Evening in the BB9 House
Ok... Clips, Clips, Clips!
First, for those of you who just can't get enough easter egg dying "action":
Next up, Joshuah and James hiding Beer from the other HGs:
Next... Natalie: Save a Tree, Eat a Beaver. Funny Clip.
In this next clip, Josh mentions a youtube video called BJ Girl & acts it out. Meanwhile, James is on the lookout making sure no one notices the extra beer he and Josh hid for Chelsia...
Can someone please for the love of all the BB watchers tell Nat to Eat with her mouth closed!!!!!!!!! Ugh it makes the live feeds unbearable, lol.
lol guess i'm the only one up still. This will be my last post of the night. So mad as Nat and Shedog were talking about Matt and hummergate Shedog was telling Nat that everyone in the house thought something happened and Nat started denying it and then what happened???? The feeds switched to the boys outside!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tried to switch to another, yeah none were on them. Sigh so sad :(
Anywho....goodnight all! Carolyn thanks for a fab update :)
I can't understand why everyone thinks Natalie is such a "nice" girl. She's a pitiful figure, and that's about it. She lies, she judges, she has no problem making her way in life through the exploitation of her body. Did she even mention the significance of Easter today--the most holy day in Christianity?
I didn't watch the show tonight--did they paint a sympathetic picture of "nice" Nat? I haven't been watching the shows except for the HOH comps because of the skewed CBS editing.
Sharon is the only truly nice girl on the show.
Although, I really wish CBS wouldn't cast any more overly religious people for BB. It's such a turnoff listening to crazy pontification and kind of boring watching people sitting around, reading Bibles. I wish they wouldn't even allow HGs to have Bibles in the game.
I'm actually kind of disappointed to know about the nature of the HOH ahead of time. I have a bad feeling about it for the J/J/S group. Something is telling me either Sharon or Natalie are going to do well with those questions. Or maybe Sheila--egads, can you imagine more screen time for the Big She? blech.
LoL! I know the video Josh is talking about. It is so funny! There isn't any nudity in it or anything. It just shows this girl doing exactly what Josh said.
Here's the link to the video if anyone wants to see it:
The egg painting was cute... i thought it was funny watching Ryan painting an egg. Looks weird because he's such a big guy just painting a little tiny egg.=]
for anyone who's curious, the video to which josh is referring is called "*bj* girl" and it's by a sketch comedy group called derrickcomedy.
they are geniuses.
WOW! The Feedback On These Clips (Sound) Is Bad. But Had Some Good Theories On It And Some Good Stuff Thank you Hugs Sue
Chelsia & James are painted as innocent on tv so why not Nat too
lol..never mind..just needed to refresh...
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