Another HoH Lockdown
Good Afternoon, Big Brother Lovers. While I was out, the HGs were released from their lockdown for about an hour. During that time, Natalie did speak privately to Adam again, but it was a very whispered encounter, and all I could garner was that she wants him to vote the same as Ryan so she wont have to break a tie. He teasingly gave her a bit of a hard time, but finally let her know he's planning on doing her bidding and voting Joshuah out.
Following this exchange, the Bible Buddies returned to the Frilly Room in full force. Natalie led the prayers for her boys to have easy questions and an HoH win this week.
1:17pm BBT
After a brief period of Flames, all the HGs are back up in the HoH Room. In typical Live Show Day fashion, screwy feeds are showing the HoH bathroom while none of the HGs are in there. From the audio, we hear the HGs playing a card game.
- *** For anyone who's new to BB9Dish, we'll be doing the Live Show Spoiler tonight, up to the minute, as it happens, right at the top of the site, as always.
1:28pm BBT
More Card Game Audio... HoH Bathroom visual. Feh.
1:34pm BBT
Visual & Audio on the HGs - hot dog!
Ryan, Josh and Natalie are in the HoH bed.
Natalie's watching the card game.
Josh & Ryan are trying to sleep through it.
Sheila, Adam, Sharon and James are playing cards at the table.
Adam and Sheila are teasing each other about who likes penetration more...
The card game continues.
1:50pm BBT
HoH Lockdown's over. All the HGs come downstairs. They're hungry... Sheila and Sharon are making protein shakes.
The backyard is still locked down, so the HGs are still locked in.
Adam's grabbing lots of food from the fridge for himself.
The HGs are planning to continue their card game once they eat a bit.
Sharon: So we're locked out for an hour, then we go back up (to HoH) for another hour?
Natalie: Um yeah. I wonder if we're gonna have a run through...
2:09pm BBT
FLAMES... Run-through anyone?
2:32pm BBT
TRIVIA on all feeds...
I think Adam should vote for Josh to stay..why make things easier for Natalie; also to finally vote not the same as Sheila.
PS. I'm sure god appreciates being used to wish upon "easy questions for the boys"
Natalie the biggest hyporcite; biggest liar - I just can't believe people here want her to win.
I'm also sure that Matt will love her nude picture..she needs mental help when she gets out.
Somehow it doesn't suprise me that Gnat has busted out the Bible again. When things are going her way (ie HOH) she doesn't seem to need a higher power, but as soon as she is no longer queen of the castle, bam...she starts the who praying thing.
AAARRRGGGHHH! Why does Gnat have to break out the Bible again? As if conservative norms haven't done enough to organized religion. *sigh*
I just want Josh to stay. Although I love that Sharon loves the "beebees"...Josh makes me smile. Plus I want to see Gnat squirm by having to break a tie.
Guess I've officially become an Anti-Christ Team member now. My mom will be so disappointed. *snicker*
Amen to that Anon@1:27 PM
Yes, I don't recall seeing that Bible once in the past week, and there waw no scripture quoting going on that I recall. I could have missed it.
Gnat's coment about having to come back down among the common people: I know she said it in jest but I couldn't help but think how 'common' she is and not able to see it.
I could go off on her 'on again off again' Christanity, but I'm biting my typing fingers.
anon @ 1:37 ~ I wholeheartedly agree with you! I love the fact that I really have not heard Natalie mention parayer or the bible ONCE this whole HoH week of her's. Now that she, and quite possibly her whole "Team Christ" side, will not be in power this week, she is praying like there is no tomorrow! Hypocrite!! Here's to a James or Sharon win tonight!
~ Ryan ~
for me tonights show is the one I'm most looking forward to..
I hate that Josh is on the block but can take it no matter how it goes LOL.. Sharon is a great girl!!
This HOH will be intense...
and they better show the pranks tonight LOL
Hey Carolyn! Thanks for all you do!
Will we be seeing some footage from sequester tonite on the live show?
I hope so....
How many times do we need to hear Nat needs to tinkle?
This has been the longest BB week ever. I seriously hate Nat and hope James wins HOH
i just don't get it, wasn't Natalie stripping in the first week? that has to be breaking of some commandment? where does she come off being all "holier than thau"? YUK!
I am saying a prayer that Joshua doesn't leave. It is going to be so boring if he does.
Wouldn't it be great if they had a blind draw for who is evicted!! Well, as long as Sharon and Joshie aren't in the draw.
My name is Genie and I'm a dish addict. Hello fellow dishers!
Ok. SO I'm in fantasy mode again. James wins HOH. Puts up Natalie and Sheila. One of two things happens. Natalie wins POV and he puts one of the boys. Or, more deliciously, one of the others win POV and do not take either of them down. Oh Snap!
To be fair, Sheila has a good chance of winning either POV or HOH if it's a Q&A competition, but only if the following questions are asked.
1- Who is 45 yrs old in the house?
2- Who is a single mother in the house?
3- What color is James' mohawk?
4- Where is the DR?
When it comes to Nat, why ask why? Every once in a while I think I see a glimmer of hope with her, and then I realize it's her silver shoes reflecting up her skirt and onto her freshly shaved ... ooops.
i think HoH will be an Endurance one and James will win but i would love to see it go to a tie and natalie pick sharon to stay and then james put natalies ass up even thought i will miss joshy :(
JANE! You finally did it. That thought NEVER entered my brain, and now I am working hard to get the vision out of my head.
Yes, James will win tonight. The betrayal will only fire him up. He's already fired up, but I'll be very shocked if he doesn't pull it off. Can't wait for it to happen and see the worms turn. Especially the worm that Jane referred to. James flat out told her he would go after the one that really gets Josh out, and he's smart enough to know it is Gnat's choice if it happens.
Turn little worms.. TURN!
some of you guys ask why should Adam make is easier for Natalie... Is because he like her, he really, really like her... and want to hit that
Here's an idea: let's all of us prey to god this afternoon to make Adam switch his vote to keep Josh! I'll bet god would find him much more entertaining than Sharon!
I wish Adam and Ryan were doing things on there own and shocked everyone by keeping Josh. Right now it seems that we are all thinking Joshy is going to be gone. Wouldn't it be great TV if Adam and Ryan went secretlyagainst Natalie and voted Sharon out... She is the stonger player and if they don't get her out she could squeek though to the final 2. They are not thinking smart about this.....
p.s. James win the HOH and kick her sides BUTT. Which reminded me of her speach last night about not kicking anyone out from her side. How dumb.....
For those questioning Natalie's Bible time this week - or lack of it - I believe I recall seeing a post where Natalie and Sheila were doing some Bible study in the HOH. I don't know if it was this week or last week, though. That could make all the difference...
While there is a lull in the action here, I know the other day i think stevie said he was going for a BB10 audition that day. Did he post how it went and I missed it, does anyone know how it went.
Gaytor, the show definetly needs campy queens! Go for it.
Wow all of these hate comments . Come on now folks you actually hate someone that is on a reality show playing a game that you're not even in???
How does that happen? I watch live feeds and I dislike many HG's game play, but I dont hate them.
Hate is such a strong word. They do say people who hate have hate inside themselves.
Get RID of Josh. He's the one who, though he lacks physical stamina, is mentally smarter than all of them (except maybe James). He has alliances with EVERYONE. He's also a bully. His rants towards Amanda and Allison a few weeks back are unforgivable
I'd love to be all secure about James winning, but I'm an eternal pessimist. If there's one thing I've learned from being a fan of BB, it's that the show never fails to disappoint me. My horse never wins.
I have my fingers crossed for James, but I have a bad feeling. Someone please give me a pep talk!
I can't wait to see Josh leaving tonight. It will show that his game play did not work. Everyone here is playing the game and I find it interesting that the bloggers have taken this personal. Everyone of the HG's is playing the way they think it will take them to the end.
I found it interesting to watch Nat last night on AD. It got to where I didn't know if she was changing sides of not. I was about ready to pull my hair out. She knew, but do we?. We are just voyeurs watching and judging from this side. Maybe her gameplay is just where she wants it. I like trying to figure out why they are doing this or that. I think this is getting a little off track when you hear people say such hurtful thing that have nothing to do with the game.
For sure Sheila shouldn't talk so much. And Nat repeats things over and over. And the Bible thing is there way of dealing with frustration. Josh and James are just as bad as the girls when it comes to talking sh** about people. Everyone in that house is talking smack about everybody.
Its just a game and the best game player will win. Plain and simple.
... freshly shaved 'what' jane?
just curious?
I don't know what's worse....Ryan and Adam not being able to see the girls' alliance or them doing her dirty work. Don't they realize if they vote Josh and James out they will be next? Ugh....dummies. I wish I could get in there and shake them. I think they are mesmerized by her we all know what head they are thinking with.
Carolyn I noticed that you let your very opionated friend (who reminds me of Sheila in blog form) make a rude comment to jeanne yesterday . Why is it that you let her do it? You published it as well. Carolyn when are you going to have a blog thats fair for everyone? So much bitching on what people say yet u let soome say what they want.
Reply to Genie's postof 1:57
You made me laugh for the first time today.
I'm with you, and hope that James wins HOH if not James then Sharon. I'd love a week of seeing Gnat and She-Devil squirm. Would love it more if one of the boys wins POV and doesn't save either of them. Please oh please let James win HOH.
Tiny snippet of the run-through outside. At first I though, who the hell are these people? Then I saw their name-tags. It doesn't seem like it will be an endurance comp, if there's a run-through...does it?
regarding last night's show,
having kept up with the live feeds there was nothing new, no unexpected twists, no cliff hangers, and little to hold my attention.
however, i was surprised by james' POV speech, and how he directed it to sheila. he definitely had a right to gloat over his victory, but he made a very valid point by saying that he had a right to be in the house more than most because he's stepped up to the challenge continue to win competitions inspite of the house being against him. He urged the HGs and sheila in particular to do the same - thereby actively participating in the game, nut just sliding by (joshua is a case in point). besides james, nat & ryan seem to grasp this concept whereas i'm not so sure about the rest. you can only 'fly under the radar' for so long in this game.
go pinky!
Oh yeah....P.S. James has to win! I feel so bad for him...he is a great person. At least I could see that through his game play. Whereas Natalie...can only say "I am not in love with Matt", but that is not what you said in the Diary Room. Please. He is my soulmate. Ugh.
Jane- You reminded me of a Robin Williams quote:
"If you think you see a twinkle in her eye, it's probably just the light shining through the back of her head" ;-)
Lila ~*~
I really think that Adam and Ryan need to start playing their own game and stop doing Nat's bidding. Even though Matty is out of the house, it still seems like she is playing for two people. I think that James must win HOH tonight. Somebody has to put Nat in her place! And Shelia, man Shelia thinks everything should be handed to her! She got mad when Ryan took the money from her, she got mad when Adam said he might put her up on the block etc. She is just going to guilt trip anybody who tries to take her out of the game.
In an ideal world, James will win HOH tonight, and nominate Nat and Shelia AND it will be a double eviction week!! My fingers are crossed(=
Go James!!
im just now watching BBAD from last can sheila be 45 (and a single mother) and not know what the game solitaire is??? just thought that was silly....
p.s. dont leave us josh!!!!!!!
I wish the HGs would have to exit the house to a live audience as they do in BB UK, I love how the crowd cheers or boos the HGs - and how that really effects the ones inside as they have no idea how they're coming across to audiences.
if joshie leaves aren't you going to miss his imaginary commentaries?? they are frikkin halarious!! Hello, he is acting mean on purpose, DRAMA QUEEN. He wouldn't hurt a spider, didn't you see his reaction to the pranks. He is a sweetheart. i would love to see him stay just to "pretend" go off on one of the guys. he makes bb9 interesting.
Josh has to go only because of game play.
Nobody would be smart to keep him.
The girls because he is just plain rude to them.
The boys because he would win. As funny as he can be it is the best to get rid of him now.
I wont miss him to much because of the way he would only go off on the girls. He is a wimp.
If Adam's friend is correct, great interview btw Caroline, then he may surprise all and make Nat break a tie. May be wishful thinking....but Josh is the best bet to stay for all concerned (specially the viewing audience!) Really, he is not much of a threat for competitions...he gets to nervous, just like sweaty Ryan. That POV was great last night!!!
BTW Jane, mental pic of Nat (yuck) but probably why she goes in and out of sanity? Anyone ever notice how much brown Sheila wears?? could be cause she is so full of sh**! Genie had it right....she will win if those are the questions!
Oh wise Carolyn, I have a question that I think you will know the answer to. When the HG have an endurance comp (let's say the disco ball from earlier this season) do they get a run through? I mean, it's so simple it seems they wouldn't need to see it before hand. The reason I am wondering is, if they get to know it is an endurance it may give someone an advantage (peeing before going outside, dressing warmer, etc). Also, it loses it's element of surprise. I understand they need to do a run through with the harder comps but what about with these endurance. Do you know? Thanks for your help.
P.S. Always the optimist, I still hope Josh stays just for the entertainment he provides.
Yep, I either want a tie so Natalie has to break it and show her hand ~or~ I want to see Adam & Ryan get some balls of their own and vote to keep Josh so that they separate themselves from Natalie & Shiela and align with James & Josh. More than anything I want James to win HOH and put Nat & Shiela up and James to win POV and keep noms the same but I'm not feeling so good about my hopes for tonight. Maybe it's cuz I'm a little under the weather. Either way, go James!
This is from JU... and somebody posting having heard staffers on the feed:
staffers in yard practicing hoh comp, they have the hg names around their necks, female staffer asks who won earlier in the dress rehersal/practice, someone responds james won one, sharon won one...she responds...yeah thats usually who will win these things...back to trivia
Did anybody here hear that too?
everyone has their own beliefs when it comes to religion..but im just wondering if natalies god is a GENIE?!?!?! what the hell is she wishing to god for??? i'm so sick of hearing it..and talking to him like he's gonna is that?!?! i wish just once..when she is talking to 'GOD' that someone behind the walls would answer her..maybe she would realize how dumb she sounds...ughhh she just grates on my nerves!!! i hope James wins HOH and boots her ass out..tee PRAYING to my GENIE to make it happen!!!! be pretty funny if someone else wins and he gets VETO again!! cuz we all know he will..he aint goin down easy!! GO JAMESYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!
I can't stand the Nat hatred here. Like Josh and James aren't hypocrites? I've seen Josh praying till he cries on several occasions.
So Nat needs her Bible for strength. Get over it and consider yourself lucky your above that.
James give his power speech about everyone playing the game 100% to win. Well guess what? For everyone in the house the best game is to get rid of him. DUH. If he wanted Mortal Combat sign up for some stupid MTV show like the "Gauntlet." Oh wait, they try to get rid of the biggest threat too...
Go James
Go Adam
Go Nat
Adam should make Nat break the tie. It's her noms, she should be the one to take the heat for Jury votes.
Also, it will show where she stands.
Further, if James does win HoH, Nat will claim A/R did this behind her back, and James will "break his word" if he nominates Nat. She will twist everything to make James "evil" for trying to get rid of her.
Go Team Pink Island !!!
Its Live Sow Night... WOOHOO! Let's all start singing, join me will ya?
1 more time... :)
P.S... I'll be shocked if James doesn't win HOH tonight... it's teh only way to truly keep the show interesting, cause otherwise we already, basically, know whats gonna happen.
Could someone please explain to me how the double eviction works. How does it work for the HOH this week. Is it possible for the HOH of this week to be evicted on the second eviction? I forget how that works...
If you don't stop editing everybody's comments but your friends', and not letting the rest of us say nasty things like you let your friends say, then I am NOT GOING TO PARTICIPATE, anymore.
So there. ;p
Signed: (Because I believe in what I am saying and willing to be known) - ANONYMOUS
Nat would keep Josh in the house if it was a tie. Plus she's covered. It's well know Nat will keep Josh and she has said all along that she told A/R not to make her be the tie breaker. She's covered her bases pretty good. I still think She would be put on the block reguardless.
Josh has been my favorite this entire season and now that I think he is going home, I'm quite sad. After last night's episode I've turned a new leaf and will be rooting for James for the rest of the season. I cannot stand Team Bible. I like Adam, but the fact that he is even associated with any of the other nitwits just makes me sick. Win HOH James!
Ken...I agree with you; I would be shocked too if James didnt win..not because he is so great..because you know BB is tailoring the competition for him - endurance/ with Natalie not playing (not that I'm giving Natalie credit)
WTG Ron.
Let's officially declare this "Pick on Carolyn Day"
I've started, everyone else jump in. Show her the love she deserves and should expect for putting up with each and every one of us.
How can people say that if James or Josh leaves "we know what is going to happen"? You still have 6 people in the game. They are all trying to win the $. Anything can happen at that point . People will start turning on each other and it could get ugly. Please don't give Josh or James more credit than they deserve. Which is basically female bashing and throwing fits when things don't go their way. There is still plenty of game play left.
seven -
I don't believe Nat would keep Josh. Then she'd have to explain it to Sheila. Nat's word is bogus to the core.
She whines about others lying, then spins around and lies right to those same people.
She needs to go see Matt .... soon.
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