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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Interview with Adam's Friend Darin

I thought it might be nice to get a bit of insight into Adam from his friend Darin. I hope you enjoy the interview... Please do note that Adam's buddy refers to him as Baller and A-Ball. There is no 8.

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bb9dish-Carolyn: Until the week of his HoH, Adam had managed to play a very under the radar game. With his position as HoH, he took charge and even let Sheila know who's boss a few times. Were you beyond thrilled to see the real Adam finally come out?

Darin: I wouldn't say the real Adam has even come out yet. I don't think you'll ever see the real Adam. I only catch glimpses of the real Adam from time to time. As for the real Baller? Yes, he's definitely coming out. I think the real Baller came out when he confronted James the other night. That's classic Baller. He doesn't like being put in a corner and he resolves all disputes immediately. He let's you know how he feels and he doesn't care what you think. I think up until that point he's been avoiding confrontation.

Carolyn: OK, so what's the difference between Baller and Adam? You speak about them as if they were 2 different people.

Darin: Adam is Adam and Baller or A Ball is someone almost completely different. Baller is more like a composition of different people with different styles. Baller is kind of like an over-the-top version of Adam. It's Adam without the filter. Adam's not schizophrenic, so it's not like he's these 2 completely different people and has no idea. It's kind of like how sometimes Sheila says she's Kimberly or Natalie's Naughty Natalia, only Adam is Baller 95% of the time. Plus Baller is way more fun than Adam. For example: Adam would take in a stray dog and care for it, Baller would buy it a Prada coat and some fronts and tell it to get it's hustle on.

BB9Dish-Carolyn: While I'm at it, can you please settle the debate and kill all the rumors? Where did that nickname come from? And is it A-Baller or 8-Baller?
Darin: Yeah... there a lot of false rumors out there about how his nickname actually came about. I think it all started when Adam got his hair cut. Adam used to have this long curly hair (I think they showed a picture of him with it in the CBS piece). Then one day he got it cut off and he went from this scrawy, shy kid to what we know him as now. He would tell everyone back then that he was "ballin' out". So eventually we started calling him Baller, then A Ball (the A for Adam of course) and the rest is kind of history.

From left to right: Darin, Mike, Jared & Adam

Carolyn: What was your initial reaction to the couples twist, and Adam being partnered with Sheila?
Darin: I thought the couple's twist would be interesting. My only hope was that Adam wouldn't be paired up with someone who would ruin this opportunity for him, he should have the chance to ruin it for himself. So when I watched the first show, the way Sheila treated him, and how she gave up on the first competition, I thought "not good." I assumed he would be going home that first week and it wouldn't be because of him. So pretty much ever since that first show all of Adam's friends have been completely anti-Sheila. Sheila is trouble, and I just hope Adam gets rid of her when she is no longer of use to him. Sheila just annoys me to no end. If I have to hear that she's 45 years old one more time I'm gonna frikkin flip the frick out. Oh god she's in my head.

bb9dish-Carolyn: Are you pleased with the way Adam's been playing the game?
Darin: Yes. Adam has stuck to his game plan, staying under the radar while silently conspiring to run the street. Adam is very smart and manipulative and every move he makes is well calculated. I think now that the numbers in the house are starting to dwindle that he needs to actually start trying to win these competitions and voicing his opinion more. No more Mr. Nice Guy. He needs to dance with the sweet lady and get into the mix.

Carolyn: Who would you most like to see with Adam in the final 2, and why?
Darin: Ideally, I'd like to see Josh there with him. Josh has burned so many bridges that I don't think he can pull the votes to win it all. Josh is an excellent final 2 pawn. On a personal level, I'd like to see Natalie. She gets a lot of flak from everyone because she's pretty much got the common knowledge capacity of those guinea pigs, but she's so nice. There are times though that I think Natalie is playing us all, and this whole dumb thing is an act. She'll say something really intelligent and it completely throws me off. Then she is amazed that pickles are cucumbers and I'm right back where I started.

Carolyn: At the moment, things aren't looking too good for Josh... Any other first choice options?
Darin: I guess anyone but James or Sheila really. James is way too strong and I think if he continues to play this way people are going to have to vote for him to win. He's playing a strong game. Sheila is Sheila. Adam could definitely pull the votes if he was up against her, but the thought of her getting any money for being 2nd just sickens me. Plus she's already got that Best Seller in the works that I will be sure to never buy. I don't wish bad for Sheila, but I hope she goes scuba diving and the boat forgets her. Oh wait, then I do wish bad for her.

Carolyn: Have you been watching the live feeds?
Darin: I actually signed up for the feeds when Adam became HoH, because I heard his brother sent a funny picture of me for his room and I wanted to see what he would say. Unfortunately the show decided not to go with it, but ever since then I've been watching them from time to time. Plus I watched Showtime (I usually record it and watch the previous night's the next day) This show is crack. Honestly, I never watched the show before Adam got on it, and now I can't stop watching it.

bb9dish-Carolyn: What has surprised you most about Adam on BB?
Darin: I guess the only thing that's really surprised me is that Johnny F'n Fashion has been reduced to wearing that beat up Miami sweatshirt and that "Spring Break is for Lovers" t-shirt. I'm never surprised by anything A Ball ever does.

Carolyn: Who would you advise Adam to be aligned with?
Darin: I think he has a good thing going with Ryan and Natalie. At least I thought that until they decided to make this new secret alliance, so we'll see how that works out. Ryan seems like a good guy, so hopefully he doesn't stab my boy in the back. If they decide to put Adam in a corner you'll see it hit the fan. Nobody puts Baby in a corner. Adam can be the nicest guy to you, but cross him, and you're done, bro.

bb9dish-Carolyn: If you could have a 2 minute, uncensored conversation with Adam tonight, what would you want to tell him?
Darin: It would probably be a 2 min. conversation about nothing that only we could understand. It would probably involve the words babies, sweet lady, broham, rockin it, jerk, and the phrase "why don't you just tell me the name of the movie you want to see." Pretty much anything but Big Brother.

Carolyn: There was a huge brouhaha early on about Adam's retard comment... So big that it made national news and the organization he used to work for said they fired him... To my understanding, he hadn't worked there for quite some time anyhow, and it was a face saving/PR move on their part.. What details can you share with us on that?

Darin: I don't really have any details to share. All I can really say is that A Ball's mouth isn't always connected to his brain. I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt anyone by it. A Ball's a nice guy and I'm sure he didn't mean any disrespect. I know he still feels bad about it, because he mentioned it to Josh the other day. It seems, though, that this whole thing has been blown way out of proportion. He made one mistake and it seems that for a couple of weeks, everyone wanted to destroy his life (the firing, all the false allegations about his charity, etc.) Other than that one comment, what can anyone really say Baller has done wrong? I think now that everyone has seen what a nice guy he really is, they are starting to come around.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool interview! Thanx Carolyn! Darin seems like a really cool guy and I'm glad that he gave us a nice side of Adam/A Baller. I do hope this whole firing controversey is settled nicely once he gets out of the house!

~ Ryan ~

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Live Show Day!

Thanks Carolyn for a nice interview. I love Darin's response to what he would say to Adam, basically inside jokes. Gotta rep Jersey! I like Adam and I would like to see his personality come out more on the show, the real Adam.Darin is right, this show is crack and we all need rehab.


10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE A-Balla....I hope he wins. After he drops his team. Great interview!!!

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good interview, thanks. I like Adam, would love to see more of his "spine"....can't wait. Re the comment in the beginning, it is too bad he slipped up. we have close friends with a cerebral palsy son who is 25. My kids love him, he is like one of the family. I have heard my 18 year old use the word retard in ref to his brother and friends, it does make me kringe and I reprimand him. Boys will be boys, but Adam is supposed to be a man. He is pretty immature for 30.

10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the interview C, they always provide a rich context for who these people are.

Adam's a tough one for me. I hated the way shebot treated him from the get go,sympathy. I work in non-profit too, and was repulsed by his retard comment. unsympathetic, I went to Grad school in Philly and have many freinds from his hometown, so more sympathy. Not a fan of the bible buddy BS, unsypmathy. I liked his family and the way he seems laid back and friendly, sympathy. Howver, the way he eats, scratches, burps farts etc send me over the moon ahhhhh!!!

So more than any other HG I go back and forth with Adam.


10:33 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

thanks guys :)

fyi - still updating the morning report. :)

10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly to me baller is a punk, actually most people in the house except for james and josh are all stuck in high school, if u have an issue with someone say it don' tjust constantly run your mouth about the person and then not have the guts to voice it to them in their face....cowards all of them. if that is what it takes to win this game,then i would be glad to never win..and walk out with knowing that i was not fake....

10:40 AM  
Blogger Cliff O'Neill said...

Huh? I thought Sheila was 32.

10:40 AM  
Blogger Beth (and Eric) said...

Am I emotional at the moment, or was that your BEST INTERVIEW yet this season???!!!!

I absolutely LOVED it! Thank you and Darin for your time.

I love that Adam solves conflicts immediately. He and I would get along great... :) I love that they would talk about silly inside joke things. And, you know I agree with his sentiments on Natalie! Yay!

Go A-Baller!!!

10:42 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

Nice. I really like to hear from HG's friends and family to show us these people are real and have a real life outside of the BB house.

I kind of feel bad about Adam losing his job, but then again it really isn't his passion. Adam is a fashion lover, that's where he really wants / needs to be.

BB could be the best thing that ever happened to him in the respect of his future career.

From what Adam has said on the show, he got his last couple of jobs through the women he was interested in including the autism gig.

Expect the unexpected!

Very similar to when Ryan gets out and finds out that his girl Jen said outright that her boy Ryan was a racist... oh how I wouldn't love to be a fly on the wall for the outcome of that incident.

I'm not worried about Baller, he's proven he can take care of himself... especially after all the flack about his liking baby food, etc.

No doubt as to why his friends / family dislike Sheila, they're not alone.

I feel for Mic (Sheila's real life son), I know he loves and respects his mom and this has got to be very difficult to watch his mom on tv getting thrashed every other second. I've done my fair share of it too, but this is just a game.

Anyhoo... thanks again for the interview!


10:43 AM  
Blogger cindytexas said...

Carolyn, that was one of my favorite interviews that you have done. Thanks!

I agree with what Charlie said, almost to a T. I go back and forth with how I feel about Adam, but for the most part I think he's a nice guy.

One thing that showed that to me was the other day when Josh was doing his (fake?) breakdown and Adam was so sympathetic in how he reacted, even wiping his nose for him. Really touching.

I would like to see him give it to Sheila soon though. She deserves whatever she gets at this point, even if it's sweet revenge.

10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was visiting the east coast and found many use the word "retard" in many different instances. I was mad when I heard it come out of his mouth but I really believe Adam meant that in some weird sweet way. I bet he really loves those kids he worked with.

10:47 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Beth.. Thanks... are you preggers again? ;)

10:48 AM  
Blogger jluvsturtles said...

Yay for Hump Day! Hello, Carolyn! Terrific interview, I feel better about Adam making the faux pas, we are all human and we do all make mistakes. Darin said he knows Adam feels remorse, and I believe that is very true.

10:50 AM  
Blogger Beth (and Eric) said...

LOL --- NO!!!! Thank goodness! ;) Just a girl. Probably in need of chocolate.

10:53 AM  
Blogger Beth (and Eric) said...

Oh yeah, and thanks for settling the 8-debate! :)

(Cliff, I'm LOL-ing! Did you know She has a son?!)

10:57 AM  
Blogger Shamrock said...

"Dance with the sweet lady" .... isn't that a drug reference?

Natalie is nice? Okay .... sure.

Thanks for the interview Carolyn, but color me unimpressed with Adam and his friends.

10:58 AM  
Blogger 1QT4U2SEE said...

Thanks for Everything! I can't seem to get enough of this stuff.....I refresh my browser all the time.

Thanks again

11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great web site, i also update my browser regularly!! esp after posting a comment. Like Shelia, guess i like the "sound" of my own voice also!! tee, hee, hee!

i really enjoyed the interview and wish there were more. getting more incite on any of the HG is great.

This is my first season watching from the beginning and using a web site...when it is all over, do we ever get to hear from the evicted? Or, does it just end? If so, that will be sad. Do the HG bother to communicate in anyway with the public after the show is over? Maybe more interviews???

Thanks, i owe you in the tip jar!! I don't know about Paypal, what is that? i guess it is safe, but i am new to all this and feel a little nervous!

have you ever thought about a suggestion box??? i guess you have enough to do huh?

is Jen really dating Parker, or was that a April Fool's Joke?

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Carolyn, great interview! Good insight into the real Adam. Love Darin's sense of humor too, I enjoyed reading this. Keep up the AWESOME work, lady!

12:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn, you do an awesome job at this !!!!
Last yr. was my first BB and the website I found was pretty good. I went back to it as soon as BB9 started and it had become a porn site !! Aacckk!
I'm so lucky I found your blog. Though how you have a life during BB season, I don't know.

I have an autistic child, and as soon as he called them "retards" on episode 1, there became no way that I can root for Adam.

Re: James.....he's like ED last year, in that I don't like the guy but DO think he'll win because he plays the game the best.

12:43 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

great job as always, Carolyn. Thank you!

1:15 PM  
Blogger ReporterX said...

Great interview! Thanks Carolyn..

Darin great job! Great answers! I really enjoyed it..

Nice to hear from the good friends and family of the hg's..

1:45 PM  
Blogger Beth (and Eric) said...

EVEN BETTER! You are the BEST Carolyn! Thank you!!!!

For example: Adam would take in a stray dog and care for it, Baller would buy it a Prada coat and some fronts and tell it to get it's hustle on.

and the fashion comment made me laugh too!

1:55 PM  
Blogger Beth (and Eric) said...

anon@ 10:47 -- I'm from Baltimore and have definitely heard people use the word "retard" to describe MANY different people and actions. Is this not the same all over the country?

(For the record & to secure my jury votes: I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying it happens!)

1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have a 32 year old brother that has the mind of a twelve year old almost completely blind and no matter how hard you try can't learn to read,do math or even cook food.i also have a 12 year old child that is hard of hearing requiring hearing aids,poor eyesight and has been in special education since he was four years old for his lack of being able to comprehend things.I also have a son that is ADHD with heart problems and borderline autistic.I am telling you guys this because on the government forms for everything that I sign for them says "retard" on it.That is the correct term for what is wrong..it means "slow mind".The only reason why people would be offended by this remark is because they choose for it to be a bad term..You can only give it the negative power that it has by reacting the way that you do.The word itself is not meant to be demeaning it is the way people interpret it to be that way..That said..comedians say it all the time and get paid for people to laugh about it but he says it one time and loses his job and gets every all po'd at him...my brother and son laugh their rear end off about it because I have taught them that it is not a mean phrase it is only mean if you make it mean..By getting all po'd about it only empowers the people who use it negatively..It would be different if he was talking about a group of kids that were 100% normal .Then it is used improperly and he should be fired...I can not believe that we as a society still allow that word to have so much power..Many times growing up did I have to defend my brother from people who ridiculed him and it was while I was protecting him as a child that I realized,''''why am I going to let what they say hurt him?I am going to defuse that power."Now he is very popular everywhere we go.When someone says that to him he just laughs at them. I do not see what Adam said as offensive as what ppl make it out to be.There are meaner ways to say that.He used that term appropriately in the terms of the United States Government.

2:31 PM  
Blogger jonihardy4 said...


Thanks for the AWESOME INTERVIEW!!




2:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the interview. i dont know if i believe it or not. how about some more interviews on the other guests? i have good friends on nfl cheerleading teams and no body ever heard of natalie. unless she does some cheerleading with any college. they are not sure.

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anom 2:42

she isn't really in the nfl..it was just a joke that hasn't ended yet.

2:47 PM  
Blogger seVen said...

anon 10:40 wrote: Honestly to me baller is a punk, actually most people in the house except for james and josh are all stuck in high school...
Dude, you have to be kidding me. Do a search for "crazy james pink bus" on youtube and you'll see how grown up he is.

Carol- Not sure if you didn't let my one response through about James and the pink bus movie he was trying to make. I don't see it anywhere in comments. It's right on youtube and not porn. It's like a poor adaptation of MTV's Jackass. Anyone should be able to access it...

3:41 PM  
Blogger Heidi Petrelli said...

I love the interview and the comments about Sheila. I am still giggling about the boat comment.

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love A Baller! Great job , saying retarded isn't wrong , you didn't address this to anyone in particular. Black is Black, White is White, Purple is Purple. Retards are Retards. Normal is Normal.Genius is Genius. Don't fall for these Speech Monitor CrapKeepers. They have zero spines and talk around a bush.Forget them!Pussy's that can't call it has it is !!!!

5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess my interview was good luck for my boy.


6:29 PM  

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