Josh Solo Rant
5:03pm BBT
Josh is in the backyard alone, having quite the little rant.
He started off talking about why he's depressed, listed off the pros and cons of being there.
Next came the countdown of how many people he truly has to worry about and evict: 3 - Natalie, Sheila and Adam.
He then moved on to ripping apart everyone.
Best line of the funny part, "Just like a cockroach and Cher, I'll be back."
This is ongoing and leads into a prayer...
Josh: Dear God, please give me the strength to get through these last few weeks...
Bargaining with God...
I'll tithe... Please forgive me and realize this is just a game I'm playing for the greater good. Oooh, today is Easter Sunday. Please help resurrect me. I'm feeling very down. I'm feeling very depressed. I'm not asking for a miracle. I'm just asking to be re-energized. Please help me try to understand where these people come from and not to judge them as I have been. Please give me the strength and courage to make it to the end with James and Sharon. Why should you help someone who is trying to win half a million dollars on a game show? Well, Sharon and I will do good things with this money... I'm not even asking to win.. You can give it to Sharon if you want to. On this Easter Sunday, I know you have come back from the dead out of a rock. I'm not asking for a miracle like that. I'm just asking for some help.. cause right now I don't think I can make it alone. If you see my Aunt or my Grannie up there, tell em I said hi.. I'm just trying to make it through for my family...And with this, Josh breaks down into tears.
Well, I need to focus on things I can do in this house... and I need to moisturize these legs... Off to moisturize. That will make me happy. Moisturize and Carbs. Here I come. God give me strength to enter this house... Give me strength. Here we go...
Josh goes inside. Grabs moisturizer. Comes back out. Thanks God that everyone was sleeping, and takes it as a sign God was paying attention to his prayer.
As of 5:40pm BBT, Josh is still alone in the backyard, and still at it, but his game face has been restored.
Oh man, that Cher quote...Josh is reminding me of Will & Grace's Jack.
This didn't happen at 8:03 BBT... Maybe 5:03 BBT??
I'm in PST, which is BBT, and it's 5:32 PM now...
Josh seems to go from one extreme to another. He is either attacking with a vengence or crying like a baby.
anyone havin trouble w/ feeds? prob just me!!!! DAMN! DAMN! Double DAMN!!
The NCAA is sponsored by Viagra (this is true). I'm assuming BB10 will be sponsored by Prozac.
I think I would lose my mind in that house too! I'd be bored and sick and tired of people I did not really care for all that much. Plus, it's a holiday probably usually spent with family--I'd be missing them too.
So what do you think Carolyn, does the psych account ring true?
I love Josh and would honestly love to meet this man. Of course I would tell him that drugs kill and he should seriously consider quiting, but outside of that... I truly love this man and I'm so grateful he's on BB9 to spice things up!
Joshua's rantings and ravings are so much more fun to watch than the infamous "Dick at Nite" because there's no spitting!
Thank you for the updates C, I'd be lost without you.
Waiting for 60 Minutes to end...
I love Josh and would honestly love to meet this man. Of course I would tell him that drugs kill and he should seriously consider quiting, but outside of that... I truly love this man and I'm so grateful he's on BB9 to spice things up!
Joshua's rantings and ravings are so much more fun to watch than the infamous "Dick at Nite" because there's no spitting!
Thank you for the updates C, I'd be lost without you.
Waiting for 60 Minutes to end...
It's still going on .... pretty funny solo rant.
All these people do is sleep!!!!
No wonder Josh is going crazy...
Yeah, Maybe Josh should quit the "tina".
Okay, how can anyone not love this guy??? he is a crack up, adds some drama when needed, and actually prays to God for the 'strength' to deal with these other people and house...Thank YOU Josh for NOT PRAYING to Win the PoV, HoH, the game, or an opportunity to 'go down on Matty' lol...(sorry i had to throw that one in!)
I am rooting for him even more now than ever!!!
Thank you Carolyn for spending your time keeping us all up to date, and providing us with an equal ground to talk about bb (not each other for liking this person or that one)...And I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday...
I adore Josh.
Josh is Love!
Those were my sentiments exactly
Josh is the strongest player in the house, but his mouth is going to get him into trouble. He doesn't have to intimidate others, he just have to plant the seed in their heads and let them do the battling.
M -
Josh did pray for either himself or Sharon to win because "we're the only ones who would help others with the money." He did specifically ask God for Sharon to win the game.
People do tend to get more religious in stressful situations. Look at athletes that ask God for help in games. I do know that myself (and many fellow soldiers) became more religious during the Gulf War. Praying during this game does seem natural, but it does go over the top at times.
So far, Josh is the only one I've seen that has prayed and mentioned the Christian significance of Easter.
Love Josh :)
Sure Josh may have prayed and mentioned the significance of Easter but then he had to ruin it by saying what he said about Nat's you know what....He is a nasty man regardless.
Oh yes I cracked up when Josh was crying, no sympathy for this man who had none when anyone else was crying.
As someone who went to college in Texas (No, Carolyn, NOT at UT, and we always root against the Longhorns too!) and who currently lives in Dallas, I can tell you that a lot of this Christian signifcance of Easter and types of prayer that Josh says, are probably results of him being raised in the Bible Belt... It's a whole different world down here than in Maryland (where I used to live), Oregan, Ohio, etc...
praying in trying circumstances may be 'normal' but what is up with the out loud prayers?! I am sure production asks them to do that, but honestly if I were in that house -- which ain't EVER gonna happen for a number of reasons, #1 is I'm never gonna apply -- but if I were in the house I would keep my prayers just as they should be: Private. I've never understood why they willingly pray out loud...someone enlighten me, please. Is the 'normal' for most Christians to pray out loud? The only time I pray out loud is in settings where there are a group of us praying together, such as at a meeting at church...but my personal prayers are never out loud.
Sorry to say this for those who dont see the difference between Josh and Nat's prayers...but at least he is gunning for someone OTHER THAN HIMSELF to win... far I have yet to see him pray for 'self gratification and self gain'...only strength, wisdom and perserverance.
Now the show is over in the west coast, I have to say Nat is reminding me of Jim Carey in 'The Number 23' lol...though her guess on 'there are 8 letters in Evel Dick' are right...but I seriously doubt they based the ENTIRE show around ED coming back to pay them a visit in the 8th week with 8 players left...and i will think that until ED says himself, No the production crew contacted me BEFORE they started to decorate the BB house for 'throw together'
Oh ya, and I have only seen Josh blow UP on people after a prayer, not BLOW people after a
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