Big Brother Live Show Spoiler
Good evening, Big Brother Lovers! The Live Show Spoiler will be contained within this post, and will commence with up to the minute spoilage at 8pm eastern. ;) If you're antsy waiting for the Live Show to begin, go check out all the stunning new pics up on BB9Dish-Caps. Gorgeous!
8pm Eastern - Away we go! Recap city with the voiceover guy...
Julie: Good evening, I'm Julie Chen... It's day 70. Has Natalie overplayed her hand? Now her allies are out to get her and she has no idea... Natalie is up against Sharon and the Live Vote is coming up... But First, the men are in control of the votes, but are they in control of the house?
PoV Ceremony ReCap...
Nat DR - "I'm the Pawn this week."
Nat baby talking the boys...
Ryan DR- Natalie's playin' all sides, and you just don't know what to believe.
Adam & Ryan's "House meeting" aka the destruction of a peaceful week. Nat freaking out pre-meeting... telling Sheila, "Girl Power shoulda stuck together." The boys begin the meeting and as we know, Nat's doing her hair - i.e., taking control of the meeting by dictating it's location... and handling the attack well, in that her only real recourse can and must be that she's with the guys, since they have the votes.
Kind of a lame segment, actually...
Sheila DR: These guys just ruined my whole plan!
And let the tears and the flipping begin...
And moving on to Natalie's attack on Sharon, while Sheila was up in HoH doing her HoH blog.
And up to HoH with Sheila and the Boys from Last Night, when Adam & Sheila yelled at eachother...
Coming up, some surprising words from James...
Chat with HGs.. You brought everything into the open this week..
Julie asks each of the HGs about the confrontations of the week...
If each of you were in the final 2 right now, would you rather be sitting next to someone deserving or someone you can beat?
Adam, Natalie, Sharon, Ryan, Sheila: All say "Most Deserving."
Jury House Segment - James tells Chelsia he was evicted because of her parting words to the house.. that because of that, he became the target.
Coming up, the Live Vote.
Welcome back. We are moments away from the live vote.. Time to hear from the nominees...
Sharon: - my time, etc...
Natalie: Thank you BB for the experience.. (tears) please please keep me in the house so I can continue playing with you and see the mini table...
Ryan Votes to Evict: Natalie
Adam Votes to Evict: Sharon
Hah! They did it.
They split the vote!
Sheila will break the tie after the commercial...
Sheila breaks the Tie,
Voting to Evict: Natalie
By a Vote of
2 to 1
Has been evicted from the
Big Brother House.
Lots of real tears...
Here we go... Fact or Fiction... Statements about BB housemates and the BB house. The HGs must choose Fact or Fiction...
Did Allison Receive the Fewest Votes? Fiction - it was Jacob.
The Toy in the Guinea Pig Habitat Still Holds a Valuable BB Secret - Fiction
Chelsia was escorted out of the Jury House by security - Fiction
The number 8 has a secret meaning in the BB game - Fiction
Sharon leads with 3 points...
Amanda faked an illness. - Fiction
James & Chelsia have stopped speaking to eachother - Fiction
Sharon in lead with 5 points.
Everyone knows the 2 pre-existing relationships, but is there a 3rd?- Fact (The Guinea Pigs - Shown on Screen, but not divulged to the HGs)
Tie between Ryan & Sharon.. Tiebreaker - the correct answer is a number...
How many total combined minutes did all 4 of the HGs stay in their glass houses, rounded to the nearest minute? Sharon guesses 184, Ryan guesses 330 (approx) - The correct answer is over 500...
Is the Final Four HoH
Julie's final words indicate there will be another eviction this week...
I'm shakin' in my boots!
I want Natalie to go tonight and Sharon to win HOH
I would love to see a Adam,Sheila,Sharon final 3.
How does Ryan plan on winning if Nat goes? It's the only person he can win against. He even told her that...
Eddie I was thinking the same. I hope those boys vote Nat out 2-0 or at least tie 1-1 and shelia votes her out.
I'm rubbing my hands together in anticipation... but I have to go out half way through the show - this is going to kill me to not know for hours!
Maybe if we all think it, Natalie will be voted out and Sharon will win HoH! OK...let's start!
~ Ryan ~
Shelia's such a coward, now she doesn't want to break the tie?? What happened to the power crazed gal of all week? And if she didn't promise Nat that she would save her (like shedevil told sharon) then why is she so worried about breaking a tie.. ahh well.. It will be interesting tonight. does someone have the link to watch the east coast show?
GO NATALIE GO!!!!!!!!!!!! Carolyn, you are like my "dealer".. and BB9 blogspot is my Crack hahaha!! Love it! And thank u! :)
AHHHHH...Here we go!! What will happen, what will happen!?
~ Ryan ~
live east coast feed ;)
thanks for the link, my heads about to explode!
Sheila gets so nervous when she has to vote to evict, I think she might pass out if she has to deal with a split vote. I kind of feel sorry for her.
Wahooooo! I'm in my pjs!
So it's Day 70. As in 7, Nat's favorite number? Listen to me I'm sounding like Batty from the Beaver state. =P
Paul - Thank you and yes :)
I really hate Natalie! If she stays, I boycott. Seriously!
Shelia + Adam - Final Two!!
instead of the "bikini barrista" i would have loved julie to intro gnat as "bible bangin b*tch" he he
Hi again, everybody! Finding it hard to get as wound up over this show with the remaining characters, but still as interested as anyone to see whether Sharon the ringleader of the Evil Side gets evicted tonight.
I've stalled my outing - I'm SO staying home for the whole show....
Ugh I can't believe Ryan & Adam calling a house meeting, just...ugh.
I hope Nat goes, I'm expecting it to go 1-1, but I wouldn't be surprised if she stayed.
Love the soundtrack BB chose for Nats crocodile tears.
Oh lord Natalie, want some cheese with that wine??? What a tangled web we weave when at first we practice to deceive...
Adam and Ryan are waaaayy more stupid than they are soft-hearted. Not that I'd trust either of them any further than I could pick them up and throw them.
Holy Moly, I can't believe there showing her with her hair dye and spewing all that nasty crappola and the croc tears? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
oh god, my stomach is in knots...She better get her walking papers!!! I am so nervous.
I missed that, I never knew Adam called Sheila a bitch. I guess I just skipped over that clip. Wow, did he ever apologize?
The Clip is on the post from late last night..
Oh my gosh...what is James gonna say to Chels?????
man there was so much that went on its hard for cbs to edit it down to 5 mins or so, but i thought they did a reasonable job. gnat could have been portrayed a lot worse,
what words from james i wonder
Definitely edited to make it seem like Ryan and Adam are keeping Natalie...what's gonna happen!?
~ Ryan ~
She better be voted out tonight! Love how they twisted all the live feeds. Made it seem like Sharon didn't yell back to NataLIE at all. Nice bb nice. Too bad us live feed viewers know the truth
I'm glad they showed Sheila telling Adam and Ryan to get the hell out of her room. The two of them SO deserved that at that moment--Ryan with his whiny, mouth-filled, slack-jawed excuses; and Adam with his idiotic "I've got a heart...bitch" speech. I only regret that Sheila couldn't backhand Adam before she chased them out--Adam isn't much better than Joshuah in terms of that stuff sometimes.
James is the true winner of BB9. :)
Seven @ 4:52,
Ry-bread can win against Sheila I think.
Wow some harsh words by james I actually felt bad for chelsia :(
GOD!! send her home already. I am so nervous.
I miss Josh and James :( whenever they show the hury house it makes me realize just how much i miss their antics :(
Josh is still so bitter. He is such a horrible human being.
I can't help but feel like they are asking the questions so the boys keep Natalie. Oy...Live vote can't come fast enough!!
~ Ryan ~
It bothers me that no one has brought up the fact that of Natalie would tell the VOTER HOLDERS what they wanted to hear. If I was a voter, I'm not sure I could believe anyone at anytime.
I'm stuck between yelling at the TV and getting teary eyed over James and Chelsia reuniting.
dbl - i brought it up ;)
damn that was harsh the way james blamed chelsia for his eviction! it wasn't her comments that got james kicked out. he was a strong player and didn't have the numbers (allies) to back him.
Is Chen-bot talking the boys into keeping Natalie or what?
My God, I take back everything I've said. I feel absolutely horrible about so many of them. And so just as soon as the show is over tonight, I'm going to call up John Goodman to see if he'll emcee a telethon to get Ryan and Adam the spines they were tragically born without, as well as to fund the dangerous surgery to separate the half-a-brain they currently share.
OMG These boys are RETARDED! I hope Sheila wins now.
James: Thanks
I could see that. Ryan vs Sheila would be his only chance.
UH-OH! Sheila has to get her hands dirty!!!
OMG I cant beleive this it happaningg
I hope BB has an ambulance on the ready. Tie-breaker...
this should be grrrrrate go shebot
It's up to Sheila....bye, bye gNat!!
The vote went 1-1!
I love this blog...
I HATE Natalie.
If she doesn't leave tonite, I will be so mad.
those boys!!! they aren't the sharpest tools in the shed..
o well...
love your work- I am addicted!!!!
Thanks fo rmaking my work day a lil brighter
I'm so angry right now!!! Nat is going and the show is going to be BORING!
WHA!?! I coulda sworn it woulda gone the other way! Wow. Well it's left to Sheila...kick that bikini barista out on her tail BIG SHEIL!!
~ Ryan ~
Those Boys are Pu$*y's I cant believe they did that LAME I hope Sheila sticks to her guns I'll be hoping for her to win then I cant stand Gnat!!!
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!! Adam voted to keep her???? Wasn't expecting that one!!
I feel really bad for Natalie.
oh god!
woah!! the guys split - I thought they were both just jerking Sheila's chain and would both vote Nat. curiouser and curiouser
THANKS GOD! They made such a stupid mistake splitting the vote (now everyone is pissed at you and the jury gives Shiela the credit) but hey... they have been idiots this whole game!
I have to gie Ryan kudos though... he REALLY set Adam up voting to evict Sharon, now FOR SURE Sharon is going after Adam. Unless Adam calls Ryan out on all his BS.
Are you kidding me, did they just have two commercials back to back. I hope Sheila sticks to what she said.
Well, well! Let's hope Big Shel has the ovaries. If not for the game, for herself. Be a strong woman Sheil!
OMG! I can't believe the boys did the 1-1. Ryan voted Natalie out and Adam voted Sharon out. Up to big She now!! And boy is she going to score some points in the sequester house if she votes out Natalie.
i still can't get over what james said to chelsia. plus, i disagree with him. (for once)
when amanda and alex were nominated and evicted, it was mostly due to amanda's antics.
they were already gunnin' for james, nothing chelsia said changed that! (IMHO)
on another note, i can't wait for this commercial to end and find out that (hopefully, knock on wood) natalie is evicted!
If Nat goes I hope Sharon wins HOH and the boys see the error of their ways,,,,,,
still think the boys are stupid? They now deserve to be final two! ; Ryan voting for Nat; and Adam for Sharon..LOVE IT-Well played!
woo-hoo!!!! They stuck to the plan. Please sheila seal the deal. Pleeeeaase. I think she will, i think she will. Its sad how involved i feel. sigh
I wish they showed a little more of the jury house. James was really harsh with Chels. It was a really wierd edit. He went from really mad at her, to not at all. I miss them :(
I agree with pyke, it made no sense to let sheila get credit with the jury house for getting Natty out...
Ry-bread I like you dude, but you're kinda stale.
GO Shelia!!! YES
That's a woman!
Mhm Nat played a great game. She threw Sheila under the bus only to be run over herself.
Great game Nat.
You are done. D.O.N.E.
She kept her word
Yay Sheila!!!!!
Greatest week ever! I'm so glad nat is out of the house! I can finally watch Big Brother in peace now!
The Look on Nats face PRICELESS!!
Shelia's speech was dead on!!! Good for her!
I actually felt bad for Nat for the first time in this game. (Still glad she is gone._
I am disgusted with Ryan. They should have kept Natalie.
Yeah! Ha Ha Ha! Sweet justice...Can't wait to see James, Josh and Chelsia when they see her walk through the sequester house door. LOVE IT!
Yay Sheila!! Hope they give her a magnum of wine tonight!
gee I wonder if Natalie could wear any less clothing. disgusting.
WHo's going to vote for her? no one!
i'm on a 'no big brother strike here on in until summer'. there is no show without natalie. now sharon who hasn't done ANYTHING the whole game is going to win it.
Considering, Natalie handled it well with Julie. I'm willing to get her that.
Sheila, I think I love you!!!
Now I'm actually for Sharon, not Sheila. Ryan and Adam had it set up for final 2, nothing but gravy. They seriously messed up on this one. If Sharon pulls through on this HOH, she is final 2 I think. Ryan is the one who voted Natalie out pretty much and he is the one that Natalie would have gone to the grave for. I was actually rooting for him to win this until tonight... God, what an idiot, and I dont even like Natalie!!!! Ugh.
Foul filthy human being? You mean like James? Annoying, shameless and egotistical maybe, but really. I just don't understand what chord it is that Natalie strikes with many of you. Could it be jealousy?
Not trying to pick a fight, because to be honest I don't like her and am glad she was voted out. I just don't get the mentality that she is awful when so many other HGs have done the same things as her, IMHO.
Yeah!! Gnatty is gone!!
I have a question though, if Adam and Shelia made final 2 do they get something extra because they were partners in the beginning??
I could not be happier. Last time i was this happy about someone being evicted, was when Allison got evicted. I was freaking out all day and now i am so happy. I hope Sharon wins HOH
Go Sharon!! Win HOH and POV!!
Hoop it up girl!
Ryan made a mistake. If Sharon wins this HOH, one of the boys is done for good. I still feel really bad for Natalie. She is definitely more deserving than Sharon ever was or will be.
For that eviction I now hope Sharon wins and Team Christ goes down...,.,.,
Everyone sing along with me......... No more baby voice, no more smackng the food!!!!!!!!!!
the house won't be boring nat lovers, it will be a lot less annoying!!!! YAY!
YAY!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy Nat's out! Now go Baller, win that HOH!
OH YEA!!! I LOVE IT. that was frickin' awesome! LOL
Is that the HALLELUJAH chorus I hear in the background!!!!!!!!
People, it's a game. We don't control it. I'm getting sick of people declaring that they are not going to watch because this person or that is voted out.
thank god! I think sheila said a great speech!
YAHOO!!! Nat's finally gone! Way to go Sheila!
Did you see the look on Ryan's face when he hugged her goodbye? Interesting....
I hope SHEILA is NEXT!!!!!!!!!! This isn't the Sheila Show. GRRRR
The boys were absolute fools. There are no words. Sheila won some major points everywhere. It's interesting, in moments like this (real pressure) age counts. Dick now Sheila. Three cheers for middle age.
Ryan is SMART! His goodbye speech sure led Nat to believe he was the vote to keep her. Adam wasn't so smart, sounded like he voted her out. Big move Ryan!
YES!!! Bye Chatty Natty!!! Vengence is my saith the Lord!! Bye False Prophit you reprobate Dragon!! You have been cast out unclean spirit!!
GO SHIELA!!! Be my hero, Shiela win BB9!!
Sharon should be good at this. Go Sharon Go!!!
Haha, loved seeing the queen squirm and get her hands dirty. But her reasoning was a real cop out. Her reasons were totally personal and she already had her mind made up but blamed it on Nat's speech.
Come on Sharon-kick boy bootie!! LOL She has to win!
Adam is totally throwing this! I think he knows the real power this week is POV, not HOH.
can we get live feeds to the sequester house?? it's gonna be so much more interesting!!
Oh, man, that "Guinea Pig relationship" was SUCH bullcrap. What in the world were they thinking with that question, except to make the remaining HGs paranoid????
The guinea pigs???? Are you frickin kidding me???
Go my man Ryan. The girls are definitely in trouble now, as they well should be. Ryan & Adam F2.
That was a Phucked question!
What's the third relationship??
The GUINEA PIGS!!!!! LOL!!!!
another relationship in the house???? guinea pigs???? that's a dumb answer!! they cheated! Sharon deserves to win!
Seriously!?!? Guines Pigs!? OY...Ryan is HoH, whoda thunk??
~ Ryan ~
Ok now I call BS. I think they did that on purpose. Julie hesitated. I call BS BB!
LOL LOL LOL At least we know the main topic for the rest of the game....who's the other couple? Unless Julie tells them after commercial....
The animals, are you kidding me, that is so not fair but that is going to put a target on Sheila and Adam or give them an excuse to go after those two anyway. I really disliked that whole question, BB must think things are going to be boring so they had to stir things up.
"Anonymous Anonymous said...
I love this blog...
I HATE Natalie.
If she doesn't leave tonite, I will be so mad.
those boys!!! they aren't the sharpest tools in the shed..
o well...
love your work- I am addicted!!!!
Thanks fo rmaking my work day a lil brighter
5:36 PM"
Sorry Carolyn but this is exact proof of your HG favouritism (and Hatred i.e Natalie) has impacted us fellow readers.
I'm very disappointed that this season you've seemed be very biased in your posts which I haven't seen in previous seasons. Please for the next season this summer, try and be neutral and not so polar (whether negative or postive) to the HGs so I can read your blog in peace. Thanks!
oh boy more paranoia as they try to figure out the last hidden relationship still in the house. think theyll figure out the gps?
Thank goodness Sharon did not win HOH! She does not deserve to be in that house!
BS on the Guinea Pig question.
Now now Charlie. Didn't we agree it's not personal with Nat, even if we disagree on who should win this game (hehehe).
Thanks for the kind words in earlier post.
trick question!!!! guinea pigs??? that's not fair! sharon so had that. too bad she sucks at math though...
There goes the S/S/A F3.
Oh my goodness!!! I think Sharon didn't get the last question. I think she thought average. Wow, they will never guess that it is the GPs. That is gonna cause so much drama. Ha ha, can't wait :)
omg...the guinea pigs pre-existing relationship...soooo stupid!!!
That guines pig answer was the worst.
But I guess it will cause a HUGE finger pointing contest
HOH was just wrong.. sharon will die when she walks in the house and cries BEBBEEEE's then the light bulb will go off over her head.
Oh Sharon. Math girl. Math.
told ya no HOOPS...ummm 60 mins = 1 hour..she's just like Natalie..all talk..not too bright; plus comp was catered for Sharon. I truly believe she never threw any comps; Ryan so deserves the game.
Also those that said it would be boring w/o James & josh; not true; its just not as funny w/o them.
just happy nat is gone.
Ryan should have thrown it (assuming that the current HOH can't play in the next HOH comp is still in play) because now he won't be able to play in next week's HOH.
Oh and bye Sheila. Because you know he's nominating the women and letting Adam choose.
This is the second time I've wanted to boycott Big Brother! I think that last question about the relationships was a trick question!!
UGH!!!!! The ginuea pigs?!?!?! Are you freaking serious???? Whatever... If Julie does not tell the HG's that is going to cause some serious doubt...
There's still a relationship in the BB house? And Ryan was the only one that got it right?? Does that mean that there is something between Shelia and Ryan or did Adam or Sharon fib their answer on purpose??
thank you Sheila, but also, bye Sheila and thanks for being a great pawn!
AGP has no shame... they're making a mockery out of their "game show"
Wow, that last question definitely seemed staged in Ryan's favor. That's bull.
The hoh was rigged the last question took to long they wanted Ryan to win.WAY to go CBS!!!!!
James just doesn't get it. Chelsia surely didn't help his cause, but he was the target because of himself. I was one of the ones that was spouting about how intelligent he was, but he really disappointed me with that one. The ONLY reason James is gone is because of James. That was just cruel of him.
wut the frick! i wanted rydum out. and does he know who the other preexist is?
who is the other relationship? does anyone know?
big brother was brilliant with those HOH questions!! Saying the guineas are the final couple still inthe house and now theya re all going to be defending themselves about nothing!! hahaha!!!
Sharon totally had that one until the tie breaker. How stupid. All you have to do is add! I'm totally shocked that she was incapable of figuring out to add it up. Total shock! I'm so glad NataLIE is gone! I'm even glad Sheila did it! But Sharon - please. I really thought she was throwing all of them, I guess she really is incapable of winning without Josh there. She'll most likely be gone next week. but I can't wait to see video from the jury house next week with nataLIE arriving! Awesome!
the 3rd relationship were the guini pigs
I think Adam threw that too. One point?!? Come on...
That was crap. Shornan should have been HOH
Oh boy! LOL..what fun tonights show was! I did a dance around my living room...
Where is mikeinbama?
(gonna borrow his chant)
All together now...
Well, despite the dumbest HoH question ever, it wasn't a bad show. I'm running out for ice cream to celebrate Natalie's blindsiding and eviction.
who is the last couple who knows each other???
Anyone catch that the final HoH isn't a 3 parter? Julie said the new HoH would be crowned live and then evicted O_o
There will be another eviction before Tuesday since that is not a Live Eviction. Happy feeds everyone!
i thought that they said the most deserving would be kept..they talk about nat being loyal and then go to a tie
I need Adam to win POV, bye bye Sharon...
The guinea's are going to drive them nuts! lol
And the "RYAN EXPRESS" just keeps onnnnnnnnnnn chuggin' along!!!
They told them the answers to the other questions (e.g. Jacob getting the lowest # of votes not Allison, Amanda had a hypoglycemic reaction, etc...) Why do you guys think the 3rd relationship question/ guinea pig answer was announced on the screen and not told to them?
So is it Adam and Sheila? (Adam Voted Fact, Sheila Couldn't) Others voted fiction....
Anon 5:48
It doesn't really matter than in the goodbye speech that Ryan made it sounded like he voted to keep her. She will find out soon enough in the Jury house when the next HG gets evicted who voted her out.
I for one am glad she is gone........
who's the 3rd????
Everyone knows the 2 pre-existing relationships, but is there a 3rd?- Fact
That was SO uncool. They flashed on the screen "(The Guinea Pigs)", as if ANYONE would suspect the rodents as being a pre-existing relationship. Gah. Obviously the other HG's would revert to suspecting Sheila and Matt. I'm really pissed off at the show right now... They won't believe a word she says from this moment forward. Sheila's game is done. Thanks, CBS.
I can leave Big Brother for a few hours now that the b*tch has been booted outta this game. I am actually pretty happy with whatever happens from here on out! (As long as Ryan doesn't get 500K I mean... :) )
~ Ryan ~
I swear the game is rigged for the stupid to win. Ryan had no frikkin' clue about that "relationships" question. Based on people alone, Sharon knew the most.
That's so Ryan-to win HOH without having any frikkin' clue what the answers to questions are!
Well Sharon still has a chance in POV, and of course she could let Ryan know that Adam and Sheila are working together as the last couple...
Anyway, that's all trivial! Natalie is gone!! I can't wait for next week's sequester package!
YES YES YES, Sheila will be going next week WOO HOO. Ryan has a deal with Sharon and one with Adam... BYE BYE Sheila.
how is the guineas considered a relationship? do they have proof that they are romantically involved? have they done the deed? and if they mean brothers, or brother and sister (family stuff).. well ryan and adam are friends.. friendship is a relationship. maybe i'm just bitter because sharon didn't win.
OMG they totally screwed Sharon out of HOH!!!!
I don't think Sharon even understood the tiebreaker question, she wrote 184 which is around 3 hours, which was the time that Shiela stayed up there in the glass box. i don't think she understood the part about " all the HGs COMBINED"..o well,i guess she's probably going home this week. At least Natalie left.Wow, can't wait to see Matt's reaction. Great to see James and Chels together again, but what James said was kind of mean, although sort of true...
I don't think Sharon even understood the tiebreaker question, she wrote 184 which is around 3 hours, which was the time that Shiela stayed up there in the glass box. i don't think she understood the part about " all the HGs COMBINED"..o well,i guess she's probably going home this week. At least Natalie left.Wow, can't wait to see Matt's reaction. Great to see James and Chels together again, but what James said was kind of mean, although sort of true...
Ok, 2 questions.
1, has so many complaints to CBS changed the outcome of the game?
2, who do I contact to complain about the show?
The couple, guinea pigs!!? That is crazy and everyone knows that. It is a cheap, cheap question. Ridiculous.
I'm really starting to HATE the producers. C'mon, what the eff was up with the third-couple question?! That was clearly to create drama for the week, but it was not necessary to throw it in such a crucial game. Gah! That game was stolen from Sharon big time.
BUT Ryan is screwed in my opinion...he now can't be the final HOH and has a pretty good chance of being kicked out by whoever makes it that far. Let's hope he gets Sheila out this week, so Sharon can get final HOH. Woot woot!
I like how shelia used the "your loyalty stands with the boys" excuse to evict her. NOT THAT YOU'VE BEEN WANTING TO GET HER OUT FOR OVER A WEEK OR ANYTHING SHEBOT.. I was pissed when Ryan said AFTER nat left, "well this is what you wanted you've been pushing to get her out non stop all week" that would have been classic if he said that in front of Natty on her way out. Adam better watch out this week, he's not lookin good he better pray his ass off that he or Ryan wns pov or hes goin home.
I hope Sharon wins POV... only because she deserved that HOH. That has to be the LAMEST thing I have EVER seen and CBS better do something about it. i am sorry but Allison Grodner, if you don't fix this, after this craptacular of a season and lies i will NOT RETURN next season because I can't believe what you just did!
Loved the show tonight!
Natalie out: YES YES YES
Ryan new HoH: NO NO NO
PoV is gonna be HUGE!
Guinea pig relationship?! That makes me mad!!!! Julie paused. I'm convinced they wanted Ryan to win and the producers made it up on the whim. If I was Sharon and I found out I'd be pissed!
that question was SO unfair!! The guinea pigs?????? common big brother!!
sheila said she knows who is preexisting and they are out of house. matty and nat? allison and...? omg!
Every HG plays for the final HoH.
It's called opinions,deal with it. Carolyn is actually being pretty fair with posting EVERYONES comments. Obviously if she posted yours she doesn't favor a certain side.
Love you Carolyn!!
hey deb your welcome.
its not personal, i was glad gnat was in the house until this week, and the bible bangin tag is what chelsea called her, i thought it would be more entertaining than bikini...
who is the 3rd couple?????????
Are you kidding me? What a joke. That is not proof of anything. I constantly see both sides posted here. I think what the real issue is, is that you are upset that Nat walked out the door and you are pouting about it. How about you show a little appreciation for all the time Carolyn puts into this site. People continue to shock me!
Carolyn, what do you mean Julie's words indicate there will be another eviction this week? She said on sunday we find out who gets nominated, and next tuesday we find out who gets evicted. So that's next week right? I just rewound to make sure, that's what she said
You can not stop Shelia, You can only hope to contain her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At First I joked about Shelia, but now I really want to see her WIN!
I normally love this blog, but I am really starting to be distrubed by so many of the posts. Nat is gone, so be happy. But calling her some of the names you are calling her is just wrong.
I also abhor a lot of what she did and how she used her faith. But calling her a filthy human being is going a little far. I don't understand how you can call her out on her actions in the game and then stoop to the same level.
I just hope you have the same excuse for some of your behavior as she does for her social ineptness.
Shame on you!
Carolyn, thank you so much for the link to the east coast feed, first timer to use it, was fun chatting with fans as I watched it, but rest assured, this 49 YO retired soldier will always support your site...thank you Beau
Umm Tara.
How exactly is a poster's words proof that Carolyn has a biased blog. WHAT kind of logic is that? I shake my head.
Carolyn. You're a trooper for even publishing that.
Live feeds up, and they don't realize it is the piggies?
anon @ 6.01
The next Live Eviction on Wednesday will most likely be when the Winner of the 3 part comp decides who to evict.
There will most likely be another eviction on the feeds, as well as comps before Tuesdays show. All taped... pretend Live on Tuesday.
YeeeeeeeeeeeeHiiiiiiii...just wish Sharon had win HOH.
MONYC- traditionally in bb the HOH from final four is allowed to play in the following series of HOHs converting the final three to final two!
Wait, I don't understand how Tuesday's eviction will work. There aren't enough people to vote, right? I think Julie said Wednesday they will crown the final HOH and the final HOH will send one of the F3 home....Buuuuuut how will Tuesday's eviction work?
I happen to think Carolyn does a GREAT job!!!!! Are you suggesting that she watch the show, blog for those without the feeds and not like the show or the houseguests?
I personally do not think that she is biased at all, but I do feel she is entitled to her own opinions. Perhaps Jokers or Mortys would be a better site for you??
The rest of the houseguest would be crazy not to take Shelia to the final two
reporterx......ALL ABOARD THE SHELIA TRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!
SHELIA is A big bad pistol packin MAMMA!!!!!
I love Shelia!
She is the only interesting person in the house.
WHo's going to vote for her? no one!
i'm on a 'no big brother strike here on in until summer'. there is no show without natalie. now sharon who hasn't done ANYTHING the whole game is going to win it.
5:45 PM
well sharon actually did do something..she split the house against nat..sheila hasn't done anything and the only thing that she has won was given to her..i am more upset about her going to final two..still watching the show but i agree that it is going to be boring.this is how i see it..the boys hang out and work out while the girls sit in rooms talking bs about ppl behind their backs about their personal life.
Ilissa, Ryan isn't screwed cause in the final 3, they all get to play for HOH
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