Veto Comp Spoiler & Follow-Up Clips
2:25pm BBT
The Feeds Are back!!
Natalie and Sheila are crying happy tears...
Ryan Won the PoV
Here's a clip from right after the feeds came back on:
2:29pm BBT- -James Congratulates/Hugs Natalie
Charlie's Angels
Natalie & Adam.. Ryan Joins
I think Ryan won POV.
I heart Ryan!!!!!
If Shiela won, I will go crazy. I was so rooting for her.
Or Natalie could win, then take Sheila off, and since he said he's not putting up Ryan, that means that James has to go up!
I have a question... why so many fat jokes about Ryan? Isn't Adam technically fatter than Ryan?
I think he looks good...
woooohooooo James is going home finally!!!!
That sucks! I really wanted James to win. There isn't much left for me to watch if he goes. :(
Congrats to Ryan on winning. But now...who the hell knows what's gonna happen on Sunday!?! Either James fate was just signed or we can expect another surprise blow this upcoming Sunday!
~ Ryan ~
Hopefully he will either:
A) Leave the noms as they are (yeah right).
B) Take either lady down and then HOPEFULLY Adam puts NAT up....that would be freaking awesome.
YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!! (Sorry about the caps, but . . . )
Say it ain't so!!
yeah.......... back door james... go james go, right out of the house... hahahahaha
Dang.... I don't think i'll be able to watch the rest of the season if they evict James. Hopefully Ryan can think about this and see the advantage to removing one of the girls.
Attaboy Quick!!!!
There's no chance Adam puts up Nat, right? Gotta be James, right?? Buh-bye Jimmy. FINALLY!!! (unless the prouducers intervene once again).
They may be crying happy tears....I am crying sad tears....Poor James!
I hope Adam decides he needs to split from the Jerks O' Christ and go with the minority to become the new majority and get rid of NataLIAR.
Good for Ryan. I hope that Adam remembers who he is, and who everyone dictates to him that he should be.
Dang it!!
I'm a little sick to my stomach over this...
I can't believe this show affects me this way.
The ONLY bright spot I see here is GNAT didn't see her future here and WIN like she was dreaming. We would have NEVER heard the end of that. She would have been selling her dreams on e-bay after her stint on BB. Well, I'm done watching BB. Maybe next season will be better. I can't stand these wackos.
Holy Cow!!!!
Just got out of a hot bath to pass the time.. get out sit down, hit refresh and BAM! There it is!
Way to go Ry bread!
Well that sucks. What do you think is gong to happen now? Do you think Adam is going to put up Natalie?
oooh no.
so much for 4 in a row...which james was getting a little cocky about anyway but i still wanted him to win :(
And Natalie is being such a good sport about her win, PMA, all gloat ... who woulda thunk it.
BOOO!!! Ryan SUCKS!!!
heck yeah.... go james go right out the door... hahahahahaha
yes so happpyyy !!! goodbye jamess !!!!!!:D:D hopefully??
Great News For Team Christ
I`m Very Happy To Here Ryan Won P.O.V.
SEE YA JAMES!!!!!!!!!
Well they will work on poor Adam until his head hurts.
I can FINALLY breathe a sigh of relief! Ahhhhhhh....
i'm so sad. =*(
james has to have something else up his sleeve. he can't give up now.
go james go... right out the door!!!
My worse nightmare !!!! dang it
oh man that really sucks! i was so hoping that James could take it again but, it seems as though he may be backdoored. :(
The "RYAN EXPRESS" is still on course and will not be derailed!
Hopefully the HGs will take advantage of this opportunity to finally get rid of James.
Assuming Ryan uses the veto to take Sheila down, it seems pretty unlikely that James stays off the block (as Natalie would be Adam's only other option).
Victory!!!!!!Ryan is the man!!!
Bye Bye James....don't start boo hooing this time!
Great job Ryan. But I still don't like the way Adam is thinking lately. Don't be surprised if Ryan takes down Sheila and Adam puts up Natty. You never know.
Yea!!!!! Please Adam put up James....although James or Sheila out would be just lovely:)
oh shoot this really sucks...... now for sure James is a gonner. So Sad....
Ah, sucks, I was hoping for James to win POV.
Well looks like James is going out, but at least in a good way.
Unless Adam realizes that next week he will be there #1 target. :p Put up Nat and then Adam is in a good position.
Hmm. Ryan actually did something besides eating, for a change.
Now, will he cut a deal with James and Adam, leaving the nominations the same, or will he use the veto, screwing James?
Oh no, I can't wait to hear how "God helped the GOOD PEOPLE win". Someone choke Natalie before she starts, please!
I think if the noms stick, Sharon will be voted out.
Just don't put up Natalie.
Put up James.
Come on Adam, you know you want to.
nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! please bb gods, let ryan vote sheila out!
Yea!!!!! Ryan won! Glad to see him prevail. Nobody thought he would have a chance at winning POV. Must have been a really messy one. Pinkys going hooome! pinky's going hooome! noni noni boo boo! I hope Baller is smart enough to ship him out. James doesn't look very upset.
Thank God!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Job RYAN!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, good news for Ryan, Natalie and Sheila and probably Sharon. I guess this is not good news for James, but you never know. He still has some spunk left in him!
Sorry just happy it wasn't James!!!!
I think he should put up Nat but there is no way he will....
Good Job Ryan! Now lets see what happens next. From what I have been watching its anybodys guess. These people have my head spinning trying to figure out what they are planning. Or is there plan at all?
I was waving my flag high for Ryan!
Good for Ryan!
I can only hope Adam backdoors Natalie! That would be sweet!
I couldn't be happier!!! Well as long as Natalie isn't the ReNom I'll be so effin mad it's not even funny.
The sensitivity is overwhelming.
I really hope Adam realizes by putting James up and getting him out he is also sealing his own fate. There is no way that Natt or Ryan will pick Adam to go to the Final 2 over eachother. He needs to make a sweet deal with James!!
Adumb and Ryawn are just idiots. They REALLY should have kept Josh last week. now, they are faced: eliminate James, and the girls gang up on you... eliminate Sharon, James is still there... eliminate a girl, James is still there.
What would be BEST for Ryan? I think he is extremely LUCKY he won the POV. VERY LUCKY. He needs to go to James and make a deal... I want Sharon to stay, but it is in Ryan's BEST INTEREST to go to James and say "if you win HOH next week, you nominate Natalie and Shiela." Sadly, that means Sharon is gone. But it is BEST for Ryan, otherwise the girls take him out!
in fact, it might even be better to take Sharon off and take James out, however... Sharon still won't go after Shiela...
After I threw up a little, I thought better of it.
If he uses the POV, there is a good chance Adam will put up Natalie. She is gunning for him, James isn't.
If he doesnt use the POV, one of the ladies is going home, probably, alas, Sharon.
No worries. He'll probably take Sheila down, then hopefully, the DR will pressure Adam to put up Natalie! I'd pay $100 to see that!
Yes, I don't like that Ryan is racist but I'm glad he won. What is going to be great tv is when they get to final four and have to turn on each other.
Know this..... I'm sooooo ready for Sheila to go home....She frikkin gets on my last nerve constantly bringing up her age and being a single Mom. Plus she has done nothing but piggy back of Ryan, Adam & Nat..Even Allison before she left.
boo!! i cant watch anymore if james goes.. i couldnt bare the rest of the house talking about how they are holier then thou and that the good people got the devil out... its so annoying.
James pink mohawk will look great in sequester!!!!
I am so happy Ryan won POV!!! Go Ryan!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous @ 2:29 PM: I heart Ryan too!!!
Any bets on how long it takes James to start "crying" again or Adam hits the "Panic button when everyone drives him crazy?
Only good thing about this is that Sharon stays another week and has the target on her back. After she is gone who will they call the evil-doers good thing about James being gone, I can cancel my Showtime subscription early.
I hope Natalie and Sheila get what they deserve in life upon their exit from BB9.
Wow, this really sucks:( Hopefully Adam will keep his word to James about them being the final two.
I agree with several people I'm upset,crying soooooooooo sad. If James goes no reason to watch. I do
not want anyone left in the house if James goes to win 1st or 2nd place.
So much for the progress Baller made. Back to a boring game.
As a huge fan of James, I have to say that im SO relieved. He deserves much better than to be around these pathetic people for another week. Now these sad people will start to go after each other! That will be great to watch.
now that James is leaving there is no sense watching BB anymore. I'm sick and tired of Shelia and Natalie and Bible talk that suits their own needs. There is not going to be anymore suspense or action. I'm cancelling my feeds and am done with it all.
Thumbs totally down.
nooooooooooooooooo :(
Adam does have any "Kiwis'" but he would never put up Nat unles it's down to last of everything I think Nat and Ryan are going to get final two when they get James out the house if they don't get James out now he's going to final two.
Folks if worse comes to worse they will vote Sharon out.
I will not watch the rest of the season is James goes home. I hate (with much passion) Natalie, Shelia and Ryan. They are horrible people. Liars, two-faced, ego-centrical, cold hearted and DUMB. So what James did some porn at least he is honest and smart. Ehhh this season makes me so frustrated.
James said he'd be going balls to the walls or rather would "blow it out of the water"...I guess he came up short. Nobody likes a gloater James. I guess his demeanor will go back to sour grapes Jimmy if he gets renomed. Hope he doesn't put on the crocodile tears again and sticks to his "If I don't win Veto, Adam can put me up" Be a man of your word for once.
My jaw just dropped when I found out that Ryan won...hopefully he leaves noms the same or Adam puts Nat up as renom..not very likey, but still..
PERFECTION!! Baller won't have the blood on his hands now, Ryan will and he doesn't give a damn hes been after him for weeks and made no secret of it, this doesn't hurt either of those two boys... Here comes the backdoor.... I would be shocked if Baller didn't win this game now, clutch..
Hmmm, POV must have been some kind of eating contest....I jest, I jest. Good for Ryan.
Just thinking about it, now, if Ryan pulls down Sheila and Adam puts up Nat, Sharon would still conceivably go home. Sheila & Ryan Keep Nat, James keeps Sharon.
Unless...Adam, Ryan and James make an all boys F3 deal (doubtful) and James & Ryan vote out Nat. That's some mighty big wishful thinking, right there, on my part. But, hey, I can dream.
Maybe Ryan will keep it the same.
Adam is just as sweet as Nat on the inside I can't for the love of understand why BB didn't put them as partners. I hope they make or Shelia some how I like her because everyone hates her.
Times up James....see you on the bike trail!
Hopefully Ryan will be too scraed that Nat might go up as renom or Nat will push for him to not use it cause she might be going up..then he won't use veto and James can be safe.
I so wish this is true..
Way to go Ry bread!!!! Quit picking on the guy for eatting. 1) its very boring in there not much to do 2) He's a good guy devoted andmissing. his Jen and food represents comfort. He works out harder than any of the other guests. Go RY Go RY GO RY. Time to send the pink haired brat packin!
Baller might think he is being smart and send James packing, but Ryan and Natalie are not going to let Adam get far. He has shown he has a big heart and either one of them cannot win next to him. They will get him out as soon as they can. His smartest move would be to keep James and at least try for #1 or 2
i feel like a few of the previous posters here...if james goes there's not much left to watch. just inane babble and prayer from a bunch of hypocrites.
i'll have to go back to doing thesis research. possible more fun than watching the remaining HGs rip each other apart in the name of the lord.
OK... Ryan, save Sheila and believe Adam will put up James... then
backdoor Natalie (I understand she likes that... or was it Sheila?)
Nataliar can be gone.
That would show Adam that he knew he would never be taken to F2 with Nat... (she has Ryan's back).
Sad day, hopefully James can convince Adam to not put him up and to put Nat up. I can't stand her anymore. Her voice is so annoying and I thought God loved everyone not just the ones she wants to win the game. I wish she would keep her mouth shut!!!!
Well James is going home, it was a good ride while it lasted.
Soooo - yeah - if I were Adam the moment Ryan used the POV to save Shiela I would put Ryan's arse on the block...or Nat's.
Both act like they control the game no matter what happens because "God pulls for 'good people' on reality tv shows". *yawn*
I screamed out with joy, and scaried my employees to death almost. LOL
Well I think Adam has soemthng up his sleeve and I also think that Ryan will take Sheila out at most or even leave it as is. Any one forgot the talk yesterday where Nat and Ryan talked about Sheila going out?
I can honestly say if James is out, I am no longer watching (this is the first season that I have followed this show and it will be my last). Any way if James is out this week, expect Adam to be on the block next week.
Alright Sharon James and Adam, time to pull Sheila over and tell her ALL the crap Natalie has said about her and the fact that she could give less than 2 craps about the all girl alliance. Maybe they can sway Sheila to vote out Natalie and Adam can put up Natalie! Oh and bring up the fact that Natalie and Ryan were ready and willing to throw yours and Adam's ass under the bus if Josh stayed. Just an idea... Praying for James and Sharon to make it through this week!
~ Ryan ~
noo way.. i wanted james to win this pov.. if james goes home BB will be boring as hell..
now adam should put up natalie, and they should double evict then sheila and nat.. swweet dreams..
WTG Ryan!!!! Next best thing to Natalie. Time for James to go in week 9. Adam better not back stab his team again. He better remember who had his back Natalie & Ryan did.
If Adam was using his head, he would NOT put up James, but would shock everyone by putting Natalie up. It has to start sometime. and with James and Sharon, Adam has an excellent chance of making it to Final 2 or 3, because with Natalie the Nutsy wannabe cheerleader gone, TC is down to Sheila and Ryan. Big Brother, DO something! It is time for another shift.
Question: If you win POV and choose to use it- are you still safe from the block?
Anonymous @ 2:30 PM
Have you seen the HOH pics of Ryan?
Made me look at him in a whole new light! He looks pretty dang good.
With James headed out the door this week, does anyone want to bet that the Chick Alliance begins to fully flower after the veto meeting?
Adam or Ryan will be right behind James to exit the BB house.
Wake up, boys!!!
i think i'll just quit watching the feeds if james goes and start watching the show to see when they show the sequester house
Wow too bad Ryan finally had to win something. I just have a hard time subscribing to this bunch being the "good people" They have been so vindictive and hateful about the others - as bad as Josh ever was in some instances. All in the name of St. Matty......
James is 10 times the player any of those guys is - real shame if he goes.
Adam would never put up Nat... knowing that she could not be voted out (unless replacing Sharon). Why put a target on his back? Maybe he can get Ryan to keep it the same... if not, James is gone. Unfortunately.
I don't care about Team Christ... and unless Adam plays on his own... I don't want him to win either.
Ryan may have won POV, but it is Adam who chooses the replacement if Ryan chooses to use it. Remember, he is close to Sharon, at least he is suppose to be. He should be saving her, if he keeps his word. They all should be thinking game, and who they could actually win against in the end. Time for Nat to go and this is a great time to do it.
Nobody but nobody can yank Shiela's chain like I need to know your sexual preferences so I know you better as a person. He may be a pig but I fell of the couch laughing. And its not the first time.Keep us on our toes Adam. It looks like James has gone back to pouting in bed. Poor little boy he didn't win (after winning 3 in a row). Everybody picks on me, the world isn't fair, grow up!
Can't wait to see what the comp was too bad there weren't any leaks today, Tuesdays a long time off.
Oh, well. (The tears in my eyes are from Oprah and her doggie show today, not BB PoV.)
I really hoped that James would win. I still am not sure who I want to win BB, but I wanted James to have another chance.
I know he's had plenty, but with him gone, I'm afraid that Nat or Sheila might win.
They both really bother me with their holier than thou attitudes. I've never liked people who classify others as good or evil. I didn't like it last season, I don't like it this season, I don't like it in real life.
Someone posted earlier about Nat last night asking what "monumental" meant, and I had a flashback of Amber, another "good" person. Didn't like her either.
I guess James can go...there will still be three others that might win, any of which would make me happy.
I'm gonna go soak in a hot tub now, the excitement for the day is done.
Carolyn, thanks for all that you do. I hope you have a nice, cushy chair from which to work. LOL I now know where I got thrown off today. The Sweetie called me earlier, making date plans for tonight, and I told him it was Thursday...
squishy squishy!!
If Adam puts up Nat, that will make his alliance with Sharon and James the stronger one. What is Ryan going to do with Sheila as his only alli? Adam will be targeted if he leaves the Jesus ensable in tact. Seems like an easy renom.
lindsay - i agree and i laughed... and i can't. ;)
With James out the door
so is my interest.
lol..its ok carolyn..i totally understood..and i feel much better anyway..tee hee...
CONGRATS on the hits!!! you rock this site!!!!
FIRST MATT.......Then Chelisa....Josh....and now Hopefully......JAMES....that would be awesome......YOU GO RYAN!!!!
UGH UGH UGH NOOO - I hope Adam puts up Natalie soooo bad!
hopefully ryan sticks to the original alliance and adam w/ry,adam,and nat
Don't speak too quickly. I heard Natalie tell Adam late last nigh in the spa room that Matt told her to hook up with Adam to get to final two should he (Matt) be voted out of the house. I think Adam will use that to his advantage. We'll see...
Uuuuuuggghhh. This blows!!!! Maybe James can still sway Adam to put up someone else.
Yeah... it's a strech...
I guess AGP really want James out now... since they made a POV that was benefitting Ryan?
If your thinking is good for the goose, it's good for the gander.
Oh Dear....please tell me James isn't going to pout and lay in bed for the next few days. My god. Has he forgotten how to play the game?? He should be embarrassed at what a baby he has turned into.
Praying that Ryan keeps the noms the same and we can FINALLY see Shelia go home!!!
It's about time she stops riding off of other people!
She hasn't won anything- she doesn't deserve to be in that house- especially this far along in the game!!!
How do we start the petition to CBS to give a viewer's choice prize like they did after all-stars? Better yet, since this was the season of soul mates and 'til death do you part, maybe they could give a prize for that. James and Chelsia are the only ones who made a true love connection so they would have to win.
Dang, this sucks. Why is Sheila even still here? She truly is riding the coat tails of those around her...
OMGOSH!!!! If I hear "Matty will be so happy" or "Matty will finally get what he deserves" come out of Natalie's mouth one more time I will explode!! Is anybody else as sick of hearing her talk about him as I am??? GET OVER HIM!!!!!!!!! She seriously has some issues and needs some sense knocked into her head!!! ****SIGH**** OK, I think I can calm down a little bit! =o)
I think James is out this time... it's about time !!!!
Come on Adam!! Put Natalie up! I mean, why wouldn't he? She is probably the only one he can't beat in the end!
This is my first time watching a whole season of BB. Now I know why. Thanks Nat, the worse kind of "christian" there is, and Shelia, the parasite, Ryan, the control freak. You people who hate James, why? He has really played this game hard. He didn't let someone use him as a puppet. For that you have to give him credit, not berate him. Adam is a good person but he can at times be very weak. Funny yes, but weak. He earned major brownie points yesterday but what he does this weekend will decide for me if he deserves to keep those points. Finally Sharon. The only bad thing that is being said about Sharon is that voice she uses when talking to the fur-ends. To be honest, I can't waste the next three weeks watching and listening to "Team Christ" and Shelia. Imagine what this world would be like if that is how Jesus behaved. Sorry CBS, I think I will stick to Fox.
Ba-Bye James. Don't let the door hit ya in the azzz
OMG Those of you who are crying you will cancel your feeds if James goes home are behaving worse than James did complaining nobody wasbeing fair to him. IT IS A GAME! Someone is going to win and someone loses.James won 3 in a row. Besides he"ll get to see Chelsia again, torment Matty, and hang with Josh so its notr all bad. Besides supposedly the money didn't matter that much to him. Those who play the best win and he got outplayed simple as that. You know you wpould be gloating if it was J/J/C/Sharon still in and the others had been sent packing. He's hgaving his own little pity party now, he's young after this he can continue his journey and finish growing up.
So since last night when they kept saying Boom Done all I can say is
JAMES is going home BOOM DUNNN!!!
Gosh. I used to think Ryan was humble and I was actually rooting for him when Big Brother 9 started this season. Now he has changed and I don't really like how he is now. And he is so cocky with an attitude. Besides, if he would have left the house before, he wouldn't have left empty handed.
I now root for James or Sharon. I like Adam too. I'm just not rooting for him to win.
Lastly, as for Natalie and Sheila, I don't care for them much.
I think James can pull some strings and work some magic on Adam before Sunday. Tell him something about his chances being better with Natalie or Ryan gone. Hopefully, he's lying in bed scheming!
Brandy got a question for you....
And how do we know exactly that Ryan is really truly a Racist? Could Jen not have been lying when she said that? She was in a pickle when she started spreading that story. Hmmm...... Everyone Lies in this game. You have to to stay alive.
Congrats to Ryan. I hope he does what he thinks is best for HIM. Let all the others do their own dirty work. It's time. That being said.... NATTY needs to SCATTY! :)
No man is an island---Wrong, James is and he does it to himself.Hiding in bed again.
I think all this Anonymous saying they'll quit watching when James is gone are the same ppl in my opinion. James is just as delusional as Nat. He does and says all kind of mean things to ppl then don't want them done to him. He's not a person of God and will do anything and I do mean anything for money he is the anti-christ imo. Screw the girl allicance and get Sharon out next week followed by Ryan and let Shelia, Adam, and Nat fight it out. Nat or Adam will win this game because they're very good ppl.
Ryan ummm wake up call for you. Adam loves Sheila and Natalie and he wants James out he was just scared James would win the pov if he put him up. Perfect plan . perfect game. But I will let you dream it if ya like ;)
That was a good question someone asked. If Ryan uses the veto to take Sheila off, then is it possible for Adam to put up Ryan? I doubt he would, and actually what good would it do if Ryan takes sheila off and Adam puts up Natalie. She still would have 2-1 vote to stay? Right? Ryan and Sheila against James?
Big Brother "has been doing something"- you all forget this is a TV show... Reality or not.. things aren't always as they appear. I have to have confidence in Adam...I hope he puts James up. It's unfortunate and I can't really explain why I want James to go but I do. I don't know... I think BB really screwed the HG's with this whole "couples" thing- I hope they never do that again!!
James is not on the block yet peeps. Have to wait and see what happens! He still has some hope left!
see ya to all the people who won't watch now.
there are some of us that will now order the live feeds now that jimmie will be leaving!
well done ryan.
i am only one person with one post that said i would stop watching teh feeds if james goes. It is my OWN opinion and I am entitled to it.
Yay- Ryan and Nat are both safe(even if Ryan takes Sheila off the block and Adam puts up Nat instead of James, she'll have the votes to stay in). AWESOME!!!!!!!
I dont think a few people from a blog will get CBS upset if they stop watching. Quit talking about it,us bloggers dont want to hear it anymore. JUST DO IT.
to anon 3:13 I don't thin Ryan is really that cocky. He's being a typical guy and trying to act cool around Adam. Theyt're like two roosters, strutting. Many times you see the softer, gentler, side with the girls, he's even polite enough to let Nat and Sheila run on and not interrupt them when they're yapping. He was kind to Josh too. Of course when he's hanging with Adam they're both gross and obnoxious.Most guys are. THERE! Ryan just came in James bedroom and invited him to come out and play chess and asked him how he was feeling. RYAn does have a good heart.GO RYAN
to Anon @ 3:12pm
I will tell you why I dislike James. I dislike James because he yelled at someone twice his age + some and though I'm 23 my parents taught me to never ever do that no matter the situation. James isn't nice and bad-mouths too any then pretends to be the victim of isolation by the others. As someone else stated he creates that Island himself when he is in bed scheming away but pretending to be asleep. I also believe he doesn't deserve the money because like he has said that he used to make like $10k+ a month and he's supposedly owned shops and an internet business that was successful but now is shut down or something to that effect.
I'm so glad 4 in a row was a no go since BB favors him only god knows why. I wouldn't be surprised if BB had the siren go off after he's evicted.
I know alot of people do not like James, but he has been "playing the game". Sheila has "dunn" nothing in this game, but remind us that she is "45 years old"; big deal. Lady, You signed up for this show, so deal with it! Ryan just started really "playing the game". I would like James to win, but if not Adam or Nat. I am glad that Nat has Jesus in her life, but her prayers are not ones that other 'believers' appreciate. When James does leave, who will be there for us to watch? The views like drama. It will be so boring...the "nice HG" will be left. Oh well, only time will tell who it will be to receive the $$$$.
it would be freaking hilarious if Ryan took down Sheila and Adam ended up putting up Ryan!! I would sooooooooooo love Adam for something slick like that!!
Ryan is 100% Safe From being Nominated. 100%. The Golden Power of Veto protects him.
Ryan may use the Veto to take down whomever he chooses, and then Both of them will be 100% safe.
Adam will not make the rest of the HG mad at him by not putting up James.
He puts up James and they all vote him out everyone will be happy. Adam can just say that was his plan.
To backdoor james. No target on his back.
I am really glad Ryan won. I liked him from the start. Go buckeyes.
i think the person who "picked" this crew should be sent home!
very glad james might be leaving.
I am soooo sad! I really wanted James to win. Not only do I like him, but also just to spite everyone else for using Jesus to try to win a game! And being so that the christian thing to do??? NOT!
Well, because Im such a sucker, Im sure Ill still watch, but damn its gonna be boring just listening to Sheila & Natalie the rest of the show. =(
Great ending. Adam gave James respect and James has been able to see things in a better way. He's been pissed off and angry for weeks and now that has faded and he is cool.
I really think Sharon's talk to him late at night about everything happens for a reason and you have to look at things in a positive way and enjoy the moment.
What I think is instead of pissing and moaning or gloating that Team Christ sucks or they rule, that James is leaving and ok with it.
Then again. It's on Friday :)
Sheila just said she is still mad at Adam... what about last night when she said she was not mad at him at all? Come on Sheila lovers...i need you to tell how honest she is again! LOL
So, it looks like James is going up. But.. you never know!
Vee, as far as James having a "bad mouth", I think you would be hard pressed finding someone in the house with a "bad" mouth. Even genle Sharon drops the "F" bomb pretty regularly. And as far as James going off on someone twice his age...well respect should be earned and frankly the way Shelia acted at the beginning of this game in re: to Adam not being "her type" well, she showed she did not have respect for others in her bad disrespectful talk toward him. She kept thinking she deserved someone that was more of a hunk! If Sheila expects to be treated like 45 she should act like it.
What is up with all the bible and good people talk these last two seasons. It is rather disgusting and self righteous. Hopefully James can find a way to stay.
Hope James gets put up
YES!!! Perfect!!!
This is also a great opportunity to see where Adam stands..Ryan takes down Shiela; Adam will have to renominate..if for some reason he doesn't nominate doesnt matter, cause Nat & Ryan will control the votes.
Side bet anyone? James will be a maniac...and how many times will we hear the next 2 days--
James: "but Ryan, I kept you here; I saved you; I kick out Matt" OR "I can't believe I was backdoored"
Karma--the only real man won it-and the honor of sending crybaby home.
This point, Ryan deserves the 500K period.
Why hate on any of the HG's? I'm sure they are all much different in real life. When BB is all said and dunnn.....they will all have fun at the rap party together.
J. in OR.
james better not go home!!
if adam is smart, he should put natalie up. either shelia or natalie HAVE to go.
bisket!: I thought of you as soon as I saw that Ryan won! Choo-choo!!!
tracey: I agree. Ryan looks good. ;)
It doesn't matter if Adam puts up Natalie..Ryan & Sheila control the votes..more importantly, its makes it easier on them who to go after they get rid of Sharon. Adam will be the target..which he did to himself. or lucky Sharon...and Adam is out next.
I feel the worst for Matty. Not only did he get back doored by James now he has to be in the sequester house with Chelsea, Joshuah, and James. Forget losing $500k that's the real tragedy.
I guess people like to hate on James because he is honest with his feelings. "Team Christ" and I hate to even type that, are the biggest phonies I have ever seen. They cant even trust each other. whatever you want to think, the show will suck if its just them left.
bb9viewer - it attacked other commenters...
Hey! Just had an idea. Wouldn't it be fun if CBS had a rap writing contest giving tribute to BB? Any bloggers have a verse to share....if Carolyn doesn't mind monitoring?
I hope this means Goodbye James. I've had about enough of him
How many times does Carolyn have to tell you guys that when you win the Golden Power Of Veto, you can't go up no matter what. geeez all these rookies lol
Whoops, posted with my son's name! lol
This like when your parents tell you NO, but you people are still hoping baller puts of Natalie. No chance so please stop it . No means No. lol
I congratulate Ryan on his win but worry now about what Adam will do. I agree with some of the others that the POV should be used and Nat put up on the block. Why?
Because this Team Christ thing is a sham! I don't think I've ever seen such hateful, deceitful people with no character or integrity.
They lie whenever they need to. They are such miserable negative creatures.
It would be a blessing to see Sheila go first. That poor creature! She hasn't won a thing, she is riding the shirt tails of everyone and then bores all of them to tears with the single mother spiel, and how much she deserves the money and NO ONE ELSE DOES. How DARE she decide someone else doesn't need the money or even judge how they will use it. IT'S NONE OF HER BUSINESS! Oh, I forgot! It's Sheila! Everyone's business is HER business.
Poor ole (deleted) Nat! Preaching about GOD and then lying up in the bed with Matty doing her deed and then being dishonest with everyone saying it never happened.
Sheeeeshh! Where's the christian like behavior here? She lies to EVERYONE! Don't they see?
I hope Adam opens his eyes. They will be after him toot-sweet!
James hasn't always been a favorite of mine but watching the development of Team Christ makes me believe James IS the better opponent and I hope he can pull this off.
New people who don't know are fine... It's the ones cursing me out (and not getting published) that have me wanting to take a break...
Why is everyone hating on James? It's true, he did save Ryan... unfortunately, that was overlooked because he backdoored Matt. In my personal opinion, Matt dug his own grave the same way some of you are saying James did. He blatantly lied to everyone's faces and didn't expect it to be shoved back in his face? Like the other HGs don't talk to each other when they have nothing else to do. Besides that, he was so rude to Natalie, and I can't grasp why she's still so attached to him.
For everyone that is rooting for Ryan, Natalie, Adam and Sheila... that team has to break apart at some point, and it will start soon. Who are they going to hate on once Sharon and James are gone? Natalie is so hypocritical, it's infuriating.
If James is out, I'd rather see Adam and Sheila as final 2 over Natalie and Ryan. I was rooting for Ryan in the beginning, too. If Ryan hadn't backdoored James, James wouldn't have come back with a vengeance. Same with Natalie - she stupidly voted him back in the house.
So how did James bring this on himself?
I had typed out a pretty long response when my DSL crapped out on me. But like I said I would never ever disrespect someone twice my (especially on TV) even though Sheila may have not respected and/or earned his respect. I also said he bad-mouths everyone not that he had a bad mouth because I'm sure we all know that most 20 somethings and even older people cuss. Everyone bad-mouths in the game but he seems to think that he can do so about others but the others can do it about him.
I like that he has played the game but I do not like most of his actions.
Yeah I do feel bad for Matty. Now that I think about it. But I bet he is proud of his team. I hope this is double eviction week. That would be cool. Bye bye James and then Sheila.
Bklyn - thanks :) I needed that.
Carolyn does a wonderful job with this site. Please don't take your frustrations out on her. If you think you can do a better job on your own, then as someone said earlier JUST DO IT! See if you can reach 4 million as she has. As always Carolyn, YOU ROCK!!!
I'm very very very happy there is now a chance of James walking out the door. After originally being evicted he stated how "stupid" everyone was for voting him back in after just voting him out. Now that they are getting "smart" and trying to get him out, he thinks it's unfair and wants to align with someone and keeps giving his "word" which so clearly he kept when getting rid of matt. The only thing I was glad he did was vote chelsea out too, even though it wouldn't have mattered, he could have kicked her a pity vote. Instead he knew his game was screwed then and even turned on her....hmmmm hope he goes
Carolyn....any person who has the time to curse you out for letting us all have fun is taking it all way too seriously! Come on y'all....have's just a game!
J. in OR.
It's ironic, actually... there were 2 comments back to back, supporting opposing sides/players, but both had to be rejected for different reasons - one attacked other commenters - the other called one of the women a slut... now both are accusing me of only publishing comments supporting one side (not theirs), and cursing up a blue streak...
I hope James goes to seclusion. Then I hope we get live feeds from there watching Chelsia, Josh, and James torture that tool Matty. LOL
If James goes, watch ratings plummet. No one cares one bit about any of the others left.
Hey Carolyn is there a way you can block anonymous posters?
I think it's quite unfair how people are treating you *hug*
I appreciate all your hard work. Let me get some funds and your tip jar will have a little something.
Thanks again
Has anyone figured out how James is going to bike around the world? through that pesky ocean stuff i mean. Perhaps his bike also floats on water....
I dont care abou CBS ratings. I just want to watch the show.
Some of these comments made me laugh. Even if Ryan takes Shelia off and then Adam puts up Natalie [which I highly doubt!] I don't see Ryan and Shelia voting out Natalie over Sharon!!
Yay sooo happy! Team Christ FTW!!!
Well, there is always Summer!
In the BB house lived Adam and Ryan,
Who made us laugh so hard we were cryin,
Sheila could bend Sharons ear,
While Natty could cheer,
A tough competitor James never gave up tryin.
Woo Hooo no more pink mohawks!
I don't think if James goes the girls will team up against the guys. Sharon obviously likes to talk a bunch of trash on them and Natalie and Shelia know they can't trust Sharon. She is a mole!
Goooo team christ!
I am sorry that people are cursing you out. I remember last season when I would go on the CBS boards and the posts on there at times would infuriate me, some of the things people would say about the HG and each other, things that were so far fetched. However I like it here where you can speak your opinion without rumors about the houseguest and nastiness.
@ Carolyn
Ignore the haters.
And thanks!
hell Yeah!! Finally James is D-O-N-E!! GONE! Bye Bye James!!
Stop watching because James or any other HG is gone? I think not. My BB addiction is greater than any mere mortal.
Hmm... I still dislike Ryan his attitude towards minorities that Jen revealed. So I can't be happy that he won. It's just not possible.
Sharon does nothing.
Sheila does nothing yet thinks she runs the house.
Natalie is this year's token Bible thumper who doesn't practice what she preaches.
Adam's a bit of a goon but still somewhat lovable.
James in a genuine nice guy who has gone through so much and had so much taken away from him. He might not have faith in the traditional sense but he's been a genuine dude from day one.
So why again are we happy that Ryan won and James might be going home?
Hell Yeah!! Finally! James is D-O-N-E! Bye Bye James!!
Hey Vee, sorry I misunderstood your previous post. I did take bad mouth for cussing, not bad mouthing like talking about. So I stand corrected. James did come off as somewhat aggressive I thought especially toward a female and I have to say the one thing that amazes me on these reality shows is it is just fine to talk about someone behind their back until you hear you are the one being talked about. James did it and Natalie and Sheila are notorius for that. They gossip, gossip gossip bad mouth bad mouth bad mouth and then are Shocked when someone talks about them. P.S. Your parents did a good job.
Carol, you should post quirkydudes video of Nat talking to James after the PoV. It's total class and and a great example of how James feels...
I'm bummed.
I had hope after Adam spun the game around with his noms, but now--not so much. It's not even that I'm a huge James fan, I'd just like to watch BB without all the Team Christ stuff. It's unbearable. Extremist, ill-informed views of Christianity is what I want to watch on BB.
If it's not God talk, then it's Adam and Ryan's "highly evolved" discussions of sex and women. Sorry--but anything Joshuah ever said to a woman on BB is TAME compared to what the men say to each other and the way they refer to women.
We can always spend the next few weeks watching Sharon alternate between biting her cheek and her blanket...
I hope CBS is kicking themselves.
"James i[s]a genuine nice guy"? I think some might disagree with that characterization.
SeVen - Thanks very much! :) I was looking for that! posted
It would be a dream if Adam puts up Natalie instead of James, but it won't happen because think about it. If he does, who is voting? James, Ryan and Shelia. There is no way to convince Ryan and Sheila to vote out Natalie. No they can't win againts her in the end and they should vote her out, but they are too scared of James not to take him out now. I guess I will have to now hope that Sharon can will HOH and put up nat this comming weeks fast forward.
On the subject of character assassination, what's up with the references to Ryan supposedly being a racist? Because his girlfriend said so when she was trying to throw him under the bus? Come on people.
Team Christ? Ha! Team Christ... such a joke. What is very Christian about them?
Natalie is the least Christian person in that house. She judges everyone. If you're in her alliance you're a "good person." But if you're not in her alliance you're one of the "evil doers." Isn't that convenient? I wish I was able to pass judgment on everyone as I see fit.
At least Adam has shown a sign of being a "good person." James is a crybaby? Is Adam a crybaby too? How about Sheila? I've seen Natalie cry too. Even Ryan. Why is it so impossible for James to have finally reached his breaking point? He was evicted. He had everyone who meant anything taken away from him as a direct result of him winning veto to save himself. He's had the entire house against him for a MONTH now. I ask you... who wouldn't break at that point? I know I would. Most people would. So he shows some tears and suddenly he's a crybaby? Please. So not fair.
If James goes this week I'm cheering for Adam even though James' exit would be a result of Adam's nominations. Why? Because Adam played the game and despite Natalie, Ryan and Sheila all saying that they're also part of "Team Christ" Adam is the ONLY one of that group that has ever let his actions justify his words.
"Know what I'm sayin'?"
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