HoH Pics
Everyone took a little break from the madness of the afternoon to pose for some HoH Pics. Here are a few... For more, please visit bb9dishcaps.
The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!!
At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C
Everyone took a little break from the madness of the afternoon to pose for some HoH Pics. Here are a few... For more, please visit bb9dishcaps.
LMAO...so how long DID it take her to hand the camera off?
I sit surprising to anyone else that Natalie is in 4 of the 5 HoH pics? Maybe its just me? I'm surprised she didn't go hide the camera next to the hidden bottle of wine!
Now the big question is------who does Sheila suck up to next--could it be the new HOH
Not sure who the poster was, but they were correct - they wondered how long it would take before Natalie turned the camera over to somebody else so she could be in most of the pics, as usual.
Guess what - 5 pics, 4 of them with Natalie in them.
Whoever you are, you should be going to Vegas. You'd be rich with your ability for predicting correctly.
Run Guinea Pig Run!!!!
~ Ryan ~
Love Thyself - Commandment # 11...
Is anyone else having a problem with the sound? I am telling ya this computer is going out the window!!! Please HELP!!!
there are more than five pics....
there were many more than 5 pics... these are just the ones i chose for the blog...
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