The Tuesday Show
Deep breaths... The Tuesday showing of Big Brother on CBS begins soon, and I can't wait to see the PoV Comp. Hopefully by the time it's over, the sound issue on feeds 3 & 4 will be fixed as well... Sooo Frustrating!
Anyhow, just opening the post so people can feel free to comment on the episode here while it's airing. :)
Wow. The first segment was so beautifully produced and edited, I'm speechless. Grodner and co did a magnificent job of putting the confrontation between Sheila and James together into a cohesive, moving and tight little package. And finally. Finally. We have a real DR session. Hallelujah.
Moving right along...
Killer Veto Comp. Also beautifully edited. The reaction shots after James won were priceless. He is an island in the game was never more true. The only HG who even interacted with him following the win was Adam, and he had to as the host. Being the good guy Adam is, he also let the game be a game, and congratulated James with gusto once the ceremonial Veto around the neck was bestowed...
OK... And on to the meat of the matter. The cuts back and forth were very effective to show the truth of how Sharon's tears and Joshuah's deals were all happening at the same time, but what they left out was too much... They chose not to show Joshuah outing his secret alliance with Ryan to Natalie (in front of Ryan). If they leave this open, it's hopelessly disingenuous. Josh lost Ryan's vote in that instant, and he hasn't gotten it back since. They also chose to not show Natalie telling Sharon and Sheila all about Joshuah's plans... and the reformation of the womens alliance.
The Veto Ceremony... ok, emerge the cocksure confrontational 21 year old. lol. The speech was the perfect completion to the arc they began with James at the beginning of the episode.
Standing Ovation from this blogger... Nicely done, Ms. Grodner. Very nicely done. An absolute pleasure to watch from beginning to end.
Hello, lovely Carolyn, I really hope the POV isn't lame like the last food comp. Want something more exciting!
So I'm taking an extraordinarily boring computer applications class this semester. And the computers have extreme filtering so our class time isnt spent on myspace or, say...a big brother blog. But through a brilliant override site, I've found my way to bb9dish in class.
You brighten up my school day, Carolyn
I hope Joshua & Sheila end up locked in the sequester house together for the final few weeks ... then the fur will really fly!!!!
hopefully they show the aprils fools pranks! they're hilarous.
i teally want to see the ones with josh in the mirror and the toilet papered room!!lol
I'm pre-empted again by the NBA. I have that eastcoastfeeds lined up and blazing.
Sheila: Easily and clearly 10 times more scummy and offensive than Josh and James have ever been in their nastiest dreams. And as ballsy as she claims to be when she's with her homeys, she can't take a single second of confrontation over her despicable behavior.
I missed the show - what happended
Shiela has been a lying two-faced bitch this ENTIRE game. I hate her!
omg james just went nuts
AWWWW James! I just want to take him in my arms and give him a huge hug! Hes got to stay strong!
Those of you who were convinced James is getting a sympathetic edit can abandon that.
I think he came off as, and mind you he's my boy--I'm a fan, his namesake. They put the crazy in Crazy James in that clip.
Is it just me or did BB edit the sequence to show why exactly James blew up at Sheila, showing her in a negative light?
wow! i missed this whole blow up! Go James!
I can help but imagine that it's a cocker spaniel that got preempted and is watching the east coast feed. lol.
What she did was negative. That wasn't editing-that was just how it was.
Adam has a Fenster from The Usual Supects thing going on. It's HUHlarious.
are the HGs on lockdown on the feeds right now?
I have seen a lot of people cry on BB both this season and others, but this DR session with James broke my heart... <3 James
awe, james breaking down makes me love him even more. glad he got off the block this week.
@MoNYC 6:12: Okay, okay. Sympathetic edit back from out the window. Luckily it was only on the fire escape.
Ok so I'm not the biggest James fan, personally I'm going for Ryan, but it would be cool to see James get HoH and take out Sheila. I'm sorry to say this but she is just horrible. If you got saying to say to someone, man up and say it to their face. Don't talk sweet to their face and run your mouth when they have their back turned. I loved watching James let her have it. Kinda getting tired of his cry baby routine, " poor poor me I'm on the block every week". Welcome to Big Brother dude, have you not watched this show before?
ok you know you're a fan when you start to tear watching James cry...I feel so bad for him! I hope he kicks ass this week
I am sure all you Shelia-basher are going to love this....have you ever thought about the fact that she is 46, hence more mature and not likely to "go off". She uses restraint, because she can. I can guarantee you she would love to kick his ass, and some of the others who have blown up, to the curb. If I was there, I would probably be arrested for wringing their little scrawny necks!! The are acting like little kids because they know she can't touch them, i would love her to have the kahunas to give it right back and blast them.
In spite of it all, and they aren't perfect or classy at all, Shelia and Natalie have used good judgement regarding lowering themselves to the level of some of the BBHG's. Not that I think they are any better or deserve to win.
Think about it: James only ever went after Matt. He went after Matt, and Natalie and her cult have went after him ever since. I see why James is upset now... he targeted Matt, and in turn Matt's cult targeted him. really sad actually. He saved Adam but not replacing Shiela with Adam, and instead it was Matt. Then Adam went and nominated him after James SAVED him... after Matt and Natalie tried to throw ADUMB under the bus. James SAVED Shiela... and Shiela turns on him.
I don't know, I still think the edit is favorable for James...I wouldn't be surprised if there's some kind of America's Choice coming up after this episode. It made him human and a guy that's alone. The only reason I don't want him out is because the house has already gotten a little too boring for me but I still want Adam to win.
Alex was spot on when he said all the interesting people got/get booted out to early.
OMG--this is like the 10th commercial. Geesh!
Are you guys kidding me? Poor James????? I want to give him a hug????? First of all, put some clothes on. Second, everything that is happening to James is what he did at the beginning of the show to the other HG's. There is no poor James. He is getting everything he deserves. He is a hyprocit and I can not wait for him to leave the show.
Oh crud, now I feel sorry for James! LOL
Okay, I missed it....what was James so upset at Sheila about???
I don't have any problem with confrontation, but shouldn't they spread it around a little. What about the guys going after the guys....are they to chicken-sh*??
I've always liked James because he really tries to PLAY THE GAME, which this is, not a personality contest.
The DR room should really be an eye-opener for all you James haters.
Once again, this is after all a GAME!
Would really like to see him and Josh at the end....
And Sheila gona ASAP!!
oh my goodness... James is right for what he said...maybe he could have said it a little nicer???
I don't like Shiela that much, but when James went off on her and then later on cried. I couldn't help but think of Shiela laying in her room for days when the game first started, because she had no connections with anyone.
James said it best when he didn't make connections or didn't have any because he spent all of his time with Chelsia. He sorta dug his own hole...
BTW: I like James
And a hero is born.
The producers seem to like James. Ya think?
I love James so it was all good for me. The James haters are going to start a coalition and rally.
Oh, and a note to all the lawyers out there - Sheila's gonna be on the prowl. Anyone want to try and fight the Endimol and CBS? Deep pockets. HA. Good luck with that.
sorry carolyn and fellow bloggers but i have to ask maybe a stupid question....... is grodner and allison the same person???
should i be concerned that i've had a glass or two many wines and can't keep up? lol
haha, I love how pissed off everyone but James looks while they are watching him win the POV... they really thought they had it all locked up
OMG!!! Just LOOK at the reaction of these loooooooooooooooosers when James won. They keep behaving like total jerks and keep being paid back for it, over and over and over again. Too bad for Josh in this contest, but Seeing Sheila, Nat, and Ryan aquirm was priceless, I tell ya!
Bring on the "James is a creep" snipes from the anonymous Sheila/Nat supporters...
ryan really blew that POV
MUCH better than the Food Comp.
But poor James. It was bittersweet yes he won the POV--yay--but it was sad to see him celebrate by himself.
Kudos to Grodner & CBS for another very clever comp! I loved that one. Fascinating to watch, and James did out-play them all...
I knew the result and I was on the edge of my seat.
Best show this season. Great editing, great music. EPIC.
This is becoming nauseating with James. What a self centered insensitive person. The only one who matters in his mind is James. I realize that has to apply in this show, but what an actor.
Theres one and only one simple reason james is a target, he is far and away the best player in the game and thus a threat to everyone.
I loved his poker analogy and reading of ryan, and man did ryan look like a lamb being led to slaughter.
I agree what Sheila did was very negative but BB could have chosen to edit it differently making it seem that James was a raving lunatic blowing up for no reason... no?
oh well :)
"Think about it: James only ever went after Matt. He went after Matt, and Natalie and her cult have went after him ever since. I see why James is upset now... he targeted Matt, and in turn Matt's cult targeted him. really sad actually. He saved Adam but not replacing Shiela with Adam, and instead it was Matt. Then Adam went and nominated him after James SAVED him... after Matt and Natalie tried to throw ADUMB under the bus. James SAVED Shiela... and Shiela turns on him."
It's really ridiculous, I don't get it. Every one of them (I think Sharon is faking to get on there side) HATES James, I just don't get it. Sheila gets saved and is thankful then what, a week later she hates him? Ok...
I just wish BB9 could send soon and get a good group of people for BB10. -_-
Yeah, Ryan, you HAD it...but you're a big dumb guy, and you're just not on the side that God likes the best. Sorry.
And WTF is Sheila crying for? The only time she should cry is when somebody finally hauls off and lays her out.
Poor Pouty little Josh. I will be so glad to see the last of him.
I would love to see Sheila lay into Josh. It would probably screw her game up, but I know she has the guts to do it. Josh keeps accusing Sheila of acting but Josh is the major actor.
The only reason James won was because the others played so poorly. I did notice that no one came to congratulate James when he first won.
Josh telling Natalie that he is her friend and he will help her get to the end is poor bull cookies. And that is my way of saying that four letter word that Josh and James are so full of.
This is definitely one of the best shows this season. I think another great one was the one when James was evicted/brought back.
Speaking of edits... Joshy got the edit shaft.
Love the way the last segment with Josh campaigning while Sharon was in the WC crying was edited...
WTF? Talk about editing the CRAP out of that!
here is what really happened: Ryan and Adam decided they were keeping Josh, Ryan went to Natalie and told her, Natalie said "fine lets make a deal with Josh" then they pulled him up there.
Not Josh throwing Sharon under the bus. They came to him!
Now we know what it looks like right now, I still say it's best for Adumb and Ryan to keep Josh.
This show gives insight into what a miserable human being that Sheila is.
I'm sorry. I know some are going to come after me but everytime someone gets a soft heart for Josh when he cries just floors me. He is acting. He is playing this audience even more than the HG. Why do you think he has these little talking to himself sessions. They are for the viewing audience. He is trying to snow America just as much as he is the HG.
james rox my world. ALWAYS.
cant believe they didnt show shelia BEGGING to be put up.
if only nattie had listened...
Yes, a lot of truth was lost, but so what else it new. It was a very good episode - as far as TV goes.
They might show Josh outing his alliance with Ryan tomorrow, Carolyn. They should, anyway. It's an important aspect of the game this year!
The editing was good but i have to say.....where are my april fools day pranks?!!?
Was that just a 3 day early treat for the feed subscribers...?
monyc - Yep, my little Cocker Spaniel, Pebbles, watched the whole show with me. She loves Big Brother!
goooooooooo Jamessssssssss!!!
I really really really really hope Joshy doesn't leave tomorrow. I will be uberly sad.
Man am i pissed off-- what a wasted opportunity to have a really cool ending for the april fools ... to show joshie and the "faces"!!!! I loved that stuff!! told all my non computer having friends 2 be watchin for it tonight-- they are sooooo dissappointed!
just wanted to get my 2 cents in...
today's episode was one of my favorties in a while.
james is really something.
i don't understand why people hate him?
Running back to the house where I'm housesitting... no tv near the computer there... had to come home to do the tv show. ;)
Back in like 20 to publish comments and continue the evening...
I cant believe none of the stuff from the April Fools jokes.. I was looking forward to that little segment.
One more ...
gNat still gets way too nice of an edit. She's pure evil, IMO. A hypocritical liar.
Ryan is dumber than that tub lard. Seriously.
James needs to win HoH and get rid of gNat.
I've stopped even thinking about whether the TV show reflects what is going on in the house. They don't have much to do with each other. Now I just watch to see if I enjoy the show itself - then watch the feeds for reality.
I thought this was well done, good TV. I liked the bringing back James show and I usually like the live shows pretty well since it's actually new. But just from a pure TV productions standpoint, this was my favorite. But honestly, who really cares.
It was a good show. Too bad, though, that they couldn't squeeze in all the campaigning involving Sharon and Sheila. Josh isn't the only one who has been busy campaigning this week.
Nat has made so many alliances, I don't know how she can even keep track of them. Wait a minute, she can't. It's almost as if she forgets about the one she just made and goes on to make another.
Joshua is such a hypocrite!!! This is a game and he is trying to stay. I don't blame him. But don't preach to everyone else in the house when they try to do the same. The whole game is about strategizing. These people have been locked away for too long to be level headed. Sheila and Natalie are the easy targets. Why aren't Adam and Ryan? They are doing everything they are doing. Nobody wants to take on the guys in the house and it's cowardly on the men's part.
DR....I vote to evict.......SHEILA!!!!! please. Come on, those were even fake tears when she was supposedly comforting Josh & Sharon. Her pained face during competitions kills me!!!
The show was great....Adam was great, showed true self. He was really happy for James winning the veto.
I so agree with you Carolyn! I loved the show soooooo nicely done!!!!!!
i love james.
i hate shelia.
end of story. :]
Anon@7:18 - I agree with you wholeheartedly on these 2 points. I would like to add to the latter that we have not been locked away at all, so our level headedness should never falter.
"1.The whole game is about strategizing.
2. These people have been locked away for too long to be level headed."
Finally they portrayed James as the twit he is, for weeks he was portrayed as the innocent. I am glad they showed him blowing up at a woman twice his age but not at any of the men, what a woose.
lmao there is no poor James, haha that was priceless James and Josh crying heheheeee thats what they get for laughing at others in the past few weeks. This show gives insight to what miserable people Josh and James really are.
Oh yes and did you all see James squirm when Adam came out of the bedroom and yelled at him woo hoo now that was priceless and proves he and Josh can't stand up to the men in there.
Wait...wait..I got it, Sheila's strategy is to drive the other HG crazy with her insane self talking that they will run out of the house!!!
Even pup-pup's squeaky toy is more pleasant to listen to than Sheila or Nat. My plan is the bird mimicks the sqeaky toy perfectly, I'll send him into the house to do some ear bending to see how the 'girls' like it!!!
p.s. All you new yorker's hope all is well, i have east coast feed and i am getting weather flashes of tornadoes.
Y'know (sorry had to do that), there are some people who want to bash James' character and sing the holy praise on Natalie and Sheila. I already loved James, but I love him even more after tonights show.
Rewind a little: When Natalie won HOH, of course James was disappointed, but he walked up to her with a smile on his face, congratulated and hugged her. Now back to tonight: when James one they were all just a bunch of sore freaking losers! To me, those actions definitely spoke louder than words. At least the 21 year old "different" kid was able to suck up his pride and have some sportsmanship.
James definitely deserves to be the winner by far. He has absolutely outplayed everyone of these players this season. Even if you hate him, I would hope you can at least admit that!
I'm sure this sounds like rambling, I am so tired with a sick one.
Awesome show tonight!!!
what happen to the april fool's jokes??? will they show them tomorrow and be like look what the hg's pulled yesterday??
Jeanne I agree. I was laughing when Josh and James were crying tonight on the show. My My how the tables turned aroung on J&J.
I will be smiling ear to ear tommorow night when Josh leaves. He was such a jerk to Sharon.
what happened to the april fools jokes?
When James was crying, I just kept thinking -- "He's a little boy. He's a 21 year old boy!"
...wondering if the HGs will behave themselves for the rest of the night so i can prove to someone i'm not a figment of his imagination
Carolyn @ 7:31--
And just how do you know that I *haven't* been locked away?
Just joking...sort of. Does being cloistered for dissertation writing count? I really think my social interaction abilities have atrophied over the last few months...
I'm so sick of all the comments about "they only blow up at the girls and never the guys."
First of all, that doesn't even apply to the situation shown tonight with James and Sheila...why, in that situation, would James have blown up at a guy or for that matter anyone but sheila. His problem was that SHEILA was pumping him up and them doing the same to Joshua and talking behind his back. Sheila was the only one that he had a problem with.
Second of all, the guys don't get blown up at because they don't get in the middle of everyone's business like sheila does. She puts herself in these situations and she deserves everything that she gets.
Lastly, does anybody really think that James is afraid to say something to a Man???? I mean he has been pretty vocal with everyone equally.
To go along with the theme of the night....I call BS!
Just wanted to say that I am a little disappointed in the fact that none of the pranks made the April Fool's show!
slop is actually high protein oatmeal.
i wonder why it's that nasty then?
beorn - i was going to include myself with the shut-ins, all things considered.. but i do get to escape for the occasional bike ride by the ocean...
Agreed! This show was much better than Sunday's. Well put together and it didn't confuse me like the Sunday show... frikkin' edited hide and seek!!!
I've had my nap, my BB tv fix, my BB blog fix, I'm caffeinated out the wing wang so it's off to the live feeds I go.
Thanks again Carolyn!
I'm, sick of people that think James would scream like that to a man. Look at him and Adam on the show! Adam basically said we all want you gone, and James looked so scared. Hilarious.
for those would seek to instigate, i beg your indulgence...
please leave the drama to the houseguests.
I'll freely admit that I believe that if I were in the house, I'd be a fairly mediocre player. I'd almost certainly be mean and vindictive, because in everyday life I am allergic to shallow fakes like Natalie and Sheila. Luckily, cloistered or not, I rarely have occasion to be around such scum (and yes, I do believe they are; no one is worthless but Sheila and Natalie come dangerously close). But the fact that my instinct would be to spend all of my energy torturing them is one reason I'd never, ever appear on such a show. I learned a long time ago that I am quite tenacious--sometimes to the point of irrationality--when forced to deal with people I despise. And the weaker they are, the more I despise them, because I dislike audacity even more even more than shallow fakes.
In short, I'm glad I'm not in there with them; I'd make an ass of myself most assuredly. It's much better to be able to rant from outside!
This is kind of off point but I find it kind of strange that Alex has gotten the highest number of votes on the new poll about the final six. I mean, I think he's cute and all but he didn't really play much of a game....I'm not trying to be rude or anything I just don't really know why he has been so blown up by everybody...maybe it's just me but I think final six should be the people who have played the game. Not people who wouldn't even campaign for themselves and their partner....if his jealousy and emotions hadn't gotten involved they might just have made it longer...just my 2 cents.
I hope the HG's do behave themselves tonight, Carolyn... enjoy! ;)
On this, the final night of Natalie's reign, I shall watch BBAD and pray for NOT another week of the Holy Rollers that are TEAM CHRIST in power. Let us bow our heads and pray for James's blessings. James...WIN! Amen. I've been saying it before and I hope I see it tonight, I hope Joshuah sits Sharon n James down and have a final pump-up chat with them! Those 2 need to stick together if they wish to have somewhat of a chance to win this game!
Random question for the people who type in bold and italics. How do you do it? I have always wondered.
~ Ryan ~
Carolyn, my last comment was in responsed to someone directing their comment to me, why wasn't it posted? just wondering
Piper - If you're around... Thank you for your lovely note...
oops lol, thankyou Carolyn
beorn, if I was in the house, I'd be hated because I would probably play both sides without thinking about it. Even as I watch, I sympathize with whoever is having the hardest time. Good thing, I'm not there. I'd be horrible at lying. I'd probably be like Sharon, but way more hyper. Hmmm... good thing I'm not there, huh??? No 500,000 for me!!!
SCREAM I just wrote the biggest rant I have ever typed. Well the longest anyway. I guess I need to learn to copy before I hit submit. I got an error code.
To sum it up. I am not going off on ANYONE, but some have some truly twisted views of a sexist nature. You know who you are, and if you don't, well, you won't get it now nor will you ever.
Everyone deserves to cry. Tears are real no matter who they come from. I don't see them as acting, I don't even see Shrilla's tears as an act. For as much as I dislike her, her emotions as are everyone else's are genuine to her.
Many have hated on each other here for who they like or dislike. Myself included.
But you can bet if I get in that house next season you will see tears from me too, and I most definitley would cause some by others. The name of the game is make others crack before you do. It's bitter but it's the way the game is designed.
Men have as much right to tears as any woman, and anyone who says definitely needs to examine their own sexist issues.
We are past the era of 'men don't cry' and I am glad. I have deep emotions and I don't hide them easily.
I'd like for someone to tell me this. (I missed the first of last season because I was on a 2 month camping trip. My viewing started with the week of Dustin's eviction.) Did Dick go off on any other male in the house, besides Dustin, and the one I saw was a very mild explosion compared to what he did to the women of the show?
Were Sheila to have been in BB8 cast, can you imagine with all that ammunition, how much Dick would have been in her face? She would have been in the DR 24/7. It would have taken the BB Tow Truck to get her out of there and give the APs a break.
Why is James and Josh so bad for going off on women. Because they are gay and/or bi? They aren't straight? I am asking this in all seriousness.
Carloyn I LOVE you for putting up with us and letting us vent. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes, but what size do you wear, I may need some when I go in BB10 and do nightly drag shows. ;)
gaytor!!! YES! Crying is good. It's cathartic, and I appreciate anyone (regardless of gender) who can express themselves. I respect that these men can cry when they know it will be on TV. We are ALL human. And, if I remember correctly, it was Chelsia who was the most upset about crying on TV and she has a va-jay-jay and we've all heard about it! ;)
All of this to say: I didn't read your original rant, but what you just said is quite true, and I feel sorry for anyone who "doesn't get it".
I concur, I thought tonights show was fab! And I am pleased to say (and I am not afraid to reveal my identity and I don't care what others say) I have been rooting for James since day 1 and continue to and hope that he wins it all. In my opinion he has played the best game. He has thought things through, he has played hard and fought to win. Where there is scheming and backstabbing (everyone does it, it's part of the game folks!) he does it well and in a smart manner. Even though I disagree with some things he has done in his past and I don't particularly like his tattoos, I think he has a good head on his shoulders and I think he has had a rough life (I know, I know, like the rest of us, I have too!) and has worked hard for the money. I want to see him win. I hope he sweeps the house with HOH and POV for the next 3-4 weeks until it's all over. I bet he can!
BB producers clearly (and accurately) showed Shiela & Natalie's slimmy ways. My disdain for Shiela grows every minute. She is the one who should be on the block and packing her bags.
Janie from UT (or so I can sound like Natalie "the Snow State")
As far as I'm concerned, there are no gender issues in the BB house. They are all contestants trying to win the $500g's.
If Sheila can trash James and Josh behind their back, then I see no reason why they can't get in her face and tell her exactly what they think of her.
Gay/bi/straight/male/female .... none of that matters. What matters is the game. They are all equal in that house.
i dont want joshy to leave :( :( :(
Why was there no footage of the April Fools pranks? I guess they didn't have time but that was sorely needed in such a confrontational episode. They needed some comedy to break the ice I guess. Still a great episode.
It must be wonderful to have such insight into people you have never actually met...
I like that everyone has been going after James for going after Matt when in reality you know that everyone but Natalie wanted him to go.
If I were in the house I would be super happy that James got rid of a good player. Yeah I would want James gone, but if I could get him to get rid of a few more players prior to leaving... hell, I would be happy.
there were only two people who even came close to playing that POV ceremony smartly. those two people are James and Natalie. as much as I am not a natalie fan, i hope those two are in the finale. i mean come on josh and sharon, you should both be sent home for being that stupid. you NEVER self-eliminate in the first round (on the same number guess). i mean really. and ryan just looked like he was being raked across the coals. and god help the stupidest of the bunch, SHEILA. was she even anywhere near the correct answers on any of her guesses? at first i thought she was dumb, then i kind of started questioning if she was using the same tactic as James of just guessing ridiculously and folding to try and stay in the game as long as possible. that is what makes James the most intelligent in this group, he knew when to finally step up and take the reigns.
heather @7:51, all i have to say, is sweet Jesus in heaven above does Sheila get in everyone's business. Tonight was the perfect episode. She was flying from one room to another trying to console (if you want to call that true consoling) and hype and strategize with every different person. it was kind of annoying actually, it was like my ADD 8 year old niece. I just wanted to scream. sit down and just be for a second or two. I mean, he is just hanging around, but sheila, be a little more like ryan please.
I had no idea there was a camera in the bathroom. Eeewwwwwww!
I know the bathroom cam was just creepy!!! I hope James wins, he is so good at POV! Let's hope he wins HOH tonight!
i don't feel sorry for james they didn't just target him because he went after matt but because of how he treated people on that side...he forced them to be a side when they were in power and sitting outside talking about how they were better than everyone in the house because everyone else is pathetic.they thought that they were untouchable and sat outside all four of them and laughed at everyone and made fun of them..i was going for james until he started associating with this more and more..he said that none of them deserved money because they were vain..he is too chelsia is josh is and sharon should have just stayed unassociated...the four of them made them into an they made their own beds and it's time for them to lay in it...their little hypocrisy started before alex and amanda were please he dows not deserve sympathy..he needs to own up to his actions...he's not mad because they don't hang out with him because he did that to himself but he's mad because they didn't think that any of them would be of the game because the rest of the house was too pathetic or dumb to beat them...well two weeks in a row they showed them wrong and they don't like..sore losers is what i call them..has anybody on that side went off like they do when they don't get their way??whatever grow up james and play the game..get over chelsia and think for yourself..natalie would have believed him if everything he ever said to her was not a lie..he did that to himself and natalie would be stupid to believe that he would take her to final two or three..she needs to do exactly what she did in order to save herself because she is on her own too..the difference is that everyone else is lying to her.
they didn't show the april fools!!!
i agree dbltrbl 100%
they wouldn't hold their end of the bargain.josh already outed ryan that's why he won't vote to keep him..oops josh big mistake.
Wow...these hamsters have really cracked. I have never seen so much crying and I've been watching BB from Season 1! These poor people can't handle the game at all. They are taking things way too personally. I almost feel bad for these people...but then I remember they brought it on's their own faults!!! I don't believe any one of those poor people deserve the 1/2 mil. Not even James. My suggestion is...give the 1/2 mil. to the viewers for loyally putting up with these looney houseguests! Are you all w/ me on??
Lisa :)
Hello Carolyn! I find it very funny that a couple weeks ago James and Chelsia made fun of Matt for crying on "National T.V." Then James turns around and does the same thing last night in the Diary Room. Lol!
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