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TShirts, Mugs & The Works! Designed by
our pal C=Venus, and inspired by the season. Think of these as bbdish
to go. ;)
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What is Tacky Garb? Tacky Garb is.... in style fashion with old school attitude. We know what you want, how you want it to feel, and how you want to be portrayed. Bottom line....we made "Tacky" look good.
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The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!! At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C
Big Brother 9 is On! Let the mind games begin!!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
For Your Viewing Pleasure & C=Venus Strikes Again
A 2 Part Goodnight Post...
An Adam Tribute Video made by our own ReporterX, set to "Wanna be a Balla." This was actually made a couple weeks ago during Adam's first HoH, and it's ReporterX's 1st ever tribute video.
And another fab chop from our favorite chop artist, C=Venus.
G'Nite all. Enjoy the feeds. Cya in the morning for the overnight report.
ha great video... I'm sad Josh left tonight. But what can ya do, there can only be one winner. I'd love to see either James or Adam win! Adam is a sweetheart and I hope he puts Natalie up, but I doubt he will. :(
Sharon is lying and lying throwing James under the bus when all he told her to do was to save herself. Here is Sharon shwoing her true colors - I doubt it will take her far, she is next!
LMAO yeah, chosen for what? good lord. I sure hope Joshuah tells "Matty" to go file a restraining order or go into some type of relocation program, because Natalie's flippin crazy.WOW:) run Matty run,see Natalie chase Matty all over the country.
I so wish someone who knew how to make video tributes would do one with either Josh or James to Matchbox 20's song "Unwell". Listen to the words, it's like that song was written for Big Brother.
5.6 million hits!
Un-Real! I still feel like the little blog that could...
Thanks so much for making this the best season ever on the dish! :)
I'll be checking in periodically to moderate comments, and after a couple weeks,
we can look forward to some interviews with some of the final 9 HGs. Of course, if there's big news before then, I'll be posting that too. :)
Happy Spring!!
HAHAHA! That was AWESOME! Way to go X, you gorgeous woman you! I don't think I stopped laughing through the whole effin thing!
Oh wow, that's one of my fav hip hop songs and I absolutely loved the vid, so appropriate for Adam.
Righteous ReporterX Righteous!!!
Ugh...I just threw up a little in my mouth. Natalie just called herself the "chosen one
LOL! Love it, ReporterX! Adam cracks me up when he does his little "come-hither" shake dance, lol. Great fun, thanks!
ha great video... I'm sad Josh left tonight. But what can ya do, there can only be one winner. I'd love to see either James or Adam win! Adam is a sweetheart and I hope he puts Natalie up, but I doubt he will. :(
anon 10:15 she said she was the chosen one in her family to keep her family together. Ugh your comment made me throw up a little in my mouth :)
Sharon is lying and lying throwing James under the bus when all he told her to do was to save herself. Here is Sharon shwoing her true colors - I doubt it will take her far, she is next!
LMAO yeah, chosen for what? good lord.
I sure hope Joshuah tells "Matty" to go file a restraining order or go into some type of relocation program, because Natalie's flippin crazy.WOW:) run Matty run,see Natalie chase Matty all over the country.
AWESOME video for A BALLER!! loves itt.. go baller go!!!!!! whoo hoo!!! <3 xoxox
LOL that was great-thanks!
I so wish someone who knew how to make video tributes would do one with either Josh or James to Matchbox 20's song "Unwell". Listen to the words, it's like that song was written for Big Brother.
Did Nat really paint herself in a fikkin bikini and everyone else in clothes???? lol shocker there
Awwww that was so endearing. Kinda makes him likeable...God that song takes me back...I guess I really am older than the dirt.
Good Job.
Kudos to both of you!
Love them.
Great first tribute ReporterX -- perfect song! Made me laugh!
OMG that birthday card Nat made for Matty cracks me up. It looks like something a third-grader would make. And she calls herself an artist? LOL
Love the video ReporterX!!! Hilarious!!! The pic of Nat as Lucy made me laugh too. "Matty, you got some splainin to do!"
Great Work
Wow, a whole video of Adam with no scratching or "adjusting"?What a laborious editing job that must've been ;-) Well done,ReporterX.Perfect song.
(now if I could only get that Kylie Minogue song on Sheila's myspace 'out of my head' )
C=Venus, you're brilliant!
Lila ~*~
This was my first try at a video like that...
Thanks for your kindness..
Awesome bro! More Adam tributes! Baller. Period.
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