The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!!
At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C
Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!
What's Up?
11:05am BBT Just checking in... The feeds are still on Trivia for the Comp.
Don't forget - Sometime after the comp is done, we'll have the first Solo HoH Nomination Ceremony. For those of you who like to crunch the numbers, this is a potential 3-3 week, with the HoH as tie breaker.
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Nothing is up really, thanks for asking though. Im bored actually.
How are things with you?
Lol, I don't suppose you need any help?
Have Fun!
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