The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!!
At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C
Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!
What Would Your Music Be?
I was just wondering... If you were in the Big Brother house, what would your music be? What CD would you ask BB for in the event you won HoH?

Incidentally, the Afternoon Report (just below) is being added to, so make sure to check it out too. :)
And in other random news: our clip of Chelsia smashing the Easter Eggs is #88 on youtube's most viewed for the day...
Smashing! Scratch that - 20 minutes later... now it's #64!
Bravo, ReporterX!
it ♦
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Anything George Strait
anything by robbie williams.. or if i could make my own mix cd and give that to them to use...
Anything 3 Doors Down love them.
Juan Luis Guerra's Greatest Hits album. It's the only album that never fails to cheer me up.
Grrrrrreat question btw!
Something I can dance to. Or feel sad or happy to.
kenny chesney!
Neil Diamond greatest hits.
Otis Redding!
Tiesto :) In Search of Sunrise 5
Tiesto :) In Search of Sunrise 5
across the universe soundtrack
or sweeney todd
Rihanna: Good Girl Gone Bad
Anything Trace Adkins
Queen- Greatest Hits
Journeys Greatest Hits cd
Any and all 80's they could provide would be my music (well anything but A-HA and PET SHOP BOYS)
And the CD I would ask for would be "VINYL CONFESSIONS" by Kansas, which featured the song, "Play the Game Tonight"...good pump up song for a BB house!
Incubus or Justin... would want something to cheer me up for sure!
dave matthews band, any of his live cds.
Fun question! I would most definitely be asking for Kalai's Acoustacism album. Love it!
"They're Comin' To Take You Away."
guster, or old snoop, or something else fun. : D
maybe some 50 cent
Gotta have Bob Marley
I have a very diverse taste in music, but if I were stuck in there with a bunch of *fill in the blank* DEFINITELY Bob Marley :D
City and colour
Beatles Abbey Road because one of my fav songs is 'Here Comes The Sun'.
I'm an all around music lover, but that would have to be it for me.
Thanks Carolyn!
Kelly Clarkson :) Yes, I am a nerd.
I would like to make my own mix CD - with a lot of options on it. Otherwise, and country would be good.
Kenny Chesney.
He rocks.
Tragic Kingdom (No Doubt)
Linkin Park or my own mix
Nine Inch Nails!!!!!!
Anything Matchbox Twenty but specifically:
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell.....
beethovens 9th or Israel Kamakawiwo'ole... he did that great somewhere over the rainbow on the ukelele! if you haven't heard it iyet you should it's the best version of that song ever!
If it were to be today my choice #1 would be a mix cd of my own, #2 Alicia Keys Or Usher (I'm torn)
My Mix cd would be a huge variety from those above to 80's INCLUDING A-Ha and Pet Shop Boys :)
Johny Cash
I could not pick just one...not fair LOL..maybe a mixed cd..
Like Biskits pick 80's music..
Black Sabbath : Heaven and Hell
anything by Eva Cassidy
I would love a mix cd but the first song on it would have to be Hall & Oats "Privit eyes" and the second would have to be Rockwells "somebodys watching me" after that some foo fighters, red hot chili peppers, chevelle somethig to get me movin!
Someone else took my suggestion of "They're Coming To Take Me Away Haaa Haaa!," ....
But since torture seems to be the name of the game how about ...
"Aaah Aaah Yawa Em Ekat Ot Gnimoc Er'yeht" which was the flip side (basically, the same crazy annoying song in reverse).
Either that or Metal Machine Music by Lou Reed.
Sample that here ...
I *love* reading the diversity of musical tastes in the comments! I'm a karaoke hostess/dj, so I really enjoy all kinds of music!
If I were HOH, I'd want the Original Broadway Cast recording of Rent! It would be all I could do *not* to act it out for the other HG! LOL
Josh Groban or Allison Krauss
Jimmy Buffett . . . you just can't be anything but happy listening to Jimmy Buffett! I think I'll listen him now :)!
Counting Crows!
Carrie Underwood or Brad Paisley
It would have to be Garth Brooks "Friends" (in low places). hehehe
Go Josh!!!
P!NK - I'm Not Dead - Tour Version CD.
ANYthing PINK!
Anthony Saunders
Tom Petty!
Barry Manilow...sorry guys but he's the best.
coldplay- rush of blood to the head or a band called cave in- jupiter
Aha Shake Heartbreak by Kings of Leon.
Only TWO out of 53 suggestions were a duplicate. Kinda explains the wiiiiiiiiide diversity of opinions in these comments, huh?
ok so im not lying...yes im from columbus...yes ryan is who i want to win...but honestly i would defnitely have
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony E. 1999 Eternal
just like Ryan...i know i saw thats what he got and i was like ...omg no wonder hes my boy and from columbus...def would have that cd...even though its 10 years old its is probably the best cd ever made....
weird thing is my next choice would be Lifehouse- No Name Face...odd i know im weird
my friends called me Lank E Bone when i was younger cause i was a skinny white kid rapping Bone Thugz all the time...
Green Day's Dookie album.
For me, definitely Ryan Adams or Damien Rice. I love them both dearly.
I'd probably go for something classical. Nothing heavy, but the light, American stuff from the early-mid 20th Century. Gershwin or Copeland.
BradKeyWest! :) Heyyy!! Where ya been all season?!
I want some Baby'sCoffee!! May have to make the drive down soon. :)
If I could make a mix cd that would be my first choice...if it has to be a commercially created cd then I'd go with Bonnie Raitte, a blues cd or maybe Tina Turner. I've seen a few other options posted that I could live with though: Beatles, Best of Queen to name two. A best of classic rock cd would be great, too (and by classic I mean mostly 60s/70s).
a mix cd or if i had to choose one it would be BOSTON......Don't Look Back..what an awesome cd
Jonas Brothers
and The beatles.
club med music
Congrats Carolyn & the Gang for being #1 again!!
Casting Crowns
Play It Loud - Chris Cagle or
Slippery When Wet - Bon Jovi
Prince 1999
oh no! Wait! I'd have to have some Stevie Ray Vaughn! It would have to be a mix cd -- no doubt about it! Cuz I'd also want some BB King, plus the other artists I already named...
Garden State Soundtrack or Neil Young Greatist Hits
I know it's emo rock, but it's really catchy.
O.k. SAMANTHA FOX - call me a total geek!!!
I love the "80's anything" and "Lifehouse" already mentioned by other posters.
Good question Carolyn, and I think it's hilarious that Oprah has Billy Joel on her show today and he's singing "Only the good die young" which seems all too fitting for Big Brother! Matches Alex's interview this morning.
our House
is a very very very wild house
with piggies in a cage
frustration,tears and rage
Now everything is better
cuz I won!
Dontcha wish that you were up here like me?
Dontcha wish you weren't in fear of me?
Something relaxing would be nice...
like Polvtsian Dance Theme #17 by Boridin (just kidding)
I would definately want my Chili Peppers,3 Doors Down,Odds and Mad Season...for fun ;-)
Gimme some zeppelin!!!!
Hopefully, I could have choices, if so, #1 would be Michael Stanley, either solo or MSB or MS&R. I need my Michael! The best kept secret of Northeast Ohio.
#2 would be Breathless, something old or something new that's hopefully releasing very soon!!!!
Reel Big Fish (anything by them) can't be in a bad or sad mood when their music is playing.
I would also have to agree with Guster...very nice music
Or even Ben Folds "Rockin' the Suburbs"
Fun question!
~ Ryan ~
If I couldn't make my own mix then i would have to say Jay-Z/Linkin Park Collision Course cuz they are my favorite 2 together =)
justin timberlake for sure.
Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive"
Cindy-MSB/Breathless - I was wondering when you'd weigh in. ;)
COWBOY MOUTH (anything, but, preferably "Are You With Me?")
or Bruce Springsteen
now @5:22 central time... is #84
Mine would be a compiled mix of Keller (Demaray) Makes Music, The Wi-Fi Brothers and We Move Mountains.
Tiesto!! WMC Miami 2008!
Grateful Dead("Without a Net") or Oingo Boingo("Anthology")
BBDish readers and commenter's you rock!! love you all!!
Thanks for reading watching commenting!!!
And Carolyn you are the best!! Am honored to know you...Thanks hon!!
Ummmm....I'd have to agree with whoever said DMB live CD cause those are for sure the best!!!!
I <3 Dave!!!!!!
~Lisa :)
I agree with anon @2:12PM - I would love a CD I could make myself though - that way I could get my favorites on there - a little Kenny Chesney (well maybe a lot) and then some Cake, Dropkick Murphy's, Off Kilter (Irish rock band, Sublime - gee the list could go on - I have a wide range of taste - mostly country (Kenny Chesney mostly) and some alternative to rock and Celtic.
PS: Carolyn thanks for letting me be a small part of your amazing blog!!
kanye west! graduation, or late registration would be my top two picks =) then anything else by him
Counting Crows live
Madonna: The Emmaculate Collection
(I am sure Josh would approve of this selection)
ReporterX - Hush! Thank YOU!
Macarena. 25 minute extended dance mix. On endless loop.
Lauryn Hill: The miseducation of Lauryn Hill would be good too because she talks about backstabbers and how money can change everything.
Good Question!!!
Cliff - Aaaack! Nails on chalkboard.
For me... Maybe some James Taylor Greatest Hits or... Carole King Tapestry... or anything solo Sting... or Santana...
Not really tied to this subject, but an important notice to note. I just read that CBS has ordered 4 episodes of "The Price is Right Million Dollar Spectacular" and will be airing them on Wednesdays at 8 pm starting April 30.
Since this is the slot occupied by BB Evictions, one has to wonder if the series will conclude April 29. The article merely stated "Price" will lead into new episodes of "Criminal Minds." There was no mention otherwise of the BB show moving.
Carolyn, I thought you might want to look into this further.
Joe's angel,
Lauryn Hill: The miseducation of Lauryn Hill
selection. That is one of my all time favorite CD's.
Probably Michael Buble, his voice is soooo soothing :)
I love love love Kate Nash or Leona Lewis! Great call on Carole King Carolyn! I love her too!
I have my ticket for Tangier for April 5 and today a friend called and is giving me a ticket for this weekend. I'm hoping that a certain someone will make a guest appearance. I should just email him and ask!
Michael, two Saturdays in a row, how cool is that?
ahhh your blogging for product placement now, jumped the shark me thinks
Anything by the Replacements.
DURAN DURAN--I'd be the Duranie in the house...they are my ultimate favorite group...and I always think about this when they get their cd's.
Hmm...ooh! The RENT soundtrack (Original Broadway Cast)
OMG that is not a fair question. hahahaha! I would want my whole CD case!! If i had to choose just one CD in my HOH basket it would probably be Evanescence Fallen or maybe a Mariah Carey Greatest Hits or her Numer 1s CD... OH WAIT no.. Leona Lewis- Spirit DEFINITLEY!
Queen's Greatest Hits
Glass Houses By Billy Joel
Harry Chapin's Greatest Stories Live
For Natty ... singing to Matty:
Simple Minds - Don't you, forget about me
For Chelsia ....
Talking Heads - Burning down the House
Death Cab for Cutie!!! Great question!
Definitely Rascal Flatts! I couldn't live without them...
Keith Urban!!!
It would have to be a mix but if not The Shins "Oh Inverted World" to calm or Liz Phair "Exile in Guyville" to kick a**
Tori Amos - Scarlet's Walk for HoH
And I would love it if they played Possum by Phish one day if I were there to remind of my hubby, it's one of his favorite bands. :)
And a couple of lines from Possum I find sort of apropo:
"There ain't no truth in action
'less you believe it anyway"
Beastie Boys, Arctic Monkeys, The Raconteurs, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, The Bravery, Lil Jon & The Eastside Boyz, Rage Against the Machine, Ludacris, The Strokes, Radiohead, LCD Soundsystem, The Faint, TI, We Are Scientists...
And these are just random off-the-top-of-my-head selections. I'D NEVER BE ABLE TO CHOOSE!!
I think I'd be cut from casting because of my inability to pick a CD for my HOH basket.
anything by Nickelback..
Go James kick butt baby
Elliott Smith, self-titled album.
Ingrid Michaelson
girls and her!
Any and all DISCO woo hoo nothing beats the 70's music.
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots ~ The Flaming Lips
Toby Keith Greatest Hits or Anything Toby!
ok this is super hard but i ADORE the 80' im going to name a few even thou you said one..:) tears4fears,petergabriel,plimsouls,modernenglish,prince,genesis..sigh great music bree in co
It would have to be Green Day (any album)
ps....OMG!!!! i completely 4got..current band,and my friends...they are amazing! Blue October...and The Static have to check both these bands out! bree
I would have to have Bob Marley's Legend album for the summer show. Next would be some REM or Smashing Pumpkins... I would need to win many HOHs!!!
Breaking Through by FearMia
Anon @ 5:30-
LOVE Elliot Smith, but would go with XO instead of his self titled! :-)
What a wide variety of music we all like, but we have one special thing in common (aka: the BB addiction!)
Mine would probably be Dixie Chicks!
Followed closely behind by: Tegan & Sara, Tim McGraw, Weezer, Ingrid Michaelson, and Beck....
(PS - Carolyn, James Taylor & Carole King -- Nice choices!)
Dwight Freakin Yoakam
M.I.A.'s "Kala"
panic at the disco
though postal service and death cab for cutie are in a close 2nd
some dashboard confessional, but then i'd be kind of maybe Blink 182, that would pump me up for some Veto competition
This would be my mix cd:
Amy Winehouse: F*ck Me Pumps
The Black Ghosts:Any Way U Choose to Give It(Fake Blood remix)
Does It Offend You, Yeah?:We Are Rockstars
Dragonettes:I Get Around (Midnight Juggernauts Remix)
Robyn:Konichiwa B*tches(Trentmoller Remix)
Giant Drag:Kevin Is Gay
My Bloody Valentine: Soon
High Contrast: Racing Green
Interpol:Mammoth (Erol Alkan Remix)
Justice Vs Simian: We Are Your Friends
Jesse Rose: You're All Over My Head
Klaxons: Gravitys Rainbow (Soulwax Remix)
Whitey: Wrap It Up
Sinden& Count Of Monte Cristal: Beeper
Teenagers: Homecoming
Strokes: Soma
Scissor Sisters: He's My Man(Goose Remix)
Tiga: You're Gonna Want Me
ZZT: Lower State Of Conciousness ( Justice Remix)
Radiohead: Live cover of Nobody Does it Better by Carly Simon
These songs either make me laugh or make me wanna dance & sing...
woohoo, another gusterhhoid! hi ry! i hope some of these fools end up "selling books at the airport!" :-P
Matchbox Twenty, definitely. Or make a mix from my ipod, Blue October, The Killers, Finger Eleven, 30 seconds from mars, or so many!!
ANYTHING Foo Fighters!!
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