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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

HoH Room Reveal

Ryan just got his HoH Room... Here's a bunch of pics. Scroll down to the bottom of the post for the video. :) His letter from Jen was really sweet.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You asked for the exact wording at the end of the show....
What do those words tell you???

8:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i loved Jens letter! It was longer then most.

8:22 PM  
Blogger Pyke said...

Hey Carolyn, i got 200xx to post the vid. PROOF:


8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan must feel on top of the world - Jen must be dying to speak with him!

8:26 PM  
Blogger Beorn said...

I am *still* wondering about Jen telling Sheila that Ryan is a racist. It seems to me that it's either true in her eyes (which I wouldn't doubt), or that she was willing to stoop that low to backstab her boyfriend. I wonder which is the most correct answer.

8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think Nat did a bad jpb with Sharon's face makeup? I really don't like it...looks fake.

8:33 PM  
Blogger nWjoe said...

Pyke- calm down for a minute, please. I have no opinion on if the QUESTION was "rigged" or not. But that question only made it a TIE, not a win for Ryan. Sharon blew the tie breaker all on her own with one of the worst answers in BB history.

8:36 PM  
Blogger Kassie said...

I love Jen letter. You can tell how much Ryan loves her.

8:40 PM  
Blogger Pyke said...

Sorry, but I think it was rigged... tie breaker or not they changed the answer mid question!

8:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I asked Jen about that in my interview - hit up the interview and you'll find her take on the question. Sure, it's her POV - but it's something.


8:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Schedule:

Sunday, April 20: Will show Ryan's nominations which actually took place on Thursday 17th.

Tuesday, April 22: Will show the POV (From Friday 18th) and the POV Ceremony from Sunday 20th. After the ceremony, the POV winner will choose the evictee and Julie will interview him/her as normal for a Wednesday show. Then Julie will start Part 1 of the 3-part Final HOH which will be endurance. This will all be taped on Sunday 20th and shown for the Tuesday 22nd show.

Wednesday, April 23: Live show where Part 1 of the Final HOH will be shown as it played out and Part 2 which would have taken place probably Tuesday 22nd. Then Julie moderates Part 3 of the HOH and the winner evicts the final player, which Julie will intervoew.

Make sense?

The long pause on tonight's HOH might have been that someone goofed and didn't have a tiebrealer ready for ChenBot. The GP are part of the BB house which Julie stated was part of the questions.

8:46 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

kevintucky - please email me...

8:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, if the answer had gone the other way, Sharon would have won with no need for a tie breaker.

So yeah, it didn't result in Ryan winning, it just gave him another chance.

And Sharon has admitted she misunderstood the question and guessed the winning time, not the sum of all of their times.

8:59 PM  
Blogger corijane said...

okay, so does anyone else think Sharon has taken over for Natalie's annoying voice - ugh, I could hardly watch the reveal video.

Natalie went out like a trooper - her voice was NORMAL... so happy for her (that she is gone and going to the sequester house where no-one likes her!) and for my ears (because she is D-U-N!!!).

I don't know what to think about the rigged questions - it was a LONG pause and honestly, why wouldn't they have a tie breaker question ready - they would... hands down. But it is true - Ryan won it with the tie breaker... however there would be no tie breaker if the previous question would not have been answered correctly by Ryan... hmmmmmm.

9:00 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

Beorn @ 8:30 PM

Wonder no more. The answer has been obvious since the beginning and Ryan has been proving himself to be exactly what he is.

What Jen said is true, but she also did it to try to save herself.

I don't feel sorry for him, those two deserve each other.


As for this whole rigging thing ... it's a television show and of course the puppeteers of BB are going to stir things up, but I wouldn't call it rigging. It's just a game, a reality show, it's television at it's worst and best.

They're more worried about their ratings which I hear aren't so good right now. They have plenty of sponsors that's for sure, I saw more commercials than ever before.


9:04 PM  
Blogger Beorn said...

Thanks Lessa!!! Just saw your comment, and I'm headed right over there!

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Carolyn,

I have the live feeds, but am going to Hawaii next week til the 26th. My Hubby is not going to be happy if he finds me looking up BB while on vacation, but c'mon, it's the last week! I do want to watch the endurance comp live. Can I access my live feeds from another computer(laptop)? Thanks for all you do. Your site is awesome!

Sarge, in AZ

9:16 PM  
Blogger Beorn said...


Interesting. She answers...yet completely fails to address the crux of the question. I can't imagine any scenario in which what she said to Sheila could be totally benign, whether she took it back or not. I wish she would have at least discussed her motivation for saying it to begin with.

9:21 PM  
Blogger Tella @TellaKG said...


I think that Jen just called Ryan for what he is... in her opinion. I don't know, what do you call somebody who has problems with interracial relationships? It's a tricky one. But that fact is that he has used the N-word (along with Adam) a few times so I wouldn't be surprised if somewhat true. Maybe not a racist... but racially insensitive. Jen knows him and his family more than anybode else.

9:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is going to be about as captivating as watching paint dry or water boil...let's get it frikkin dun!!

9:30 PM  
Blogger Beorn said...


On last thing: Thanks for the interview, and again for pointing me to it!! Sorry my manners were delayed--I'm cooking while commenting. :-)

9:33 PM  
Blogger Tella @TellaKG said...


Yes you can watch the live feeds from any computer with RealPlayer on it. Just sign into SuperPass with you usual name and password.

Good luck.

9:35 PM  
Blogger Beorn said...

It certainly wouldn't surprise me to find that Ryan is a bigot. Though there may be a fine line between bigotry and naive ignorance, I wouldn't waste my time trying to make excuses for him. It's so very easy for straight white men to live in a bubble of authority and power and judgment, and never take the time to examine how they arrived there, or what it's like for people who are not straight white males to receive negative messages from every corner. And that's a shame. (And yes, I speak from a dual position--it's very easy for me to cloak myself and become invisible among straight white males. Though for me, this just means that I get the pleasure of surprising bigots by calling them out for that choice, just when they think they're safe to spew their crap to an appreciative audience.)

9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anytime Beorn! I did try to get her to go more into that question, but she is firm on wanting to discuss it with Ryan first and work it through together.

I would have found it more reasonable to call him sexist - he and Adam are all about the 'broads" and all. Heh.

10:48 PM  
Blogger maureen said...

Love love LOVE the Dishies!!

So happy tonight that Chatty is DU tripple NNN! I so do wish Sharon would have pulled out the win on this but the letter from Jen was sweet.

I wonder if BB will let these final 4 HGs know that the relationship is really the GPs (hahaha).

Great job again BBDish!

1:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, I think Sharon just needs to stop talking. Is it just me or does it seem like everything she says she yells, her voice is worse then nails on a chalkboard.

5:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jens letter was great. I especially liked when she called him a racist on natonal tv. Oh yeah. That's not in the letter. That was earlier in the show. My bad. She's not sweet. It shows that she has no loyalty to Ryan. I hope he dumps her if he gets any part of the money.

6:43 AM  
Blogger Beth (and Eric) said...

AWwwwwww, in that one picture, Ryan and Adam say that he & Jen were at "Seacrets" in Ocean City -- that means Maryland! Where the only "Seacrets" outdoor sandy Jamaica bar is! Where I go every summer! How fun is that?

8:22 AM  

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