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Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008


As you would imagine, the houseguests are puzzled and arguing about the 3rd relationship... that's why the producers chose to flash it on the screen, instead of revealing the answer (the Guinea Pigs) to the HGs, as they did with all the other questions...

Here's a couple of clips from when the feeds first came back:

6:07pm BBT - HGs are Puzzled

6:13pm BBT - Josh's Lie Comes Back

6:30pm BBT
Frilly Room
Ryan & Adam

The boys are whispering about the relationships... Ryan thinks it's Sheila and Matty... or maybe Alex and Sheila...

6:39pm BBT

Ryan: There is a pre-existing relationship still in this house!
Sheila: Who?
Sharon: Not me.
Sheila: I don't know. I think this is just to get us going.. Just to get conversations going.

Frilly Room...
Adam: Not me, dude.
Ryan: As far as I know, dude, I'm not related to either one of them. I'm here because of Jen, man.
Adam: It's those 2 f'ers...

Ryan thinks Sharon and Sheila are aunt and niece...

Dining Table..

Adam: This is crazy dude.. Big Brother said there's a relationship still in the house.
Ryan: I asked and they said still in the house.
Adam: Why would Sharon put fiction though, if they were related?

Sheila passes through the dining area...

Ryan: Auntie Sheila...

The HGs are going to be going on this for quite a while it seems... Way to create more paranoia in the house, BB. Lordy.

7:08pm BBT
The HGs are talking about Natalie... Here's a clip:

Around the house...

Ryan told Adam he's basing his nominations on who he thinks has a relationship in the house...

Sharon just told Sheila that Ryan told her Adam voted against her...

The boys are still perplexed about the relationships...

Sharon has lost her cool completely, in talking with Sheila now...

Everyone's all atwitter..

Here's another clip:

7:23pm BBT
BB: Houseguests, this is a lockdown. Please go inside...

Ryan hit one of the cameras with the ball he and Adam were playing with. They figure BB wants to fix it, hence the lockdown.

7:26pm BBT
BB: Ryan, please come to the Diary Room.

The HGs are excited that the HoH reveal will be coming soon.

7:59pm BBT
HoH Room Reveal... Pics will be coming in a new post.

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Blogger Beauinwa said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

6:39 PM  
Blogger Tella @TellaKG said...

This questions really wasn't FAIR because the GPs do not have credit in the opening.

These people are going nuts... they must 'get it' soon.

6:40 PM  
Blogger seVen said...

The guinea question was made for Sharon. Who better to think of them...

6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Sharon may have thrown the HOH. There is only vote this week - and it's not the HOH. It's whoever wins the POV.

6:41 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

Call me a snob, but this is not enough intrigue for me. Let's try a little harder AGP, please.

6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I posted this already but it really fits here -

Sheila thinks the third relationship is Josh and Neil (and their son Chace)!!

This is the lie Josh told to Sheila before he left so he would appear like a nice, caring guy.

LMAO - Got to hand it to Josh first he's in the house and now he's back in THE HOUSE!!

6:45 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

Not a single, SINGLE, word about Nat. After every eviction there is a post mortem. I guess there wasn't quite so much love there.

6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that's pretty crappy of BB...but then again...it does make it fun (although I want Sharon to win!)...hmm..this really puts the girls into a bad position! And how do you explain that one!! Wonder if Sharon will figure its her friends..hmm....

6:46 PM  
Blogger Nightline said...

This is so hilarious to watch them try to figure this out.

6:46 PM  
Blogger Kassie said...

lol These Hg are funny. Do yall think they will tell them.

6:46 PM  
Blogger Pyke said...

CAROLYN! I just re-watched the HOh competition. Listen... this PROVES the HOh competition was rigged!

GO BACK and LISTEN as Julie tries to answer. SOMEONE IS WRITING ON A CUE CARD! They were CHANGING the answer! I have it on my DVR! Spread the word, this HOh competition WAS RIGGED!

6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love it! leave them guessing at the 3rd couple - ah big brother how I love thee......


6:49 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

OK, it has to be done. NEW GAME!

I'm going to pair up final 2's. Name each jury member's pick for winner and why (and looser too if you please).

Adam & Sheila
Adam & Sharon
Adam & Ryan
Sheila & Sharon
Sheila & Ryan
Sharon & Adam
Sharon & Ryan

6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did not see them flash the guinea pigs on the screen, and I still instantly knew it was the guinea pigs lol!

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn -- No potty breaks allowed! I refreshed 3 times after you put up this post and it still said 0 comments. That is inexcusable. I need my fix immediately!

JK! We love you!


6:54 PM  
Blogger Pyke said...

I want to ADD... you can clearly hear TYPING as well! You can hear scratching on a cue card to change the answer and typing to add in the ginny pigs!

6:55 PM  
Blogger Nightline said...

I just watched that part again, and there is am amazingly long pause, but no evidence about a cue card as the video is still on the competing houseguests. But I can see where pyke is coming from.... hmmm.

6:55 PM  
Blogger Beauinwa said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

6:56 PM  
Blogger DMeisterJ said...

Did anyone else notice how Julie stumbled, then paused when the 'Pre-existing' relationship question came up?

It could have easily been a slip-up, or it could have been some ulterior motives behind that... But what?

Good TV? Maybe.
Wanted Ryan to win? Maybe.

I think they want to get Sheila out before the end. It makes sense. They want the all-american guy to win the game. Sheila got massive points for sending Nat out from J/C/J, and since she's being cool with Sharon now, there's a high likelihood that Sharon would give her the fourth vote. Also, this coincides with Ryan talking to the DR about getting Nat out, or just "running through scenarios" with Ryan, etc.

6:56 PM  
Blogger Beauinwa said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

6:56 PM  
Blogger Beauinwa said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm certain that the HOH comp was rigged and here's why...last night Ryan was pushing hard for Natalie to stay and Sharon to go home. Until he went into the DR, voluntarily, and they gave him all these "scenerios". Maybe one of the scenerios they gave him was If he helped get rid of Natalie then he'll become the next HOH! BB wanted for Ryan to be the next HOH and gave him the "scenerio" that he would as long as Natalie went home! Just my opinion.

6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pyke- it was just ryan tring to make the "3" clearer for TV. he showed it before hand. just bad doctors hand writting. :o )

6:59 PM  
Blogger Pyke said...

Guys, did you go back and LISTEN? turn up the volume if you have to! you hear WRITING on a cue card and TYPING to add Ginny pigs! You hear them change the answer!

7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pyke, WTF really? I'll watch later when it's on the West coast.

But maybe that makes sense why they made the final question answer SOOOOOO fast! I thought, although they usually make it very fast, they made it faster than usual.

If SHEdevil is acting weird now, then maybe she is actually hiding something about her realtionship with Matty. She DID tell Nat to tell him hello, and forgive me for thinking that their pictures look alike! Besides, she keeps talking about Ryan now to coverup the issue. A little suspect if you ask me.

What were the original show trailers about "Dirty little secret" if there were only 2 secrets that were instantly revealed within the first 2 days of the show? Wooooow, big deal AGP. Give us more.

IS this season a little LOW on the viewer interaction end of things? Most seasons have had alot more voting. And it seems there has been more food comps too. Its like they've gotten lazy? I had to call them lazy b/c I know it's a lot of work but maybe they've channeled all their work into different aspects of the show, such as more "earth shattering" HoH comps or something? I don't know... I'm just rambling now. I guess I'm tired, bored and hungry watching them eat that pizza!! It's dinner time on the West Coast/AZ.

7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a real unnecessay comment Beorn!!!

7:02 PM  
Blogger Beorn said...

Wow, Jane, the number of permutations there would make for a loooong post...lol

I'll just say this:

I think that James and Josh will vote for Sheila in any combo she's in, and if Sheila's not there it'll be Sharon or Adam.

I think Matt and Nat will vote for Adam in any combo he's in, and if Adam's not there it'll be Ryan. Between Sheila and Sharon, it's a tossup.

Chelsia's choices are harder to guess, so I'll just guess that she'll go along with James and Josh.

7:02 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

Sheila just said the guinea pigs and no one even noticed, not even her.

7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pyke- i missed understood before.i checked it out. your right it does sound like that or it could've been someone's clothing rubbing up against the mic. doesnt show it very well... :o )

7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adam & Sheila - Sheila wins - she gets James, Chels, Josh and Sharon's votes for evicting Nat.

Adam & Sharon - Adam wins - he gets Matt, Sheila, Ryan and Nat's votes because they are dumb enough to stick with their alliance even after they tossed under a bus.

Adam & Ryan - Adam wins - he gets Sheila, James, Nat and Matt's votes.

Sheila & Sharon -

Sheila & Ryan - Sheila wins - she gets Adam, James, Sharon and Josh - Ryan will have chucked his "secret alliance" with both Sharon and Josh to get to the final two and won't get either vote.

Sharon & Adam - Baller wins. Everyone will vote along their alliance.

Sharon & Ryan - Sharon wins - she gets Josh, James, Chels and Shelia's vote.

7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can th GPs win the 500k? they are clearly the most deserving id vote for em


7:04 PM  
Blogger SmartestCo0kie said...

i completely agree with the rigged question. for such and outhere answer anyway, they shouldn't have had such a long pause for the answer. i love ryan, so its nothing like oh no, my team didnt win or somethin, but that was really BS..

7:04 PM  
Blogger spyke6666 said...

LMAO @ Beorn, loved your comment, I think I will join you in that!

7:04 PM  
Blogger Judy in NJ said...

agree there could have been a fix, but how could they know that Sharon would screw up the tie breaker???

7:04 PM  
Blogger Nightline said...

I cant believe it.. Ryan just said at least we know that there is nothing with the Guinea Pig Cage.. something like that.. he was eating pizza.

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These four are all morons!! Now they are imagining that BB has found two people that are related and don't know it. Sheila is the worst. I actually thought Sharon was relatively smart until she blew the basic math question, If she could do the math on a real estate exam(I've taken it) that should have been a cinch. Its really going to get them paranoid now. Maybe wondering about this will keep Sheila from coming apart at the seams over who Ryan wants out. This should b e a great night. Add some alchol and it could really get funny if Adam, Ryan, and Sheila all get toasted. PLEASE TELL RYAN NOT TO TALK WITH HIS MOUTH FULL, UGH!!!
Noni in NJ

7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why would sharon have thrown the HoH?? doesn't the HoH get to compete in PoV, too?

7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally rigged. AGP could pick the "right" answer based on who answered what. No one would have ever said "But what about the guinea's!" had they said the answer was false.

Really shameful. I've only been watching a few weeks, and if this is how BB runs things, I wish I had never started watching.

7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn if your hooked up with big brother pls pls pls get a message to them to give the answer to these pieces of work so they dont burn any more brain cells on who the relationship is

7:10 PM  
Blogger Aaron M Mace said...

It's obvious that sheila and adam are related because she keeps the attention away from them and focused on ryan. Just like she keeps the attention off of them as a couple that has never existed.

7:10 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

I've just finished doing my happy dance, or at least taking a break before I start another. Ding Dong the *itch is gone...

Well not the 'itch' Baller is still there scratching his itches. BB really needs to get him a bottle or RID or some anti-fungal cream. I'm not sure which would fix his problem.

Yes, she won't see the mini. I loved the tears. She knew as soon as it was a split she was dead in the water.

The guinea question? That sucked. Were they bought as a couple or separately? We will never know. Do we even know if they are a hetersexual couple or a homosexual couple if they are a couple at all? How do we know they can even stand each other... then again, Sheila and Adam hate each other, or did in the beginning. Now, I don't know. Guess we will never know unless one of the girls win the PoV. Then the boy will have to go up and the single vote will tell the tale.

I'm glad I'm still here. I am ready to see the mini.

7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really don't know what to think of this situation. Is rigged the right word to describe this? Maybe.

Don't get me wrong. I'm the first person to rebuff the idea that things are rigged. I didn't believe that the producers tried to keep Eric in last year and I don't believe that they tried to sway Ryan's vote this week.

But then I think of situations like Jen winning HoH last season because of that teacup question and now Sharon not winning HoH this week because of the guinea pigs question? I don't know. They're trick questions and trick questions should not be included in these sorts of competitions. Question comps should be determined by knowledge be it about other houseguests' opinions, things that happened in the house and the houses layout. You know, tangible knowledge that doesn't totally rely on how a question is worded.

Obviously if there was scratching and typing that can be attributed to the answer being changed then I'll be just as suspicious as anyone else. This reeks of something foul. Just what I'm not sure yet.

Oh, and I don't see why Sharon would throw the comp as someone mentioned. I don't know how much faith I have in Sharon thinking someone will take her to the final three. She also knows that this HoH can still play in the final HoH. There's no reason why should would have thrown this comp. Besides, at this stage of the game the blood is usually never on the HoH's hands. Yes, I know it was tonight with Ryan and Adam's forced split. But this HoH would have been smooth sailing. You win it and let everything fall on the veto holder's shoulders.

Anyway, at this point I'm just going to sit back and see what info is brought forward about this HoH comp. I don't want to make sweeping statements at this point.

7:14 PM  
Blogger spyke6666 said...

For those of you that don't think the guinea pig question wasn't fair cause they aren't "houseguests," Julie stated that the questions were going to be about houseguests OR things in the BB house! So the guineas count as things in the BB house. I still think there was some rigging involved there, but either way, Sharon could have answered the tie breaker question right and she was WAY off! She knew that sheila, adam, and nat all hung up there for 3 hours cause it was brought up over and over by everyone especially sheila when defending that nat didn't really give it to her, that she did earn it in a way cause she did hang up there for 3 hours. And she had the conversation with Sharon MULTIPLE times, so for Sharon to right down such a way off answer, she either threw it AGAIN, or she really didn't understand the question, eventhough it was repeated twice and slowly

7:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one was mad or commenting when things were rigged from Dick & Daniele last season. But all of the sudden it matters that it's all afke?

7:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you happen to save/remember the new tv schedule?

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheila needs to just STFU. She has started raving about Natalie all over again. The girl is gone, and she is still trying to twist the guys and act holier than thou. I don't know which of these girls annoy me the most to listen to . Sharon and her are just trashing away. If the guys are smart they'll just stay away from the two hens. Sheila has to quit being Miss know it all and Sharon is being all high and mighty now too. And their both talking about being and playing mom, while they talk like that.They complain about lying, throwing under the bus, playing both sides, guess what? THat is BIG BROTHER!!!

7:17 PM  
Blogger Ilissa said...

Pyke is right, there is definitely cue-card scratching and typing after Ryan stepped forward. It was big-time rigged!

7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, you can here someone writing before Julie gives the answer. Unfortunately it doesn't prove anything - if you listen closely you can hear writing on the other questions also.

It's very likely someone recording the responses and tabulating their scores.

It's still a bs question and one they could make up the "right" answer for after they saw who answered which way.

7:18 PM  
Blogger Alice said...

With so many comps involving the guineas, why do they not realize it is the guineas again.

7:20 PM  
Blogger Lissy said...

This makes me think back to last year's question: How many gallons of water does the teacup hold.

7:20 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

Jane I'll play.

J/C/J will vote for Sheila unless she is up against Sharon. If she is up against either of the boys, add Sharon to that vote, to make it 4 for the win. Simply because she took out Nat.

If Sharon is up against Sheila, she will get J/C/J because they were in her alliance as well as Ryan and Adam because they hate and ridicule Sheila (and women in general in the house). Making it 5 votes, unless James gives Sheila a vote of confidence.

If Adam is up against Sheila or Sharon he will lose. If he is up against Ryan, he will get everyone's but Matt's and Nat's vote. J/C/J have no use for Ryan at all, and neither does Sheila. Sharon might vote for Ryan but I doubt it.

IMHO, Ryan has no chance of winning up against anyone because he has burned way too many bridges. He might get Sharon's vote if that alliance hasn't gone up in flames. He might get Nat's vote because he set it up to look like Adam voted against her. He will probably get Matt's vote cause they were "bros".

Ok phew. done.

7:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay everyone who DVR'd the show, when you watch it again, just after Natalie is told she is evicted listen to the audio.... Someone giggles and I think it sounds like Julie. Also i do think the HOH was rigged. There was a huge time span from when Julie asked the question to when she stumbled her words and finally gave the answer for the guinea pigs. I guess those who wanted Sharon to win will say it was rigged and those who did't will say it wasn't. I have been on the fence with everyone since James and Josh left so my opinion is unbiased. I could care less who won but I do think this HOH seems very odd. May the best person win. All the good ones are gone tho. I do Hope Sheila goes this week tho. Mysteria

7:27 PM  
Blogger Lissy said...

I've been rooting for Ryan. However, after listening to these people say week after week, voting for Ryan is voting for Jen. I don't see Ryan winning at all. I still hope he makes it to the final two because I would think you would want to be up against Ryan for votes.

7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask Sheila what Josh told her just before he was evicted. You'll get your answer as to just who Sheila thinks the other couple is. Josh is the person who is in the Sequester House, making it impossible for Sheila to say who she thinks the couple is. Guess she is "honoring" Josh's request not to say anything.

7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think that the guinea pig thing is funny... BUT... i also think that it's a bit unfair if someone (say, sheila or sharon) is targeted because they think that they're in a relationship (or have someone as a vote in the jury house... like matty as sheila's son... good gravy)

7:32 PM  
Blogger Ilissa said...

Looks like a lot of the people on the CBS board is encouraging others to email CBS directly about the HOH mess. It'd be nice to see how they react to this and/or if they will fix it, or do some kind of redo!

7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok now i have sat back and mourned over nat leaving but i need to get this out..

i am upset because i thought that nat and adam should be in final two..reason for that is because ryan and sharon had been voted out already and sharon and sheila coattailed their way..sharon didn't even play the game until last week..leaving adam and nat as the only two left..i do not like coattailers because they only play the game at the end while everyone else plays the game gets themselves evicted..and i don't think that it is fair(especially because my vote did not matter when i voted for alex)that someone that has already been voted out to win..sharon has two strikes and i want her out..leaving ryan adam and sheila in the final three..sheila and adam are the only ones left that have not been evicted so i guess that leaves me with those two in the end..but i am definately rooting for adam now..he has been the best person in the house to contain lies..he has a great heart and he is loyal and i do think that he will take sheila like promised unless he just can't.

now food for thought...what if the boys were so confused on what they wanted to do that when they went to vote they just assumed what the other was doing and it ended up in a tie??before the show they still didn't know what to do..
so far everyone that i wanted to win is out of the game so now i am hoping that adam survives

7:36 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Pyke - Can you please go back and listen to Julie's exact closing words about what's coming next week...

Pyke.. anyone... I need the EXACT words.

7:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

annon- 7:27- you're so right about the laugh... kinda devious sounding. may not be Julie but it certainly sounds like her... either wqy someone was happy :O )

7:37 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

Who knew the guinea pigs were a pre-existing couple!?!

Hopefully the remaining HG's will eventually figure it out. How foolish will they feel when it comes to light?

I'm laughing my a$$ that they're still going on and on about it.

Too funny!


7:39 PM  
Blogger spyke6666 said...

Okay Jane, I'll play along too, this is fast for me cause I think this jury group is gonna vote very personal and not on game play, I think Adam would win against any of them if he's in the final cause he's the one that pissed off the least amount of people.
If it's Sheila vs Sharon: I think sheila will win cause matt, nat, adam, and ryan would stick together in their voting and they prefer sheila gets the money over sharon.
If it's Sheila vs Ryan: hands down Sheila will win cause people still hold a grudge with ryan for being partnered with jen.
If it's sharon and ryan: i think ryan would win cause matt, nat, adam, sheila don't mind that ryan and jen were partnered.

7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sharon didn't lose because of the guinea pigs having a relationship question, she lost because she can't add and multiply. Two of them lasted 3 hours, that 360 minutes right there, plus Ryan lasted over two hours, and she put 184?

She frikkin threw it!!! (she is NOT that dumb)

7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't think that it was rigged...how were they suppose to know that ryan was going to say fact?or that sharon and adam wouldn't say fact...that was a stupid question and answer but i don't think that it was rigged...unless there was an earpiece in ryan's ear i don't think that it was rigged

7:40 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

New theory (sorry, not that facinating, but it's rough being facinating now).

James' little show about Chelsia getting him thrown out (followed but a love fest 3 seconds later) was an act. Part of his plot to dig into Matt that his partner could be his demise - prepairing for her in final 2. No need for it now, but they won't know for a few days.

7:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn or anyone who knows -

Does BB ever do anything about the cheaters on the show or do they just get their just does in THE END.

1. Adam giving the answer to Ryan in the POV I believe

2. Ryan changing his answer from 510 to 310 for the HOH

Ryan just ADMITTED he did change his answer when Julie asked him.

Ryan thinks he's so slick. Enjoy your HOH but watch out - YOU can't vote for the person who get's evicted, you can only nominate.

You'll undoubtedlty nominate the girls (because you're an idiot) and then one of them will win POV and bye,bye Adam.

Then you're alone with the girls who you think you have an alliance with (one with Sharon & one with Sheila).

Cheaters never prosper!! (unless AGP wants them to).

7:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the producers game -- they produce it. Where is the rule that the questions have to be tangible? I think it's funny and that they can make the questions be whatever they want the questions to be.

7:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with anon at 7:18, you can hear writing after each question.... most likely on a cue card for Julie so she can announce correctly who got the question right and who got it wrong and also, what the tally is.
Maybe the hesitation was because they weren't anticipating Ryan going with fact so they had to change the tally for Julie to relay it correctly.

7:43 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

ilissa - they never fix, even with far more obvious errors. Besides, all the letters to CBS do is let CBS know there is an audience that cares enough to complain.

7:44 PM  
Blogger Lissy said...

I don't see the guinea pig answer as being that horrible. I remember last year being more upset about the teapot question. If I remember correctly, Jen got it right as she was closet to the right number and Dick lost. We were all thinking of the full teapot instead of to the door which was 7-9 gallons. I just remember thinking how unfair that was last year. This HOH was no different.

7:44 PM  
Blogger Beorn said...

I'm sorry that you did not appreciate my comment, Melissa. I have taken the liberty of using fish scrapers to remove the skin from the inside of my elbows, and I have poured salt in the resulting wound. I can only hope and pray that this self-scourging will adequately satisfy your desire to punish those who speak the truth about Natalie. Of course, no amount of penitence on my part will negate the fact that Natalie's behavior both in and out of the house demonstrates that she is a women of less than judicious nature when it comes to sex and sexual partners. In her defense, though, I wonder whether someone of her mental ability can truly be trusted with the veritable rocket science of modern contraception.

7:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn- Julie- who will ryan nominate for eviction? find out on sunday and then i'll be back tuesday at nine to find out who makes it to the final 3 and on wednesday the final HOH where he or she will single handedly cast the sole vote in the last eviction of the season there by choosing who will sit next to them in the final 2 :o )

7:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn it says welcome back to BB who Ryan nominate for eviction, Find out sunday at 8. Then I'll be back Tuesday at 9 to find out who makes it to the final 3 and on wednesday at 8 the final HOH is crowned live. he or she will single handedly cast the sole vote in the last eviction of the season. Thereby chosing who will sit next to them in the final 2 Mysteria

7:47 PM  
Blogger RayRayFad said...

So we have 2 people who were evicted and one original couple left. Interesting.

7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does any one else think that the edit for the good-byes from Ryan and Adam were made to look like they voted opposite of the way they actually voted? I mean what Ryan said should have led Nattie to think he voted to KEEP her....while what Adam said made it look like he voted to evict her.....maybe I'm reading too much into it....anyway, bye-bye Chattie Nattie glad to see you go.....now if only Sheila follows her steps the game will end as it should (of course, this is only my opinion! : )

7:48 PM  
Blogger SmartestCo0kie said...

when the tiebreaker question was anounced, i thought, ok, they lasted about 3 hours, thats 180 min..i think sharon misheard the question also, because her answer was 184.

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julie's closing words are:
"Who will Ryan nominate for eviction? Find out Sunday at 8. Then I'll be back Tuesday at 9 to find out who makes it to the final 3, and on Wednesday at 8 the final Head of Household is crowned live. He or she will singlehandedly cast the sole vote in the last eviction of the season, thereby choosing who will sit next to them in the final 2."

Hope that makes more sense you than it does me! :)

7:50 PM  
Blogger Lissy said...

I've rewatched the episode. Ryan had 310 on the board and above the 3, he did have a 5 but it was crossed out with a line or two. When Julie asked him, he scribbled out the five all together leaving the the number 310. The five was not with the 1 and 0. Rewatch the episode. He clearly had 310.

The answer was still 557 minutes so he still would have won.

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

annon 7:41- just for the record the answer to the final question was 557 minutes so even it Ryan did put 510 he would've just had a better guess but i do see where you're coming from in some instances. :o )

7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn -- Julie's exact words about upcoming:

"Welcome back ...

Who will Ryan nominate for eviction. Find out Sunday at 8.

Then, I'll be back Tuesday at 9 to find out who makes it to the final 3.

And on Wednesday at 8 the final HOH is crowned live. He or she will single-handedly cast the sole vote in the last eviction of the season, thereby choosing who will sit next to them in the final 2.

From outside the BB house, I'm Julie Chen ..."

Guess that explains it!


7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn Julie said nonimations are sunday at 8. Tuesday at 9 who makes it to the final 3. Wednesday the final HOH is crowned Live. her or she will cast the final vote.

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pyke....you are soooo right my question is does anybody really think this show isnt rigged the dr totally disgust me...they take peoples chances of winning completely away from them for no reason...i have the feeds(had the feeds just canceled them)and i have clearly 100% seen the dr change decisions in this house these boys were dead set after days of deliberation dead set then.......ryan in the dr completely different i wouldnt mind this but dont pitch it as reality dont tell me these people are competing for money locked up with no i repete this no once again nooooo contact with the outside world..if i knew it was fixed i would just watch and have fun...in conclusion if anyone doesnt agree my name is ray im in real estate and i sell mostly bridges they are a great investment because you can put toll booths on them please contact me or pyke for more info...thank you

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I may sound naive, but can someone tell me what AGP stands for? (I checked the FAQ on acronyms but no answer) thanks guys!!

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Just emailed CBS also. I'm a Sharon/Ryan fan, but I think it's quite shitty that CBS would rigg a competition. It's just annoying now. Between the DR sessions swaying votes and changing answers. The guinea pigs? Are the fricken serious? Okay I sound like Sheila now but anyway. Seriously.

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BB threw Sharon a bone (the guinea pig question) and she missed... Ya she really deserves to win. I think in ALL possible scenarios Ryan won't win bcuz everyone hates Jen.

8:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jane i would think that as a theory had it not been right after watching the shows and he was heated..

8:01 PM  
Blogger Pyke said...

Carolyn, sorry, i cant go back and look... mom watching TV. I will when she gets off. Please we need to call BB out for their rigging, someone help me call them out with their rigging! Can you post an opinion message about the rigging Carolyn?

8:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does anyone remember when sheila broke down and she told josh that she knew matty..that she wasnt his mother but she knew him they were family and she wasnt allowed to talk about it..? is that the relationship yet that hasnt been exposed? Bree in co Ps im totally lost on the whole julie chen saying there was still a relationship? anyone? help...:)

8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! Seriously people!!!! Come on the HOH comp was NOT rigged!! Julie asked Ryan what his answer was cause she couldn't read it. All he did was scratch off his mistake. Geessh!!! Sharon thru it! I just re-watched it and heard NOTHING of people with cue cards.

8:13 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

So, before I begin my thoughts on how we get to F3 next Wednesday...

How dare ANYONE call out Carolyn for having an opinion. She works her tush off to make this Blog fair. Someone please point out a case where Carolyn has interjected a personal opinion in her BLOGS. This is the COMMENT SECTION, and it's run by Carolyn and Carolyn only. The blogs are posted with the help of the few known as DishChicks.

Carolyn has every right to express an opinion in comments the same as we do. BUT, she very rarely has time because she is busy keeping them clean for all eyes to read. Walk a block in her shoes, then come back and tell us how fair she is. She has every reason to vent in the comments ... WHEN she gets a second to actually have a thought of her own.
'nuff said... well not enough, but moving on.

So how is it going to work this week? I think after the Tuesday eviction we are going to have a 24 hour blackout on the feeds as they get the Final HoH decided. I hope not. I hate it and I know Real, CBS, and (at the time) Grodner and Shaprio caught hell for doing it, but it still states in the ToS at Real that there may be times when the feeds are not available. That doesn't just mean the live show and comp triva or the flames when the HGs are being scolded for being naughty and talking too much about production.

Jane, I'll get back to your game before my night is over. I promise. I PROMISE you F2. You and me girl!

8:32 PM  
Blogger Ilissa said...

I agree with Pyke - BB needs to be called out asap! I bet HOOPS will come out to play if BB let the truth out!

8:35 PM  
Blogger Beth (and Eric) said...

Anon @7:48 -- I also thought that Ryan & Adam's good-bye speeches were edited to show the opposite of how they voted! Weird.

(And if Ryan & Sharon still have that "secret alliance" then of course it was Ryan who voted to keep her!)

8:51 PM  
Blogger ~Ola~ said...

Carolyn- Thank you for everything you do!!!

I usually post anonymous, under ~Ola~, but I finally quit being lazy and signed up for an account. I know I'm slow getting around to everything.

I enjoy reading everyone's comments, and yes I was a die hard James fan!!! So happy Gnat was evicted, and I'm hoping Ryan goes so (obviously not this week:( as long as he's not in f2!! Now, I would really like to see Sheila win!!!


8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long time reader, first time poster, but there are a couple people before me who also noticed the goodbye speeches being jacked up, making it look like Ryan voted for Nat while Adam didn't. If it comes down to R/A F2, this may have an impact on jury votes. Oh, and loooooved the look on Nat's face when Julie said it was a tie.... priceless! BTW, carolyn, great job on this site! Keep up the good work!

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that no one else is as pissed off at that guinea pig question as I am! That HOH should have been Sharon's and I think Big Brother producer Alison Grodner's integrity should be in question here. I have never been one of the conspiracy theory believers, but that question and it's answer was a lot of BS in my eyes and someone needs to amend it!

10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are these people insane? All of this talking about who is going up on the block, and who they can trust?//

HELLO ? The HOH is safe, and the POV winner gets to pick who goes home, period. It really doesn't matter AT ALL who's on block, because the POV person will be off the block.

Someone mentioned Sharon throwing the HOH to Ryan? Did you watch her face during the comp? She thought she had it. She was trying hard to win. Regardless of the vote, the HOH is the safe position.

LIKE in all-stars, when stupid boogie won HOH this week. SO, no one could get rid of him.

7:42 AM  
Blogger Heidi Petrelli said...

Haha-the guinea pigs!
Poor Sheila is just getting all wired up thinking she is related to someone.
Hm, maybe she once had a guinea pig who was a relative of these guinea pigs.
Which would make her a step/foster mom of one of the pigs!

8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can th GPs win the 500k? they are clearly the most deserving id vote for em


LOL Charlie I agree.


9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patti I agree Sharon sure as shit threw the HOH. She can't handle being HOH.


9:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am LIVID with what they are doing with these boys rigging the comps this season....SO OBVIOUSLY...First they give Adam the answer on the HOH he wins...(go back and look at the tape) He clearly is looking at something nobody else sees...And then the whole thing with Ryan...Sharon had this game in the bag. Why don't they want her to win? Simply not fair and I already sent my letter of disgust to them...Being in a family of reality tv people, I know all is not REAL but this is 500,000 riding on this...Adam being a friend of Robyns to begin with was not fair....Ugghh...I loved this show but am soo pissed off I am seeing RED!!!!!

10:11 AM  

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