The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!!
At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C
Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!
C=Venus Strikes Again
Good Morning, Big Brother Lovers! Happy Thursday! While I get the overnight report together, please enjoy C=Venus' take on the demise of Natalie... You can click the pic to visit C=Venus' site and check out her chops from this season and Big Brother seasons gone by.
I just went over to to take a peak, and C=Venus has 4 new chops up that we haven't seen before... Go have a look and tell us your favorite in the comment section here.

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Whoops, my first comment was messed up. Let's try again:
Natalie had Sheila beat in that competition, I don't understand why she dropped. She would have still been in the house, and Sharon/Sheila would have been gone.
Big Boy is definitely my favorite!
Lp in NC
I cannot pick just one, but out of the 4 new ones i like the one with Sharon and the Guinnes,(i hope i spelled that right) the best. C=Venus is freaking great. I love the pin up syle that is done. Have a great day.
Carolyn, just had a few questions. This is my first time with the live feeds. I think you mentioned that after the show is over they replay the live feed? Also, do the live feeds start up when the HG go into the house or after the first show?
I was looking at C=Venus' chops and just couldn't get into the martini one. Blue Blankie and Lemon Drop seemed o.k. but the red hot one didn't seem to fit. There is a "Cuke" martini. It is sometimes called the "Cucumber" martini. I would have loved to have seen Natalie protrayed as the Cuke martini.
Good morning Carolyn!
You know I think C=Venus rules and I love all the chops from this season, but out of the last four I'd have to pick Ryan as Bob's Big Boy.
Natalie makes a very good pin-up, but she only wishes she had a bod like that.
real smooth
These chops are great, love the poker playing girls!
Off topic, but, OMG the guys just disgust me with all the spiting and belching that they do in the backyard, I wouldn't want to be walking out there barefoot EVER!! BLECH!
Natalie will be well missed HAHHAAH
Great, as usual. Very difficult to choose, but I think my number 1 is the Sheila one. It fits her to a T.
Perfect Caption.....Once again C=Venus strikes again..
my fave was ryan and his burger and sheila's grudge were tied
Wake up Houseguests!
This was PERFECT! Exactally what I was saying since she was hanging up there and they were telling her to drop!!!! I said it he minute she droped her games is over!! Never ever ever give the power away duhhhhhhhhhhhh lol
C=Venus, I love them all, but my favs are the Natalie/stupidity chop, the Ryan burger chop and the poker/stripper chop. Keep up the good work!
OMG Rye Bread as Bob's Big Boy w/ Burger in hand is funny as hell!
Natalie made 2 big mistakes this past week.... 1) Never give up HOH this late in the game. 2) She should have had Sheila's guarantee that she wouldn't be back-doored. What a ditz! I hope Ryan wins now...
C=Venuus you hit it on the head again, although I think Sheila might very well have lasted over Gnat in that comp. She was way too comfortable and I could see Gnat struggling in the few shots we got of her that night.
But... the Kaysar reference is hilarious. Getting voted back in then to lose to the tears of whatshername (Patner of Busto) over believing the good in people and having a soft heart for tears.
Kaysar is the 2nd best good guy to never win. Janelle being the #1.
Hi i was just wondering do you know if the hg's still go on the early show after eviction??
Thanks Vikki
Feeds are back. Looks like Ryan won POV
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