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Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Late Afternoon

4:20pm BBT
Adam, Sheila and Sharon

The HGs, minus Ryan, are on backyard lockdown in advance of the nomination ceremony, and it's official, they have lost their minds. They're chasing a slug, and they've named him "Camo."

4:25pm BBT
BB: Sharon, please come to the Diary Room.
Ryan comes outside and says it's time for the nomination ceremony, but in the least animated voice I've ever heard, and it doesn't seem to be the case. He joins the other HGs outside on the couch.

Adam is wondering if he and Sheila will have to be chained together for the PoV ceremony, and Sheila says there's no way, they can't be expected to play PoV together.

4:30pm BBT
Adam gives Sheila hell for losing the comp. She returns the favor.
Adam: This is going to be hell.
Sheila: Absolute hell. The worst booby prize ever.
Adam: Would you rather wear the uni or this?
Sheila: The uni, hands down.

Ryan has stepped away.

4:32pm BBT
Sheila beings discussing Sharon with Adam, saying she has Ryan's ear now... but not for long, as Sharon returns from the DR.

Sheila: You deserve it (the prize) so much.
Ryan: You're gonna have the best time... being chained up together...

He teases them a bit.

Sheila complains it's going to be awful because of Adam's habits and staying up all night. Ryan says "We're gonna party tonight, babe."

4:35pm BBT
BB: Ryan, please go to the Diary Room.
Sheila: Thank God. Let's just get this over with, so we can get chained up and free.
Sharon: I don't see what the big deal is...
Sheila: Sharon, you don't understand.

TRIVIA on all feeds at 4:36pm BBT
Nomination Ceremony time :)

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Blogger Heather said...

It certainly appears official that they've lost it, but then again I think they lost long ago.

A slug!



4:56 PM  
Blogger seVen said...

I wonder if the DR gave him every scenario so he can make a sound decision of how he should place the key...

yes that's sarcasm

5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are probably right Seven. Ryan cant make a decision without the help of the DR or Adam. He has been in this game for what 3 months now and still cant figure out what to do on his own. Vicki

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should have to wear the Uni-tard together!!! Spoon-fashion. Think Sheba's mad now???


6:45 PM  

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