They're Showing the Comp on the Feeds
11:14am BBT
They're showing the comp on the live feeds!!
The comp is being done in bathing suits. There's a red team and a blue team.
To check out some MUCH better pics from the comp, please go to bb9dishcaps.
It involves sliding down a slide into a vat of some liquid... then pulling letters out of the liquid and arranging them into words...There are 2 teams - red and blue. Chelsia, Sheila, Josh, Sharon are on the Red team...
I keep hearing them urge Sheila to hurry up...
Matt and Nat are on the Blue team together...
they keep communicating back and forth asking for what the other needs...
James and Adam also appear to be on the Blue team.
So far the 2 teams have successfully spelled out the following words on their blackboards:
Sushi, Meat, Beef, Yogurt, Beer, Turkey, Sauce, Milk, Chicken, Rice and Soda.
It's unknown if these will be the foods for the entire house this week, or if the winning team gets food and the other gets slop.
11:28am BBT Back to Trivia
11:45am BBT Feeds are Back
Everyone's talking about the comp.
Adam: That was a close game!
Sheila: I'm just gonna drink protein shakes.
OK.. Sheila's team lost. From the sound of it, the winning team gets their choice of everything they spelled out. The losers are on slop. The women are covered in chocolate (?) and showering off...
11:48am BBT
Matt, Adam, James
Matt: I can't wait to see Sheila on slop.
Adam: I'm a target now that I'm solo.
Matt: (to James) Operation still in effect? Here's my gut instinct. He's not gonna go for you or me. He's gonna want to have some back up going in to the end.
BB: Houseguests. This is a lockdown. Please go inside and close the sliding glass doors.
***Crew needs to remove the comp set from the backyard.
Here I thought the feeds were dead, guess I was wrong.
what chat room are you in on feeds?
Ok heres the honest objective truth behind who you should be voting for.
Lets go through the candidates:
Jacob - This guy obviously had no concept of the game and was only put in because of his connection to Sharon. I have no desire to see someone who was not even a BB fan get put back in the game.
Jen - Although she seems like a decent game player... her alliance with Ryan is automatic and the house already got rid of the couples. No need to go through with that again. The story is over and done with its Ryan's time to play alone.
Parker - You want drama? Sure Parker is great for it. But the people that he had drama with are all out of the house already... Amanda, Jacob, Alex, Jen... it doesnt make sense to put the crybaby back in again.
Amanda - She seemed to grow on everyone. But I honestly dont think its healthy to put her back in the game mentally and physically. She already messed up the game for 2 people, one being Alex the other being herself. I dont think she deserves a second shot since she dug her own grave to begin with.
Allison - Why would you put someone in the house thats just going to be voted right back out unless she wins HOH? That makes no sense. Use your brains America... the point of this is to give someone a second shot... not get Josh angry. And by the way Josh is probably going home this week.... nice plan getting her back in to piss Josh off when he wont even be there.
That leaves my choice to vote back in. And before I begin let me start by saying im not female... I'm a STRAIGHT MALE... this has zero to do with Alex being cute so leave those "your only voting for Alex because hes hott" quotes for someone else.
Alex - He deserves a second chance the most. Instead of crying about getting a raw deal with Amanda, he stuck with it and tryed to formulate a way to get her under control. Parker did the opposite... Parker cried to everyone how much of a raw deal he got. Alex made due with the cards he was dealt. He openly stated he had a big plan in place coming into the house and had to scrap it all after 5 mins when the twist was revealed. This guy came to play and had to change everything up due to the game and his partner. Since Amanda was so outspoken he had to lay back and just be his fun self. He couldnt go around acting like a super player with her there. Anyone who cant see this is not a true big brother fan.
Lets not fail to mention that Alex came to play and yet he still came off as the most honest, and genuine person in the house. Last night Chelsia and Sheila of all people on separate occasions were both saying that the person they feel bad for the most is Alex. He deserves to be there.
So AMERICA wake up.... learn the facts and make the right choice. Its rare we get a good game player who is a good person as well. If anyone deserves a second shot its Alex. And those are the facts!
Carolyn.. love ya girl great job with the site.
I can't believe they showed this on the feeds! It is a first, right?
yay, i want to see natty and matty drunk together!
Sheila really needs to go home. She's not intelligent or even competitive enough for it.
I think I may be the only one on this board who thinks the way they have handled the game this year sucks. We all know the COUPLES twist sucked! Now that they split into singles, they really screwed up the game AGAIN.
Josh/Sharon were HOH. They nominated a total of SIX PEOPLE. SIX people are voting this week. A total of FIVE people remain in the house from their six. They weren't allowed to play for HOH even though it was made a singles game. COMPLETELY unfair IMO. I mean, one of the evicted people from the evicted couples got to stay. It would have been at LEAST a BIT more fair had BOTH Ryan/Allison left.
DIdnt Julie Chen say that they were bringing America back into the game, my thought is that whoever comes back, is going to be Americas player, and they are going to have to do the tasks we give them, noms, evicts, etc.. That will put a twist on things. I think Sheila should go this week, Ryan will try to not stir the pot.
I agree with anon 11:53
The twist really screwed over Josh/ Sharon.
I wonder if they got to pick their own teams for this comp. Didn't Josh say he hoped he wasn't on the same team as Sheila? Boys against girls? (well, except Josh and Nat). It just seems lopsided to me.
Anonymous 11:53,
I AGREE! Ryan AND Allison should have left and both been a part of the vote to get back into the house. America should have been allowed to vote TWO people back into the house.
Alex got the shaft as much as Ryan, but Ryan got a break and Alex didn't. Parker and Jen both deserved to be voted out, so whatever...
AND if the game is all new, then I think Josh and Sharon should have been allowed to play for HOH. Ryan got a second chance to stay in the game, so why didn't Josh and Sharon get a second chance at HOH since t he game is new?? Sometimes, I don't think things are thought through very well with this show...
Hey, it's me again. Thanks for publishing my comment. But, I wanted to know if you could add a section about Matt... how he is AGAIN making a STUPID mistake by making a BIG alliance, making the house turn against him. Let Matt make that mistake, I hate him! But, really, he isn't playing this game smart at all! Soon, Shiela and Natalie will realize and join Josh/Sharon to get Ryan/Matt/Adam out. James/Chelsia last night kind of said they are playing Ryan, trying to make sure not Josh/Sharon are up... just ONE of them, cause then they can pull the girls.
I'm excited to see if Ryan has Any game .Allison was such a little tornado and Ryan pretty much sat back b/c I don't think he felt he could make her see her ways. Either that or hes just there to have a good time and smoke w/ his boys. I hope soooo much that he makes some smart moves this week. If he plays it right I think Matt and Natalie should go up. Why Natalie?? Well, I think she is clueless with out Matt but I don't think shes a threat. He could say that since they were a team last week and chose "together" ( they were supposed to be working as one) to play both him and Adam with their guaranteed votes they can't be trusted. Matt is a little Wiesel and if Ryan doesn't get him out he could be played again!!!Ohhhh, can't wait to see who he puts up !!!:)
Maybe I'm dense. But I can't see how Matt is at all like Elie Weisel.
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