Late Afternoon
4pm BBT
Checking in...
Sheila and Ryan are sitting in the Red Room, chatting about Chelsia and the game, in general... It's a nice, calm chat. Sheila has a pretty funny moment of clarity that makes Ryan laugh.
Sheila: You have to just be able to weed through what you think is real and what's fake.
Ryan: You have to weed through a lot of bs.
Sheila: I just don't think that this makes people good people.
Ryan laughs.
Sheila: I just think this show brings out the worst in people.
Ryan: It does, cause you gotta frikkin lie to people you care about.
Sheila: I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
4:15pm BBT
Ryan & Adam
The boys are getting pretty for the Live Show.
4:20pm BBT
Adam's in the Storage Room putting his shirt on.
No one's in the living room, but it's on 2 feeds.
4:25pm BBT
Sheila, Adam & Ryan
Sheila's telling the boys to make it 2-0, and they're teasing her... The tone is very light hearted.
We have a clip coming for you on this one.
The boys both say they don't know what they're doing yet, and tell her they love her.. Adam says, "we're in love."
Sheila: What are you guys doin'? Why are you freakin' me out right now?
Ryan: We don't even need to have this conversation right now.
4:30pm BBT
The boys are now playing chess. Ryan's saying he doesn't want any coffee, because it'll make him sweat more than he already does... He's not fully dressed yet, but Adam is.
4:36pm BBT
Carolyn gets the live show spoiler post together and feeds herself...
Cut to:
4:50pm BBT
Trivia on all 4 feeds.
hey carolyn,
nothin pithy to post just sending you cyber hugs. during a tough week, you continue to come up aces ;)
the first step is admitting you have a problem...
I was thinking that we usually don't have feeds this close to the live show. I'm really curious what BB has up it's sleeve tonight.
Welcome back Carolyn!
I hope you had a restful afternoon and some quality Carolyn time!
I have a feeling the feeds and this blog will be on fire tonight.
Someone tell me how Ryan thinks he can win this game without going against Nat as the final 2?
Charlie Mmm. Thank you!
dbltrbl - Me too.
Genie - Thanks! :) Ditto!
"Dear Deer on the wall,
Please make sure Sharon stays tonight. I don't care if the guys make an idiot move of split vote, let Sharon stay! And let Sharon win HOH please deer head.
Always crazy,
P.S: Let NataLIE know when she leaves the house that you were making sure the evil doers didn't win!
Mark likes it when Carolyn takes in first person....
once the show starts can you put the east coast tv feed link up for us left coasters?? perrrtty please!
I wouldn't be surprised of the vote already happened and we don't find out until the vote is revealed what it is.
hey does anyone know, does gnat think she's stayin?
Okay, my finger nails are bit down as far as they can go. Tonight's gonna be a huge night, I can frikkin feel it!!
**Lemme jump on the "Carolyn is frikkin awesome" bandwagon too!**
Thank you, lady :-)
I love how you're one of the HG's all of a sudden! LOL
Maybe that's a good thing b/c the numbers are dwindling and we need some entertainment!
LMAO@ Carolyn's comment: feeding herself! Hope you got some rest Carolyn, I know last night you were sleepy, as was I, and we both called it a night early, and then all the flip flopping started happening and I couldn't go to sleep either! LMAO!!! Tonite should be interesting. Hopefully we get some info on how this finale is gonna work! And hopefully the boys stick to the "final" plan and kick out Nat!
oMG I'm so nervous. This is the first Wed I don't know what's going on!!!!
These guys are driving me nuts!! I can't believe we have no idea how they're going to vote yet. Has there ever been a vote like this before where you had no idea what the HG's were going to do??
Carolyn -- You have no time to eat! What are you thinking????
(Oy...if this already went through, sorry. Damn comp is messin up on me.)
I wonder who will be walking out of this house in less than a half hour!!
Carolyn, on a lighter note, how many hits do you have? I am betting 4,500,000+. Congrats Carolyn!
~ Ryan ~
I think that they voted already. The boys were called into DR first thing this morning, and they've been hinting on and off that BB has something up their sleeve. Then Adam told Nat that he couldn't talk about the votes with her because of BB (read that on Joker's site). I definitely think something different is going on tonight
1. You rock!
2. Will you interview the HG's once they are out? I would love to see how they feel after they see clips from the show, etc.
3. Did I tell you how much I love the blog and that you rock? ;-)
~ Ryan ~
Hey anon Charlie@ 4:43: I'm pretty sure Nat thinks she's staying cause Adam and Ryan told her last night she was for sure and they had their little "celebration dance" outside. So I'm pretty sure she thinks she's staying and I'm pretty sure they're voting her out 2-0, no tie breaker.
totally off topic of BB9, but thought i'd ask since there seem to be many BB vets on this blog... why are only seasons 3 and 4 available on DVD? i started watching toward the end of BB8 (i was sucked in by evel dick!!) and BB9 is the only season i've watched in it's entirety. i'm interested to see what other seasons were like, but i can't find them on disc! thanks for any info you can provide! :)
How can Shelia say she did not say she would backdoor,.,.,she promised she would NOT VOTE out Nat on National TV....
thx spyke i look forward to her reaction when the time comes :)
The question about the couples in the house the third being the guineas was such a trick question!! i writing to cbs lol sharon should have one!!
woo hooooooooooo Nasty Nat is gone, can't wait to see the faces on the peeps at sequester next week. Good for Sheila.
I LUV paul708! He is the cutest!
~ Wendy ~
Thanks for the updates Carolyn...YOUR THE BEST!!!!
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