger Moni said...

I think each player should THINK they are AMerica's player and let America control every single nomination. Now THAT would be cool!

1:37 PM  
Blogger Biskit said...

In your opinion, what is the most overused phrase in Big Brother? The one you could happily go the rest of your lifetime without hearing again...


1:38 PM  
Blogger daiseygirl77 said...

I'd love to see the viewer vote, but with out letting the HG's know who the viewers voted for.

1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:40 PM  
Blogger Monika Fabian said...

Hey how about digging up the list of resolutions or commandments that we made at the beginning of the season to see which ones were "thrown under the bus" and "backdoored"?

1:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish they would all stop saying "Everything happens for a reason" this season. I'm going to start a BB9 drinking game & take a shot everytime someone says that!

1:41 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

Question #2.

Phrases I would like never to hear on BB...


"chosen ones"

ok and as a concession to Joy "throwing someone under the bus" Let's replace it with "throwing someone into the spin cycle" lol

as a sidenote: take the bible out of the house. :)

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In your opinion, what is the most overused phrase in Big Brother? The one you could happily go the rest of your lifetime without hearing again...


1:42 PM  
Blogger Brandi said...

In your opinion, what is the most overused phrase in Big Brother? The one you could happily go the rest of your lifetime without hearing again...

I have 2

1:44 PM  
Blogger StaceeNichole said...

By far I think the worst is...

"I've never lied to you in this game"

1:44 PM  
Blogger Moni said...


I AGREE with "throwin under the bus" I was just thinking this earlier today!! You must have channeled my thoughts today!!

Sheila's "OKAYYYYYY" and "You know what" and that last saying turned into Natalie's too.

1:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn, do you have any theories on the subject or rumor of Jen giving Ryan a secret message in his letter last night? DTK...

1:45 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

Yes, please! More diverse cast. Higher IQ's (as much of a snob as that makes me - don't forget how much fun Dr. Will and Eric were, for example, smart people can actually be interesting - as hard as that is to believe).

More "get to know you" stuff. Serves two purposes, stimulates conversation that isn't mind numbingly repetitious, and forces people to reveal things that can be used against them.

I know the idea was always that they had nothing to do, and that would stir trouble. People know the game too well now, they protect themselves too much. Need motivators.

If they MUST do religion (since the country has become so religion obsessed), please vary religions, throw in a Jew, Muslim, and a Wicken (and if BB is afraid war, leave the damn religion at the door).

Move filming to the East Coast so BBAD isn't at midnight till 3am. I'm too old and I know the lack of sleep it taking years off my life.

1:46 PM  
Blogger Tiffany said...

In your opinion, what is the most overused phrase in Big Brother? The one you could happily go the rest of your lifetime without hearing again...

BB9 - "team christ" "god"

*rolls eyes*

1:46 PM  
Blogger Moni said...

OH and I forgot:

In my best Sharon voice:



1:46 PM  
Blogger Seffie said...

The phrase I am tired of?


I like Sheila, but if I NEVER hear, "Know this," ever again, I'll be happy! :)

1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The one phrase I would like to never hear again is.....IM 45(46) years old !

1:47 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Jenny - re secret message - nope.

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"good people" referring to those who read the bible.

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q2 Most overused phrase thrown under the bus! They all do it to each other!

Also I hate when people put God into the game, it's a game, not life!

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Around 3:10EST, feed 3 showed production doing something outside, it was only for a second, but it looked like a bar of some sort...

1:47 PM  
Blogger daiseygirl77 said...

Not exactly a phrase, but I'm so tired of people classifying themselves as the "good" people.

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question #2:
"With that being said...."

1:48 PM  
Blogger Ilissa said...

I'd have to go with "Are you KIDDING me?"
The two year old in my house now says it!

1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still a little mad about the guinea pig HOH question.

I sit here asking myself why BB production would even ask a "trick" question that can be answered in more than one way. Why even make people consider the notion that they control the outcome?

Whether they actually decided what the answer would be on the spot or whether the answer would be fact no matter what, it is fishy that they even ask that sort of question to begin with. And I think if that question was not the last one of the comp, it wouldn't be as fishy and suspect as it is.

Yeah, I get that they wanted to make the HGs paranoid, but why during such an important competition. I don't find it fair. They could have just done it in a food or luxury comp and got the same reaction from the HGs.

It will be interesting to see what AG says on housecalls tommorrow. Hopefully the issue will be addressed.

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This week/hoh/pov is huge!"

As for twists im not sure, but i dont like the no bible or more normal people suggestions. The lack of mental stability, the bible poundin, the diversity all add to the drama and entertainment in the house. So id want even more mentally and emotionally unstable people not less.


1:49 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

llissa - LOL.. i'm sorry.. that's hysterical. i have such an image of a little cutie pie toddling around doing that..

1:50 PM  
Blogger Tiffany said...

In your opinion, what is the most overused phrase in Big Brother? The one you could happily go the rest of your lifetime without hearing again...

bb9 - "team christ" "god"

1:50 PM  
Blogger oilman said...

I think they should have the ability to 'mutiny' the HOH. If 100% of the house votes off the HOH, then HOH goes home. But if even one person breaks it up, then the votes for HOH don't count and the other votes are tallied. That would really open the door to some back-stabbing early in the game.

1:50 PM  
Blogger Seffie said...

Yes. America get s a vote and/or counts as a percentage of the final vote. But the HG's could NEVER know. Otherwise, having the vote go whatever to zero would be worse than ever. America's vote wouldn't mean squat and it would render our vote useless!

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Twist I would like to see.

I think it would be great if everyone even HOH could play for each HOH. Then the first person out of the compition for HOH has to go on the block. The HOH then gets to pick who will sit next to them

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's done!"/"They're done!"

One of my least-favorite terms. I don't know how many times it was said about James and then just recently, Natalie. (she very nearly made it)

Anything with the word "lying"/"lie" is a least favorite, since when they say it, they don't understand it is a game.

1:52 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

ooooooooh I just had a brainstorm (too much caffeine)

Here is a twist de la twist...

Let the viewing public choose from a list of candidates who they want in the house! Say from 30 they have to pick 16...

Just a thought!

1:52 PM  
Blogger Moni said...

Okay, and I don't know if I'm the only one...but when they do the nomination ceremony I'm always like...YOU ARE SAYING IT WRONG!

When they say "The next person safe is..." I'm like NO NO NO! You pull the key, and it's "_________, you are safe!"

1:53 PM  
Blogger Moni said...

Okay, and I don't know if I'm the only one...but when they do the nomination ceremony I'm always like...YOU ARE SAYING IT WRONG!

When they say "The next person safe is..." I'm like NO NO NO! You pull the key, and it's "_________, you are safe!"

1:53 PM  
Blogger Beth (and Eric) said...

A phrase that I would like to NOT see used in the BB house (or anywhere else in life, for that matter): "It is what it is"

Oh, and I HATE: "der, der-der, der-der" Ugh!

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any form of "thrown under the bus"

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

#1 I liked when they did the secret partners in Kaysar's and Janelle's season but I don't know how they could revamp that...

I read somewhere that they have a new BB house for this summer so maybe they will do the two housholds and they don't know about each other for a while... lol

#2 "That being said" in like every ceremony... ugh

1:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is a luxury comp to see the movie "what happens in las vegas"

1:55 PM  
Blogger Beth (and Eric) said...

I agree with Jane about a more diverse cast (re: age & religion)... I am a Christian, but if there's a Bible in the house, why not the Koran??

For BB10: Starting off guys vs. girls could be interesting. The battle of the sexes.

I also like the idea of us voting for every eviction -- it does hold the HG's accountable... well, at least to those of us who have the feeds!

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Julie Chen: "But first..."

1:56 PM  
Blogger oilman said...

There should be an ability to "mutiny" early in the game. If all the HG's vote to evict HOH, then HOH goes home. But if even one person votes for someone else, then the other votes count for eviction. This could lead to some real drama in making very surprising evictions.

I also think that America should be able to vote on a 'tired phrase' of the week. Every time a HG says the phrase, then they get soaked with a squirter or something.

1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw a screenshot of the comp in the back yard on another site and I obviously don't know what the game is but it was set up like tic tac toe board and there were pics in all of the boxes. A woman, a man, a chapel, a vegas sign, a Wall ST Street sign and some others. All the things had to do with Cameron Diaz's new movie 'What Happens in Vegas'...the girl was her and the guy was Ashton. So maybe it's another movie luxury thing...but that would be lame.


1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

an answer to question number 2. i think ryan uses "you know" to much. last night when Julie asked him a question he said " you know" way to many times!

1:58 PM  
Blogger Beth (and Eric) said...

Shirley -- I totally agree! Let the outgoing HOH play in the next HOH comp! Why not?! If they dominate and nobody can beat them, it sounds fair to me!

1:58 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

Question #1: What twists would you like to see in BB10?
Enough of the twists! None. No more. Let the game players create their own ... we all know they're darn good at it left to their own devices. My only request would be to bring back America into the game and not like that little namby pamby bs with the frikkin' box or America's player either.

Question #2: In your opinion, what is the most overused phrase in Big Brother? The one you could happily go the rest of your lifetime without hearing again...
I just woke up from a nap and haven't had enough coffee yet so I'm having a hard time coming up with anything good for this one. I'm going to go out on a limb here and just say 'Oh Big Brother'. Boring and lame I know, but that's what were getting off the feeds right now so I'm not getting much inspiration.

I think I used all my inspiration this morning on MySpace. Glad you liked my little ditty Carolyn, hope it inspires others into adding to your tip jar.


1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sick of hearing: The winner is pre-determined!! That always drives me crazy!!

I would love for BB10 to have america's player! I also like the idea of Fans vs. Favorites!

1:59 PM  
Blogger Ilissa said...

Oh yes, the "der der der der" gets under my skin!

And Natalie's "I told you!! Didn't I tell you? I told you!!"

But one of my favorites comes from Adam - "It's good. Done. Check." I find myself using that a lot.

2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back SEVERAL "America's Player" - not allowing any of them to know there are more than one working for us.

"Thrown under the bus"

2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This POV/HOH is EPIC!!

2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the hardest thing I have had to do the entire game. If I hear that one more time I will cry.

Also last night when Ryan was being interview by Julie he said ya know too many times to count. Ya know!

2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

carolyn i hear "know this" in my dreams..hehehe... oh that woman..by the way C=Venus OMG the best pic ever of sheila.."here my pretties" i was laughing so hard..i love you, you both made my day...:) lets see i would like to see a twist where 2 people go in the house and dont "out" themselves..jen's biggest mistake..but allison pushed that with her threat..but it would be kinda cool to have at least 2 maybe 3 who know each other and no one finds out until the end..maybe a husband wife team or brother sister or cousins..the last 2 seasons we knew within the first hour and week so i def want to see one go without anyone catching on..and maybe another twist of america gets to vote on the end..that i would love if we got a vote on picking the winner they've never done that..they give money to the most deserving i think it was like what 25,000 but i want to see america help pick out of the last 2..that would blow some minds! esp when the houseguests expect them all to come from the jury! Bree

2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There realy is not a phrase i would like to not hear again but a Voice...........I could go my whole life and not hear Nat's DR voice, or any of her voice for that matter.

2:04 PM  
Blogger nWjoe said...

Know this, I've always had your back and I've never told YOU a lie until you threw me under a bus and backdoored me, you evil doer,but it is what it is, and I have God and I'm a good person.(That is what I'm tired of hearing!)

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the first two people of each past season to be evicted should have a chance to be voted back in the house for their own season, kinda like All-Stars. Since we didn't really get to see their game play I think that would be interesting. I loved Joe and would like to see how he would do if he had a fair shot at the game without a Dustin in the house! I also agree with Jane and nw about having "normal" people as a cast. Like the first season with Chicken George and Brittany...America also had a MUCH bigger role in the game then...maybe we sholud e-mail our ideas to Allison...lol.

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon @ 1:47
true dat!

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ps..im going to miss BB carolyn! :( when does the summer one start! i need to fuel the addiction! haha! Bree

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Least Favorite Phrase:
1. Thrown under the bus.
2. On the block.
3. Backdoored
4. the "f" word -seriously, sound intelligent people!!

2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could live the rest of my life without every hearing..

"That's cute" in the annoying Sheila and Natalie voice. I hear it in my sleep, maybe cause I forgot to turn off the feeds lol!

2:08 PM  
Blogger DMeisterJ said...

1 - No Twists. Just straight up game. I miss the good old days. The only good twist was the X-Factor. That made things fun.

2 - Expect the Unexpected. God I hate that phrase, it's so overused. This season, I'm tired of hearing "frikkin'". If you're going to curse, just do it. Frikkin is one I'd gladly go without hearing again. And 'good people winning', and 'evil people losing'. How can anyone determine who's 'good' and 'evil'? I would also love if Julie Chen stopped saying "But first". That'd make my year.

2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with:

Least Favorite Phrase:
1. Thrown under the bus.
2. On the block.
3. Backdoored

and i'm sooo sick of hearing "Are you frickin' kidding me?" that's just as bad as Dani's "it's so frustrating!"

2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with:

Least Favorite Phrase:
1. Thrown under the bus.
2. On the block.
3. Backdoored

and i'm sooo sick of hearing "Are you frickin' kidding me?" that's just as bad as Dani's "it's so frustrating!"

2:11 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Charlie - I didn't see it. Can you please resend? I think blogger's a little glitchy today.. I'm getting tons of repeats.

2:12 PM  
Blogger Ilissa said...

I like the idea of boys against girls. It could be "Big Brother 10 - Bros against Hoes" hehehe

And I like the idea of fans vs. favs...or just BB all stars vs. BB wannabes.

2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of you have great ideas for next seasons twists. I like them all! I think it would be very interesting to do kinda a reverse psychology on the houseguests... what if there were no twists and everybody were complete strangers with eachother (like nwjoe said). That would probably drive the houseguests crazy trying to figure out what the twist was! HaHaHa
As for a phrase that I could live with-out is "I haven't lied to you in this game!" That is a lie in itself!! So annoying!!!

2:15 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

Good morning Carolyn and all the commenters. Yes I know it isn't morning, but as I have said before, it's a state of mind.

I am loving it that we are not at each others throats anymore. We have a very good F4 and while we might disagree on who should be F2 and who would win, at least the Gnat is out of the picture.

I do have a preference for words/phrases I would like to never hear again. I think we all agree about the bus thing, but I have one that hasn't been mentioned and I have strong feelings about... FLOATER.

No one floats in the game in the sense that everyone uses it. Each HG has their way to play the game and by not doing anything and (oh, UNDER THE RADAR is another one) and prefer to play their game quietly does not make them a floater. A floater IMNSHO is the person who switches sides week to week depending on who is HoH. If I need to explain that one... well...

What I would like to see as a twist in BB10? Maybe NO twist. Normal people without a show biz past or aspirations of becoming a huge star upon leaving the house. Has anyone ever done that in the sense of getting a perm gig on any type of show, or a big movie? Some go on to run the gamut of other Reality Shows, but that's as far as they get, and I don't like that at all. To me that is mixed in with another phrase I would like to see dropped...Riding the coat tails... Go on one show. Get your 15 minutes of fame and move on with your lives.

Am I ranting? OOPS!

Twists... if there HAS to be one... I'm with Jane. Get people with IQs higher than the pets of the house. An all Mensa cast could be very interesting.

And APG, quit allowing reading material of ANY kind. And confiscate nail polish if it is being used to write on paper towels. Make them check it out as needed and monitor that they are actually painting nails and upon finishing, make them bring it back to the DR.

So much more to say, but I have to get back to the flames if they are still going on. I want to see what they are getting. I don't think it's food. BB has always ended that before F4, before F5. I have to think it's luxury. Not that any of them deserve any luxuries. They haven't earned it this season.

Rant over... for now.

Again, Good Morning Carolyn and all.

2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate, "with that said, this meeting is adjourned".

I mean, who originally came up with that? For once, can't someone just say, "that's all folks, I'm done, peace out!"

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK started this afternoon ive been gettin an error message pretty frequently.

To spice up the feeds and BBAD, the twist for BB10 - have a Porn Star edition, with their physical attributes coupled with their mental acumen, the feeds and BBAD would be quite the show. Im sure they are normal enough that cbs could fill in 3 hours a week of partially clothed footage.


2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Expect the Unexpected

or is this a note to AGP & Jule Chen instead of the houseguest


2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm tired of hearing most of Shiela's fav things to say:

I'm a single mom.

I'm getting old. I'm 46.


Frikkin knock it off already.

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is "ONLY A TEST" to see if I can get a comment through...haven't been able to the last few days..

2:20 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

First let me start by saying Carolyn you one incredible women!

I say for a season 10 twist they should get you in the house to be america's player! Also, incorporate an America's choice veto - that could happen anytime during the season. I also like the idea of america having a vote each week. As for a immunity idol - lets leave that for Survivor, but I do think they should do a season long mystery that would be solved at the finale and that person would win 100k. The mystery could be any kind of mystery and they would get clues as they went along - they could team up and share or work alone - as the HGs are voted out they could will thier information to allies or decide to keep it private. You know - something to give a new dimension to the game instead of everyone sitting around when no comp was going on. Just a thought.

Thanks again Carolyn for all the great work!

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last season of BB had much better competitons! Why are they so scarce this season? No what would you give up comp or the clothing one! COme on we have to have some excitement since annoying a** Natalie is gone! Hearing her rant and rave about GOD was putting me over the edge! Im so glad she is gone!

2:20 PM  
Blogger Tiffany said...

feeds are back on.

2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about replacing the bible with something like the constitution of the U.S.A. or Bill of Rights. The bible has causes at leas two seasons of good versus evil. With te Bill of Right or constitution they might even learn something useful.

I would also like to see more intelligent people, more brains less looks. It might lead to much better strategy then using God or boobs to make allies. Besides the pysch test have an intelligence test.

I would love the golden power of veto to come back and I agree with the person that suggested only those playing for POV could be renoms. That would show us who the real players are.

And last of all less Dr interviews which would make for less influence by BB.

Thanks for everything Carolyn because of you I have learn so much more about whats going on in the house then I did the first couple of seasons without your site. You have the most intersting site of all I have perused.

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The phases I hope I never hear again are "the evildoers" and "A-baller"... Running in a close third is "chatty natty" which remainds me of the most popular doll when I was a kid. LOL.. I wish that bb10 would have more comps in it and more comps that were physical. The HOH comp last night was a joke, and considering it was a really important HOH...I didnt realize that the GPs could be considered or would be considered as a "couple" Vicki

2:24 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

I am so sick of hearing everyone call everyone "babe."

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"threw me under the bus"

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

overused quote

"We are gonna be famous when we get out of here"

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

twist i would like to see is that america votes for a player to come back and that person plays a comp with the final four and if they win they take somebody out of the game and replace them...not fair i know but i still feel like i was cheated

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anybody watched CBS's lame Pirate reality series last season they will remeber how the Captain staying week after week ruined it. I think that would be the same if HOH had a chance to compete and thus retain his place as HOH. It would be boring if you got a dominant player. Pirates did a Mutiny tyhing too and it was reallty lame also.

I would like more input by viewers, More than one Americas player. Perhaps each week or even more often BB/DR coulds task a player with a goal or prank. That involves both hgs and viewers.

Best suggestion: BB should ban 5 certain common BB Phrases like THRown under the bus, DUN, ya think,I've got your back, F bomb, I never lied to you or whatever have been the most used (I know fbomb and the bus are 2)and award a point each time to the player using them.At the end of each week the player who used the most of the words or phrases would get slop for a week, or kp or bathroom cleaning detail. Personally I like the slop Idea. It would be a riot trying to see the hgs try to control themselves.
Noni in NJ

2:33 PM  
Blogger jadedlove said...

Carolyn, feel free to not publish this if the last post went through, I got an error tho and dont think it did.
I HATE it when that happens!

Anyways, to recreate my former post ...

I agree with those that have said more real people, less T&A and wanna be models/actors.

More for the houseguests to do, the night they got the crafts, cards and games we saw more fo them, not their game play. Give them a big ass model or puzzle to do that will take a few weeks, and auction it off for charity at the end. Allow them to decide which charity the money goes to. Maybe make them earn/find the puzzle peices.

More short comps ... with small prizes or punishments. Like 1 day on slop, have to do the house dishes for 3 days, a 3 min phonecall or AIM chat with someone from home. Make 'em tradeable or transferable. Things that will liven up the house, I dont know about others, but if I want to watch someone eat, sleep, burp, fart, scratch or bitch ... I can look around at home.
An america's player type interaction without the actual person, let america have one vote for every eviction, let's hear Julie say " The house votes are in and John Doe has 5 and Jane Smith has 3, let's see what america says ... America has vote to evict John, John, by a vote of 6 - 3 you are evicted." Give the HGs some insight into how they are being percieved by ameerica before leaving the house.

Less bible buddy time, I'm sure when casting this season, they did not expect the ex-stripper to become the ballistic bible betty, but let's a. have LESS air time or b. have a little separation of church and house.

This year's over-used words/phrases...
know this
Ya think!
God told me
I had a dream ...
I'd never lie to you
I got your back
Are you frikkin' kidding me?
she/he/they is/are just jealous of me/my (insert random thought/bodypart/possession)

just my 2.5 cents.


2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the feeds via another link, wasn't aware of your site yet :(

Can I cancel the feeds, then get the feeds anew via BBDish when BB10 starts?

Thanks again Carolyn!

~ Sherri ~

2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phrase: "KNOW WHAT I MEAN? (dude)"

BB-10 Wish: Run a parallel competition to see who's the best of the losers from a sequester house where all contestants form the first eviction on are going for it.

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The most overused statement in the house is "thrown under the bus." UGH! ACK! ENOUGH with THAT!

2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn is waaaay too smart to wanna be in the house. She rules here on Dish!!!! Noni in NJ

2:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i got an idea for a twist...put them back as couples together in the final 2.ryan and sharon vs. adam and sheila

2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a few ideas for twists.
1) Have two BB houses running simultaneously (even secretly connected) - once the 2 houses are down to half - they merge. Espwcially cool if there is a secret doorway in the hall that just disappears one night while everyone is asleep.

2) Put a bunch of straight guys in a house with a bunch of lesbians - or vice versa.

3) Make the entire house up of families that don't know they are related.

Any change to the format would be appreciated. It's way too predictable.

2:53 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Sherri - Heck yeah you can! :) hehe. Thanks for asking.

2:54 PM  
Blogger Moni said...

Two things...

I'd like to see them SHOW the houseguests what's being said about them in the Diary room.


Instead of getting more diverse people...giving them a ROLE to play.

How about long lost relatives!! Without letting them know until they get evicted...

Okay...I've had too much time to think on this one.

3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1)All ineligible for HOH hgs are also ineligible for nomination until 6 or less HGs remain

2)Pov winners or vetoed evictees (I can go either way)choose the renoms

3)Coup d'`etat is offered at the first HOH and must be used before F$

4)every week a different player is randomly picked America's player and can earn $ based on performing tasks; i.e. Eric Season 9, but all monies earned will be forfeit if they divulge the info at any point during their stay in the house. No HG can be USA Player two weeks in a row but can be numerous times in a season

5)HOH assigns chores to HGs and anyone failing to comply loses their allowance (stipend) that week

5)In a community slop comp, the HGs that don't win their target category (meats etc) can not partake of another category (dairy) of the HOH's choosing for that week

6)Hgs are limited to one hour of HOH time per week when they aren't the HOH barring a LD


3:16 PM  
Blogger Detox Skin Intervention said...

I think the most over used and miss used word is Backdoored..

3:23 PM  
Blogger Beth (and Eric) said...

I really like the idea of two houses! And then mix! Good stuff.

And, how about if ONE of the HG's could see some feeds & diary room sessions and know what's really going on, and they couldn't tell their roommates (like Eric couldn't tell about being America's Player)... and see them squirm and try to convince people to go their way, without revealing the knowledge they have...

3:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most overused phrase: "With that being said...." That is such an unnecessary comment. Yes, we were all watching while you just said what you said.

Last season it was "Honestly" this season it is "Thrown under the bus."

Carolyn, you are so much fun! Without you I wouldn't be watching BB anymore. You give us the interaction that CBS does not.

3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so tired of Big-She's argument that she is a single mom so she deserves the money. We all have bills and responsibilities, a lot of us have debt.

If I were to go on the show and put up with all that bull you can guaran-fricken-tee I would be there to win, not to hand it to some single mother just because. (Although I would get voted out in the first week for not being able to deal, so what does it matter?)

3:44 PM  
Blogger Boomer said...

Carolyn, I went to the new BB Dish blog and subscribed to My yahoo rss reader following the link on that page, but it subbed me to THIS blog instead of that one...??? The posts on THIS blog showed up in my reader, but not the one in THAT blog? What did I do wrong?

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In your opinion, what is the most overused phrase in Big Brother? The one you could happily go the rest of your lifetime without hearing again...

- It is what it is

- At the end of the day

and the dreaded:

- Game on!

4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


ok here's one

Put in a real mole. like an America's player but someone who is working with BB and being told everything that is being said about everyone including themselves to stir up the whole house, and America gets to pick who they vote out.

4:59 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Boomer - You didn't do anything wrong. I did.. just haven't set it up correctly over there yet...

Sorry for the confusion.

5:07 PM  
Blogger Boomer said...

No problem, Carolyn, I just didn't know what was going on. You've got lots on your plate right now, so no worries, I just wanted to make sure I didn't goof up. I'll try again in a few days -- or after this season is over. Thanks for all you do!

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Team Christ is the most over used phrase. I hated hearing Natalie always talking about TC.

5:18 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Boomer.. can you please give me a heads up as to what it was you clicked on.. and on which sidebar?

I'm diving into html land over there, and I can't find it.. It's kinda like reading chinese for me, which i don't speak or have any knowledge of...

5:18 PM  
Blogger Boomer said...

sure, the link was on the left hand side bar, about 2/3 down, under the heading "Geek Stuff". I clicked on an icon/button that says "+ Rss Feeds" on the left side and has 3 tiny icons on the right side of the button. It is the first button under the Geek Stuff heading. Hope that helps.

5:29 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I could go a long time without hearing:

"If it's my time to go, it's my time to go"

"threw me/you/x under the bus"

5:40 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

thanks boomer :)

i'll go fix it as soon as i get a few minutes...

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like if you enter the house, you've at least watched an episode, or if you were in sequester prior to entering you've watched some DVD's. I think they should know the basic concepts of the game....especially the meaning of "BACKDOORING" someone....uggghhhhhh, if I hear it one more time, when it's not applicable.

6:42 PM  
Blogger Aimee said...

Another thing that should happen is severe punishment for cheating in the competitions (like when Ryan and Adam were clearly shown cheating at the POV). Like an automatic eviction of the person or persons. Seriously that should have never been allowed!

7:41 PM  
Blogger Aimee said...

No more twist or gimmicks, just let it be a social experiment as it was originally meant to be.

The show should have a diverse group of people from a broad spectrum of the population as well as different age groups.

What's up with all the "prizes" the HG's are winning. This is especially annoying. Big Brother is Reality TV, not a game show!!

Why didn't this year have as many food competitions and sacrifices as the other seasons? No more slop, go back to peanut butter and jelly.

In my personal opinion, this season of Big Brother was the worst ever!!!

7:51 PM  
Blogger Beth (and Eric) said...

I gave some ideas earlier, but generally, and deep down, I agree with Aimee & others who have mentioned to have NO twists. Let that be the twist and let it "be the social experiment it was meant to be" <---my favorite idea all day!

8:28 PM  

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