Nomination Spoiler & Follow-Up
Tons of Clips
FEEDS are BACK @ 6:05pm BBT
Sheila & Sharon
are Nominated
The feeds just came back...
Blue Room
Sheila: I do not understand why he would do this... why he would even risk this.
Adam: You mad at me, bro?
Ryan: Well, if he wins PoV...
Adam: If he don't win PoV, he's goin' up...
James: You obviously don't think highly of me...
Adam: He aint gonna use it. That insures your safety, her safety... Sharon and Sheila migh tbe in a little jeopardy, but you're good...
Ryan extends his rash of sh*t on James...
James: Then why'd you shake my hand yesterday, if you didn't think highly of anything...
Meanwhile in the blue room...
Natalie: Don't worry, I'm winning the PoV
Ryan comes into the blue room.
Sheila: If I knew that, I would have been up in HoH sucking his ass.
Ryan: We've had his back the whole f'in time, and he takes James' word that he's not gonna use it? He knows James is gonna use it on Sharon, and he's gonna have to put up one of us, then James and Sharon have the votes to send one of us out.
Sheila: Wow. It's a mind blower. i can't even believe it's happened...
Natalie goes in...
Natalie: You're gonna be safe. If he wins PoV, me or Ryan is going home.
Adam: Why should it fall all on me?
James: Right. If I leave this week, it's all on me... and I feel a little better about the way I go up, if I do.. that's what it comes down to...
Adam: It's a game.. not like f you, f me.. I think this was best..
James: Thank you. You've got my word.
Adam: That's what I'm sayin..
Sheila: I so don't get it.
Ryan: Adam's made 3 enemies.
Adam: Sheila'd be pissed at me either way... This way, it's all on PoV.
Ryan: Horsesh*t. He just threw us under the f'in bus.
Sheila: I never woulda done this to him.
Ryan: If he thinks we're gonna be cool after this...
Natalie: (whispers too low)
This is ongoing... Spark up the feeds, folks. It's gonna be a heck of a week!
Thanks to Adam, we can again Expect the Unexpected. ;)
Clip from Immediately After the Feeds Came Back
6:05pm BBT
Ryan's Anger Builds
6:08pm BBT
Adam & James in Kitchen
8:24pm BBT
James & Sharon Outside
8:36pm BBT
6:44pm BBT
James & Ryan Outside
6:46pm BBT
Adam & Sheila
Sheila: I know you just wanna backdoor him
The feeds are going absolutely bonkers... Here's that 2 week trial link again...

Before the feeds came back...
Still Trivia @ 6:03pm BBT
Sheila & Sharon
are Nominated
The feeds just came back...
Blue Room
Sheila: I do not understand why he would do this... why he would even risk this.
Adam: You mad at me, bro?
Ryan: Well, if he wins PoV...
Adam: If he don't win PoV, he's goin' up...
James: You obviously don't think highly of me...
Adam: He aint gonna use it. That insures your safety, her safety... Sharon and Sheila migh tbe in a little jeopardy, but you're good...
Ryan extends his rash of sh*t on James...
James: Then why'd you shake my hand yesterday, if you didn't think highly of anything...
Meanwhile in the blue room...
Natalie: Don't worry, I'm winning the PoV
Ryan comes into the blue room.
Sheila: If I knew that, I would have been up in HoH sucking his ass.
Ryan: We've had his back the whole f'in time, and he takes James' word that he's not gonna use it? He knows James is gonna use it on Sharon, and he's gonna have to put up one of us, then James and Sharon have the votes to send one of us out.
Sheila: Wow. It's a mind blower. i can't even believe it's happened...
Natalie goes in...
Natalie: You're gonna be safe. If he wins PoV, me or Ryan is going home.
Adam: Why should it fall all on me?
James: Right. If I leave this week, it's all on me... and I feel a little better about the way I go up, if I do.. that's what it comes down to...
Adam: It's a game.. not like f you, f me.. I think this was best..
James: Thank you. You've got my word.
Adam: That's what I'm sayin..
Sheila: I so don't get it.
Ryan: Adam's made 3 enemies.
Adam: Sheila'd be pissed at me either way... This way, it's all on PoV.
Ryan: Horsesh*t. He just threw us under the f'in bus.
Sheila: I never woulda done this to him.
Ryan: If he thinks we're gonna be cool after this...
Natalie: (whispers too low)
This is ongoing... Spark up the feeds, folks. It's gonna be a heck of a week!
Thanks to Adam, we can again Expect the Unexpected. ;)
6:05pm BBT
6:08pm BBT
8:24pm BBT
8:36pm BBT
James & Ryan Outside
Adam & Sheila
Sheila: I know you just wanna backdoor him
The feeds are going absolutely bonkers... Here's that 2 week trial link again...
Before the feeds came back...
Still Trivia @ 6:03pm BBT
Well, they didn't say nomination lockdown, but it's time...
4:55pm BBT
BB: Houseguests. This is a lockdown. Please go outside and close the sliding glass doors.
Nat comes out, then heads back in to grab a sweater...
James: Yo Ryan, if he doesn't put me up, it's a chance for me to gain trust with you guys...
Ryan: I understand.. I hear ya. It's also a chance fr me to go up and go home. I'm just lookin out for myself...
BB: Sharon...
Trivia at 5pm BBT
This is gonna be good!
Let's see if Adam is finally going to start playing his own game instead of Nat and Sheila's.
I'm shutting everything else off except the feeds and I'm going to watch boring trivia till they come back.
This I don't want to miss.
ok so i hope you dont delete another one of my posts cause it goes against your my one earlier...that was 100 percent clean....
but...Ive never been one that says..BB is rigging this for James...yes they had the Mystery Box thing that could have been slanted...didnt think that at the time...
Yes they could have made the drinking and croquet for him....still i didnt think it was rigged...
and to top it off...yes the numbers HoH just HAPPENED to be when Natalie (the queen of the numbers game) was not allowed to play, but James was....ok maybe..
but honestly this time it just proves it...add the last ive said together...minus the croquet caue i really do not think that was rigged for him, but the fact that thye let ED use veto was if it happened...but it didnt.......but add them all up and now
James Cries to adam and BOOM NAT TO DR......get her away...the second a deal is made...TRIVIA...then 2 minutes later Adam is in DR...before Nat or Ryan could talk to him.....
then....LOCKDOWN for Noms..before they could talk to just honestly proves that AGP is in this for James....its really bad....
atleast last year they got their way through Americans Player, which even if it was wasnt SO BLATANT as this year....
ok i never htought it was rigged...i had my doubts...but now it takes the cake...i know Adam is about as dumb as Marcellas now in BB gameplay, but as ED said...the DR does WAYYY to much to affect this game...
its a game about people trying win it themselves...not the producers trying to win it their way...
and i really hope you let this post go becasue it a personal attack, racise, misgynistic, or homphobic...or does it call any poster or HG names...nor does it honestly bash AGP or just points out a blatant flaw...
thank you
I know this is a super noob question but if say, Adam doesn't put James up and James does win POV and pull Sharon off...can Adam renom James? Or is he safe b/c he won the POV?
jspartan - you might want to retract that.
retract what??? but thank you for posting it....if you refer to when i said my last post 100 percent clean it was....
i just said on the blog...they mercifully send Nat to DR...when it was not merciful it was blatantly obvious...
but i dunno what im trying to retract other than that???
it is televison you know. you don't think everything on tv, even reality tv is 100% real. even if they chose games or situations tailor made for someone, everyone still has a fair chance to win. natalie knows numbers? so what, james admitted he sucks at them yet he won, simply by playing smart.
Hurrrrry up Nom Ceremony, I wanna see some action!
Carolyn, i like your new addition to the posting rules about James' porn past =] It's whats done in the house that matters.
I will say it again hoping I don't sound like Sheila, in which case I would have to gag myself...
Carolyn: Thank you for keeping a FAIR site for all to voice their varying opinions. :)
As per the discussion of the producers "rigging" the game: Without the producers there wouldn't be a game. It is their show. The houseguests are playing in it :)
jspa - the rude part where you accuse me of deleting...
Hi! I know this is a "beginners" question but if Adam doesn't put James up and then James wins POV and does use it on Sharon....can Adam renom James? Or is he safe b/c he won the POV?
James didnt win Adumb did.
if James gets through this week he's as good as gold. He'll take the whole game.
Everyone take a deep breath...calm..calm..there we go..
Carolyn is working her tail off right now..give her a few minutes to read ALL the comments and then she will publish...please don't assume she is ignoring you or deleting you because you have not seen your post right away...
Much love and respect Carolyn..HUGS!
i dont believe the game is rigged at all!! the game is up to the houseguests to play..the DR just wants their interview RIGHT after something happens is my opinion..i dont have live feeds..but i live on this site for my updates lol..(i secretely love you carolyn!!) lol..
but my belief is that james is smart..and knows how to play the game..and has put all he has into it the last lil while..hence the HOH..VETO wins..nothins rigged so stop being paranoid..or a james hater..and just admit that james is a kickass player!!!!
haha you pulled a fast one on was not there...i waited for 20 minutes and about 20 either you just put it back up...or you waited an hour to....
cute ;)
i really like being called a liar.
bye jspa.
hey girl!
I was just wondering if you were going to keep the blog going after the game is over (updates, interviews, HG's myspace pages, etc.)
Its just so great I dont know what I would do! haha Thanks girl!! :)
any person using a pov on themselves or someone else is immune from going on the blok
pardon me while i go back to watching survivor... during this well timed nomination ceremony.
I'M DONE!!!!
AGP-I watched BB since the very beginning-the 1st episode; been a fan up until now. I'm literally disgusted; I've never blogged in my life; my 1st time was here.
The worse cast ever; THEN you blantantly rigged BB9 for James; are you kidding; is this a joke; do you think were morons (or Natalie)? (e.g. Nat called to DR when with Adam & James; Adam & James cried; lockdown; Adam called to DR-(all priors; the list gone on and on).
Is it because you have the bosses' wife host your can do anything? I thought this was a realty show..not a drama.
In addition, the fact that someone is lucky enough to have a 1/16th chance of winning $50K is not enough; you want to throw the $$ for your favorite?
Carolyn: You are awesome; great job; I hope you you'll get a new better opportunity; you deserve it!! there is no need to devote your talents to such a fraud.
Am I the only one wondering whether this "Carolyn" person is either an octopus, or a room full of people? Talk about multitasking - You Go Girl! Thanks for your tireless dedication to our seemingly insatiable appetite for up-to-the-minute BB9 info and blather! Somebody give this lady (octopus/roomfull) a prize. Or at least buy her a drink
Thanks again for all you do! And if one of us does step a little out of line, then I hope you delete that single post. Whether it be from a drive by anonymous, or a "named" regular that has a quick emotional spat. In fact, I've deserved to have a few of mine rejected.
Your blog is the best site about BB for all fans! Thanks!!!
I am sooo curious to see what happens with this Nom ceremony! You can't deny that it was exceptional timing with calling Natalie to the DR... BUT, I'm sure I wasn't the only one secretly a smidgen happy about not having hearing her put in her 2 cents every other second! I'm sorry, she seemed very Sheila-like up there in HOH--butting into the conversation, etc...I think they're really starting to rub off on each other! And I'll be proud of Adam if he does move to work with James. I think James deserves to have some kind of an ally, and it's a good move on Adam's part. James will be indebted to him, knowing he's the only one who has his back, so do you REALLY think he'll turn on Adam after this?? Besides, it's like someone said on one of the other posts of the day: Natalie's made final 2 deals separately with Sheila and Ryan. I dk if Adam knows this, but to us viewers, it's pretty obvious the people who say they have his back, won't have it much longer...
And just a lil side note here...For those who may be new to this blog or are just commenting for the first time, we may state our differing opinions of the HG's, but we don't get snippy with each other--especially not Carolyn. She's amazing! Don't hate, appreciate! ;D
Sending you love guuurl! Carolyn just a note of thanks for all you do to make this really the best part of BB, I know many will say shebot and gnat, but for me you rock!
I would have bailed on BB a long time ago save for all the good work that you do, and many of the regular posters, whether i agree or disagree with their viewpoints, their insight and comdeic relief is greatly appreciated. Shout out to all of you for keeping a smile on my face!
Hey Carolyn who cares about survior right now..not me I am taping it while this is happening in BB, I don't want to miss this!!LOL
I cant believe that dude fell for Ozzies fake idol so funny.
Carolyn it seems you print only what you like. you tell people you wont print James past yet you let people bash Sheila about penthouse, when you know damn well her son Mick is reading your blog!!! How pathetic of you!!
No excuse. So please dont respond to this you make me sick.
love ya Carolyn, you're the bestest.
Note to readers. Carolyn owns this blog. She's the big boss of BB9Dish. It's not a public service, none of your tax dollars are at work. We don't pay her (except for some kind folks that donate). If you don't lik-ie don't read-ie. She has the objectivity and patience of a saint. But I don't.
This is my first time posting but I've been reading for a long time. I just have to tell you what an exceptional job you do. This is my favorite Big Brother site. You really handle yourself and the negative posters with true class.
Keep up the good work!
By the way- I love James. I am thrilled about the possibility on him and Adam in the final 2. I hope Adam is true to his word.
wow...Nat to the Dr room...come on..give me a break bb. Adam is going to make a big mistake. I would rater make one person mad than 4..
LMFAO..Nope anon..I promise she is not an octopus she's an amazing woman..She can however out multi task everyone of us..She amazes the sh*t out me..
a round of drinks to all!!!
Dearest Carolyn, Just wanted to say you run a very classy and awesome site, Your work is appreciated much, Thank you and Great Job!
so many james sad..that no one can believe he can actually play the game..MUCH better since chelsia left i might add..
so if he ends up winning anyway...the hating will just unfair i think..
ima james fan..have been since the beginning..he is when he wants to show that side of wrap him all into ONE word..he is JAMES...and yes..he's crazy..but thats what makes him...HIM love him or hate him..and im all about the lovin!!!!
p.s..carolyn..that was hilarious..
i really like being called a liar.
bye jspa.
I just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work you do for us!!!!!
Carolyn, you KNOW I got your back!
PEOPLE this IS her blog, no one elses, if she doesnt want too print your comment, oh well, go somewhere else, there are plenty of other BB blogs out there for you to congregate and make your opinions known. I KNOW how hard this woman works to make EVERYONE happy, no MATTER what her opinion of ANY HG is.
With that said, Carolyn, you know I am here if you need me and how to get ahold of me, luv ya girl!
Anonmyous twit at 550
If you read the posts you will notice people posts about shebots past and 90% is either complimentary or its no big deal. The bashing James took as a scum bag etc doesnt come close to comparing. The bashing shebot gets is all about current affairs.
To bad your missing a really good blog.
Carolyn, YOU do an awesome job! It's your best year yet!
I do tend to believe that BB is slanting things this year in favor of certain people. Last year, the houseguests inferred it, and this year on the live feeds and ShowToo the houseguests talk about the Diary Room trying to influence them as well. Then they are told to quit talking about their diary sessions because they don't want the public to know.
I do think the numbers HOH was a little suspicious this week.
Just my humble opinion.....
Anon 5:50
The difference between James and Shiela is that James didnt make a big deal out of it, while Shiela states everyday how she is 'famous'. And perhaps people were just more specific about the James thing, and only making jokes about Shiela, you can't blame Carolyn for not wanting to read, in-depth, about james life.
Carolyn, your awesome. I guess you can't make everyone happy but I've loved every minute since I found this site.
I have to say. I don't agree with some people who have posted here but I have absolute respect for their opinion. There is no excuse for being rude to the woman who makes this all possible.
"anonymous" @ 5:50! Carolyn posted your comment even though I bet she did't like it... Way to prove yourself wrong.
damn it.. i cant believe Adam is falling for James fake crying and crap,how could he even think of trusting him?? James keeps going on about how hes never done anything wrong 2 Adam.. butt than again Adams all willing to put Sharon up.. and shes never done anything 2 him either.. soooo...????
Oh, I also want to say, that even though I do think BB is slanting things and James is NOT my favorite, I think he's smart and has the abiity to win the game. I also think he's desperate and will say anything at this point but he does need an ally. It's going to be far easier to win with someone than to keep working against the house.
I think James will play this POV as if he HAS to...he knows he might still be backdoored. I look for James to win the POV.
I just wanted to say you are the best. I dont know how you can keep up with everything going on in the house.
I love the fact that Adam is going to do the right thing( we all hope) by not putting up Jameas.
Big hugs all round... :) Thanks guys... You rock! :*
I don't understand why people think everything is rigged for James. Because they were called to the DR and not given a chance to talk afterward? Any other HG and no one would be crying foul. Nat/Sheila/Ryan had already been all over Adam. Nothing NEW could have been said. Never know he could be just playing James and not putting him up right now and wait till after POV and back door him. Not being put up now would make James relax and not play POV as hard. (I hope he does win POV again)
OH none of my posts showed up yesterday. No biggie to me. Could have been anything. I see Carolyn working her tail end off and I see her posting all sides.
anon at 5:50pm. If you don't like the way Carolyn runs her blog, don't read it. There are plenty of other BB Blogs you can choose.
There's enough animosity in the BB house. No need for it on the blog.
Carolyn - I respectfully request that you delete the comment from anon 5:50. I am deeply offended by it and feel it has no place on this exceptional blog.
I don't know about you guys but I'm watching the Office marathon, lol. Best show ever,next to BB of course, lol.
Carolyn- it shows what an amazing person you are to post the hater comments. It shows right there that you are not biased on this blog.
Oh and haters: keep hating, but you have A LOT of us to deal with :)
Carolyn I just wanted to say thank you. I love this site! You are doing an awesome job!
MAJOR Props Carolyn!
Don't worry we have your back...this is YOUR BLOG and you can post what you would like. You do MORE than a great job at keeping this site up, and I am very greatful (as i know MANY are as well). =o)
(GO JAMES...all the way!)
No reason for anyone to be bent out of shape if James leaves. While the Bible Thumpers are boring and annoying as an alliance, it'll be fun to watch them turn on each other. Especially Sheila, who is bound to become even more of a nut. Can't wait!
oh goodness worst decesion ever! i hope nat wins pov and brings down sheila
Sheila and Sharon? He better Backdoor James or I am done with him...
Ugh... I hate when I change opinions of the houseguests. I was soooo rooting for Ryan, but these past two weeks have made me very tired of him and natalie. Adam is right. If they want James gone, they should start winning something, and not demanding him do their dirty work. I can see why Nat and Ryan want James gone, but he has done nothing to Adam. Trying to force this on him has probably shot them both in the foot.
I have been wanting James out since he got Matt. Now, I'm really wanting him to go at least to the final three. It's always interesting when the house flips :)
BTW I have watched BB since S5. Didn't find this sight until last year. So glad I did. All this great entertainment for free. Great job head lady. And I don't care what anyone else thinks. You make the BB experience EVEN BETTER!!!
Might as well call Adam "Marcellas" instead of "Baller" from now on. What a DUMB move on his part.
And I was a BIG Baller fan until this one.
Carolyn, I could care less what ignorant people say, you really do a great job with this site. I enjoy it like many others here and I think you are the best.... sending hugs!!!!!
Thanks Charlie for answering my question...and GOOO JAMES!
Carolyn once again you rock women! Keep up the excellent work!
****friendly reminder about the TIP JAR****
:o) Thank you for all you do girl!
Carolyn, girl..You rock. I don't know how you do it. Don't let a few haters get ya down...not that I think you don't seem the type.
But yeah, I agree with biskit...this is CAROLYNS BLOG. no one elses. And if she doesn't want (or HELLO, have TIME) to post your comment, so be it. It's just a blog, not the end of the world. I'm just sayin'.
week after week i have watched and i too believe that things are starting to get a little fishy. this is not the big brother of seasons past. i do believe the dr is doing way too much in the way of influence. i've heard the houseguests say it and yea, they are told to shut up. agp is ruining big brother for me. adam will be making a big mistake in trusting james. james will no doubt go back on his word. he of course will find a way to justify it, but do it he will.
wendy (not anonymous)
I rarely post on this but I do read daily and I've got to say, I'm kind of offended that you are posting that Carolyn doesn't post comments she doesn't like...its her blog, she doesn't have to allow every comment. And if you think she is only posting comments she likes or that agree with her then why are you still reading this blog? I'm not trying to be rude, just curious, because it seems like people are trying to attack her...if you don't like it, find another blog to read.
also, I think James as been bashed about the porn just as much as Shelia with being in penthouse AND she has offered that up to the houseguests and shares that info, James chose not to
This my first season watching BB. Once I became hooked I searched a lot of sites where I could find updates and insights. Once I found yours, I stopped searching. I love your style, I love your policies, and I absolutely love your blog.
AND I would be perfectly happy seeing certain posts above permanently evaporate...
Hugs to a fellow multitasker!! Are you by any chance a Gemini??
Let's hope they get rid of Sheila... that's what I'm hoping for. But as we know, expect the unexpected... things will change.
Carolyn, thanks for the GREAT blog! If it weren't for you I would probably have to quit my job and sit here and watch the live feeds all day... Thanks to you I can still have a life, sorta :)
I'm a lurker and haven't commented, but wanted to say that there are many, many of us that appreciate all you do. Know this...I've got your back. ;-)
hi Carolyn. I'm knew to your blog and BB this season but have been finding it SUPER helpful thanks. i'm wondering how you actually get this done logistically? It would be cool to know.
Also in regards to other ppls comments tonight: in all honesty I think that all viewers should voice their opinions since that's what get this the conversation going. If we didn't want a conversation than why would we be posting? (hmmmm)
I think James and Adam need to call final 2. Safe idea for Adam since he'd have jury votes and James needs to be in there for his game play if nothing else. You probably shouldn't make top 3, 4, or even 5 without winning a comp....
Everyone FTPOVW! It just makes me laugh knowing all these people are walking around promising to win POV, except for Sharon and Sheila, who just continuously exist and hope to be pulled along.
And this my dears is the defining moment in the game. So shall the outcome of the game be decided on this night.
I know you are not doing this blog because of all the money you are not making... it is because you are passionate about BB. I get really pissed off on your behalf re. all the accusations thrown your way. I don't know how you do it... because when I get my heart rate pumping too high for this stupid game... I take some time off. You can't... or you would have more people bash you silly.
You go girl! You are omphalos! I can't wait to have a Marguerita with you! :-)))
Finally, it's foolish to think this gameshow (it is actually considered to be one since there is money at stake) is rigged... I guess people do not know history and what can happen to the producers if proven so. It's been done before... no longer.
It's so funny, no matter what, it's James' fault. Sure, he offered Adam a deal...but Adam could have said "uh, how about 'no'?"
Ryan, if you want to be mad, be mad at Adam.
Uhh..This house, this know the deal...
And Carolyn, you truly rock the casbah, thank you. And it's a true blogger who will publish disparaging comments made about themselves that show they are truly objective. You have got me as a fan of your site, I hope you continue for future seasons.
omg i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mad, honestly why wouldn't Adam nominate James, that was a really stupid move.
Just when I thought this week was going to be a snoozer. Yay Adam for having some freakin balls. The Christ squad or whatever they're called are freaking out!!!! Saying Adam has no spine, ummm didn't he just prove he does b/c he went against them???? LOVE IT!!!!!
lol so much for watching the office, lol I'm hooked on the feeds now
Why do so many people HATE James? I dont get it. He's smart and he's playing a great game. He's doing what he needs to do and wins we needed. Adam really had no reason to go after him. He went after him because he was everyone elses target. That is just the way to screw up your game. If Ryan wanted him out he should have won HOH. Simple.
James is going to screw Adam over in the end. If James/Adam make it to final two then James will have Sharon / Chelsia / Josh voting for him and now that he screwed Nat / Ryan / Sheila, there is no way they will vote for Adam in the end. Game over Adam!
I don't feel like the game is rigged. The HOH has the ultimate decision as to who they want to put on the block. I don't think that one or two conversations with an HG will change their decision (despite any attempts that BB makes)
I love it!
I'm not a fan of James, but it's good to see Natalie and Ryan sweating. I really hope Sharon or James wins the POV and Sharon comes down off the block. Then they could finally send home the annoyingly confident Ryan or Natalie!
Apparently, Chelsia's words to Adam (something like "get a backbone") were taken to heart. Adam knows if he doesn't piss of James and James stays, the target will be off his back for another week.
Go Sharon or James in POV!
At the very least, this next few days won't be boring.
I've watched BB from the start. I hate to believe that it is rigged. But it is. Tha't sucks! I feel like I'm wasting my time. But I'm addicted. Call me Nat. Oh well, I just hope someone besides 2 faced James wins POV and kicks him out the house for good. Then let's see what BB does.
I think this was Adams way of not looking like the bad guy. If he doesn't put up James he looks good to james but if james doesn't win POV then he is going to be put up to save Adams other buddies. In a way it's a win win for Adam. I think this makes Adam look like a sensitive guy to James just incase James wins POV. I love James and am so happy he was not nominated but I really don't like the backdoor idea because if he doesn't win POV you know he is going home. I will be soooooooo sad.....
Go James...
P.S. Carolyn you really rock and I cannot believe you are able to multitask the way you do. I appreciate all your dedication because if it weren't for you I would be lost.....
Go James,,,,
Ok, posted too soon, Ryan's got his head on straight. Well, relatively...
Hurray! My thinking cap worked!
I hope Sheila goes to the jury house this week. Am I alone in my hopes?
Back to my thinking cap with a new mantra... 'Vote out Sheila, Vote out Sheila, Vote out Sheila'
I love Adam. Thank you for stirring it up and making the feeds watchable again Baller. Go James and Adam! I cannot stand Team Christ, take them down! I'm not sure if this was a good move or not for Adam but it sure is great for entertainment.
Maybe rigged is a strong word. I do believe they make some the comps more apt to fit certain houseguest than others.
They try to create doubt in paranoia in the DR because this is TV....they want drama which equals ratings.
I can't stand James but I just think he played Adam remarkably. It is what is going to keep him in the week at a time....that was sorta how Dick did week at a time.
anon @ 6:22, you are crazy if you think that Natalie, Ryan, or Sheila will vote for James if he and Adam are the final 2. very strong move by Adam.
And of course, the less than competent Ryan says, he has made 3 enemies, um dude, you might want to start trying to join that alliance before your whole alliance gets thrown under the bus. I love Sheila's, I would have been up there kissing his ass if I knew he was going to do this. Well maybe he did it because you were cocky and stupid enough to think you didn't have a chance of being put up on the block. Some BB HGs are just beyond words.
love the no james porn bashing rule, absoloutely love it!!
I hope this is a start for james and adam, and also another week for james. james has been playin his heart out for 3 weeks now, and its finally (hopefully) starting to pay off. loves it =)
and what is ryan flippin out about?? hes not on the block!! and adam will NOT put him up, so what is he crying about??
There is no more DR interference with this season than any other you not remember all the talk the hg's were doing last year about their dr sessions? Of course they're going to try and keep in the people that America is rooting for! That's good tv. It's ratings and I appreciate it cuz I love James! It's happened almost every season and it's really no big me anyway. I love Big Brother and will watch it til it doesn't come on anymore!!
Oh yeah and Carolyn you rock!!!!
tella - I don't know if it was last year or the year before, but at some point there was a bunch of discussion about whether or not this is a "game show." I think the conclusion was that's it's NOT, but I can't remember why. I'm pretty sure (though not 100%) that because it is not considered a game show (that no reality shows are) that the rules for game shows don't apply. In other words, the producers can influence the results. I'll look around and see if I can find some info.
The laws against rigging game shows (see "Quiz Show") are very specific. Basically, the producers can't give contestants answers to questions. This type of "game show" is the new frontier. It would be essentially impossible to prove that subtle manipulation, like calling a HG to DR at a particular time, is illegal. The law doesn't clearly prohibit this type of conduct, so it's fair "game" (get it?). But it doesn't make for compelling viewing.
Dumb move by Adam.
James has two guaranteed votes in the Jury (Joshua & Chelsea), and he will Have Sharon's vote if and when Sharon gets booted. James needs to go for that reason alone.
Sheila cannot win a competition if her life depended on it. People hate Sheila. Adam needs to think of this. How could Adam nominate Sheila?
Why isn't anyone reminding Adam of the above?
hmm...i wonder what Adam is really gonna do.maybe he didn't put james up because he thought James wouldn't have as much drive to win POV if he felt safe and then adam could backdoor him..i rwally hope James wins POV just in case
Carolyn, april fools was 2 days ago!
please tell me you are kidding.......
I so love all the time you spend on this Carolyn. I even love the people you have here posting with such passion and thought.
I personally don't think it's "rigged" for James, though the producers may try to "push" it in one direction or another. There is no way they can predict most things in these odd games they come up with.
I also love Survivor and found myself wondering how cool it would be if there were live feeds for that show too and how differently we may see it if there were. Knowing the editing that gets done on the regular shows on BB, makes me wonder about the editing on Survivor.
Correct me if I am wrong but Ryan and Sheila have not won a damn thing...nothing! They have been riding the coattails of everyone else in this game and now they are mad at Adam for making his own choices as HOH? Where do they get off? Adam just made it exciting again! I hope Adam or James wins POV and either leave it the same or takes Sharon off. That would be FRIKKIN AWESOME! (Sorry Carolyn, I'm doing all I can to not yell at the computer right now. Please forgive). I'm so glad that Adam is making his own choices instead of listening to Nat and Shiela! He and James can rock this house!!
i have no idea y i dont like james, something about him dont know what it is, i mean hes playing a good game but winning comps doesnt mean u win daniele won like 5 or 6 POVS and 2 hoh and she still didnt win, so the jury mostly always vote personally, so how is he such a threat, i would want to be next to him in the final 2.
you know, if they saved the "numbers" competition for a time when Nat could play - some might say they saved it for her. I'm thinking BB is just doing the best they can to entertain us. And Carolyn - you truly do rock.
I honestly think James is an amazing player in this game. I have never seen anyone play so hard to be in this game and do it successfully. I believe Adam will keep his word...and if he does James will have this game in the bag. Go James!!!
Hey Carolyn,
I just skipped through many blogs to say that YOU ROCK!!
The idiot that thought you show favoritism to the "named" bloggers is just that "an IDIOT".
I have only been reading your blog this season and just started responding last week. You are extremely fair on what you print. Maybe he/she should read the rules on "Not Getting Published"!!
Now, "Let the BABIES (or non evil-doer's) cry!
Yea for Adam for making it back into a GAME, because that's what it is a GAME.
Play the game instead of TALKING,TALKING and more TALKING (Sheila) or praying to "GOD" Natalie, or just plain FLOATING Ryan and Sharon.
Believe it or not I don't think you not speaking to Adam will be a problem because SILENCE IS GOLDEN.
Ummm...jspartansc....I think you are imagining things and taking them personally when they are not directed at you.
Thank you.
Im trying to figure out Adam's objective in all this. Who is he really targeting? James? maybe... Natalie, I would hope so. He nominated 2 weaker players who cant retaliate against him. Whoever wins POV and whicjever of the 2 players comes down, she is replaced with a stronger player sure to be evicted be it james or natalie. I wonder who his true target is?
If Adam wins POV, do they stay nominated? If so who goes? Sharon I guess, but then its kind of a wasted week. Does he pull down shebot? I know shebot really grates people but for me shes great entertainment, I could do without gnat now, totally over her.
Thanks again carolyn.
I am glad that Adam nominated Shelia and Sharon - this is showoing that he actually DOES have a spine and did not let others tell him WHO to nominate - YEA!
For once Natalie is not getting her way - I was getting tired of CONSTANTLY hearing about MATTY this and MATTY that - GET A CLUE - HE WAS USING YOU!
One last thought, I though that in the bible it tells you to "forgive" - is that part taken out of all the bibles in the house?
Ryan won HOH.
I think he needs to calm down and join Adam and James quick!
Starstone - thanks :) corrected it.
if anyone believes BB is rigged right now for james....turn about is fairplay. I was upset when I thought B did the same for the Donato's.
WOW! It is about time Adam puts up Sheila! Kudos to him!! Please let her be voted out. Hopefully James wins the PoV and can save Sharon then someone else has to be put up.
If this game is rigged, like I am starting to think it is. Then it may be a good idea for Adam to go with James. At least maybe Adam could win the 2nd place ($50.000) That is of course if that is what BB has planned.
I feel so stupid that I fell for this actually being a game and not a show with BB pulling the strings. Shame on me.
well said jane!
i don't post often but i'm on the site constantly. put a lot of time and effort into this site and i really appreciate it.
that being said......i do believe that bb is leading the hgs around by the nose. they don't want james to follow josh out the door.
i personally hope adam bds him.
thanks again carolyn. don't let anyone get you down!
I dont know if this was said cuz i didnt read all the comments but all i can say is Sheila should have never changed her mattress with the cursed one..hahahaha
so i was just listening to that clip of natalie, sheila and ryan, and it dawned on me.
as natalie is saying, i am going to win the POV, i automatically thought, wouldn't it be crazy if natalie won the POV, removed Sheila from the block, and Adam put Ryan up on the block. Now that would be some truly amazing stuff. But then you gotta get Sheila to turn on Ryan. personally, if i were natalie, i would not want to win the POV this week, because that puts you in an awkward position (the above stated one). let james, sheila, ryan and sharon battle for their own lives. i mean make sheila and ryan stand up and do something for themselves.
Ok Sheila, Ryan, and Nat need to look at the bigger picture. If we break this down this could be an extremely smart move for Adam.
When James is on the block and he knows his life depends on it he wins every time.
James is now not on the block, Adam is being "bro's" with him again and James is surely relaxing if even just the slightest bit.
Ryan, Nat, and Sheila are in a tizzy and determined to win this POV more than ever now. Adam has literally lit a fire under the a**'s of Ryan, Nat, and Sheila.
Let's face it people, whether you like James or dislike James, if I were in that game I would want James gone for the simple fact that he is an amazing competitor and call me selfish but if I were playing for $500K I would want to take out the people that I didn't think I could win against in competitions in order to get to the final two.
Soooooo....I think Adam may have just made the smartest play strategically because now he has James relaxed and Nat, Ryan, and Sheila fired up to win the POV and back door James.
Just trying to think outside the box a bit. Not saying I dislike any of the BB HG's or that I love any of them either. Just think that maybe this may have been a monumentally strategic move for Adam.
Bad move for Adam. He is not thinking of the consequences that comes with what he just did. He just made 3 new enemies. Yes, by not nominating James and taking him to the final 2, he thought initially that he would automatically win the 500k hands down over James. However, by turning his back on his original alliance (who had him 100%), what makes him think they will vote for him to win after this? They will hold a grudge for the longest time, especially if Adam is the reason for their departure. If James wins POV, Natalie or Ryan will leave. Bad game play Adam. He may make it to final 2, but he may not even have the votes to win the 500k.
oh my lord who is smacking????? Is it Ryan???? My gosh I had to turn my feeds down, lol
What was TC saying for the last 3 weeks...oh, that's right-"He's just mad because he didn't get his own way." waa.waa-boo frickety hoo. Anyone see 3 monumental temper tantrums coming on.
Jane and anon 6.32
I know this discussion about rigged and being a game show or not has come up many times before... and there may be different POV (not power of veto)... however, this show is pretty much as real as they can come... BUT the producers do have to follow a certain story board as far as time line of comps etc. They would be sued silly if not and if anybody thinks that some "whistle blower" who may not agree with who is popular or not would not speak out... I know a bridge for sale somwhere. Sure, when a HG is called to the DR may be more sdubjective... But I guess that's why so many other popular HGs like Alex and co. are still in the game. Huh?
So there is no conspiracy there. Sorry.
What is Adam doing?
Letting James win PoV, and take off Sharon, so he can put up Natalie and him and Sharon can send Natalie home, since Natalie put the both of them up last week.
I just hope that he doesn't win this week...
Is the PoV tomorrow?
I am completely dumbfounded by what just happened. Did they secretly give Adam some crack to smoke up in HOH right befor the noms???
James is the most untrustworthy person left in that house and for Adam to trust his "word" was so unbelievably stupid. I really used to like Adam but with that dumb move he has just worn out his welcome. James will 100% use the POV and take back control of the house. What an ass how could he f--k over the two people who have had his back from day one.
I just came from yoga and now this whole situation is getting me wound up again.
I just subscribed to feeds last night and I love it!!! Right now there are 2 convos going on that I want to hear but can't figure out which one I think is more important!!!
What about Natalie??? She is soooo quadruple faced. First it was Mattie(btw gag, and get a clue Nat),then it was the Bible crew, then it was the Girls Club, then her and Ryan, then she makes James believe she wants to work with him, etc etc etc, and enough of her cleavage already!!!
who cares if carolyn slants HER blog (even though i don't think she does) this site is awesome, i hope you keep it up!!!
btw, my favorite comment of yours was a couple of days ago where you were describing a sheila/natalie conversation, "lather rinse repeat" cracked me up because it's soooo true!!
Dear Carolyn,
I am dismayed to see that there is someone (one or two I suspect) leaving multiple posts that are rude to you and put down all the hard work you do. I find it ironic as you not only give an accurate, uncensored and fair view of all things in the house but you allow us fans to ask questions and leave comments here. With meanies out there spamming you (for lack of better word) it could get to a point where you don't want to allow comments any more and that would be truly disappointing. You are so good to us. Infact, I am going over to PayPal right night to leave a little tip in the tip jar for you to spend however you see fit...a fantastic cuban coffee on a beautiful Spring morning, or perhaps something a little stronger when you actually break away from the BB madness for awhile. Either way, love ya and don't know how you do what you do (I certainly couldn't listen to the feeds all day) but T'm sure glad you do!!!!
No haters allowed!!
I don't usually post alot here but some people have nothing better to do than bash others and I'm kinda sick of it. I have to say, I'm glad Carolyn does this for us that don't want to pay for the live feeds!
I've been reading here since last season and I love it.
Like anything else, if you don't like it then why are you here? Wouldn't you spend your time doing something you enjoy instead of bashing someone who is working her butt off to provide us with such a wonderful site!
Love your work Carolyn!!
Keep it up =)
Perhaps grew a spine and is indeed playing his own game. I do believe he had a moment of clarity. He needs to worry about himself and not ryan or natalie or sheila or sharon. Hope James doesn't make him regret it either...James better win POV too.
Everybody is all pissed cuz he put a wrench in their plans, ha ha ha!!!
How can the "good people" be so pissed off that James is walking around confident when that's what they do all the time???
Ok, now that I've watched the clips I want to add to my last comment:
1. Adam finally did show he had a backbone by not going with what the majority wants, kudos to him!
2. Ryan has no reason to be angry, he is not going up so he should have no issue.
3. Kudos to James for having the balls to go up to Ryan while Ryan was having a semi-melt down. James is back to being my favorite.
4. Sheila says she will never forgive Adam for putting him on the block?? Does Sheila have a memory lapse for the way she treated Adam after she found out she was his "Soul Mate"? She is lucky she wasn't put on the block the last time he was HoH. Really, Sheila should have known this was coming.
Ok, that's my 2 cents for the night :)
Haven't you heard Team Christ already declared that if one of their members is up against one of the evil ones... they will give the vote in the end to TC. So... since the Jury is made up of 7 people... and unless it's Sharon and James in the F2... the TC finalist will win... according to what they have all already decided.
Tell me then... who would not bring James or Sharon in to the F2... to make the big $? It would be stupid not to. Seriously.
i don't think james will screw adam over b/c he needs to have at least 1 person on his side to help him stay. he would be stupid to mess that up when he finally got adam to go against the nerd herd. i am so sick of sheila and her complaining and crying all the time. she needs to get over it...her time to go has been coming for a long time and i hope james wins the veto and convinces adam to let him use it on natalie as a "pawn" and either of them could go and i would be happy. i'm so glad adam finally did what he wanted and not what his group wanted. the way he did his eviction vote for josh, you could hear in his voice he didn't want to do it, he felt he had to. now, he stood up for himself and i'm glad.
Let me clarify, I don't think the game is rigged. It's not. The producers do various kinds of manipulation to make the most entertaining show. They have to. The only way not to is to randomly pick people off the street and let them sit there for three months with no comps or anything. Every aspect of this production will help some and hurt others. And they are obligated (if they want the show to stay on the air) to keep it interesting.
The house guests have discussed this on air, both last year and this. I think Ryan said it this season, that some events "favor" certain houseguests. The discussion wasn't cut out. It's not exactly a secret.
I don't think it's a scandal, personally I just find it interesting how they move the production along to make the best show.
Can someone explain something to me? They are complaining that Ryan or Nat will go up if James wins POV and takes off Sharon. If he WERE to do that, wouldn't Adam fill the spot with James anyway? Or is the POV winner exempt from being chosen? In other words, why would James use it?
Jamie @ 6:34
Ryan has won HOH AND would have successfully evicted James if the rest of the house hadn't messed it up for him!
Thanks so much Carolyn for this wonderful blog! I don't know what I would do without it.
WooooooHoooooo! Adam ROCKS!! The Man has balls and put up Shebot!!! Now this will be interesting.
I sooo want her out of the house!!
*keeping my fingers crossed*
The PoV Winner is Exempt from Nomination. Here's a full explanation
I think Shedog just had the nerve to say James has floated through the game!!!!! Are you frikkin kidding me????? "Know this" are you drinking the same stuff Nat is???
carolyn i LOVE your blog. and i appreciate every little letter and the videos i watch with no sounds while at work.. yeah pathetic.. but i cant get enough..
ps. ill be at the BB casting call in philly next friday. hopefully u can post about me soon ;)
I must say Adam is in a but of a corner now, it would be suicide to nominate James if he didnt win POV and someone got pulled down. Gnat shebot and Numbnuts would all target Adam next and he would be gone next week. I hope sharon or james has a wisper in his ear about this.
Well, everyone has been asking for Adam's spine! Here it is... on a silver platter.
I haven't been able to read ALL the posts but I have seen a couple where someone was bashing Carolyn and all I have to say is how dare they.
Carolyn busts her ass day and night for us and I for one appreciate it so much there aren't even big enough words to describe how much I appreciate her hard work.
This is my second season since I found this site and I only wish I had found it many seasons ago.
This site is the bomb and Carolyn is the bomb X 100000000000000000.
So whoever was bashing Carolyn can go do something to themselves that I will not and cannot say on this blog.
We love you Carolyn and anyone that is hating on you is just jealous because not many people could do what you do with the accuracy, integrity, professionalism, humor, and lack of sleep that you do.
[b]I told you Adam haters he'd do something amazing[b] If James f*cks him over that pink sob deserves the back door. Adam has never went against James and James has thrown Adam under the bus way too many times.
I totally agree Big Brother has a hand in things that goes down, but I don't think they rig it for a certain player or group. I just think when things start to get a little boring, like when it looked like "Team Christ" was just gonna roll through the house and everyone would be all lovey dovey in the final four, BB decided to flip the switch and spice up the game a bit.
Nat claimed final 2 with James, Ryan,James and Adam. Ryan promised Adam, Sharon, Sheila and Natalie that he had their backs. Sheila promised Ryan she would look out for him, promised Adam she would never put him on the block or vote against him but also claimed the girls club in final 3. Sharon also pledged herself to the girls club, told Ryan she was the only one who had his back and told Adam she would never turn against him all while telling Josh she would stick with James. This all in the course of one week. James did very little campaigning or deal making compared to the 24 hour a day flip flopping the other people did. And he has no reason to have to prove his word to anyone. Can we rewind the tape and count how many times he was lied to the week he was back doored and evicted. And he was lied to by all of these people collectively several times over with the exception of Sharon. And who started the whole lie fest-that's right, Natalie. Go James. Go Adam. I always thought Adam had a soft spot for James and I wondered why he let these dumbasses turn him against his boy Jimmy. And for God's sake people-please stop saying James is a big fat liar for back dooring Matty. Matt got to play in the POV and he didn't even try. That is not being back doored.
I don't think the game is rigged. i think Adam is going to start playing his own game and stop playing for Natalie, Sheila and Ryan. There comes a point in BB where all alliances of more than 2 ppl ,no matter how strong have to fall apart.
I wonder why BB has 3 days on TV and Survivor only has one. I'd love it if Survivor also did 3 days. I love Ozzy
If people want to fight online, and badger blog owners, and be rude, and instigate fights... there are MANY other BB & Reality sites that allow disgusting behavior.
I just posted this on the previous blog entry but it is applicable here too:
This was a really smart move for Adam considering that Natalie just told Julie & America that her FIRST allegiance was with Ryan, not Adam. He needs to make his own partner!
Oh, I forgot.
Thanks Carolyn!
and the cockiness and lies have return..knew I could count on you James.
Adam is currently my new best friend! lol. I'm so glad he's not letting Nat and Ryan use him again. And look at how THEY reacted as soon as they didn't get their way. They are throwing Adam under the bus now... I hope he goes against them, seriously. His best move would to get Nat out of there! Plus i would love Adam forever if he went against Nat.
And look at Ryan now.. he was the "nice guy." He's not being so nice right now. I love how they throw temper tantrum the second they don't get their way.
lol, this is great!
~Jillian C
Is this the most unintelligent cast ever? Regardless who you're voting for...
grrr..I'm so addicted
Adam really needs to go all in with James and use the veto (if one of them wins) to pull Sharon off and get Natalie out.
This makes an Adam/James and Sharon alliance to get to the Final 3. It would leave Ryan and Sheila on the island for the next two weeks.
Charlie, THANK YOU! I mean really, I just would love to see Natalie have to choose between Ryan and Sheila. Wouldn't it be great. Adam, you have made one smart move, now keep your head on straight and make another smart move.
Is there anyone who wants Sharon to go and Sheila to stay? Not that I know of...
I haven't liked Adam since he became part of Team Christ and they lead him around by his balls. However, today I think he might have had a light bulb moment and realized the only way he can assure himself of $500K is with James next to him in the end. And I doubt James would frown at $50K.
OMG..I am sick of all the people complaining about the show and most of all to Carolyn! This is her darn site and if she did not want to post something you post..DEAL WITH IT and move on!!!
I thank you for the bottom of my heart for all your hard work!!!
I definitely got that what I was saying is that from the perspective of if I were Adam and I did indeed want James gone. I think a good move would be to put Sheila and Sharon up, get Ryan, Nat and Sheila fired up to win POV, have James a little more relaxed and poof, James does not win POV, Sheila comes off the block, James goes home and Adam could take Sharon to the F2 and possibly think he would have a better chance of winning the big 3 part HOH comp at the end against Sharon where he may not think it would be as easy to win the 3 part HOH against James.
I think Adams move could either be the smartest if he's thinking they way I said, which I believe he did just say the same thing on the feeds...or it could be the dumbest move if it goes wrong and he ends up with 3 from his side pissed at him as opposed to 1 or 2 from the other side gunning for him.
I was just speculating what Adam might be thinking which he just confirmed with Sheila...but I totally see what you are saying.
This game is like a rubics cube...there are so many directions you can twist it and turn it to eventually get all four sides the same color. :-)
Love all ya'll BB fans and especially you Carolyn.
6:52 pm on joker update..Adam saying - you know what it is.. it's the DR they throw ideas in your head and i go with it.
These people are the most disgusting eaters I have ever seen. You're on TV.... Eat with your mouth closed please!!!!
I like Team Pink lol but i dont understand Adam. Hes still going to put james on the block if the veto is used. why do u want to piss off your own alliance?
I have one theory:
If James wins veto, he would not be upset with adam. and, if james wins HOH, he wont put Adam up.
I hope im wrong and it is because he wants an alliance with S/J or something.
PS I still miss Chelsia and Josh :)
1. I had not eaten all day.
2. While commenting on the last post, I ate a small bag of pita chips without considering simple sugar load (duh).
3. I slept for like 3 hours.
4. I wake up to find that I must retract my statement that Adam is a spineless suck-up.
THANK YOU God, Buddha, Muhammad, Jesus, Athena, and Carolyn!!! There's reason to talk and watch again!
P.S. The Internet is full of lowlifes. Carolyn, you are so much more gracious than I would be with little twits cursing me and calling me a liar. I bow to you.
Live feeds JUST now Ryan and Adam are talking and he just told Ryan I F'ed up and I was trying to get out of the DR and they wouldnt let me out so I could talk to you they (DR) said ITS BEST FOR YOU ADAM said the DR told him this is a good move its best for you!!!!!!!!! and then it went to FLAMES!!!!!!! this is totally fixed!!!!!!!!!! that came straight fromt he LIVE FEEDS!!!!!!!!!!! Carloyn your great the site is great but BB is fixed wow cant believe I just heard it for my OWN ears!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the roller coaster keeps going
but watching james lick his fingers after handling the raw meat made me cringe there really a "no bashing jimmie" rule???
was it posted somewhere?
Is BB a "game show"?
The short answer is maybe. Reality TV has complied with the FCC rules regarding game shows - which only require the rules to be in writing. The rules can be anything production wishes, including having a rule that rules can change. There is no prohibition against the manipulation of the game - as long as the rules state there may be manipulation. The controversy in the 50's happened because the contestants were lied to about the rules - and the FCC responded. But with little teeth.
In 2002 a court decision came down regarding Survivor and a breach of contract when a former contestant claimed the show was rigged. The issue wasn't about whether the show was rigged, but whether a contestant could say it (it's a breach of contract). In that case CBS changed their stance and claimed reality shows are not "game shows." The court didn't buy that, though the question hasn't fully been answered.
Bottom line, at this point reality shows do follow FCC rules, but the rules let the show do whatever they want as long as the contracted rules give those parameters.
Did Adam just say that DR conned him into not putting up James on the feeds?
He's Covering his ass with Ryan.. that's all.
Adam has confessed that the Diary Room "conned" him into saving James from Nomination.
Of course the Diary Room said things to Adam to make him keep James safe.
The BB producers are putting on a show, people. They want ratings. They want drama. James equals drama! James is the "evil" player. Natalie is the "good" player. Good vs. Evil. If James goes, there is no evil in the house.
Reality shows must create the drama. They do this through editing and through keeping the dramatic players as long as possible.
The finale of BB will be more interesting to the public if it is James vs. Natalie or Good vs. Evil.
Off subject I know, but have to get this off my chest. I adore Ryan. But, will someone send a message to the DR to let him know the "F" word is not a noun, verb, adjective and adverb -- and it does not have to be used in every sentence!
Thanks for listening,
Carolyn, you do an incredible job here and your dedication is absolutely amazing...hats off to you!!!! Your patience is amazing also.
On to the game...for those of you looking for a real game, then it is about to happen!! At least with James in the game, there is someone playing the game. As far as him lying...they all have. What has Ryan really done, nothing. He hasn't won anything but one HOH. The only thing that James did to Nat was vote out Matty, SO? Not like he was helping her at all. He wasn't winning anything and he sure wasn't going to cover her back. Now, Sheila will have to win the POV, she will actually have to play the, she is going to have others do that for her.
How about having players in this game that actually play the game, not float along!!
Thanks Carolyn for all you do..and for those who can't blog without offending others, learn that everyone has the right to their opinion.
I wonder what James is he actually not going to use the POV if he wins, or is he just lying to get through the week?hmm..
You go Jane...well said. I started thinking about that movie that was about game show rigging in the 50's that ultimately ended up in games shows not being allowed to rig things. Not sure if BB qualifies as a game show but at any rate with the mega billion dollar corporation that CBS is I'm sure their HIGH dollar attorneys have covered every angle and whether it seems like things are being manipulated or not I'm sure they never cross out of their legal boundaries.
All I can say is I'm glad to see things are a little shaken up again. The HG's were starting to get dull. It's pretty bad when I'm falling asleep to BBAD. lol
question: If james wins pov and uses it on sharon does that mean that she comes down and he is still safe or could he go up. The houseguest seem to be talking like he would be safe also, but i thought he would be vulnerable too
Natalie wins POV and then she takes Sheila off and then he puts Ryan up and the Shila and Natalie vote Sharon out, then James is back on his Island. Ahhh just the way I like it.
Firstly, thank you Carolyn. I applaud you for posting a plethora of comments, whether or not you agree with them. I also commend you for moderating with grace and honesty.
and secondly, long live Chelsia! May all her parting words come true. Whether you believe or not believe that this show is being contrived by producers for your entertainment, you cannot deny that you are entertained. I love it! Adam may be made of jelly but even your poll shows that a majority of the viewers want james to have a fighting chance. And I agree with many of the previous posters, at some point, team "christ" is going to have to accept that only two people can go to the finals and realize everyone left will be voting in the end.
Natalie just called herself a frickin' idiot. Holy sweet mother of God-she does know how to tell the truth.
Now Adam says that Dr made him not nominate James. Adam says he F'ked up. Oh my. If I was in the house and they tried to sway me different I would tell CBS to go F themselves. I would never listen to them.
OMG! WOuld they just give james a break? Geez! He did one thing to save himself, which was to get Matt out because Matt was starting crap, and now he's "evil" and a con artist. Get over it Natalie! She makes me so angery, her and Sheila! I wish they'd kick them both out. then Ryan.
LoL, i want a james, Adam and Sharon allience. Unlikely though.=[
And I think Adam is over exaggerating the DR thing. They probably asked him something in a certain way that made him think like "what?!?"
~Jillian C
I just want to know what a senairial is! lol
Me thinks Adam is playing team christ???? If he makes it appear that he was flustered into the nominations, he can smooth some ruffled feathers, keep up promise to James and everyone is happy. Watch....Adam is smarter than he appears to be, I hope. Let the others do their own dirty work!! If Sheila wants to save her a** then win the POV!!! This crap about she will never forgive and he better watch out, what is she going to do? Pretend she wind HOH?
See that vid of Ryan and James in the backyard where Ryan continuously tells James "it's cool"?
Don't believe it for a second. Ryan knows he's playing against a better man, so it will never be cool. Notice Ryan's pattern: Justify his own behavior by listing James' offenses against him. When James (smarter, better memory) counters with truthful examples that shine a light on Ryan's BS, Ryan's got nothin' except weak lies and even weaker acquiescence.
All through this game, the more Ryan talks, the more I dislike him. That that process is moving along even faster tonight. If Ryan and Nat would stop sucking each other's teets, I'd could maybe have some respect for the boy. But they won't--they inferior, and they're scared because they both know it.
Sheila needs to go! I am sick of listening to her!!!!
Oh, now I feel better. This is all about James feeling ok about the way he leaves the house.
Good move Adam -- NOT!!!
OMG I just had another extremely long post and a finger hit a wrong button. I'll make this one shorter and just give all the props to Carolyn.
Carolyn I don't know how you put up with this. You are a better blogger and moderator than I am. And I truly love you as an online friend for it, even if this is our ONLY form of communication.
Everyone who says you are unfair needs to read the comments that you post. You let everything but pure slander through and I even see that in some posts.
Seriously people. Look at the whole season and give Carolyn love... LOTS of LOVE, not hate. She works her butt off for our pleasure.
I had so much more that I was saying but I only woke up 2 hours ago and it took me that long to get through all the posts since I went to sleep this afternoon. I'm sure I'll get back to some of those later tonight, and I know when I post, Carolyn is in a well deserved rest mode, but my comments will be published in due time. Have patience people.. not hate.
In closing, don't forget Carolyn's tip jar on the main page. Each of you who have yet to contribute need to do it now. Running a website is not cheap. Software is not cheap. Give her a little or lot of something for her hard work.
I did, and will give more later but a fixed income makes for limited contributions. Carolyn doesn't care about size...:p~... well of tips anyway. I'm sure she just appreciates the gesture.
I want to give more but wigs, makeup and drag gets expensive and I have a problem with my priorities.
MUCH LOVE Carolyn. You deserve it today as always but more today for the slander toward you and yet you still let it be seen by all.
I am extremely late to this...but I have to say that I have been on this site since it's inception and Carolyn has always been fair and balanced in not only her reporting the BB events as they unfold, but also in publishing the comments.
There are rules here that are in place for a reason. It's HER blog. It's HER time, effort and dedication and sacrifice of her personal life that she foregoes for all of US. She doesn't need to publish ANYTHING she doesn't want calling her names is completely unnecessary. She has not published some of my comments before and my panties aren't all bunched up over it. Give respect and you will get respect. End...of...story.
Much love to you, Carolyn!!!
Anon @ 6:21 -- Adam really had no reason to go after James? Read your own comment ...
"He's smart and he's playing a great game. He's doing what he needs to do and wins we needed."
Sounds like a great reason to me to go after him. Simple.
Thanks for being here everyone, and for all your nice comments. :)
I've been blogging since 8am eastern.. it's almost midnight, and i'm fading fast...
btw, we're gonna pass 4million hits tomorrow. :)
thank you for making that happen!
I really believe Adam has had cajones all along and Darrin confirmed that in his interview.
He has been playing his game and knows when to make his move. This boy is smart, possibly smarter than James.
Go Adam!
Has anyone gotten a hold of the actual Big Brother rule book? Is it posted anywhere online?
Well done Adam, now Ryan and Sheila will actually have to try and win something. My bet is that they don't - talk about riding someone else's coat tails, these two are masters at it!
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