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The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!! At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C
Big Brother 9 is On! Let the mind games begin!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
8:28pm BBT Feeds are back from Trivia. I thought they'd allowed Adam and Sheila to view the movie, but they're busy fighting in the bathroom right now, so I guess that's a big no.
Adam's assuring Sheila that she's safe no matter what this week. Sounds kinda familiar.
Ahhh... let the BB Odd Couple Evening resume.
Hm! They're not chained together anymore. Sheila just got up off the couch and walked away... no rebound.
I am a little disappointed they are not chained together anymore.... I was thinking this was going to be a funny 24 hours... But then again the complaining was starting to get to me.... Wonder why BB gave up the chain? Any thoughts?
I really don't think Sheila fights as often as it sounds like. She just gets louder and louder the longer she talks. She gets very excitable in conversations... I do that... :)
Im so tired of SheBot always playing the victim. In her own words BooFrikkenHoo! She treats Adam like he's her son and she's always trying to bully him into doing what she wants. And he's an idiot for following her. Doesnt't he see the only reason she wants him to get 2 the end with her is because she knows she'll win the 500K against him. Im not to crazy about anyone who's left in the house but Gosh do I really want Sheila out. When it comes to annoying voices Natalie was bad but My Frikken God Sheilas worse. Whine whine whine! Thats right Sheila kiss as much behind as possible
I swear those two are just like an old married couple that I know well. My Mom and Dad!! All except Mom and Dad never call each other names. Too funny, they are just EXACTLY like them. Not really fighting, but raising their voices louder and louder.... must be an Italian / Slavic thing. lol
How lame was that!!! letting A/S off the chain.I was really looking forward to that. I can't believe that BB did that, how unfair. What kind of gameplay is that on BBs part giving alternative of movie. Them on a chain 24hrs definitely livened things up. They only had to last a few hours BOOOOOO BB!!! I ca't believe She-Hag is turnig Adam, she REALLY needs to go!!! I hope Adam is not falling for her BS. She is relentless! and merciless!!
Ok, did I miss something? What happened to the 24hr bondage thing they had going? You know, I step away from the feeds to have dinner and conversation with some friends and all of a sudden they're no longer chained together. Did Shelia threaten adam or something?
i havent watched since james left..and i said i wouldnt and really have no interest in it..would just like to say thanks carolyn i peek on here and get the updates i do a great job!! congrats on the 5 mill hits!! if you do an interview with james can you tell him to ride his bike to canada?!?!?! lmao i misssssssss jamesyyyyyyyyyyyy:(
Ouestion for you BB lovers. I'm watching BB After Dark on showtime and the scroll at the bottom of the screen just read, the POV comp will air on Sunday night. Does that mean someone will get evicted Sunday? Or will they wait and air the ceremony on Tuesday with an eviction then?
wait a minute wait a minute whoa. Sheila just said, while talking to Adam, that it would be stupid for Ryan to take her (Sheila) off the block, if his goal is to send Sharon home.
So, she just implied, to his face, that she, Sheila, would vote Adam out?
Ya know if they had gotten rid of the Shebot several weeks ago this would have been a very different game. She is the one who turns everyone against each other and screwss evereyone over. Adam watch your back, She'll go after you if she can't get Ryan or Sharon. She's the one who turned everyone against Nat because she was afraid of her. She continually twists everything around. If I hear DER again I will scream! Everything is about her! AGH!!!!!!!!! Adam! save us, go lock her in a closet! If Adam stays with Sheila his boys at home need to KICK his A##!!!! This girl needs a reality check in life and the only way she will get it is to GO HOME! I want to see tyhe look on her face when it dawns on her that Adam, Sharon, and Ryan stuck together!!! This will be waaaaayyyy better than Nats eviction.!!! She has had nothing to offer all game the only win she had was handed to her. I wish it could be Adam voting her out but I don't think he has the b###s so he'll blow POV that way he its out of his hands.
Maybe BB realized the potential for a really big problem with Adam and Sheila tethered together tonight. POV comp is tomorrow. They would be EXHAUSTED from not being able to sleep very well with those conditions. That could be considered a huge advantage for Sharon and Ryan for THE biggest POV in the game. I wondered about that earlier in the evening. Maybe BB jumped the gun a little. They should have tethered them together tomorrow night AFTER the POV comp! Now it's too late with the deal they offered them to avoid a possible round of conspiracy claims! Just a theory...
Poor Adam laying on the couch while Sheila is in DR. He looks like she really wore him out. He should run not walk to bed while she is gone and tell her he has gone to bed for the night, and doesn't want to hear anymore.Then he can tell her to go to bed and get a goodnights sleep for POV. Once she's asleep he can get back up and hang with RY and Sharon after the movie. That woman exhausts me too.
Carolyn; I know this is off post topic but did u see the night that Adam was playing hide and go seek with the cameras? It was hilarious. And there was an audio leak when he went into the DR.
Here's what I remember It was pretty late probably around 1:30am BBT. Ryan was in the DR and Adam was playing hide and go seek with the cameras. He was running around the house trying to hide in corners. Then whenever he would notice a camera moving to focus on him he would nod to that camera and the camera would nod back. It was really funny. Then he was waiting in front of the DR door 4 Ryan 2 come out and when Adam went in u could hear him say You can't catch me 2 whoever was in there. And the person replied Oh yes we can and Adam laughed then u could hear a phone ring and the person say Just give me a minute (or something like that). Anyway I know that was the other day but I just thought about it and how funny it was.
OK... the chains are coming back on after Showtime... they didn't want them to have them on since people hasn't seen that comp yet... (according to She).
Sheila just asked Ryan to make coffee in the morning since she is chained to Adam andhe will be hard to wake up.
1) Sheila: Crying at the nomination ceremony - Helloo - there are only 3 HG left that can be nominated, chances are one was going to be YOU. She thinks people should let her slide throught he game because she is a 46 year old single mom.
2) Get Sharon out! Nobody in the house can beat her in the final 2.
5.6 million hits!
Un-Real! I still feel like the little blog that could...
Thanks so much for making this the best season ever on the dish! :)
I'll be checking in periodically to moderate comments, and after a couple weeks,
we can look forward to some interviews with some of the final 9 HGs. Of course, if there's big news before then, I'll be posting that too. :)
Happy Spring!!
Hm! They're not chained together anymore. Sheila just got up off the couch and walked away... no rebound.
How did that happen? Did they threaten each other already?
Wouldn't surprise me. I can hear it now ... To the moon Sheila, to the moon!
Do I smell a penalty nom? Who, what where, why?
I am a little disappointed they are not chained together anymore.... I was thinking this was going to be a funny 24 hours... But then again the complaining was starting to get to me....
Wonder why BB gave up the chain? Any thoughts?
I really don't think Sheila fights as often as it sounds like. She just gets louder and louder the longer she talks. She gets very excitable in conversations... I do that... :)
Got the scoop ... according to another site they made a deal with the DR - No movie or no chain.
That sucks!
They lost the comp and they were supposed to be chained together for 24 hours including not being able to see the movie.
What's up with that?
This really sucks!!!
Adam and Sheila bicker like they're an old married couple. Bitch, whine, bitch, bitch; that's Sheila's game.
what?! why are they not chained together anymore?! that so dumb
It would be so poetic if sharon won pov' took herself off and voted out Sheila.
i heard bb gave them deal, watch movie or take off chains?? anyone else?
that is so bogus! big brother! it was funny to watch! COME ON!!
Im so tired of SheBot always playing the victim. In her own words BooFrikkenHoo! She treats Adam like he's her son and she's always trying to bully him into doing what she wants. And he's an idiot for following her. Doesnt't he see the only reason she wants him to get 2 the end with her is because she knows she'll win the 500K against him. Im not to crazy about anyone who's left in the house but Gosh do I really want Sheila out. When it comes to annoying voices Natalie was bad but My Frikken God Sheilas worse. Whine whine whine! Thats right Sheila kiss as much behind as possible
dang it! I was hoping for some fun times on BBAD. Perhaps they let them take them off for BBAD and will put them back on later?
I can only hope. Suck-diddly-ucks.
Six minutes in, and already, "tomorrow's the biggest day of the game. It's gonna be huge."
*sigh* oh, well. Wishing you had a dollar for every hit registered, Carolyn. Wouldn't THAT be sweet?
I swear those two are just like an old married couple that I know well. My Mom and Dad!! All except Mom and Dad never call each other names. Too funny, they are just EXACTLY like them. Not really fighting, but raising their voices louder and louder.... must be an Italian / Slavic thing. lol
Why are they not chained? Anyone know for sure? She is on block, so not available for penalty nom, hmmmm
what a jip! they should stay chained! who cares its only 24 hours. completely unfair..
How lame was that!!! letting A/S off the chain.I was really looking forward to that. I can't believe that BB did that, how unfair. What kind of gameplay is that on BBs part giving alternative of movie. Them on a chain 24hrs definitely livened things up. They only had to last a few hours BOOOOOO BB!!! I ca't believe She-Hag is turnig Adam, she REALLY needs to go!!! I hope Adam is not falling for her BS. She is relentless! and merciless!!
Ok, did I miss something? What happened to the 24hr bondage thing they had going? You know, I step away from the feeds to have dinner and conversation with some friends and all of a sudden they're no longer chained together. Did Shelia threaten adam or something?
i havent watched since james left..and i said i wouldnt and really have no interest in it..would just like to say thanks carolyn i peek on here and get the updates i do a great job!! congrats on the 5 mill hits!! if you do an interview with james can you tell him to ride his bike to canada?!?!?! lmao i misssssssss jamesyyyyyyyyyyyy:(
Ouestion for you BB lovers. I'm watching BB After Dark on showtime and the scroll at the bottom of the screen just read, the POV comp will air on Sunday night. Does that mean someone will get evicted Sunday? Or will they wait and air the ceremony on Tuesday with an eviction then?
wait a minute wait a minute whoa. Sheila just said, while talking to Adam, that it would be stupid for Ryan to take her (Sheila) off the block, if his goal is to send Sharon home.
So, she just implied, to his face, that she, Sheila, would vote Adam out?
Did I understand that right?
Ya know if they had gotten rid of the Shebot several weeks ago this would have been a very different game.
She is the one who turns everyone against each other and screwss evereyone over. Adam watch your back, She'll go after you if she can't get Ryan or Sharon. She's the one who turned everyone against Nat because she was afraid of her. She continually twists everything around.
If I hear DER again I will scream! Everything is about her! AGH!!!!!!!!! Adam! save us, go lock her in a closet! If Adam stays with Sheila his boys at home need to KICK his A##!!!! This girl needs a reality check in life and the only way she will get it is to GO HOME! I want to see tyhe look on her face when it dawns on her that Adam, Sharon, and Ryan stuck together!!!
This will be waaaaayyyy better than Nats eviction.!!! She has had nothing to offer all game the only win she had was handed to her. I wish it could be Adam voting her out but I don't think he has the b###s so he'll blow POV that way he its out of his hands.
Maybe BB realized the potential for a really big problem with Adam and Sheila tethered together tonight. POV comp is tomorrow. They would be EXHAUSTED from not being able to sleep very well with those conditions. That could be considered a huge advantage for Sharon and Ryan for THE biggest POV in the game. I wondered about that earlier in the evening. Maybe BB jumped the gun a little. They should have tethered them together tomorrow night AFTER the POV comp! Now it's too late with the deal they offered them to avoid a possible round of conspiracy claims!
Just a theory...
Ditto twilightbynite!!!!
Poor Adam laying on the couch while Sheila is in DR. He looks like she really wore him out. He should run not walk to bed while she is gone and tell her he has gone to bed for the night, and doesn't want to hear anymore.Then he can tell her to go to bed and get a goodnights sleep for POV. Once she's asleep he can get back up and hang with RY and Sharon after the movie. That woman exhausts me too.
I heard in the real chat rooms that adam threatened to kill himself and that's why they are not chained together anymore
Ohhh, shelia just confirmed no chains for showtime. After that, they will put them back on.
I know this is off post topic but did u see the night that Adam was playing hide and go seek with the cameras? It was hilarious. And there was an audio leak when he went into the DR.
Here's what I remember
It was pretty late probably around 1:30am BBT. Ryan was in the DR and Adam was playing hide and go seek with the cameras. He was running around the house trying to hide in corners. Then whenever he would notice a camera moving to focus on him he would nod to that camera and the camera would nod back. It was really funny. Then he was waiting in front of the DR door 4 Ryan 2 come out and when Adam went in u could hear him say You can't catch me 2 whoever was in there. And the person replied Oh yes we can and Adam laughed then u could hear a phone ring and the person say Just give me a minute (or something like that).
Anyway I know that was the other day but I just thought about it and how funny it was.
OK... the chains are coming back on after Showtime... they didn't want them to have them on since people hasn't seen that comp yet... (according to She).
Sheila just asked Ryan to make coffee in the morning since she is chained to Adam andhe will be hard to wake up.
Oh that would make sense about them not being chained tella, thx!
ryan is soooooo stupid if he lets sharon sway him to get rid of adam!!! there's no way he'd win against her!
dude, sheila is messin' up baller's game! sheila lets info slip to sharon the ssssssssssnake, who now has ryan's ear.
STFU sharon! you are no better than the HGs you "don't talk sh*t about."
i hope ryan doesn't turn against adam....but i don't have much hope......he's so easily swayable.
I just want to scream at these people:
1) Sheila: Crying at the nomination ceremony - Helloo - there are only 3 HG left that can be nominated, chances are one was going to be YOU. She thinks people should let her slide throught he game because she is a 46 year old single mom.
2) Get Sharon out! Nobody in the house can beat her in the final 2.
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